.1 ' .....v .. . . , . . . . ' " - - ' -k , ........ ' ... J' . .. 'v'S ' . ' i. . ( x : 0 If.-.-:'- 1 What is j . ...... -1- .(. gfe? W 1 1 ... I.,.. 1..,..-m. Castoria la Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Inionts and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays feverisbness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas toria is tho Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend. Castoria. " Castoria Is an excellent medicine for chil dren. Mothers have repeatedly told me of Its i.-CKxi effect upon their children." Da. a. C. Osoood, Lowell, " Castoria Is the best remedy for children of v 'hicn I am acquainted. I hope the day is not far distant when mothers will consider tho real interest of their children, and use Costorii in stead of the various qoaok nostrums whicii are destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful agents down their throats, thereby Bending them to premature graves." Do. J. F. Kinchbloe, Conway, Ark. The Cantanr Company, Tl Murray Street, New York City. aiiiiMHIBBOKa3EBnnHBtHHBBl JOE K. WILLIS, PROPRIETOR OF HI Marble Works NEW BERNE, and Amtrieon MarbU and fl QmMUt qf UaHrimL Orders solicited and given proper at tention, with satisfaction guaranteed. Terra Cotta Vases for plants and flow ers famished at the verv lowest rates, GEO. HENDERSON, (Bnaeessor to Roberta a U- nderson). General Insurance Agent Representing lnsuranoeCompiny of North tmerloa. of Philadelphia. Home Insnranoe Company, of New York. Queen Insurapoe Company of England. Hartford fire lasuranoe Company, of ifartford. North Uaroiiua Home Insuranoe Company Raleigh. Orewnwlton Insuranoe Company, of Dew fork. Poenlx Insuranoe Company, of Brooklyn. United Underwriters Insuranoe Company, Atlanta. Boston Marine Insuranoe Company, uf oaton lulv'Jdwtf Tt IB A DUTY roe ewe yourself and fas. 1 7 to) in lae sm vaiae mr jwmr M-wr a roar rotiwrnr i r " aa Haoee, which represent the -7.1 am" pnsee asaca, mm 3.00. 3.00 44.00 SO 3.50 2.50 2.25 2.00 'FMLAMCS 2.00 I.7S FOR BOYS 1.75 2. MR V. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE CENftEMEN. THt BEST 8HOE IN TME WORLD f OH THE H0NET. OTHER SPEriAlVriBB In footwear are of the same high grade, and represent a money value far beyond the prices ehantod. Bee that nam and wloa are stamped on bottom of each shoe. W. Mm Deuglaa, Brockton, Mass. Bold by iJ PR RING TONi BAXTER HUMPHREYS' Dr. Hamiplirey 8pecllp sresclentuloallT and esrarully prepared liemedles, used for years In private avacuoe and tor over thirty years by the keople with entire success. Every single iueeilla eTspeseel can for the dbwass named. They cure without dnuwlns. cursinn or rednefng Cbe syssenaaad are In fact and deed the ttoverelea Awaeeies of the World. aaMgggB3s am or saweir.i. soa bm. vaica J Fevers, Congestions, Inflsnunatlons.. .Ui It Weraia, Worm tover, Worm Colic !i3 aV-Tetains- CoUe, Crying, Wsitfuluoss ,93 4 Diarrhea, of chlluren or Adults 2i -. Oolda, Utunchltls 'iH H-KvaralglSt IviotluMihe, Fscoache .'ti 9-iiendacbee, fch Uoutuifhe, Vertigo.. .J 5 jt-Dyela, HUtowuoM, lonlpntlon. 1-BureMcd or Pahifal Periods m .145 j(-v,VaUea,'TooProruael'iriods 49 1 J -Croup, Laryngitis, noaneneis 'IS IdBait Kheasa, KryslpeUs, rupttous. . .'tt ID Rbeamallsm. Kheumatle Pains ..... .'43 . .. Id-Malaria, Cbilla. Fever sad Ague .U4 IT-Pllee, Blind or Bleedlag Ji lawCalarrh, Infloensa, Cold to the Head. M ' S WheelaOeah.... 1 Kldswy Dlseasee S-Mervees Dehlllty.........."..l. ae-UHaary Weanaese. WstUng Bed. . . aria sr nnwraei, sv snt aisiis ta iwiH el sriea . aeneanaav'auav(WSMM,)aavaeraea aea,liins' GPECIFICS. ' ljiXBOUTOR'SNOTIOB- . " Th ' onderslfned,' Rath so Tlsrtale, has slnly qaallded before the Olevk of the Snpe miiIii risen tor of the estate of Qauey Williams, deo'd. and hereby (Ives notioe that he) require ell perwue urn j i mm wwimw acalnst the estate of tbe said Oateey Wil lie me to present tbem to the said senior tfulr anlhentli-aied for payment, oa or k.i,,re the lathdey of rebrnary, ll,or els tHisiiolloewlU be pleaded la bar of r.eov- ';reon Indebted to the estate must pay N. arT"'' V I' il. IBb. S r n 00. f J Castoria. " Castoria Is so well adapted to chlldrsn thai I recommend U as superior touy prescription known to ma." H. A. Aswan, H, D., Ill So. Oxford St, Brooklyn, N. T. " Our physicians In the children's depart ment have spoken highly of their sxperi ence in their outside practice with Castoria, and although we only have among our medical supplies what la known as regular products, yet wo are free to confess that the merits of Castoria has won us to look with favor upon it." Unitxd Hospital and Dispkhsaky, Boston, Mass Aixax C. Surra, fVei., j0 - mim & wmibtoi I DIRECT LINE. Tri-Weekly Trips. iu order to make more convenient and deonomloal use or the Teasels now employed n the North Carolina aervloe. and thus to Hter Serve the Interests of Shippers, the Clyde Line and Old Dominion Steam ship Company have oonoluded to merge lunlr respective lines between Newbern, N. 0. and Norfolk. Va, Into one line, thus glv n : passengers and truok shippers thiee trips ach week between Newborn and Norfolk vl Washington. NO ADVANCE IN BATES, un and after SUNDAY, JAN. 1st, 18VS, an til further notioe. the Stiiner KEWBERIE, Ctpt Soathjite, Steamer DEFUM, Gtpt. Burgess, AKD 'itiamei ELKO. Capt. Short wm sail from Norfolk. Va., for New Kerne jneci, every Monday, Tbursday and rtaiurday. maklnc connecl'on with the Allan tie and North Carolina Railroad, nd the water lines on fteoee and Trent rivera. Returning, will sail FRO If NKWBKRN for NORFOLK. Va., Tie Roanoke Island wharf, every Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, making connection at Norfolk with i he Old Bay Line, for Baltimore. The Clyde Line, for Philadelphia The Old Dominion Ueumenlp Co., for New York. The Mer G iants' and Miners' Line f jt Provtdenoe and . onion, and The Water Lines for Wasnlng lon, D. C, and Hlohmond, Va,, thus giving hu all water route to all Northern ind Kaslern poljts. Also connection made with the 0. A O. K. It. and N. W. R B. for the West, f sssengers will find a good table, oom fort hie rooms, and everv courtesy and atten ynn will be naid them by the officers. Order all goods, care of N. N.AW. Direct Line, Norfolk, va. RALPH OKAY. Aotlng Agent. o, id: Eastern Carolina Dispatch. Kast Passenger and freight Line between raao-w bornb, stern North Carolina Points, and ail eon neotloeaof the PKMHtYLVAlIA RAILBOAD, inoLtrnnia ew York, Philadelphia, Nerf oik, Bal Uaaers) and Bee ton. he ONLY Tri-Weekly Lime Oat ew Besme. HKNIf ADD KLEOANTLY EQUIPPED BIJkASSBBt Bails from Hew Berne nonUAYS, VIDRIIDITI,; FKIDAYB, pplng at Koaneie uiand each way and rorming eioee eon-teeiion wua sne Norfolk oulb.ro Hallroed. The Kaslern ntspateb Line eonsutlng of ue Wilmington a. a. uo . norioia o'mumrn A It., ew York. Thlla. aurt isorfolk K. H. uid feunsylvauta R. H , form a reliable and .'esnlir line, otferlug superior fiMllltles for .hi nti rruluhl Iransnorlatlon No raii'fer except at Hisbi.lb vlly.at which point freight wilt De loaded on ears to so llirougn to neasmation, iircct all goods to be shlpp via .lumlii a lltMDf.n da lv m. fuilowa: K'om New York, by Panne U. R..Pterf, Noith Hlvar K'oni Philadelphia, by Pblla.. W. and Belts. K. K.. Dock ML. station. Kroin UulUmore.by Pblla.. Wll. end Balsa. K K., President Ht Htation ftom .Norfolk, by Norfolk Houtberu Km. ITrnm Hnaum b U rrhanta A Miners frans porta' Ion Co.; New York and New ICngland i. galtaim as low t.d tim iioickertban b i'V thr line Km lurtner lnfirmH i appiy to M. Jovim i Hi-n'i Vreiahi Traltle Agent, ' H K 1 1 1111 '( ITS c atit .... STr.PB'iMS i lvimm iTvlgnl Agent, . li. H "t(iii.ieiiiu it -u'i 'liFhi genl H. T. . i . . ". , ,.ifi'ik. l lllllNH him il f HMlit AKDHt ,1 ..i.ltitk Vi. - ) :! H.MilCiiH is, aeut mw hern. N.O. FITS mm li a J mm Hi ' fT -' TfTf KKO W oar romtW CTTRKt me WORST OASES. That yna ass try It, wiiAout etipt, we wiU esssi. yoa On JtotUt irea, - Ail eAoY prnai-l by us, .W.-i-i.C.!'''?. C.ve Ae, l ust Cilice and State, AxUasja, - "T f1 T" p THE JOURNAL. SWINBTJBNE'S EXHIBITION ODE. The following is the ode sueeeated bv the forthcoming Chicago Exhibition written by Mr. A. C. Swinburne: EAST TO WEST. Sunset smiles on sunrise; east and weit are one, Face to lace in heaven before the sover- ign sun. From the springs ot the dawn everlasting a glory renews and trans-figures the west. From the depths of the sunset a light as ol morning enkindles tne broad sea's breast. And the lands ancT the skies and the wa ters are glad of the day's and the nights work done. Child of dawn, and regent on the world wide sea, England smiles on Europe, fair as dawn and tree. Not the waters that gird her arc purer. nor nirRlmer the winds that her waters know. But America, daughter and sister of En gland, is praised oi them, lar as tbey now: Atlantic responds to Pacific the praise of her days that hare been and shall be. So from England westward let the watch word fly, So for Eni'lund eastward let the seas reply; Praise, honor, and love everlasting be sent on the wind's wings, westward and fast. That the pride of the past and the pride ot the Hit ure may mingle friends at feast, And the sons of the lords of the world wide seas be one till the world's life die. LEMON ELIXIR. A Pleasant Lemon Tonic. For Billiousness, Constipation, Malaria, Colds and the Unp. For Indigestion, Sick and Nervous Headache. For sleeplessness, Nervousness and Heart diseases. For Fever, Chills, Debility and Kidney Disease, take Lemon JMixir. Ladies, for natural and thorough or ganic regulation, take Lemon Elixir. Dr. Mosley s Lemon ruuir is prepared from the fresh juice of Lemons, combined with other vegetable liver tonics, and will not fail you in any of the above named diseases. GOc. and $1. bottles at druggists. Prepared only by Dr. H. Mozley, At lanta, Qa. A Pbominknt Minister Writes. After ten years of great suffering' from indigestion, with great nervous prostra tion, biliousness, disordered kidneys and constipation. I have been cured by Dr. Mozley s Lemon Klixir and am now a a well man. Rkv. C. C. Davis, Eld. M. E. Church South, No. 28 Tatnall St., Atlanta, da. Gratitude. Dr II. Mozi.ev Dear Sir: Since us ing your Lemon Elixir. I have never had another attack of those fearful sick headaches, and thank Qod that I have at last found a medicine that will cure those awful spells. Mrs. Etta W. Jones, l'arkersburg, West Va. Tbe only vain gift is that which benefits not the giver. The need of a perfectly safe and al ways reliable remedy for tbe peculiar dieeaee of summer ii universal. As remedy for the household, offloe, on the farm, on shipboard and for travel ere bj land and sea, Winkelmenn'a Diarrhoea and Cholera Remedy has proved its inestimable worth in the prompt relief and cure of all disorders originating in tho stomach and sltffea tive system, such as Cholera, Cholera Morbus, Diarrhoea, Cramps eto. Ser viceable nnder all oonditioas. always red for use, and perfectly asf , piioe 85o. at all druggists. juneadftwlr. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. TYLER DESK CO., T.LOUI8.MO Oar sfanunoth Catalogue ot Bank Oocmraaa, Daaas, and other Ornoe PoaviTvaa for laes now ready. New Goods. New Styles In Desks, Tables, Chairs, Book Cases, Cabi nets, eta., Ve., and at matchless prices, aa above indicated. Oar roods are well kaown and sold freely In every country that speski English Ci.lo(rues free. Postaarello. Has Just returned with a LARGE LOT OF . v:, Y HORSES &NQ tlULS, ,; HK 8KLL3 TnK JE8T ROAD CAKT3 bVEB BOLD IN TQIS MAliKET Fair Week. v-For BA.R0AIN81 In Every Lino of MERCHANDISE call at tho. i i.i -i 't. MlddU BtMBt barrtalt SttW Uvarr! L..........S.J WaJLt.; v w ' - . nnf r f tin a kn . - v .., fllrl mm xtnra VIUI w First Class Barber Shop BRICK BLOCK, KIDDLE ST., Nearly opposite Baptist Church. Apartments neat and tidy, and onlv competent assistants employed. H. li. BANKS, deo6 Proprietor. Pennsylvania's LEADING NEWSPAPER In all the attributes that suffice to make a first-class family Journal, The Philadelphia RECORD Spares no trouble or expense to gather and present to its readers all the news of the Old and New World. Its several Departments, each under th management of a oompetent Editor, comprises matters pertaining to The Household, The Farm, Woman's World, Science, Art, Literature, Finance, The Real Estate World. Presenting a complete ni.t.izlno nvcry day. SUBSCRIPTION RATES : Daily, one year, - JH.iki Daily and Sunday, oue year, - 4.11(1 ' ADDRK3S The Record Publishing Co. 917-010 ClIKST.NUT STKKliT, Philadelphia. HUMPHREYS' This Precious Ointment is the triumph of Scientific Medicine. ( Nothing has ever been produced to equal or compare with it as a curative, and healing application. It has been used over 40 years, and always affords relief and always gives satisfaction. For Piles External or Internal, Blind or Bleeding ; Fistula in Ano ; Itching or Bleeding of the Rectum. The relief is immediate the cure certain. WITCH HAZEL OIL For Bums, Scalds and Ulceration and Contraction from Burns. The relief is instant -the healing wonderful and unequalcd. For Boils, Hot Tumors, Ulcers, Fistulas, Old Sores, Itching Eruptions, Chafing or Scald Head. It is Infallible. For Inflamed or Caked Breasts and Sore Nipples. It is invaluable. O Price, 50 Cents. Trial site, 25 Cents. Sold by DrKfflite, or n pot-Mld an receipt nr price. raraniTs-kd.co., if is 111 nim su, sew toss THE PILE OINTMENT THE WATCH TOWER Published Semi-Monthly. One Dollar a Tear. Devoted to Apostolic- Cbiistlanity, Ed uoation, Oeneral Intelllgerjor Bend for Sample Copy. Offloe of publication, Greenville, N Editorial offioi, Washington, N. 0 J. L. WINFIKLD. Editor W. D OAVW, Aaat. 00 . I am constantly replenishing my stables with good, well selected stock' from the -West, ever by, me. ,'vlt will be to the interest of any one wanting 'stock tolferct my prices before purchasing elsewhere, as I propose to give my cus tomers we aavaniage TBE Farmers L Merchants Bank NEW BERNE, N, 0. Onraniaed one year ago. CAPITAL STOCK , $75,000.00 Dividend . . . 8,760.00 Surplus and Profits . 8,000.00 OFFICERS : I,. B. Ctjtlbb. . President, W. S. Chidwiok. Vioe-President. T. W. Dewet, . Cashier. A. H. Powbu.. . Teller. DIRECTORS : Wm. Oleve, P. H. Pelletier, J. W. Stewart, V. S. Obadwiok. John Suter. O. Marks, L. H, Cotler, E. B. Haokburn. Headquarters for Nickel Saving Stamps Your business is respectfully solicited PAKENTS Should Bear in Mind That tbe season for attacks of Group Is now onus. He prepared for this IlsIUIuus dis ease by alwajs having a bottle of K N. Ilulty'g Oronp Bymp In the house. Pre pared after Hie recipe of tbe late IJr. Walter Unify, and for sale by R. N. DUFFY, Over Nona 4 Moorley's Store R N. DUFFY'S COUGH MIXTURE, A Prompf And K tilde lit Remedy fur Coughs, Golds, Croop, Bronchitis, Sore Throat, Diphtheria, Catarrh, &o. This medicine It a eermlclde and antun. tic of rare value, aLd la useful in moBi of 1 lie Infectious diseases, especially Id JUph- biiciiu, neurit-1 rever. measiet AC, anu ID stomach and bowel troubles due to fermen tation, - One trial will convince you of Its DI KKC riONS Teaspoon ful as needed every It, 3or4 hours, hbahe before UB'ng b ixatulne wranoer on hottle earefullv. ami If tie name of h. N. Dully lsnotou It, it Is noi me genuine article BOOK STOKE stationery. Blank Hooks, and now lot Standr.rd Works of KfMiowned Authors. Prayer and Ilymu Books, Ladies Purses, Pens, Pencils, etc. Also, Late Papers and Periodicals re ceivedd ally. lOtf G. L HARDIS0N, Thurman, N. C, Manufacturer of and Doaler in FIRST-CLASS BRICK 800,000 now ready for the market. Will Bell as cheap as any other man. je26tf DA.I1.V AND WEEKLY JOURNAL',! r;dqced rates. Weekly, per yeai 81.00 " for six mouths .60 Daily, per year $5 00 " per six months 2.50 : per three months 1.50 News givdn from all sections and on all questions. The above rates are payable in advance, and can be safely forwarded either by money order or registered letter. Auction of liS tt and I fal to murti ttun that ! would not tnk $l,'nH and bo put hark when I I a' 1 t- lh lurprisul and prou4 of th chinir. I racomnismd yur tr. atnint to all tulTfrara from obualty. Will aaiwsr all inquirtat If itiuj b Inclutad fur reply." PATIENTS TREATED BY MAIL. CONFIDENTIAL. 1 1 arm I a, and with no alanine. Im ''nrmU&ca, or bad cflacia. for psutu ulan addrraa, with ft uuu in auui'4, m. o. i. r. iitdci. v'sickcis ticatei. cuctco. ill bought at first hands oi ine reaucuon in cost. a x j it. iw asii Wood! Wood!! Wood!!! Otik, Ash and Fine Supplied In Anv Quantity, From one quarter ol a cord to one hun dred cords. Apply to M. POUTER, Blverdale, N. 0., Or WM. COLLIGAN, New Berne, N. C Maybe ynn think Ihis Is a new business, sending out tmbics on implication ; It has been done before. Iiowov.t, hut never bave those furnisboil boon so m ar tlie original sanrpleaa this one. Everv iuv will eiolslm, Weill thut stbe swi.o:est hnov I ever saw T' TbtB little bluok iiii'l-wiiiic vmrravins; oari rlvo youbutafaiut idouuf tUueQulaTteoiiciDaL, " 1 M A 1AIMY." which wo propose to pi nd to yon, transpor tation pull Til.- huh; dariintf rests aKulnet ft pillow, iin'i is in tin' ad of drawing off iu pink sock, tlie iii:i(Mif which hofi beon pulled off mill tiling :isi lo with i triumphant coo. The tl-"s!i t inlsan- pcrli'i t, innl thcrycH fcilluw y 1 n J , 110 M 1 : 1 1 1 f ' r win tc you Htimd. Tlie exqui- n'pro-liiftioiHui this .-? iil st piiititiri of Id:. Wmtu' pninti-i' 1 V. I111 -llli-7.:w f-.r : t.'ld h" :i Hit- inn t c. li liiaic.i tit modern i i-.vo:. :r t" !- en to thoso t I iiMri -:t's l aiiuly Mtitta '. i. 1 - r.i.lih-t tot is num. it Ire ' ' 1 fiii ', uhi.-h col -HHi. ftnd i' 1 1 iiii iics1. Tlx' bitliy la xt :' iui-'ly lii. lil.o. We httvo I'M: 1 t't pn-Mi-rit to our sub 1 in : : 1 la r rent jni tun-8 by .!!' Mr:ni,M;iud Mutiiphrpy. 111 10 111 v. BCfillC!"J 'I I I. JIIH I). ri'iMHii. wi'.li I d 1! oiln't ; uf wiirld-wido 'I'... 1 111 V i CMlIIIpIo lots of what r ' 1 r r I ! i : j 1 . ir. ' A Yard of 1'an- ' mid ' V i,i- M. i: -. - if hil " by tho . I lit 1 i :t: 1 1 . ui.d yuu will see li ; IV : !. 1 ' ' 1 1' - I I ; inorrt'p Family ! . .M .. -! ii rnU ry ol ei i . i ;' i i :.t :i lli , tn-side8 a ' . . 1'iird y tiny In ! i' I i )! 'vt t hi ioiim and it'- : t i . epr cryoiic iont . f Un' t';i , i.iid nil tho . t i: ! ii A tit'ollt tho Wll.' wii .1 'Id - 'pii- -i. M.i : . Ill:, vv. "iuii i "d ..Tl f ;, I ' li-- i .i' ;.i iiinr Hiti-rtlina' n- U i nod (r:i y. for tho k i .il I v. '; i.' Ji'MliUri'B In n)t h : . . ' .'';:!! piit fi nre p;r- 1c . . . i.i. , all the pat- t :!.-. .' ,,-h i . i:- .'i:riM:r tiio your, and In ;iir i is S lid in your sub- ip' : 1 1 1 ' m i-1 you will rty Kct - i . t'i . A ! Ii-i' .i the putiliaher, W. J.;:ui ..i- r :. l-.;it HthHt.New Virk. Ii ' . i.r.jirtpmititd With th Mii.,';i.iin k. - . id In t'liLs loru IspocUUtill OOPJf. -.-.aTfll Prom Mrt-N. J. Htf tn, of BllrT,llt, Ku.: arrtL "When I bMnn your r w trMtmint 3 tana, tro nhiutUd by aJlmtoU thai I oould lad by ailmtou thai I oould Dotl Bafora. After. Low. work. Tha adropjivlnf V Welbt J4S tU 1911b M Ita if 3fuonihi' Ueat- Hmt..... 48 In. r In. Ilia, (DnL I no (Ml Ilka nnw blnf , III Walat... J ua. ! In. II In. nod palmar all Kn. My frlenJa nr,Hkpt .... 61 In. tt In. I In. airi risil. Will cheerfully nvy to Inquiriai with lUmp Incjnaad.1 PATENTS TREATED BY MAIL CONFIDENTIAL Hannlaaa. Na HUrvlaf. Samd canU la (tamp for psuttrxlstfi V DR. 0. W. r. SITOEL I VICKLI S IIUIU. HICKO. HL HUr.lPHREYS' VETESIBAfiY SPECIFICS for Hotbos, Cattle, Cheep, Dogs, Hogs, ANT) PODLTET. BOO Pace Book on Treatment of Animals and Chart Bent tfres. crass j Frvrrs, ('(inanitions. Inflsmmstlon, A.A.iHplnnl Alrulnsllls, Milk Fever. M. B. Htrnlns, L.ameuess, Kheamatlsm. C. C.HIlsteinper, Nasal Discharges. D. U.Botsor (Jrahs, Worsss. E. E. Coughs, Heaves, Pneumonia F. V. Colloor Urines, Bellyache, ft. G. Miscarriage, Hemorrhages. H.H. Urinary and HJdner Dieeaass. Eritlve Diseases, Mange. J.K. Diseases of Digestion. Stable Case, with Bpeclflas. MsnusI, Witch Hssel Oil and Koilcstor, tT.OO Price, Single Bottle (over eo doses), .00 Sold br Drngglsts; or Sent Prepaid snnrhsrs and is say Quantity on Receipt ol Frloo Humphreys' Mod. Co.. 109 Fitllon It, T. STntTSBSYS' EOmoPATHIO ff SPECIFIC No. 6Q InitwiUnsrs. ThsoalysiinnisrfiilmssdrlDC Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness, fad Prostntrio, from over-work Or other ssowt. fl per visL or t visls end Isrgs vil nowdor. rot SA il pvrvisi. a SoLDntbi Wllll"i .iu,w.iwiu uu avwiyvu. TiC amsr bsswssv SCS..1D 25 per cent, lower than Asvrvji ...it'll "fiH 4 I WASHINGTON, D. C. TAn Vatiomat. Tatauaa hi a T"" i rT'Tirmil siinsss. as clubs or sulsnrlbsis st asarly srsry PosloSV It has gslnsd this proud position solely on Its a a hltfutsrsstlni asiBUTnswsiiapsr. rtlje.TSri85). p will he mad moon bettsr and mors attrtuost pansvsr. WhUo rstslnlngsU or Its present psaulsl haturss. a wttt sonstsnlly add new oass. yARPrCTCHBS, by xnos. Nsst, the amosj W"rOT, by men who actoslly serve! and fought In ths straggle. SHORT MTORIKa of Romanes, Travel, Xxpsrl enos snd Adventure, by leading writers. ' WASHIM8TOX NEWS. Full socoaatt ot what Is taking plsos st ths seat of Oovsnunenti srsful reports of all Important matters In Congress snd the KuouttTo Departments ; gossip shout pubuS H OfJBEtsOI.D DEPABTBIXjrT. Xdltsd hi a M.tlnn.l ...I ' ri- A. W. K. AKD a. OF T. WEWBJU V M more full and oomplste than published by any Kher paper. A URICI7I.T1TBAI. DErARTOEsTT, ear IV rally edlteil by prscUcal men. QEHEBAt HEWS, osnluUy oompUsd. Ttrm If ATTOWAT. Tsrstm Is strictly noniertusus, tnd thoroushly American. It believes in the grestasl rood to the greatest number of our people, snd the tlghest development of our Institutions la Mslloasi salty and suited loyalty. Trxg. $1 aYear" t payable ii) Advtui0u It claims to glvs mors snd better mstter Ibr the sma r two eenta a wesk thin any othor publioaaoni Evxry line that sppemrs in It Is written for It, snd bes tppesred in no otiier paper. It wees no -Tnllnals er boiler-plate matter. Addrem ft THE NATIONAL TRIBUNE, I7J9 New York Ave., WA8HINQTON, 0. O, m ni nsViiiimiiiiaViiiDiii kuuibl.hiii iaianm AtUntlc V N. C. Railroad TIME TABLE So. S3, la Efleot 0 25 A.M.. Thursday,! Jan U, 10V3. OouraEAST. SOBiDULn. Ooinu Wm, No. 3. Passennitr Tmimm. Kr a Ar. Lve. Stations. Ar r... pm 8 80 Qoldsboro U 40 am t 06 4 09 La Orange. ,g 53 10 68 4 85 4 40 Kinsten 10 18 10 28 8 00 6 08 New Berna 8 47 6 00 7 88 am Morehead City am 7 17 Daily. Qoino East. bohedtjl Qoino rTv NO. l.t Kn O Mlied Ft. Mixed' Ft. tt Paaa. Train. Station!. Pass. Train. am 6 80 Qoldsboro 7 80 pa 6 67 7 06 Best'e 6 24 6 84 7 80 7 80 La Grange 6 64 6 04 7 48 7 58 Falling Creek 6 84 Kit 8 11 8 80 Kinaton 4 86 SCO 8 60 8 65 Caswell 4 Ot 1 06 15 10 08 Dovar R 9.1. : J,n 10 81 10 36 Core Creek 2 CI 8 00 11 00 11 05 Tuaoarora 2 84 8 80 1117 1141 Olark'a ana sis 18 15 8 00 Newbern 10 38 1 88 ;8 87 848 Eiverdale 8 41 8 46 8 48 8 60 Croatan 9 88 9 88 .4 06 4 13 Havelook 8 60 9 04 '4 37 4 42 Nnwnnrt H 17 Do .4 51 4 65 Wiliiwnnil a nn tni .5 01 6 01 Atlantio 7 47 7 68 ,5 16 5 21 Morehead City 7 17 717 6 28 6 28 Atlantio Hotel 7 05 7 16 ,5 81 p m Morehead Depot am 7 00 uiiuij, weanesaay and frlday. tTnesdar. Thursday snj Batorday. -- " wiiamine si we. om,TTaln iw-ind north, leaving Ooldsboio a.av . u... mhu wiw AiDmaoDa 01 Danvina Train West, leaving Goldsboro 2:86 p. m. ..aa w uuuo.ull Wll, mCUITl (lUQ SI IMBVlll Train, arriving stOoldsboro9:&6 p.m., and wll Wilmington and Wsldon Train from fbr nvih a . 1 '. 8. L. Dill, lvrarlataBdaD NOTIOE. The undersigned, J.A.Tbomaa and W. A. Thomas have duly qualified aa executors of theostatsof Vino A. Tbomas, and lierebr giro notice that Ibey reqnlre all persona having claims against Ibe estate of lbs said Vine A Tbomas to present tbem to tbe said ezeoutors, duly authenticated, lor payment on or before the .Suth dsy 01 Deoember. lKt, or else this nonce will be pleaded In bar of recovery. Persons Intlebted to the estate mnst par without delay. J. A THOMAS, W. A. THOMAS, 'aneiw hlzeeatOH " sli "si's n HE Caveats, ind Trade-M irkt obtaind, aod U Pa ent business conducted for Moocrati Fcra, Ou Orncc is Opposite U. S. pTCNTOmti nd we can secure patent in loaa lime Ihfto (Jum remote from Washinfrton. filud model, drawing; or photo,, with dewcrtp rioj. We advise, If patentable or not, f res Of charge. Our fee not due till patent Is secured, A Pamphlct, "llovt toObtain Patents," wkfc cost of tame in the U.S. sod foreign coontaiet sent free, Addresa, C.A.SNOW&CO. OeeJTiNT Orvict. Washinoton. O. C, j e Going to Buy it A Dictionary? I OKT THK BK8T. Wjmf Abrsssl ol tM Xu&st r A Cholc Gift. ZbrUged." JTeayaai asri tarerlsing,! 1 iiliisia a-m pot' W Wlnts of ensntets eiHnons. nniN hj irrm BMinuniMeontallling Ml ffVMJ IUUUUI aV aTWasftwS avmIIw VjaaThaMi,av'- W ' m erne sss w HVHIWI sfjA , Trva StatiMard Atithotlty J.I t t U..1 ' . ' s Wi n" "i!? M latO. afalfRTAK CO, Pnbrlshars, 4 8nrln-i'il. JJ. . A. 4 .