::2IIS' AHKOUNCEBENT, ' 5 DAILY JOURNAL. I pabllahefl Dally , Monday at 16.00 par yaar : W.M ftar . tin DalWaraJ to asty aoMorlbars nta par mouth. "S'KEKfcT iIOWU.KAU W publlafcad , inrmT at lt. per nam. - nl MarrUffMOT Death not to ax- -i u.u liiMMrtil M IMWUdlW. AU ,,m , mt.tefm. red 5 Ota. per 'lnv ,""-" " r&rmoat . utKHnuiairt adrarUHiiimti toast to maJi wm Begnli adw I HmmU will Im oollaoted promptly at th 4 or Mb month-, . - , , OoanuimlUiMyi oontainlni newiornflb lnt public tBtavwt ara allalted. Wo com saanteation mnt b zpwtea la be pnblUS d thatoontainaoBjaotlonabl, paiaonalltlea, nr withhold the nam) or U nthor. . ArU las loagar tuaa hur oolnmn mut b paid r i 1 ' . Any parson iMUn MrterM tnym. nynooi mmmnnloaMos) ebtaln tho Banoftha aothor by applloatlon atthls irnna awi .afcoftau .hrle to (rlaruo THE JOUKNAL, O, T. HA.HCOOBL ' - Proprtaiori Loeal Aopanrtar. . jrKBtorad"" tft . oatofflea at Haw Berne ST. 0 aa mcxmu-ci 'matter. ' Like a Thief in the Night, - Consumption comes-:; A slight cold, with your system in the .'scrofulous condition that's caused by impure blood, is enough to fasten it upon you. That is the time when neglect and delay arc full of danprcr. Consumption is Lung-Scrofula, You can prevent it, and you can euro it, if you haven't waited too long, with Dr. IMcree's Golden Medical Discovery. That is the most i ; potent - blood-cleanser, strength restorer, and flesh-builder thafcs known to medical science. For every disease that has to be reached through the blood, for Scrofula in all its forms, Consumption, Weak IiUmrs, Bronchitis, Asthma, and all severe, lingering Coughs. It is the only guaranteed remedy. If it doesn't benefit or cure, you have your money back. Sage's Catarrh their medicine The proprietors of Dr. Remedy know that perfectly and permanently cures Catarrh. To prove this to you they make this oiler: If they can't cure your Catarrh, no matter what your case is, they'll pay you $500 n cash. Tarn. Galrestaa News says the corn and bacon idea has taken hold nfthft Tttxaa farmer, and they will be no. loAror dependent npon Wetr'n granaries and hog pens The eon and liaoon idea is one that ought to be elaborated all over the Bontlw '. -THAT was a very flighty proceed ine olMr-voore, of New Haven rv.nn.. whn ahe fell down three Mliehto of stairs , with her naoy in " one hand and a lighted lamp in the other. Bat she was well balanced lit right and didn't hurt either the baby or the lamp. wu. otar. k. OTaahincton eorresoondent of a Hear&k paper is anthorlty for nntamd that no more fourth-class ' postmasters be removed unless they ' : have served foar years or there are charges made and proved against - bint. Mr, Joseph Palitzer. of The New " Tork'World has almost completely ;' inafc hie eve.siffht. and this has worried him into nervous prostra tion. Hobody seems to know when he will return to this country, and - a time goes on the belief grows -' that he has followed James Gordon Bennett's example and intends to - stend most of hia time In Europe. THB St. Louis Republican - Mtmnrks that the country is under ' obligations to Mr. Cleveland ii for ., nothing more tnan ior ma meuuiy attitude towards the Southern ' atatM Ha ib t.hfi real reeonstruotor of the Union. tad It will be 4 union fto thlprosperity of which the '. flonthim . States will contribute -- am .haw nrn lAtr. T ran w mOTVS VI UU UBn w uucj .v.h ' to work, put their future nnmolested ' br the sectional malignaDcy which ao long kept them in poverty. VIHDFACTURIES. t.j It la not every town that can become manufacturing center, My more than every port can be : eome a commercial emporium, but evidences are constantly accamulat- Ing that, the South will at some timsfo future mannfaoture goodaln the vicinity of her cotton : fleldtu Tkla'Win nnt. hn A(.'UninliHhed in m year or i generation, but that is no reason why we should not work to futher the movement. He is no philosopher who lives entively in . ine present ana given u luuugui to th future. It is not to be xpeeted that every manufacturing r venture will be a success. There will lya lailnres. and "those who havo expectation in their eyes will lose "nope." Bat, the movement will go M' until the entire crop of Bootbrrn cotton will be spnn and wove in tbd reeion where it is . grown.,'? Some there are who believe that the multiplication of factories will -; militate against agricnltural inter : ests, bat this cannot be, inasmnch aa every factory established in the CI it- -J A Mn.l.A . V. a nnnyi uriUKO a luai hnv w vim planter's door. Hitherto fabricks manufaotared la tbe'-Boath have been almost , oar mills ire now turning ont fine ffnnria arhinh eomoare favorably establlaheJ mills of New England. FifeearS ago Georgia plaids, products of the Eagle and Fhenix . Mills 0( -, Oolambos, ranked in EnglMuV and Germany with the very Jbest America j goods. Indeed ' cUe tagle and Phenix had a stand- leg order from Germany for all the goot' 1 1 j9onld deliver. , Bat. not only Is there a demand for thd manjifactnre of ootton goods bat ftctoriet'Of aM kinds are needed c t iU : poath. ' Diversified labor t'-.sils nfxijto' jlversffled $rops as ar'"tlaj roy in, working pat V ; Ua.ifflptioBf or the Bontn. The American people spend 42; 000,00 a year for letter postage. The Homeliest Mau In New Berne As well as the handsomest, and others are Invited to all on any druggist and gat free a trial bottle of Kemp's Balsam for the Throat and Lungs, a remedy that is selling entirely upon its merits and is guaranteed to relieve and cure all Chronic and Acnte Coughs, Asthma, Bronchitis, and Consumption. Large bottles 50 crs and tl. mar22 dood woow No chinere has been naturalized for thirteen years. We have a speedy and positive our for catarrh, diphtheria canker mouth nd headache, inSHILOH'S CATARRH REMEDY. A nasal injector free with eaoh bottle. Use it if yon O-siro health nd sweet breath. Piloe 50o. Sold by New Berne Druu Co. Love your enemies and you will have no trouble about treatiug them right. Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint. Is it not worth thtt smnll prloe ot 75c. , to free yourself of every symto-n of hate dietressioK oouiplaiuts, if you think so oall at our store and kcI u bottle of Hhiloh's Vttaliz3r, every bottlo Ha a printed guarantee on it, use accordingly and if it does you no good it rill oost you nothing. Sold by New Berne Drug Uo. DRQ. EL BAGBYr SURGEON DENTIST. CfBoe, Middle oireot, opposite Baptist obnroh, ' dec8dwtf NL. J. D.-CLAHS, DENTIST, HEW BF.P5K, f. U. Oflice on Craven street, between Tollock uid Brofid- P. H. PELLETIEIt, Tf)SSGI AT l,A , Oravna St., two doors South of Journal eSoo, Will practice In the Couutins of Oinven rtrot. Joncn. Onslow and Panaico - United 8tl(u Conrtat New Home, ufl Sunreme Court of tne Htato . i. fntllvood. . XJeoffio rJtovcr Vb4 IK mi, DEALERS IS - " ! 'I? re 3 -3ooyr S. I , STREET, Mill i ii 351 in- A. OILS, XT Im M0SE3 T. BEtA dsrpsifir ao Small Jobi of Kp pairing IS aotton riua.rantei.i Maybe founa VJi.ui wi:TifiJ. Knclory. i(,o(prBto ;mnt enamour maoiiajil Oil 1 iili.i i .:mti'i:: -, :nr; 1 ft? E. C. Palm eat. . i f ' i 4 Jt'i . ' Or. H. RlVBMBtTKO. , ' ESTABLISHED 4869. A. W. Fnost. WeyHave "a Full Stock ("A Cultiyators, Harrows Jtl liads of Agricultural Implements. Pclriior, nivenburg &,Co. ' SUCCESSOR TOG. S. PALMER. ' - " ', ; "Wholesale Commission Ilerchants. ; Southern Fruits and Tmck A8pscialty. - f,,;, - t t Berries, Peaches, Grapes, Melons add Tcgetaldos. f ' -We employ no agents. J ' 106 Rtadc St , N. Y. At Sottom Prices. L. H. Cutler & Co. i .v :" t For sale bv J V, Relieves all loreneti of the mucous memhrtne and irei GONORRHOEA and GI.ERT In i to davit. No otbst treatment necessary. Never caimei itricUtftf 3i urn mv iniuiuiaa am eurriL rriut. ma. Miin m BiPuP Mf cu., Pft s, Wtlinta. Gt. JORDAN,; Druggist, New Bmi. N ay- v It is hard for the shodlierd to fat ten the sheep thau preler to live on husks. Some Foolish People Allow a cough to run until it gets beyond the reach of modicino. Thoy often say, 'Oh, it will wear away," but iu most cases it wears thorn away. Could they be induced to try the successful medicine called Komp's Balsam, which is sold at ajpositivo pruarantoo to cure, thoy would immediately see tho excellent ellect alter taking tho first dose. Prico 50c. and 1 1 Trail size froe. At all druggists. mar22 dood weo w One of the best housekeepers the woman who hates dirt. is 51' OnVKJCIIT, etc. .'." .V a , iKw V'utiir. - .i- Jin v.'. di'd .'p;!Si.i.:vrl:!t!, flwled i - to Mill I A Pretty surprise. A beautifully illustratied and charmingly bound edition of i LongfellowB H Evangeline," the most popular long poem ever puDUsnea vy an American autnor, and one; or tne most tamous IHIMIIIM III MIH ll I IV I li-IM n I III iri I I 1 1 1 V I II I I f Iished, is a pretty surprise for book loyers. It is in large type, numerous and excellent illustrations, very fine and heavy paper, gilt edges, remarka bly, handsome cloth binding, combin ing, in delicate colors, blueand whit and silver, and gold. No illustrated edition has ever before been published at less than $1.50, and that is about what vou might "guess" the price of this to bey but it isn't witness our offer below. Every hbine in the land ought to have a copy of this Evangeline, so charmingly beautiful, as a poem, as a collection of oiW-4crH "TllncrfiHifirYnci artA aa a. nrnrhirvh nf tho hnnlr- u yu4io rittuuH irkingart.; .... , I - - L s ' - . .,1,1 it 1 . M flf - u Bv special arrangements witn tne UUl UHol. lisher we are able to offer this boo! the subscribers 1 AB0LFH C0HN DEALBB IN ' . Pianos and Organs, The Mehlin High Grade and lie-why & Evans Pianos. orown. Queen and Needham Parlor Organs. xyav smma, - NO OXUCULA.li. 1 , "l'! reliable 11 m of Cohn A Wele st?h ( :.t)ih shfd in .?wbern lu 1862. Th it : -m i,i,u now iu tlie otty and the onlj !v i-i'-jiibor of which Is Adolph Oohn ' 1 . htaji tif:a',cil Hi the MusiotraalnaM 'or lt p i,n u.Tflaud U now located oil ! m I i-niiil he pl.a-.d lo!nftrm tas '' anil he nnbllo ictDerallT n ii!0l lare tort alpaant ' !. , :. . Hniui ly oecu: Itid by Jonn k.:' .' .a si. ieic I have mpl. i : ns lo, j operi.v ooduotitie g hiKlneai, and IrUl : i-i-i 1 r II till-, a 1 ll.. laeMni; tone, ffrjperlor : u: Uri!ne rxianufoomrera v icriai A!au a Kood tupply m onvor to mase my bnalneas nio mo nrm ueeu to o, and ::!Vu caiisfaui on tu my noma oib : to- s , r !i to.-, AdHph Colin, vould tak- o."i .i;. ii of returning htfl thanfca to i who huve taken an lnteiest In hla .1-o.n.i.tl would respectfully sollolt tba ti i-Ki.i'e of t tie kindly feellne ol hl ti.as. ItoHncctfuily. A. COHN ones Hay. ri-:,j' -..n .. i,i with your1 iJ.-.o't t vi tion? No, but I f,ot a psir of Ca that (icu't euH mt, to i r.i Whilty ft Go. have just got ::. of thsf Oeletrat-'d Tei.nfe'-sii I aril nl vvnyo .'.o.ir,; jj:t , Im not. i.-.;;o ray aixiov rni .") f.t tO VVbiltV H i ..st il !".;r I !j c now be 'A hoi md jou cu can t (i.lv'li;il h-naU nml Retail Dealer in Merchandise. t Wh. Wtl.-;s. I OLV'-t i'. ants lily fJi r itnir ;:umeiit8 of ad other Kiipepsy This is what you ought to have, in fact. you must have it to fully enjoy hfo. Thousands Rre searchinc for it daily, and mourning becauso they llnd it not. Thou- aande upon thousands of dollars arc speEt annually by our people in the hope that they may attain this boom. And yet it may be had by all. We guarantee that lilectric Hitters, if used according to direct tions and the use persisted in, will bi ini; ou good digestion and oust the demon )yspepsia and install instead Enpepsy. Ye recommend Electric Hitters for Bys- nepsla and all diseases of Liver, Stomach and Kidneys. Sold for 50c. and $1.00 por bottle by F. 8. Duffy, drngf'ist. Borne Bhepards pay moat atten- tion to the iattest sheep. Oil, What a (Jongli. Will you heed the warning. Tho signal perhaps of the sure approach of that more terrible disease Consumption. Ask yourselves if you oan afford for '.he sake of paving 50o., to run the risk and do nothing for it We know from experience that Shiloh's Cure will Cure your oough. It never fails. This ex plains rhy. more than a Million Iiot ties were sold the past year. It relievos oronps and whooping cough at onoe Mothers, do not be without it. For lame back, side or chest use fthilohV Porous plaster. Sold by New Rarnf Drug Co. 210.009 STEADY (J IS Chf": .nan any I'vn j;ot Api''V ! 1'. DKIIH M. and w.'.nt w .''3, iv-H !!( nio, or I'OIITKit. JUtvi-Iul- hrnl it the Oa:.i' ir lm.r c-it ' inriic ( 1 i'iiu if c (.'nki V, rv. lll's! ati.- i.lani Cotton. Produoe fuaran ! iV.r.ir. attention tee J. : Cotton Bagging and Ties are' i i Ptock. ! loriilard ond Gail ft Ax jSanffsoid at Manufacturer's Tricct. I K. R. JOKES, !) ii dw Ne-w Berne N. t.. M-iy I w.n j y.in sure and call on 11 1 'U'M:l''. OF AV A! 1 1 t i-' Gaston llousu Uirlv r rfhoi r; b'ly Bays he is the best in t!'i city, ami he has no ouo omj.! except lii'.st clrss baibers, T. II II. HICHAIWSO.r Prnrre; cs in ( Jl;, :ii:j i ; .II' ll :-:ili-li.c-ock iiinl ' men! is stork 1 I vn. 5 ' the Bubscribers to this paper as follows : EVANGELINE and DAILY JOURNAL, one year, .... 5.5ft six months, .... 2-70 " " " " three months, . . . 1 50 " " WEEKLY JOURNAL, one year, .... 1.2f . " " ' six months, ... 75 Under no circumstances does this proposition hold cood exceut where nnvmenlit made in advance. TRY BIG IEEj THE CLOTHIER. BIG IKE Bio THE CLOTHIER. Ike Bio This yery hell Ikk Bio Rings out the knell Ikk Biq of prices high, now listen Ike Bio well. Good people who in Ikk Bio New Berne dwell, To its ding Ike Bio dong, both loud and long. My Ike Biq country friends, hark to its song, Ikr Bio And trade with me in numbers strong! Ikk TRY BIG IKE Come all, and TRY BIG IKE this Fall THY BIG IKK He has one price for each and nil. Your notice to this fact I call. He rings out old, he rings in new, He rings out false, he rings in true, And tries his best by all to do. Come all, no time is to be lost, He is selling Shoes, Hats, Clothes nt cost. All thick and strong, foes to Jack Frost. He'll treat yon right, do no man wron. Ding Dong I I call you alt day lone. BIG BARGAINS at BIG IKE'S my sting. DING DONG 1 DING DONGI ALL COME ALONG. TRY - . BIG IKE. Caveats, and Trade-Murks obtained, and all Fati I f m.'R nririr r Ovpnftrra II ft Divm ft i f and wfi run nerurA nnfpnt In Im. Ilm. thantknaf remote from Washington. -a model, drawing or photo.. With deacflp-l tloj. We advise, ii rutentabla or not, free off cQiugc. uur ice noi aue tin psient ii secured. A pamphlit. "How to Obtain Patents." with cost of Mmc In the V. S. and foreign countries! seal ii lu. aumess, m IA SOLID MUSICAL' SOUTH IN GRAND CHORUS.! t , mmw. - i' . . Hallelnlnh MtiL naiestsr ta.M-ls. aaM.tlimgl Ji : CLCVCUflD (LCCTtO. COTTON JUMPING UP. jonetmu. dud, DI A MriC at . "aBianjeai xi rnoiai 9 A n. e. The boughs that bear most lowest. Proud looks fair fin es. r L:'l s,m' V' 'V ,(-V'v ' -.'S'-Af,..i-, MT I V . . . ; ' .'-..'.,,... -.. .... ....sa-. :'-ti. tos at awbm y mani rw pK . CONFIDKNCC PCSTOREO. I CORN CRIBS FULL. ' PROPeRITY IN BIQHT. ORGANS only $27. JfKSftL.'iUB,,-ltE,SOL,OAV OrFER-PIANO LAMP FREE. T f.tt.H?!y Bar. With mn new Piano ordered before Jan. is. TO. w irivVti. i raiaiiai rwiat awnriittin HurfAMAMiu - .. . . ' . . . " , M " Chrletrnwrnoat doeT' .mijujjct, uon i uuiuy. LUDMN & BATES. Southern Music House, Savannah, G A ' ii.- Tna Laaiat Hma and Orrmn Ueoaa of Ike South. Ethll.h.i ' . $1.00 Per Year. w aV-V UCKLIUI'J AKnillA SALVE The Best Salve in the world for Cats, Bruiser Horns, Ulcern, Salt Khenm, Fever 8or, Tettor, Cliapped Hands, Chllblfilna, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Tiles, or no pay required . It la gaanintt ed to Rive perfect satisfaction or money refnndMd. Price 25 cents per box. For sale In Newbern by F. 8. Dn8 wholeeale and retail druEclnt. Brnall fimltH iti(lulti,l nr litll thieves that let in prcuror odoh. Eldi i' S. S. II. ..i. i. ol' .luniattn Co., l'n.. fii.vs lih to (ir:inii in (lie : lunrii h slie li iril ('h.'iinlii:! Iain's mill Diliri'llO'l l.rninl I nillt'll llCIISI'il Willi Hie fiicrily aironli'il. Sim h.is siiK ,' u ... ii WCTMiiry Mini I'liiunl lliil it iu For will' lv J. V. .lonlini. 60c. for 6 Months. -FUR THE- 17EEKLY JOURNAL. NINE COLUMNFOL10 LAEQB AMOUNT OF BKAD1NQ. make fon Tup llniKlsoiiiosI J.mly in Xow lici r.i Ilomarknd to a friiuiil tho oilier ! . i v tli.V she knew Kemp' l!iiKiin Tor tin' Tlinut and LlliiL'ii was n Hiiiicilor rrmndy, as it stopped lior couli instantly wlion otlu'i cough remedies Imd no elTi-ct wliatevi-c Bo t prove this and convinco you of its merit my drujjg'Kt will ivo you a smn- plo llottlo froe. iiarpo size !50o. nndfl. The.. tfi.00 Per Year. Daily Join nal 50c. Per Month. SlippnrdN llarlMT Mliop. Low tariH tickets, 10 shaves anil one hair cut for one $1.00 nt I'kof. AV. H. SirEi'Fitn's, ,f. Hotel Allicrt Barber Simp. qirrjUlAtes in every direction from New Borne, "where thern la afthy mail, and is a epiendid medium for advertiBors. JtROAl) STREET FHUIT STORE. Just arrived a fresh lot of northern fruit, parsnips, rnrrots, liccts, ImnannK,. cocoanuts, rutaliagiis, turnips, apples and lemons. To my friends nnd patrons while pasi Inir Broad St. please call. Any article purchased of my stock not as rcpresentei, toe money i win remnii on- return ot any article Tnaiikinir you kindly for past favors Hoping to receive it continuance ol your patronage, ' uroaa . Street ; trruitr Store,, bocimd door above Middle, next door to Mi. Chna. Bwerft beef stall. -1 : . -1 ' ' . rroprlctw, , HAVE ARRIVEDl Have just m-.ivod SIXTY HEAD ol tho ilnrst kind of WESTERN HORSES nti'd ' Mnf .1T.S adapted to all purposes. '' r, '., ';:. ' . . ;i . '. : ' . .. ', , W6 are now ready to fcupply tin- tiado, nnd DEFY 00 if PETITION ad to'PRICE, QUALITY ! Also, aFullandCompletoLfna1)f ftUOGIES. HARNESS - ItOAD CARTS m fact anTthfno- pertaining to tha HorBB ,,t . A" - .''- ' , . CdVnnC3 ICT thO riilV. : Livery a Specialty.?- y.J.'. ' r ' :V ,.u , I. . Wfi hilvo'juslf made an arfdifaoVn our already c.immoiro'a htablop, forTthfl farther acoommoda- v CI .17 C"0 VCSr IU tion off jur, patrons, .jti&tfUi r'u. , Kiy , . - , , ly So ia before b&yitig elflowhort . . - - - ' . JVI, IIAIIIT CO, . M N . ' , ,J illi:rd,fl4vcrtisi."S2 nafss. : We nave just received a larVe lot of Kew ad; Handsome Books, ; which -wi club with both the Daily and Weekly Editions. Call and sea then; and get one by paying one year ir By naving $1.25 fci advance wil) pj

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