AX;:-'.-,V---; iV Journal. fC'-S'?-,i': VOL. XI.--NO 294 NEW BERNE, N. C, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 8, 1893. PRICE 5 CENTS. Daily v M K f or t; BUSINESS LOCALS. FINE Chicago Beef this morning. N. Whiti'obu. A FEW Barrels Home Raised Seed Po tatoes for Sale. E. Street. It LOST A knob handled umbrella patched at connection with handle. Return to Journal office. T OST At the fair grounds a plain W wood bottom chair light weight and jnt,0 the painted .yellow. Information can be lett at tliis office. tf. L"l OR SALE 1 pair new 6 1-2 foot car- rv los wheels with 8 inch circle iron axle. Dennis Wadswortii, Junction Pollock and Queen Sts. f322w. Snninier Georgia. It was ably edited, bat the paper got in debt and hence the geqnel. On aoooantof the severe weather in Washington the programme oonld not be carried oat as orig.nally intended. Nothing essential was omitted and Cleve land and Stevenson were indaoted offices of President and Vioe President of the United States. 'In the matter of bis cabinet Mr. Cleveland has established a precedent in this country that may place him on the highest plane ' A FULL line of Sprincr and r n i .i . e m oampies, consisting vumu . omjii , . o , .;.,,,, Black. Blue and Brown Screes. Fine ".--i' Check Cashmeres, Imported Suitings, it may prove a most emphatic fail Worsteds in all grades. are.'' We refer ;o his nonpartisan Satiataction guarantee!. . . . , , . n,i F. M. Ciiadwick, (Tailor.) " pi-uiuB '"u!""i if. At Hall's book store. hitherto a Republican, in his Cvminff and Golnjr. Mr. Geo. Allen left yesterday morning for Rocky Mount on business. State Senator Potter, of Beaufort, who is also a member of the Board of Direc tors of the Raleigh Insane Asylum passed through en route from his home to attend a meeting of the Board. Judge H. R. Bryan has returned Greensboro. Miss Susie Dancnburg is back from Goldsboro where she has been visitiug friends. Mr, Chas. Gay has returned from a visit to relatives at Rocky Mount- Mr. Russell Brose, and Mr. C. B. Wood, attorneys of Chicago came in on the steamer Albemarle on a ' pleasure trip. Mrs. Jas. E. Fleming, of Newark, N. J. and Mrs. Gould, of Statcn Island came in on the steamer Albemarle to visit Mrs. S. C. Radcliff. They are former residents of New Berne and Mrs. Fleming's hns THE STEAM FERRY. A Correspondent Elaborates Upon Its Establishment, and Its .Bcnellts. New Berne, N. C. March 7th, 1893. Mr. Hill Humphry, My Dear Sin In a recent conversation held with you in the city of Raleigh, from upon the proposed steam ferry across the Neuse and Trent rivers, you asked me to state my views as regards to the benefits that would accrue to the mercantile pat rons of the city of New Berne, and to (the people living in the lower parts of Beau fort county, and in Pamlico county. In reply, I will say, thut J have given the matter much thought and considera tion, and I have arrived to this conclu sion, that there never lias liecn a project, set on foot in New Berne, which if car ried out, will prove of so much pecuni ary benelit to the people at large, as the one of which you are the originator and advocate. I will now, as brielly as pos sible state my reasons for having arrived to this conclusion. It is a fact that greater facilities for transportation and travel are much need- T1T E have just received n big job lot of cabinet. Letter. Note and 15MI Heads, En velopes, Cards and Tags which we are offering at price3 that defy competition. We LEAD in LOW PRICES, others may follow. W. T. IIiix & Co. South Front Street. SOUVENIR SPOONS of Tryon's Palace and coat of arms of North Carolina. For sale by A. E. Hibbaiid, ml lw. Jeweler. rpRUNKS, TRUNKS I We arc pre pared to manufacture Trunks ot all kind. Repairing a Specialty. If you have an old trunk, don't throw it away, but send it to us and we will make it as cood as new. S. B. Watson & Co. Middle St. Odd. Small wood & Slover's. feb. 12 2w. Lord Chatham tried the hantl Wfta 8Ueriff of the county directly led in Craven county, with its broad and sum thing ana it proved a iieoiaia frtii ire, Haven did it with the same re.-.uli. C'cvJand is greater than Haves, bat is be greater than Chatham. ' LOCAL NEWS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Howard. N. Whittord Chicago beef. T. F. McCarthy Card of thanks. E.8. Street Home raised seed potatoes. G O To Street's Horse Store for Livery. ill HE Celebrated Sabo;oso 1 Flor l)c Habana Cigars. Six for Twenty-five cents at C. C. Umsen'b Drug tyrons. nov. 2-2m. JUNE roadster's' at Street's horse store An excellent program is being ar ranged for the Y. M. C. A. social Friday night. The General Assembly of 1993 has of every description from passed into history. It adjourned sine ot recognized standing. after the war. Mr. W. H. Bell and family of River- dale left on the steamer Albemarle to visit at their former home in Branchvillc, N. J. Mr. Bell will extend his trip to New York on business. Mrs. Bettie Whaley of the city and Miss Matilda Dixon of Moreliead lett on the steamer Albemarle for northern mar kets to purchase spring stocks of millinery. Mr. Chus. L. Van Noppen representing Chas. L. Webster & Co., publishers of New York, is canvassing the city for a most excellent literary work of eleven volumes dealing with all the details of American history from the discovery by Columbus and giving the finest selections all American die at 1 p. m. Slonday. The regular monthly meeting of the directors of the Y. M. C. A. will be held Saddlers nt Street's Horse this evening at 8 o'clock. Mr. D. F. Jarvis, and Mr. C. P. Brad- TiANDRUFF, Itch, Mange, and all Skin iiam uaVo swung out new and handsome I I n! 1 1 1 1. .. n.,flTni I mgns in front of their business places. almost impassable rivers, that render the lower part of IJeautort county and t amlico county almost unknown quanti ties in our mercantile alliiirs, us well as social relations. These facilities can be afforded only by a steam ferry, as the width ot Neuse river precludes the possi bility ol its being bridged lor very many years, owing to the great cost ot the build ing and keeping in good repair. Such a bridge would require over 100,1100 feet of plunk to floor it, and this to lie renew ed every three years, to say nothing ol other lepairs, and to be rebuilt entirely every 10 or 13 years. 1 am confident in the assertion that the steam terry would be a paying investment from the coinmenceiiieut, as it would ah sorb as soon as commenced nearly all the ferrying now done by small open boats, canoes and sharpies; the absorp tion of the one halt of this ferrying would more than pay the running ex penses of a steam terry. As matters now are, it is as great i ELEGANT Store. A Diseases cured by the use of Duffy's Jtch Ointment. For sale by F. S. Duffy, Druggist. MISH, Sacramental, Port and Scupper nong Wines for sale by Messrs. Roberts & Bro., one of New Berne's most reliable mercantile Arms, are well fixed up in their new brick building which they havejust moved into opposite their old sUnd. An extra largo and strong carry log passed through on the frcignt train yester- ,lo 11, a Wltl. n.,lr 1K..- I .l,or JAS. KEDHOND. JAB. 11EDMOND Schaffer's Wild Cherry Rock and Rye, put up expressly for throat and lung diseases, tor sale liy Jas. Rhdmond. T CALVIN 1. TT UNYADI Janos Mineral Water, the AA best Natural aperient. For sale by Jas. Redmond. PURE Corn Whiskey for sale by Jas. Redmond. T UFF Gordon Imported Sherry, for XJ gale by Jas. Redmond. T MPORTED Holland Gin, Burke a Bass A Ale and Burke's Guinness' Stout, for ale by Jas. Redmond. 7C AAA CIGARS at very low figures I U,vw lor wholesale and retail trade fc sale by Jas. Redmond. fl ARRETT'S Cognac Brandy used very v much in the sick room Jas. For Bale by Redmond. North Carolina s erand ton has suffered no eclipse at Washing ton. Thb Governor of Montana hax appointed Lee Mantle, a Repub lican, U. 8. Senator We stand oy Olevelaud silver or no silver; Civil service or no Civil service; office or no office. 8MAT0B Bansom was chairman of the Senate inauguration com mlttee and did the honors grandly feet high, other parts in proportion. It made in Michigan. Several communications have been left out recently, simply on account of their length. The need for giving a good va riety in the space at our command shuts us off from publishing longarticles even when their merit otherwise makes them worthy of it. The funeral of Mrs. S. Dudly was large ly attended yesterday. It was in prog ress at the very tin when the Benevo lent Society of which she was the beloved president was to have been in regular meeting at her house according to an nouncement in the churches Sundsy The Revenue Cutter, Winona returned from Washington N. C, yesterday morn ing. Later in the day, being signaled by the captain of the Betsy Jane, she ren dered valuable assistance to the schooner which was disabled by a broken rudder The officers of the schooner express thanks for the help given. The caving in of the sidewalk on the United States Public building lot where the Hassell store formerly stood begins to make that place quite dangerous to people passing at night. mem, tt. TT.mrK, tt . i. uoyo, i- journey from INew lierne to Aurora C. Green. Enoch Wadswortii. N. C. I Beaufort county, or to Bavboro in Pani- HmrliP. J. T HollUter Mm M S Wil. hco county and return, as it is to go , . , ... ,,. ,. I the city of Chicago it would involve as ..u.LUMimar, wl.,er, Alice uar-. udl : m, ftt leU:it 01H. tllil,i ol tll(: vey, iaura, nugues anci tmma uisosway, l expense, returned from Washington where they! Now as to the positive certainty ol its went to witness Cleveland's inauguration, heing an assured good investment, In... r ... xt... T .:ii, !l. i,.,..,... liiu uauu liuiu nun xjuiuu niLii iuu lunvi nurfa nf ltnnnfnrl. nml Pntnlirn rnnnlies. Death of Judge W. B. Hodman. is constantly increasing, notwithstanding Washington, K. U., nas lost one ot Her the difficulty and danger ot crossing foremost citizens. Judge William Blount small open boats ns rough and tempos Rodman died at his home there Tuesday '0UB 8 l y L . " e "tu wm ? "m,mur r ... r ferry ol sufficient capacity to take wagons morning at 4:30 o clock, after an illness of ioaaea with country produce, and bug- two weeks. mes and carnages at the small cost ol Judge Rodman was born June 29. 1817 twenty-five cents, an d each person ten ,i,i u;n, ..i. m r rr I cents ucr iicait. anu land mem on euuer u...,.,6 , , 8C. 11C . . , ,u..,0. ,u.Blw, " pa98cngenj ,n the short space ol ten mm uisliic long homo, ne served Jin the utes, the trade of New Berne with Beau war as caotau. and he was a member of fort and Pamlico counties would be the Supreme court bench of the State from 1869 to 1878. He was elected to this position direct from the bar. Judge Rodman's health has been fail ing since the death of his wife in 1887, but he continued in active pratice of his profession until a few weeks before his death. Ho leaves six children, three sons and three daughters; one of whom is Mrs. O. H. Guion of this city. She left for vastly increased. It is plain to the most ordinary intelligence, that a steam ferry would eventually absorb all ol the trade, to say nothing of the immense increase consequent upon the great reduction in the charge of ferrying vehicles and horses, to say a reduction from $2.00 to 50 cents. Tbe population ot New lierne will ap proximate 9,000. 1 ask, how many are thore in this who know anything of the country on the North side of Neuse river, its soil, its climate or its people; let me assure them, as far as regards all three, it is one of tbe best portions ot the State; Washington on the morning train a .half I Aurora in Beaufort county is a thriving hour after the receipt of the telegram an nouncing her father's death. Two Large Advertisers. Mr. Wm. H. Stewart, of Buffalo, N. Y. advertising agent for Dr. R. V. Pierce's World's dispensary of that city, left Mon day morning after placing a contract with the Journal. Tbe house he represents is one of the best known of the country. It advertises largely, and does a tremendous business. A winter or two ago Dr. Pierce paid a visit to this city,and neither he nor his beautiful and elegantly furnished yacht A lady on ner aro forgotten by any means. way to the lecture fell there las, evening. Mr. Chas. S. Heath, ot Boston, Mass. is Something should be done in relerence to now j tuo cjty representing A P. Ord- It without delay. I wav & Co.. of that nlar. Ha thus been I r We are requested by quite a number distributing a thousand eighty-page of little folks to announce that the Juve-1 pamphlets, "Kaufman on diseases, its nile fair will commence today at the real-1 causes and Honie Cure" by Carl Erust THB tanners who have entered a donee of Dr. Chas. Duffy, and be open Kaufman M. D., a Prussian physician of trust need a good tanning, and tbe each afternoon, from 2 to 6 o'clock for a I note, and lata professor of the theory and publio ubonld endeavor to give it to week. The charges for admission aro 8 1 practice of medicine at the University of i, Mb. Smith will please ' give his attention to the pensions. Let them by chiseled down by Uokey them. ; . "Thbbb Is many a slip between the cap'and thellp," and they tell ns theonn caused many a Blip at Washington. cents for children, S cents for adults, sea-1 Berlin. son tickets 10 cents. Master Richard! Messrs. Ordway&Co., are just intrc- Duffy it president. I ducing their propritary medicine (the The Fiber Works at Riverdale former- ngbt for which was.purchased .from Dr. lv owned and ran by Messrs. Mallett Kautman) in this section, but Mr. Heath Bros, will at no distant day b in oper- mtorms us mat tny ao an immense bust ation again. The company now owning have for several years past expanded think ft want no furt,lcr buginc village or township, with a highly intelli gent and prosperous population, mostly agricultural, with a soil of unsurpassed fertility; Hayuoro, Htoncwall and vandc mere, also prosperous villages in .Pamlico county, with a like population. Ihesc sections ot country and tbeir people arc now almost isolated from New Berne, and to a very large majority of our peo ple, they arc almost unknown. Isew Heme is beyond all question the best located city in North Carolin, either as a summer or winter resort, its only drawback, is its isolation, the great diffi culty of getting out to the surrounding country, which all visitors desire to see and to know, and this very dilhculty is one of the causes that operates against its prosperity. Strangers visiting a town or city for pleasure, do not otteu Jselect as a place ot resort, a town, surrounded Dy broad and tempestous rivres, with no way to visit its surroundings hut by the slow and dangerous way of small sail boats. This state of affairs is behind the age, and should be changed, we must establish a steam ferry, that is our only remedy. Wow, a word to the merchants ot JNew Berne, if you wish to increase your trade, very greatly, with the north side of Neuse river, lend a helping band, take stock in the enterprise, yon cannot increase your business by sitting down, folding your hands or by "lying supinely upon your bucks." "You must be up and doing, "the Gods help those that help them selves, and if there are any among you, who are content to glide down the grade of lifo in the same old business ruts, who ac- (JESERAL ASSEMBLY. FIFTY-FIRST DAY. SENATE. The bill to provide for the support of the Agrcultural and Mochanical Col lege. Much opposition was developed to the bill on account of the feature which ap propriated f5,090 for the purchase of ands adjoining the college. An amendment was adopted by which the appropriation for land was stricken out. The bill tnen passed its third read- At 12 o clock Senator Pou arose to a question of personal privilege and remin ded the Senati that nt this hour Grover Cleveland was being inaugurated for a second time as President of the United States, and that the government was now passing in the hands ol the party which was its lounder. lie concluded hy mov- that the house resolution which tenders the congratulations of the General As sembly bo adopted and that the president of the senate and speaker of the house unite in a dispatch to President Cleve land, conveying the resolution, lhe resolution was adopted unanimously amid enthusiastic cheers. The resolution was as follows: A joint resolution of congratulation to lis Kxcellency Grover Cleveland, Presi dent of the United States: Resolved by the House of Representa tives, the Senate concurring, that the hearty congratulations of the General Assembly ol North Carolina are hereby tendered to lion, (irover Cleveland upon his again assuming the great of President of the United Stales to which he has for i second time been overwhelmingly elec ted by Ins lellow citizens. His former illustrious administration ives assurance that during his present Icrm of office the execution of the laws will be non-sectional, anil in the interest of all the people. Uesolvcd, That the Kjieaker of the House of Representatives and the Presi- lent of the Senate be instructed to immediately telegraph the above resolu tion to President Cleveland. TiTlie resolutions which had been adop ted by the House were adopted by a rising vote of the Senate, only one lone Third partyite refusing to vote. The bill providing for the quarantine station at Southport passed third reaibn by a vote of 22 to IS, as it passed second reading last night. Dill to increase the appropriation of tin: colored oi jihan asylum from $1,000 to$l,.ri(IO passed third reading. The bill to establish a North Carolina reform school failed to puss its second rending. The following bills passed third read ing : House bill, to prevent fraudulent as signments. liill to provide for the employment and support of convicts in the peniten tiary (appropriated $25,000 as contingent lund.) Lieut. Gov. Doughton was presented with a line gold headed cane by Senator Merritt and with a beautiful silver butter dish by Senator Pou; and Senator King a fine gold-headed cane in behalf ot Senators. Also Chief Clerk Burkhead was presented with a fine gold-headed cane and meerschaum pipe. Appropriate and touching speeches and replies ac coinpanied tile presentations. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. A bill to prohibit the salo of deadly weapons to minors was reported. The committee reported a substitute, and as amended the bill passed. House bill, 037, to amend the Lode relative to Building and Loan Associa tions was amended and passed. The house concurred in the senate amendments to the quarantine bill, for the establishment of the station at South- port. The penitentiary appropriation o.ll as reconsidered and a contingent ap- ropriation of $25,000 made to be used only by consent of the Governor. A message was received lrom the Sen ate stating that it refused to concur in the llouso amendment making the state Guard aniironriation only $8,000, and conference committee was appointeJ. GRAND GlearanceSale We are closing ont our tntnc stock of Fall and Winter Goods kiAimHaa PUWUtK MaujVmiVIWt Absolutely Pure. I II U If I Ul IV UUOl furth- In order to make room for our URGE & EXTENSIVE Spring Stock, which will be open for inspection in a tew days. Our stock is large, consisting of a Com plete Assortment of Olotiiirxe;. Ix?y Goods, BOOTS, SHOES, Hats, Notions, Sc., 4c. NOTH SOME OF OUB PEICE3 Hon s (Jassimoro Suits, $3 00 to $5 00 Men's all wool Cheviot SuiU 5 00 to 8.50 Corkscrew ' 7.00 to 11 50 Heavy Cotton Undershirts 20c. ' Working Undershirts 20c! " Drilling Drawers 20c, Elastic Suspenders 10c, Solid Lenther Shoes inn lloavy L nbleai lied Domestic (remnants) 4c, Kindly KoHi-iting an inspection trom the public, I A cream of tartar baking Highest of all in louvening strength. Latest Unitkd States Goveknmknt Food Rkpoht. Royai, Baking Powdur Co.. 100 Wall 8t.,N. Y. Come give us a taste of your iiuabty.'' MIAKliHl'KAlti:. Yhu can, judge the quality ol some tliingH by tiiHte, but the ouly way to judge a shoes is by wear. The shoes we sell the old reliable Staoy Adam's & (Jo's, have been tested in this market tor ten years, anu an agree that thoy are wear resistors. Noue like them as a customer remarked to ns a few days ago. Prices 2.00 to f 3.00. See ns for Hats, Clothing and Un derwear. J. M. HOWARD. use (Mima f'liiiirhu DUFFY'S COUdll KILLER Colds, Sore Throat te. Excellent in all alfections of the Throat and Lum;s inducing healthy ac tion ot the mucous membrane, soothing and healiii" the same. Is an antiskitic uid (UcitMiciUE. Prices, 10c., 25c. and SOc.Jper Ixittle. Notice of Dissolution, Notice is hereby in ven that the firm of Holland & Jiirvis is this day disolvod by mutual consent by the withdrawal ol .1. It. Holland from lhe linn. The business will lie continued by I). F. Jarvis who has purchased the interest of. I. li. Ilol- and. and lo wlumi all aeeouts are pay able. J. II. Hoi.I.AM. I). F. Jakvis. Ilavin" purchased the interest of J. H. Holland, in the linn of Holland & Jarvis I ber to inform lhe the public that I will continue business at the same loca tion on 1'oiioek street, llianknu' my many mends lor their patronage in the past, and hoping by lnithlul services to merit it, ill the luture. lam Very ltesp. 1). F. Jakvis. ROBERTS & BRO. Brick Store, Opposite Old Stand. We have a fine stock of HAVE MOVED TO THEIR A Card of Thanks. I hereby extend to the Fire Depart ment of New Berne this expression of my appreciation of their valued services in promptly and cllectively stopping with such small loss to me the flames which threatened irreat destruction to my property. T. F. MlCartuv. rlt . li.o I""" n r ...... ,. I ininic luey warn, no iuriuer uuaincss ac- A temperanoe man expiaiUH the property haT6 B,de tome improve- 1150,000 annually in advertising. They quauaunce, and have no desire for an in- inac on iDaagnraiiiua uuj it w mentA ,n(j wm mte still other.. They I aM tnou&and. or news papers, ana auo crease ot trade, thon i suggest, take no . either a drink Of Dneumonla. BO he in. .t'nnroit u1ertialnir for hu-m onanti other methods of reachlnir the public,and Utoclc in It, do not invest one .cent, and do took the drink. - GoVKEKOB Oabb coold not be at the Inauguration, Nevertheless he appear in tbe plctares and U aa cood looking aa the beat of them.". , li ..ii i.. i -A-A in I tlia beat avidenea of their flndincr it a ' ucb v MimMg "v i - --. -- lizena of Pamlico and Bcaulort are ripe tbeir boalneaa. VVH mvwuu un J ""J for it? they know that if carried out, it The nremlum of 115 forth, beat thor- ,noWMU18 ' nd thelr burinee. oorrea-1 will be a great Convenience to them and .. . . ... I nnndimr irmwlnir aa time DRurmaaea. Of much pecuniary benefit, for rapid com- oagnDreawaiuonwi ineair.wa. - . , r -a mUnication will develop their resourcea, ted in the publication ot ma nn poDiiin-1 a child of Sarah DillahunL ool.. waa and increase the value of tbeir land 1. It waa won bv Mr. Thomas A Mo-1 :i. i i i. m, i,i. 1 am confident that a well managed steam rr ti,t. rti, nr jurn. wii-l-. . .. ferry, will be of far greater benent to Wew V nV iTV wl aooui Hire. mii rromin.cuj. Berne than a Railroad It is true, that mington Onslow B. K. UO, at. ac-l uinUbinim last nhrht . in Christ both are beneficial: steam ferry can do in betns rich. ait Is orobable that pw?f T If.Tf I Churcb. ReT- Po" discoursed M onl? "or great v in oemn non, aa-it is prouauio ku . . fc . tnoroui,bred Hotatoln bull ..L , . ,,. . . . . good, and that continually. On the con- we money kioKa will eoon have to 1 ri0l.tein heifer, and for asreral 21"' f : walk around nnder the protection UtleV o. poultrv, r ' ;, ,jjf "il?, -ttJ 4 . , - i . it - Bugvwi iuqiuiw w iwi wuuukuuubi aa ivi avaiivT tuuuaivuvn aavauat ui vuv of a body guard all the time. r locality. Therrarenow lmngi Many person . who have been shown Inerta! vir. Pott la Prlrini nf he lower part of Beanfort and m Pamlico 1 civilities by Ajthur!8imihons.6olrt at the nnlf,.i n ,.ni,.i a., I oountlea. v 8 to lJ,00y people who are insuaveraur ui uwm varoima - - I 5 - . . "w' I debarred from trading hero. In conse- and the Oovernor of South- Owo- wu l" uu""" . 'rTT. m? . aiMMion ar UMnew Doji ana young quencofwntof quick transportation. - " 1 a. a.a Kual andAlnfavl A l la AlI S lan M I a aa aa. iM .alA. . . . i . . - t ftoa ne m-vnina a tpccui tnort m uiTe mem uii mmsportauon. ana its V. Va Kaam atnnnlnfjwl in ftla Ml vtlaAat h t ' Mi a .-.. -.. mr t : r -arc - - - , k i auvu ibuu un a uwuum lucuw auvi U i una isivui wiv tinusiruiMiuvu. una ai po raeos . wiwo.ukwu, . o,...,.. Arthur Simmon, for Uvi ....,1 wl Inflnenn. .ill hi ei.ic.k It felL but the Governor of South Caroline h,.d irtrtiint L . . ' k-m.i.- . .i.. ,. hay a briefly a I could stated the ad knew how It would have been had they met and aoted aooordlagty. ' TnB Maoon, Oa., Telegraph haa tisen Bold to New Yorkera for tlO, ' ,." T ' 'i li the unnonniM'tnert. - , , , f' soma twenty year place in the white' house. Wb.n Mr. Mr. Ilamsoa waa elected p wu removed and on Saturday immediately after Mr. Cleveland's Inauguration he was restored tohla old position, doubtless one of the tl i aiT'.oituiente.- rrovimn to t'e nr MntMM lht wnnM awaiilfe fn tha nannlA of the on new ned forcollego pnrposes ln 0f the wUblisbment of a ' i i . 1 ' . ' " ' ;. I steam ferrv. and will oonclnde bv wishina i - 1 oa, smtt ' -' ' Toa SBOcessln vourpraise worthy 'enter. Kcguiar oommumoation or tx. tjona si prise. v--;w. - Yours, etc,'-.' Lodir A. F. A. M. tonlirht at 7:80 J ' A FantKU to Stbak w'clock. X!m j, 8. TtAmairr, 8o.' FERRT EHTBUl'RItB. remain, Very respectfully, SOL. COHEN. "Red Star Clothier." Middle St., New Berne, N. O. Jamks R. Jones. Salesman. j29 For Sale, HOUSE and LOT on Pollock street. Apply to ASA JONES, Agt. March 4, 1894. Jtf Seed Potatoes. A few Extra Nice Ilome Grown Seed Pota'.ooa. Also. C'boico Northern Seed. nl tf J. E. LATHAM. Family Groceries, Provisions, Boots and Shoes. Agent for F. W. Stochs Flour, Of Michigan. Also importers ol WEST INDIA MOLASSES. W. fl. & R. S. TUCKER & CO. Are selling Goods at Closo Figures. Call in and look at our atojk m5tf I THE GRW FB0NT QrgSS QqQ()s J HOVELTf STORE, Phonographic Exhibition. Coinmencinir with today, (Tuesday Feb. 28th) the phonograph which waa at the Fair, will be on exhibition in the Green Front Novelty Store next to the Haptist churcti. i rice, 1U cents tor threo pieces. w.j. nuiTii. at Middle St. Near South Front (Next to Dully 'a Druif Store,) IS OFFERING Special Inducements IN Spring '93a New Drees Fabrics for this season are now on active sale. Onr showing of Spring Dress Goods represents the moat desirable textures and shades of plain mate rials, as well an thn rinhnp Pari. musical Instruments, Violins, Novelties. rue Banjos, Guitars. Mandolins, uDreB8 Goods for this Spring tuners, Aumonarps, ft8 to color and style from those of Flutes. Fifes. Piccolos. Accor- the Pa8t season. BROAD STREET FRUIT STORE. Just arrived a fresh lot of northern fruit, parsnips, carrots, beets, bananas, cocoanuts, rutabagas, turnips, apples and lemons. To my friends and patrons wlnlo pass ing Ilroad St. please call. Any article purchased ot my stock not as represented tlio money I will refund on return ot any Thanking you kindly for past deonB, Harps, Etc, ALSO, A UNE OF Solid and Plated Jewelry, such as Watches, Chains, Cuff and Collar Buttons, Ladies' Pins, Earrings, Scarf Pins, Spectacles, Etc. Great Cut in Prices tt. article. favors hoping to reoaive a continuance of In Pictures & Picture Frames your pa ro..K. .. . . and EASELS we carrv the Lanreat Htrpol: H'rnit Mtorn Hnrnnrl l ..... . " - ' - " ntjMr in rma uwllnn nf . Iia j.. . i - it : .1 .1 1 .. . . i . .. r i " " (lour nuwvu iiiiiiuic, iic&b uwi w ni, Chaa. Swcrt's beef stall. Jake D. Barfiki.d, Proprietor, E. C. D. NOTICE. On snd after March 1st the steamer Neuse will sail from New Berne at 4 m. until further notice. Gbo. Hchdbbsov, Agent Requests for samples should in dicate something as to colors and price of goods desired. Cash with order of 85.00 and over, we deliver goods free (except lurnuure ana orooKery) to nearest Express Umoe or Katlroad Station. W. H. & R. S. Tucker & Oo. RALEIGH, N. C. MONEY ON LIFE INSURAM During Fair Week. leom own Lost. Friday night March 8d, 1898, on Street between Collegiate Institute and Union Dolnt. star sfraped sold medal with the Inscription "Hannah Moore Academy '80." On the otbtr "Qui natltul vincet." A liberal reward will be given for it re turn at this office, , , i , , ; . i We have recently full eomDlarMl facilities for handling loans on Twin and Endowment Inauranoe Poliolea, jfft loan upon reasonable term about 90 par ' p- notice Extraordinary ! a4-B-: IKqoitoble.iEina. Mutual Llf of New k To All My Old Frier ds and rSSiJJ iwu, union cwDiraj, mutual Benefit of 8tr. Albemarle. On aad after March 8, 1898 nntii 'lu Gr6611 Customers. I wiah to aa; that I am back at my ,? Brooklya Lire, United ' AU a j t . ai I v m ',. r.v "'T i ' One door east of J. J. ToUon's to mrrith nil. -i IT fiJ i .h.r. I .in .nmah tk.m .i.h th. montn, with prWileM of rmawmi. ' " " " - wm . I IMIIM UMlintawl hk kaa 1 IBEBT THE MARKET ATFORUB j - In the -tin of poller accepted that ha bean outsUad. ln Inaa ihan thraa wmmm Tf u oar to Mcur a loan wo rill bur yonr 1 Groceries.-Etc. I - W also deal la iaMirltUa tuer notice wi wr. Aioernarie, 0( tnet nuitnsiWnnmn t .11 n..t 1 lneiodin railroad a took s a4 konda. r . L Iff t-vl a, 1 II , 1 M I " " aT - f,. . n. ' , 1 ' ' "l"Kfm wiu - u. iu ttTor aj,d Bopn. m Am oooUbu vaT vouaiy ana iownsbip ton . J a .1 TP J ,,) a 11 aft . aa IkniH Wi. 1 - w I aa.4 ai i I aa uj wiu m m. n jhow itoamtervo their ptron.s .iii Berne, , Ru-prr Cray, Act. Aut, I I remain vr"r oi o ' - ntsownt I In? r.F't Tn?t "1 r- M ' 1 1) f "i f f , t r