.:ZZ8 AHNOVNCliSENT. AJ.LY JOURNAL U pabUataad Daily : Hoaday at I&,00pwyer: 3.69 for tsi. Dallvara to pir inMorlbari nu par mouth. 8 W1CEKLY JOWKJtAU U pabllibtd TtiardyatU"Jriiaam. j ar atrrtMnw nr Caatti not to a i ta Una Till b lnautsd Xra. Ail M- rwifflCragi'iH'" mrrnAniMit ,tu'.v. ,. la-adTJUaOvBef alar lujTer- '.MmanM will tnd o( son month. UenniwtMHW aoBaaUslat woaffl. uiuul iiiMlnTitoror1lfil1ili TTn torn- nanieattoa wast ha axpaotad to Mpnbllih- sd feat contain otdaaesMkabla pataooalltlea, withhold tho aaaaa of to aothor. AxU VJoAfthjhU oouuoa nwaatbapald aainnW mnlgPitUontaa febtala ths aamaofth anthor by application atthl ffloan ahortaa whAteln wotnTno , .IMS. . THE JOURNAL. Proprltor ' Leeal Report. at HUPIIt, -: 0, T. HAMOOjBK 1 I T ' XI ( 1( 'iL ' ... VJBDtw4 ,hi.OlofllCBtNw Berne N.O. Mamma-crass imttari x) 'i TMAaryy the goddess . ot liberty wearinf boap-skirt at the World's Fair.- foyoiUd be a steel-ribbed. THE European governments re gard the international monetary oonferencJeas hating been a fail nre, thereto coinciding with public opinion ltt iUnerioa. ' 4 Mr. oieTeland fca kept his word . about not choosing any back umbera his cabinet, bat several of tW fenUetoe ohosen may wlthi Jflaliot betlassed asexperi nteataTusaes.' , ' SortarPMter says he has reoeltad aaanraBoes from represen tatives ot the leading powers ol the world warranting the conviction that the annexation of Hawaii will . be regarded by thoae powers . amausu naacvm. - " Mlfl. Michael Curtain. FlAlnfield.il, make the statement that she caueht oold, Whleh settled on bar lungs; the was treat ed tor a month by.ner tamlly physician. out crew wane, tie told her she wm a hopeless victim of consumption and that no medicine ooald euro her. Her druggist suggested Dr. King's New SUeovery for (Joneumption; she bought a bottle and.to her delight found herself benefited from first dose. She continued its use and after taking ten bottles found herself sound and well, now does her own housework and is as well as she erer was. : Free trial bottlas of this Great Disoorerj! At F 8. Duffy's wuoieMie ana retail aru. store; large bot gee. 60o. and $1.00. . mere is notntng wniun man is born into the world so destitute of as habit, or whioh he so amply and as soon acquires. . Shiloh's Consumption Cure. This is beyond Question the most suooeesful Cough Medicine we have ever sold, a few doses invariably oure the worst oases of Cough, Croup and BronohHis. while its wonderful suooess in the oure of Consumption is without a arallel la the history of medicine linos its first discovery it has been sold on a guarantee, a test which no other medicine can stand. If you have a oough we earnestly ask you to try it Price 10c. 60o, and 1. If your lungs are sore, onest, or back lame, use Cii loh's Porous Plaster, Sold by New Berne Drag Oo. Absurdities which please oar self love are as reauuly accepted as troths that offend our vanity are doubted or denied. Tne Handsomest Lady in .Now Berne Remarked to a friend the other dav that she Knew Aemp LSslsaro fur the Throat and Lungs was a superior remedy, as it stopped her cough instantly when othei oough remedies had no effect whatevt-r. So to prove this and convince you of its merit any druggist will give you a sam ple Bottle rree. large size DUO. and SI. The needy man is mindful ol bin friends. atisfacttoiirfoadT acquiescence. A Washingtonian says that no exceptions bi be justly taken to the timber selected by Mr. Cleve land, to make his cabinet: each . board isgood iihen examined by itself bnt it remains to be seen how they" will ' harmonize when worked into" that useful piece of atate fnrnltnre known as a cabinet. The Best Salve in the world for Oats, Braises. Sores, Cicero, Sail Kheam, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively euree Piles, or no pay required . It with. Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction I 1 J 1 1 : o . , t S F4IW ' ThefUxtS annnal Exposition oi tht Cah)lina Fish, Oyster, " OamfTsndl Iadnstrial Association I drawing to a close. This is the last neat day of the Fair. The Exposition has been a uniform and nnparaleieAtraooess, and oar peo- ' pie have .great reason to rejoice. WhUathe Exposition has been excellentnd visitors have said"the -' half haQ:nl been cold ns," yet, one of thfffl&lal pleasures of the ooca slon has been the meeting of old friends and the sweet communion of kindred spirit. the State has been represented' Noon tain beauties have won the hearts of men who ' live rk Sottagea by the Sea; and gallants of the West have snrren- , dered to the superior charms of the beantUrjslaaghters of the East. Distant eeotums of onr com mon eoantrj' have met and blended in the .ties of brotherhood. The Northjtestfthe South and the - West" have stood together, rejoicing la the achievements of genius in thishe Qioet bleseed land on which the sunlight of heaven falls. The success of the East Carolina ; Fish, Oyter and Uana'e and Indus trial Association has stimulated the - managerfj Offlthsr Fairs to greater eiertione and has prompted enter prising citizens Qf other commuai- ties to" Organire similar Kiposi tiooj. . sh The Staje Fair ' Raleign will do doabtrfcTaieiiT iUJ high character and wJanJw honors. We may exoeot the next Fair at ' Elizabeth City to be very par in ad vanM'fctalKJuS predecessors. Mr. Lamb, chfef manager, is attending the XTew Berne Fair and will take advantage of all he sees and learns to make the JUixkbeth City Fair worthy of the' intelligent and pro gresajve community in whioh it is located. nf,-A , The Gldiboro Fair will oontinae 10 be one of the chief attractions in the State. , WVflbofie the Announcements t fali fatriiv STer Berne, appreciat i - tht liberal patronage and cor-.rflo4- 'trill tht has been . uttly extended to her by all ana, rejoices in the success of 4 z i wlll.de her part towards 1 their fatnte more glorious "'rpast. v-' box. For sale In Newbera v V. i. wholesale and retail druiriftt. Dn: The penalty of gularity. o.'igaality is sin- Enpepsy This is what you ought to have, in fact you must have it to fully enjoy life, Thousands are searching for it daily, and mourning because they find it not. Thou sands upon thousands of dollars are spent annually by our people in the hope that they may attain this boom. And yet it may be had by all. We guarantee that Electric Bitters, if used according to direct tions and the use persisted in, will bring you good digestion and oust the demon Dyspepsia and install instead Eupepey. We recommend Electric Bitters for Dys pepsia and all diseases of Liver, Btomach and Kidneys. Bold for 50c. and $1.00 per bottle by F. 8. Duffy, druggist. A Man requires avast amount of space in proportion to his size. Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint. Is it not worth the small prloe of 75c., to free yourself of every symtom of these distressing complaints, if you think so call at our store and get a bottle of Shi lob's Vitalizer, every bottle has a printed guarantee on it, use aooordingly and if it does you no good j it win cost you nothing. Hold by Ne Berne Drug Oo. . DH G.' K. BAGBY,' SURGEON DENTIST. Offloe, Middle street, opposite Baptist tf.m 1711 , dec8dwtf . NEWBEBN. N. O. On snd After Mcndcy We will b able to All oil orders I ; - , BOTH FOB fc " - UK J. D. CLABK, DENTIST, EW UEK.1K, N. O. Office ori Craven street, between Pollock and Broad. P. ?. PELLETIEE, ATTOKNKT T IA W . 'Iraverc St., two doors South of Journal offloe. Will Draotlee in the Conn ties of Craven arteret. Jones, Onslow and Pamlico. r- united Htnto court at New Berne, vnd Supreme Court of the Htato S. R. STREET, General FIRE m LIFE -AND- Hand L.jachine Bricks. WANTED TO PURCHASE FARMERS Insurance Good Clean Bice. ALL KINDS OP GRAIN AN PRODUCE PURCHASE ON COMMISSION. LSO COTTON SOLD ON COMMISSION. Give u . a call. W. P. Burrus & Go. MARKET DOCK, Opposite Old Stand, NEW BERNE, N. 0. NEW BEEN: M0SE T. B; Garpgnfsr and flmall Jobi of Reptlrlcw ('. t kih IB' act Ion i'.ii .nintoil May be found wi:cn wu.i : ; Fastory. Rat ere to 1 11' .ihitu,.Ii i .h (. uneofcanl' ' 1' Scientifio American Aflency for TAN WT X M sAAsF' ILIk W W jar OAVKAT9. TRADE MARKS. DESIGN PATENTS, GOPVRIOHTS. etc I or information ana free Handbook write to Ml NN a CO, ;i BH0AWAT. NKW yobk. Oldest bureau for aecuriug patents In America. Kvir patent taken ont by u Is brouffbt beforo . t he public by a nutloe given free ol obarge in tho Lnreest rirenlatlnn of any identlflo paper in the worm. Hplemlldly UlUBtrated. Mo intelllfroat ninil should bo without It. Weekly, 93.00 a v.ari fl.MlBix months. AddresH MlJNN CO, I'l UU6UUU, 301 Uroadiray, Hen York City. We Have a Full 8to6k Cultivators, Harrows 111 Kinds of igricolUrtf Implements. At Bottom. Prices. L. H. Cutler & Go. i'A : PRETtY.'SURPRISE. .:: oiliOnfffeUoVs ' Eyangeline," the most - popular - long . poem evtjr puuuucvi vj , -" im. author: and one, of the most famous . poems in the lahguage,; recently pub JUshejd,is'a pretty surprise for book- ; lovers. It is in large type, numerous - - and excellent illustrations, very fino and heavy paper, gilt edges, remarka- , bljr1 handsome cloth binding, combin- J. hgl in dehcate colors, blue and whijte ' i and eilver and gold. No illustrated t edition has ever before been published t at less than $1.60, and'that is about what von miffht " ffuess " the price of & thWtb be'bnt' it isn't witness our4offer below. Jiveryg-. hoime, in tha land onghtto have a copy of this Evangeline, sochaVmingly beautiful, as a poem, as a collection of. artistic illustrations,1 and as a product of the book making art. Say. oeiebbor, whatV tee trouble with you? Didn't ou t tt ;!i. caiins- tionV No, but I not a pair of Cart Wheels that don't suit iu. acd now J. C. Wbitty & Oo. have iust koI in u nuppiv of those Celebrated TonnKseee Whels. Ism always doiag juot viiat I ought not. Take ray aivice m..l at ouco to Whitty's aud get a jjatrr.f ibe Ten nossee Wheels and you ivsti einile if I can't. The world is mnoh migled some of its best maxims. by A Valuable Remedy. Hrandreth's Pills purify the blood stiinulatc the Liver, strengthen1 tne Kidneys, regulate the howels. They were introiluaed in the United States in 1835. Since that time over sixtv mil lions ol boxes nf Brandueth's PaLS have been used. This, together with thousands of con vincing testimonials from all parts of the .1 :.i wwiili, io punuivu uviuuueu oi tueir value. ISitANDRKTH s I ills aie purely veee- table, absolntely harmless, and safe to take at any time. Application for Charter for a Bridge Across Trent River. Application will be made to the present General Assembly for a Charter to con struct u Iiridge nrross the Trent river in some point in the City of New Berne -.nine point in .limits City. I. .1. Woi.FENDEX. JAMKS A. HllYAN, Thomas Damix.m, )22 llOd. AVII.L7AM I ll'.N.N. New lici nc N. (,'. J:,n v 21--t )m3. j ot a parfaoUy aaf and at bis ramedr for tha peonllar ' ( I anmaMr is aai Tarsal. As a for tha houaahold, offioa, on "n shipboard and tor trawl i and aea, 'Winkdmann'i rnd Cholara Banedr haa oiraabU. worth ia tka f idoora of all disorders t a stomach and 4Ifrea i ii Ciiolera, Cholara , eto. Bar- , always Dissolution Notice. The: lirm of Iiniilhiiin A: Smith having dissolved copartnership by mutual con sent, W. J. Smith retiring, the business will be continued by C. I. Itraham at the same stand. Thanking the public lor their pist patronage, I again solicit a continuance of the same. Respectfully, C. I). lillAIUIAM Suepards Darber Shop. Ijoiv tnrift tickets, 10 shaves and one hair cut lor one fl.00 nt 1'llOK. W. n. Siirppkd's, 'I. Hotel Albert Ilarbei Shop. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. 250 000 mm READY FOE SALE Cheaper than any other Mar can Furiii;h Thcc:. I've got uui and want to sell 'em Apply to W. P. BURRUS, New Berne, or M. POUTER, Hiverdale. jne7 dtf NOTICE. If you want tho easiest Shave you over had, and your hair cut in the very latest style, be sure and call on Prince ok Wales at the Gaston House llarber Shop, Everybody says he is the best barber in the city, and he has uo one employed except tirst clrss barbers. T. Il H. RICHARDSON, 2 Proprietor A! Haw's You Will Find A LARGE STOCK, well selected ! bought low. and for sale at prices to suit j the hard limes. Call and be convinced. j To my stock of ! GROCERIES I call the houselicepcr's attention. ll i complete in every branch, and a i visit will satisfy you that all your wants j can here be filled. Special attention ib called to mv Fresh Roasted Coffees, the excellent quality ol which is drawing custom every day. I am also agent for Chase & Sanborne's Celebrated Roasted Coffees and Fine Tens. BUTTER The very finest only 30 cts per lb. ARRIVING EACH WEEK A fresh supply of Van Dervcer& Holmes and Holmes & Coutt's excellent Cakes, Crackers, Wafers, Maccaroons, etc. BY EVERY STEAMER I am receiving Florida Oranges, Malaga Grapes, Bananas, Cranberries, Celery, Apples, Figs, Raisins, Nuts, Dates, Citron, Currants and Prunes. IN STOCK i Shafcr's Meats, Vermont Maple Syrup, French Pcbb, Jockey Club Sardines, Macaroni, Fine Cream Cheese, Eiam Cheese, French Vegetables in Glass, Asparagus, Becker's Prcpnrcd Buckwheat, Lemons, Cling Peaches, Plum Pud ding, Olives. A cull will lie appreciated snd satisfac tion in variety and quality of stock and in prices is guaranteed. My CONFECTIONERY department is complete. Prices and quality of stock I am Bure will please you. AD01PH C0HN ' DEALER IN Pianos and Organs, The Mehlin High Grade and Newby & Evans Pianos, or own, Queen and Needham Parlor Organs- NEW BERNE, - - NC CIRCULAR. 1'be old and reliable firm of Oohn A Well wus entabMHiied in Newbera in 1862. The oldest tiouse now in theoHy and tb ouly BunMvInK member of whlrfb )fi Adolph Oohn, who on oeu engaged in uie muaio onaineu for lite past ten years and la now located OA Craven tit reel, three doors below the OKjr Hall 1 would be plead tn inform my friends, pairona and the publlo generally that I have secured the liKe and elegant in k euiminff ioriueriy occupied Dy John Uteraou, deL'otHud, Uere 1 have ample prooimotliiiloiis Jot PTonerly conducting luy !ai-Kaud tncreeslr R buatnesi, and will ont'tiiuiiy Rcfpon hauo Upright nod Square Pianos of ttlat.ert ips gns. lasting tone, superior workt!taMKlip ai.tt 01 leadlnu mamifolurrs I and iUo b. Ri. ralerliil. Also a good (upplj oISdr.KI MUHI.i. And 1 will endoavor to make my bualnee m popular a the old tlrtn used to be, and one thai will give satlBlaiuon to my nume rous pMtrons The oroprletor, Adolph Cohn, wonld Uk tht occasion of rfturulJDK tils thana to lhoe wbo have taken an Interest In hit welfare, and would respectfully sollolttbe continuance of the kindly feeling ol his fnend. Kespeatfully, A. OOHN f''ll".fl-f."".-"l! tUHiS WHtHi All ELSE fAltf. i unto Brrnp. Tastes Oood. Ul mm poia uf qmgmits. EL Boot and Shoe Maker All Styles ot Boota and Shoes made to order on abort notice. Repairing a Specialty N. AJtFBN, Uraven stieet. oppoalta Joarnai;offlM. irl i K. R. Jones Wholesale aod Retail Dealer lnj General Merchandise. Consignments of Cotton Grain, and other Product solicited. Prompt attention guaran teed. Cotton Bagging and Ties now in stock. Lonllard and Gail & Ax Snuff sold at Manufacturer's Prices. K. E. JOKES. i New Beme, IT. 0 River Side House, South Front Btreet, near Wbitty' Hard ware store, NEW BERNE, N. C Permaaeat and Transient Board. Firit-Clata Table I Polite Servants New Clean Bed I When you come to the city don't fail to eaii on na. BUble and aheltera. Special arrangement made for aocora modatlon of Tiaitora to the Fair. Rooma can be engaged in adra&oe. Meala aerred at all bonra, Heala, 16 to2o. judging, 860. ,.L . :1 O, C. BA8DEN, , , iiOdwtMalyC-;"; Proprietor heretofore 4itln ai Par- or ft Baadaa baa been dissoTred, J B. Pafaoaa retiring- and O. O. Baadertra- maifitng in anarfre. AH Claim held by thn f rmfr rrmno 'iMnont are tnq Hird to ' Ivr'u j" t. 0'i."f, C. O. 1 Qur,ler. the Bnbscribers t By Bpecial arrangements with the pub lisher we are able to offer this book to . ... j n . the eubscribere to tM3 paper as iouows : EVAt!f6t!M and bWJ ibVlMil, one year, '. : . . . 5.W - " " six months, .... three months, . . . 1 .60 " ' " WEEKLY JOURNAL, one year, .... 1.28 . u m c Bx months, . . . "7 Under no circumstance doe this proposition hold good except whore payment! made in advance. TRY BIG IKE THE CLOTHIER. BIG IKE Bio THE .CLOTHIER. Ikr Bra Thi Tery bell Ikr Bio ' Rings ont the knell Ike Bia of prices high, now listen Ike Bio well. Good people who in Ike - Bio New Berne dwell, To its dine Ikr v Bio dong, both loud and long. My Ike Bio country Mends, bark to its song, Ikr Bin And trade with me in numbers strong! Ike TRY BIG IKE Come all, and TRY BIG IKE this Fall TRY BIG I K t He has one price for each and all. Your notice to this fact I call. He ring ont old, he rings in new, He rings ont false, he rings in true, And tries his best by all to do. Come all, no time is to be lost, fie is selling Shoes, Hats, Clothes at cost All thick and strong, foes to Jack Frost. He'll treat yon right, do no man .wrong. Ding Dong I I call yon all day long. BIG BARGAINS at BIG IKE'S my song. DING DONG 1 DING DONGI ALL COME ALONG. TRY . BIG EE. I . Believes all MtcncMsf tha nm. unbriBiuiL coram GONORRHOEA and GLKETIa I to dar. No Bar tteataaent araatary. Neaercaitsea stricture or aavea any lajnuoiai snaw easels, rites, fa. Sot" : HOW KIM Ctt.Pn'i. WmtxBl. For sale by J. V. JORDAN r Druggist, New Berne. n a A SOLID MUSICAL SOUTH IN GRAND CHORUS.! .iu9, uia innox. , , Hallelujah Mfttm , laax. W nsissr at J. H. Is laaaaa,TM raw af Ja CLCVCLAMB tLCCTCO. . COTTON Jits1NO UV FORCE BILL DUO. PIANOS only $335. las la aaaai.aa tin y amii Paa-pU t eoNnoENcc restored. CORN CRIBa FULL. FROapERITV IN 8I0HT. t J PIAN05 only $335. ORCLNS only $27. . wwwaauaiisTwnaiaeruMoriniuioigwvuira, never a Detxrr Attanstobuy. Prioes naar lot. Tsmas nsrsr ssslsr. New stylss. Kew prices. Mew terms. 5 -SPECIAL JUBILEE HOLIDAY OFFER PIANO LAMP FREE. W trn. - ... ' aiaiTsrs. Wlta a vary mar Piano ordenrl bpfors Jan. is, ID, w give s anion- awsaaia-aawsaAmawaanpisni. mdo lor circular. jvoUaHilAupatwr. Don't tlvluy. 1 rnnaraiaa mnat tutm Southern Music House. Savabnah, G A v Brwan Mntiaa nf th. fLfiuth. RaaKllak j 4 , OKI 13 faus Lams, comp l ludden Abates Tb tmdlac Piano and i $1.00 Per Year. 60c. for 6 Months. -FOE THB- WEEKLY JOURNAL; NINE COLUMN KOLIO LAKGK AMOUNT K l h,M lN(i The.' l)aiy Joiinsii S6.G0 Per Year. .it .. . .jl lrtiiliitHH THEY 3VE. HAYE'MRRIED! f Have just received SIXTY HEAD Of tjie finest' WW ' of' adapted to all purposes.';-' '. w,-f : . g. & :, tiy, ',: ..: ; . ,j ..t . - t! 'i U0 i Bupply the trada, And.'DEP'X .COMPETITION aa to PRICE QUALITY and GENERAL SATISFACTION, ft t &'. r .v . v 5 t -t. r,' Also, ft Full and Complete Line of BUGGIES,- HARNESS, IIOAD CAKT3, iri fact anythin? pertaininflf to the Horae. ZLZ' - ' . 6 Jtw-Livery a Specialty. - . . '". f ' '' '. - '" We havb iust marlft nn n lion of ex pnt'ori. -n to err f Vpy cr r 111 v;r. t11r.rUn In.i.iy. v, ' . ' : 1 v l ' :r f fr vV' ;," Uaily mail, and irt n ripifndid mkmIihhi f, or iiiivi iv. ,;. . u,' J..;r beta pally mid XTkly Tditions. Xall .' ... - 7 , aV "J o wv Jl.,1 i J I1C n. 2

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