.fully Selected Items Tor the Housewife. WJUny Uses far Brushes- To Remove Coffee and Ink Stains Manicuring the Hands -other Valuable Hints. "' ! Besides the. various kinds of brushes usod for scrubbing, kop ' ' one exclusively for washing vego iaMas: notatoes. turnips, beot3, etc., can be more easily cleaned in , 5, this way than in any other. Hib" small tooth brush for ssaiaHanino' uniiimi 1. 1 in n:. ul ? V . cum and tureens, ana ior ensues W-WA OUJf II Dlu IthKma yji i Liiouvt .... ,x ". aigns; keep it convenient and it wul be used oftener. I keep mine ' In a drawer of mv kitchen work- :&t table, beside my silver polish, " . chamois skin and other useful - - -. cleaners. r nA rnnnn ft sm m ntiiit, ur V: TBlflh-brush, costing fivo cents, - , SV UMIUI .accompammoni, io me ;! i larger Btove-polishing brush, as it can Do made to reacn into corners V'AwUh. 41. A.kA nriit iffrill I. . rrrk .iVi'A nail brush for the cook's and V J x the children's use is indisponaable. Cts'r- crumb brushes and tooth brushes. ' .'i' l mlv mention those which I do ' .' -UDl 1 1 ll 1 111 IfUilDl ttl UOU. UUL TIUllU : ' cost much and aid much in mak- j j .i j i i ' J'niSi- -- . , - -Inmanicurinsr the hands, they 9 1 daa in temd water, in which have ' I bean placed a few drops of amino- nia and a small piece of Castile Taoan. ; Tha cuticle around the nail . umn n man m rAKirn r nnnn -' ... ..... 1 1 i . . I . W1LII in, MfM.lflll MIliLIIHIl 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M- ;; ;: ; dnui proviueu ior tuu pui juso never with a Enife, the use of y. j i'Ti J " ""v ' . . . " V Bails anould be hied into a round . . -1 oval Shape, avoiding tho i roncn lx . 1 1. 1 1 . r. ... r 7 o o r-iT-onouia we rougn pieces 01 skid they should be cut awuv with a ;. i ' : i : i 1.1 tUULTD IIMir UL HUHHUIS. ILL I' I BL1UL11U f ' v nwArin fin v firmimftt.aiii'ft lm tnrn '.VUlt AUOJr Wiii Duua iu uu ;" ',j;!.r' troublesome if the hands are care C w fully and systematically troated. 4"' The white spots which so often ; ; aiangure me naiis aro Ham to oo ' directlv attributable t nhvsical de- j. ;. Diuty. iney are oy no moans i . . i i r i i . :ii i- .i - pitch mixed with mvrrh, laid over them at night and rubuod olt in the morning with a bit of cocoa i , butter, is said to bu an elBcieut agent in removing mom. Painting on Chamois. Painting on chamois lea ther is n nvia or aecoration wmcn is a ' .If i. . l . useu ior uress uimnuiiLs, uriu ior various household ornamentations. .The natural ocru color of tho . leather is sometimes prenerved, ' though quite often the leather is Stained to a different color. A do sign in dark yellows, shading into the natural color of the chamois, if probably as effective as any thing els. Small pieces of this work have been in use for some time, but large hangings are now mad deooratod in the bold, effec tive way which gives the best re sult in this material. Quaint belts, with long, hanging ends, de signed from old peasant costumos, are deoorated in this way. Removing Coffee Stain9. Ooffee stains should bo wot with old, soft water boforo boing put into the wash, and will usually be found all right when tho launder ing, is done. A surer way 13 to run boiling water through tho fa brio, which will carry away tho tain at once. Where an especially fine damask suffers from this cause it is reoommended to apply a mix ture made from tho solution of yolk of egg in clear water, with a Uff drops of wine added. Allow I the solution to penotrato tho fabric . thoroughly, then wash out with ; clear,9oft water and the stain will be gone. The Odor of Musk. The most potent of nil perfumes, musk and attar roses, are imported from the East, but are too power ful, especially the former, for European tastes at the present aay. It was, however, the favor ite scent of that most elogant of royal ladies, the Empress Joso- phine. Down to the epoch of the destruction of the palaco of St. Cloud by lire, during the wnr of 1870, the dressing room of tho suit she had been wont to occupy, and specially tho drawers of the bureau she had used, were redolent of that odor. The mortar om ployed in quilding the now ruined Mosque of Zobeide at Tauris was mingled with a quantity of Musk by the piety of the masons cngagod in tha work, and to this day tho sur rounding atmosphere is highly scented with it, especially when the sun shines upon the ruins. This extraordinary durability of the scent producing quality has brought about various interesting experiments. A French chemist once exposed a small quantity of misk after weighing it to the rays c the sun in a closed room. After a cortaln period the musk was r !a weighed and was found to ' v lost no perceptible portion of , 1 fubstanoe, even when the min- tests were applied.', . Yet the .0 experiment calculated 9 volume of porf umo evolved 'T,n,i to no loss a quan V 0,000 of particlos. Tee Gear of Baaaiti found an egg on his table Easter morning, whiob contained within .-- it two ivory death's heads, a silver dagger and a slip of paper on which was writ ten the legend, "Christ has risen; we shall also rise again." That pgg smelled of a hatohia' of Nihilists, and the Csar would give a qaarter to know wbo cent it, bat he would give do quarters to him. VVil. Star. TOU QET STRONG, it you're tired out or "run-down" woman, with Dr. Piorce'a Favorite Prescription. And, if you niffer from any "female oom plaint" or disordar, you get welL For theee two thing to build up wo men'! strength, and to cure wo men's atlmenta this fa the only medicine that's guaranteed. If it doesn't benefit or cure, in every ease, your money is returned. On these terms, wnas else van uu jum h imi u jvju w buy! The "Prescription" regulates and pro motes all the natural functions, never con flicts with them, and is Derfectlv harmless in any condition of the female system. It inv- Drovea digestion, enriches the blood, brines refreshing sleep, and restores health and VFor ulcerations, displacements, bearing down sensations, periodical pains, and every chronio weakness or irregularity, it's a reme dy wta saieiy, ana perniaaauuy vungs. The town of Gnerro, Mexico, has been captured by the rebels, defeat- iog Gen. Hernandez. My wire was confined to her bed for over two months wita a very severe at tack of rheumatism. We could get noth ing that would afford her any reliet, and as a last resort gave Chamberlain's Pain Bulm a trial. To our great surprise she began to improve after the firet applica tion, and by usiDg it regularly she was soon able to get up aud attend to her house work. . H. Johnson, of C. J. Knutson & Co., Kensington, Minn. 60 cent bottles for sale by J. V. Jordan. Mar .lnriri. r,h nAwlv anno int IT consul general to Austria, sajs he'But must read papers, and talk politics. will riBign if that county makes and objection to him. When Ba.y was sick, wo gave her Ctutorta. When she was a Child, she cried for CastorU. When she bfKxune Misa, ehe clung to Castorla. Wrwn she had Children, aho gave them Castorla. BROAD STREET FRUIT STORE. Just arrived a fresh lot of northern fruit, parsnips, carrots, beets, bananas,, cocoanuts, rutabagas, turnips, apples and lemons. To my friends and patrons while pass ing Broad St. please call. Any article purchased of my stock not as represented, the money I will refund on return ot any article. Thanking you kindly for past favora hoping to receive a continuance of your patronage. ltroad Street Fruit Store. Second dour above Middle, next door to Mr. Clins. Swtrt's beef stall. James D. Bakfiei.d, Proprietor. Shf pards Barber Shop. Low tariff tickets, 10 Bhaves and one hair cut for one $1-00 at Prof. W. H. Sbeppkd's, ,f. Uotel Albert Barber Shop. SlUer riatlnir. I am '(prepared to rcplate your Old silver-ware at Barrington's Machine otte on Middle btreet. Wlllie Staijjmos. MANWELL & COOK, Engineers. Machinists & Blacksmiths- Make and repair Engines, Boilers, Saw Mills, Qrist Mills and Pumps. Steam boat work of all klnJs. Repair Inspirators and Injectors. (ins, Steam and water pipes fitted la, in .nil their branches. Shop between Ice Factory and Freight Depot A. & N. C. R.;R. dwtf. HORSE SHOEING. We have Just added Horse Shoeing Department To the blacksmith shop, connected with ocr CARRIAGE AND VEHICLE FACTORY. E. Gay, an experienced Shoer from the Western part of the State will be In charge. All work will be Executed In Best Manner dwtf WINFH5LD k GA8KINS. M. B. Howard. Agent, Fire, Life an! Acciet IX3J3ULX4Etia.CO Over Farmers ft Merchants Bank, mr29 2m NEW BERNE, N. 0. Truck Barrels. You will make a mistake if 70a bay your Barrels before yon lea The E.R& J. A, Meadows Co. Thcv have for sal Us PATE ST WIRE BARREL, manufactured by Jones & Co. of this city. " . ' ' - Tbess banela wrra nsed test season by Messrs Uaokbum ft Wlllettaad many other bvn truckers. . ' ., i By butng this barrel yon enoonrafre borne industry and et toe bast truok barrel on the market. frloee lxw. Your truly, fc24 1 J0KE3 ;C0.' Dwfflisttebie of the preeeat Mi'mtloa. Itlsfarlta innsnd 11a sJteBdMta, Sick Hestd aveae, CvsutlpaUaa sus Piles, that irifs fills taT bMSsii sa fsmoas. Thaw aet BMdUy and seatly aa tba diarastiT arsraas, srlvlas; tneaa toaa aad vicar taj sslnsllata read. Ma"'ll''Sr "ansa. ' - Bold Everywhere. ' ; Dmoftj MO tolH Washington St,B.l. BIO IKE DOE? KOT BEQUIBE aUCU VF KATIE MJSLrlHE. I I Oh charming Kuticyour letter Tve re ceived, , But must acknowlege I'm somewhat de ceived. I'd like to accept youjtoj pour out my ta, But eannot be the angel, your expect me to be. I forward come in a manly way, To give a response to all that you say, . Unless your quenes are equal to mine, 1 cannot accept them my Katie Melvme. You may keep the house dear just as you choose, Spend what I can spare you for dresses and shoes, I may sometimes be worried when coffee is black. But I'll turn down my nose, and on it turn my back. I'll moderate expenses and times that are Hard, And not pry too often in the pantry at lard, And not tell my wife that the cook is a rogue, If she's economical and good with the board. I'll not war around like a second Golinb, Provided you do not ride out with Fritz Oowcr, And not flirt with the widows across the way, In case that you keep all the widowers away. I'll not smile at the I girls on the street, Ur treat tnem, 11 you can with me com pete. ' I'll trv tn Iw hnmp at the linnr nf six I'l not be presunptious when at a ball, And should dance with you iu preference to Paul; If the German lasts long,I will not be dumb, If you do not address me, to taunt as a dun. I'll not drink, bnt smoke, if I choose I must chew, I'll not use naughty words, unless pro voked so to do, 111 try to look neat, be kind and sweet, And buy what I'm able for you on the street. I'll call you an angel, who only) need wings, II such you prove to be, and all, other things, And if you're an angel you'll always be fair, And no other woman can with you com pare. And this is the answer from Noble Big Ike, If it is agreeable, we'll join then for life, My answer I forward, and hope it will find, A ready accptance, with Katie Mclvinc. Hoping to hear from you soon, Your future intended, in warm despair. BIG IKE. April 14th, 1893. TO THEJRADE1 WJj ARE AGENTS FOR F. W. STOGHS Diadem Flour. None genuine unless the Crown la burned In the head. See that F. W. Ht-ncki name is on each barrel when you tuake your purchase. All our flour cornea direct from the Mill to us. We pay no commission, therefore we can give you BED BOOK PEI0E81 R0BERTsT& DRO, TOE Red Front, NE i ll UOTEL ALBERT, Is the plaoe to look for Clothing and Gents' Furnishing Goods. Also a FULL and COMPLETE line of DRY GOODS Boots, Shoes1 Etc. Special lot of BLANKETS un.l COM. FORTd that will be sold at a u. p, ulnR ly low figure. . lebltJdw Wanted, 2,000 conos Sapling Pcplar Oord Wood, To be delivered at the New Jersey and North Carolina Fiber Company Works, Rlverdals, N. 0. Conditions, etc., can be bad by apply log te K. F. FOSCUE, at the Faotcry, Rlverdale. Iit Jtney & Fort. Ciroliu Flbir Co Hancock' Boardin House. HANCOCK 8TREXT.'' - Good Fare, Comfortable Room and Beds.'.' J"-!'. !:.' -v .'. ;-:;v i BEABONABLB BATE3. : , "X. ; ' P- T- HANCOCK, PwprieW dw tf, , ' . ' Horses rJ3ulesl fo- !sh77't1ir Buggies & Road Carts THAN EvcrBcforc I will sell part of the above stock regardless of cost. Also, a large supply of Hand-made and Ma chine Harness, Whips and Robes, and a great many other things kepi in a first-claes Horse Millinery. J. W. STEWART. W. L. TOWI.ABD, I. W. MOBRI8, With WM. 0UCK8BT, 0. S.OOSMAH CUCK8EY & COSMAlf , Commission Merchants, S45 & 347 Washington and 199, 201 & 808 Franklin Bts. NEW YORK. FRUIT8 AND PRODTJOE. Southern IFruItg and !Prodaoe a Specialty. ' STENCIL So. I87 S3 jy Consignments soliolted. BKKBRENCK8:: N. T. National Exchange Bank.N. Y..and The Mutual Bank, H. Y. apt 1 m Attention Truckers! The East Carolina Barrel Factory at New Berne, N. C, proposes to begin about April 15th to manufacture the neatest and strongest bulge truck barrel ever put upon this market. For samples and prices, calldn on B. B. NEAL, mtJHdwlm. Bee j. ana xreas Southern LcdyVcntcd To represent and collect for our Fine Art Goods. -NaSsjs i$l8 por-vroolc CmCAGO UTHOGRAPH CO.,0 1 Fth Avenue, 4 CaieuOsIUs S0METHII1Q NEW. Wliatisit? BAKING POWDER. jTlie Best Goods for the money, 1 .1' .. - FOR SALE BY LUCAS & LEWIS. HORSES AUD LIULES, Larue Shipment Just Mvefl, And will be sold at Prices LowerThan Ever' Personal attention was given their se lection, and it will pay you to see tlieni be lore purchasing elsewhere. . T. A. Tou'ea 8 .u-h Fr.iin Stunt, 0jKi It. (! House. ' JF0R BEHT. Desirable Offioea, with Terr PletMnt Dwelling Appartments attached. Ce. trslly located In the business pert of the city. Apply to , . , s71m. E. W. OARPENTIR Incorporation Notloa. - north Carolina, Oeantr of Orevea. j. 1st Offiss Olerk Soparior Court. , ' RotlealshSTsbralTsa of the lnooro atlen of tbsKast Carolina Banal raotory. That the namas of the tnoornorstors are B B Neal,T.W. Dawaf and tbomas Denials and snoh others as thar soar aamlaf a wlia ttaaa, thai the prlnalpal plaos ef boalnaai snail oa la Jw Daina, J". u.. ana i saaarai ErposeaBd onsinaM is wis musiHionni irls. boxes and so and all alnds pw- saas In th aity of daw Bcrna, tbat the dora tlon of the eorporatioa shall ba thirty ysars thsosnlta atoex si thirty-five bandnd dol lars, duridad lnta sharas of hs par vatae .ef one huodxad dollars aaob. . - .. W,M,WaTSUS,D.kU .rELUOT&CIlEZlT. Eair Dressing Purler. Careful attention given to all branches of the badness. if ' Children. Ilalr Cu' ' , p 'ulty. m r Tia' ss lassi " 1 OF . . . Spring Goods. ' '' aaaaaaasaaaaaaiaaaaaaaaaaai '' tha Largest Stack Eysr Shown to tha Public, ' ' CONSISTING OF ' Men's, Boys and J Chil dren's Clothing, Dry Goods, Shoes, Hats, Etc., Etc. Not a Few of Our Leaders : A Good Solid Leather Woman's Shoe, 75o. A Good Solid Leather Man's Shoe, .91.00 Men's Strong Working Pants, 75o. Men's Heavy Working Shirta, 20o. Men's Heavy Undershirts, 20c A Nobby Hat In Straw or wool.;50c. Boys Salts, 91.25 up. Men's Baits, 13 00 op. Heavy Yard Wide Domestic, 5c. Heavy Ginghams, 5c. Good Calico (new designs) 5c. Kindly asking the publio to give me a oall, I remain, Very respectfully, SOL. COHEN "Rid Star Clothiar Middle St., New Berne, N. 0. James R. Jones, ' Salesman. j29 ASK FOR t NiwYosk FINE CANDIES. IN SEALED PACKAGES AT NUNN I McSORLEY'S. ALSO V -. ARTIC SODA AND COCA COLA. w. e & 1 1 mm & co ScotchlWoolf, 50c. and 6O0. Storm'Sertres,' 60a,85c, 11.00 and fl.25. Wool Bfingalines, 11.00, 915, 11J50 and 91.75. French Challies 50c per yard and 9150 and 95.50 per pattern length. Printed India . AND China Bilks 91.00 and 91.25 per yard. Trimming, Laces and Velvets, AUla the Latest Styles and De signs for this season and at Prioes as Low, quality considered, as any boost la tba : - 'country. ; .' ... . ft HE5TI0? COLOB AUD FSICE WHEN wsmseiFoB sakpies. Gash with order tf $5.00 and over, we deliver goods frea (except farnitnrt and crockery) to nearest Express umoe or Jttauroaa station W; a Tucker & Oo. BALIIGH. N. C. I : ,. - HVHWi Vi ;.- ;... Slat of Sorth Ca ollaa Crsran Couatj.' 8n par km Vaort. Bafata tba Olarsr. Bpsolal fiOoaMJUifS to sail Raal IB.Ista. tor Aa.U- . . '. ...... - Jams V. Harrison, ASiar. da bonis Boa of Satalaof Wsa.raaattaaloa,draasa4 I Mswina fltanttta. Jal'la Ktanton', Iosps ataatoD. JtawardHtaaton, Jamas W. iina soak aad wlla, slarr r, Ilaoro k D.W. Mor laajrand wtfs, Mlnnia Morton, PaTld W, "lass. IlBsO filanvoo. Mary V. Stanton, BaBjasainBoslsraad Jsntasli. Tajlor. Commons for Ballsf. ' ' , To Edward Stanton. BnJ. Hoator, and pa- ' Too will taks notlos ltiai Uis abovs an titled BToaaadiui has basn bagnn. la this aonrl, for thsporpossol Svlllnf tbsrralaa tataaf tha dxiaaaad to maka aasst to tar tfahia of tnadMHMdand sosta of ailmlni. trmiinn.aikdyoa araraqalred 10 ap.r Iwfora uiatiourtoa tht 16tta of Jm a Ih-., onil n. wr or dmnr to Uis onmif.nt ro-n mi,rr Uis rallaf dsmanded lu u b g,.M.r. '4u ivltl d7 Of Apil. l"t . r.l5f - t IS Instantaneous Electric' . ' Lighter. Price $5. I 7 m - bo KlMtrloltv asnerat. d bv Otarmlaal Aotl n. A bandsoma otnameul for table, mantel or counter. - This illustration rtpiesanta onr Hiiiomo llahter.and laona baif Its totual else' It Is oomplets In ltsall rtqulres no sxtia power Wires or connections. J na oorronir oi io trloltjr is generattd br chemical sotlon. It ooeaples the spaee of bnt six sqnare Inehes. The oouslrnotlon 1b simple lit the extreme -It eon be taken la pieces at will, and Just as esslly readjusted a child can operate It. Btmply by pressing the eentar rod, the oor rent of eleotrlolty Is senerated and tbo light Is Instantaneous Keonoroy The ma terial to charge the datteryean be oDtalued at any drn store at a cost ol 10 cents, ai d will rnn Ml to U days. Any part can be replaced at a oost not exoeeaing iu oms Aside from its nse as a ilgbter. this apparatus does away with matchts and the dangerous and disagreeable odors arising irom same. we b&T6 taken especial care in uw mann factors of these iEleotrlc Ugbtlng Batteries, they are handsomely eonslruottd In nlokel plate and highly ornamental and will take a prominent plaoe araot.e; the brie a-brso of reoeption rooms, parlors, eto 49Knlldlree t ons aseompanying eaoh apparains This Mattery will also run a motor and fan (2,(00 revolutions a minute), eleetrlo m.dlcal colL etc., ell of which atuohments wa supply. &u orders ior teas tnan iw mast oe aooom panled by postal, exDre.s, money order .or oy draft on Mew York Good, shipped U. O. D. on receipt of 30 per cent. (Ramltlances Fl.U "lilt... (,UIH .U.I,.Mf discounts to trade and atects. We desire rDresentstlves In v-tv state In the Union. and Invite oorrespondenoe on the subject. To ibose who may be doubtful of the merits of onr spparatus, we wonld suggest that tney oave a representative can ana lnves tlxle . incorporated under the laws of the State oi new lors i BARK RLEUTRKj M'F'O.CO 291 Itrosdway, New York. Commissioner's Land Sale Tho underslsoed. havlns been annolnted by the Superior court of Craven oonnly its commissioner to sell the lands described In the complaint In tba action pending therein where M.oon Bryan Is piainurr ana biui Hayes, ratsey tiayes. Harriet nrnui ana nicie mil areaeiena.ns as will mora fmlv aonear from tha tadi mentsin said action, will offer for sale at the Court House door In the city of Nea bern, on Monday, May tha 1st, 1898, at tha honr of Twelve. M . to tha highest bidder. for cash, tba lands described In Ihe said udsment. to wit t U acres eo Joining tba anas of A. W. IHelon and others, being tne tract purchased by Haywood Hayes of Knoch Arrite. Tn April Id, im. W. D. McIVKB. Commissioner. 3ALE OF LAND. Pursuant to Ihe lodgment of tho BuDerlor Court of Craven Uonnly In the notion wherein ti.a National Bank of New Berne is plaintiff and B H. French Is defendant I will tell at tba Court tfouss In N- w Berne on Moi day the 2ih day of May at IS o'clock at poults auction, tat cash, tha following land: All that certain tract of land situated In aid Craven county on tha south side Nensa road abont is muss rrom new Berne, begin nine at Kiehard J. Brocs 'a una where the same crosses Dense road tannics nn said roaa to ueumns rteea Hraaenjasi oeiow tne rcsiaence or j una n. rreeoott men op said branch to a pine tree on the side of the branch near the back fenee. then Month 40 west HIS no es to a Hunt-food stake on the eage oi nuttios rona. tnencesoutn ov east 71 notes to a lltchtwood stake, thence north 0easi to Brock's line ana witn tne same to the beginning containing 100 seres mors or less, wing same duvet ea to esia n. rt French by deed registered tn said Craven eonnlj lu book 77, peg" t8 . Commissioner. April 23, 189S. td NOTICE. The undersigned. Jas.O Harrlsoa bss duly qualified aa Admtnlsmtord bonis non of tba aetata of Wm.Penn Btanton, deceased, and hereby gives notice tbat ha requires all persona having claims against the es tate oi tna aaia w m renn Btanton to pre sent tneos to tna sata Aamisuatoraeoonis non duly authenticated, for payment, on or before the lih day of April IBM, or alas tnis nouoa wiu os piesuea in oar oi reoov- 7rsoas Indebted to the estats must pay without delay. JAMK8 0. HAKRIBOrf, Administrator, Nsw Barns, N, 0. April 18th littll. Commissioner's Land Sale. The and.rslgnrd having been appointed by toe superior Court otOisvsn county Its eummlisloner to sell tba lands described In Ih. complaint In the action pending therein where Maeon Bryan is Plaintiff and Lefey elteUndiev and wife are Defendants, as will mora folly appear from the judgments In said action will offer for sale at tha eoort bouss door In tha elty of Newbern, on Mon day May tba 1st im. at the hour of twalvs M. to the highest bidder for cah, tba lands described In tha said J udsment to-wlt: 76 ssres adjoining i be lands of Iranian H. Oasklns, Joanna roy and othsis lying la Oreven oonnty. This April ad, 1IM. W. D. MOIVER. Commissioner, BUY YOUR Pea and Bean Box And Nails for Building . Purposes . ; '.':.. I FEOM r' F. Ulrich, -. Wholesale Grocer, 1 X- C NEW BERNE, HV 0. For Sale, ' aOUSK and LOT on Pollock street. V Apply to :''"' s'-'S- r. " ,-j - v, , ABA JONJia, Agt March 4, 1894 ' .. . dtf tBAUs B. WATERS"; Tobicconist A Confectioner. A full line of the Finest C!rsrs. ' . "BUHBKUG8" god "MAU31IRGS," uonst blends of Smoking Tobaoco. . "GRAVJJLY'8 Finest chewing To' baooos. ' " :,. .. . "LOWNEY'S" Suparflna Ohoco'ata god Bon Bns reoeived Wotkly. AROTIO SODA and ' : V " -3 ;v ' i askjfob . " - ; A; FHEE SAMPLE ' ; - . - ; of -' , " XX3LSt ' .::, Washing Powder at ChurchiS. fi Parker's. The most cconmnicitl wnghing- powder ever toM oo the 'market. : S4YES TIME and LABOR. Trv o ssmplc package nnil"' hcennviripw! tlmt it in-jriiorl. . " - r -ALSO " . .? GIVK A TEIALV Crocenes. Our Butter Is as flue ss over came to the oity. ' , - Very Respectfully, CHURCHILL S PARKER Broad St. Grocers. 1' I want you kind reader is a customer. Our Interests are mutual. I will save yon money on any thing in the JEWELERY LI8E. ESPECIALLY. CLOCKS & WITCHES My repairing Is unexcelled by any one in the United States and roy prices are very low. Watch glasses only 15 cts , for hunting case and 25 cts for heavy open case watches call and see me. . All eye properly fitted With spectaclea BAXTER THE JEWELER Sign, Gold Eagle, Middle Street, dw tf. NOTIOE. NOETH OaKOLIHA ORAVSIt COUNT. The Hoard lomujls.loneie Craven County. va. ' obt Hanoock, Jr., etals. Pursuant to Judgment' of the anperlnr Conitof theatx.ve connly andtttete, at fall term 1893. I will sell for cash at the Court House door of Craven county, on Monday Hay 2tb 1898 at 2 o'ciook M all the follow ing lands : All the estate, right, title and Interest of L. W. Hanoock and whlo descended to his heirs at law the 'defendants tn the above entitled notion in a i d to lxt 121 .Iras' ted at the South East Corner of King and Graves streets, City of New Berne, Craven Oonnty betas; one third Interest or estate therein; and belns thetssme property de scribe) in the complaint In the above entl- tied action. JAMES WBIDDLE, commissioner. SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. The undersigned ' omtolslpntr, by virtue " of a Judgment of the Haperior court of Cra ven oonnty, rendered In a special proceed ing to sell lauds (or pir tit on, entitled Jos. -B Oaskdl. Hi. t'.Q.sklll etals, heirs at law of Mary T. ht.nlr, Deo'd., ez parte, to the r oonit, will sell at ihe Court House door tn ' Craven oonnty, un 1 he 29ih, day of Mar, 1899, at 12 o'clock M., to the highest bidder for ' cash, tha following dascrluvd tract ur lot of -land, situated tn the City of N. w Berne, towlt: - n the Kestsl 'eof Oi-ffliii titreet egln nlng a point. Slid festKlu lies North from the Inters.ntlnn of (I'.b u and 'irlQilbi 'treeton tne Kasi side o wrl 115! n Street a d runs tbrnoe Nortw.rd HlitiiK Onflltb Street ' 7 feat ca inoh, then Kaat wardly at right angles with Grimth rttrret 1 f.tt to O. a. Watklnsilne, thence Houthnaidiy and at right angles with Queen Htroet and wth eald ' Watkinallne to a point rrom wh ch a Una , drawn at right snglrs with Orilllih Htreet will strike the beginnli g, t'.ienve along tha . line, to thebeglnnloK. bol g the same de-'' serlbtdln a deed from f. Daily to Mary Ti ' manley.ree rded In bcok (to page 877 and -dated April Wth, 1882. H L.OIBBH. . . oonnrjlaslonsr. T Is April 21st, 1(93. INCOEPORATION KOTICE. Stale of North Csrollo a. Graven Oonnty. In ofDoe ClerK Hnontln? finm t Notice Is hereby given of the Incorporation of the Bav HI ver Lumber Oompany, that tha names of the lncorpor.tors are Harvey . Klllis. Joel O. Banc ck, w. 8. Ottlnger, all oV". Philadelphia. Pennsylvania, and such others --, ss they may associate with them ; tbst tha prltjolpal plaos of bnslness sL all be at Van - ; deaere, N. 0., audits general rurpoee and business Is to manufacture lumber, buy sell i or laaaa Umber lands, timbers and timber rights; elsoall other lands necessary for ear- ry ing on said business of a Lumber Company : and to do all oth r things necessary and; proper for tbs transsctton of general timber and lumbe manufactailrg business, that )'1 tha duration of the corpora' ion .hail be thlrVi'. tr Tears; the sipltal stock is thirty thousand i dollars, with prlvllega to Increase to ona hundred thousand dollars, divided Into six ' hundred shares of the par value ol fiity del .-' larssech. -- Thls April tad, 1698. ' - ' ' ; pias v w m. watsos, o.B.o.; saai aamsj m :" P1III.IMM BaWV ws Baa W : . This" Puciovs OnrTitKNt la tha ' atinmph of Scientific Medicine.' V m -v HmUu U.. . ..j...i..'-r- , i.iuujjih uuevet uen iinMinrm ri t . . 4U " wuiusio wiia it as a cvrattvi .f v .... ai i) 'i u i iMn 'x .. and always gives satisfaction. . , Lures Film or HKioHon) External ' v or Internal, Blind or Bleedinr Itchmg and - f tiuming; Untcks or Fissures; Fistula in Ano; i Worms of the Rectum. .. The relief isimme- ' 1 disto--the cure certain. , , r; rriTPii ii inn . nn aaasMsaa . iiuli iibs Cores Burns, Scalds and Ulceration and ; '. ' Contraction from Burna. ThnlMi.in.-. - ' Cures BOILS. Hot Tnmnra m v.. J talss, Old Sores, Itching Eruptions, Scurfy ' : or Scald Head. It is inntlUble. -- ' ' Cures IirrtAMgDor Cakxd Bmastj and" ' . . . -v.. ..ippioa. it is invaluable, ' Prica. o Cents. , , Tr!.i .' ' M "stl, sr sM faais M mwpi t prk.. ' BUUnUIB BIASL. f 11 a . . THE DUE ni ITi friii III. la., uill isicii k- CONSMPTI0"' It has permanontly onrod TTtortANnn tfoasos prnnonnoeil by tlo. lom I ,. If yon bvo preitmiM..rv , i-,,.. 'tne, audi ns '.,m- h, i . , ?

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