I'- - -v-' IP What; is f- .WvVNXVVC'a!AsN& wi .i,vn-i.ivn in minimum! Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Intents and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor " other Narcotic substance. It Is a harmless substitute . for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys "Worms and allays fevcrlshness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, ' cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic Castoria relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas toria is the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend. Castoria. M Castoria Is an excellent medicine for chll en. Mothers hare repeatedly told me of Its good effect upen their children." Dn, 0. 0. Osgood, Lowell, lass. Castoria is the best remedy for children of j-hlch I am acquainted. I hope the lny is not Cat distant when mothers wllloonsiiler the real Interest of their children, and uso CaKton.i ctead of therariousquock nostrums which are destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful ipenta down their throuts, thereby sending them to prematura graves." Da. J. F. Kikcfiklok, Conway, Ark. Xha Centaur Company, TT Murray Street, New York City. JOE K. WILLIS, PROPRIETOR OF o-rsa. NEW BERNE. N. C. Jtolimn and Ameriean MarbU emd QualHim 0 JfofcHaJ. Order aolicited and gven proper at ' tention, with satisfaction guaranteed. Terra Cotta Vases for plants and flow ers famished at the verv lowest rates. GEO. HENDERSON, ' - (Bueeessor to Huberts A a ndorson), General Insurance Agent 1 Hepresentlug insurance Company of North .merle. il Philadelphia. Home insurance Company, of New YorK. '- Queen IneurApoB Uoinnany of EbKland. Hartford Klre Insurance Company, of faitfnrd. .. North iolln H"me InsuranoeCompaoj Ureeuwltoh Insurance Company, of New 'phsnta Insarance Co-nnany, of Brooklyn. ' Int' nndorwrltors tnsurooe Company, Atlanta. -Hoifjn rtorlns Innranc loropany of oston 101V . UWL vt fa a riTT v An wn wenrself and fnas. fly e ec the beat loe far year wejeT. . Keeaentce la year footwear fcy "riiBlM ' W. L. UeaKlee rihees. whlcji repreaenl the eat Tela- for prices asked, aa tbeaaaaAs Mm Nortn Caroiina iarble Works x will lealiir. SiEW.iL-DOUCL.AS VTV '. ch"sme big? grade, onn represent a money valos -. ' . ''- "f Sr beS.a Uie prloi'sohariied. bee that name and :- ; .- fltfioaoMstanipetlonbottiii.icf enchshoe... r,.- ' . 1 '? V" eV. fc. Ieiigl llrecfcton. Mesa. 10011191 r : RRINGT0N4 BAXTER :r.'"--..r-;''.' '.- at . ;" '. ; HO KI MOUNT, N.'.O. ' J v. v ,r th oineiono of the pnbtia there '''S$'Sm iinniKl. ia Kooky Mount, N, 0 i '-" :'J-nur 1st. 18fl3, it Branch of the Keeley . ' -v;rutlioM of Oweii-boro. N; O ; tot th ' 1 trsAtraetit of tha Liquitr -Optum. Chloral, ;. 0jcaiiMi ?ubev haUitr nd Nere E ' ; v bwietton ;:-"':cj',"-..i;t';-r.S' uru' "V . -, , ?-.-. - . . , - Jy V '.: Tbae ate the only mfuiarlj author lvt !Te1tf Institutes Id the Btatfl. ; At other olulmlnt; to bo woh are franduleii -.. - - . .;-?. v. -J..--' . . . . ROCKY MOUNT "V 'i ' the moat accessible point in the State. On W. TV. IX. R i and termlnua of tho - K. & 0 , of the A. & K ,' and Spring Uope roads, 8 hour fn.m Norf cl 8 Iront Petergbnrjri 8J from Biohmtfodi 8) ' from WHmitifttoni 4 from Bateighj 1 from GoUshoro; 1 from W.eldou; 8 from Fayettovlllo, and 5 houri from Edeoton andB City over the Norfolk A Carolina K. It Tuesdays, ThniKdaya and Saturday..- " ' Tl.o town is progressive lilh, healthy, 4. . ' r v'---i J'-'id liiwpiubln people. Castoria. " Castoria Is so well adapted to children that I recommend Uoa superior to any preocrlpUoo known to me." H. A. Aaoma, M. D., Ill So. Oxford St, Brooklyn, N. T. " Our physicians In the children's depart ment have spoken highly of their experi ence in their outaide practice with Castoria, and although we only have among our medical supplies what is known as regular products, yet we are free to confess that the merits of Castoria has won us to look with favor upon it.11 United IIobi-itil and Dispbmsiry, Iloeton, Mass Aluem O. Surra, Pre$.t NORFOLK, NEWBERH & WISHHBTM DIRECT LINE. Tri-Weekly Trips. Iu order to make mere convenient and dconomloal use of the vettele now employed n ibe North Ofcrollua service, and inui to Rotter Serve the Interests of Shippers, the Clyde Line and Old Dominion 8 team ihlp Company have eonelnded t merge tneir respective lines oeiween newoern, w, O.. a-.iil Norfolk:. Va. Into one line, tbusKlv- 11" passenger and trrjok shippers three trips men wei'K between JNewoeru ana isonoia via Washtnrtnn. NO ADVANCE IN RATES. On and after SUNDAY, JAN. 1st, 1893, snui farther nolle, the .tenner NEWBERIE, Ca.pt Soothgite, Steamer DEFIANCE, Ca.pt. Bargess, AnD SteiiBi ELKO, dpt. Short will sail from Norfolk, Va for New Berne direct, every Monday, Thursday and MalurdHy, rnsKlua oonneonon witn tne Atlantic ana Norm i;aroiiua naiiroaa and the water lines on Neuse and Trent rivers. Humming, will sal) p ROM nswbern roi NOUKULK. Va.. via Roanuke Island wharf. every Tuesday, weanesaay ana rnaay, mahinii connection at Norfolk with Vlieuid Bay Hue, for Baltimore. The Olyde Line, for Philadelphia. The Old Dominion Rteamshlp Co., for New York, The Mer etianis'and Miners' Line far ProTldenoe and iloatou.and The water unea (or wosmni i.oi, IXU.,and Klobmoud, Va., thus giving m -II water loute to all Northern ,nrl ICsstern tol itn. Also connection made with the O. A O. 11. R and N. A W. K K for the West, faasenger will find a good table, oomrort- ble rooms, and ererv oourtesy anaatten von will be nald tbem bv tneotueers. order all goons, euro or n n. vr.Kirui Line, Norfolk, va. KAL.Pd OllAT. Acting Agent. o, id: Eastern Carolina Dispatch. Kost Passenger and freight Line between NXMUV BBRNB, tern Nortn Carolina Points, and all eon - Beouocgoftae . PEIMSTLVAMIA , RAILHOAP, IHOMJDIHO aw Tork, PhlladelphU.lforfola, Bal timer emd BestoB. hs ONIiT Tri-Weekly Line 0t e Hew Kerne. KK HKW AMD KLKOANTLT K4UIPPJCD BTKAMH.M it 99 ' Bella from Rsw Berne UONUAYS, VXDNUBin : FBI DAYS. pplng at Koeneee island oeh waj ad tornaing oioee. eoauvetivai wi.h wm N.irfnlk -ontharn Kail rood. file Kaslern blspateb. Line, aonslstlng of .be e llmlnKton 8.B. uo.. nonoia ountnern it. H.. New York, Iblia. end h or folk H. H., . ..( pn. ivun 1a il u. . n.rm a reliable and eaular line, otrrlng snperlof faellltlee for lulok passenger and freight transportation, (Jo transfer exoept at Kllaabetb City, at whieb point freight will be loaded on oars to go mrongn w owiusuud, lintel all auoda ta oe shipped via Aatlera oiollua Dlspatn da lj as follows) riom New York, by Penne. IL B., PUrTT, - Martb Kiver. ; v Prom t'bilndelphla, byPhila,, W. and Balto - U u.. lla.,Si HL.KtAiten. . from Baltimore, by Fhlla., WU. end ttalto. K ., President Hi Biauon KArAtik. r Norfolk Hontbern K K. l- u..i..n k uflh.nti A MttiMrs Trane portatton jb.i Kew York and Mew JCngland tr Rate as low and time qarnker Nub by it. 11 ny other line r other line .- -rot further tnfnnnatl B apply to y. H. joroe (Oen'l rrelgbi trsffls Agent, t u R 1 H.n.1.1 Trll AlHt i) to. BTCPBCNa. invlslon rreigm , Ageat. P W, B. U Pblladelphle. ..... B. B. Ooobb, Gen'l Freight Agent,, H,0, UDDOwa.Ueaerel Prelgbt Ageaa,- tt. B worioisi. vo. . . t 'i t y r am. nssvuwrnn, Asnt -t ; j " .. . .. Hew berne. . p. Farmers &' Hercliants Banl. NEW, BESIfE, Ni 0v 'AX " Ortranlwid Iesg than two jeari CAPITAL STOCK , r $7,000.00 Dividend . ; .- ,t,760.00 Hurplng and ProflU 11,000.00 L. El. CrnXM. . . . ... . Preeldeag. W S. Oh ADWifit, O VW President, T. "Vy, DkwiT,- ,v ' WMhlet, A H. PowiLl.. ' . ' "' i - ! Teller, - DIRE0TOI13: . Wm. OIr r .. P. H. PHetler,; J. v, Htewart. "V. H. Chadwlok, I i , ( r, !', ' L THE JOURNAL. THE CHARI. MATTHEW B. KHlGHT. The strongest may not have most power; Fate's favorite strikes not best his hour; TSe wisest may not see most clear; Host beauty is not in tne lair; Sweet voice makes not most melody; Who, t.uvelr may not widest see; Whom most see is not know the best; Who hard works may do the least; Painter and poet cannot reach The charm it passes tint and speech. There is a something in the air Stronger than strengtn, tnan grace more lair, Wiser than wit, wider than space, More candid than a lover's face, More musical than melody, More real than the thingB we see, More cheering than earth's rares; wine: Seek it, grasp, keep, and alt is mine! ARTEMIS. B. H. BRYAN. I know that in the first faint flush of day, ain the cold maiesv of breaking morn, Still doth Artemis, silent thro' the wood, Seek the rude boar, or startleU uappicd fuwn. Myself, I saw her under jon great oak Boautv and power leaning in repose. She the sufficient! She who turns with scorn From the white form where fawning Venus rose. The Dorian dreas clings round the stately form. And crushed beneath the pliant buskin lies The bruised asphodel, which yet must gaze In lingering adoration ere it dies. Veil m", O wood-vines, from her solitude, Sacred forever, since a "oudess here O'er her own sorrows broods, divinely sad Counting the losses of some subtil year. Co.l. J.AUred Writes: 1 am in mv seventy-third year, and for liltv vears 1 have been a great sunerer from indigestion, constipation and bili ousness. 1 nave tried an tne rcmeuies advertised lor these diseases and got no permanent relief. About one year ago the disease assuming a more severe and dnnirerous form. I became- very weak and lost flesh rapidly, I commenced using Dr. H. Mozley's Lemon hlixir. 1 gained twelve pounds in three months. My strength and health, my appetite ami my digestion were perfectly restored, and now I feel as yotiug and vigorous as I ever did 111 my life. L. J. Aixrkd, Door-keeper Ga. State Senate, State Capitol, Atlanta, Ga., Aug. 5, 1891. A Mother's Report. Mrs. N. A. McKntire writes from SpriiiL' Place, Ga : Yir ninny years have been a great sufferer from indiges tion. sick headache and nervous prostra tion. I tried many remedies, but got no permanent relief until I used Dr. Mozley's Lemon Klijtir. I am now in better health than for many years. My daughter has been subject to chills and fever from her infancy. I could jet nothing to relieve her; the Lemon Elixir has restored her to perfect health. Sold by Lruggisls, 50c. and $1.00 per bottle. Prepared by JJr. i. Mozley, Atlanta, Ga. One boar to day ia worth tiro tr morrow. Birds of Passage Between this and the other side of the broad Atlantic, in the shape of tourists, commercial travelers and manners, agents ,lon the road steamboat captains. ship s surgeons ana "an sorts ana cmiui tiong" of travelers, emigrant and new set tlers appreciate and testify to tne pre ventive and remedial properties of Hog- tetter's Stomach Bitters jn sea sickness, nansea. malarial and rheumatic trouble, and all disorders of the stomach, liver and bowels, Against the prejudicial in fluenccs of climate, crudely cooked or nn accustomed diet anil impure water, it is sovereign safeguard, and has been so re irarded by the traveling; public for over t third of a century. No lorm of malarial fever, from the calenture of tho Pacific and the broken bone tevcr ot ' the Missi aipi. to its milder types, can resist the curative action of this beuignrnt preserver and restorer of health, a veritable boon to persons in feeble health or liable to incur disease. Not to bear conaoienoe is tbe way to BileDce it. RBBfARKABLH RK8CVK. Mrs. Michael Curtain. Plalnaeld. 111.. makes the statement that ah oaught sold, which settled on her lnnai; aha was treat ed for a month, by het family physician, but grew worse. He told her ahe waa a hopeless Tlotlm of consumption and that bo medioine could euro her. Her druggist suggested Dr. King's New DUeorery for CoDfumption; she bought a bottle and'to ber delight found herself benefited from first dose. She continued Its rise and after taking ten bott'ea found herself sound and well, now does her own housework and Is as well as she erer waa. Free trial bottle) of this Great Discovery M F B. Duffy's wholesale and retail dm. store; large oov ties. 60c and 1.00. . L -Learning makea a man fit compa. ny for himBll. ' Mt wife was confined to ber bed for orer two months with a yery severe at tack of rbeqmatism. We could get noth lnff tiiat would afford her'auy relief, and . r.t . . I i . , as a last resort gnye unamDeriaiq s rain Balm a trial. : To oar great rarprlse she begun to improre after the first applica tion, and by using It regularly she was soon able to get up and attend to ber bouse wotir, ft. a, ionnsonr oi v. 4. Knutson ft Co., Kenslnrrton, Minn. , 60 Cent bottles for sale by J V. Jordan. . OomtnisBloper's Land Bale. The undsralcnM ha1ni bera appoints b toe Bapsrlor Oourt ot OiSTsn eouDtr.lt oumtnl.t lunar to sell ths lands daaorlMd la the complaint In Ihe aotlon penaiaa uisrsin wbsr Maoon Brjr.n la Plaintiff and Lttar ALt Dnii m and wifa ara Detsndants. as will mors nllj appear from- the JsdsmenU him a. door In the IIT of Hewbero. on MOo. d H.v ths 1st Hu:t, at the hour of twelve M to tii uiihest biihier for o.h, ths lands desnnlxwl In ilia said Jiniiinent 4o-wlU 75 mr) aiiliiliilna the lanus of rrsmao H! ( h.riih, Ji shua tof and otbais to y i.vu iMinniv. "... ' W, T. W 'tVi"t. THE Confederate War, Journal, An Illustrated Magazine, ! Edited by General Marcus J Wright; (Agent of the War Department for the Collection of Confederate Records) : Ben La Bree, Associate The first number will be insued April 1st. Published by the War Journal Publishing Company, Lexington, Ky , and 110 Fifth Avenne, New York city. It will be devoted exclusively to the history of the Gontederate side of the late War between the States, as the Vice President of tbe Confederacy, Alexander H. Stephens, chose to call this mightiest of modern Con flicts and most gigantic of nil straggles. The War Journal wm oe replete with Portraits and Engravings, made from Sketches made by a Corps of Artists, ni.iny of whom followed the fortunes ot the (Jon federate Armies, and who justly rank among tho Heroes cf the War. They give faithful and Authentic Sketches of places of nolo, of all Battles, Sieges, Charges, Vessels ol War,Naval Engagement", Portraits, Maps, Charts, etc. To tbe Con federate veterun these scenes will recall memories ot his life on tho tented field or quarter deck, of many hard-fongbt battles, ol Marches, Eivouacs, uamp fins and the numerous scenes and linn dents peculiar to the daily !t! ol a soldier or sailor, whim to his ohildren and the present generation they convey tba reality of war with a vividness which nothing ulrte can convey. The fu 1 historv ot the Louleilt r acy has hitherto not beeu written; we have bits and hints, ami out lines and oolorings here and there, but of the real inner history, ihe mainspring, the motive, the inci dent, of that vast uprising, of the South, how little comparatively has been given to the woi Id. ihe de manded history will be given in the CONFEDERATE WAE JOURNAL. The history, in tho broad way in which it is planned, may t..ke yean. and years, but each succeeding year will add ripeness and mellow ness to the fruitage. The project will be backed by stiflieienv e;iiital, and the services of writers ol authority of all classes who Were actors in the terrible drama, from the General to the Drummer liny, and to the daughter and wife and mother at home, will add to the Confederates' story ol tho W.'.r. A vast libjary of the eone-n .L uce and orders and dioposing of tle chiefsoftbe Confederacy will lie thrown open to tbe public Chapters will be given Iri'in 'In most brilliant antl nut hoi iuiiv writera. These writiugs will be profusely illustrated; not only t lie Armv but the Navy ol the Mouth. which so largely helped to revolu tionize the marine all'.iirH of the nations, will be fully treated, and then THE D.UMOE3 OF THE WAU, for despite all the grimness, ever) rueiment had its wags, its ridicu lous situations, its Hood title ol tun, in whose presence the imaginative Charles O'Malley would seen a very grave individual. To the funny, and unspeakably ridiculous suio oi the conniot, volumes will lie given All these are but hints ot tin wealth to be distributed through the issuance of the Illustrated 'Confederate War Journal," 'vhicli will be within the reach ot all. The Subscription price will only be 1.00 per year. Published by THE WAR JOURNAL rUBLlSUlNti OOJirANY, Lexington, Ky., and 110 Fifth Ave., New York City. HUMPHREYS' VETERINARY SPECIFI CS For Horses, Cattle, Shoep, Vogs, Hogs, AVD POULTRY. 000 Pate Book on Trnatmrnt of Aolroal aud Chart Meut Free CtTBW(FTer,Congettnns, Inflammation A. A.8Inal MeoinltU. Milk l ever. B. B Htrniuse Ijameoeas. Khcamniiio. .-BUtemper Nasal DUcharvutfe I.D. Blfl ar Ornbi, Worviti. E.B.-CoKka lietTei. Pneumonia. V.VewCollo or Gripes, Bellyache. U.G.mIH carriage Ilemorrhagcu. II. He Urlaarraa4 KldniT llltciun. l.I.HEraistlw-0 Itn4Ase. Alauae. J.K. lilaeasrsof lielluu. Iralrnl. Stasia Dottle (orer SO doMtX - - .UO Stable Case, with Specifics, Manual, Veterinary Cure Oil and Medluatur, 87.00 Jar Veterinary Core Oil. - - BM ky DrffMai wr t pnftU Mjrwkere Mtsl tm mmf uary bits' bk. co. , 1 1 1 a 1 1 1 wiman st. , n Tork. ST7tfrnx.Zs.7S' HOUEOPATHIO ffff SPECIFIC No.i is nam m ibifs Thm onl imoflsMitfnl Mmedv for Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness, and Pmtrttlon. from onr-work or other oauiet. 1 par or vlJ and large ial powder, for $6. M4 r Dntgtu,or ecal ifatiMun recwijn at rlo. rjmnuuir aio. eoa. i u a i u winua sl, EAKENTS Should Bear in Mind Th.l ih.Hiun for s,ttaks of Oronolsnow oaus. B. pr.ps.rad for this insidious dls- rnntm n .iw.T. U.V1DK 8 DOSil. oi iv. fi. UQny 8 urotip nyrap in in nunse. rr psjrsd kftsr th. rMlp. ol the lste llr. Wslter uutry, na tor saw or B, N. DUFFY, Ov,r 5 twin . MoBorieys Btoro. , R N. DUFFY'S COUGH MIXTURE, A. Pioapt nd Efflowat BAtn.djr for Oonghs, Oold, Croap, Brodchitis, Sort iurofti, uipninena, ; TblsnMlslii ta srmlld and sjttrssp- tlo or rsrs vsia ana is osnnu is ruosi oi tb.lnlmtloasdlssMea, mpMlally lu lilph thari.. Bn.Tlat li.v.r. M.HI.s. 0.. nd In stomach and bosral ironbls, da to rumao- r- On trtl will MnTIno' yom ot Its merit. -. . DIKKOTIORB Tsioonral , Btod ttri , Hor4 honrs. nh.v. bnfor. ns'DK. ..i.i.i.m r. run bnulcwrfnlly, nd If . il .n n. N. Unity Is Botoa lt,H Is Haif just retarned with a LAEGE LOT OF HORSES AND MULES. HE SELLS THE BEST ROAD CAKTS EVKU SOLD IN THIS MAKKET Tnos. A. (Jrken, Pres. C. K. Foy, CaBhler. Wm. Dunn, Vico-eres. H M.Uiujvkh. Teller CITIZENS9 BANK NEW BKRN, N C. l( A. UKNERAL BANKING BUSINESS The Accounts of Hants, Bankers, Corpora-tl-'UK, Farmers, Merchant! and otDera re o-'ivtul on favorable tonus. Pninitt and c-m-iul attention given to the lnterestof our cUHtnmers. BOA HI) OF DIRECTORS. I'rtli'-nii-i nirlrh, F. H Me -flows. J. A. Meadows. t,'.ui8. ln:jy, Jr. '-'umiiel W. Ipook, Janien Kotlw-dJ'!, ClirtH 11. Fowler, Chaa. Keicaustuln wuitain Dunn, Mayer llabn, K W. MinallwootI, Thus A.Ureeu, tJi-o N. Ivo O Foy. O. V (Jreen. Gold, Silver, Coal or Petroleum .May Dc found on I0LR LAN1.; II you ileglre to learn whereto look for uml how to fiott nuy of the above MINER AI.J, semi for "TUB M1NEHAI, I'ROSI'EC roK'ri (1U1DK," li book of great value to iei;i!iners. The directions are carefully toU! hi plain lauKuageauii easily understood. I'', cry farmer, every land owner, and every urlulit country boy that vanls to make n rich strike should have this book to i.luiy. ritici: ovk nou.Aii iiy mail. I. II. RAMI 1. 1., Augusta, Maiiio. muriidwlru J.H. BENTON, M.D ., D.D.S I'raotlcu llinllod to Opemltvo ni.d Mo chm luRl Iienlll:-y and lenlttl .-'uri;iy Teetli ex trartod ltliout pln by the ute of Nltro Ullde Uas. Hvry llilnir In the line or Dentistry done jn t x,e bait my lu Patlkfaollon guaranteed. .I'.ce. roi iwr cr M Iddle Sir. et and r'edeift Alli-v. ciiposlto Hantl"' ' l"" The Shoemaker, lilies t.i infiii'in his i;itri)iiK ;nnl tho (.iibiti'. ii'mjnti'j inui uulii :uri.ui'i n"iia ho cmi In! fnuud t tlic Western End of So. Front St. wlii'io bo is prepared to supply tbeir v;itits in li:8 lino in First-Class Order. WE TELL YOU nothing new win u tati that it pay- toenfliipi in :i itTinaiifiit, most Inulthy aud plraottnt bu.-n . tliut retoriiti i proiu tor every nny li is tho buslines we offer tliewurkinir class V- ii ut'li them Ikw to make iimiicy rapiilly, anil Piuirrtiili'i' t'vcrv one who follow our iiiMtructiuui l.nilifiilly the making of 300.00 a month. Kvcry one win) takeii hold now and wurkfl will iiirely and speedily increase their earning; there cm ! no ouentioii about It; others now at work are loiti(f It, ami you, reader, can do the game. Ihi-t H the best paying builnens that you him evrr iiad the clianco to secure. You will niuke trravo mistake if you fall to give it a trial at once. If oii(rraip tho situation, ami act ijulckly, you will directly find yourself in a meet prosperous hu.-ini s, "I which you ran eurely make aud auvt lai Re -inns ..f money. The results of only a few hours' work will often eijual ti week's wages. hi tln r ou ure old or vouiip, man or woman, it m. Millrrenre. (fo IIS we tell VOU. &nd 8UC- cesH will meet vuii nt the very start. Neither experience or cnpital necessary. Tlio-,e who work for lit are n wnrd d. Why not wrile to day lot full mirlit iilarM. tree E. C. AI.LKN CO., flux No 40, AiiK""ta, Sle. I. A BRYAN, Pro. THOS. DANIELS, Vice Prce. 8. H EUllEETo, Casiiier. The National Bank,. OF NEW BERNE, N. C. iNOOlifORATSD 1895. Capital, $100,000 surplus fronts, 98.168 DIBE0TOR8 Us. A. Bbtan, Tik8. Danibls. Ouas H. Bbtaji. J. H. HaOKBDRH, Jno Dunn, L. Harvet, a. H. BO DIETS Execution Sale of Land. By vlrme mnd la parsasnoe of o.rtRtn wilt of eieoutlon.to m. Issued from the rtuperior (Jourt of Craven ooanty, In the solum entitled Harst, Pnrnell A Co. against A. M. Williams, i will on Monday, May 1st, 1893, atth.feoarofTw.lT. M .sttheOourt Hoase d.torlu tlie oity or newborn, to satisfy tbe sin exoonnon a.Di, sen w iQ.niniiesv oia der, for oash, th. land lerl.d upon, to-wit: One lot in tn. town of vanoaotkro. partien. larlv described In dews registered Book 1W, pRvje 7, of th.omoa of th Registrar ol Oeeds of CrT.n ooutt ty. on. lot desorlbed la dMd registered In Book SB, pag. mot RMMrd of said offlo. Alan tnose land d Ascribed in deediegle-tr.l- Book HO.Dsxe 9KI. of ald offloa. Th said laud bslng l.Tl.d upon and sold as me property of K M. William at and slnoe tb data of th dook.tln of th said Jadgm-nt, and not laoludM in tn nome KHsi sei apart w nirn. . ThBi Mason alth.l8U8. - w . h. lAjinat. mat2 Sheriff Crarsn County, sflVsM MnsVs ttUatfl tvallumta al 1 -lai ot 4c my otk. Hm uwMrrrfMsirtNfi fc . XW thdrwan tt At I moalh' LrwA- WMfU kta 1 Lha M Uw ttatU. 4 im. rk II la. WaM-.ila. w tm. n to. 1MWIM1IIHIMNwY ui piar JI arr ft tlt.& Ti.rl.J. WlU.-rn iaj.1T MlfTS TMf Atfcft BT Ilia. ttta. I tBlnanlriMWttll lUmp rrvlnwd.1 PAllt-NTB THtAltO bT MAIL. ,iiHi.t aiiftt. baruitaa. KaW.rHr.-, fUrt'1 DnM tD r rat NOTICE!! HONEY TO LOAN at 4 Per Gent UTESEST ON EIGHT YEARS' TIME. Come yourself and learn the particu lars. We loan on Real Estate secmjty be it In town or in the country. Apply to ISAAC H SMITH, 2 jlly Gen'l Mirr., New Berne. N. C Removed. W. P. JONES Has moved his business to the Store on Middle street adjoining the Drug Store of F. S.Duffy, and is still carrying a Fall Line of FURNITURE and MAT TRESSES. For Sals ai a Bargain. One fonr light Extension Chan delier, with globes and piisms. One Lamp, duplex burner, with prisms. One extension oak Dining Table a fine one. One 48-ponnd Feather Bed, good as new. Any person desiring to buy the above at a great naciiflce will please correspond with 1x 40J, New Berne, N. O. G. L. HARDI80N, Thurman, N. C, Mauufautuiur ufand Dcaloi in FIRST-CLASS BRICK. 800,0(K) now rwt.ly tor tin' m;irkct. Will sell an c1ioh as any other man. je2(5tf XI. XjB. IE3!tlX9 BOOK STORE Stationery! Blauk Hmikb, and no'.v lut Standi'.rd Works of Renowned Atit''is. l'rayri anil I'.yn i r nnl;s. lnlU s Pursex, 1'ous, Pctioil-J etc. Ali', Lato 1'aniTM and I', ri.niirals m coivodd aily li)lf 13 AIT V A ND WEEKLY JOUraU RVa ED RATES. 1. ly. p-t ...! i !. MI'ihlliK I''1' IJaily , lier vi'ar i'l nil per Hix r.innt . tv pur three nnniLlis 1.50 News Kivdu from m! swtioiin iiti'l on all nuestioiiH. The ab vo r;tc arc iavuIW in iulvatice, and chu b Hitfoly forwarded either by money order or reitered letter. First Class Barber Shop MUCK bl.'ifK, Minni.E ST., Nearly opp.isito IJ.ip'ist Chinch. Apartments m-it and ti.lv, and fiuly competent nssisuuitt. employed. II. 1 liA.MvS, ducG t'roprietor ennsjlvaiii'i's LEADING NEWSPAPER lu nil the attubul" th.t: sullies to nke a lirxt.elusH (dimly journal, lie Philadelphia RECORD Spares uo trouble or ejpenso to gather and present to its readers all tho news of tho Old and Now World. Its soveial Departments, ea' h un ler th management of a competent K Jitor, comprises matters pertain ma to The Household, The Farm, Woman's World, Science, Art, Literature, Finance, The Real Estate World. Presenting a complete niagozlno erery day. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Dally, ono year, Daily and Sunday, one year, - $3.00 4.00 ADDRESS The Record Publishing Co. 917-819 CnicsTiTOT Street, Philadelphia, EXEOUTOR'S NQTI0E. . 11 V uuum.uu, 1. M 1 1 J HI .IHIII. irdj qnalldwl be for. th. Ol.rk of th. rjopo rtor onrta. BzMBtwoftb.MUtUote.tMT Williams, Ho.fu D.rD7 iTMnouo. inti o. renalrM all nanoni havlna .lalms agalnat Um sstat. of tb. said OatMy Wll- iiama. pm.D, ba.m so ua. nuu siwnwr auiT anth.nttcaud. for nunml os or osior. vne imhio7 or rmarnmrj. jsvi, or .IM this boUm will b plMMlwt to ba .1 rsooy. rAions IndsbW io tha satatf teaat pi.f Tivwui mw.f BATHAST IISDAI.B, Notice. ' gtato of North Carolina Craven County. Superior Court. Before the Olerk. . -i , Bneolal Proceedings to sell Real EsUta. Jfunes C. liarrlflon, Admn of Newsom W. Dall, deceased, riBlntlff, vs. Tbomas Williams, Frankey Ann Jones, Alex. M Williams, J. M. Williams, HaMI Williams. Matlle Williams, Una Willlasos, , , Llllle Williams, M. K. Call, Oeorfs 111. ' ' t'sear Dalt. Clarenoa Edwards, Olan4 Kd- , wards. Addle Edwards. Heber Stocks, Ida ,l Htocks. John Williams, Kanoy Dall, Kllsa , , - Dil, William Dall and Pattle Uall. helxa ut-law and defendants. Summons for Belief. ' ' t To John Williams, one of the defendant!: : . You will take notloe that the abora en- .. titled nroceedlug has been begun In thla ' ooutt, for the purpose of sailing the real e-' V - tato of the deceased to make assets to pay debts of the estate and oosts of admlnlatra Li tlon.e.nd yon are required toappesrbafora the (!o..rt on the 15th of April, 18K3, and an- . ' Hw.-r i.r demur, or the relief demanded In ih petition on file will be granted. r.itR 2fjtti day of February, 1893. W. M. WATSON, u.r.rliM v Clerk Superior court. NOTICE. The undersigned, Mary E. Jobxson. haa duly , " i a ' : : 1 . I an Administratrix of thaea tf.;. i snr.i.u .l.ihnson, and hereby glTat ii )t tliut cho requires allpersons bavlnsT en t.. t .;..! s' tue estate of tbe saldSlmon 3n) s. nt them to the said Admin- Ik:,-....!., ,1 1, : i.ulbenlleited, for payment, on ur tu tu i- ti ','2Uh day of February, 1884, or else ; i , i h notice will be pleaded In bar oi lei-ovi ry . l ei i, i. in ii.debted to the estate must pay witlmu' delay. M AH Y E. IOHN80N, Administratrix. feb-r(iw notice! Tlie nridersigued, W. G. lirlnton, bai dal qiiiiltlut an txeoutorof ibe en tat of Snaab J. ! u iiev, und hereby give notlo that h rr(Uirt b alt persons having claims against tin. i giuie ot thr guia Susan J. Dudley to pre Hi'ii; in- n la ihe said W. u. Urluson doly au'li Miticated, for payment, on or bsfor the II li uaj of Marrh, A.D. 1S94, or else thU iiot;"t) will t pleaded In bar or rscoverjr. i'fr8';r.H i tlt-Nittl to the estate mast pay Witliou; delay. W. O. BBtNSON, mil .bvr Exeoutor. Afimiristrator's Sale of Land I'U.r io a Judgment ancj order Of tha Sii 1 1 1 r ( u.trt of i ruven oounty. rendarad ont it day of Maroli HV'At In the special prui -fcin.g ntuled: '.lames U. Harrlaont AJiiiinlsu uior of lli os. Fenner. dootassd,. vd. jDuii S .'. Gankili, et als." the under- sialic: w ill. ou Mi-nday, May 1st, 1893, rtt tin ( ourt lloauedoor in New Berne, N, i.i . . . . k. M.,poi1 to the highest bidder a: I'liinii. . i.ntluii IIih following real estate in-iui.'::i ' ' ihue&taleoi Thos. Fenner, da ee.'tU'ii, 1 1 vv 1 1 : a oeiun. tract of land In No. 6 Township. Craven oo.iuty. N. (' wi Uie south aide of Nt-Uh r'. t . unJ wthifc'ule of Ureat Marsh (iut.i'-l 'li- UK ii;o nrnlH of Uimbo Keoiier on il..; landH of William Tempi on M'lij Hritl o;iM,and Neuae river on, ih- norm coniiuotu oue hundred aeraa wo! -ir l r n IV. r. a oi Mfl;f one half cash; balance on a crcda of i itiumtiB. Title reserved until full pyni'-m h 'nd-ilo. Ne? llerue. N ( ., Maroh 35th,lBi3. ,1AM KH i HARKIBOIT, in'."- Ailra'r if Thos. Fenner, deceased. a1 rSE-ISiSTRATDOSlLE OF LAID, Ii ' ? ' ; n ' ul:iii ut ami Order of i ' 1 " - - - im- ourt uf Uraven county, J wilt A--W tit I u!''! Ant-lion fur Cath, at th t o i : l ..i.' tin' : In w Berne, N. C., on, MuiMlay, April IM, alTWMVK, , in.t hereinafter desorlbed (Topfriy bHunuiLi; to ihe eBtate of Henry LH'ppf-, 'lereHM-d, to wit : A rcruin I rati nt ,u:nl situated on 810 cum a I'rei'li, lu the ccunty of Craven, Stat ot North CmoliiiH, j.nown as the-Qlbaon 1,-in.l hihI hounded lUsribed at follows: 'Mi the nort 1 1 hy Hliinim'g creek' on the eaat - v - i-' a m i i if John riitumu ana tbe Thorp i a ( -i "ii the Kuth hy me Ferguson land; -.' n-v,.h r.v t h Nvnoy Jones or Wynna It. -' .i'l"1 r-'o. ..m's cit-eb; containing 640 ocr- s more -t ..-pk, htini; the land oonvayad In llnr.ry H)l.y dt'fd recorded In Book l-. T n.' S7u. it: Uie records of CraTan CO', 1 tit j". MirrHKN C. BR AG AW, 1.1 ; 'd AJra.ii.u.nior of U. Deppe. daa'd Ft THEGEHTUMWftFRIDtDH Klnln. Mo Ialn. Prrvents SJtrlMsn, ('n-ii MyntiKC.. A I t I l.-iy Cure for tloKOBHHUU. li LiiKT, l.ri't-liKIIII.U. Hei KU ATORRRfKA. .Ad SjIJ I nlM'Hltliy H.'xuul DiftcharsM). Ufi'. sure i'rcvenlivw of all Venereal Dlsems -H liri.nfiats. or iPttl In any address lor tl S In !.( I..n Wal,..jrri.""TilE"BrjTof SU I .ml ir r.'i... ill. s. bR HENRT REWT. l4etrs. Ms. H.ildiir llfu. o.. Imroalr. Ohio, U.MA TYLER DESK CO ST. LOUIS.MO Our Mammoth Tatalofruoof Banc Conimaa, Dksih, ami other Ornrn Fuaicrruaa for hits lion r. Hilv. New Qoods. NW StTlM lu 1 irs In, Tulilcs, Chairs, Hook Cases, Pas4 ncts, Ac, be, and at matchless pricM, af ahnve imlicatiMl. Our guoils ara well knnn ti anil Hold frn-ly in every country tbat siifcukKiik'lish t'ataltiKues free. Postag. tip. rVtlantlo & N. C. Rilrod tJ'yVtssYsa 71X3 TABLM a. S3, I-i K-'iect 0 i A.M.. Thursday,) 5. m. Oviyil KlBT. SnUEDUU. Gowa Wm No. S Pasnenger Train: No. 4. Ar. Lve. Station. Ar. Lrak pm 8 80 Ooldsboro 1144 a M 4 08 4 09 La Orange 10 KS 10 H i'Sf 4 40 Kinitoa 10 IS 10 bOJ 6 OH New Barn 8 47 9 00 7 8S p m Morehead City am 1 11 Daily. Cron.a East. Siohedulb Ooiaa Wtn No.l.t Ho.M Mixed Ft. ft Mixad Ft Pom. Train. Station. Paaa. TkmlMa am 6 80 Goldaboro 7H 9m 6 57 7 05 Beat's 8M 184 7 20 7 80 La Grange 8 64 104 7 48 7 ns railing Creek 8 11 8 80 Klniton 8 50 8 55 Caswell 15 10 08 DoTer 8 94119. - J . tot 1 4 0t f9f 9 9u 40 .58 !a 998 990. 69 817.4J80 10 81 10 88 Cora Greek 11 00 11 05 Tuscaro ra 1117 1141 Olark'a . 18 18 8 00 Newbera 8 87 849 Riverdate 8 48 8 50 Oroataa 4 08 4 13 Baraloek 4 87 4 48 Newaort a oi oo wtlavood 8 01 6 01 Atlentio 00 i OOO . www W ww . 4 mv"4wV 618 6 91 Uorehoad Olrv 6 98 6 98 Atlantie Hotel 681 psm Morehead Dmot i -r. ""ht u win roar. . r arm Xrala hrnmA Kortb, Isaiag votAmtfut 1:M a. fea.. and With Klohmond I"ii., -Train tut, UaT1. UoJitaMrcItU '.Tii Trala Mouhii silk linhmas n"l . 'i Trals.afrltlat atflrold.fceron J, V - WllmlBirtAii and wsiuua lraia h '-' 1 i-j;,.7t.' mwwt- i tUuuator, "

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