Journal. VOL. XL-NO. 284 NEW BERNE, N. C, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1893. PRICE 5 CENTS. Daily 1ME Am BUSINESS LOCALS. "CHICAGO BEEF this - Saturday. morning 'and N. Whitford. FINE STALL FED BEEF at both stalls Saturday rnorning. B. Swekt. 2t. FOR SALE 1 pair new 6 1-2 fixt car ry log wheels with 8 inch circle iron ; axle. Dennis Wadsworth, ' ' Junction Pollock and Queen Sis. R22w. SPECIAL attractions for Fair Visitors in the line of Stationary and Prcsenta tion books, at Hall's. VrpBUNKS, TRUNKS! We are pre- pared to manufacture Trunks of all kind. Rkpaihino a Specialty. If you have an old trunk, don't throw it away, ' but send it to us and we will make it as . good as new. S. 15. Watson & (Jo. Middle St. Opp.. Smallwood & Slover's. feb. 12 2w. PLANTS for from the best seed, grown by the old rcliablo sei'd house of Johnson & Stokes, of Philadel phia, Pa., and Peter Henderson & Co. of New York. Price $2 peril Over 5,000 at $1.50 per M. Lettuce Plants same price. N. H. BLITCH, Young's Island, 3. C. ' fBdw lm FRESH 500 Pounds Stnll-fed Beef.and Dressed Poultry Stall No. .7, Central Market, opposite Col. Jordan. lm V. S. Bryan. 1892 Columbia Pneumatic Safety Bicycles, cen tury model. A genuine bargain for some one. Used only since September and in perfect ,condition practically new. 18D8 Columbia Art Catalogue free. W. T. IIii.l&Co., Sole Age nts. KAA nnnCABBAGE UVVjl'VVgaie gmwn 4fc19ft. TAKES my Governor ' McKinlky is in financial troable. It is to' be regretted that, while he was trying: to protect the millionaire manufaoN urers he failed to pat in few; licks in behalf of his own financial affairs. ' - What humbugs we are. The police of New York refused to allow an agreement for a prize fight to be openly signed iu that city, while a slagging match takes place on the floor of the Hoose, daring a sepoion of Congress, and no arrestsare made. '" EAST CAROLINA EXPOSITION. FOURTH AND BIGGEST DAY OF THEM ALL. Throngs of People Present The Largest Attendance With in me History ot tue rair. Thursday scored another grand success for the New Berne Fair. Indeed it was such a day as was never before known its history. Every in-coming train large numbers. The special from G-oldsboro pulled in Mb. CLEVELAND suggest that with fifteen car loads of human beings. President Harrison's .proposition luc regular from Morcneaci came up that he ride to the place of the QO To Street's Horse Store for Livery. rp HE Celebrated Saboioso Flor l)e i Habuna Cigars. Six for Twenty-five cents, at C. C. Oukbn's Dnuo Store. nov. -2-2ni. TUNE roadster's at Street's horse store. USE DUFFY'S COUGH KILLER cures Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, etc. Excellent tn all affections of the Thrbat and Lungs, inducing healthy ac tion of the mucous membrane, soothing and healing the same. Is an antiskptic and germicide. Prices, 10c, 25c. and 80c.per bottle. IpLEQANT Saddlers at Street's Horse iJStore. DANDRUFF, Itch, Mange, and all Skin Diseases cured by the use of Duffy's Itch Ointment. For sale by - F. 8. Duffy, Druggist. MISH, Sacramental, Port and Scupper nftng Wines for sale by Jab. Rbuuonu 1 CALVIN Schaffcr's Wild Cherry Rock and Rye, put up expressly for throat and lung diseases, tor sale by Jab. Redmond. inanguratlon ceremonies in the latter' carriage be accepted. He will ride from there to the review ing stand in a carriage provided for the special occasion. This tnroont will be the handsomest eversoe-non Pennsylvania avenue LOCAL NEWS NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Howard. B. Swcrt Stall fed beef. N. Whitford Chicago beef. Jones & Co. Truck barrels. W. H. & R. S. Tucker & Co. Dress goods. with every car failed with passengers, and' other attendants came in from all directions, which, with a large number that had remained overrom Wednesday, , fl801dto t,lc stock swelled the crowd to immense assem- in Pamlico county passed second and blagc. Competent judges who had esti- third readings. GENERAL ASSEMBLY. forty-second day. SENATE. Senator Potter, presented a petition from citizens of Carteret county asking for convict labor to dig a canal. Senator Davis, a bill to provide lor the support of the North Carolina institution tor the dear, dumb and blind, referred to the committee on Deaf, Dumb and blind. Senator Fields, a bill to amend section 1285 of the Code relative to divorce. Judiciarv. Bill to continue in force the act of 1891 to amend the charter of the A. &, N. C. R. R. passed its second reading. A but to amend the cliartcr ol the Wil mington & Weldon railroad company and to provide for taxing the property of said company in like manner as other property is taxed, and to adjust all differ ences between the State of North Caro lina, or any county, city or town in said state and said company, passed third reading. A bill to amend cliapter Mil ol the law thousand a fourth Temperature yesterday: maximum 58, minimum 32, range 20. California has had an earthquake shock, but without any serious result. Do not miss the stock parade at 11 clock today, it will be a grand one. Our townsman, Mr. Jas. A. Bryan gave reception at Ins home loct night to in vited friends and members of the Press. The Fair grounds presented a lively v I ,i : ..r and busy scene yesterday. Two good 8"" sp.u.e.", " "J brans hands and Reall'a orchestra mailt' uiaKiiif,. -rv UFFY'S Malt Whiskey for Medicinal use, for sale by H Jab. Redmond. UNYADI Janos Mineral Water, the licst Natural aperient. For sale by Jab. Redmond. PURE Corn Whiskey for sale by Jas. Redmond. T tFF Gordon Imported Sherry, for VJ-' tale by Jab. Redmond. ; T MPORTED Holland Gin, Burke s Bass 1 Ale and Burke's Guinness' Stout, for ale by Jab. Redmond, "7r HAH CIGARS at very low figures I U.UW for wholesale and retail sweet music to enliven the spirits. Mr. II. U. Brimly, ot Raleigh who is making a North Carolina collection for the Columbian Exposition, is attending the Fair in the prosicution of his work. The cabinet portfolio baa been com pleted by the selection ol Richard Olncy f Boston, for Attorney General, and Hilary A. Herbert, of Alabama, for Sec retary of the Navy. A horriable case of criminal assault upon a little white girl only six years old by a negro wretch, occured near Fayette ville. He was captured in South Caro ina and jailed. It is hardly that the child with live. Min. Carpenter will continue the meet- the large and varied assortment, ol tne ing tonight at Hancock St. M. E.Church, choicest table fish spread ouc on counters much interest is being manifested. A cor on one side ot the building, and irozen in dial invitation is tended to all to come blocks of ice on the other, the curious, and be spiritually revived. Have your I ugly, rare and beautiful kinds, the full ar piritual strength renewed. I ray ot implements used in catching tueui; m.. D.i.i.1. :i. j nr j I and the very select assortment Dotn trade for sale by Jas. Redmond. 11 ARRETT'S Cognac Brandy used very " much in the sick room. For sale by Jas. Redmond. IF European nations wish to hasten the annexation of Hawaii they have only to raise objections , : Politics in Montana Is oertainly :jn an addled condition when it is serioaslv oroDosed to make the chairman of the Republican Na tional Committee a United States Senator with the aid of Democratic v '-.'votes. ; President Paeeison if opinion that the heavy drain our treasury is a scheme to force , the Government to iasne bonds, whlob will cease as soon as it learned that the Government can not be sqaetzod. , Thb meeting of Southern Gov. ernors at Riohmond on April 12, to , discuss ways and means to advance . the Interests of the South has been definitely . decided upon. With ; three exoeDtlons. all of the Sooth . era States, will be represented. "vlK Illinois a Christian scienej apostle baa been tndiotedforviolat ing a state law by. attempting to care the siok . without having diploma. The penalty Is a heavy one, and, as aeveral death : are laid to the aoostle's oharre the prosecution will be in earnest,.; Tammany hall will turn but. in force to the Inanguratlon of Presl -dent Cleveland Fbnr thousand of the braves wilt be in line headed by Chief Croker. - All the expenses of the men " will "be paid by, the organisation, and tbey will make perbftps the greatest display n the iarade. The - organization has c .! 1 $ir,o, :!) out, of i mated Wednesday at five were sure that it was now larger. On every side crowds were passing by. All the buildings were filled with sight seers and the side-shows packed. Tne lay was another bright and sunny one, just cool enough to be pleasant. The races were highly enjoyed and throughout the entire week they proven a great attraction. Both drivers and horses have been highly complimented. Mr. John T. Biggs the driver of the little race horse Dominion has made for himself and this horse many friands. Mr. Biirirs is the trainer and driver at the Fashion Breeding Stud, Big Falls, N. C. Air. Junius H. Harden the owner of the Fashion Stud is in the city spend ing the week at tue Fair. He owns the most choicely bred stable of trotters in the South Atlantic States. kcktiier mention of exuiuitb. The New Berne Knitting Factory show they are AN OLD LANDMARK GONE. The Historic Old Mansion of William Hooper Destroyed by Firev The historic old Hooper mansion at Fowler's point, on Masonboro Hound,was destroyed by fire on last Saturday. The tire is supposed to have originated in the roof from a spark. The destruction of this old house re moves ii notiable landmark. It was built by William Hooper, one of the signers of the Declaration of Indapendcnce, and one of the famous men of his day. It is said he spent $20,000 or more in improving this place and it was ultimately the cause of his financial ruin. Of late years it has belonged to Mayor Fowler, or his Fath er's estate, and lias been occupied by col ored people. The first Masonic lodge instituted in this section was organized in this old house, but we could not learn the date of its organization. Wil. Messenger. O. Marks' collections of coins is greatly admired. He cxhiliit two large show cases of them taking 30 feet on one side of the room for the display. In the lot is a Roman tctradrachm coined 330 years be fore Christ. There is nearly a complete set of all coins from the formation of the government to the present time even to some made in 1893. Mr. Marks has $10, 000 is tho llncstcollec- tiou in the statc;the value of it is 5,000. fish and oame No visitor to the Fuir should fail to in spect carefully the fish and game depart ments. The dozens of bins of the finest probable I kind of oystors,the clams of several kinds the coucbs escallops, and other shell-fish A bill to prevent the killing of deer in Buson Marsh township in Pamlico county, passed second and third readings. A bill to prevent the obstruction ot the passage of fish up the waters ot Contciit nea creek, passed over informally. The senate proceeded to the considera tion nf the bill to establish the county of Elkin out of portions of Wilkes, Surry and Yadkin counties. The bill provides for the formation of a new county to in clude one township of Yadkin county, three townships of Wilkes, and three of Buriy; with the court house at fclkm, and also for the removal of the court houseof Surry county from Dobson to Mount Airy. T.'ie bill passed its second reading liy a vote 24 to 11. A hill in aid of the North Carolina school for the deaf, dumb and blind at Morganton. The bill appropriate 1 10, 000 a year for the completion and the maintenance of the building of the institution. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. The bill to continue in force the act of 1891 to amend the charter of the .V. A. N. C. R. R. passed second reading. House hill 848 and MH, laws ol iw'.n, to provide to protect the oyster interest of the State. Mr. Carter said he introduced the bill at the request of the oyster congress, with the co-operntion ot the commission, re ducing salary of commissioners from $100 to 75: reducinc other (salaries, and doubling taxes from I cent to 3 cent: equalizing the taxis between large am small ovsters. fees to bo paid to Stat treasurer instead ot a commissioner. House bill G70, to repeal acts relating to fish traps in Neuse river. Passed. House hill lloa, the Wilmington ami Weldon railroad taxation. I he senate bill was substituted for the house bill. Mr. Allen moved that the Senate bill, passed by the Senate, be substituted lor the House bill, adopted. 4 was amended as follows: That the W. and W. R. R. Co. cannot construct branch lines parallel to the Atlantic and North Carolina Railroad. This was lost; also a mojion by Mr. Ray to postpone till Thurssday. The bill was then put. on its third read ing with the following result: Ayes i0, nays 22. HOKE SMITH TALKS. "Come give us a taste of your quality.' SlIAKESl'EAHE. Ybu can judge the quality ol some things by taste, but the only way to jadge a shoes' is by wear. The shoes we sell the old reliable Stacy Adatc'd & Co's. have been tested in this market for ten years, aud all agree that they are wear reenter. None like them as a customer remarked to us a few days ago. Prices $2.00 to $5.00. See us for llats, Clothing and Un derwear. J. M. HOWARD. Wholesale Market Country Produce, Cotton 7 1-2 to 8 1-2. Corn, from bouts flOc. Field peas, tiOatioc. Oats, 4."ic. Wheat. 70c. Rice .Vic Rye, 70c. Peanuts, 110c. aSOc. Apples Mattiiiiiuskcel, $1.00. Onions, $2.00 per hid. Chickens, 50a-"i.rK: pair, young, Turkcvs $1.50a2.0O. Heel. 4a.1c. Ficsh pork, 7a7 1-4. Ducks, Eng. IS ulOc; .Muscovy 'Jcese, 75e.a$t.O0. Eggs, 21c. Honey, c; beeswux. 20a22 ROM! fill POWDER Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar baking powder. Highest of all in leavening strength. Latest United States Goveiinment Food Report. Royal Bakino "Powder. Co.. 100 Wall St..N. Y. iOalOc- "lOaliOc. 1-2c. Hides -Dry green, 2 l-2c. flinl, Win Win Win Win Ii Hal II Mil. iy wil.- sii li, in - i;; as u ( liiKl, sli.' I H -i i. - lis.s. sin liail Chililli'U.slii dry salt 4c; vc her f'ftsliria. -riml fur ( ';ixtnrift. i-lutiK' tn C.Lslnriiu k'tivcthem CasUirlu. Ics Gold Soda Water AND Hot Temperance Beverages At Berry's Drug Store. LIST f'luret Phosphate, Orange Phosphate, Ginger Tea, Chocolate, Clam bouillon, Lemonade, Collce, Coca-Cola Also thn usual Summer Drinks. fc22 tf MONEY ON LIFE INSURANCE. Wo have recently folly completed our facilities for handling )o;uis on Tontine and Endowment Insurance Policies. We loan upon reasonable terms about 90 per cent, of thn sin render valuo of policies issued bj tho following companies, vi. : Equitable, . Etna. Mutual Ife of Now York. Connecticut Mutual of Hartford, New York Lite, Nortli Western Mutual, Peon Mutual, Provident I.ilo of Hart. ford, C ii ion Conln', Mutual lienctit of Newark. N. .1 . lirooklyn l.ifo. I'nitcd Mates Life, vtashingtoii bile of New York, aud other good Companies. All loans made for a period of twclvo months, with pi ivilciro of renewal. No policy accepted that has been outstand ing less than tlnce years If you do not care to st-enro a loati wo will buy your policy for cash. Wo a'so deal in investniciit securities, including railroad tucks aad bonds, Stato, City, County and Tovuiship bonds an i warrants I liter-State Trust and Ilrokcragc Co 211 EayettoviHo St., cor. Paik ave , 123t)3m RALEIGH, N. C. Observer and other papers of the State have stood by tho New Berae Fair so nobly that me will reprint in the columns of the 'Journal what they have said as soon as space will permit. Tickets for the lecture tonight at the T. M. C. A. hall, f re on sale at Nunn & McSorley's. ' Admission SO cent, gallery 25. Seats reserved without extra charge. Mr. Bolton will lecture on the "Lauds of the Midnight Sun." It will be beautiful ly illustrated with stcreopticon viewa, Those who missed the fire works last missed a treat. They did not last long only a little over half an hour but they live and dead, fresh killed and taxider- mized specimens of the birds and animals that Inhabit in a wild state our fields forests, streams and sounds make an in teresting study for any one. The care used in placing them so that each one may be examined to best advan tage adds no little to the pleasure in viewing them. Northern visitors at our Fair declare this disolav io this department to be the most remarkable they ever witnessed. He Thinks There Is a Reputation fur a Han Who Understands the Pension Business. Hoke Smith, a few days ago, told a re porter that there were only two places in Cleveland's cabinet where great reputa tions may be made the Treasury and Interior Departments. "No reform can be made in tne govern ment's finances," said Mr. Smith, "with out radically overhauling the system of pensions." "Do you mean mat it wii ue your pol icy as far as possible to decrease the pres ent pension list?" 'It will lie my policy to draw a snarp discrimination between worthy and un- worthv annlicaants for pensions hereaf ter." 'Can vou rivc anv details? asked the renortcr. "Not yet," replied the next Secretary of the Interior, "but I can assure you bus! I ncss in an acceptable manner." Yesterday's Races Dominion is making quite a record Yesterday ho was again victorious in were fine one pieee cost $30. A veryf the trotting race, he entered and was not pleasing feature about the exhibition was beaten in a single heat. that it was not a repetition of pieces The purses according to the regular with which people were familiar novel- ruieg were to be divided thus: 50 per cent tnere ;g a great reputation for a man who ties abounded. There will be anotner uG first horse,' 25 to sacond 15 to third I knows how to handle tue pension display tonight. and 10 per cent to 4(h. Messrs. Jones & Co. are arranging for The first race was for a purse of $250. turning out a large number of their patent Wegive the entries in the order in which wire track barrels for shipping truck, they came out in the contests: The barrel manufactured by them is Dominion, bay - gelding, owned by spoken of very highly and is being used Hackburn & Willett, New Berne; Tony extensively by Messrs. Hackburn 4 Wil- F., black gelding, owned by M. H. lett and other large planters in this sec- White, Hertford, N. C, Robert Johnson, tion. This is a home-manufactured bay stallion, owned by Q. D. Bennett article and should be given first choice Goldsboro, N. C; Gab, black gelding, eyerytime. I owned by S. D. Black, Fayettevtlle, a, Ca Maggie Watson, aorrel mare by Ueo M. Harding, Durham, N. O. Dominions time in this race war 1st heat 3:41 1-2, 2d, 9:89 14, 8d, 2:43 8-4, The second race a trotting one, was H. & i S. TUCKER & CO. Dress Goods! Spx-iaagr '93, New Feb. 18, Kcn- Raolng To-day. Two of the most' interesting .races ret will come of this afternoon commencing at one o clock. Both are trotting races mmimW a nnpuAPIIUIA KB"6"" - r , rcoon w. th. .nri. Tho Ao !. tnr inO 0-9K olaoa mil. I 1UI " 6"" -- VI I lru xV. Awl. Im hlnh Va wam heat, best three in five. Entrtes-Cbarley " "'""r T ' by J. Schwartz, of Durham; Brave Boy by G. D. Bennett, of Goldsboro; Domin-I Mary Spellman, bay mare owned by M. ionb, Hackburn & Willett of New hMUy Berney Adrian b, J. W. Stewart of New ldiB nedby J Schwa., Durham; Bern; Tony F. by M, II. White of Hcrt- 8t Elmo, bay gelding, tnrJ. . . ' and Adrian, bay stallion, owned by J. W. ford, ' : Tho second it a consolation race, trot ting, for all horses that have not won first or second Money fe kay-mos purse $200. The entries fot the consolation race, ire Adrian, Robert D., Maggie Watkiua, AbddlaChier, ?r;ud Anmni4a,d ; ; Hate Toar yea Xx4at0te4 f ee. ; Dr. J. R. Trifleld 8tromple, practi cal opticians are ir the Machinery . building-at the Fair ffrdtwds with-thi tBfaril ian Crystalline Line Co's. exhibit, ' They have gold, silver ' ' and ' ': steel mounted spectacles and all Improved instruments for e'eitiT the tvn for any defect. They i " i -ine in " nt t'i 1:1m Stewart, New Berne, N. C. In the running race Castile, black gelding owned by M. H. White, Hertford waa the winner. The heats were H ol a milt, best 2 in 8. Castllef time waa 1:15 List of Letters. Remaining in the Post Office at Berne, Craven county, 1898. A Miss Grade Ansburn. B Miss Patsy Banks ca K. P, nedy. ro C Miss Eliza uox. D Miss Ella Dawson. F Mr. G. H. Francis. G Mrs. Hannah Grey. H Miss Peeeio Hood, Alice num phrey, 8. L. Hill. J J una Jones. M Mrs. Henrietta Murry, Mr. Gcorgi W. Marsh. Mrs. Sarah McCafity, Miss Louisa Moore, Mrs. uanuy moo re. N Mr. George N. .Newbcrg. O-Charlotte Oliver. P Mr. N. M. Pierce. 8 Mr. Jacob Smith. Mrs. R. T. Smith T Mrs. M. It. Taylor. W Mr. E. D. Willis. Mr. George W White. Persons calling for the above letters will please say advertised and give dace ot list The regulations now require that one cent shall be collected on the delivery of each advertised letter. W. E. Clabkb, P. M. BROAD STREET FRUIT STORE, Just arrived a fresh lot of northern New Dross Fabrics for this season are now on active snip. Oar showing of Spring Dress Goods represents tbu most desirable textures and shades ot plain mate rials, as well as the richer Paris Novelties. Drews Goo Is for this Spring oorf pjns QI1UH OUU1TJ UlnblllUb tuailgrjr uvjvu I 1-2 and 1:18 1-4. Carrie, cbesnut. aorrel, I fruit, parsnips, carrots, beets, bananas,, owned by Benj. Habn waa second and I oocoanuts, rutabagas, turnips, apples and 1 W I lemons. ''DJ ' """" I T fwu.,1. n.Mn. t,!l ro- 8terart ;tlirdi. ;i l.; i hnffBmirl 81. nlesse TcalL "An article J 1 '.. t - , - - - ' . . I O " " K . . ' . j ' . ' . i - I purchased or my stock not aa represented, Bankln t Henri Dariaff Fair . Wei monev I will refund on wtum ot ant .Wednesday February 22d being a legal article. , Thaukinir Toa UndlT fof past holiday the Banks of New Berne wil) be I favors honinir to receive a oontmuance ; of closed. " , ' '. :. ' I vonr natronairo. . - ' ' , . ;. l.Iondny. February: 20th, Tuesday,! Broad Street Froit Store. " Second y Bini r v t'ley will open at diMir above Middle, next door to Mr, Incorporation No: ice. Hlttte of North Carolina Craven roiinly. lu Ofltee tlerkt Suporlor Court Notice ! berooy Klven of the lucorpora tion of the (Jit, of New Horn Wator I'oiii pany , tliat the nanifs of tlio Incorporators aie Kobert M Cxile, Julius M. rerun son and is w . Homar.B. anu such ottiern as tney may atisoola'.e wl th thom ; i hat t he principal piaoeoi uudDciM bini ite in new nern, .u. aud 1U Keneral pur pone aud huHlneaa li coustruotliiK, ODOrallnu aud maintaining Hyitem tf water worba iliroughont the oor- poraie limits or the Utty of New Hern and iu ip mediate vicinity, iht the durall n of the corporation aha1! bo thirty years: th capital stock Is thte hundred thouiand dollars, divided In three hundred iharesof the pir value of one hundred dollars each. miJUil W. Al. WAISON.C.B.U. IS MY ADVERTI FOR 5EMKE THE FAIR. Mince Meat, Dried Peaches, Dried Apples, Prunes, Freab. Canned Goods, Tapioca, Cora Starch, Flavoring Extracts, Spices, Pow'd Sugar, Small Hams, Shoulders, Codfish, Irish Potatoes, Macaroni, Cheese, Tomato Catsnp, Wor cestershire Sance, French Mastard, Sweet Pickles, Evap'd Horse liadish, Jam, Preserves, Best Batter, Heck er's Buckwheat, Maple Synip, Fresh lioasted Coffee, Choco late, Fine Tea, Cocoa, Import ed Bay Bam, Mascot Cheroots, Fine Chewing Tobaccos. Truck Barrels. You will mako a mistake if you buy your Barrels before you sco The E. H. & J. A. Meadows Co. Thcv bavo for aalo tho PATENT WIRE BARREL, manufactured by Jones & (Jo of this city. lliese barrols were used last season by Messrs. Hackburn & Willett ami many other largo H ookers. Itvhii.intr this liiirrnl vou encourairo homo industry and ..ot tne best truck Middle St. Near South Front barrel on the market Prices Low- ... . . Yours truly, next to uuiiy h urug rtlorc,) 18 OFPEKINd Special Inducements DURING THE NEW BERNE FAIR. THE GREES FRONT NOVELTY STORE. fc'.M dw2m JONES & CO. G. E. SLOVEIt Fair Week. For BARGAINS in Everv LinS of MERCHANDISE call at the Globe Store, Mlddlo Street, opposite Street's Livery. Mammoth Stock SELLING AT Lowest Gash Prices!! ieuio iw SEED POTATOES. " 200 Bbls. Genuine Early Rose Guaranteed HOT COLD HURT and all right stock. For pale cheap by E. E. BISHOP. Call early. fl6 2w THE Red Front, NEAR HOTEL ALBERT, Is the place to look for Clothing and Gents' Furnishing Goods. Also a FULL and COMPLETE line iff DRY GOODS, Boots, Shoes1 Etc. Special lot of BLANKETS and COM. FORTS that will be sold at a unH.l. ly low figure. -tT-SxxiitlaL Largest Assortment of All Kinds ol Musical Instruments, Violins, Banjo, Guitars. Mandolins, Zithers, A ithoharps, Flutes, Fifes, Piccolos, Accor- deons, Harps, Etc. ALSO, A FULL LINE OF Solid and Plated Jewelry, such as Watches, Chains, Cuff and Collar Buttons, Ladies' Pins, Earrings, Spectacles, Etc Look Out For Danger. as to color aad style from those of Jn pictureB & pictUro Frames the past season. . KAHELS wn ,..rrvt,1H i,, Rl-jwlr hi thin RMPt.iiiu ni' rim SlRtji P.nntiPafa fitr namnlAi nhnnhl in-1 dicftte something as to colors and Qfe&t Cllt ill FriC6S price of goods desired. v;o. Voi Wnlr Cash with order of 5.00 and leumoww over, we deliver goods free (except . . n, . . farmtare and crockery) to nearest niS IS liU U II 6 5111111 Express Office or Railroad Station. W. H. & R. S. Tucker & Oo. RALEIGH, N. C. IF YOU WAHT TO Canvas, Ropes, Seine Twine, Gill Thread Cotton Gilling, Nails, Spikes. Faints and Oils, BUT AN ACTUAL FACT. Now is the time to save money. We are CLOSING OUT our stock of 3-4 Cloaks, Fur Capes and New Markets, at ASTONISHINGLY low prices. H. B. DUFFY. - :see Ulrich, Wholesal Grocer, , V -- " - NEW EENK N. tt' Pure Seed Potatoes, Grown under oontraot with a Seed Houae, STRICTLY FOB SEED, In Aroos took county, Maine. Houlton Rose, Pearl of Savoyr ,v i Stonewall Jackson. Ako a few "Bliss TritmDlL" The Eye how Tltallty.NOT having Reliable, Honest Goods Cos! So UcA Ccrgi 1 2 i - -.-i" Business lien' Don't Give4fc(p:j t .' Sll I Look oat fot the ' obep 4 Itiof $i ? ' tbi nd of ttaeyeaj whra goofa ti " m!tBng lax' 'teW ooot,?,'! 1!. F've it's beef nl nil l Dean nroi oy com. ! - i . r f. ' i I f

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