r PCBLSnEBS ANKOUNCfiMENT. f HE DAILY JOURNAL ! pnbltened Dall rioept UoBdir it 1o.oq per year: ts.60 rot tlx moatbe. Delivered to oity eabeorlbere tin mbM per monto. tan WKKKLT JOUH.N ALi la publlehed wjr Tharedey at 1UW per in nam. Notion of Marriage or Dee the not to ex rMU Unee will be Inserted free. All ad diuooal Better will 4m cburged Seta, per Farm or transient edTertleement ntnat be) M la adTanoe. Secular adver UaeaieaiawUiae oolleoted promptly at the ' end of eaeb month. UommanloatloniooatAlBlng newe of raffl. ' elent publto In tercet are aollolted. Ho oom- tnuQkeatlon mart be expected to be pablUb " 1 a4 tbetoantalnaobJettlonablepereoaiUtleA liwlthbolditbe name of the author. ArU ' ibloo.Kl Mtaftalf oolampt. But lie paid ' ", Anypenon teellne; aggrieved at any as- nymooi eommnnlaatlon oan obtain the name of the antbor by applloatlon atthla .frieaa ahorln wherela the p-levanoe THE JOUKNAL. el ". HAHPKH. -0, T. HAHCOCK. - - . Proprietor, Local Reperter, XOu aa aeooud- iite i oetofflceet New Berne iiua matter. ; HOBSB raoing Is a nablu sport bat gambling on horse races is an . eril to which no State oan afford to give either direct or indirect protection. An end should be pat t4t. THK oldest citizens of the conn ; try prediot that the present year will J be a good frnit year, a good crop year and bad year for doctors A better day certainly awaits us. bat the night seems long. A taXAS editor in a town where then are few women, has sent the following telegram to a friend: "ITeither send as a few young girls who are willing to get married an 1 lire happily, or send as three doz en sets of false teeth for the old ones on hand." The people of this section interested in all that conerns Nor folk.. An exchange says: From the preparations for indoor and oat door fetes which the people of Nor folk are making tor the Interna tional Haval Review, to be held in Hampton Boads in April and May next, it is manifest that this event is to be scarcely less lustrous on land than on water, and since Nor folk is one of the moat pleasant resorts in the country in the spring time of the year, the railways may oreDare for a very large amount ol travel in that direction. "SMALL" BUSINESS. The war is over, and has been for more than a quarter of a century Patriotic and wise men of all sec tions, are accustomed to regard herois achievements, on both sides as adding luster to the American name and worthy a place in the archives of imperishable history owever memorable may be the t achievements of arms on land, the career of the Confederate cruiser Alabama at aea constitutes one of the most thrilling chapters in the history of the war between the States. The managers of the World's Fair are anxious to secure any thing that will augment the inter est in the great exposition. The Lairds, shipbuilders of Berkenhead, England, with the intention of con tributing something to the Fair, intimated a willingness to send the model of the confederate cruiser Alabama for exposition at the World's Fair. No sooner was this known to President Harrison than he Informed the Laird's that the aot would be distasteful to this Government, This is what we call a small piece of business the fitting close to a small Administration. THE STAGS AND THK PTJ1UPIT Rev. F. M. Shrout, Pastor United Breth ren Church, Blue Mound, Kan., aayat "I feel it mi'dutylo tell what wonders Dr. King's New Diloovery baa done for me My Loaga wera badly diseased, and my parishioners thought I could live only a few. weeks. : !, took, five bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery and am sound and well, gaining 26 lbs. in weight." Arthur Love, Manager Love's Funny Folks Combination,' writes: "After a thor ougn trial and convincing evidence, I am confident Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption beats an all and cures when everything else Jails, The greatest kind ness I can do my many thousand friends is to urge them to try it" Free trial bottles at F. S. Duffy's drug store. Regular sizes 50c. and $1.00. To the honoraqle man the divine forgiveness of his sin is the most pressing of all necessities, because it is tne primary condition ot real li deration from sin. DR, Q. KEAGBY, SpEON; DENTIST. ..Office; Middle Htn et. opposite Baptise church, deoBdwtf NEWBERN, N. 0. . 3DE. J. D, CLABK, DENTIST, UK n IIEUNE, N. C. Offloe on Craven street, between Pollock and Broad Kloetrle Bitters. This remedy is becoming so well known and so popular as to need no special men tion. All who bave used Electric Bitters Sing the Same song of praise. A purer medicine does not exist and it is guaran teed to do all that is claimed. Electric Bitters will cure all diseases of the liver and Kidneys, will remove pimples, boils, salt rheum and other affections caused by impure blood. Will drive malaria from the system and prevent as well as cure all malarial fevers, or cure ol neadacno, constipation and indigestion, try Electric Bitters. Entire satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Price SOo. and f 1.00 per qottle at F. B. Dutty s drug store. Whenever the m m becomes p - sessed of that which savors oi Christ be is given to good works and his salvation is ma-V evident by his deeds. Ob, What a Cough. Will you heed the warning. The signal perhaps of the sure approach of thai more terrible disease Consumption. Ask yourselves if you oan afford for the sake of saving SOo , to run the risk and do nothing for it We know from experience that Shilob's Cure will Cure your oough. It never fails. This ex plain! rhy more than a Million Bot tles were Mid the past year. It relieves croups and whooping counh at onoe Mothers, do not be without it. For lama back, aide or uheat line Hhiloh'tt ' Porous plaster. Sold by New Berne Drus: Co are j We should receive help great folly, and give of our own best freely and humbly, believing that God will balance the account. Some Foolish People Allow a cough to run until it gets beyond the reach of medicine. They often say, ''Oh, it will wear away," but In most cases it wears them away. Could they ba induced to try the successful medicine called Kemp's Balsam, which is sold at ajpositive guarantee to cure, they would immediately see the excellent effect after taking the nrst dose. Price 50c. and $1 Trail size free. At all druggists mar22deod weow P. H. FEliSTIES, A C TO B1KY T UA W , Oravan St., two doors Houth of Journal office. Will praotlce In th'j Conn ties of Craven arteret. Joiit-a, Onulow niul Fuinllco. fee. United rttate Oonrt nt New Berne, end Bunreme Court of the Matt s. II. STREET, Gsncral On and After Hcadcy VV c will be able to fill all orders, BOTH FOR l. Hand Machine -AND WANTED TO PURCHASE FIRE NEW B Carpsntg - -" ?t a ess a W Good Clean Bice. ALL KINDS OF GRAIN AN PRODUCE PURCHASE - ON COMMISSION. VLSO COTTON SOLD ON COMMISSION. jGive u . a call. P. Burrus & Go. MARKET BOCK, Opposite Old Stand, NEW BERNE, N. O. r ar :7. Small JoM of i-tf- p Is atiorj y,u .ru, i ' ' 1 i May be fui;:M w a Factory. Ki'f r 'O . rn: r;. mecbanlf Scientiflo American i ti'f n-auble j ilu ii:)ijina- i I CAVEATS. TRADE MARKS. DESIGN PATENTS, COPYRIGHTS, ate. i or miormanon una rree Handbook write to MUNN & CO., an BllOAUWAY, NEW Yoiik. OUieBt bureau for securing patents In America. l:very patent taken out by us Is brought beforo tlie public by aootlce given free of charge in the f rieirfific attterinra F'ALtl'JERS We Have a Full Stock ..... .JOF..,... Cultivators, Harrows AND 11 Kinds of Agricnltnnl Implements. At Bottom Prices. L. H. Cutler & Co. Lnrenst circulation of i world. tMileudldly Illustrated. No intelligent man should be without It. Weekly, f3.U(l a y,.,ir: Sl.no lx months. Address MUNN & CO 1'iui.isuiius, 3U1 Broadway, New York City. Every gift that we possess, should be a means of doing good to others Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint. Is it not worth the email prloe of 7bo to free yourself of every eymtom of these distressing oomplaints, if you think so call at our store and set bottle of Bhi lob's Vitalizer, every bottle hais a printed guarantee on it, use accordingly and if it does you no (rood it cost tuu nothing. Sold by New Bnrne Vtug Co. Unard yonr tongue and your ac tions, and your thoughts will not get out of jail. The Homeliest Man in Sew Berne As well as the handsomest, and others are invited to all on any druggist and get free a trial bottle of Kemp's Balsam for the Throat and Lungs, a remedy that is selling entirely upon its merits and is guaranteed to relieve and cure all Chronic and Acute Coughs, Asthma, Bronchitis, and Consumption Large bottles 50 era and $1. mar22 deed weow It is easier to let the hair long than to write a book. grow When Baby was sick, we (rave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Cnstoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castorin. When she had Children, she gave them Couturia. ADVICE. MoM people do not like to re ceive advice, they very much pre fer to give it, but we shall offer a little of it at the risk of offending aome of oar best friends. THK Journal has in season and oat of season arged upon the far mere of this section the importance of a redaction of the cotton acre age. Perhaps we would not revert te it again so soon bat for the fact that the convention of Southern cotton growers, which met in Mem pbis,.,WeUuedty, after recounting the grjiAt and good resulting from the convention of 1892, a '.opted the following resolutions: Beaolf ed, That we earnestly ad . tIm that It is essential to continue the redaction in the area oi laud planted in cotton, and for the purpose of making the rale that will work uniformly upon all plant ert.weMfc'gest that not less than one third of all cultivated lands be ' in other crops; and be it Besolved, That we are strongly ol the opinion that even a father MdaoUod IB th acreage or cot ton nd greater diversification of nun MLfinnnri tin t.he mcifura nd prosperity oi me wnoi coan- try. kwVoH-1-4 ' Wt nive no words of oar own to a2 J to this advice. It commends K :'flo te JafJemeityOf. erery DiHBolutlon Notice. The lirm of Brndlmm & Smith linvinu' dissolved copartnership liy nmtual con sent, W. .1. Smith retirin", the !ni-im'-'- will be continueil I v ('. I). lirnlniiii :it the name stand. Thanking the puMie lui their p:ut patronage, I njjain solicit a cniitiini;in( e of (lie same. Iiiicetlullv, C. I). I It A 1 1 AM. Shopards Kurber Kliop, Low taritl tickets, 10 shaves and one hair cut for one if 1.00 nt Phof. W. H. Sm prim's, M". Hotel Allien liaiher Shop. River Side House, 8outh Front Street, near Whitty s Hard ware 8tore, NEW BEliNE, N. C lVnnaneiit and Transient lliiaiil. First-iJIass Table ! Polite Seivanw I New Clean iSods ! When you come to the citj don't fail t,o cill on us. Stables and shelters. Special arrangements made for ccom moditlon of visitors to the Fair liooms can lie engaged in advat.ee Meals served at all hours Me ,1h, in to 2Jc. Lodging, 25c C. C. BiSDKN, JlOdwtMarl Proprietor. The firm heretofore szistuig as Par sons k Basden has been dissolved, J B. Parsons retiring and C. O. Basden re maining in oharge. All claims held by the fdrmer management are required to be settled with the present owner, O. U. Basden. Say, neighbor, what'd with your1 Didn't vou t,et tionV No, but I rot o piir o' C r.rt Whoels that don't suit me, met new J (J. Whitty & Co. have jut i;ei i:i a pupply of those Celebrati'i I-nu fmu Wheels, lam always Jotux jui.'. -v lu.t I ought not. l'Rko my aiivica s. d i: at once to Whitty 'e f.nd gtt pnr ihe Ten nossee Wheels and van o.i.i nir.ile if I can't. 250 0 READY m J? VI Cheaper h.j,a any can Furni h 1 I've Kot Apply t ' w. p. mi; mu. M I jne7 dtr tin (tnu a ill 1 1 i.iiicr Mar l:T,e. -ell 'em ITLIU, Ilivcrdale. If jon wanr the casii ;t Shave you ever had, and j'oni l.a:i i n! in i he very latest style, tie sure and call on I'lii'.i ;. ;' W.u.i s at the GsiKtou ilonse liar her Shop. Everybody says he is ilm best barber in the city, and he has uo one employod except first eh ks bai hers. T. H II. PK'IIAliDSON, Proprietor. IJy'sYGuWil! Find LATiGK STOCK, well selected I'.lit low. anil for sale at juices to suit, hard times Call and he convinced. To niv stock ol GROCERIES I call the housekeeper's attention. It is complete in every brunch, and a visit, will satisfy you that all your wants can here Imi filled. Special attention is tailed to my Fresh Roasted Coffees, the excellent quality ol which is drawing custom every day." I am also nfrcn't for Chase it Sanliorne's Celebrated Konsted Coffees and Fine Teas. HUTTEIl The very finest only 30 cts per lb. j ATlllIVING EACH WEEK A .'res!) supply of Van Derveer& Holmes and Holmes & Coutt's excellent Cakes, Crackers, Wafers, Maccaroons, etc. BY EVERY STEAMER I am receiving Florida Oranges, Malaga I (.1 rapes, Bananas, Cranberries, Celery, Apples, Figs, Raisins, Nuts, Dates, j Citron, Currants and Prunes, j IN STOCK Shafer's Meats, Vermont Maple Syrup, 1 French Peas, Jockey Cluh Sardines, Macaroni, Fine Cream Cheese, Elam Cheese, French Vegetables in Glass Asparagus, Hecker's Prepared Buckwheat, Lemons, Cling Peaches, Plum Pud ding, Olives. A call will be appreciated and satisfac tion in variety and quality of stock and in prices is guaranteed. ' My CONFECTIONERY department is complete. Prices and quality of stock I am sure will please you. 111 esJiilJLBlti HlUf ill llSf MUST Best Condi gjrupVTirtea Good. id lima boiq oy aruinriMa. AD0IPH C0HN DEALER IN Pianos and Organs, The Mehlin High Grade and Newby & Evans Pianos. trown, Queen and Needham Parlor Organs- NEW BERNE, - - N C OIRCULA.K. rbe old and reliable fl'in of Oohn A Welie was established Id Newborn In 1853. The oldefit bouso now In the otty and th ouly : surviving member of wtitch Is Adolph Ooba I who ha boen enaed Hi ihe Mnslo bnilneu for Ihn past ten years and Is now located on l;r:ivon nlrePL, thrt-e floors below tne Ulty Hal 1 1 would he nlea-t-d to Inform mv frlendM, pairons tuul the uubllo Kdnerally that I hive teemed the large and elegant brl k nulldliig formerly occupied by Job n PatierHon, dceusd, where 1 have ample aocDtii modailoiiB foi p operly condnotlng my iitrHHtid In rpasli t; biiHlnest, and will couMiriutly am p on band ' Up jght and Square Pianos cftn'Htprt deM gua, lasting tone, superior worknuu.Khlp a d oi leadluii mannfaeturers and the bfBt roMterlul Also a good supply ofsdrsKr MUHl.i And i will endeavor to make my bnslness as popular as ihe old Ilrm used to be, and one that will give saMffaot.oa to my nume rous pntrors The pruprletor, Adolph Cobn, would take this ocean ion of returning his thanfeB to thooe who bae taken an Interest In bit welfare, and would respectfully solicit the continuance or the feludly feeling ol his friends. Kenpeetfully, A. OOHN Boot and Shoe Maker All Stylets ot Boots and Shoes maif to order on sbort notice. Repairing a Specialty sEretty Surprise.. aJbeantiM ilMetrated and charmingly bound edition of-LongfellawBiEvangeline," the most popular long poem ever puuisucu vy u Aim iuui author, ana one of the most famous menvitrfhr language, recently- pub- lished, is a pretty surprise for book lovers. It is in large type, numerous and excellent , illustrations, very fine and heavy paper, gilt edges, remarka bly handsome cloth binding, combin ing, in delicate colors, blue and white and silver and gold. No illustrated edition has ever before been published at less than $1.50, and that is about what vou micht " eruessw the price of . r-j eri jl this . to be. but it isnV-witness our ofEer below. Every home in the land ought to have a copy of this Evangeline, so charmingly beautiful, as a poem, as a collection of artistic illustrations and as a product of the book- making art. fliir nffnf special arrangements with the pub llllr IITTRr. lisher we are able to offer this book to the subscribers to this paper as follows : N. ABPEH, Ciaven siieet. opposite Jonraat ?moe. K. R. Jones Wholesale and Retail Dealer in General Merchandise. Consignments of Cotton, Grain, and other Produce solicited. Prompt attention guaran teed. Cotton Bagging and Ties now in stock. Lorfllard and Gail ft Ax Snnff sold at Manufacturer's Prices. E. R. JOKES, 9 14 dw New Berne, N. C NOTICE!! MOIEt TO LOAI at 4 Psr Oant IITEREST HI SIGHT TEARS' TIMS. Come irounelf and learn the Du-Men- lr. Mi loin on Baal EUte leonrity u if wern ov in iae oouncrj r EVANGELINE and DAILY JOURNAL, one year, " " six montUB, " " three months, WEEKLY JOURNAL, one year, six months, $5.50 2-70 1 50 1.85 7 Under no circumstances does this proposition bold &rood except where Davmentii made in advance. Bio Big Bio Bio TRY BIG IKE THE CLOTHIER. BIG IKE THE CLOTHIER. Ike This very bell .Ikk Rings oat the knell Ike of prices high, now listen Ike Big well. Good people who in Ike Big New Berne dwell, To its ding Ike Bio dong, both loud and long. My Ike Bio country friends, hark to its song, Ike Big And trade with me in numbers strong! Ikk TRY BIG IhE Come all, and TRY BIG IKE this Fall TRY BIG IKK He has one price for each and all. Your notice to this fact I call. He rings out old, he rings in new, He rings out false, he rings in true, Aud tries his best by all to do. Come all, no time is to be lost, He is selling Shoes, Hats, Clothes at cost. All thick and strong, foes to Jack Frost. He'll treat you right, do no man wrong. Ding Dong I I call you all day long. BIG BARGAINS at BIG IKE'S my song. DING DONG I DING DONGI ALL COME ALONG. TRY BIG IKE. IT ILIir IJi W SI 2 KelievM .11 toKneuof tha turnu. mraihranA.tir'- unuKiHuu u bLEHT ! i to lUn. No Te ear ljunou. Bftet elbcta. frice. fi. Sol 3 7 aaF- ewuu mm w., net, wmm. si. For sale by J. V. JORDAN, Druggist, New Berne, N C. 'eVexaVkexveveV'v I A SOLID MUSICAL SOUTH IN GRAND CHORUS.! . iane, uia Lennox. Halleluiah Vtr- e) r T M 4 I 1 r .11 I I I IT Tfl r dw ' fir r r rrr rrrrfm I I -A "I" " m m w.tMmc ef Jt . M le I. wbun n u-ki ryri, S hil 14 l?.?..li;.CTIt D- COH0NCt RESTORCO. """ wenee nr. CORN CRIBS FULL. -.. ?5-,ILL WtVt PROSPERITY IN IIOMT. only $335. tJebllee leer with frtn ntc 1.. e T Celebrate tblsKreftt Jabl lee Ymv with the IH.Mnr n.... nn Inn. x-nt...i n.imw - time to buy. PrUxm never lower. Terme nerer euler. Newicylce. New prioee. New terms. I SPECIAL JUBILEE HOLIDAY OFFErV-PIANO LAMP FREE. W Free ; te Holldey Barere. Wllh tmi new Pteno ordered before Jen. 15. W, we give ,)!en. A U4 (IS rlwlui, complete rfend for circular. Mention thu taper. Dvn'idtl. TUddEN & BATES, soutucrn music House, Savannah, GA The Leadlnf Piano end Organ tiouee of the South. Eitabll.hed 1870. " $1.00 Per Year. 60c. for 6 Months. -FOB THE- WEEKLY JOURNAL, NINE COLUMN FOLIO LARGE AMOUNT OK ! MlIN(; The Dail y Journal $5,00 Per Year. 50c Per Mouth. AppljW'r- ISAAO H. SMITH, IT' ' wm Mgr., Hew Heme, K, O. Y HAVE ARRIVED ! Have just received SIXTY HEAD of the finest kind of WESTERN HORSES and MULES, adapted to all purposes. . . . . hk .-i.. juair. We are now ready to supply the trade, and D&FY OOMPJ5TITION M to PJRICE, QUALITY and GENERAL SATISFACTION. 1 ' 1,1 V - -. m.it"- Also, a Full and Complete Line of BUGGIES, HAENESS, , ROAD CARTS, m fact anything pertaining to tha Horses t - . ) " :,. "nlJ , , y Livery a opecialtyj , - ivwi"' f " s-1'-' We haro just made an addition to our already commodioui stabled, for the further accdmrnoda- , on of ,'onr. j)ati-onivs - ' ij p-" , Gr See us Ibofore buying elsewhere. ".,.'';.-'',,..' . IIAIIN & CO. : l-.l '.Circulates in every dir.ction Iron. New Hrn.e. win i i r '( .-. 31 I " I.I.I miijr iiiuii, miu id h Hpienaia meaium lor nlv rliw iM. ': ..vl'i H4Ulii3'Ji ill;:Wli. I- .... Librrcl Idvertijing Rates. -j ) j. 1 .Ins!'. c.iil.-.i') ivY. ait. . We jtare'Miiftt deceived a larre lot of '' ' .TT7.T TT w.ir-7,7 ,f,"w!' WUU " WILD 4 ' r mmimmJSltm. Mtteai , Call TrnUT nAtrnrtn firm 4V aTklle,- H" " '.liL '''AV'm.-'.''' -,; tbb Uc:!dy cro ' tc'ir''. in advaxica 1 1 W YV