-t. 7- ' THE JOURNALS ' Iti Farmer's Cow. - ITotwithBtanding the great tilt milk and batter U to tn r and the many good oow" tMs land, bat few farmer own a :cf that f;i veil on ine average one r ' -i of milk a day. This low j does not prove that . the oow is not of the greatest value to the farmer, but orovee a careleasnese in him ot bis own intereet. It la a eeriona foot that bat few farmers know whether all-of their ;cows or : any of them pay the cost of keep The : farmer - seems ' to realize the T; seed of a epw, and when he has one, this need is .applied, ana be giref o thought, whether she la ;'; yielding: otm'. a pront or is an ex. nana tk him T WW.HIHIIBIB W " M wmsw - la the spring, ' and give a liberal qaantity of milk most all the sum V ' mer without "any expense to the - farmer, -rand tbas no leeis tnai as ' r- ha la no expense . to him. it mat- . I vCaal t UVm .:, W UQbUOl Dug gl"."! uawuu '-' tltfla .1b Ifpfca im lorM nrl 'v ft farmers to place a higher eati- , fliauuH ua ihi Bum aubhi vu bwu ' ailk . qualities, Their idea is if she - ' - does not give as much milk as some . Hi.tk )ia alfA than ah trruA others they ean keep her as a man .:' eow for a few years and then fatten ' r, her and her large size will make up Wf all loss for her bad milk qualities la beef. To estimate the expense of IHD1UI 1UXKO CUW UU1VUEJ uuo 1 ;. winter- at a Bmall sum above her ; to many times her value in beel . MM alanfvhrArari- . r tTtiA vailna nf millr And batter to r" the farmer is quite considerable, and is worth keeping an inferior ' :- iota : this justify him in keeping ? aaih ahui ha nan nv n nrrin nnnn ; ' get oows that will not only supply WIB WlbU Bill, uut jimu uiui i -a. WO'UVOa mmr noBinoii . M.M,.n aUdn nnn HAITI'- SOil if I thev are kept at a pront or loss, ktatnav hh cronr. mi i khih mm vuu . . : I .... SMV uvj o"- v : : can get! If not, dispose of them at . ...... n . lurtav nnuu' Mnn nnm ki u Krjii udluci vuvo kjvu Bomanee Magazine. No ; fiction in the world is more fascinating or more powerful than that of Russia. This fact is made apparent the current issne of . Jioman03, tne sevenin in us nota ; . bio aeries of special numbers, and speoifloally devoted to Kusaian '. abort stories. Nearly half of its con tent) relate to this remarkable ; eoontry, and are from the pens of ach writers as Tourguenefl, Toi- stoiJPouohkine and "Stepniak." There are also beautiful stones of England and America by our best authors, among whom are Frances Hodaon isurnettt, Tom. r, Morgan, Caroline A. Oreevey and Clyde Fitch, Uncommon interest , attaehes to a recently discovered tale by John O. Whittier, and also . to the striking newspaper story, The Great Journal Beat," by Rhodes MacKnight. The readers of this charming magazine will not be aapriaed to learn the fact, which . baa come out since nis aeatn, that Phillips Brooks was a regular reader and warm admirer of Ro mance. The magazine is issued by . Bomanee Publishing Company, Clinton Ball, Aster Place, New York, at 25 cents a number sob soriptions. 12.50 a year. A gentleman found himself one evening in delightful tete-a-tete .with a fair graduate of a well known finishing school for young ladies, She showed him the curiculum of the institution, and be, after stim slating a profound interest in the natter, and knowledge of the sub jects, being in reality a little awed ajr vara vtiucuuo vi una aw v uvm ' tal Btatore, asked her rather hesi tatingiy, with reference to the vari ' oos oonrses of study, in what she had sradnated. "O." she said IWeWTi " KTUUICU ill wuuo DWISB. ' uuun aksioa ialvm " ' Th B 81t 1b th world for Oats, ; BraiM. Beret, Ulean, Bklt Rheum, Fever ' Bans. Tewer, cuppea uenae, uhudmiu, dmu Bd ail Bkln BraDtlona. ana 3081- tlTelv emraa Piles, or do dt required. It - ! nailMil to riTt perfect aatiaf action or mosey refunded. Frio 20 eenti per . bsx. forasle is Kewben by F. B. Duty, wbeUssia and retail drmgj-iA- - - ' V The desire to say some great - thins has nr vented tne utterance " of manv a wholesome word, and an xtatv tn sMomDliRh some wonderful noon BiBLSB raiiMnmi 1 ii i,iih iiiiii iiiiiw aa hamble deed of exceeding grace ' ; and sweetness. War Orer Vttj Vesre WntSLOw'S BooTHino Btbup hu wed for ebildren tesihing. II at lha child, eoftene tna gnmi. ' illays au pain, oarat wind 00110, ana is ths Mat rested 7 for Diarrhoea. Twenty 0r oasis -a bottle. Bold by all drus sts BBroagboat IM world. JnMwlr otlcs of DUtwlntion. - NotlcS is hereby (riven tbat the nrm of Holland A arvia it this day Uisolvcd by mutual eonennt by the wltbdrnwal of .1. B. Holland from the firm. The business will M continued by D. F. Jarvis, who baa purcbaaed the interest of J. B. Ilol snd, aad t whom all acconta are pay able. J -1i0LLAKD' f 4 , D. F.iAnvis. flaTtng pnrcaaata the interest or J. li. ;iolland. u tM Arm of Holland & Jarvis 1 beg to inform the tne pnblic that I will continue business at the same loca tion oa '(Pollock street. Thanking my mPT friend tot their patronage in the st, and hoping by fcithftil aervices to i.iont it, to the lutnre, I am Very Besp. j i.- ; D. F. Jabvu. 3? VERGE OF THE UNKNOWN. in Eiperiment that Hakes Us Ask :;What Is Coming.'' H Mr. W. H. Preece, chief engi neer and electrician to the Post Offioe, has put up a wire a mile long on the coast near Lavernock, and a shorter wire on Flatholm, a little island three miles off in the Bristol Channel He fitted tho latter wire with a "sounder" to re ceive messages, and sent a mes sage through the former from a powerful telephonic generator. That message on the mainland was distinctly heard on the island, though nothing connected the two, or, in other words, the possi bility of a telephone between places unconnected by wire was conclu sively established. There is a possibility here of inter-planetary communication, a good deal more worthy attention than any scheme for making gigantic electric flashes. We do not know if we can communicate by telephone through the ether to New York or Melbourne, with or without cables, but we do Know that, if we cun not, the fault is in our generators and sounders, and not in any prohibitory natural law. Will our habitual readers bear with us for a moment as we wan der into another, and, as many of them will think, a supra-sonsual region? The thought in a man's brain which causes bim to advance his foot, must move something in doing it, or how could it be trans mitted down that five or six feet of distance? If it mo ves a plsi cal something, internal to tho body, why should it not also move something external, a wave, as wo all agree to call it, which on an other mind prepared to receive it fitted with a sounder, in fact will make an impact having all the ef fect in the conveyance of sugges tion, or even of facts, of the audi bility of words? Why, in fact, if one wire can talk to another with out connection, save through ether, should not mind talk to mind without any "wire" at all? None of us understand accurately, or even as yet approximately, what the conditions are; but many of us know for certain that they have occasionally, and by what we call accident, been present to particu lar individuals, and that, whn present, the communication is completed without cables, and mind speaks to mind independent ly of any machinery not existing within itself. Why, in the name of science, is that more of a "miracle," that is, an occurrence prohibited by immu table law, than the transmission of Mr. Preece's message from Laver nock to Flatholm? Spectator. The Soldiers' Pocket Handkerchiefs. Some years ago pocket handker chiefs were not considered a neces sary part of a soldier's kit, says the Leeds Mercury. Permission to carry these useful articles will now probably be given, for I see the War Office authori ties have sanctioned a military handkerchiof being patented by Lieut.-Col. Fulton. On this handkerchief is printed all sorts of useful information concerning the use and construc tion of the Lioe-JUetloru ntle, the alphabet used by army signalers, general rules to be observed in any position in which a soldier may find himself on campaign, tho various bugle calls and other things, many of which are ho nicely illustrated that it would be a thousand pities to uso it in the manner naturally prompted by a cutting "nor'easter." Vice-President Stevenson's Daughter. Vice-President-elect Stevenson will not give up his residence in Bloomington, 111. Mrs. Steven son and her three daughters are great favorites in Bloomington society. Miss Letitia Stevenson, the youngest of the trio, is a stu dent at Monticello Seminary at Godfrey, 111. Miss Mary E. Stevenson, Mr. Stevenson's sec ond daughter, was born in Bloom ington and educated at Mrs. Stella Dyer Loring's Prairie Avenue School, Chicago. She has spent a number of years in Washington with her family, but has not ap peared very often in social affairs in this city. A Cosy Custom. In certain London restaurants each customer is allowed to make his (or her) own tea. The waitress liehts the eras-burner, which it affixed to each table, and sets thereon a silver kettle. Then slif presents to the tea-maker a silver caddy, divided into compartments and offoring a choice of Souchong, (Jeylon or green tea. The Hysterical Hen. City Man What tho blazes is the matter with that henr Former Nothin'. She has just laid an egg. City Man Great Scott! one would suppose she had laid tho foundation of a brick block. Tex as Siftings. Very hot water is better for bumps and braises than cold water. For Sale at a Bargain, Une four-light Extension (Jhan- deuer, with globes and pi isms. One Lamp, duplex burner, with prisms. One extension oak Dining Table a fine one. One 48-pound Feather Bed, good as new. Any person desiring to boy the above at a great sacrifice will please correspond with Box 469, New Beroe.N.a A Planters Experience. . wBty plo.Btution t-i in a malarial dia nii,rn ivvm n,l nirna (travailed. amnio ISO taandnt f reaalr half of them wore sick. I mi naarlT aim couraged wmu l uegan tne aae 01 The result as n: :'rvolion4. Hit men . uti:S liaai'ty, and! have hnil no riirti.i r irontile. With these pills, I wot'K) '-' fear to live In any ewnmi." '-. ' " In l ajuu Sara, La. Sold Everywhere. Office, lo to Hi Wukuigtuu St., N. Y. All affection proceeds from the supposition of possessing something better than the rest of the world possesses. Nobody is vain of posessing two logs and two arms Swinging Around the Circle. Of the diseases to which it is adapted with the best results, Uostetters stomach Bitters, a family medicine, comprehen sive in its wope. lws never been thrust upon public uttention in the guise of a universal punucca lor boldly ills. This claim, daiiv nrroguted in the columns of the dnilv prefs bv the proprietors of medicines fur inferior to it as specifis, has in a thousand instances disgusted the public in advance by its absurdity, and the prospects of other remedies of super. ior qualities have been handicapped by the pietentions of their worthless pre decessors, tint t lie American people know, because they have verified the fact by the most Irving tests, that the Bitters possesses the virtues of a real specific in enscs of malarial and liver disorder, constipation, nervous, lheumatic stomach and kidney trouble. What it does it docs thoroughly, and mainly for this reason i! is endorsed and reconv mended bv hosts of reiiectablr medical men. It is belter to bt;'b lileon Indian rueal pudding ..ii I milt codfish and rise to ro.t-t te 1 and mince pie than to begin on hmn! beef and mini pie iiml get dniii ! I.idiau meal pudding ;. ,u ,.l! ei'dti-h. Worth Know in?. That Alleock's l'o!-eu Plasters an highest result nf medical -eieiieeaiitl the .kill and in ingredient- :n:d nchod never been equalled. have I hat they are the eri'.innl ami genuine porous plasters, up"ii ho-.e reputation imitators trade. 1 Hat Allcoi k t - ria-ten- never fail to perform iheir 1. medial work quick and cfl'ectnallv. That this i'.tet i. aiii-.ii.l 1 '. I lionsnnds ot voluntary :i:d uuii.ipi mi i.-ibl testi-scia- monials trom grateful paiiei.l". That till rhellinale'li, wc.k back, tica, lung t rouble, kidney dl-ease. pepsin, malaria, and ail local pain., are invaluable. dys tliey That when you buy Allcoi k's Porous Plasters yon uh-"lulc!y obtain the best plasters made. Wholesale .11 ark; t ( oniiirv Produce. Cotton 7 l-'J to s l-u Col li, I rum boaN ."jbe . Field peas, Ctlaf.V. Oats, 4"ie. Wheat. 70c. Iliee .r)."ie. live, 711c.. l'cunuts, GOc. ahllc. Apples llattamiiskeel Onions. S'J.OO per bbl. Chicken-, .Ida-Vic pair. Turkeys -l -"i0 v.Vm Heel. 4a.,! . Fresh pork. 7 , 7 1-1 . if 1.0(1. nO:i40c 'links, Kim. ("lalOi .Mii-c riOafiOc. Tl.b(l. 20a22 l-2c. dry salt 4c. To A!' My Oid Frit; - ds aid Custtiiners. 1 wish to say that I am back at iny Old Stand on Broad Street, One door east of .J. J. Tolson's stole, wnore l will lurnisti tlicm with tne jBT THK MAUIvKT AFFORDS In the lino of Green Groceries. Etc. Thanking them very much f ir all past mvors, and hoping I may still continue to deserve their patronage, 1 remain vonr obedient, servant. K.MANLKI. FI311KU. jan2!) Cm IF YOU WOT TO Canva , 3c-pis, Seine Twine, Gill Thread Cotton Gilling, Nails, Spikes, Paints and Oils, CHEAP, SEE F. Ulrich, Wholesale Grocer, NEW BERNE, N. C SORRY HORSES AND MULES, Car XjOelcI FKOM ST. LOUIS, The Best in the World For General Use, JUST RECEIVED AT Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorltl ' icese, ,-K.a Kggs, -Jle. Hon, v, - lliiles- Dry green. 2 1 -'Je.' THISIOWlf 80TJL MAN, BIG IKl. There was man of great renown, A wondrous man was hey Unequaled in achievments great As one like him might be. A noble gentleman, he was, And so extreme polite 'Twas just the reason because, he was This own soul man, Big Ike. His bargains made the people stare, And stop to comlemplate; Just to but leave them, where they were In a meditative shape. So curious were they but to know J Who was this generous sprite? The answer always came, it was Thi9 own soul man, Big Ike. Yes, even ladies as it were, Could get their bargains clear, ; In nuptial knots, or dry goods lots Had not the the slightest fear. This noble man could serve them all At any time in what e'er plight; 'Twas duly, and for e'er his aim 53 This own soul man, Big Ike. . In emergencies, in business thrall, Prepared, and ne'er perplexed was he; Forever ready, and at hand He always tried to be. He served the public faithful, And with his aim, and might He was the same unostentatious man, This own soul man, Big Ike. Then let us cheer this noble man, And ever cease to claim, The honors of his glory And excellence of his name. Three cheers for our N. B. Merchant, It is he Who else but him? This own soul man, Big Ike. THAT UBEATBIU MAX. I Tune: "Auld Lang Syne," C. M.I Come one, come all, come to the show, To this our native land Where 'er you be where 'cr you go. You'll see that "great big man. Who is that "great big man'' in town That sells his goods so low? Is the question that is going the round, "Big Iker is the one we know. Once in time not long ago He sold us meal and meat, Sugar, lard and flower so low, 5 And other things so sweet; But now we see that "great big man" Big Ike on Middle street That dry goods man we understand 1 hat has two great big feet. Ji No tariff on his shirts you'll sec, His coats and pants so cheap: That "great bier man" will ever be Happy for you to meet 'Big Ike" is happy always kind " Six feet he'll surely stand, A cleverer man you'll never find Ihan Big Ike, that "that great big man. Non Bonus TILL BE AT THE FA IB. Big Ike stands upon the earth, Ana looks with anxious eves Where he may buy for half their worth, some lei lows mercbauuise. Which when he's bought, he hurries down, Nor tarries he one bit; But summons folks from all around To get the benefit. Not selfish is he Big Ike, nut lonclly bolus tne creed - "Do unto others as you like 1 hem do to unto you, indeed. Wrho, if he buys a bargain rare, WIM sknM i. n,uv. t.Tn 1.-..! ...it duuc lb niiil 1110 uiume:, is kindness makes the people stare And wonder if another Such will be at the Fair. 'BIG IKE'S CLOTHING STORE." Big Ike, Big Ike, is all the go On whit caps on the street; To prove it, just go down below Them you will sure to meet. "Big Ike's clothing store" yooll find " Is chinked from end to end; Friend Harris, who is clever and kind. Will always to you 'tend. That clever young man, L. K. Gotier Will treat you like a man; Go Btraight to him aad never fear ' ' Big Ike s at every stand. And now I say to one and all 1 That "Bid Ike's clothine store" Is on each cap, with the great and siriall, Ann going irom uoor 10 aoor. . TIIE FARMERS' FRIEND. For great bargains quick sales V A man whom the people like gj, Tib' not the haughty Prince of Wale But our clever friend Big Ike. His busneM once though very small When the times were hard and tight: lie sold hit goods one price to all. Under the clever name ot Big Ike. His enemies call bim rery rash, " Though he aellt to the people right, - He buys his goodi low down for cash, The peoples' friend Big Ike. Ji , By his ads he make a liberal show ' To the Deoole h ia oolite. And if to New Berne your chance te-J go, Be mrc and auo Ttiir TV " o ' 1.. ' nis place it found oa market street, r As you eo down on the ristht The cleverest man ia town yon meet, if. in me larmera iriena iJlg 1KB. j , The remaining space in this column ia reserved for more of Big Dte poetry that will be added to from week, to Week; - r..'':0C To the Public! - 5 I have bought the ENTIRE STOOK of T. COHEN, The Red Star Clothier, AT 65 CENTS ON THE DOLLAR, Will Sell AT New York Cost The Stock is a LARGE and VARIED one, and consists of a complete assortment of CLOTHING, SHOES, Ifcry Goods, Genfe'Furnbh'g Goods Etc , Etc., Etc. Soliciting tho patronage of tho public, I remain, Very respectfully, SOL. COHEN. James R. Jones, Salesman. j29 J. i BRIAN, Pru. TDOS. DAHIELS,Viet Prca 6. H ROBERTS, Cannier. The National Bank, OF NEW BERNE. N. 0 Incorporated 1885. Capital, - $100,000 Surplus Proflta, - 98.168 DIB EC TO EH Jab. A. Betas. Tnoa. Dantbia Ohab H. Bbtah J. H. Hagkbcbv, Jno Dunk, l. Habvet, Q. H. BoBBsrr- IMPORTANT TO Truckers. Gardeners" and Farmers. ABLY GARDEN PKA8. HenderMB'l -Kim of All," laoocnlcml by the leading Truokeratobe Earliest, Beat and Jfoet Pro line. Henderson'! EARLIEST Reel Valen tlae Heane. Br competitive test made 10 1HH7, tbi. Been wh awarded the premium for belhg ten (10) dan earlier tban any otber, EKD Oadlib, Celery, Melons, Bqnasn and Parsnips. Honlton and Prlnee Edward Island Early Hose Potato.., and other Btandatd Vari eties. Blaelr, Mixed, Red Rnst Proof, and White O NT for fall and spring planum. Rlee, Rye, Wheat, Onus and OlOTerSeed. Order, taken for all klDds of OAK DBS SBKD, (guaranteed fresh and pure). Burlaps for Barrel Oovera. Bags of all slses made to order. OonslgnaseuU of Cemntry FreXnee sollolted A large stook of Bar, Oral and reeel. It will be to yonr adyaatega lo see us be fore boilng elsewhere. - Bradham & Smith, Hay, Grain and need Dealer., J.oMtf Craven street, flsw Berne, N. O Removed. W. P. JONES Has moved his business to the Store on Middle street adjoining the Drag Store of F. S. Daffy, and is still carrying a Fall Line of FURNITURE and MAT TRESSES.. Pure I Brilliant ! ' Perfect ! ' pBKT EVRRTWBEM, AMD BltDOBSKD WHrairaB Uaco. Th Mo Ptyultr- Glattct in the U. A . They are dally worn an" ar warmly prat' t tne solid BEPBfcHEIt TA tIVS MEN. of I his oonatry, many of tbem beina of National faoM. Tha list ombnscsa Baoksrs. MurohanU. Law. am. uorsrnors, nenaiort, rotelga Ministara, si ! II nniyeja eV aiwajMfJIWf UES f MIVEIfT let ATX FBOFB8- PHWOIANS EKOOWflND TEtlC Teae Mrfal Olaaaw fen aootmtaly if jaatM to il ayes M lb Ur at Sw of i - '" Jim aw-: - j. - . ar v ., . a K, Wi BmanTOoaV;;;S0eorg9 Blorer, ''ir. K f t ' ,- ' Hardware AUD HABHESS, BliiTcls, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISH Glass and Putty, Lime, Plaster, Hair and Cement. r Asbestos! Lump Wioks of Asbestos 1NDE- 8TKUOTIBLE These Wiokn ill not barn Only the all barns, consequently there Is no trimming. Lamp once trimmed and adjusted lasts for years without further attention Burners don't even need cleaning, as there Is no coal on the wick Cost a little more at first but cheaper in the en'l. All sizes B an cuet Lamps, $3.50 to $7. Fftie China Sets, Cheap. Get one, and be ready for the Fair. A LOT OF CIIEAP Plates, Cups and Saucers. Plain and Decorated. At M. E. WHITEHURST'S. feb4 dwtf inv uon or satis irwwo suaBrn 00. . .acity400 Machines per Day POt TRItlfS, ETC.. ADDRCila DAYIS SRWING MACHINB CO. oerrcaoo 0il Glotliiiie is wiirrinted Ihe Cerf in (he Worldl 1 more .Wattrwoop. - j r ts Stronohr, .and jt Ban my t3thf rorxh rrmnufachrred. mJ - v ' " l ( i 1 IT IS THE BEST. E J mi i aa EASIEST TO uc, t f C. a. THK CHEAPEST. KV mj - r "m At tbr4Ke"FlsH WtANB," take ae ether. tUC. ZIRCKO. A BRO. tele Agmti, B.ltlirme, M4, " 'i ,-'" ' " ' ' ..:' iisdoibo mm AND SIDE BACON ft URO r-' JTJST EBOBIVED FROM '. ONSLOW COUNTY. The FINEST LOT of Meat and Lard brought to tb city this eaaoD.- Call early and get some bt fore they are all gone. Pure Meat and Lard is a Good Thing. Churchill & Parker. Broad St. Grocers. J H BENTON, M D .D.D.S Prao'le.. limited to (.putative ai-d M obat.loal l0Pli.lry and Dental nurgirj Teeth ex t raoted without psln by th. nse of Nltro i,zldit wv - Everything In the line nf Dentistry don in the bfl.t klyle. Hatl.factlon guarHnteed. omre. oorn.r of Middle Hlr.et and rterk Alley, opposite Haptui i h..- Uss. Notice of IncorporatioD. State ol No, th Carolina Craven oounty. In office Clerk superior Court. Not ice Is hereby iilven of the ine poratlon of the ew Bern Knit tlug Mills Company; that the names of the Incorporators are Henry Rlshton, James M. Howard and ) . H. Pelletler, and such others as ihey may assoolate with them. Ibat the principal place of ba.l ess ihail be In New Hern, N 0.. and Its general purpose and baslneeale to manufacture Cotton, Wool. Kuz, Hllk. and any ami allklncsof f-ibrlcs Into hosiery, anderwear, yarns cloths, aud suoh oilier artlolrs of warn and of conmerce as tue Btockholdf'S and Direct r. may from tiro, to time desire to, and to establish dye hon.ee, ginneries, and such oilur conve nt, noes as may be neossary for the pur poses of o.rrylng ont the lull and completo work of the said corporation. The duration of the oo -poratlon shall be thirty years. The corporation .hall be empowered to bay and hold lands, to buy a' i) sell land., to erect building., and bur all and very aim! of ma -htnery and to sell tbe tame. The o.pltal Bloot of the corporation shsll be Two Thousand Dollars, divided Into Forty Kharrsof ths par vaiueof Fifty Dollars raob, with the power to Increase the Capital Stook from time to time. Tne Stockholders of tnts corporation shall not be individually liable for any or the debts contract, or other Uabllltu s of the corporation. W. M WATHON, febll lm Clerk Superior Court. Thos. A. Qrkek, Pres. C. K. Fot. Cashier. In . Dunn, Vice Pres. H M. OKOvaa.Teller CITIZENS' BANE NEW BERN, R. C. DO A GE NEB AL BANKING BTJ8INKHH. The AooounU of Banks, Bankers, Corpora tions, Farmers, Merchants and others re ceived on favorable terms. Prompt and careful attention given to the Intereetof our customers. BOABD Or DIBIOTOBS. Ferdlnan 1 TJlnoh, J. A. Meadows Hemuel W, Ipook, Cbas. H. Fowler, William Dunn, B. W. Smallwood, Oen N. Ive 0. 0' Green. B.H Meadows, Oh as. Duffy. Jr James Redmond. Chas. Relsenaleln Mayer Bshn, Thos A. Green, C. B. Foy. KeeUy Institute ROOKY MOUNT, IT. 0. For the convei.leooe of the publio there will be opened In Rocky Mount, N. C, Jaouarj 1st, 1893, a Branch of tbe KeeVey Institute of Greciihboro, N O , for the treatment of the Liquor, Opium, Chloral, Cocaine, Tobacoo habits and Norve Ex haustion. These are the only regularly author ised Eeeley Institutes In the Bute. Ai- others olaiming to be such are'frandulen ROCKY MOUWT la the moat accessible point in the State. On W. ft W. R. R , and terminus of the K. & O , of the A. & It , and Spring Hope roads, 8 hours fr m Norf . t from Petersburg; 8 from Richmond; 8) Tom Wilmington; 4 from Raleigh; 1 from Ooldsboro; 1 from Weldon; 8 from Fayettevllle, and 5 hours from Edentoo and E. City over tbe Norfolk & Carolina K. R. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satur days. The town it progressive, high, healthy, with good water and hospiubln people. Uobsbt Battle, Manager. Db O A Bamsatjr, Physician BOYS AND GIRLS, HAVE YOU BEEN Southetn Sunbeams. Thtt leautiful mafffl.n frtrflAnfli 6111 BOVI and Girls. It ia , aa.J. - somest YouDg People'i Mtgiiina in America. It has beoorae a weloome - Tiaitor to thousands of Spnthera Homes. No cains or MrMnu fa" pared to make it attractive. Each : number contains a volume of inter- ; ting reading for young folks. Short ... awiMie, Uttl-UUOT SpOrBS, intereat bojs and girls. Twenty. ; . ' eigmpagps ana covers-each paei :' handsomelv illnitratnd. It U tiri,. -; '' Queen of tha flnntH TK ":', - i ' r , . v. . , every xiome uircie," and .bo boy or - girl can afford to be without it, ' .n. ... ... - L . av iv is w want it, ana to nave ),: IS ior BIZ montna or a t ea ia a r. tinual eniovment for all thaf.mil. tf W7- . ' v j, jj .T 7 4 noiseen thu ohanning mtgaiina t ,' send ns aavan mi..l.i...i , ', - - --- vmv-vvwv .l.WJJI a. 17UUW M twr m aamnia armt nr r,at ,a ir . vftn ill amnA n. na ,rin.. . ' I - will Mfed ton RoTTTnanie fliT: BEAMS for on mu and make wnw a? -V praaeat of "Oooper'i Lsatherstockin V" laiea." . ITiTO arreat works In m.- larre voinme. rraa f ii - Box 803, ; X' :, atlajjta Oa; TI.V:-. 5. ;!: i J.-fi In;.' r. 1 -. k' ,'4 Vi i .... ... .- rlt - p