iiLLG A U3M How the Monster of the .Deep Despatched. I r-t Oret Danger, Attached to ' the Bxoltinff Work Sometime! Deai; WW4i Are Not Always Da4. v.' j;;:,'.t ;S'54 ;Mf : it-.' ! li ', The whale beintr well harnessed to the boat by means of the tow- line, which u fastened to the nesh- Imbedded harpoon, it may either turn nukes and sound, or. bellow. Lag at .tunes like bull with greater Tolume-of voice, however it may. runt as it is termed, taking the boat in tow at a rate, it has been estimated, all the way from 15 to 20 miles an hour, when it first starts off, but settling down to about 8, or 10 knots per hour, when it gets warmed up to its work This is the Old ."Nantucket sloigh rida.' " The whale having tired itself by running, the boat is hauled up by the line, and side by side the crew with hair standing on end, and .the affrighted whale, , startled anew bv the close proxim ity of so : strange a load, rush through the surging and fast rtv cedinar waters. ' The officer "gets a set" with his hand lance and nlunires about five ' or six feet of ooldiron into the lungs of the victim, and perseveres with out ceasing in the up and down motions, familiarly known as "churning." as the boat persist- ' ently clings to the whale, until the spout of the unfortunate cetacean is tinged with the crimson of its ' own life blood. The muscles of ' tli A ftmnflp nptti iiaw ralav nnrtn Ka " lanoe, the boat is laid off and the dying , whale swims round and round in an unbroken circle. This is the flurry.. Death is now merely ' - Li . fPl Vi 3 ejected through the spiracles now becomes' as thick as tar. It is not onlv a belief of whale- men, 4ut it is usually the fact, that the whale, during its dying mo , ments, so times its encircling path as to place its head to the sun. It , now makes a heavy lurch, the sea v is lashed into a maelstrom of bloody water, and the ponderous Whale rolls heavily on its side or partly ton its back, with the fin projecting above the water. This is finning out A one-sided jury V would say that the whale died of hemorrhage of the lungs. To use - a paradoxical expression, some - dead whales are not always dead. It may be in a comatose state, but averse to vivisection, and wheu the men again approach it and cut holes through the hps to make the -. line font, tn tnw it tn ihtk vaooaI a demolished boat or loss of life and ; " limbs may be the reward. ". Hence the more cautious whale men prick his eye, and if the whale . does no flinch, it is supposed to be dead. - Several boats take their - position in line like a tandem team .. of horses; the tow-ropes are prop . erly adjusted, and the men with - merry boat song begin the labori- , ous and monotonous task of tow- : tU mL.1. aj. AV- 1 A dead whale may be towed more easily,, head first, and it is also WOrthv of mention that a. tmi whale, when cast adrift, wUl beat ' to windward, the natural motions of the flukes having a tendenoy to propel the body. Century. Aerolites. "Do you believe in fate, Pat?" "Sure and phat would we stand en widout 'em." . There would be a gre at deal less mischief in the world if a greater number of people stuttered. A taste for mhsio, when exhibi- ted by young persons, is certainly oommandame. Dut ; don't start them PapaWonder how it is night , shirts last longer than dress shirts? Mamma Becauso you don't wear : them oat . " Why do girls kiss each other whils boys do not?" "Because girls have nothing better to kiss, and the boys have." rtl-f-'-t , ., s aa ju.y rmum a. was a trine complicated. Bhe Yes; the triv iality and the complication were distinctly visible. Whflh a man begins by saying: " Ot course it is none of my busi ness, but" It is a sign that he is goiaar to make it his business, and advise you what to da" The following inscription graces the signboard of a Long Island cemetery : " To parties returning from a funeral. Comfortable room lor such as desire to weep in solitude. The finest wines and lianors of every description." 'Divorces In Sootland, There has been a large increase in the number of divorces granted in Scotland in late years. Be tween a864 and 1874 the average number was thirty-five a year, which increased to fifty-nine be tween 1874 and 1880. Last year 127 divorce decrees were granted there, as against 109 in 1891 and eighty-nine an 1890. Of last year's decrees sixty-eight were ob tained by husbands and fifty-nine ty wives. : Infidelity was the ground for considerably more than Braiding the Hair, Pef pls who braid their back hair mrs now raising it up higher and 1 raiding it very close to the top c the head j then it is looped down on the,' bead and fastened closely to it The reason for this it t! t the small bonnets must I vt pomethlng more than merely a f. : y pin to Tiold them In posi V n, i - I this arrangmneut of the 'r .uLos-them more oomfort r fie'd Hair. -' In Henry Betel's "Collection of Proverbs, published ; in " 1812: occurs the following : w: , "Proud are ihe short; untrustworthy the red haired.'' ' ' , A French proverb 500 years old, says: ." Salute a red-headed man or bearded woman at thirty feet off with three stones in thy fists to defend thee if need be." In early times all pictures of Judas were shown with shocks of red hair. This and the fact that the Judas in the ''Miracle Plays" was provided with a red hirsute worked the superstitious people of the middle ages up to such a de gree that it was actually unsafe for a red-haired person to appear in company. Writers of all classes began to denounce " the senseless prejudice against those of lively colored hair." Cyrano de Ber gerac, in his " States and Empires of the Sun " said: "A brave head, covered with red hair, is nothing else but the sun in the midst of his rays, vet many speak ill of it because few have the honor to be so," The adiective, "Judas-colored hair," and many similar allusions are often met with in writings of the older authors. In " As You Like It," Rosalind says of Orlan do, " His very hair is of that dis sembling color," to which Celia replies, " Something browner than Judas'." Dryden, writing of Jacob Tou son, a publisher whom -he thor oughly despised, siiys : He has leering looks, ball-faced and freckled fair. Tiro left legs and Judas-oolored hair. Woman's Matrimonial Chances A woman's chances to marry at from fifteen to twenty years of ago is said to be 14 1-2 per cent. From twenty to twenty-five the chance is increased to 52 per cent. ; from twenty-five to thirty it di minishes to 18; from thirty to thirty-five, to IS 1-2 per cent From thirtv-flve to fortv thfi I chances of an unmarried woman Bins: to 6 3-0 per cent.; trom torty to forty -five a still further dimin ution is seen, her chance being but 2 1-2. From forty -five to hity the old maia's chance of get ting a husband is but 3-8 of 1 per cent, while from fifty to fifty-five Bhe is supposed to have but 1-4 of 1 per cent of a chance. It should, however, be added that the table of averages does not apply to - 1 A 1 1 . , ' wiuowa. Accurate siansuoians, who would not be caught in a mis take for the world, affirm that a widow of any age has at least seventv-six smnster drawinc now- er, and some place her figure up to eighty-two. I The widow s chances at any age are, therefore, seventy-six to eighty-two times better than that of a spinster. Cheap Gowns- Very elegant and by no means means costly tea gowns can be made of the light summer ma terials and silks purchased at the sales, for fabrics too brurht and too much out of date for general wear make up effectively in these accommodating little dresses in which the union of two or three fabrics lends charm to their never failing attractiveness, and even the brocades and textiles designed for house decoration may be em ployed with perfect confidence in a pleasing result to the wearer an d observer alike. A pretty woman is never so pretty as when robed in the dainty grace of the tea gown, and a plain one is so attractive that even the most cynical critic forgives her for not being beautiful. HELP IS OFFERED, aad is ffuaranUed, to very nervous, delicate woman, by Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. Remember this If you dont get the help that'a promised, there's noth ing to pay. In every " female com plaint," lrrsfrularity, or niaiiiias, and in every exhausted condition of the female system, if the " Prescription " aver fails to benefit or cure, your money is returned. Bearing -down pains, internal inflammation and ulceration, weak back, and all kindred ailments are com pletely cured by it. It's a marvelous remedy for nervous and general debility. Chorea, or Bt Vitus's Dance, Insomnia, or Inability to Sleep, Spasms, Convulsions or Fits, and has often, by restoring toe womanly runcnons, curea cases ot insanity. For more than SS years, Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy baa cured the worst cases of Chronic Catarrh In the Head. The makers of this medicine are willing to promise that they'll cure your case or they'll pay yon fSOO cash. By all druggist. To langb well one should have wept, to feast well one most han ger. The many case of rheumatism cured by Chamberlain's Pain Balm during the past few months have given the people great confidence in iUcurative properties, and have shown that there is oi.e preparation that can le defended upon for that painful and aggravating dineaBe. ITonaker Bros., .Lorain, Ohio, say: "Mr. Moses l'nce, oi this place, was troubled with rheuma tism lor a long time. Chamberlain's Pain Balsam has cured him. He says that the uaim lias no equal. ' For sale by J. V. loruan. Trne valor lies in the middle, be tween cowardice and rashness. Wmr Over Vfty Years Mrs. Win blow's Soothwq Byicp has beatt used for children taatbing. It soothes the child, softens the cums. Ulaya all pain, enrat wind oolio, and is (be beat remedy for Diarrhoea. Twentv- Ive oanta s bottle. Bold by all drug gists Ibrougnout UM world. jandwlv Bstk Beeaii. Bath rooms are now in good order fat iiugu lianar oaroer snop. Mooa atten- ion given patrons. , rti XUTTS PILLS in use 80 yean. Children Cry for Pitcher't Castoria.' Mi's Hs Regulate The Dowels. ' Csstlviaiis dermiar taie whale eye t a siegeta elUsaaes, aneai Sick Headache. Dyspepsia, Fevers, Kidney Diseases, BiUousCoU Malaria, etc. rati, rills prmtnee rea-nlar habit f boely susel a-ot eHa-MSiaat, without bach, en. earn iJoy gawd axewUsv Sold Everywliere. - Ward Primaries. A majority of the Ward . Democratic Executive Committees of the city of New Berne, N. C, met at the City Hall Mon day evening, April 10th, 1893, 8 o'clock p. m. for the purpose ot naming a day for holding the ward primaries. The meeting was called to order and upon motion Wednesday April 19th 1898 was unanimously adopted as the time for holding said primaries. B. Q. Creole, Sec'y. April 10th, 1898. Si a - To the Voters of the 1st Ward. The Convention for nnminnt.incr n pnnn. cilman for 1st ward will be held at City Hall on Wednesday April) 19th, 1898, at 8 o'clock p. m. B. G. Creole, chmn. To the Voters of the 2nd Ward. The Convention for nnminnllnfr n mnn. oilman for 2nd ward will be held at the Court house on Wednesday, April 19th, ioi), ui o o ciock p. m, O. H. Qoion, Chmn. To the Voters of the 8d Ward. TV, : r is luuiuuicuiivn iur uouiiuuiiiig a coun cilman f.- o l ir l ... : 1 1 i . vii . xt M.uuau ivi ,,am mil IH3 IIL'Ill HI Berne engine house on Wednesday April , Hi' v yj ijjn. y, 111. J. W. Btddle, Chm'n. To the Voters or the 5th Ward. The convention for nomin.iiinc n pnnn cilman for 5th Ward will be held at ihos. F. McCarthy s store on Wednes uay April lutn at o o ciock p. m. J. M. 1IABOET What is flesh to-day mac be flow er 10-morrow. Chamberlain's Eve and Skin Ointment Is a certain core for Chronic Sore Eyes, Hw. lt.l L' 1 : . o x- 1 Tifil uiauuiAKu x- c Ajiun, EKjn, lljipiwj, I lies, rjczcraa, letter, oalt Kheum and Hcald Head, m cents per oox. I or sale by druggists. TO H0B.8BOWNER8. For putting a horse in a fine healthv ron, dition try Dr. Cady's Condition Powders. They tone up the system, aid digestion, cure loss of appetite, relieve constipation, correct kidney disorders and destroy worms, giving new life to an old or over worked horse. 26 cents per package. For sale by druggists, Sold by J. V. Jordan, New Berne N. C. Nothing is pleasant that is not sp;ced with vanity. Imitators and Imnostors. The uncoualled fineness of Allrnrk's Porous Plasters as an external remedy nos induced unscrupulous parties to oner imitations, which they endeavor to sell on the recutation of AllcockV It is m ol. surdity to speak of them in the same category as the genuine porous plaster. Their nretpnnions art nnfniinrlnfl 4ilt- vauntecl merit unsupported by facts, their alleged superiority to or equality with Allcock's a false pretense. The ablest medicul practitioners and cnemistsand thousands ol gratelul pa tients unite in declaring Allcock's Por. ous i iHstrre tne uest external rcruouj ever produced. Beware of imitations, and do not lw do ceived by misrepresentation. Ask for Allcock's, and let no solicitation or c planation induce you to accept a substi IUIC. Pat ont yonr hand before yon pac np yonr prayer. The more Chamlerlain's Cough Reme dy is used the better it is liked. We know ol no other remedy that always gives satisfaction. It is good when you first catch cold. It is good when vour cougn is seated and yonr lungs are sore. it is l'oou in any riiiu oi couttn. rvc have sold twenty -five dozen of it and every bottle has given satisfaction. Sted- man & rnedman, druggists, Minnesota Lake. Minn. 50 cent bottles for sale bv j. v. Jordan. T II T . Zeal without knowledge is fire wubout light. A New Tin and Plumbing Shop. jANNOtTNCF.MENT.B We have rc-rcntcd the store lately' oc cupicd by us, next to present stand and intend conducting in connection with our Mill Supply hnsiiicth a llrst class Tinning & Plumbing Shop, under the manage ment of skilled and competent workmen anil snail m ike a specially ot putting on TIN HOOFING AND o UTTERS, And repainting and repniring old roofing oi'n n.rMniNo dei'autmknt. Will l)e complete in every particular and work done well and promptly. We so licit an opportunity to make" prices on anything in this line and are in posi tion to make lowest poseiblc Imnres con slstcnt with first class workmanship and material. KespectluMv. Disosway & Cin iu IIII.I, Next to City Hull. tf. When Baby was sick, we gave her Cantoris. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria, When she bneame Mtas, she clung to Castoria, When she had Children, she gave them Castoria, Silver Plating. I am 'prepared to rcplate Jyour Old snVKn-WAnu at Burrington's Machiie ottie on Middle Btrcet. Wllijk Staixtjios. sam. b. Waters. Tobacconist & Confectioner. A fnll line of the Finest Cigars. "8URBRUGS" and 'MABBURGiy nnesi oienas oi emokinf Tobeoeo. "GRAVELY '8 Finest ehewlng To' bsooos. "LOWNEY'B" Buperfioe ChocolaU ana uon uons received weekir. ARCTIC SODA end !.hb Prises Yiptd Osl. Completely Absolutely Such entire obliteration was never before experi enced. Can Get the Benefit. CALL AND EXAMINE FOR YOURSELVES. Do you enjoy a good cup of delicious corTce ? then buy your coffee from ns. Do you always want nice Bread? if so, buy ROYAL CROWN FLOUR from us. AND if you want NIOE SWEET BUTTER Pure and Freeh, Ask nt our Stores for Elgin Creamery and you will be sure to get it. Very respeotfully, llaekburn & Willett. P. TRENWITH, Blacksmith Shop. Makes aud repairs .Buggies. Wagons Carts, etc. Horses with contracted foot will get my special attention. MIDDLE STREET, apr2 dwtf Opposite Citizens Bank W. L. TOWLASD, as. w. mobhis, with WH. CCCKBS.Y C. S.OOSMAN CUCK8EY & C0SMAN, Commission Merchants, 345 & 847 Washington and 199, 201 A 208 Franklin Bts NEW YORE. FRUITS AND PRODUCE. Southern Fruits and Produce a specialty. STENCIL No. 187. I3f" Consignments aotioited. RKKERENCEP:; N. T. National Kxebang Bank. N. Y., and ioe aaiaii osni, n. x. aplln. Wanted. 2)00tTc0RDS Sapling Poplar Oord Wood, To be delivered at the New Jersey and North Carolina Fiber Company Works, Riyerdale, N. C. Conditions, etc , can be had by bddIv lng te K. F. FOSCUE, at the Factory. Riverdale. lew Jersey & North Carolina- Filter Co, maris, awtjuiy Truck Barrels. You will make a mistake if yon bay your Barrels before you see The E. E & J. A. Moadows Go. The? have for sale the PATENT WIRE UAKKcL, manufactured by Jones & Co of thiscitv. These barrel wrre used last season by Messrs Uaokburn & Willett and many other large truokers. By buying this barrel yon encourage oome industry ana bet tne best truck qarrei on tne market. 1'rloes Low. Yours truly, fe24 dw2m JONES & CO TO THEJRADE I Wt; ARE AGENTS FOR F. W. STOOSS Diadem Flour. None genuine nnless the Crown Is burned In the bead. Bee that F, W. Btockj name la on each barrel when yon make your purchase. All oar flour comes direct from the Hill to us. We pay no commlMion, therefore we can give yon BED BOOK PEI0E3! ROBERTS-& BRO, OommlEaloner'a Land Sale I The nnderslsned. havlns1 ham mmetnttA by the Hnperlor euurt of Craven eountjr tu Commls loner to sell tbalaoda deeorlbed la the comnlalnt In the aetlon Mndlt.e there. In where llaeon Bryaa and J. 1. Wlills filalnttff and also Me hot and othara ara de endanta. aa will mote fnllr aDDear from tha jMimenU In aald aetlon, will offer for sale at id wan noose aoor in neWDeni, on Monday Mar the 1st IMS, at tha boar of II m. to the hlKheet bidder lor eaih. tha lands deaoHbed In thesald lodgment, to wit: 117 aerea lylnc on Maoi's awaiana belns; the lands ipnrehaaed by John MeltoK. deceased ofB.tfeva, ThUIAprUld,la). . r . -, ,.- ,x . Ui 1f.O.orwn. ' i','iii'c Oommlssionar. , BUY YOTTIl v Pea and C:cn Cax And Kails for Building , " Purposes, CHEAP, F. Ulrich. Wholesale Grocer,", NEW BERNE, N. O. THE Red Front, NEAR HOTEL ALBERT, la the place to look for Clothing and Gents' Furnishing Goods. Also a FULL and COMPLETE line of DRY GOODS. Boots, Shoes1 Etc. Special lot of BLANKETS and COM. FOKTd that will be sold at a surprising ly low figure. -A- T-srri ttx leblHdw THE GREEN FRONT NOVELTY STORE, Middle St. Near South Front (Noxt to Duffy's Drug Store,) IS OFFERING Special Inducement m Musical Instruments, Viollni, Banjos, Guitars, Mandolins, Zithers, Authoharps, Flutes, Fifes, Piccolos, Accor- deons, Harps, Etc. ALSO, A FULL LINE OF Solid- and Plated Jewelry, such as Watches, Chains, Cuff and Collar Buttons, Ladies' Pins, Earrings, Scarf Pins, Spectacles, Etc In Pictures & Picture Frames and EASELS we carry the Largest OtooK in mis section of tne (state. feblO dwtf Notice Extraordinary I To All My OldFrierds and Customers. I wish to say that I am back at my Old Stand on Broad Street, One door east of J. J. Totson's stote, wnere l win lurnisn them with too .BEST THE MARKET AFFORDS In the line of Green' Groceries. Etc. Thanking them very muoh for all past lavora, ana noping i may still continue to deserve tneir patronage, I remain .your obedient servant, EMANUEL FISHER. jan2S dm HORSES MID UULES, Lane SMpnt Just AitM, And will be sold at Prices Lower Than Ever. Personal attention . was given their so. lection, and it will pay yon to sea them before purchasing elsewhere. Ow A. cFoxiek South Front Street, Opposite Gaston House, ' Select Cotton Sc:d. ONE HUNDRED BUSHELS OF ' 80UTHERIT HOPE, which Is one ot the most prolific and best varieties in the South, at 41.00 per bushel. ! : Also the well known j , . ' , Peterkin Seed.! . at75oentsper busheL - j Shipments sacked and forwarded , in good ordor. . !','. "' ' ' ' '' . - - a. w. run via.uk, ml7 dwtf Puck Creek, N, 0. r DeslrabU Offioes, with . Very Plaot Dwelling Appartments attached. Cea- trally located In tha business part of tha city.. Apply U : ' - a71m. - . ; L B, W. CARPENTER. M ilcccivcd A New Line of - Patterns in, " t Dress Goods. Full line of Dotted S wisses.Nainsook Edg ings. Full line of Colors in Cotton Crepes in all the new Shades. New Goods Arriving every week. Full line of Pongees at 12 12 cts. per yd. At JDixfTy js . H. & R. S. TUKC1 i CO Scotch Wools, 50o. and 60o. 8torm'Sero-es, 60a, 85o., 11.00 sod tl.25. Wool Bflngalines, 11.00, 11.25, 11.50 and $1.75. French Challies. 50o. per yard and 14.50 and 15.50 per pattern length. Printed India AND China 8ilks 11.00 and 91 25 per yard. Trimming:, Laces and Velvets. All in the Latest Styles and De signs for this season and at Prices as Low, quality considered, aa any bonse in the country. MESTI05 COLOR AND PRICE WHEN WRIT1SG FOR SAMPLES. Oash with order of $5.00 and over, we deliver goods free (except furniture and crockery) to nearest Express Umoe or Railroad Station W. H. & R. S. Tucker & Oo. RALEIGH. N. C. OPENING OP Spring Goods. Tha Largest Stock Evir Shawn ta tha Public, consisting: of Men's, Boys and Chil dren's Clothing, Dry Goods, Shoes, Hats, Etc., Etc. Not a Few of Our Leaders : A Good Solid Leather Woman's Shoe, 75c. A Good Solid Leather .- Man's 8hoe.tl.00 Men's Btronf Working Pants, 75a. Men's Heavy Working Shirts, 20o. Men's Heavy Undershirts, 20c A Nobby Hat In Straw or wool,;50o. Boys Suits, . r 11.25 np. Men's Suits, 13.00 np. Heavy Yard Wide Domestic, 5c. Heavy Ginghams, 5o. Good Calico (new designs) 5c Kindly asking the poblio to give me a call. V. " ' . . I remain, ;.;-.-';Very respeotfully.' ' j: eol. coheit; MH:3 Shr Cl:::.!:r Middle 8t New Berne, N. 0. James R, Jones, ..; v, . Ealosraan. - K j29 ! ASK FOR A FJEtEE SAMPLE - LOF G-oXci 3Dui.ss.t r "Washing Powder at v,-.- ry Churchill & Parker's. i he moat eeonomiflnl wiiHhmc nnwdpr ever com on tne market.- t uwmx; idu iiauuit j rv a sauioio nacKasesna ' 1 UL.BJ GIVK US A . TRIAL ? Our Butter la aa fine as ever camp to t.li city, Very Respectfully, CHURCHILL & PARKER Broad St. Grocers. SOMETHING NEW. "STVJoLELt is it ? BAKING POWDER. The Best Goods for tUe money, FOR SALE BY LUCAS & LEWIS. Wanted ! m I want you kind reader 'is .1 customer. Our interests aro mutual. I will save you moooy on any thing In the JEWELEEY LINE. ESPECIALLY. CLOCKS 5 My repairing is unexcelled by any one in the United States and my prices aro very low. Walch glasses only 15 cts , for hunting case and 25 cts fur heavy open case watches call aud xco roe All eyes properly fitted with Hpectaclos BAXTER THE JEW ELK It 8if?n, !uld Uglo, MidilloStieot. dw tf. Hanc ck'.-i Bnardia" Hous. HANCOCK STREET. Good Fare, Comlortuhlc Itooms and Beds. REASONABLE KATES. C. T. HANCOCK, Proprietor, d&w tf. Attention Truckeis ! The East Carolina Biu ret Factory at New Berne, N. C, proj)oses to begin about April 15th to manufacture the neatest and strongest bulge truck barrel ever put upon this market. For samples and prices, calldn on B. 11. NEAL, m28dwlm. Sec'y. and Treag. ELLIOT & GKEEN, Hair Dressing Parlor. Careful attention given to all branches of the business. Chlldrens Hair Cutting a specialty. HORSE SliOEIUGs Wo have just added a Horse Shoeing Department To the blacksmith shop, connected with our CARRIAGE AND VEHICLE FACTORY. E. Gay, an experienced Shoer from the Western part of tha btate will be in charge. All work will be Executed in Best Manner. dwtf WINFIELD & GASKIN8. Seed Potatoes. A few Extra" Nice Home Grown Seed Potatoes. Also, Choice Northern Seed n.4 tf J. E LATHAM For Sab, HOUSE and LOT on Pollock Bljoet, . Apply to ASA JONES, Agt. March 4, 1894. dtf b warranted the Best In tlie World! Is more Wathrproop, . Is Stronqer, and , will Wear Longer than ny other foods manufactured -Ask for ths "FISH BRAND;" Uks na othsr. CC. ZIRCKq 4 B110- 8ols Agssto, B.IUmw, M. n PlAO's Bnaedr for Cstsrrh to tha rv " SmI, Eulwl to Hh. and ChnmL I I .' I i SoMbrDroiirl.uorKritbTm.fi. t I l I J0vELTL HA.ltln, W.rrM, r. 1 J ' 1 .? T WSvim lit hatnnletui Iiorb7 rTnSillnav tlit An iml plnMure. It ImlMn up olid imiirov'j tljo ti' iifiui unsiiiiiunBrii.iKHiiiin aim otmuii rti-,. t ,f tviinjili ion Nu wriMbi.- or Ha)lln,NN follow tiiU tn-fii.iM-nt, FjulnrH. (l by jihvHu-isjiM aitd 1 liiUrni n-, u lu-u, PATH-NTS Tftt-ATEO BY MAIL, f 'Wti 1 1- n n H f-i,.1 ,-,,,u tn it, f i ,, .. . 4 zri 1 if ,.v YC Ia1 biiii H-iiiiiiimi i ...;.

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