lilliSI : -til i a n as! :jlu VOL: ; XII.--NCV 241 NEW BERNE, N. C SATURDAY, APRIL 29, 1898. PRICE 5 CENTS. BUSINESS LOCALS. . YOTwiUfind StaJl.Fed Beef- Veal, Lamb and Mutton on "market today at 8 Conn & Son. THE profita aud pleasures of Bicycling are not W bo questioned; but tlie choice of a Wheel should lie careluliy consul k ' nnl We can furnifih ant information - joli" may'desire-- on the"1 subject. The ,' ,k"VVaverly Scorcher", 32 lbs,, price $100 ' : l lwttur than many $125 wheels, the v i "Columl)ian-$150 is absolutely the BEST made. Catalogues, prices and tmf terms ? civen for the asking. i -v6. ' W. T. Hill & Co. ; .-. . I jle Agents. TAMS GREEN ami Land Planter for i; A killing Potato Bus at V : tf. J- C. Wiiittt & Co. WANTED: Two copies of the Daily Journal ol Oct. 22, 1892. Also one copy of the Wkkklt ol Oct. b, 1SU2, " and two of Dec. 22(1. Reward paid for . r tamo. FOR SALE CnEAP. An excellent buggy or saddle hoiso six years old, -V:' medium size, very quick and perfectly j "gentle. tf. . w.J. moth. - . A FULL lino of Spring and Summer "Samples, consisting of Chcviotts, " Black, Blue and Brown Serges, Pine Check Cashmeres, Imported Suitings. "-.Worsteds in all grudes. ' Satisfaction guaranteed. F. M. Ciiadwick, (Tailor.) At Hall's book store. "TTSE DUFFY'S COUGH KILLER ' J cures Coughs, Colds, Soro Throat, etc. Excellent in all allections of the r Tliroat and Lungs, inducing healthy ac tion of the mucous membrane, soothing and healing the same. Is un antiseptic land obrmicidk. Prices. 10c, 25c. and ' 80c. per bottle. Q.0 To Street's Howe Store lor Livery. ffl HE Celebrated Snboioso "Flor I)c " Habana Cigars. Six for Twenty-five - eenU at C. C Greek's lmun Stoke. nov. 2-2m. TJINE roadster's nt Street's horse store. ELEGANT Saddlers at Street s Horse Store. I) ANDKUFF, Itch, Mange, and all Skin Diseases cured by the use ot miny s tfli Ointment. For sale by F- 8. Duffy, Druggist. MISH, Sncramciital.rort and Scupper nong Wines lor sale by ' Jas. Rf.dmond T CALVIN Schaffers Wild Cherry it Kock and Rye, put up expressly for ' throat nnd lung diseases, tor sale by Jas. Redmond. DUFFY'S Malt Whiskey for Medicinal ,y use, lor sale by Jas. Redmond. TT UNYADI Janos Mineral Water, the XL best Natural aperient. For sale by JAB. KBDMOND. PURE Corn Whiskey for sale by Jas. Redmond. , T UFF Gordon Imported Sherry, for Jas. Redmond. ale by IMPORTED Holland Gin, Burke s Bass Ale and Burke's Guinness' Stout, for ' tale by Jas. Rkdmond. 'A :tfK AAA CIGARS at verylow figures i y,Vl7V (or wholesale and retail trade fr sale by Jas. Rkdmoni. ? ARRETTS Cognac Brandy used very v J much in the sick room. For sale by iZ''i Jas. Redmond. yi'W-'- Kansas raises lots of grain, bat -. '.. ft ban also npon occasion raise its " share of cain. ;'; The "I-doo't-waot-offloe" man is ;i' .C ? turning upwitnsaffloleitt freqaenoy , . . ttf largest 'soar jfrapes." ' ' A girl less than 15 years old, in ' . - St. Loois, has been, already mar- ried divorced and remarried. ' - ! -"6.l Eli Cole, a Mtddletown, TS. Y. octogenarian, came out oi a tranoe .;ffhe other day Jnet in time to save ? 1" himself from being burled alive. ;. ' "- ".When a man qaallfles a state ' ' " inent by aaying that it is bound' to ;. ' come sooner or later, it is nsaally ' safe to oonnton bis thioking tbat -it will be later. I It is a great pity that some of the aerial lines of travel could not get ready for business in time for fhe World 'c Fair. Then Yatlroad . tickets would be cheaper. ' ' The mozfllng of the. press, by theappoiotnaent of editors to office, goes merrily on. Editors now look nodertbe bed before retiring, to eee iCa mazzle has. been secreted there. ' . ' ' ' Neart the-equator, and towards " the pales the ocean is less salt than in other parts. This la no doubt ow : Jng to tha abundant rain at the equator, and to the melting i l- of the Ice In the polar regions. : . It has been estimated that a bell of common size, wnoae sound woold penetrate a distance , of three to fire miles on shore, could, it sab- morged in the : sea, be heard over After 35 years' absence Irvln 8 lie rill has returned to New Brunu wi(!f. N. J., where he has two ; " ' -Ti ro'ihling. They enppot-.l ' t V- In yn4 (' 1. The girls of sixteen who consider themselves young ladies should pot snub the ugly looking boys 1ST the same age. .When the 'girls - are twenty-two and a trifle ehelf-worn the boys will be- youog men and may remember the soobti. It pays to be polite all the Jime. In is surprising what an aroused public sentiment can do. A citizens indignation meeting, recently held iu Detroit, affected municipal legislation as mightily as if it had been a dictator- fran chides were called back ut once by the common council Aidvrmen pxperieuoed a change of heart. Tbe streetcar cimDanv wheeled iulo liisUot, retreat.. The will of the uitizens was counted nupreme. - In St Paul, Minnesota, a similar up rising overwhelmed a body of spirits who had arranged for a nrize fight, and the light was suspended. LOCAL NEWS. NBW ADVERTISEMENTS. Howard. ' S. Colin & Son Beef, mutlon, etc., market this morning. While we are enjoying balmy spring weather the western part of the State is having killing frosts and snow. The reported attempt on Mr. Glad stone's life while walking through St. James' Park, is dcuied by some of the London press. Still other reports of storm and flood come from the West, in which there has been much loss in life and property. These casualties have been unusually large recently. In the suit of- $10,000.00 brought against the Illinois Central Railroad for ejecting a colored man from one of the passenger cars the railroad was sus tained. The navaf reserve is still on duty. On the eve of the departure of the troops they were given orders by General Cotten to report to the Sheriff for his assistance if wanted, which they did yesterday. The train that pulled out of New Berne yesterday morning taking away the troops aud the members of the Press Association was an unusually long one for ttiij place. It contained fifteen cars. The train that brought the military down was composed of fourteen cars. Messrs. M. Hahn & Co. have received A. another supply of stock-40 fine big Kentucky mules and horses. Recently they made additional room iu their sta bles and they seem determined to keep filled up even if their customers do buy the animals out quick when they arrive. An excursion is being arranged by the citizens at and near Jacksonville, Onslow county, to be run to New River banks on thr coast, Tuesday, May 13th. The stealers Blanche and Louise have been chartered and will leave Jacksonville at half-past eight . o'clock. Refreshments will be served on board. The public is invited. Washington ad'ces say the contract for the erection of a public building at Reidsville, N. C, baa been awarded to Brown & Cater, of Wilmington, N. C, at 112,195. We would like to be able to make tbe announcement that tbe contract was let for the erection of the $75,000 public building in New Berne, which ex-Congressman Simmons secured tbe appropriation for. Mr.' J. 3. Baxter, of the Arm of Barring- ton Si Baxter, has taken another run down to Beaufort looking after their in terests there. We are glad to learn that their business affairs bare been so .ar ranged that they will continue at tbe old stand in this city as before. Mr. Bar rington is now north buying goods with which to replenish the stock. A nner bod; of gentlemen never met in convention than those who were in New Berne this week. - They left well pleased with our city and its cordial people. Our citizens were profuse on every hand in making' tbefr visit an enjoyable one and it was warmly appreciated by. the knights oftbe quill. Messrs. Nann A McSorley extended them the privilege of their tods fountain and others were lib eral in the distribution of organ and ctbor courteslw. The banquet of ' Firewell Bupper1' gtven to tbe members of the Press Asso ciation was all that could have been de sired. '. Mayor Manly, who wet in charge, proved tbe right man in the right place as chairman' of thi ; committee on the tyuqaot.which the ladles of the Memorial Association got op to ' elaborately and handsomely,. 'The speeches both on the part of the citizens and editors were ex olltnt and received yesterday .their due meed of praise.' - ?'.-' :''. '., Messrs. Miligaa and ' d'Sullivan," Who were here yesterday nspecfing ituunera informs ns taat this was tneir last trip here, a change having been made In tbe division of tha districts.- New Berne hat been taken from the Norfolk District and placed in the Charleston - district. V,';"liin7lon is 1 a in Hie Norfolk Diw- (..!! I is tiifl (Hvi !':' . V-ne. nii'l JAMES CITY. Leas, s Signed With Celerity Trouble Virtually Over. -The Mr. Robert Hancock, agent for the "James City property,, has been quite busy in conjunction with his clerical force in getting the leases signed by tenants. Exactly 400 were taken out yesterday which leaves only some thirty or forty more to be taken out. The people show no hesitation in signing and some of them evn seek those having the leases to get them. This being the case and it further being true that the people have manifes ted an interest in tlie classification to the extent of getting their house put among those of as cheap a rental as possible, leaves good reason to believe that they were sincere in their promises made and that they will give no further, trouble. There still remains some thirty or forty leases to be signed but thiB is simply be cause the proper one to affix this signa ture thereto has not beeg golton up with as yet by the agent nnd his help. Come to Morehcad. The State Guard Grounds at Wrights ville were recently reported by Adjutant Gen. Cameron to be unfit for the encamp ment this year. About three weeks ago Col. Eugene Uarrell and Gen. Lewis went down to Morehcad on an unofficial visit and we learn reported the place about two miles above Morehead as very at tractive, with a fine water front and facilities for bathing at all times. This location is a beautiful site known as the Cedars on Mrs. Oaksmiths place. There Is an expression of desire on the part of several papers for the encampment to be held there. Immediately after tbe troops who were ordered to New Berne to aid the sheriff in enforcing the law on the James City people left for their homes, a special train left for Morehead with officers to officially investigate the suitability of the proposed place. The party consisted of Adjutant General F. If. Cameron, Major Wm. Grimes, Col. E. G. Hnrrell, Gen. Gaston Lewis, Capt. T. W. Jones of tlie United States Army. From the ( harlolte Observer. We quoto a few lines from the Char lotto Observer as wired by the repres entative ef that excellent paper: 'Last night a very enjoyable concert was given by local talent to the editors in the opera house. Mr. Jerome Dowd read his poem, which brought down the house. The people of New Berne are doing everything possible for the pleasure and entertainment of the editors. Their hos pitality is unbounded. 'Tbe'press convention adjourned this morning, sine die. The session was oc cupied with spirited discusssions and some sharp debates. More interest was taken than in any of the former sessions. "During the afternoon the editors were driven over a number oftbe truck farms and saw hundreds of acres of peas, pota toes, cabbage, beans and strawberries. These farms arc beautiful." An Ancient Table. At Bellair, one oftbe closest postoffices to Newbern, Mr. Daniel Lane, one of our most worthy and industrious farmers, has a dining table, the history of which may interest some of our readers. "It is a plain walnut table, was made in 1780 on the north side of Neuse river 18 miles abov i New Berne by a carpenter named Mitchell, who also the same year erected the house which still stands on tbe Lane farm. The frame of this table has sixteen mortices and tenons, which fit as neatly as if just made, and is as solid and steady as ever. Tuis table has for more than one hun dred years been in use as a dining, table; most of the time for a large family. Mr. Lane has eaten' from irom it for more than fifty-years, and Its traditionary history for tbe period before he knew it, justifies tbe obnclusioo that it hat held food for, at loatt, an average of tlx persons for one bundled and twelve years, . Based on fhese tacts Mr, Lane hat made the following ouriona estimate of the amount of food that has been served on it: "Eighteen meals a day for this period would aggregate 788,840 meali,--what an amount of food-more than $80,000 served on one table not . (ess lass than, twenty thousand dollars each, for the three gen erationi thaf have feasted from It ' Coming and Gelnr. -' . 1 Mrs. L 0. Yeoman and child . left on the steamer New Bern to visit Mrs. W, 11 Moore of Norfolk; ; vV Mr.' 8. It Hancock, of Clubfoot Creek, who hatf been north on a business trip, came In on the steamer Neuse en route to hit tnil7i;Z"W&-K'C- Messrs-Jas.: F. Milligan anl Patrick O'Sullivan came inon tha steamer Neuse on official boiiness, and left on the return trip. . ' - Mrs. i. BV Benton, who has been In Sampson bounty visiting relatives) Sa turn ed home last night. ; , ( . r ".Qci pelaflold ' left yesterday morning for Palestine, Texas, where he will be sa- gageu a lew -wmn u gomug m sua' struction of. a sewerage system started. ? The refreshing raint have given truck a rapid growth, and tha' prospects are very favorable for a good yield. Prices wo liHievo to bo ru'iTvr (airly well. Indi- - - -. : y ' i nre y n" to tOL D. N. BOUART. His Remains Taken to Washington -A Few Further Kemarks About Ills Death Points in His Career. The remains of Lieut. Colonel Bogart. who was accidentally killed by a fall from his horse Thursday evening, were taken to his home in Washington yes terday for interment, leaving mi tlio morn ing train. They were escorted to the train by the Wasliingtan Light Inl'nntrv, assisted by the New Bertie Naval Reserve Company. Tbe death of Col. Bogart was a s i, I ending to the stay of the troops in our city. lie was a line man and one of the leading druggists in Washington. Col. Bogart was 47 years old and was a native of Washington. At the time of the war he was of the junior reserve of the Confederacy, was Captain of tlie Washington Light Infantry and was after wards promoted to the position of Lien tenant Colonel which he was holding at the time of his death- He has been an office in the State Guard since 1877. He was a deacon in the Presbyterian cburcfi and was highly esteemed by all who knew him. Mr. W. Z. Morton, his brother-in-law. of Washington, reached his side very quickly after the accident and kept by him as long as he'could be of service in doing so. Hejinfurms us that Col. Bogart spoke but two words after he fell and that was at the house of Mr. E. B. Roberts, where he was'first taken when the accident oc curred and they were "Mary, Mary," tin name of his wife. His wife and oldest daughter being telegraphed for drove from Washington here with all haste, bringing w ith tin-in two lavorite physicians, D.s. I). T. Ta v loc and W. A. Blount. Nearly the whole night was conimed in making the trip an 1 Col. Iiog iil had been dead about two hours when they arrived. He was given the veiy best attention ty the physicians of the city and not!i:,ig left undone for his comfort. A. military guard was kepi on duty constantly from the time of the accident both before and afierj his death and citi zens, some of them boyhood companion of the deceased follow ed hi remains in the train. Floral tributes of r pi i-t ivi-n-also bestowed upon them. Tlie bicycle interest is growing rapidly in this city. Mr. W. T. Hill, agent lor the vehicles, received tour ye-iteiday nnd sold them all. He took orders for two more, He has sixfon the way that arc already engaged. We notice at hi, place of business a bicycle for ladies' n-;-, u first one that ever eaine to the ci ly and it isoneofthc finest nude- tin-Columbia with pneumatic tin 9. Registration Notice. The Registration books of the 1st Ward will be kept open Thursdav, Friday and Saturday, April 27th, asih ami -0ih. JOHEl'U JSKI.SllN, Kcglsil-ll. Registration books of 2nd Ward will be open today, tomorrow and S it in d:i at Court House. H. D. Ha ..cock, Iteyi-trar. Tbe Registration books of the oil Ward wili be opened at my store, Scott's old stand, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. April, 27th, 28th, and 29th. p . il. UowiiKN, Kegi-lrar. Registration books of 4th Ward will la- open nt Colligan's store from today till day of election. Wm. Coli.iuan, Hegislrar. The Registration books of the 5th Ward are now open at nry store and will remain so until Saturday night, April 2(V i. r, juuAi'THi, ncgisirar. Dissolution. The firm of Dewey & Powell hereto fore doing General Insurance business, is by mutual consent this day disolved T. W. Dewey with- drawing. A. H. Powell will continue the business. Thanks for post favors, we are, - Kespt'y. etc. ' T. W. Dewey, April 30, '98. ; f A. H. Powell. Silver Plating. I am prepared to replato your Old silver-wars at Barrington's Machine otne on MiUdle street. Wlllik Stallinos. ' A New Tin and Plumbing Shop. 'A5H0CHCBMKNT.1 We have re-rented the store lately oc- capled by us, next to present stand and roienu commuting in connection wuiLuur Mill Supply business a first class Tinning A Plumbing Shop, under the manage ment of skilled ana competent workmen and shall make t specialty of putting on tim itoormo And cotters. And repainting and repairing old roofing ... OUB PtCMBINO DBPARTMRNT. Will be complete in every particular and work done well and promptly. We sd Ucit sn opportunity to make prices on anything in this lino snd are in posi tion to make lowest possible figures con sistent with first class Workmanship aud material. Kespecttutiy, ' DisoswAY & CnuBcnn.i.. , Next 10 City Hall.jj i, t ' My witt wm confined to her. bed for over two months with a very severe at tack of rhsumttism. . We could get noth ing that would afford her any relief, and ts a last resort gave Cbambcrlain's Pain Balm a trial, to our great surprise the began to improve after the first applica tion, and bv wins It reirularlV she was soon, able to get,np and attend to hor house Work. Jfc 11. Johnson,- of O, , J, Knutson & Co., Kensington, Minn. 80 cent bottles for sale by 4. V. Jordan. SMI POWDER Absolutely Pure. A crtain of tartar b:.king powder Hi ; ot all in leavening slrengtu Latkht L'nitku Status (!ovkhnmkm Focio Itr.poiiT Royai, Bakino Powdhr Co.. 106 Wall St . N Y "Think naught a trifllc iTiough it small tppear." YotrNn. Thoro are somo trifles of dress that appear small but you can not do without them. They are Ties and Scarfs, Suspenders, Half Hose, Scarf Pins, Collar and Cuff Buttons, Garters, Handkerchiefs, Collars and Cult's, Gulf Holders and Scarf Retainers. When you nood any of these trifles, or Clothing, Hats or Shoes try us. New goods constantly arriving. J. M. HOWARD. E.C. D. Kaslern Carolina Dispatch Line. On and alter Monday, Mav 1st, until further notice a stcanu-r of this line will lc;.- NcuIhtii duly (Sundays c.ceel) it I p. in. !l.O. IlK.NDKIt.sON, Agent. ItliOAII STREET FRUIT STORE. .lust arrived a fresh lot of northern li-iiit. parsnips, carrots, beet", bananas,, c.'i-oanuls, rutabagas, turnips, apples and nous. To niv friends anil natrons while, pass ing lin ad St. please call. Any article purchased ol niv stock not as represented. the money I will refund on return ol any oticle. Thanking you kindly for past lav-. is hoping to receive a continuaiv-u of vo'ir patronage. liload Street I i .lit Store . cond t .or ili.ii,- lliddh- next door to Mr. ( ha; Su, i,'. : t ,. .1 mi::. I). !', n; il t ii. I'lopriel'-r. Wholesale Market Country I'loilncc. Cotton 7 to 7 1-lc. Cor i, from lion). .. Field i as, li0,l7Oc . (ills, l ie. l'l-annis, ;,0c. aMic. ( I:. ions. i-.'.lMi per blil. I'liickcn-' Vnir.c pair. v.. ung, ItoalV T-ilUe;. $l..)(la-.'.(H. lie, I, "i. .lie. Kit--!i pork ft 'lu.-Us, Kng. :' .a I'll .. Mu-cnvv oOaCidc. i -e. T.-ic.atl.lMI. Kggs, ' lal'J. . 1! i -wax illi-J-J C-2c. Ilide.-Iry llim. 5. .; dry sale 4i Hiceu, 'J 1 -2c. AXNOI.XCKMKXT. I beg to Miy to the citien- ol' New that 1 have purchased the Drug Business ol Mr. IN HIT. .TON'F.S on Mi, I, It.. St next door to the Custom will at once make many changes in the stock and arrangements of the store, f shall av strict personal attention to all orders and prescriptions, and will exercise every precaution to insure accuracy in com oouuding. I shall nurchase no l)nn a. Chemicals that I do not KNOW to fei PUKE, and will protest my patrons in every way possible from the too common imposition ol worthless ami lulullei itcd mixtures -Please look at this space again I will have something cIm.- to sav, Yours, Chas. M Higgins, 1'lUHMM'IHT. At Smith's News Agency. You will tind all the leading Papers, Magazines, etc , published. ppecial attention given to Ladies orders. ' Those desirinir a good cheap Daily will do well to subscribe to the N. Y. Mer cury, with each ami every edition you get a written up Lite Insurance I'olicy lor 2,000" Has never failed to pay death claims. As lone; as you subscribe regularly your life is Insured. Call anil get a sample copy. This paper is sold for the small sum of 10 cents per week, with bunilay edition 5 cents extra. All orders left at Nunn & McSorley's will receive prompt attention. All papers delivered upon arrival of train. Notice. Stats or North Ca.ollna Craven County. Nuponor Court. Before the Clerk. Speolal Proceedings to sell Real Ktte. for Aaneta J arm O. Uarrlaon, Admr: da bonis nou of uuuoi wm. rennBlanton.deoeaaed va. HnlTtns Rtanton, Julia Ptanton. Joaeph Htanton, kdwanl ritanlon, Jamea W. H un cock and wife, Mary P, Hmuro k D.W. Mor ton Jr., and wife. Minnie Morton, David r. oiegf , Cfll U Htanton, Mary V. Butnton, Benjamin Hosier and Jamaa L. Taylor. Bummoni for Kellef. To Kd ward Stanton, Ben J. Hoalar, and Da . vld r.UleRir, Ton will take nolle Ibat tha abova an. titled proceeding haa been bacan In this oourt, tor the pnrpneeof lllnt tbe real a. tate of tha deoeaaed to make uaeta to pay debta of tha droeaaed and aoata or aiimima. tratlon.and yon ara required loapnetr before tueeu irt on in lotnoi juna, mus. and an swer or demur to. tha wnmlimt harain IHist.orthe relief damandedlu lh will to Dividing Prafits, AS Cutting Trcfits is the Deal er's Favorite Appeal to the Public. With Us it is Different. w i: ask Consideration 'V.,mS'N Till: BASIS OF TIIH MOSTTHI'STWOKTIIV (i(i(US AT A IWlli riMFIT. Call and See For Yourself. l) Tl'Dllllll' tn SlldW (itMMlS, V.-i y n--i'i.-ei fully, Hw3kb;.rn i i The fks'danca ON POLLOCK STREET. Al'I'l.V TO Dont Forgret Those refreshing Cool- in Drinks of Ale, Beer, Porter Fine Wines and Liquors At J. F. TAYLOR'S. ALSO Those TRUCKERS BASKETS nnd tlie Special drives in Tobacco. T nm nrrmrrv1 tn fnmiali Ton nA : any quantity tho Cclehratcd "Uienzi" I....1 t.' L n i t . , ivuuurrui-i XiAjon uter niKiraicsc isrew- inff Cn'a MiTwnnkon Pvtinrf R,.u- in -n ' ....... v. "lvi, tt j cents bottlu anJ $1.20 per dozen. PAPE & DEYO, General fMm Mercliaits. 850 and 861 Washington St., N. Y. Southern Fruits Vegetables '; .;. A SPECIALTY. ,,w ; Account Sales with check sent Mine day goons irre ma. Btoncil No. 800. - 'v ' " - Rcference:43anvoOTt National nnlr of New York. Natiqna.1 Bank, of New Berne, N.C. - , ' - - . ptinr-i g can bo olitdincd nt ,T "" ASK. for ..; C? : .V NewYork m fcx. ACKAOES - KD NN & McSORLEm ALSO ' ARTIC 80DA . AND COCA COLA. OPENING OP Spring Goods. Thj Largest Stock Ever Shown to tha Public, CONSISTING OP Men's, Boys and Chil dren's Clothing, Dry Goods, Shoes, Hats, Etc., Etc. Not a Few of Our Leaders : A (k'i, a. lid Lf t:hvr Womtin'n Shoe, 75c. A ;.,,. it Kohd Leather Man's 8hoe,'.tl.00 Mr;.'.; Sri'jug Workiug Pants, 76c. M'-u' j liiiy Working Shirts, 20c. '!''.! V'Mvy Umlorsbirts, 30c. I A NoMjy ihitir. Straw or wool, 50& I'0M rtllltH, $1.25 up. .Ul'll'r, fcjlillH, 13.00 up. ll'.-.ivy Vird Wide Domestic, 5c. lli.'iivy (ii Junius, 5o. (Joud Cilioo - uew designs) 5c Kimllj. .,r-iiiiif the pubho to giy 1 l'-iaalli, W'ry rt'spoctfully, BOL. COHEN ntu oiar uioimer Middle St., New Berne, N. O. Jamcs R. Jones, Salesman. j29 W. H. & R. S. TUKCI & CO Scotch ; Wools, 5Uc. and GOo. Storm Series," G0c ,'85c, 11.00 and $1.25. Wool Bangalines, 1.00, 1.25, 11.50 and $1.75. French Challies 50c. per yard and $4.50 and $5JJ0 per pattern length. Printed India " S!J AND ' ' China Silks , "1 11.00 and $1.25 oer varrf: " T. . '. . iftHt'jt rimmintr Tonaa mwi vvm awnm velvets. ;i:ft) 9, 7 .:. ., J.1 XI) X All in the Latest Styles and ' I signs for this season and at " 7 . Prices as Low, quality ; It.ij considered, aa any ' a nouse in tne , w country. i, vol WKlTlNttFOB SAMPLES.' M ' rianh with nntar tit tik'tiA VUli : " - .wivw asu over, we deliver goods free tocfeptU ' luauiiuiv auu -utuuikorvi to DtwfNi' hwVkOAau I IHia as m m. W. H. & R, S. lcker RALEIGHW.'C. P. tbMwiel5 Mke nd npatin Burble. V.": ; Carts, eto,; Horsea with r ' fot will V t it 7 f ll- - rH nimi, ini mill day of April, isti.t. W M . WT-.nw p " "l C , - -irt.

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