Vf4 ,1 -is Tim Daim journal. ' V-s'.--tiV VOL. XH.-" NO 16 NEW BERNE, N. C, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 19. 1893 PKICE 5 CENTS. A; - r s" jf i BUSISPSS LOCALS. A ' FINE lot of Yeoman's Strawberries today at JonN Dohh a. m cm kat.f. a good 40 pound cv-'.; Feather uca. Appiy in journm uura, WANTEDi Two copies of the Daii.t JotnwAl, ol Oct. 23, 1802. Also one copy of the Weekly ol Oct. 6, 1892, and.two of Dec. 22(1. Reward paid for ' same. FOR SALE CHEAP. An excellent bugpy or saddle horse six years old, medium size, very quick and perfectly . gentle- tf. W. J. Smith. WE are - he onlv agents in this district for the Columbia and Hartford Hi cvcles and the Calitfrapli TVpe Writer. By coming to us at fikbt you will save time and stamps. Catal gucs free on ap plication. Either, sold on the Install ment Plan. - W T. Hill & Co., South Front Street. TOMATO PLANTS For sale at $4.00 per V. or 50 cents per hundred. Good vigorous plants, varieties: Acme and Trophy. Warcfield Cabbage plants at $3.00 per M. or $1.50 per M. for 5,000 and over. Address Normah H. Blitch. ml91m Young's Island, Coleton Co., S.C. JU8T RECEIVED. A nice line of Prayer ooks, bound in French Penl, Venetian Morocco and French Morocco. Prices 7c, and $1.00. Also a nice line of music books ot Hall's Book Store. mlO, tf. A FULL line of Spring and Summer Samples, consisting of Clieviotts, Black, Blue and Brown Serges, Fine Check Cashmeres, Imported SuitiDgs. Worsteds in all grades. Satisfaction guaranteed. F. M. Ciiadwick, (Tailor.) At Hall's book store. IP rSE DUFFY'S COUGH KILLER cures Coughs, Colds. Sore throat, etc. Excellent in all ntlections ot tlie Throat and Lungs, inducing healthy ac tion of the mucous membrane, soothing and healing the same. Is an antiseptic and germicide. Prices, 10c, 25c. and 50c. per bottle. lO To Street's Horse Store for Livery. fP HE Celebrated Snboioso Flor I)e L Habana Cicnrs. Six for Twenty-five cents at C. C. Green's Druo Store. nov. 2-2in. F ?INE roadster's at Street's horse store. "O LEG ANT Saddlers at Streets Horse -tStore. DANDRUFF, Itch, Mange, and all Skin Diseases cured by the use of Duffy's ten Ointment. For sale by F. S. Dcffy, Druggist. If ISH, Sacramental, Port anil Scupper nong Wines for sale by Jas. Redmond T CALVIN Scliaffcr's Wild Cherry ! Rock and Rye, put up expressly lor throat and lung diseases, tor sale tiy Jas. Redmond. T"i UFFY'S Malt Whiskey for Medicinal use, for sale by Jas. Redmond. H irWYADI Janos Mineral Water, the best Natural aperient. For sale by jas. kedmonu. PURE Corn Whiskey for sale by Jas. Redmond. DUFF Gordon sale by Imported Sherry, for Jas. Redmond, T IMPORTED Holland Gin. Burkes Bass 1 Ale and Knikn'n Guinness' Stout, for ale by Jas. Rkduono. 7C AAA CIGARS at very low figures I U.VVU for wholesale ana retail trade ff snip by Jas. Redmond. I ARRETT'S Cognac Brandy used very " niucb in the sick room For sale by Jas. Redmond. ": A religious seot in BuhsU holds ' the wearine of bairlo basinful. It ought to be popular with the bald heads. , EVEN the rankest coward ought to. make a brave soldier when - . dressed in the bullet proof nniform 't -. recently devised by a German if tailor. 7, AS it costs $1,500 for each time -the big Krupp gun, which will be on exhibition at the World's Fair, is flred, it will not be used for ordi i nary saluting purposes. . ' If it becomeii generally known Vthat federal office holders are to be f required to earn their salaries there "will be a heavy falling off In the number of applicants. ' Who said we were a nation of v offloe-seekerst Why,, the ; pplioa ' tions for fourth-class post omces, a number of which pay less than $10 year, reoelved at Washington only average 1,000 . day.. ; ; Iher; 1b great consolation" in knowing that the new oruiser, Sew "York, la the fastest armored vessel -afloat: when she -can't lick her . adversary she can safely "make ' snake" for a softer nap.-v--.rvv:. . Oh not Americans care noth ng for gorgffbus titles. : JokI observe - bow.indlfferent they . are towards - this Ambassador business, and how tbey treat the thrifty knaves 'Who furnish family crests and titles -while yon wait. . A national university at Wash 4nirtop, properly officered and con ducted might be a desirable thing to have, but if it ia to be run bs sort of a.Ijinjt-ln honpital - for 1 ' lann dnekH, m wine of the 1 r . I rain ! 1 1 ( f I TnK United 8tar.ee Senate ia no pl.tue tor a bank embezzler. Senator Koach should fitter be acquitted ot ibe ohaige openly made against him, sud not explicit ly denied, or he should be expelled from oar highest Legislative body. No compromise should be possible n such a ease. He must be either guilty or not guilty. A facetious disappointed office seeker says'President Cleveland'" ules as to eligibility stand to wards the offices precisely as the nterstate commerce law does towards railroad pusses. If your "pull" is strong enough you get the passes; il not the law is quoted In oider to let you down easy. LOCAL NEWS. NEW AD VER TISEMENT8. Howard. W. M. Watson Notice. John Dunn Fine strawberries. W. M. Watson Incorporation notice. Hackburn & Willett Dividing profits. Jos. C. Harrison Administrators No tice. Another concert rehearsal will bo held tonight. Goldsboro has had two store burglaries daringly committed but small in results. Mr. W. H. Dail and Miss Carrie Dail of Snow Hill left yesterday mornim; for their home. England's big ships arrived Monday in Hampton Roads; the fleets of other na tions also make a beautiful marine pic ture, Mr. Henry Blount, the gifted editor of the Wilson Mirrror will deliver a lecture n New Berne on the night of Friday May 5th. mere are complaints trom various points in the State about potato bugs. Fight 'em in time. After a potato bug dines once on Paris green he doesn't want many more potatoes. Mr. John Leo, an Indian medicine man, is in thecity and has secured the lot on the corner of Broad and Hancock Stf. where lie will locate for a month or two h the interest of his medicines. Miss Corrine Harrison, of New Berne who is now in Norfolk and who has been for several years studying Physical Cul ture under the most eminent instructors in this country has been engaged to give a special course of lectures at the Teach er's Assembly. The matter of having the encampment of two regiments af tnc State guard at or near Morehead City is being looked into, We leam that grounds have been offered at Carolina City, about two miles this side of Morehead that adjoin the rail way and the sound and include ri range, &c. & number ot our citizens nave very kindly consented to entertain members of the Press Association at their homes next week. Most of them will arrive Tuesday night and return Friday morn ing. They will be met at the depot upon their arrival and shown to their homes by the reception committee. Tnat indefatigable worker, Mr. J. K. Willis has most cleverly . looked after the finances. The steamer New Berne took out the following passengers yesterday: Mr Geo. V, Sloat, Superintending engineer of O. D. S. 8. company returning to New York from from a pleasure trip to the city; his daughter, Miss M. Bloat, and Mrs. Coster and Mrs. Winslow who have been spending a few weeks at Mr. C. C Green retaining to their homo in New York; Miss Eva McGinn, leaving for Nor folk to see the Naval Rendezvous. The Argonaut says that early in Jane the Rocky Mount Cotton Mills will start their new 14,000 spindle addition which added to the 14,000 now in operation will give Rooky Moant a 98,000 spindle mill the largest in the State and one of the largest in the south. Here is another object lesson for New Berne. Wherever cotton factories ore started, they enlarge and new ones follow. It is time for New Berne to take a hand in the business. The Wilmington Messenger tells that a seaside sanitorium is to be opened at Wrigbtsvllle next month in connection with the Atlantio View Hotel for the benefit t of convalescents and sick chil dren. Or. Hodges who will be in charge says he represents a syniicaU and that in the near future they intend to build sanitorium oh an' extensive scale. They propose to expend about 180,000 to further the project. The intention is to attract patients from all sections, and pecially Nortbtrn visitors in 'the. winter time.; y :.' ' ' 1 ' We sre pleased to find that Mr. H. N, Hales, mail agent on the A.4N.0, R.R. is a good Democrat He was not ap pointed to the place he is now filling but simply transferred through the influ ence of lion. B. F. Grady and others, to fill the vacancy that occurred bow long be will be on thf mute he does not know. ' We find him a good clever man and are confident he will give satisfaction to alt who have dealings with v . Mm Vt'h Mi-vi r ! f in cliaii;;' 1 from his pr ' ' I V ' I Hi! r it f " 1 1 v i- Trnck Quotation. The followiug truck quotation was re ceived by telegraph last night from Messra. Pnlmer & Rivenburg of New York: Strawberries 20 to twenty-fave. aspara gus $3 to 5. radishes fifty to 75, eggs 15 to 15 1-2. Violent Earthquake In the Island of Zante. Zante, one of the Ionian islands was visited by a most disastrous earth-quake Monday morning at 7:40 o clock which resulted in great loss of life and property. The shock sscms to have been most violent in the city of Zante, the greater part of which is destroyed. Tha streets are impassible from the wreckage ot the houses; the people are panic stricken and the authorities helpless. Twenty dead bodies have been removed thus far from the debris and it is feared manv more are n the ruins hundreds are injured. Church of Christ Baptisms. Two of those converted during the meetings in the Church of rCist were bap tized at the foot of Broad street yester day. One subject who was baptised a few days previously presents a rather unusual case. He had been impressed by the ser vices And as he and Mr. Petrec, pastor of the church, were walking together Mr. Petrec lound him "fully persuaded," and being near the river, Mr. Petree at his re quest baptized him then and there, no others being present. The case bears a striking analogy to that of the eunuch, who immediately after his conversion said to Phillip, "See here is water, what doth hicder me to be baptized V and was as in this case baptized immediatly. Thirty thickens From Fifteen Cggs. A correspondent of the Wilmington Messenger, writing from Greenville, Pitt county, is responsible for the following; One of the greatest curiosities heaid of of late was Ihirtv chickens hatched from fifteen eggs. Mrs. Tucker, near town, Bet fifteen eggs known as double yelk eggs. T j 1. 11-T.. ill uue cuurse ui uuie eiuru egg whs pip ped" at each end, and two chicks, one from each end, emcreged from the shell. Every egg hatched two chickens, making thirty chickens from fifteen eggs. Such eggs are generally said to produce four- leeued and lour-wineed, double-bodied or double-headed chicken, but this is the first case of this kind known about here. Resolutions of Condemnation. In a mass meeting held by the citi zens of Kershaw, the following preamble and resolutions wero adopted: Whereas, On March 81st, 1803, Thomas Campen, sheriff of Pamlico county in the xecution ol a warrant tor the arrest o II. Hodges, who humbly submitted to all required of him by the said Campen, the said Campen did put the said Hodges in irons, lueretore we citizens ot f amino county in mass meeting assembled do Resolve, That we believe tnat the put ting of Hodges in irons was entirely un necessary and should le heartily con demned by all good people; That the said Campen was prompted hy a teeling either ot cowardice or preju dice; That such treatment was inhuman and brutual; That we know nothing of the merits of the prosecution and in that matter have no Iceling; That we indicate our sympathy to wards Hodges and the contempt in which wo hold Camnen by sending a copy of these rcsolutionsjto the New Berne Jour nal and the Washington Gazette for pub- lcation; And that to make the better known to the public the nature of the case we furth er post a copy of these resolutions at Bay- boro and Kershaw. B. F. Perkins, L. II. Perry, 8. W. Cur tis, J. E. Cannon, Louie Harris, 0. H. Cur- tiB, P. C. Delatnar. J. Langston, V. It. Edwards, Moses Carraway, J. P. Saul W. L. Edwards, W. S. Tingle, W. K. Lee, W. C. Cannon, J. F. Harris, J. R, Hodges. S. H. Harris. N. C. Smith, H, Monii, W. n. Wliitehnrst, R. D. Hodges. J. J. Edwards, cnm'n. J. II. CtjBTis, Sec'y, Our State at the Exposition. The Raleigh Correspondent of the Wil mington Messenger under date of April It writes: Future correspondence with the World's Fair officials from this State should be conducted with Peter M. Wilson or Thomas K. Bruner, at 108 Thirtieth street Chicago. To-day the last of the packing in cars of this State's World's Fair exhibit was dono. Mendsy Mr. Bruner leaves, as does also Mr. Herbert Brimley, the taxidermist The latter is a very accomplished and useful man ana will remain at umcago at least two months. He will aid greatly in the installation of the exhibits. There will be-100 specimens of the building stores of the State, These will be in Babes of eight inches face, with one tyce poisnea. ; -Eneouraftiaf as to Hoys, Dlseosraflng The commissioner of agriculture ei- presses pleasure si wis iocs wnicn tne April reports show that, there is 1000 more pork put op by home folks, than there was last year. This means a great deal. It means that less meat will be bought outside the State than at any time since 1888. ' The reports show that there is 100 inarease in the number of hogs slso There is no doubt that more cotton will be plsnted then last seasonvCorrespon dent Morgspton Herald. .. : 1 v j; :: The State Pensioners. : The ; Raleigh, correspondent of , the Morgonton Hearald says '' ;'i This Bute has now 4711: pensioners, who will this year receive more then ever before. The pension tax will probably vield over ftUO.000. Of course there will be fc rearrangement of the allowances to tha various dssset of, pensioners. There nre 2S18 widows, all of whom are in the fourth claB." , , ' Why Hid the Caucasian Man Leave So boon 1 In the Goldsboro Caucasian we sec tiir account their travelling ugent Mr. Hollowell gives of his .recent trip to Jones County court? Wo copy the bil lowing extract : "We had a jolly time. Wc fell in with Mr. Hines of the Jodumai. uii.l .Mr. hil- patnek, of the Vice Press, i in v art 1 both clever and it pained us very iniieli to find sucu genial, bighcarted. Irllnws. such sons of toilfor lh-y did toil).tliomdi in vain lor their ernplovei'J. :uul wc run' vouch for them that tluv hp- not In blame for not vetting nioi- t ;hr i!it:i lucre than they did. e did not do much m the way of subscriptions, for 1 la people arc hard up for money, but misery oves company, you know. The other two were there when wc left nr.d in all probability arc there now , or li:,d to stay Until they could communicate with Liiuir L-uinioyers and get uie money 10 :ei sway on. Brogdcn, the hotel man had their baggage, i. c. a bundle ot sample copies of papers, when we left. We do hope tuey succeeded 111 getting 111 i-iinugh after we left to get away on.'' Well, -, well, Mr. Uollowdl, !r;'s see about this. U lieu you you s.i got all the cursing and all the money, il seems a little contradictory, and when you say you did not do much but it pnined you to see the others not getting more of the filthy lucre, for m'ueiy loetn eimpany it sounds even more so. Now Mr. Hollowell, we stayed at Mr. Brogden's and stowed in a sumptous din ner before leaving and then got bark to the Journal office indue order at the appointed time bringing in a list of new subscribers and some cash from old ones, but as you got up early and left lieore breakfast it looks 'kinder' suspicious about you especially as you didn't have any baggage stall. Again, Mr. Hollowell, we have taken a trip or two since and on one of them added over twenty nw names to our list, but we have not met you at any court since. W hy is this.it you were doing better than any one clsef Now, Mr. Hollowell, tell us about your running lor the office ot Kegister ot Deeds of Johnson county last year on the third party ticket and how you were so confident of election that you notified your landlord, Mr. E. J. Holt, Treasurer of the county that he could find another tci.ant for the mill you leased from him as. you were 'going to be Hrgisirr after the election, which he did. audi bow about your running 600 votes behind and thus losing both mill and nllii ; Now, Mr. Hollowell, you are loo clever a man to be monkeying n itli the third par ty. Bettcrdrop ifnnd come back to your first love and then maybe w hen you make ajstop at a place you w ill be able to .-(ay until after breakfast anyway. II. Enlargement of the Slate .Museum. The second anil third floor front of the agricultural building is to be altered as to fit it for use as a part of the State museum. The latter now occupies the second and third floors of thee,i-t side ot the big building. A few years ago an ex tension was made, but it is now di cidc. that a great deal more space is rcipiired to house the many additions to the niiii euni which will be made after the return of the exhibits from the World's Fair. The extension will be hamboincly tilled up, with alcoves and balconies No State will have so large or so admiral. iy 1 htted ulmuscum. It will be a gn-at show place aud its value cannot be ovrn-.-ti- mated. the present museum his pue' for itself many times, It is not a collec tion of curiosities, but of altogether prac tical things. Raleigh correspondent Wilmington Messenger. Col. Whltford's Letters. Col. Whit ford is contribuiieg some interesting reading matter !- the New Berne Journal. It is all about the, at tempt to recapture New Heme in 1804. The letters from Gen. Hoke and Col. Whitford's statements invent tic subject with much interest. Col. John Taylor Wood, a navy officer on the President's staff, and who was as daring as Paul Jones or any other man, also was to co operate. News and Observer. "Think naught a trifle though it small appear." Youso. The trifles of dress if neglect ed detract from an another neat appearance. We have some 'rifles of dress that you cannot dispense with. They are Ties and Scarfs, Dude Bows, Hand kerchiefs, Half Hose, Suspen de 8, Collars and Cuffs, Garters, Sleeve Supporters and Scarf Re tainers. New lot of Children's Suits from 4 to 15 years old. J. M. HOWARD'S. Delivered fresh from the Oven. C. V. McOeheeS New Bakery at the Market Wharf keeps the best of Breed, Cakes and "les constantly on nana and delivers to order. .Your patronage is solicited, 72w A He Tin tndPlemblnf Shop, p We hare re-rented the store lately oc- eapled by as, next to present stand"' and tntena conaucung in connection vntn oar Mill Bnpply business a flrst class Tinning A Plomblng Shop, ander ' the' manage ment of skilled and competent- workmen and shall make a specialty of patting on ., TUT ROOFTKQ JJJD OCTTKBS, ' 4 Aa4 repainting and repairinf old roofing" ... OUB-FLlTMBtKa DePARXMBHT. ' Will be complete in every particular and work done well and promptly. . Ws so licit Sn opportunity to ' make prices' on snvthinirin this line ' and are in posi tion to make lowest poseible flgnrps vttn slatent with first clas. worlcmnn iliip and materiul, itipert tuny, 1 ' v ' ' Wc are Law-Ruling Citizens. On l-'iiday April 14th, the Sheriff ol ( raven county came owr to James ( itv and had a talk wiln the people ol that place, lie (the slid ill) was treat ed with much respect and ufler a little talk the people all said that "wc are law biding citizens." Mr. Robert Hancock s lid to the sheriff: "These people resist the law are you not going to telegraph to the Governor for the militia!' The sheri-f yr.-v-vri 'I: "'', !.i . people have i:ot .'c.-..-l.'d n.r the lat. ' I lie people ids".! said to theshcnll, "go ahead ami disposes; these you will not be h inneil lor we ai'daw-biding citizens and ve hav p.;iil our taxes upon our lots as tue ron.iiiission -rs had assessed them, and 11 '. '.r Uari ock says that we have violatid the law, because we would not agree t 1 sig . .1 in 11 tgage deed presented by .Mr. Hrva 1. Hancock Ins told us this land was not Mr. Bryan's some years ago, but now he accepts a i agency Irom .Mr. Bryan and comes over to .lames City pretending that he isour friend. But he is showing up Hard Times more than frien lship.Wc have showed our friendship to Mr. 11;., 1 cock in I he past by our votes. Hut if he (Hancock) evers l-c submitted to the peo, pie of James City to vote for him again wr will show that there has been some change made known. A sensible man ought not to except an agency for another n ail's property before he gets in posses sion of it and then acts as a substitute and not an agent. It shows up Hard Times. Wm. Williams, Chm'n. Paul Williams, Sec. The joint committee appointed by the Presidents of Woman's Auxiliary of the V. M. C. A. are making very encouraging progress with the preparations for the entertainment to be given for the benefit of the Association. Those taking part 111 the chorusses as well us those taking part in the duetts, quartettes, etc , arc being well prepared under the efficient leadership of Prof. Morton. Some mem bers of the committee appointed by the Association have also been placed on the citizen's committee of enteitainnient to prepare fjr the editors and it has been lecsded to hold the entertainment during the meeting of tho Press Association- The Penitentiary Convicts. The, new superintendent of St ale's prison has as yet kept wonderfully quiet about Insplans. lie lias now mushed Ins inspec tion of nil the convict camps and farms, lie had to look over the entire ground be fore taking a step. There are now only ',12 convicts in the penitentiary. As 11 matter of curiosity your correspondent asked bow many of these are women anil was told U. There are 1.000 convicts outside the grca' prison Correspondent Mo.: anloi. Herald. To Hie Voters or i he 1st Win d. The Convention for nominating a coun cilman for 1st ward will be held at City Hall on Wednesday, April 10th, 1 S!:, at H o'clock p. in. 11. t-i. Culdi.i-:, chain. To Hie Voters ot the '2nd Ward. Tin convention for nominating a conn ciliii ni for '-bid ward w ill be held at tho ( 'tun t house on Wednesday, April l!th, M!i:j, at N o'clock p. in. (). II. Cuiox, Chum. To Hie Voters of the :iil Ward. The convention for nominating a eoiin 1 iln.au for 3d Ward will be held at New lli-rue engine hcii-i - on Wednesday April llllh, 103, at 8 o'clock p. in. J. W. Bidiu.i:, Chin 11. To Hie Voters of the .Itli Ward. The convention for noniinaling a roiui- 1 1 1 1 111 for Sili Ward will be hel l at I'hos. K. McCmihys store en Wedms- lai April l!Hli at ti o'clock p. m. .!. M. Haiku t. Dividing Profits. Cutting Profits i the Deel- er' ravorlte Appeal to the Public. With Us it is Different. WE ASK Consideration isoxely on the 'basis of tb$ most trustworthy : GOODS AT A FAIR Call: and See'' : r : V,;F6r Yourself. 'No Trouble to Show Goods,' - - ... ' , '." ' ' t'i J ,. i '''.. : ' : , ' 1 Wry i ;e-,f "i" ' ! fi IBI Absolutely Pure cream ;f tartar bak inn powtiVr HitfhHSt of all it IjATkut Unitkd KMiD Ur.i'OKT M'ATKS tiOVKHNM KNT ItoYAji Baking Puwuku Co., St . N Y . 100 Wh NOTICE be uu lerelK- ed, Jmb.0 HnrrlBnn liaa duly UHl'tlw t ttH Adiiiiulh litlur (i tiijiiiK unit o( Ub fhtHleol m. I'c-nn SUuton, dceaK). iid bertbj, given notice that he r iutr' 1 perm i n h IihvIuh claliiid iu:uliiBt tha f9- te Of lliu Htid Vm PeriU S'ttULOIl to d h- seiu the . to tho hhIU AJiulbt a tor 'c buiil. m duly "Uthntleud Ur payment, ou b. for il( h da l Ai rtl 1KH4. or ei his uoth wi'i !j p le.uk 1 . l bar O' recov- ry orsoHH 1 tdebUd to the estate must i.av lLhou dulay. JAMKS O. HA KIHO", Aviiu'lsirator. New Heme. N.O. April iKih iHM. " Notice, Stale of North a olln- Craven ronr tv HU;i riort:omt I t to? Uu- I'lerk. fecial l'ioccfdliibS to m-ll IUmI Ksiate. for Assets ampa u liarrlHon, Adinr de bonis hod of tbntate of Wm. Punii .stanton, dtceased VH, M 1 vlna Hliuiion. Julia Hi an ton. Jomnn tantou, b dwar i Htanion, James W. linn- icK ami wife, Mnry K. Hhik o k D.W. Mor ton Jr , d wifrt, M 'mite Mortui, lavtd F. eKK. Kni9U Htautou. Marv V. HtanLon. Hei.J tnilti Uutjler aud Jnmci L Taylor. huiumuiiH for Hoi it f. o Kdwaid Stauion. Hen. Muslei , nud la vid b JItKif, You will tBbe nonce I h at the above en (led iiiin-ml1!.!! Iihs b,in b;;un to this court, lur the put pt.ee ui b-Hiuk the real uh- wm "iih tiPCfuruMi lo nitike assets t'i imv ebt of the decBH d aud cobIs of admlms- atlon.and yoti arc t iuiretl luanie r before he Co rt ou tho 1Mb of June. 8ftt. ond an- wer or ilnnur to tint complaint herein I, or the relief deuminied In the will be gr-n ted. ill is l:.th day or Ajwll, lh.t.1. W M, WATSON. apr.lHti Clerk Superior Court. Incoi poi aliou Notice. North Carolina. County of Craven. In Olliue Clerk Huperlor Court. Nol !) !icnb i; i veu of the liKioriior- t Ion of Uu- Iltf-t c-iro.iua Harrol Factory hat Hit- ii iitic f tin1 In' hi I' M Hiom are it B Ncal, T W. I t ui-VHud 'I human Daniels nd muMi uiJ erH an linn iu:iy aha u lale with hem , lha the print'ip tl lac of bufilues tiau i4' in nw HcfUf, ti , i mi ita neutral urpose aixl html iivkb 18 Hit manufMCturlnK arrels. boxetj and any and all Hindu d-ck- ages In th city of New lit rue, that the uura- ton ol the corporation Hliull be thirty yeari he capita itocK in tlnriy-tlve hundred" dol rs, divided lnit BtiareR rf the par value of ne hundred dollars acb. U . M. A A TrtON, O.H. V. E. G. 0. NOTICE TO TRUCK SHIPPERS, AH sliipiin nis of (lin k for Nrw York t.v t!i- KAST CAKOl.lN.V DISPATCH I. INI", will lie ili-livi-iv.l :is-i-ii:il al Penii vlvania K. K. l'ier, 'J'.l New York City CEO. llKMiKIHON, Au'tnt, New Heine. N. V. April 17, !S8. .Ilin EXCURS5ION RVTE8. N. N. & W. DIRECT LINE TO Nival Rtiudi-zvous' AT KQkFOlK, VA , VIA Steamer New Berne. f:1.50 rounil triji Xen i rnc to Norfolk ,li lo the Ui. luring the week, .n 1 ickels yuoil to re. until April 24 18j;t. For Further iiiliiriniition apply to ItAi.rii Cuay. Act'g. A;'t. N'ew Heme, N. C, April l'.'tli IH0;1. SMITH'S NEWS AGENCY AND Bazaar of Literature At Nudd and M Sorly'H Store. All Book. Pan-rn MsucnElnes. Mnn'o. et DUbl lulled Id the liiltil stntim receive upon Hhori nonce faperta liver d "t Duutie i offioe directly upon hrrtvai of Bamt. i alTOQafce reBpefafully ponciied. If f. D.rtMITH, Proprietor. FOR RENT. Desirable Offices, with Very Pleasant Dwelling Appartnients attached Cen trally located in the business part of the city. Apply to 71m E W. OARPENTEIt. Mrs. B. Whaley Will continue to show a full line ot New and Stylish Milliuerv NOTIONS, EMBROIDERY, SILKS & ZEPHYRS, A SPECIALTY. SPRING & SUMMER Opeillng , Pollock street, third door from nitddl m waiwv m vuw kwav - i I alSlwi'-' ' '" P. TRE337ITH DlQcbbnllb' suj NAVAL EENDIZVOUS AT NORFOLK, YA. Sp ciai Excursion Rates STEAMER NEUSE. Kaund trip tickets will be sold to Ifor j"lk .luriiif; ihe weik Aprd 17th to 22nd uiluMve at 85 00 Tickets food to ra in ii until April 25th Incidental to the Kendezvoua attni ins at Norfolk have beeo arrRnimil f. hf week. conKiBtmu of the following: low uiutuui races, sail Doat, sloop 10' h- -Races between boats of Naval shipN. iOtn Military parade and comDetitl drill. am Band oontest Trades' display. ic booieties, &,c Fire works at 7 80 p m Intel uatiuual ball at 10. 11 Uiand dieplay of Fireworks at 1,'ht. teamer will plv betwfOD Norfolk and llampt in Honda daily at convrnient hours iifl'nidinsr all an oDnortnnitv ta isit - Ii.- llret rf magiiiflceut naval vea- selK of the priocipal nations ol the world. for I tiither intoi mation apply to OEO HEiDER-ON, Ant. II ; Hudoins, O. P. A. M K. King, General Mauagar New berno, N C , April 10th 1898. The Residence ecently OccupieflljyMrs. Hoverton ON POLLOOK srREET. APPLY TO 1 Headquarter: fir Uoca-Oola AND Ice Cold Soda Water. Try onr coca-cola abd Ioe Cream Soda. All who have tried oar coca-oolt aDd ice cold soda pronounoe tbeBT the nest in the city. It is because, we UNe cistern water and white crystal rock candy syrup with beat trait jaices. Royster's candy and the finest line of Cigars and Tobacco in the city. NUNN 4 McSOBLBT. SUMMER UlLLiriERY. ON Thursday April 13, '93 I will show all the latest Novelties ia Hats and Bonnets, Trimmed and untrimmed. Also Ribbons, Flowers, Laces And other goods hi my line. , .. . , -The lsdies an Invited to call and a - ' III J J -1 1 ' ' -' I .nil iWl lil 1(j MAN WELL & COOK. Ih:!::;..;::' Matte an 1 'r T -t T " if - r7 r -