I J a- i i it i i 3 V 0:- t" 3 it': Jlu;:: if; J What1 is .Til .'K' -H 'WC lv I a,--w. i i... I I . mm fmmm 1 f. t Castorld is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription brIa&nU , .v and Children. It contains neither Opiam, Morphine nor ' - other Karcotlc substance. It is a harmless' jsubstitfie . . for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. ' It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty ySars use by " - Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays feverishncss. Castorla prevents vomiting. Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castorla relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castorla assimilates the food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.' Can toria is the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend. Castoria. "Castnrla la an excellent medicine for chil dren. , Mothers have repeatedly told me of Iff good effect upon their children." Dr. Q. C. Osgood, Lowell, "Castorla Is the beat remedy for children of vhlch I am acquainted. I hope the day Is not ' f ar distant when mothers will consider the roal Interest of their children, and use Castorla in stood of the varlousquack nostrumswhlch aro drttroylng thoir loved ones, hy forcing opium, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful '.(Tents down their throats, thereby sending thein to premature graves." Dr. J. F. KttcnELOC, Conway, Ark. The) Cestanr Company, T7 JOE K. WILLIS, proprietor of Eastern Nartn Carolina. NEW BERN E, N. C. Italian and American Marblt and j QuoHHh o MaitHaL Order solicited and given proper at tention, with satisfaction guaranteed. Terra Cott Vases for plants and flow Ors furuisbed at tho verv lowest rater. GEO. HENDERSON, (Baoeesimr to Koberts A H nderson), Generd Insurance Agent Kepressntlng Insurance Company of North America, of Pnlladelpbia. tioine Insurance Company, of New York. Uueen Insnrapoe Oompauy of Knaland. Hartford Klre lasuranoa Company, of Mfartrsrd. - C North Carolina Some Inauranoe Company . Klelih. reauwltoh Insnranoe Company, of New fork. PQenlx Inaaranoe Company, of Brooklyn, United Ondarwrllers Insurance Company, Atlanta. -' flonum Marin Lnsuranoa Company, I ' uslon lulvJdwtf IT IB A DITTY yea ewe ynnwlf mn4 fam. , lly to vet the b KceaeMilKe In To W. L. Donalae t tne dck Tamo ior jtur iu'y nr footwear by pttrcfaaalng iShaB. which rearesent the Wn TgilH lift f Smm price naked, mm thousands will testify. 00 iZSO 2.00 FM LADICt 2.00 41.75 FOR I0YS ':7S V 14.00 f tUftnl , r , "9 : 2.5of r ;r r.n tr in I jr.- 'mwh - : W. L. DOUGLAS PS3 SHOE 'ewicmin. ', THE BEST 8HOE W THE WORLD f OR THE MONCT. -. the same With gnule, and represent a money value - far beyond tne prices cnorKea. eee wiut uiw miu . arkie are stAtnped on bottom of eaoh shoe. , TAliK NO ettHHTlTlITK. . u ' sr. I Vaagiaa. uracutont niavi. bo" ur iBAKlUNGtMfc BAXiER HUMPHREYS' ' Dr. Ilnmphreya' SiMirtflcs ansolentioeallyand - " cnmfully prauarad IwnwdlM, uwd fur yeats in rvt practice and tor over thirty yetirs by ttM wool wltta eutlre sunMU. Every tui&le eelno JTsiKMilal oure for tue duxate anil. L fhf r oure wliiiout ilrungiiw, purging or mlocuiit ' the Byswoi and are in fact aau uewi tue Ueverelsn Keuieelva of tlut Werld. ' nwfor raiirt a ubmi, rioa 1 I'evere. Oongeitxnii, innamnisucus.. .aa 14 -Kalt Itliaum, jT)ii.el,ia,Enipiluu.. is-uimaniaiiaai. RUeamailo Pains !,' ,4& 1 e-91 a larta.-Ckllls. Fovor aad Atna...... Jii 1-I'U, JiUnd oc BUllng '.. IW-Catarrh, Isflwus, Cold lu lbs Ilaad. .115 SlO-WaaaelngCeBsh. '...'...(. Jt8 ST Risnai- llae ys-N.rv... Il.Mliir-. . ;' 30-llrlaary Weateaeaa, Wattfng Bas.. .M shs r DranMtt. or ml paUixM aa iwM M srMtt Dm. innim' Suut (l ml amsa mat - - -'imrraarw aa CO., llf SIU tmsui St., !?. ; CIFICG EXLOUTOR'S NOTICE. Kit. I ra lli Olork nf 111 SllM- h (...ui'ir of MmttitLataof (laimy , ti . h i ii'iiBhy K'vnft nottt'ft that t i i- -'hb hMVlt'a nlHlins t.i i mil i . u w it. ,' tt-Waru.-s, WprmKrrer.wormColii... .Hii ' ;.( ' ' i '" ' ft " . fiSJSSriV':. " f ;Var5tWOcCryl.wakl .!...' 4 . ,'Jf ' V - - K B f5 - "Z " I V, J t 4-.ni,rrbB(orilJiU(vrAUuitC;jlJ !", -VJr,:.J . "I O BO . XtiS .;SiS8t-TI l.r il-B9rcaeil nrralnlul Porii.un.,. ,JZ ,. , - .,. , i Jf d ., n.jt-'-.ieiV iV7M; l .r.LTi.nrraall!..rmia.-., .!l4 h, m- ..... , Mrt!l)JVi 1 1) i Castoria. " Castorla Is sowell adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to any prescription known to me." . r ( H. A. Aiaua.lt. 111 So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. T. " Oar physicians In the children's depart ment have spoken highly of their experi ence in their outside practice with Castoria, and although we only have among our medical supplies what Is known as regular products, yet we are free to confess that tho merits of Castoria has won us to took with favor upon it." Unitxd Hospital and Dispchsart, Boston, Mass Allzx 0. Smith, Fret., i r, . i jfl Hurray Stroet, New York City. "0RF0LK' mm & WASHIHBTOI i DIRECT LINE. j . Tri-wCyTrips. lu order to make more ooovenlent and e ;onom1oal nse of the Teasels now employed i d ilia North Carol Inaservioe. and thus to Hitt Serve the Interests of Shippers, he Clyde Line and Old Dominion Bleem--riip Oompany have oonoladed V merge 'LeT renpeoilve lines between Newbern, N, O.. and Norfolk, Va, into one line, UiuiglT- ni passengers and trnok shippers three tripe ticb week between JNewbern and Norfolk win Washington. NO ADVANCE IN BATES. on ad after SUNDAY, JAN. 1st, IfltfS, until further notloe. ibe Hum NEW BERNE. Ca.pt Soathjite, Stumer DEFIANCE, dpt. Burgess, Anil tauui ELKO, Capt. Short A in sail from Norfolk, Va tor New Berne direct, every Monday. Thursday and Saturday, making connection with tuo Atlantic and North Carolina Railroad, nd the water lines on Nense and Trent rivers. Returning, will sail fROsT ITBWBKRN for NORFOLK. Va.. via Koaaoka Island wharf. overy Tuesday, Wednaaday and JKrlday, making connection at Norfolk with i he Old Hay blue, for Baltimore. The Clyde i. Ino.fo Philadelphia. The Old Dominion Steamship Co., for New Tork, ' The Mer-a-ianiB' aud Miners' Line f.r Provldenoe and KoKton. aud The water Lines for was lns- tou, 0. C.,and Klohmond, Va., thus giving iii hii water route w ail northern nd Kastern points. Also connection made with the O. m O. K. H.. and N. at W. B R. for the West. tiesengers will find a good table, eomfort ble rooms, and every eonrtesv and atten- y on will be paid them by the effloere. oroer an gooas, ears or si. a. a w. uireci Cine, Norfolk. Va. RiLPa 8BAT. Acting Agant, Eastern Carolina Dispatch. Kast Psisnnger asid rrelght Una bat ween NIIW BBHNII, stern North Carolina Polnu.and all eoa ' neotlors OTUie 7T PENNITLVAaiA &AIK.ROAD, ikOLTJDIHa ' w York, Philadelphia. Norfolk, Bal Uaaara aasl BaalosL. t he OHLV Trl-Weekly List Oat - lew Berae. ; . - 1M NHW AND tliBOAHTLT . . musts Balls from Hew Barn WBPNMDAYa,: , kTBIDAVI, A.T 4.BO X.XX, pplng at Koanoka Island aeh way aad lorming eiose connection with us Norfolk nnfhurn Killlrnit. I'he Kastern Dispatch Line, cons is tins of ua Kuisioitun a. . oo.. Nonoia ncatnem it. K new York, f hlla. aud Morlolk K. R and Pennsylvania B. R , form reliable aud oulMr Una', olfnrlut! superior Inclines for jnlck paaseugr ainl frnluht IransrtortHtlfm, H .raix'as except at Kllatlwlli City., Si wni point rreticnt win n loaned on ears to 'iiirougn w kmi sauus, ireo all .!xl to ba ahlppa-t via 'vtoiiA uMui-n ua ly a louovra: ' f out :' Vnrlr, by fenna. K. tt-.Jtarf, .i'jril- tllver - . K'oiu 1'liruulelptiln, bv :-piln.. V. and Balm, f. ... U'ica Ht. .staiiou. , v"'w'u liHitiivofe.by Hhil. w.i.ud KaHa r It. r"Mlluetl. Mini, V ii. . ; mi.rt b. i.."lmritCi'MI W"Trni i-..Jii i. .; ;w Vo' n p. (I ni'.lHnd vH .... t'e-Ka"- n "id tin mi- s irj nan by . ar.- A.Mfi.it Vl.i-pl f . I.;if. r it 1 1 -! t iW. rant. a rt..JinV ," mmm 11 3 f! I J fT ..m -' - :. 1 I 1 M VS. 4M'l i ' 311 II -l : i . ! Uli i II " H ' 1 "'f'-5i' H '"'" U ' 'T'.? K6W mr imr-T ; J rs !. :T CASTS. 1 y r. THE JOURNAL. FOES' COTTAGE AT FOBDHAM. J. H. BONER. Here lived the soul enchanted By melody of song Here dwelt the spirit haunted By a demoniac throne; Here sang the lips elated; Here grief tmd aeath were sated; la jHete Joved and here unmated 51? WfUl tip on frail an itrnni, ncre wintry winds and cheerless The dying firelight blew While he whose song was peerless Dreamed toe drear midnignt through, And from dull embers chilling Crept shadow darkly filling The silent place, and lliri'.! :,j ills loncy as they grew. Hare, with brow bared to Heaven, In starry night he stood, With the lost star nf seven Feeling sad brotherhood. Here in the sobbing showers Of dark autumnal hours He heard suspected powers Shriek through the stormy wood. From visions of Apollo And of Astarte's bliss, He gaze into the hollow Aud hopeless vale of Dis; And though earth were surrounded By heaven, it still was mounded With grounds. His soul had sounded the dolorous abyss. Proud, mad, hut not defiant, He touched at heaven and bell. Fate found a rare soul pliant And rune ber c bailees well. Alternately his lyre, Stranded with strings of Ore, Led earth s most happy choir Or Hashed witb Israel. No singer of old story Luting accustomed lays, No harper for new glory, JNo mendicant lor praise, He struck high chords and splendid, Wherein were fiercely blended Tones that unfinished ended With bis unfinished days. Here through this lowly portal, Made sacred by bis name, Unheralded immortal The :uor al went and came. And fate that then denied him, And envy that decried him, And malice that belied him, Have cenotaphed his fame. LEHUN EL1XIK A Pleasant Lemon Tonic. For BilliousncBS, Constipation, Malnria, Colds and the Grip. For Indigestion, bick and Nervous Hcadacbe. For BleeplcssncBs, Nervousness and Heart diseases. For Fever, Cliills, Debility and Kidney Disease, take Lemon Elixir. Louies, lor natural and thorough or ganic regulation, take Lemon Klixir. Dr. Moslcy's Lmon fclixir is prepared from tlie fresh juice of Lemons, combined with other vegetable liver tonics, and will not tail you iu any ot the above named diseases. 50c. and f 1. bottles at druggists. Prepared only by Dr. ti. Moziey, At lanta, Qa. A Prominent Minister Writes. After ten years of great suffering! from indigestion, with great nervous prostra tion, biliousness, disordered kidneys and constipation. I have been cured by Dr. Moziey s LenioH hlixir and am now a a well man. Kev. C. C. Davis, Eld. M. E. Church South, No, 28 Tatnall St., Atlanta, Ga. Gratitude. Dr. n. Mozlet Dear Sir: Since us ing your Lemon Elixir, l nave never had another attack of those fearful sick headaches, and thank God that I have at last found a medicine that will euro those awful spells. Mrs. Etta W. Jones, Parkersburg, West Va. Answer Tlili question. Why do to snanj people we aas armsad uinmd to prefer to suffer and be made miaskable by jndigeetlon Constipation, Diuinmt. Lose of Appetite, doming up of (He Food. Yellow Bkin, when for?3o. we flit aell them Bhlloh's Vitallier, guajaanteed to oure them. Sold by New a em a mug Oo. '' We have the reoord of many a gooA nob man on earth. . . j " ' The Homeliest Kan In New Berne Aa well as the handsomest, and others are Invited to all on any druggist ami Bet free a trial bottle of Kemp's balsam for Ui 'Vliroat and Lunga, a remedy that la sailing entirely upon its merit and is gnaruQtead, to reiwvb aud cure all Chronic and Aoute Coughs, Asthma, Bronohitia, and Consumption. Large bottles 80 ors and t mar29 deod weow , To be avQided prolesaiog cream ami living oar milk. 'Hh,lob'a()niarrhBemedy. A nnf el ou liH' fnr Oslarrh. Diphtharia, Caohnt iiinun. aad Headache. With mrb lvit.'e ihre I an Ingenious nasal loj-ni r f ir ihK more snooosafal trwat-m- nl f t;if.HM .mraplainw withoat ratr TYLER DESK CO., !-.- 8T.LOUI8.MO Onr Mammoth Cataloguaot Baaa Couimaa, Dasas, aau ptbar Oraioa Fcanrroaa for lees bow ready. Maw Goods. Haw Stylo In lies ka, TaMea, Chain, Book Oasaa, Cabt BSU, i Ac., end as Baaohlase prices, aa above Indicated. Onr aooda' are vrall . , Kknoare aad sold tnmtf la every otmatry that I speaks EnrHfli. OataloipMsfna. Postacale ' -. Baa jamX ratornsd with a I0TI0B! Nice Florida ORANGES Just received from Sumterville. Can sell CHEAPER than any Finn in the city. andies Raisins, Nuts, Apples and Banana , etc. AT Hock Sdtom Prises. Malaga and Concord Grapes. ! A SMALL QUANTITY OF A. A. Vantine & Co.'s urn LEFT. WILL SELL VKItV !IK,i' First Class Barber Shvi 1UUCK BLOCK, Mlim 1.1'. . Nearly iipposito liaptiMt Clmrcli ' Apartments nent and liily, I m.K competout asHistnnts RinpliiM'il 11. I, HANK--. decO Pi-npi i inr (lir lia'tji ! uttj it- i' i. ; . , . ,i , nl-;tniir' It fmil ir- ;.; .ti 'I 1 1 j t -r t --. ; ; : (l.ultlt.l!. ai-ai.- l.t'i h' ('!'. -. .(!; Kudoisi t.y i , : - i s an .1 l . 1 i .' PAriENiS TREAfiiJ BY KM:.. 0:--.:L'7LL. I'.armli-.. Stuiilc. -ii,l...i . i , DR. 0 w. F. SNKCtrl, M J.r.KLR S li.tAl'Lfi. WiCi5a Ul HUIVIPH REVS' This Precious Ointment is the triumph of Scientific Medicine. ' Nothing has ever been produced to equal or compare with it as a (tr.u ivk and hEjU.ing application. It has been used over 40 years, and always affords relief and always gives satisfaction. For Piles Kxtcrnal nr Internal, lllinil or HleeJin ; Fistula in Alio ; Itching nr Bleeding of the Rectum. The relict is immediate the cure certain. WITCH HAZEL OIL For Burns, Scalds and Ulceration and Contraction from Burn5;. The relief is instant -the healing wonderful and uncqualed. For Boils, Hot Tumors, Ulcers, Fistulas, Old Sores, Itching Eruptions, Chafing or Scald Head. It is Infallible. For Inflamed or Caked Breasts and Sore Nipples. It is invaluable. ( 1 Price, 50 Cents. Trial size, 25 Cents. Soll liy DrifjcKl.U, nr nl p.i mhl uti i'vrcit nf irlr. HlirilBETS'lKD.CO. alls nmim su, issff York THE PILE OINTMENT THE WATCH TOWER Published Semi-Monthly. One Dollar a Year. Devoted to Apostolic Chiistlauity. F.d ncation, General Intelligence Send for Ba tuple Copy. Office of publication, Greenville, N Editorial offio), Washington, N. C J. L. WINFIKLD. Editor W. 0 OAVIS, Asst. 00 f.l 1 am constantly replenishing my stables with good, well selected stock from the West, bought at first hands 25 per cent, lowerjthan eycrby me. .It will bo to tho interest of any one wanting stock to get my piwu ueiuro purcuasing. eisewnere, as i propose to giyer my cus tomers tho advantage of; tho reduction iti 'cost. . Now 13 tho time to get bargainsi - pv-r-!-f : THE Farmers & Merchants Bank NEW BERNE, N, 0. Organised one year ro. CAPITAL STOCK , $75,000.00 Dividend . . . 3,750.00 Surplus aud Profits . 8,000.00 OFFICEB8 : I.. H Cutleb President. W. 8. Chadwick, Viou-Priident T. W. Dewby, Cashier. A. H. POWBLL . Teller. DIRECTORS : Wen. Clevs, P. H. Pelletier, J. W. 8towart. 'V. 8. Chad wick. John Butor. O. Marks, L. U. Cutler, EB. Hackburo. Hendquarters for Nickel Saving Stamps Your business is respectfully solicited Should Bear in Mind That tbe Benson for attach b of Oronplsoow on jb. Be prep tired for thin luKidloiiB dls eae hv alwas having h bottle of it N. DuIIv'h (Irotip Hvrnp In ihe house. 1're- purtMl nfter ihe reclpoof the late Dr. Walter Mini v, taint mi nnirj pjjf K. N. DUFFY, Over Nunu A MHorley b Hturo R N. DUFFY'S COUGH MIXTURE, A i'lomp'- and Klliclent Itotoedy for j CongliH, Ooldrt, Croap, Bronchitifl, iSoie TliroAt, Diphtiierm. Catarrh, &o. ! I h'tt mriiU.ine 1b a germicide and untUep In- t: mr v1iip, itt d 1h itKfful i:i iil(h'. of I ti -i lT!ft-,HlU8 dlKtaH H, PBpccially III L'lltl , ther'K. Huri-t rfver. M aHlcn, A.and in t-hnunh ii list bowel troublt-H ittio to loimi-n- Jtva t ; i o lihtl will cmvlntre ycu of tin I 1IH I'I iiKCI Ion'H TsRpinnfu I tit.- r.er tied '-ry 2,'iity l homn. iinli ln'hi'' us nt; x'liiitnt- v, r i puff on hut i It t!tii'pH:!!v, and 1 If ' up ine uf K. N. Ihilly W uoi uli il.ll i8 i -I 1 tic pinuluo url'nle Li. HCctll, HOOK STORK AM) Blank J'uolis, and now lot Standard ; Works of Ili n iHned Authors. l'ntyer and llyinn books, LadieR 1'iirses, TeiH, IS-ncils, etc. j AIho, Lato Tapora and Periodicals re ceivedd aily. . lUlf 6. L. EARDIS0N, Thurman, N. C, Manufacturer of and Dealer iu FIRST-CLASS BRICK 800,000 now ready for the market. Will sell as cheap as any other man. je-Glf I ) A I I V AND W1EKLY JOUHICI aDUJED RATES. Wcokly, per ifii $1 0u " lor kIx mouths GO Daily, per year $r 00 " per nix monlliH 2.50 ': per three mouths 1.50 News civdn from all BcctionN and on all questions. The above rates are payablo in advanco, and can bo safely forwarded either by money order or registered lottor. I rul.l tint tail h nq I rimi mul t t a nll.rra irom .'" "T'y." C0NF1DCNTIAL. ' 'Ti.-n, or bad effects. .if i 1 1 I'A.'ilr.'TS TREATED CY MAIL. Harm!-.. " I ith ..r.r.t. m ii i r vsf h'iiikfii'i Tmrrrii cficico. tli Jt'H "'x ' f al i -JT . it 1-1 I. , -TtaVuiMi. .rasa- Wood! Wood!! Wood!!! 04k, Ash and Fine Supplied In Anv Quantity, From one quarter or a cord to one hun dred oordn. Apiijy to M. PORTE U. Rlverdalo, N. 0., Or WM. COLLIGAN, New Berno, N. C Mnyhr you think this in n new buslneo, ending n-it hnl.'ii-s :', :i;p!irutioii; Ithasbcea done hi-!ii-,'. In v , Ik.i u-'vct huve those furtiUiiiM hi'.'ii : o i: iii 1 1,;; original sample as thin onn. I'vi;;;'-.:' will 'cluiin, "Weill (tint's Hi" Kivn-.K! uhy Ii'vcrsawr1 Tbia lltth hiick :m i-w't i.; i in-nivinff can b.v youtmtu faint mi thcuxijiiitiiteorlginaV f: MA fa,., sir . i-AiM'.'' 4 m st iiM t-M yon, tranfipotv hsil.t (iitiiin",' rcfstn atrninflt in :'i m 1 nl ilmwing off its :t.-.it wliicli lias Im'cii pulled 11" vuhi ;i 1 1 iuniilmnt coo. ' I ' ' M i l. II 1 "I I ll'-CJ i'P rillOMT H : 'iiinl. 'J'llfCX(ui- . 1 .i 7 1-' 'it It : t l:MItf ill "f wliic'i w- pn tuf i';t p.ti I II pili'i a , ;.n 1 1 i'.' 'i.t.ic 1 nl moucrn '( 1 1 In tllt)8e . I . i ;7iii!y Mjiiru ' i' cniilM it hi) ! sum. and . Tt;'lMliViS :i o. W.' hr.vo ( :it to our Htil i tctun- tiy !;iin tlini;hr('y, I .!' wrlil-WKio it-.-i of what ' V 11. 1 tifl'nn- I hi'! " .V ttlO 3-.U will see irorrs Family : ; y ..I ci- 1 i.i'!on a ! 1 v any in i t: :itn lis iinti Ml !H' pnsfc- . ..it nil t ho I a! nit tho irlrnstinjf . -i r v. fur tho 1 Ts in not II )::): s anpcr- r, uli tin; pat- r I1!-' year, and 1 1 im "iir Biib 1 ; v. ill really - t'.c pulillhcr, . 1 lull St. Now iiinit 'l witli th b(Kx..mca copy. I'! of lllrvlile, Ku. . hen I lit jMi your treat niei it i nuts, bud 1 art: so. (e1 by ailment that I ii'Hj Rcfnra. Afler. uin. : v wf it. I tie aoiTi'irarn cite 11;-1 i Ptin thj iue io in asj iua iV.,w the result .t Si.oniii.' trt, 1 IW 4 In. r in. Ilia. . I now Wl like 3M.-V In.i- WilsU.. ' In. in. Ilia. i..lif'i;e. ly fr Is 1 1 lipi .... 57 in. 11 In. Via. Will c lifftftil. . r-- v t" In 1'iirit wllii stamp Inrlosctl." P'.iiUNTS TREATED !1Y MAIL. CONFIDENTIAL ii -ri'tless. tin Nlarin(;. Sen. I f crnU in (tamps fur particulars w c. u. w. r. sa.ou. m uckib 3 rntuti. mm iu. HUMPHREYS' YETEWSARY SPECIFICS For Horses. Cattle Sheep, lOogs. Hogs, AND POULTRY. 300 Pave Book on Treatment of Animal aud 4 hart 8ent Free chei FtTer, 'niiaTeiitlon( Inflammation) A, A. i Spinal fflcuiiiff ills HI Ilk Fever. U.K.-- Hi rains, La me Den., Rheumatism (.'.C.DUtomper. Nana I Disihartre. I.l.--Uotnor 4rnbti, Worms. E. E.ronsrhn Heaves, Pneumonia. F. P.av-CoUcor Gripes, Bellyache. ti.a. Mlsrarrlnee, llemorrhnges. II. U. Urinary nnd Kidney lUoaes. 1. 1. Ernpilve Diseases, Mange J.K. Diseases of Digestion. Stable Case with Sier1fl(, Manual, Witch Haze) Oil ami Medlcator, $T.0l Price, Single Bottle (over GO dusee), . ti 0 Sold by Drnffglsts; or Sent Prepaid anrwhora and in any quantity on Reoslpt ol Prloo. Humphreys' Med. Co., 109 Fulton St.. R. Y. HUHPHEEYS' H0ME0PATH10 ff SPECIFIC No. fill la ass ttt years. The onlr vmaesssfiii remedy lor Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness, and ProitxatWu. from ovw-work or oibsr oauMs. U jwt vlaL or A vlala and vial powdar. tor I HOLDBT IJBUOOIE omTS, orMntpo.tp.ld on racipta is'.a.lWasU.i 1IW hlMa St., . I. Vrigsi-Jlaail 1 t --r-- mi niai nasi ass. ; l'mms :.v: WASHINGTON, b. C '! Tn Wattowax, 1 tli rear of nhsDomsaal iifrsssi No otnsr nvmlly waeklr In Un hiiiiiiH i jsa mmi snsl ' growth, and maintained It Kttfsadlly. It goes Into every County In U United Mstas.4M has clubs or BTUbscrlbere at nearly erery PossMOoa, It has gained this proud poslnoa soMr en Us ssssff at a Ugliiy4aUreatlaf nunl aew&peyec FrtlyeiTSisj,, Ewtll be mads much better and an ever. While retaining all of Us features, It will oonatantly add ntv c sstouMVI 1 "ssylss AR PICTURES, by Tboa, Hast, Css I AR HIITOBT, by men who ana iougnt in we snuggle. 8 IIOHT ITOEIE9 of Romanes, TvL enoe and Adrentura, by lsssutlng Wsltem IiTASHIWGTOM KIWI. Tail V what la takuig place at the seat of Govern) ireiui reporis oi aii important mauen In na uis iuxe ecutlTe Iepajtmenta ; gossip sbovt puhlsf VEHT. XdHsd m ion. ri . a. it., w.n.c and orr. nwau VT more full and complete than DiiMlihad b avs itlior paper. " A ORICrtlTItAl, DRPARTMKIT. Oks Ml. fully edited by practical men. QtNtitiL MEWS, oarefluly itompUsC Tub Nt ton at, Tnnvwm ts strictly 1 s iml ihorouphly Amerlcmn. It believes la tha iisaissi fo id to the gre&teat number of our people, and taa &U;h''3t devrtlujiment of our lnatltuuons-4a Matfoasj nity aud auUted loyalty. , TiCe.laYeat7 ,. Ill- payable in AdvaiKp It claim to give more and better mattw aw fhJtmi! f two rents a week than any other pubUoaOssk Every lino that appears In It la written for It, and sway sppcard tn n other paper. II aiet n aya.sUeaasr - ar Hwsici ' aa7 aasaaaavsr. AUUFeSar- 4, THE NATIONAL TRIBUNE. 1729 Now York Av.., WASHINGTON. D. a t!l' 'Wi. .11 Jit 'ilS'-'K IW'WJKiuiaanMssBi Atlantic At N. C. Railroad TIMJS TABLE St. S3, In Effoot 0.25 A.M.. Thursday,', Jan o. 10V0. GoutoEabt. Bohbdulb. Gowa Ws o. ot Fastenger Train. No. 4. at. juve. Dtatlons. Ar. Ltc 1140 am 10 S3 10 50 10 IS 10 28 8 47 0 00 am 717 pm 8 80 Goldeboro 4 08 4 09 La Grangs 4 35 4 40 Kineton 6 00 6 08 New Berne 7 S3 f m Morebead Citj uaiir. Going Eabt. &ohkdulb Gome Wet No. l.t NO. l. Mixed Ft. Miisdrla1 Paaa.Trala' Puss. Train Stations. a m 6 57 7 20 7 48 8 11 6 80 7 05 7 30 7 58 Goldsboro Best's La Grange Falling Creek Kinston Caswell DoTer Core Creek Tuscarora Clark's Newbern Riverdale Oroatan Havelook Newport Wildwood Atlnntin 7 SO 8(4 IS 164 624 486 40C 8t 214 8 84 8 OS 10 88 8 41 888 8 68 817 800 7 47 717 8 80 8 65 8 50 tot 9 15 10 02 10 81 10 36 11 00 11 09 a 11 17 11 41 its 12 15 8 00 ISO : 04 881 808 ;8 87 8 48 ',4 08 8 43 8 50 4 lit 4 42 4 55 4 37 .4 51 5 01 5 01 6 21 55 16 Uorehead City Tl 5 28 5 28 Atlantic Hntal 706 Tie tai 5 31 n m Mnr.!,.. Pi. .... . Monday, Wednesday and Krlday. tTuesday. Thursday and Hatarday, Train Mnniril. .iu. uiiui. nUMinn fei aasr aWsaavtBa mm sa aon Train l-nnd North, lea v Ins OnlSaaoia Vi:20 a. m., aud with Klehmond iwmiu ' Train West, leaving Ooldaboro 184 p. aa, . . Train 8 connect, with Blchnoad aTOaaWR Train,. rrlvlns aiaoldboroJ:66 ,.aawtlB. Wilmington and Weldon Train trasa SB North at 8:1 5p.m. 8. L. Dill, aparlatsamsUo . NOTICE. ,'' Tho undersigned, J. A. Thomas aad. W. A,' Tlxiinaa have duly qnalined as msiiulasS a? ihn estatn of Vlre A. Thorn aa, and ajijlJ i Klvo nniirv tliat Ihey reqnlrs all pasaaai ' navibK claims nualust Ihe estate of Uaaasria ' Yttin ThoniBH to present them tatto.aats) t- xi'. mors, ,iu y authenticated, lor pay me t. in or nefore ih Huh day ol UeMmbaVrlssC or else this notice will be pleaded In bat of rt'coveiy. I'frMHis Indebted to the estata asasaV aasr without delay. www.r-j J. A. THOBIaS. :' I.' f-.i. W. A. TilO MAILT, r. :.,w .vvuiyra E Cnveatft. anrl Trade-Mirks obtained, sad ali B7sa.i ! Our ornce it 0miiti u. . FATtwT OrihrT .tnu wc in scrure patent m n MSIUUIC IH'IU VT BTtllMllUII r mo model, diawi iwinc or photrx, vita 5acflrwf , It patentabla or Dot, srso M t wio.i. we aivise, u patentabla or aot. cimirc. jui ice noi oue HI paisnitlBSSi !A pAMPMirr, "HowtoObialn Patrfeta," cost n( Mine In tho U. S. aad forstgaoesai sent free. Address, wMkr C.A.SMOWdtCO. J Opp Pa , Ttr Orncr WASHlftnTON, D. iJ "v' - a'Sasi.aiafcaas'- Going to Buy T . .. . . a uicxionaryY OKI THX. BXST. ' ' ie I L W JttB' Abraast W IBS alBkmoi I f A Choies) cift. . : V urana ramil Bclucator.. The) Standard iuthorlty. a bridged. Tan veaa 8- . tr a a n asa . : , f ft WJ .lit' X1 i M W a.faW aSBai Wm-AA p axiriu..u. ' H 'ST- - :f si:. i ) Si tti.w'f ; 1X1 c hbiti Jo w Ji'. - .;. ! .

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