. . . LSitEKS' ANNOUNCEMENT. I'll 8 O&IUY JOURNAL IS published tMly i icnpt Monday at f 5.09 per yesrt 12,50 for x months. 1 Delivers to s ty subscribers ; - -eats per monltii i udl WEEKLY JOUKN4.L1 U published nvtnj Tnnrsday at U.UV per as num. Mutloeeol Marriages or Oeatha aot to ex- u.iad ten 11dm will M Inserted free. AU atf JUiloaal matter will be charted Sou. per line, : pym or transient adTertlsementa miMtWXU advanoa. Regular adver tisement WllJ be oolleoted promptly at the end er each month. - . i"Y Communication, eon tain lnf news of offl otent public Interest are sollolied. Ho 00m mualeatlon moat be ex pee ted to be pubUsh ed tbt oairlaina objeottnnaMe pataoaalltlee, TrwltfcWUdstoeoama aftho author. Artl 1at looter than ball column mut be paid Aayparapnaallaa aggrieved etenyea o ayiaoa oeumunleatlon oan obtain tbo name a to eothor by application atthla -maeaad sbovln wherein the grleranoe exist.. . ' . . . . THE JOURNAL. O. T, HARCOCK - Proprietor! Local Reporter, , ,- how tar Tiua ' It will oost you nothing and will surel do jou good, ir you nave a Cough, Uoli of any trouble with Throat, Chest or Longs. Dr. King's New Discovery for mnsampuon, couetisana uolds la croaran teed to give relief or money will be paid back. Sufferers from La Grippe found it just the thing and under its use had a speedy and perfect recovery. Try a sample ooiiie at our expense and learn for yo self just how good a thing it is. Trial bottles free at F. 8. Daffy's Drug Store. juarge sue ouo. and il.uo. 8hiftles8D988 is mostly only other name for aimlessness. an- AS" En tared v the 1 oatofflee at Hew Berne . H,Oi,mmuiW matter. BEF0WI1H S0BTHEE5 FARMING. - Prow an article in Harpers magazine, written by the brilliant, though now" departed Henry W. Gradey, we will take the liberty of re-prodaoing, not only for its trne wor(h, bat also, because its author . was one whom the South so much honored and one whose future pros pecta gave so much promise. He ? 1 The first reform, how-ever, that .v moat be made, is the system of ; erer, that must be made is in the system of farming. The South . most prepare to raise her own - provisions, compost her fertilizers, core her own hay and breed her "'own Btoct. Leaving credit and nsnrr ont of the question. No man Shiloh's Consumption Cure. This is beyond question the most aooeesful Oough Hedioine we have ever sold, a few doses invariably oure toe worst oases of uounb.UrouD and Bronchitis, while its wonderful suooees in the oure of Consumption is without a parallel in the hiatorv of medicine. Sine its first discovery it has been sold on a guarantee, a test which no other medioine oan stand. If you have 1 oough we earnestly ask vou to try it. Pnoe 10o., BOo, and 1. If your lungs are sore, oneet.or baok lame, use C.ii loh's Porous Plaster Sold by New Berne Drug Co. He that will not. cannot be helped. tie counseled Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint. Is it not worth the small prloe of 7&o. to free yourself of every symtom of these distressing complaints, if yon think so oall at our store and get a bottle of Bhiloh's Vitalizer, every bottle has a printed guarantee on it, use aooordingly and if it does you no good it will oost you nothing Sold by New Berne Drug Oo. Silence affection. is the gid I'n'ie of true Eupepay This is what you ought to have, in fact you must have it to fully enjoy life, Thousands are searching for it daily, and mourning because they find it not. Thou sands upon thousands of dollars are spent annually by our people in the hope that they may attain this boom. And yet it may be had by all. We guarantee tlwt Electric Bitters, if used according to direct tions and the use persisted in, will bring you good digestion and oust the demon Dyspepsia and idsIhII instead Eupepsv. Can DV SeVentV-flve Cents a baahel We recommend Electric Bitters for Dys- and moneys, hold tor fillc. and $1.00 per bottle by F. 8. Dufl'y, drupist for corn, thirty dollars a ton for . hay,; twenty dollars a barrel for - pork, sixty cents for oats, and raise eotton for eight cents a pound. ' - The farmers who prosper at the South are the 'corn raisers,' i. e., the 'men who raise their own applies, and make ootton their i aorplna crop. A gentleman who jreoorded three hundred and twenty ' mortgages last year testified that . not one was Disced on the farm of " a man who. raised his own bread and meat. The shrewd farmers who always have a bit of money on ',. haad with which to bay any good place that is to be sold under mortgage are the 'corn raisers,' and the moment they gat posses- sion they rnle oat the all cotton plan and plant corn and the , grasses, Thatthe plan of farming only needs revision to make the South rich beyond measure is proven by , constant example. A corn raiser bought a place of tbree hundred and seventy acres for $1,700. He at once put six tenants on it, and . limited their ootton acreage to one third of what they had nnder cultivation. Each one oi the six madl more clear money than the former owner bad made, and the rents for the first y ear wore 1 125. The man who bought this farm lives Jn Oglethorpe, Georgia, and has fifteen farms, all ruD ou tbo same plan. The Central Sahara reginters a mean of 97 deg. in July. The Homeliest Man in Sew Berne As well as the handsomest, and others are Invited to all ou any druggist and get free a trial bottle ol Komp's Balsam for the Throat and Luugs, a remedy that is selling entirely upon its merits and is guaranteed to relieve and cure i.ll Chronic and Acute Coughs, Asthma, Bronchitis, and Consumption. Large bottles 5U crs and 1. mar22 deod vreow Norway has no night from Judc to September. : ' DH' a E. BAGB7, SURGEON DENTIST. Offiot. Middle street, opposite Baptist uuurua, deo8dwtf ' NEWBEBN, N. 0. DH J. D. CLARE, DENTIST, WW BKRHB, If. o. Office on Graven street, between Pollock and Broad- P. H. PELLETIER, TTOBNBT AT VA W . 0 raven St., two doors South of Journal office. Will prao tloe In the Counties or Craven arteret, Jones, Onslow and Pamlico. ! United Htates Court at New Berne, end Sunreme Conn or the (State S. R. STREET. General FIRE AND LI Insurance Aent, NEW BERNE. N. C. 2IOSE8 T. BEY AN, Carpenter and Builder. Small Jobl of Rflnalrlnir nnl lrrri ,nd .at. la'aotlon irukranteed. Maybe round when wanted near th Ice Factory. He rert to oaat eharaeter iu k sltizn. sn,i mechanic Inl2. if A Household Remedy. Allcock's Ponous Pi.asteiis are tlit only reliable plasteis ever produced. Fragrant, clean, inexpensive, and never failing; they fully meet all the require ments el a household remedy, and should always be kept on hand. For the relief and cure of weak back, weak muscles, lameness, stiff or enlarged joints, pains in the chest, small of thr bark and around the hips, strains, t.tiiii. and all local pains, Ali.cock s i'oiors Plaster are unequalled. Beware ol'm,itu;ur., ami d.i not be de ceived by uiisreprcst utation. Ask lor Allcock's, und k t no solicitation or ex planation induce vou to accept a -ubsti lite. There are 3,000, OOOmen in stand ing armies. Valuable" Farming Lands For Sale at PUBLIC AUCTION. In obedleuoe to a J ungment or the ' uperlor Court of Craven eouuty, rendered In the peeiai proceeding, wherein James O. Uarrl on, Administrator de bonus non with -Will annexed or Edward H. Hill, deoeeed, 1b pialnUff. and Martha Hill and otbere are de fendants, tbe underelgned as Administrator huu vuuiuiiHiuuer, will, on Monday, February 13, 1893, (it Demi me first day or February Term 1898 of Craven County Huperior Oourt). at the wuu iuun iu uiv oiij ur nev iserne, eounty of Graven. N. C. at Twelve n'nlmk noon, sell at Public Anetlen to theblgheet 01 iu jMiwara a, am, lying and being in NO. 8 TownahlD. Craven nnnntv. nn Uiwln Creek about 4U mllea north of Tknrar hi. tlon, on the publlo road leading from Dover tururmarnweu in aaia eounty. adjoining the lands of Wm. White. Au Rrn Km. anuel wiUlams. Beth Wait and others, eon- mmujiiu jtoy mvmm more or leaa, witn all tne bnlldlnra and lmDrnvnmpntM ihamni, oeptlng tbe standing pine timber sold to tbe uuiuauoroijumDer company by deed baar lna date April 8lh. 1881. recorded in nnnm eounty records, Book flo. 106, folios 381, m and 183. - Tbe above lands are described In tbe fol lowing deeds recorded In Craven count? record, to-wit: One deed for 200 acres, mora or less, from Joachim Grlffln to I'd ward H. Hill, dated Nov. 15th. 1881, Book No. , folto 58 ; one deed for H8 acres, more or leva, from Joa chim Urlffin to said Hul, dated Jan. 3d. 18S5 Hook No. 67, folio 230 ; one deed for 800 acres, more or lew. lrom said QrllDn to said Hill, iliued February 4tb, 186i, Book No. 07, folio 2-2 1 . one deed for two tracts (190 and 25 eores reapeotlvely) In all 215 aorei. more or less, from Wm. A.Green and wife and John U Uarmack to said E. H. Hill, dated February mh, 1H7I. Book No 75. folios 101 and HH - Ei. oeptlng. However, from tbe above lands the tallowing tracts sold off by said Ed ward H Hill, to wit: One tract for 250 acres, moieor icBH, buiu w rtui-Auuvi wiiiiame, January let, 18S4. as per deed recorded la Book Nn. kh folios 260 and 261, and two other email tract of 16 and 19 aoree each reapeotlvely (In all 85 bjoiu 10 Ana carnes Dy un Hill, Jan. 18. l7l. aa per deed recorded In Bo k No. 71, folios 206 and 207. These lands are valuable for farming, as well as for ttook rftlennu.and conveniently located on the publlo :road, about half way between Pover Station on the Atlantlo & N. c. Kailroad and Fort Barnwell with a Rood dwelling and other bnlldlngi on same. About n (i acres are cleared for cultivation. IVrms o( sale OASH. J1MKS O. HARRISON. Administrator and Commissioner. New Kerne. N 0.. Dec. 28, 1892. Id Special Notice! Owing to pressure of JJusiness, did not issue any postal Cards. 1 TRADE Please remember that all free lOper cent on Lorillard Snuff within the Limit, will be 'granted, by WHOLBBAIiB GBCKJKK, stlDDLB STBSaTl , BTSW BKKNB. M. O Boot and Shoe Maker. AU Styles of Boots and Shoes mad- to order on short notioe. Repairing a Specialty k mi After Hontlay Wo will be nbl. BOTi and will be able to fill ull orders, BOTH FOR Craven ati eet. oppoelte jonraal.ollWe. AND- Say. neighbor, what's the trouble with you? Didn't you get the Domina tion?' No, but I got a pair of Cart Wheels that don't suit me, and now J. C. Whitty & Co. have just got in a supply of those Celebrated Tennessee Wheels. I am always doing just what I ought not. Take my advioe and go at onoe to Whitty 'a and get a pair of tbe Ten nossee Wheels and you can smile if I can't. lachine Bricks. WANTED TO PURCHASE 250,000 BRICK READY FOB SALE ! Cheaper than any other Mar can Furnish Them. I've not ein and want to sell 'em Apply to W. P. BURRU3, New Berne, or M. POUTER, Riverdale jne7 dtf Good Clean Bice. ALL KINDS OF GRAIN PRODUCE PURCHASE ON COMMISSION. LSO COTTON SOLD ON COMMISSION. Give u , a call. V. P. Burrus & Co. MARKET DOCK, Opposite Old Stand, NEW BERNE, N. C. SEARCHING FOR THE NORTH POLE. "v'V A Greek professor in England ' - haa invented an ice locomotive, V which he expects will carry him to the north pole. It is to have a , '- nnlqne arrangement by which it lays and takes np rails as ir runs. ' Tbe locomotive will be operated by steam, and tbe exhaust will fur. ' - nlah warmth lor the travelers. ' Attached to the engine will be a cab which will carry provisions for the exploring party. Proffassor . "; Damaskin, the inventor, says that bo Will Start from Spitzbergen and : run for the north pole at the rate of thirty miles an hour, expecting 0 to reach his destination in twenty -j. honrs, or making the observation ; '7 and th round trip in two days. ' Still another attempt will be "' made some time during tbe coming , , spring by an ambitions Dane by ,-tbe name of W. A. Eckroll. JJe r . proposes io travel i u a vehicle ol . , bis own Invention which oousists ' ol a nnmher of sleds o oouatrncted that they may be turned into a boat Jf Moessary . ..." Bomehow or other, comments thfl Philadelphia Record, all tbe plans adopted for reaching the Pole fall to pieces when the actual attempt is made; bnt this trifling fact seams not to dampen the enthoaiaam with which every new explorer starts ont on his dreary quest, ; The next torn will now be for r me Ingenious American to try his i -ut, and he will to. What bold , J expiring America will not un ' need not be attempted by r nation.i -' r, y f,r filchor Caitodfa. Tne Handsomest Lady in New Borne' Rumarkod to a frir-ucl the other day that she knew Kemp's lalsam fur the Throat ana flings was a xuiieiior itnieuy, at It stopped her cough instantly when othci oough remedies had uo effect whatevt r So to prove this and convince jou of its morir any drugpist will give you a R.im pie Bottle free. Larire size 50c. andSl. Fish move steamships. more rapidly than The need of a trfoily nfe an.5 1 ways roliahle remedy for the ptjcuiur dnuases of Bummer n universal. An n remedy for the houseboni. olBou. on tho farm, on nhipboard and for travol era by lurid nud ea, Winkvlan.nn ' Diarrhoea rul Cncleri Rrmedy h prov-d it ineBlinuMi' worth in Ihf prompt ri"ief find cur. f ai diflorderr' orivinaui ;i; t!i(' -Mr)i..-i. :,w, duf live fl.VBi.m. -oi:.u j I 1 1 ' v, hoiern Morbun Diarrby-. Or-r.ii.. nn S t vicabln uid ; .i ..n il ;-;. w, ready fr u-'i . a.i.i p-if. -,:;,j af Prior" 25o ,t -li ti. u.' . , iun4'l(tlv James (1. lihiine is We want 101) agents in N, to handle :i t iii1-t- picior of the personal and pu I .lie c "Plumed Knifilit Imni pages, 10 1-2x8 1-J im he, I 1000 pnges ol ordinary worth fS.00. "Strike wli hot.'' Agentf run make Send for complete outfit n terma. The SorTin.riN I'i r.t ; .)2!)lw , book Dead. rlli (.'.Molina ial imi rrat i i' ai.'i r ol lie iw." r.M t.iiiir eonal lo lor 2.0(1, liic iron i 10 per day. e.nMii leiM ia! Mi Co Children Cry for I'iicher's Castor. River Side House, South Front Street, near Whltty'a Hard ware Store, NEW BEKNE, N. (J- Permanent and Transient lloard. Firsb-Class Table ! Polite Horvauts 1 Mew Clean Bods I When jou come to tbe city don't fail to call on us. 8table and shelters. Bpeoial amusements made for accom modation of visitors to tbe Fair. Rooms can be engaged lnadvaaee. Meals served at all hours. Meals, 15 to 2o. Lodging, 25c C. C. BA.8DEN, JlQdwtMarl Proprietor. Tbe firm heretofore existing as Par sons ft Basdsn baa been dissolved, J B. Parsons retiring and O, O. Basden re maining In charge , All. claims held by im sortnar management Msatuea wiu NOTICE ! If you want the easiest Shave yon ever had, and your hair cut in the very latest style, be sure and call on j Prince op Wales 1 at the Qaston House Barber Shop 1 Everybody Bays lie is the best barber j in the city, aud he has no ono employed j except first clrss barbers. T. II H. mCUAHDSON, j Proprietor. 4 Scientiflo Americas hXSl ' DBSIQM PATEMTS. CjOPTKHlHTai. afad or miornucion ana me Handbook write to MUNN CO- 8S1 BROADWAT, NIW YORK. Oldest btxrean for fienrtnv naumt in Amartnm Kverr patent taken out by u l brought before tbe publlo by asotloa given tree ol oharge in the Larirart etrenlatlon of any aeleatlfle vsrar In the world. Uplendldlr lllaatnted. No Intern Kent in enonia oe wimout iu weeklr, S3.00 i uri SUM ell months. Addren MUNN CO. cnijBMjiua, 361 JBroadwar.Kew lorkatjT AD0IPH C0HN, DEALER n Pianos and Organs, The Mehlin High Grade and Newby & Evans Pianoi. trow a, Queen and Needham Parlor Organs NEW B.SRNiS, - '- NC OIKCULA.K. Tbe old and reliable firm of Cohn A WeUe wiiH established In Newberc In The oldest bouse now In the oHy and th only surviving member of which is Adolph Cohn, who ha been engaged h the Music business lor me past ten years ana is nowiocaiea on Craven street, three doors below tbe City Hail l would De piea-m to inrorm my friends, patrons and ihe publlo ganerally that I have e cured the large and elegant brick building formerly occupied by John Patterson, deceased, where I nave ample accommodations foi properly conducting my jargeana i u areas 11 g DUBiuesi, ana will constantly Keep on nana Upright and Square Pianos of the latest designs, lasting tons, superior workmanship and of leading mannfkotnrars ana tne Deal material. Also a food supply orHBKETMUBIO. And I will endeavor to make my business as popular as ine old nrm usea to ne, and one mat win give aatisiaotion to my nnme rous natrons. The proprietor, Adolph Cohn, would taka this occasion of retnrnlnE his thanks to ihow who have taken an Interest In Ms wenare, and would respeotrully ioilolttoe oontlnnanos of the kindly feeling ol his mends. Kespeetfuilr, A COHN Bargains ! Bargains ! , r V We have a Large Assortment of Dress Goods. Domestics, Hamburg Edging. Shoes, CMMe Hats, Trunks aid Valises, etc.. etc., which wc wiU sell VERY CHEAP for :Casn Only. Gome to see us and be convinced of our Low Prices THE GLOBE CLOTHING HOUSE, OPPOSITE STREET'S STABLK, MIDDLE STREET." K. R. Jones Wholesale and ReUil Dealer In General Merchandise. Consignments of Cotton, Grain, and other Produce solicited. Prompt attention guaran teed. Cotton Bagging and Ties now in stock. Lorillard and Gail oV Ax Snuff sold at Manufacturer's Prices. E. R- JOKES. 9 14 dw New Berne, N. ' . i rHshissasASUi3?- ... i. ... ..: . . t I t,i ,t i::i. l-n!- 11-.1 J aiiil Jit.' fi'-lits ' ) 1 1 i THEY HAVE -ARRIVED ! T I,. 1t. Have just received SIXTY HEAD of the finest kind of WESTERN : HORSP!S Anrl MnT.Efl adapted to all purposes. . ' . , . j , ( . ; .v ; , We are now ready to supply the trade, and DEFY COMPETtnON as to PRICE, QUAlITY anil CIV. KVV A T . B 4 'TrOU' A rrTTrkW ,," ... ...i! 7 . . AJ80, a run ana uompiete une oi uuuuiJliO porwuaiDg to vub norae. ; kw JLivery a Boecialty. iqt ina iurwer acGommoaa- iivuDTDjusi uuuiH au uuuiuuu uj u ir a mn v iti irrirriraiifiiiH nrnn a. are required tout; r : ; r r--r4 rr-r""vrr ,.r-, tue present Owner, O.O. rTV.. '?'-"."";' ': : . " : : " .-;i.t'U. ,ij,.r, '4'.v,- i-V ' 30IES, HARNESS, ROAD CARTS,, m fact 'anything .-" ..' ' . . : ffV4 ' i . A Pretty surprise.; A beautifully illustrated and charmingly bound edition of LongfellowB "Evangeline," the most popular long poem ever puDiisneu uy an -auierioan author, and one of the most famous poems in the language, recently pub lished, is a pretty surprise for book lovers. It is in large type, numerous and excellent illustrations, very fine and heavy paper, gilt edges, remarka bly handsome cloth binding, combin ing, in delicate colors, blue and white and silver and gold. No illustrated edition has ever before been published at less than $1.50, and that is about what vou might " guess1' the price of this to be, but it isnV-witness our offer below. H,very home in the land oueht to have a copy of this Evangeline, so charmingly beautiful, as a poem, as a collection of artistic illustrations, and as a product of the book making art fins slffni By special arrangements with the pub UUr Ulltjl. lisher we are able to offer this book to the subscribers to-this paper as follows : EVANGELINE and DAILY JOURNAL, one year, $5.00 " " " " six months 2 75 " " " " three months, ... 1 .B0 " " WEEKLY JOURNAL, one year, . . 1.25 " " ' six months, ... 78 Under no circumstances does this proposition hold good except where paymenlii made in adrance. pfJT -I. TRY BIG IKE THE CLOTHIER. BIG IKE Dig THE CLOTHIER. Ike Bio This very bell g Ikk Bio Rings out the knell Ike Big of prices high, now listen Ike Bio well. Good people who in Ike Big New Berne dwell, To its ding Ikk , Bio dong, both loud and long. My Ike Bio country friends, hark to its song, Ike Bio And trade with ma in numbers strong! Ike TRYjBIG Ih.E Come all, and TRY BIG IKE this Fall TRY HIO.IK K He has one price for each and all. Your notice to this fact I call. He rings out old.be rings in new, He rings out false, he rings in true, And tries his best by all to do. Come all, no time is to be lost, He is selling Shoes, Hats, Clothes at cost. All thick and strong, foes to Jack Frost. !He'll treat you right, do no man wrong. Ding Dong I I call you all day Ion". BIG BARGAINS at BIG IKE'S my son.'. DING DONG! DING DONG1 ALL COME ALONG. TRY. BIG IKE. afa1AQ al Si r rrimriiR J lUllma all BOreneSS of the SmM mMihnn. stir' mraGONORRHCEA and GLEET la i to 5 day-.. No - "7"" JL7 "cer cause xricture at tydnggfaa. 3 uunni nnm Ml., rrs, SIlHrBL El. foi We bv 3t V. JORDAN, Druggi8t,4New Berne, N A Lm MUSICAL SOUTH IN GRAND CHORUS. J Fifr j t lis. 1 11 1 1 1 i t r m Tn tcvCLAN tueriB. r COTTON JUMPING UK rOKl BILL DEAD, tor H MtMin r. S.ninj.il P pl. Uh CONFIDCNCt RESTORED. CORN CRISa PULL. PROSPERITY IN 8IQHT. A . & , rnvvrKnilT .1. .IQHT, W '."VrV ZJFT? " Ta with ttas PIkm or Orm o long wntr Never bettr Uawto. Pi Mwiowtt. TrasMWre-lw. MewnylM. Sew price New lerii 2 f PL JUB,LEE HOUOAY OFFER-PIANO LAMP FREE. TJ. 'i?7 Br. Willi .vwt new Pluo ordared before Jan. 15, IB, we KiVe h union, ft I IS FtaJM) Immw, oomplendlbrolnsilw, JUMUmihU paper. IudelV I OliDEIi & BATES, southcrTMusic House, Savannah, G A fl ' LldlB Orgsa Hooss of the South. E.Ubli.had t8ro. iX vsyavA $1.00 Per Year. 60c. for 6 Months. 'i ,l-.:i: ' . FOR TUB- WEEKLY JOURNAL. NINK ' OI.UMN FOLIO LAKU 14 AMOUNT OF KKAD1NQ, The Daily Journal 50c Per KoBlh.' t$J)0 Per Year. Ulrculattw iu every direction frou. Mew Benin, wlu rt (hero is r uaily mail, and is a splendid medium for advertised, '-' V7e "imve just received a iariro lot of U&vt --SBBSSa SSSa. J-ii f ''' M 'aW- - t-r-ri. Lf..v,'-t , fi'i ad iianasoxiie Jjooi8, .wnlch -wa , club with both tho Daily and 7eekly Editions. Call cthcia,andjfei ono",b jp'aying one year ir Sta212? ffi$$:f tjaing $1.25 1c? t1" Uc:!aVf'ral'H'in tdvance 7ill c!-r It ' ? A. i i -4 II. HAillf ft CO. ' ' j V.V '-,'. vv: -" y; ,4W i ti- t 4'. , ,.! Ti .. . t-t 'Si