r .' : '.it-.. " V-- ' '. : . .. . rt. .- v if v. '.. " .j.-" ' , "" ' t ' ' C'V:1,,i..,;(iS.:.;i'i rWf.J(ii,si '.i.ii.fl;-;-i;v-4 .1 ......... . . i . -s -1 ' it OURNAL. VOL.XL-NO 296 NEW BERNE, N. C, FRIDAY, MARCH 10, 1893. PRICE 5 CENTS, -Ubusinkss LOCALS, FINE Stall Fed Beef this morning; JC. Whitvobu. -i C' Ttf8T; BECEIVED. A nict 'line of ' " Prayer Books, bound in French Seal, Venetian Morocco and French Morocco. Prices 75c, and fl.OO. Also a nice line ' of music books at Hall's Book Btobb. - mlO, tf. : LOST-'-A knob bandied .umbrella patched at connection with handle. . Re tarn to Jovbhal office. S OElT At the fair grounds a plain ; wood bottom chair light weight and painted yellow. Information can be left at this office tf. FULL line of Spring and Snmmcr Samples, consisting of Cbeviotts, Black, Blue and Brown Sergex,- Fine Check Cashmeres, Imported Suitings. Worsteds in all grades. Satisfaction guaranteed. F. M. Chadwick, (Tailor.) tf. At Hull's book store. WE have just received a big job lot of Letter, Note and Bill Heads, En velopes, Cards and Tags which we are offering at prices that defy competition. We LEAD in LOW PRICES, others may follow. W. T. Hill & Co. South Front Street. TRUNKS, TRUNKS I We arc pre pared to manufacture Trunks of nil kind. Repaimno a Specialty. If you have an old trunk, don't throw it. away, but send it to us nml we will mnku it as good as new. S. B. Watson & Co. Middle St. Opp. Smallwood & Stover's, fcb. 12 2v. G O To Street's Horse Store for Liverv. in he Celebrated Siiboioso Flor l)e Habana Cigars. Six for Twenty-live cents at C. C. Urkbn's bnuo Stoku. nov. 2-2m. JUNE roadster's at Street's horse store. DLEGANT Saddlers at Sheet's Horse "Store. DANDRUFF, Itch, Munge, and all Skin Diseases cured by the use of Duffy's Itch Ointment. For sale, by F. 8. Duffy, Druggist. MI8H, Sacramental, Port and Scupper nong Wines fur sale by Jah. Richmond f CALVIN Schaffer's Wild Cherry Rock and Rye, put up expressly for throat and lung diseases, tor sale ly ' Jab. Redmohd. T UFFY'S Malt Whiskey for Medicinal use, for sale by Jab. Redmond. TT UNYADI Janos Mineral Water, the best Natural aperient, n or Bale oy Jab. Redmond. pJURE Corn Whiskey for sale by Jab. Rkdmond. rv UFF Gordon Imported Sherry, for sale hy J as. kbdmond. T MPORTED Holland Gin. Burke s Bass l Ale and Burke's Guinness' Stout, for tale by J as. Redmond. 7 nitfl CIGARS at very low figures l,vW for wholesale and retail trade fe sale by J as. Redmond. GARRETT'S Cognac Brandy used very muck in the sick room. For sale by J AS. KEDMOND, COUHT Toistoi says that the Knssian famine was caused by drunkenness. Britain's combined display at the World's Fair will be the finest frpm all Europe. JOBUH Quihct, of Massacha. aittl.'has accepted the position , of first assistant Secretary of State. ALL the members of tbe Cabinet have been, confirmed, have taken the oath and eutered upon their duties. . THE London Daily Graphic says Cleveland' . inaogaral . "is - an admirable sermon on political self-reliance. EITEEMK8 met in Washington Batorday the end of Republican uisrnle and the begioning of Democratic prosperity. THB Few York Oommeroial 'f Advertiser rises to remark, the a' most negligent offloial in tb com . manlty is the fool killer." r THB Duke of Marlborough was eon ol tiding magazine article in- strnotfng people on 'The art of Liv ing when he snddenly died. Art U long and life is fleeting. Star. XT is saia tnat , tne mumeroas ;. eaoning factories ' being - erected throughout West ) Tennessee will, to a great extent, reduce cotton , prodaoiion, and build ' op track farming and the fruit indnstry. Secretary Oresham will celebrate his 60th birthday on the 17th last., St. Patrick's day la the . morning, regardless of the fact; that,, the Bepnblioans have been abnelnjg him like sixty ever since he iwcept- ed the portfolio uo( State ; Mr Clevelaad's Cabinet. , , MB. CLSYBL4RD Cabinet Ireid its first meeting Taesdayi Among; the matters disca.ised were Ha waiian aonetation," ibe fiuaaoial situation and the appointment of assistants to the Secretaries. "-In the I " t named matter Mr. Cleve Ij 1 di atrc 3 bis sroretarles to go . f ' j p. PBBSlDEHT. OliBYELAHD'S Brat offloial invitation oama from the VVorld'ii j Plr commissioners. It Invited the president to be present and participate in toe opening exercises of tbe Oalambian World a Fair on the 1st day ol May! next. The President replied, "If 1 go, it will be because I dee ju it a pnblie duty which I ought to discharge. At that time there will be many matters of public importance to demand my preset) oe here." According to figures tarnished by tba Paris correspondent of tbe "New York Herald" tbe great powers of continental Europe hold as war reserve funds a sum aggre gating over 11,800,000,000. Of this France his $400,000,000, Germany $300,000 000, and Russia $425,000,- 000 These vast amounts of treasure are permanent? with Irawn from the channels of indus try and commeroe, and serve only h . sort of insurance to those in authority iigninst the day of international strife. Itisamazine that the surplus funds of civ lized nations can be thus stored away to be used in pro oting tbe dread havoc of war. LOCAL NEWS. A'A' WAD VliR TISEMKN TS. Howard. N. Whltford Fine beef. Hall's Rook Store Prayer books. An enjoyable evening at the Y. M. C. A. entertainment tonight. Admission, gentleman 25ct. Ladies, and children under 12 years 15cts. A number of names were added yester day to the list of subscribers for another balloon ascension. Others still arc need ed and if secured promptly the ascension will take place in about a week. The Board of Supervisors of the 8th township are requested to meet at the office of W. G. Brinson at 12 m. Saturday. Business of importance will come before the meeting. The steam ferry seems to meet with much approval and the best way to get it is lo take right hold and establish it at once. Public enterprises do not build themselves very fast when left alone. The Sanford Izpresa says: Tbe people of our sister county, Montgomery, are very much excited over the discovery of a very rich cold mine. The mine Is lo cated on the property of Jones Cotton. Tbe two-story L with a rear addition of two other rooms which Miss Carrie Mayhew is adding to her home is getting well under way. The front of the main portion of the residence is also being made ornamental. Other improvements to tbe place an in progress. Mr. G. R. Folsom and his son-in-law, Mr. C. M. Dockham, of the Stimson Lum ber Company are erecting a good resi dence for themselves on Queen street adjoining J. W. Mesic's, which will be very convenient for their business. Upon the completion of the building they will move their families down from Chelsea, Mass. A women writer says that men only abuse new fashions before they are adopt' ed by the women; afterwards they adore them, as they do the woman. We ac cept tbe statement as true in most in stances, bat we cannot Vouch for ita sus tenance should tbe .- present hoop skirt threat invade our fair land. Rev. Edward Bull has just sent off the collection of native woods which he ex hibited at the New Berne Fair, to form part of the North Carolina exhibit at the World's Exposition. There are 12S varie ties in the collection, all properly labelled and prepared to show to show to best advantages both exterior and interior portions of each log section. Dennis Wadsworth col., is putting up a three-story building on the point form ed by the intersection of Queen and Pol lock streets in front of T. F. McCarthy's store. le.wUlcarrf on tbe ;buiuesi of a wiioMwngnti m it, ana mae truck boxts in the season. He intends also to put In planing machines and machines for ornamental round and scroll work, Tbe hand book, of NortSarolina, got ten out by the State Board of Agriculture for use t the World's Fair is very creditable. It Is a volumn of nearly 850 pages with an attractive cover. It is on good paper. The steel kengravings sre fine, and the contents all that can be de sired. The reading matter is interesting' ly written, and treats of every county and important resources otthe8tate. jTne jNortb CfroUas j'eaiher says the names or several young latues nave at ready been sent to the secretary of the Teachers Aasetnblytas ojnpetitot lathe Instrumental mnsiccontest st Morebead this sewosoltt lriseots4;Uiat dill faf tnre of tbe Assembly work wilt be ever more inffresliiif ies ifer Tefbre? V f hoped that there wlR be fn the contest a wiprceeobrtfv Hfrom! every. . ptnsfameot ronsio teacher in the State. Every lead ing troo! for girls Jis VuppoMxT tcr fcr at least one pupil who (a prepared to enter a contest in"1 an "artl wbic! has n tV, ly tn""H to her at ti nt ! MEMORIAL BAZAAR. To be Held April 11th to 29th, 1893, la Richmond, Ya. The Ladies Bollywood Memorial As- sociation,aided by the Junior Hollywood, the Oakwood and Hebrew Memorial As sociations, and all the Confederate Veter an Camps, will hold a bazaar for the benefit of the monument now being raised to the Private Soldier and Sailor of tbe Conlederacy, and for the Confeder ate Museum, to be established in the house in which President Davis resided during the war. This house having been given to the ladies by the city of Rich mond, they ask the help of every man, woman and child, in order that the entire South may share in the honor of erecting these two monuments. Each Confederate State will be rep resented by a table bearing its name. shield, and colors, and articles received will be given to the table which may be designated by the donor. With any article furnished or with out, if none can be given it is specially requested that a sketch of some person or event be sent, These sketches will be filed and preserved in the His torical collection of the museum, and will lie the basis of future publications. It is befitting that to the dauntless chieftain and his heroic followers these two monuments be raised in the Capital of the Confederacy, the one spot which can never lose its identity with the cause for which they struggled and died. Money and articles, small and large, for table or restaurant, for use or beauty should be addressed to "Memorial Ba zaar," Richmond Va. All packages forwarded free by Southern and Adams Express Companies. Name and residence of the consignor should be in the corner, but not given as part of the address. Our Ladies Memorial Association has already taken some action in furtherance of this praise-worthy undertaking, and ao doubt our Confederate Veteraus and other will lend willing aid. Dow the Steam Ferry Will Benefit. The steam ferry is one of the best pro tects ever started for the city and the country regions opposite where pco pie would use it. It is growing stronger and stronger in favor as it is discussed, especially among the people on the op posite side of Neuse river from the city. It would pay even a very poor man who markets bis farm products and buys bis goods in the city to take at least one share of stock, for it would not take many trips before the saving by the difference bi rates would save him all he had paid in, and the benefits would go straight on without ceasing from year to year. It would likewise pay every businessman in tbe city to take stock in the company, for he would ly getting his money back by reason of increased trade through more people using this city as their mar ket, who, on account of the inconvenience in crossing, carry much of their trade to other points. The ferry will confer more immediate and direct benefits on the residence of both the country and city than even an additional railroad. No one alive to bis own individual in terests, to the growth and prosperity of the city, and to the higher development of the farming region, which the ferry would put into easy connection with the city, can afford to be indifferent on the matter. Osr Band. A good band is greatly needed in thiB City. Prof. A. W. Cook, who recently re-organized the New Berne band is awake on tbe subject, and is determined to have a good and well equipped one he is formulating plans now looking to this end, when a certain point is reached an opportunity will be afforded oar citi zens of giving substantial encouragement to the organizat.on. When this time comes we doubt not there will be a hearty response, for our people will remember when our band unsurpassed by any in tbe state, was a leading object of pride to all our citizens. - Besides, there is many an occasion when a ,band Is almost indespensiuble. Let us have one by all means, and let every encouragement be offered for it to attain a higher plane. At the Y.M. C. A. Tonight, Those wishing to have a pleasant pas time should be on hand at the Y. M. C. A. toulgbt. ' It will be an opportunity to hear some splendid reciting and delightful vocal and instrumental mtulo. Also there will be a few select athletio perfiAmanoes and an exhibition In Indian club specialties by one of our young ladies. Tbe lantern swing will be introduced for the first time and in fact tbe program will vary considerably from those previously given. It ps tor tbe benefit of the Association and will no doubt be libeially patronised. The doors will be open st half past eefen o'clock, at which time "Jo" the harpist, will play tor all early comers and until the beginning of the program. a - v - .-,;: frV.Fi iTomUosoo, of Asheville has issued a vejy Interesting work In paper blading for M cents a t eopy. It Is s brief biography of each State, officer and of every member of the General Assembly accompanied by engravings of many ' of tlfm. It also contnim other valuable In COUNT? C0MMITSIONERS PIO CEEDINUS. The Board met at 11 o'clock March g, 803. Present, Commissioners, J. A. Bryan, chm'n.; E. W. Smallwood and M. II. Carr. Ordered, That the poll tax assessed against C. Erdman aud John R. B. Car- raway, Township No. 8, for 1892, be re mitted, they having proved to satisfac tion of this board that they have served as active firemen for 7 years. Ordered, That the poll tax assessed sgainst Jacob Kafer, Township No. 8, for 1892, be remitted, he having proved to the satisfaction of this board that be is over 50 years old. Ordered, That the tax on property on Metcalf street, charged to Melissa Dixon, be remitted, the tax on same property having been listed tnd paid by Miles Richardson. Ordered, That S. J. Lane be allowed to change bis place of business as a retail liquor dealer from his present location at lower Middle street one door north of S. H. Scott's to Vanceboro, in the Btore formerly occupied by Macon Bryan, and oppnsito said Brayan's present 'residence, and to continue said business at said last named location, under his present license expiring June 30, 1893. Ordered, That when W. C. White pre sents his bill in form required by law, for $165, for construction of bridge across Mosely creek in Craven county, that the chairman of this board issue to him a warrant on treasurer for the same. Ordered, That the tax assessed against N. W. Taylor, W. S. Chadwick and Sarah Davis, of Carteret county, und N. M. Jurney of Mt. Olive, and C. E. Sim mons, of Beaufort all of the Stale of North Carolina, upon the capital stock of the Farmers and Merchants Bank, of New Berne, N. C, standing in their names upon the books of the said bank, be re mitted, they being non-resideuts of Craven county. Ordered further, That the taxes assessed against Reuben Foster and W. M. Powell of Baltimore, Md., upon the capital stock of said bank standing in their name be collected, they being non-residents of the State and lia ble under the laws of the State to pay daid tax in the county in which said bank is located. Ordered that the contract lietween tli board of supervisors ot public roads of No. 5 township and Joshua M. Bell, for the building of Long Creek bridge, as submitted to the board for approval, be and the same is hereby approved as amended, and said contract is ordered recorded upon the minutes and filed. Ordered that the tax paid by J. K. Willis, as agent for Mrs. bla Beckwitht on $2,550 solvent credits and personal property, listed Juno 1892, in Craven county be remitted ana reluuded, provi ded said J. K. Willis produce a certifi cate from the sheriff of Wake county, showing that said amount of personal property and solvent credits has been listed and appears upon the tax lists of Wake county, it appearing that Mrs. lola Beckwith was a resident of Wake county on June 1st 1892, and now re sides in said county. The foregoing minutes were read be fore the Board by the clerk ami on mo tion approved. I2 Bills allowed. Board adjourned. Purchased a Bakery. Mr. C. V. McGehec formerly of Madi son bought out the Clark bakery at the foot of Middle street yesterday. He will conduct the business as it has lieen rnn, baking a full line of bread, sakes and pies and have a delivery system connec ted with the business. Mr. McOehee married a New Berne young lady Miss Kate Churchill. lie and bis wife have spent the last four months injthe city at Mrs. Churchill's and we are glad to see that it has led to their making their borne in our midst. Coming and Golmr. Mrs. Rowe, of Spriugvale, Maine, who has been visiting her sister Mrs. P. II. Pelletier left yesterday morning. Mr. J. S. Mann, who has been at Beau fort a few days on professional busiue,s returned home yesterday morning. Mr. Matt Manly returned but night from a visit to relatives in Maryland. Mrs. B. G. Credlo went down to Beau fort to visit her brother, Capt. W. Hat sell, who is ill. t Mr. 0. P. Dcy, who has been in the city on business, returned to Beaufort. Evangelist Moody la the State. Evangelist Moody began meetings in Charlotte Wednesday night He will be there a week. The Moody meetings In Wilmington will begin on Saturday March 18th at 8 p. m. .They will be held in the cham pion compress. Mr. San key will not be With Mm. II The Messenger announces that the railj roads will give reduced rates to Wil mington during the meetings. Morgaoton is to bate a new cotton mill. Tbe prslitnlnafy work was began yester day on banting creek, north of tbe Burke county fidr grounds and Bear the Cataw- be river, so says ths Morganton Herald. - . k. cv d. noticb. :' ; : ; ' On and after March 1st the steamer Neuse will sail from New Berne at 4 p m. nntll further notice. Geo, IlENDRnsoif, Agent- THE INSURANCE COMBINE. The Monopoly it Is Intended to Create and the Extortion Meant to be Practiced. There has been strong complaint about the advance in insurance rates in New Berne. Other cities arc suffering like wise, and attacks are being made in vari ous papers. We copy the one lelow from the Norfolk Virginian: "The advance in insurance rates is not confined to Norfolk. The advances 1ms been all along the line where the insur ance ring or trust, disguised under the title of "Tariff Association" litis control and sway, and no reduction of the rates may be expected until such legislative action is taken in the respective states in which the companies forming the com bine do business through their agents us will compel the trust to recede from ito arbitrary and unjust requirements. "Under cover of the same old chestnut of the inefficiency olthe Fire Department, the combine has advanced rates in New York, Brooklyn, Philadelphia, Baltimore and many other places. But the expose of the New York Herald has clearly de monstrated that this cryofjwolf on the part of the insurance companies as to the lack of facilities on the part of the Fire Departments of the cities named was sim ply employed as a blind and a snare, unj der the plea of which they could advance rates to whatever figures they judged proper to make. "The combination was formed lo stifle competition, to crowd out small compa nies, to increase rates, to enhance the power ami wealth of the (jfcat companies and by the surrender of individual con trol ol companies to an administrative board, from whose decision there is no appeal, a gigantic combine renders it powerless at present to resist unjust and burthfiisome exactions. It took years of deep scheming to build up the combine, it will lake lime to smash it, but it may be put dow n us a certainty that the sinusli will come." A Suit Between States. There is now pending i.i the Federal Supreme Court a suit between the States of Virginia and Tennessee in which the former lays claim to a large tract of land now embraced within the boundaries of Tennessee. The tract in question is a wedge shaped strip of land stretching across tbe North ern border of Tennessee adjoiuitig Vir ginia on ttic south. It is 113 miles in length, 2 miles in width at its eastern and eight miles in width at its western extremity. One of the towns in dispute is Bristol, Tenn., which would be put w holly iu Virginia if that State should win. Meeting ol the Drug Clerks. The Drug Clerks of the State had a meeting in Greensboro on Friday night The meeting was well attended and a great, deal of interesting discussion on matters relative to Drug Clerks was in dulgcd in. A conotitution and by-laws were adopted aud the latter are very rigid. A permanent organizition was gone into and officers were elected as follows: F. A. Bobbitt, Winston, President; B, W. lfargrave, Wilson, Vice President: Kil O'llanlon, Winston, Secretary and Treasury: Executive committee, Dr. W. ('. Porter, Greensboro; D. L. Adams, Raleigh; Walter Grimes, Winston; N. C Brandon, Greensboro; and the other iiiem bers of the committee are to be appointed by t lie President. The first regular meeting of the North Carolina Drug Clerk s Association will be held at Morehead City, about the mid dle ot August, date to be announced later News & Observer. Our State at the Exposition. Mr. T. K Bruner, who has just paid t visit to Chicago, reports that the exhib its are rapidly being put in position. iNortli C arolina s spaces in the various buildings and pavilions arc being fitted up with handsome cases for our exhibits. 1 tic pagoda in which tho North Carolina headquarters will be is to be embelished with North Carolina cereals and fruits and will be very handsome. News and Observer. Three Cheers for Mary. Women may wear tho crinoline, It's just like them to do it. When they'll have a thing they w ill If afterward they rue it. But it's safe to say that one old girl To style will prove a balker; No earthly power will get hoop-skirts On Dr. Mary Walker. Troy Press. Long Island had an earthquake shock before day Wednesday morning. It shook pictures from the walls and created hav oc among china ware and bric-a-brac The people flee from their honses in thei night robes supposing they were falling BROAD STREET fill' IT STORE. Jiwt arrived a fresh lot of northern fruit, parsnips, carrots, beets, bananas. cocoanuts, rutabagas, turnips, apples and lemons. To my friends and patrons while pass ing Broad St. please call. Any article purchased ol my stock not as represented, tho money I will refund on roturn of any article. Thanking you kindly for past favors hoping to receive a continuance of your patronage uroad Btrcct Kruit Btore. Second door above Middle, next door to Mr. Cbas. Swert's beef stall. James D. Baiifiei.d, Proprietor, C A A AAACABBAQE PLANTS for UVVfy'Wsaie grown from the best seed, srown by the old reliable seed house of Johnson ft Stokes. . of Philadel phia, Pa., and Peter Henderson & Co. of New York. Price 2 per M. Over 5,000 at $1.50 per M. Lettuce Plants same price. N. II. BLITCII, Young's Island 3. C. ' tHdw lm Lest. . "T . Friday night March 8d, 1808, ba Street between Uollctrtate Institute ana Union point, s star shaped gold medal with the inscription "Hannah Moore ' Academy '89." On the other "Qui patitnt vinoet' A liberal reward will be given for Its re- turn at thl. office., 111 POWDER Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar baking- Dowder Highest of all in loavening strength. Latest United States Government Food Rrpokt. oval Baking Towoifn Co.. 106 Wall N. Y. Come give us a taste of your quality.'' bllAKESl-KAItK. Y-a can jadgo tho quality ol some tliingn by tiwte, bnt the only way to judge a shoe is by wear. The shoos we sell the old reliable Stacy Adam'H & (Jo's, have been tented in this msirket for (on years, and all agree that, they are wear resitderH. None like them as a customer remarked to uh a few ayR ago. Prieen '2.00 to 5.00. See us for Hats, Clothing and Un derwear. J. M. UOWAKD. . u SI'. 1)1 KFV: COl tilf KII.I.KK Ci.IiIm, Sure Throat, all iillcelioiid of the iiiiluciiiir healthv ac- cures Cough to. Excel li'iit liro:i ami I.un ion ol the mucous lunnbruhr, soothing ml healing the same. N mi antiseptic nd oj-.li.Ml( iiii:. Price. 10c , '.Tic. unil Or. in r bottle. Str. Albemarle. On and after March :l, I H!i:t until fur ther not ice the Sir. AlU-marle. of the N. & W. Direct Line will sail Tues- lay and Friday at 1 1 a. in. from New Berne. Haumi G hay. Act. Ant. Ammunition THAT BRINGS DOWN THE BUSINESS, "Beit Goods, Fairest Prices." From any shelf, coun ter or table in the store w can Convince You of This Oar ammunition in hunting lor trade is the same in "J3 as it was in '92, the same as always before Wo handle only tho best goods which we sell at the fairest f.rioes Very reBieotfully, Haekburn & Willelt. WE TELL YOU nothing new wheu wc mate that It rY" to encage In a permanent, molt healthy and pleaaant bunt. mi, that returns a pront lor every aay won. Hiinh la the bmineu we offer the working clans. We. tcaoh them how lo make money riuidlr, and Garantee every one who follow our Initructlou thlully the making of .tOO.OO a month. Every one who takei hold now and work! will uraly and speedily Increase their earnings; there can be no question about It; others now at work are doing It, ana you, reaner, can on tne same. This Is the best paying business that von have ever had the chance to secure. Vou will make a frave mistake if yoa fall to give It a trial at once, f vou arasD the situation, and act quickly, you will directly And yourself in a most prosperous basloeee, at which you can surely make aed lave large sams of money. The results of only a few hours' work will often equal a wee E B wages. Whether you are old or young, man or makes ma difference. do aa we tell vol mm will meet you at the very start. Neither experience or capital necessary. Those who work for ns are rewarded. Why not write today tot fan particulars, rree K. v. auei m ui Boa Mo. , Aaciuta, BIO. NOTICE. Tho nnaleralgned, W. O. Brlneon. baa inly Snalifled oa Ex mm tor of tho oaeato of Snaao . indiev. mad herob atvea notice that be renatreo all pereooe bavlan- olalma ee&lne (Be eetoia of the eald Sanaa J. Dodley to ve eeotlbeaa to Uto Bald W. U. Brtnaon, sol (Be eetoia of the eald Sanaa J. Dodley to ve eeotlbeaa to Uto aald W. U. Brtnaon, sol eaUienllnated. tor nayauent, oat or before tne ill n day or aiaren, a.ia not. wr wan u notloo will be pleaded, la bo ot recovery reraooe Indebted to Uto oatata Bene! nor '.BStNSOW.: Gold, Silver, Coal or Petroleum May be fonad on YOUB LASIK . If you dealre to learn whara to look tor aud bow to Und anr of the above MINER' AL, send for "THB MINERAL PHOSPBO ' TOK'S OU1UB," a book of great value to beginners. Tbe directions are earerallj ' told lu plain language and eaelljr understood. Every farmer, every land owner, and every bright country boy that wants to make a rlob si rlke should bave tbla book to sillily. PKIOK ONE DOLLAR BY MAIL. I. II. RANDALL. Augusts, Maine. mart d wlru ROBERTS & DRO, HAVE MOVKD TO THEIR Brick Store, Opposite 013 Stand. We have a flue stock ot atnily Groceries, Provisions, Boots and Shoes. Agent for F. W. 8tochs Flour, Of Michigan. Also importers of WEST INDIA MOLASSES. A ro selling Goods at Close Figures. Call iu and look at our atoak. m5tf GRAND ClearanceSale We are closing out Wam at aa- aa our tntnc btock of Fall and inter Goods AT Now York Cost In order to make room for our LARGE & EXTENSIVE Spring Stock, which will be open for nspection in a tew days. Our stock is large, consisting of a Com plete Assortment of Clotbing:, IXry Gtroodg, BOOTS, SHOES, Hats, Notions, Sc., &c. NOTK SOME OF OUR PEICE8 Mod's Cassiraore Suits, $3 00 to $5.00 Men's all wool Cheviot Suite 5.00 to 8.50 Corkscrew ' 7.00 to 11.50 ' Heavy Cotton Undershirts 20o. ' Working Undershirts HOo. " Drilling Drawers 2e. 1 Klastic Suspenders 10c. ' Solid Leather Shoea 1.00 Heavy Unbleachod Domestic (remnants) 4c, Kindly soliciting an inspection. from tho public, I remain, Very respectfully, SOL. COHEN, "Red Star Clothier." Middle St., New Berne, N. C. James 11. Jones. Salesman. j29 For Sale, liOl'SE and LOT on Tollock street. Apply to ASA JONES, Agl March 4, 1804. dtf Seed Potatoes. A few Extra Nice Home Orown Seed Potatoes. Also, Choice Northern Seed. n.4 tf J. E. LATIIAM. MONEY ON LIFE ISURANCE. We have rnoentl fully completed our faoililles for handling loans on Tontine and Endowment Insurance Policies W. loan upon reasonable term, about 00 Der cent, of the surrender value of poiiclea iaea oj mo roiiowinjroorapaniea, via: u-quitaDie, Kuia. Mutual L'fe of New York. Connecticut Mutual of Hartford. XT V a. f l r- VT nr . .1 , nsw xurm ajiio, iiurai rveareni JRtltUSJ, Peon Mutual, Provident Life of Hart ford, Uuion Central, Mutual Benefit of T Newark, N. J , Brooklyn Lift, United ' States Life, Washln(rtoo Ufa ot MeWi i' York, and other good Coaapanlea.. All loaui made for ft period of tweW , months, with privilege of renewal. ' policy accepted that hat been oatatand v. log lea. than three jreaaa. . If yoa do not . oare to ate are loan we will boy your ' policy f oaah.' , (. . ;.,. s At,, . . : We also deal In Investment eeonritlea, Including railroad stocks tad bond), Btate, City, County tod Township twin ' ani warrant!, t Intw-Sfata Trust an l r : nil d(!w , our,

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