he Daily Journal. VOL. 273 NEW BERNE, N. C, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1893. PRICE 5 CENTS. .-;u .1 V BUSINESS LOCALS. VERT FINE stall fed Beef this morning N. WniironD. LOST. A small silver watch open face Saturday evening, number 8817, with a gold foh attached. Fmdor will please leave at Journal office, a reward will be paid for mme. CAA AAACABBAGE PLANTS for UUUj"UV3ae grown from the best - seed, grown by the old reliable seed house of Johnson & Stokes, of Philadel phia, Pa., and Peter Henderson & Co. of New York. Price $3 per M Over 5,000 at $1.50 per M. Lettuce Plants same price. N. H. BLITCH, Young's Island, . C. f8dw lm. FRESH 500 Pounds Stall-fed Beef.and Dressed Poultry. Stall No. 7, Central Market, opposite Col. Jordan. lm V. S. Bbtan. QIOA TAKES my 1892 Columbia tyL1 "Pneumatic Safety Bicycles, cen tury model. A genuine bargain for some one. Used only since September and in perfect condition practically new. 1893 Columbia Art Catalogue free. W. T. Hitx & Co., Sole Ag tits. G O To Street's Horse Store for Livery. rtl HE Celebrated SaboioBO Flor I)e I Habnna Cigars. Six for Twenty-five cents at C. C. Grren's Dbuo Stohr. nov. a-3in. P iINE roadster's' at Street's horse store. USE DUFFY'S COUGH KILLER cures Coughs, Colds. Sore Thiout, etc. Excellent in all affections of the Throat and Lungs, inducing healthy ac tion of the mucous membrane, soothing and healing the :une. Is an antibbp1-ic and germicide. Prices, Mii, 25c. and 50c.;per bottle. ELEGANT Saddlers at Street's Horse Store. DANDRUFF, Itch, Mange, and all Skin Diseases cured by the use of Duffy's Itch Ointment. For sale ly F. S. Duffy, Druggist. M ISII, Sacramental, Port and Scupper nonir Wines for sale liy Jas. Redmond I CALVIN Schaffer's Wild Cherry Rock and Rye, put up expressly for throat and lung diseases, lor sale ly Jas. Redmond. T UFFY'S Malt Whiskey for Medicinal use, for sale liy Jas. Redmond. II UNYADI Janos Mineral Water, the host Natural aperient. For sale by Jas. Kedmond. URE Com Whiskey for sale by Jas. Redmond. P DUFF Gordon Imported Sherry, for sale by Jas. Redmond. IMPORTED Holland Gin, llurkes Bass Ale and lkirkc'B Guinness' Stout, ;for sale, by Jas. Redmond. 7ff AAA CIGARS at very low figures I U,UUU tor wholesale and retail trade for sale by Jas. Redmond. GARRETT'S Cognac Brandy used very much in the sick room. For sale by Jas. Redmond. MiSSOUl refuses to poll down her Vest. IT ia reported that Foreigner hold 1900,000,000 of negotiable securities in toe United StateB. Oklahoma has just adopted a oode of maritine laws. Tbere is not body of water in the territory that is over a foot deep. . v 8BNATNB Oolquitt, of Georgia, la so improved, that after his long '? ' ". - Illness he hopes to bo at the ' Inauguration of Mr. Cleveland. THE outlook is that there w-'l be 'a- ! no Governors in the Sooth on the . 4th or March. They ate all going to Washington to help inaugurate Cleveland. GXN. Gbebn Olay Bmith, in a latter- from Washington to the . Kentucky Advocate says the -:; soldiers of the oivll war are dying ftt the vote of 22,000 a year. ' IT is understood that ex secre rtary Bayard will have a first class I mission England, France or J Germany, and that Gov, Boies ;V will go to the U. 8. benater. : Thkek is more Idle shipping at ' thU time the world over than has ' been ever known before probably - There were on Oth January more than 600 vessels .that were lying - idle lb the ports of Great Brittain - The World shows that according to Secretary Foster's juggling with figures that there wilt be a de- . floienoy of 136,000,000 by the end pf the fiscal year, ,. With Foster at the helm we wonld sooner expect $136,000,000. . ' ' j . The enormity , ot the Panama ' oorrnption Isn't lessened In appear aaoe to Amerloaus because it' is measured ta francs inatead of doL Urs. The ' sum of 1,400,000,000 franol impresses an Amerioan good deal more than 1280,000,000 would, and to, an Englishman It must seem immensely larger ; than 55,000,000. - Mb, Mtjtchlb b, of Pennsylvania has received a letter from .Erie Ta., s'ned by "ManySoldiers'' In which the Uvea of he and Colonel Livingston, of Georgia, are threat ened for the pari they took in amending the pension appropria tion bill in committee. The letter states that if they do oot cease to fight pensions they will be assassinated. The Charleston News and Cou rier says that the prospects are that the year 1893 "will witness greater activity in the building of ootton mills at the Booth than any year since the mills began to come to the ootton. The manufacturers of ootton mill machinery day that they are pressed to their utmost ca pacity to keep up with orders re ceived ior looms and spindles for new mills in the South." The above fully accords with the best informa tion gathered concerning the growth of this industry, and it is fairly certain that the year of 18G3 will far exceed its predecessors in expanding the use of the great staple. LOCAL NEWS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Howard. N. W hitl'ord Nice beef. W. M. Watson Incorporation notice. Churchill & Parker N. C. Hams, etc. Kite Hying has commenced. lion. C, C. Clark is repainting his resi dence. At noon yesterday the weather bureau telegraphed predicting showers-last night fair and sl'ghtly colder to-day. The maximum temperature yesterday was 60, the minimum of the previous night 44. Pretty warm lor the season. Yesterday was a good day on Singer sewng inaclmes. Mr. W. I. Lane shipped about a dozen to points tjibutary to the city. Mr. James Redmond is putting up a large brick ware house at the "ear of the otHce which he is building for the New Berne S"werage Company. Bishop Lj .nan of North Carolina was married to Miss Susan Roberson of Chn-lcston Tuesday. The bridal party went to Florida for their honeymoon. Among the passengers on the Austra liau from Honolulu were l'.iul Newman, the deposed Queen's attorney and Prince Kawananakow, who are on their way to present tho Queen's case. J. W. Stewart is "getting ready for the Fair' ii a business way by getting in a largo supply of handsome horses and strong mules. He received another full car load by special train Thursday night. Rev. C. G. Vardell will be absent Sun day to assist in the installation of Rev. Jonas Barclay as pastor of the Goldsboro Presbyterian church consequently there will be no service in the Presbyterian church of this city. Mr. Walter Bcllnrd is kalsomining the office of Hotel Albert in a very novel and beaut;fcl style--several colors being used, some sharply contrasting, and others blending into each other very in geniously." The work must be seen to be duly appreciated. Capt. Terrel1, of the Schr. Two Friends had a ''sweet Unac" Jyesterday. A rope parted as a barrel of molasses was being hoisted aboard, and dropped it to the bottom of the hold. The barrel buret and the whole fifty gallons was soon spread over the bottom of the boat. It was' not much of a joke for the Captain, as it entailed both loss and worry on him. Mr. Cyrus Foscue, of Jones county was in the city yesterday, and some of his f iends got off a little joke at his ex pense. They playfully slapped one of the "white'eaps" on his head 'n place of his own hat and then so engaged his at tention, that the exchange passed from his m;nd, and he was going about attend ing to l,;s business and advertis'ng "Big ' ce s clothing store'' at the same time. Mr. W. R. Waters, whom President Cuadwlck appointed to the position of Master Machinist of the A. & N. 0. R. R. in the, place of the lateKrBasil Manly has received h!s official notification of the action of the directors at their last meet ing 'i confirming the action of the Presi dent by regularly electing him. Mr Waters has been with the company many years, aid has worked b's way upward by merit from being sinply a skilled workout to the position which .he now Very creditably and satisfactorily fills' Fire In Balelgh. : Raleigh had a serious firs Thursday. It started n the Urge three story ware house of Latts ft Wyatt valued at $3,000 and deatoyed that and S10 bales of cotton Land other commodities that were stored In it. ;Ths cotton was valued at 8,000 and was fully insured. The other con tents were not. Two other bnidlngs were nearly destroyed. ; The Chronicle winds Op it acoottnt ', of the fire by tavlnin MTbe warehouse was allowed to be built by speeial jperissioti of tho board of alderman. It was in the fire district, and is a lessonf, on.' allowing wooden buildings to be put up in this district, whore, mercantile Interests are endangered.'' , ; , Coming and Going. Miss Minnie Bryan who has leen visit ing her siater Mrs. J. B. Broadfoot, of Fayettevdle returned home last night ac companied by one of little nieces. Mrs. II. R. Rowe, of Spring Vale and Mies Ellen Stunson of Limerick, Maine, arrived last night to visit their sister, Mrs. H. Pelletier. Drowned at Beaufort. Mr. Wilson Sawyer, of Perquimans county, was drowned at Beaufort yester day. He and a comrade, Mr. Edward Lupton, of Beaufort county were at tempting to boa.-d the Schooner Moore, in the harhoi, and the vawl boat which they were in swamped. Mr. Lupton caught the anchor chain of the schooner and was rescued. A Temporary Protectorate. The most important news brought by the steamship Australian which arrived from Honolulu Thursday night, is that United States minister Stovcns establish ed a protectorate over the Islands. The Stars and Stripes were raised over Alinolano Hall at 9 o'clock on the morn ing of the first inst. and since then Hawaii has been under Uncle Sams wing. This was done by desire of the people, and at the instance of their government beleiving it will bring peace I and hap- ness. 1 tic action was taken pending and subject to the ii"gotiations at Washing ton. 31. ('. A. Entertainment A good audience was present at the Y. M. C. A. entcriuiniiicnt lust night, and the following programme was delight fully rendered. 1 Male quartette, Song ot welcome. 2 Piano duet, Misses Sutcr and Swcrt 3 Recitation, ''The Cauntry Store" Miss Linie Bowden. 4 Piano solo, Miss Carrie Claypoole. 5 Vocal solo, "Last Night.'' Miss Ridie Kchoe. 6 Mandoline and guitar, Messers. Stal- ings and Matthews. 7 Vocal solo, Miss Laura Suter. 8 Recitation, Miss Bessie Tucker. 9 Comic song, John Mathews. 10 Vocal solo, W. E. Stallinira. At the conclusion of the per,ormancc, confectionery was distributed among the audience, and social pleasure ended the evenings enjoyment. The Beaufort Fire. A correspondent writ's us that t' " Are ut Beaufort Wednesday night of which we spoke was discovered in the VVashlm-ne Seminary, col., and it soon cuglit the Northern Missionary Ha;t:st church, col. Both buildincs were total ly destroyed, but most of the furniture and school books were saved. The loss was probably $5,000. The house of Chas. Henry, col., valued at $250 was also burned and 3 other buildings damaged to the extent of fabout $500. So the en" tire loss is nearly $0,000. Other property was much endangered oy the ure. 1 tic wind was blowing a stiff breeze to the north and there being no good lire engine it looked for awhile as if a good portion of the city was doomed. Several houses caught, some of them three blocks away among them was the well known hotel, the Morton House on the water, but it was soon ex tinguished. Our correspondent states with good reason that this fire ought to be a warn ing to the people ot Ucaulo t, and arouse them to the necessity of providing a suit able fire engine, as it would both make insurance much less and property much safer. The Right Move. At a meeting ot the stockholders of the New Be ne Knitt'ng Factory held at the office of P. H. Pelletier. Mr. Wm. Dunn, was elected President, J. M. Howard, Vice president and P. II. Pelletier, Sec. and Tre s. Mr. Henry Rishton Gen eral Manager. Messrs. G. H. Roberts, C. T. Watson, 8. C. Bragaw, P. H. Pelletier, Wm. Dunn and Henry Rishton were elec ted Directors. These directors were em powered to elect one other, making seven in all. The capital stock is already $3,000, but the books will be kept open for the piesent until it has been increased to $3,000. This will mora than double the capacity of the mills as they now are and energetic measures will at once be adop ted to push the work. The offices elected are men of business capacity which is a sufficient guaranty of t'le new entcrpilse. The start Is not large one bnt that is rather in its favor instead of an objection. It can be built up by experience and enlarged as the business demands. The move is a good one and the only wonder is that it has not been started sooner. Our field for manufacturing is almost unlimited and needs only to be thoroughly known to be developed. The "e are varioss cutset of manufacturing that ought to be established right at our doors to work up tne raw material mat so abundantly abounds. Success to the new enterprise and may it not be only the Urst step towards mat ing this favored section bristle with man- uiNUiuung luuiHiriro. ' -j - Died. la Beaufort N. O., Thursday February 7tli of Typhoid Pneamonla, Beargent Win. iwly, age about 4 years. Beargent Dailv had been in Government employ for several years and was lately in , Dako ta foe IB raonths and it is thought bis sickness fu caupod frem exposure, ' He was s native of Ireland, he leaves a wile and -si i children.' The remains . were tnkn to Portsmeuth, N. 0. for interment, GENERAL ASSEMBLY. TH RTY-FI38T DAY. SENATE. Senator Potter, a bill directing the state board of education to perfect title to certain lands in Jones county. Edu cation. Senator P James, a bill to extend the corporate limits of the town of Grifton Corporations. A resolution to purchase a bust of the Hon. Jefferson Davis, to be placed in the State Libary, passed its second and third readings. Bill to amend chapter 49 of the Code so as not to prevent the-running of local passenger trains on Sunday, and provid ing for the runuing of fast limited trains came up with House amendments an was concurred in. A bill to secure the right of trial by jury in certain cases. Applies to proceed inga lor condemnation of lands by cor porations. Passed second and third read ings with amendments, and sent to the House tor concurrence Billfto provide a uniform rule for as sessing damages for taking and occu pancy ot lands by railroads companies and other corporations passed second and Pthi - d readings, Bill to provide for the completion, en largement and maintenance of the State Normal and Industrial School at Greens boro came up. senator Jones moved to amend by in serting $10,000, in lieu of $15,000 in sec tion one ot tne bill, which provides kfor the running expense of the school. Mr. Uattle explained m answer to a question that the bill proposed to increase the annual appropriation to $15,000 per year, and to appropriate $4,500 annually in audition tor the next two years, anil provided that tho State Board of Edu cation invest $9,000 in North Carolina Stato bonds of the (educational , fund in theJState Treasury to pay the mortgage debt due for the property purchased for the site. Mr. Jones demanded the ayes and noes on his amendment and it failed ayes 13, noes 32. The bill then passed its second reading and objection being made, Mr. Campbell moved to suspend the rules and place the bill on third reading. The motion failed. Bill to provide for the establishment and organization of the county of Scot land was taken up, and no vote was taken resulting as follows. Ayes 27, nays 10. So the bill passed its second readings. HOUSE OF PEPRE8ENTATIVES. Mr. Jones, of Caldwell, called up the motion he had lodged yesterday to take irom the table tne oil! relating to the ex hibit from North Carolina at the World's Fair. The bill was taken up and put on its second reading, the question being upon tne motion ot Mr. lovill to stnke out the second section of the bill which in cluded the additional appropriation of $15,000 in addition to the $24,000 appro priated out oi tne direct tax lumi ot tin legislature of 1891. 1 tie amendment was adopted ayes 88, nays 16. Then the bill as amended was put on its second reading. 1 he bill passed its second readme oy a vote of ayes 90, noes 15, and was put on its third reading and passed and was ordered to be engrossed. Consequently the World's Fair managers from North Carolina have the right to draw $25,000 for the display of North Carolina prod ucts at Chicago. Mr. Watson ot Forsyth, a bill to enact state bank law for North Carolina. Calendar. Mr. Brooks, to attach a part of Craven county to Lenoir county. Counties, Cities and Towns. The same, by request, to prohibit the sale of liquor at LaGrange. Propositions and unevances. The special order was then announced. House bill 348, a bill to restore the right and give passes, was taken up on its second reading. Among Uio provis ions of the bill is that railroad authorities shall have the right to give such without forfeiture or penalty; that no legislation heretofore has taken away the right to give or receive. 1 here is no act forbidd ing such things. un motion ot Mr. Ward the bill was tabled. House bill 33, to amend section 1844 of the Code relatingto abandonment and divorce, was put on its second reading. Air. Alien explained tne object ot the bill in regard to dower rights. The amendments are to the effect to deprive a wife of her doweranghts if she aban dons ana refuses to live with her Husband and if separation from bed and board at the renuest ot the husband. The bill passed and was ordered to be en crossed. House bill 450, a bill for the protection of sheep husbandry, came up on its second reading. (The bill provided in the substitute presented to list dogs as other property on each dog an annual tax ot 29 cents, the listing to be done at the same time, and in the same form as other property is listed, and paid into the school fund in the counties where listed.) Mr. Vance, of buncombe, favored his Kill ml!, a ...:.. 1 .n.1. .l,n,n ,1... ... 'I'm m ociiHiiD bjito.u, luuniu n uu. destruction was made by dogs among our docks: ne was told by a reliable man that he had 150 sheep killed in one night by dogs; Mr. Long, of Alamr.nce, went deep into the subject staling that the constitution says "all taxes shall be levied advalorem, and this bl!l does not contemplate this, We tax horses, cows, &c., according to their value and we cannot tax dogs in this manner according to this bill; the Din is, tnereiore, unconstitutional. Some further discussion on the difficulty or taxlne toe dor under tne constitution. engaged in by Messrs. Blair, and Jones, ana tneu Mr.uarraway moved to lay tne Din on wetaDie. Mr. Holt demanded the ayes and nays. and the bill was tabled by a vote of ayes 04, nays Bo. Iks Criminal' Ceart BUL Senator Mitchell, from the district com posed of Bertie and Northampton counties, has introduced a bill to establish a criminal district to be ' composed of Bertie,' Craven, ' Edgecombe. Halifax. Northampton, Pitt and Warren counties. We are informed that the bill provides for s Judge and solicitor for the district and s clerk in each county. The iudere is to be paid by the counties constituting ine aunncv weiaoa rwi . . ; No headache with' TUTT8 :UYXB T T ft - ..... - UUJuO. ' .. . "' l . :' .. .... . , '. CITY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. February 8th, 1893, Board met after recess, Mayor in the chair, present Councilmen Ellis, Ulrich, Street, Lovick, Latham, Roberts, Craw ford. The resignation of M. T. Robcrts,punip inspector was accepted. On motion of Councilman Street, the pump work will be performed by one of the city employees. Councilman Ellis moved that the mat ter of designated prisoners working out penalty on the streets be leit with the Mayor. On motion of Councilman Lovick tho Mayor and clerk were authorized to ex ecute notes to the Lewis Mercer Con struction Co. at 0 per cent in payment of their bill for drainage. Mayors report as follows read ami adopted: New Rerno, N. C. To the Hoard of Councilmen ot New lierne. Gentlemen: I have the honor to report the following lines and costs imposed by me for violation i if the ordinances of the city: r i lies, Costs, Total $ 40.80 01.55 $ 102.35 Mayor. M. Manly Marshals report as follows read and adopted: To the Hon. Mayor and Board of Citv Council. Gentle... cn: Below please Hud my re port for the month of January 1893. v nave made durni" the mon ', 20 arrests of which 19 was convicted and 1 discharged. 8 sent to jail, 3 serve time in cells, 2 worked on the streets. Fines collected, $ 10.45 Costs " 18.80 Old Fines collected, 10.00 Total $ 39.25 One half of the above cost $9.40 was deducted for my fees the balance $39.85 was paid to the Treasurer. Respectfully Submuted, J. M. Hahoet Citv Marshall. Irfi.mer. Executed J. K. Land, 2 4. Eli. Elliott, 3 4. J. II. Dixon, 2 3. H. F. liurtt, 3 5. Thos. Wilson, 10 4. Total 20 20. Monthly bills allowed. Board took a recess. . W. D. Wallac e, City Clerk. Tuscarora Correspondence. Everything is verv dull ut this place, at present the farmers are very usy lirenannir and nlantinir their truck. Mrs. L. While will soon leave her country home near this place to reside ill New Mernc. Miss Minnie White of Jasper who has ecn visitini' her friend Miss l'eiinie DaUL'htery at Tuscaroru returned home Friday last. Rev. J. G. Johnson will till this his regular appointment here die third Hun- day. Mr. Britton will preach for us the sec ond Sunday at the Baptist church. Tuscarora is a very small place, it has ro churches, two stores and a post otlice. S. L. "A place tor every ttnuir -And everything in its place." There should be a place ior everything. There is a place to bay yoar Clothing, Hats and Shoes that place Is at Howard's. When yon need any of these things call on ns. Oar idea is to give you your money's worth every time. We have just received a new lot of Gloves, kid, mocha and cloth. Do you need a suit. II we have any to suit you, will name a close figure on all winter clothing. At HOWARD'S. 1,300 lbs. N.C. Hams AND SIDE BACON & LARD JUST RECEIVED FROM ONSLOW COUNTY, The FINEST LOT of Ment and Lard brought to the city this season. Call early and get some before they are all gone. Pare Meat and Lard is a Good Thing. Churchill & Parker. Broad St Grocers. A Dig Slaaghterl GOOD BOARD and LODGING Permanent Boarders only $2.55 per week. Reasonable Terms to Transients. BIVER SIDE HOUSE. Booth riont Btrest, near WSUtj's Bard' . AkMfc. Mod moma ta ml. ' . " . One of toe aaosi oaalrwbla location, la the Jl W : Freprtols. CWldreij Cry tbrjPitcher'i Ctttoriu POWDER Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar halrincr nnwder. Highest of all in leavoning strength. Latest United States Government Food Report. R'ivai, Lakino ?Powdkr Co.. 10(1 Wsll St.. N. Y. Notice of Incorporation. State ol North Carolina Craven county. In onloe Clerk Superior Court. Notice ! herAbv irlVAn nf t.hn Innnrnnrntlnn of the New Bern Knitting Mills Company; .u. .u iiMiiiBB m ine incorporators are llenry Klshton, Jamea M. Howard anil F. H. Pelletier, and Buoh olberi aa thev mar isoclBte with them. That the nrlnnlnal place of bualteas ihall be In New Kern. IV C, and Its general pnrpoae and buelness Ifl to manufacture Cotton, Wool, Klax, 811k. and any and all klndeor fabrics In to hosiery, underwear, yarna. clotna, and euoh olber artlolea of waro and of commerce aa tbe HtockboldeTa and Directors may from time to rime uesire to, and to establish dye nouaee, glnnerlea. and aucb other conve niences aa may be necessary for the pur poaee of carrying ont the lulland complete work of the Bald corporation. The duration of the corporation shall be thirty yeara. Tbe corporation anal! be empowered to buy and hold lauda. to buy and aell landa. to erect buildings, and bur all and every kind n uiauuiuery ana Lo Beit ine lame. The Capital block of the corporation ahall be Two Thousand Dollars, divided Into fortv Bhareaofthe par value of Firty Hollars each, wltb tbe power to Increase the Capital Stock from time to time. TbaStookbolderBof tills cornoratlon Bball not ba Individually liable for any of tbe debts contracts or other llablllllta of tne corporation. W. M WATHON. tabll lm Clark Superior Court. Look Out For Danger. Reliable, Honest Goods Cost So Much Honey. Business Men Don't Givo Things Away Look ont for the chi'iip tales at the end of tho year when goods .ire "selling tar below cost." Very respectfully, llackburn & Villeit. For Sale at a Bargain, One fonr-light Extension Chan delier, with globes and piisaia. One Lamp, duplex burner, with prisms. One extension onk Dining Table a fine one. One 48-pound Feather Bed, good as new. Any person desiring to bny the above at a great sacrifice will please correspond with Kox 4G9, New Berne, N. O. Removed. W. P. JONES Has moved his business to the Store on Middle street adjoining; the Drug Store of F. S. Daffy, and is still carrying a Fall Line of FORNITURB and MAT TRES3K3. J. H. BENTON, M.D., D.D.S , t .. . . .Prastlos UmtU. "2aJ OpatatlT .aa 1 " -"SrV. taal DmUi f a4 Dsatal Bar f f TMth I without naJn by tha kj, was BTarytiiin. In tha'Mna of Sont1.tr i'vns fl tha boat at 1 1. pttnfattiAnfiiatmtiMMi, trnao,orr,.rr a "mlulinui Asbestos! Lamp Wicks of Ashnatna TlfrtlC 8TRUOTIBLE. These Wicks will M burn. Only the oil burns, consequently there Is uo trimming. Lamps oaet) trimmed and adjusted lasts for years without further attention. Burners dan's even need cleaning, as there la no ooal on the wick. Cost a little more at first but cheaper in the end. All sizes. Banquet Lamps, $3.50 to $7. Fine China lets. Cheap. Get one, and be ready for tbe Fair. A LOT OF CHEAP Plates, Cups and Saucer. Plain and Decorated. At M. E. WHITEHURST'S. ieo4 uwtt For Sals, FOUlt FINE LOG CARTS, six foot wheels, five inch tire, complete with grabs. Also, TWO LOG TKUCKS for 3 foot tramway. Cheap for cash. Apply to liox 529, or to O. H. GCTION, 12 dw2w New Berne, N. O Notice Extraordinary I To All My Old Frier ds and Customers. I wish to say that I am back at my Old Stand on Broad Street, One door oast of J. J. Tolson's stoie, where I will furnish them with the BEST THE MARKET AFFORDS In the line of Green Groceries. Etc. Thanking them verv much for alt n..t favors, and hoping I may still continue to deserve their patronage, i remain.your obedient sorvant.l EMANUEL FISHER. jan2!l fim To the Public! I have bought the ENTIRE STOCK of T. COHEN, Tho Rod Star Clothier, AT 65 CENTS ON THE DOLLAR, ANO Will Sell AT New York Cost Tho Stock is a LARGE and VARIED ono, and consists of complete assortment of CLOTHING. SHOES, Dry Goods, Gents' Furnish'g Goods Etc., Etc., Etc. Soliciting tho patronage of tho public, I remain, Very respectfully, SOL. C0HEH. James R. Jones, Salesman. j29 NOTICKI! I0ILTT0L0ait4Pir0ntHra2T ON EIQHT YIAR? TTJU. ' Come TOurself and Laara tha r Jars. W. loan pnlUai E.tat secuitj .. ' bo It In town or In ths country. Ppl' .. 18AA.0 H. SMITH. 113 Gen'l Mgr., New Bpm,K. Oil lziz la Etcit Tcfa a IsifS Salary atisii t-r t ror udii. okl, ' I. , ladr wants an n.... , i InirodBAO th .,.m, t ulao. If It-: lutaonv-

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