V. TTTHWTTITtn 'II 111 I I III W Mill in III IIiibi fi .... I , i ' v. . ... - What is Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays fevorishncss. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, - cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves teething" troubles, cures constipation and flatulency, k CMstntrlA. nasimilntos th food, roeriilatns tho strnnanh ,Jl v. fr ' and bowels, giving Healthy Xoria is tho Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend. Castoria. "CMtorIa1ri an excellent medfeinn for chtl .ren. mothers have repeatedly tnld mo of (Ui good effect upon their children. " Dn. G. f!. Osnoon, Lowell, !!ttss. .Castnriiiisthe best remedy for children of 4idk I am acquainted. I hnpo tl;u day is rot fur-ttltant when mothers will consider thorenl fenit of their children, &ntl 11' C-sinriu in eteftd of tlievariousquock r.y-inini!.-.:- i.i. !i r.rv destroying their lored ones, liyfcrciri:., t morphine, soothing r.ynip and other hurtful jjonts down their throats, tlurvliy sc'iuliu;; them to premature graves." f? i Dr. J. V KiNriiSUir., Ci.iirt.;y, Ark. The Centaur Crra;iacy, TI Hun-oy Street, Now York City. JOE' K. WILLIS, PROPRIETOR OF EilM lorn Carolina tableworks MEW BERNE, N. C. Italian and American Marblt and nB QuaHHet nf Material. Orders Rolicited and given proper at tention, with satisfaction Kuaranleed. Terra Cotta Vases for plants and (low er furnished at tho vcrv lowest rates. GEO. HENDERSON, XSaocessor to Roberts A. K nderson). General Insurance Agent. rWfcresentlng lnsnrance Company of Bortn -raerioa. of Philadelphia. dome Insurance Company, of Now York. Oneni Inmirapn,' rjom.iaiiy of Knulatid. Hartford. Klr liiearaiica Company, of fartford. North (a-ol1na Home Injurants i.'ompany Bdelih Ureenwltch Insurance .lompany. of New ' for. Pnwl Inaaranoe (lomnany.or Hrooilyu. 0nttd CndorwrUers Ineiirano Company, Atlanta. IfcMUin Idarlna nanranoe Company, ot nattm Inlvadwtf rf IS A DT7TT yon own ynnraplf nnrl fnm. Or to got Ihe l)ct tiiIho for your money. Kcmanilze In ynnrfnotwi-nr by prcnnln W.L. Donclm MIioim., which reprraent Ihe tnt nine for prlci-a aaked, u (bouaautla wUi laatlly. J3.00 L25(J 2.00 IFOR LADIES 2.00 SI. 75 i ran boyj Wi-L. DOUGLAS SO CUOC7 IPA. m BEST SHOE IN TIE WORLD FORI HE MONET. ' IITUER HPKCIAKTIEH in footwear are of '"::'.I400I " aa&yl the prlweo"11! Beo that nanw ami J . mruaaraataiupl"n bottom of oai-li , 'YAfeB til) WUBMTITI TK. . ' VIi.'IlouKlaa, Hrockton. Alnaa. Bold by ''RkftfNGT(W& BAXTER . iT79,f AT riihVniiie'.Ionoe of the public there Ln Hnckv Mount. N C , t . X Jutumfy t. t"8. ft Bramihof the kecloy $ troff MthoAiq.U,or'.: Opium . Chi ral, CionlnB. TobMUMbftbit and Nerve Kx- . luawnai. '1Mb wn.y . -j ' otli claiming to be iudh are'frandulan ,v . . eul Ik 'V "'"'' - '.' V"." n " ' ' " the most ftooeiaible point In tho Stole. Viio W. &W. IV. B , ftnd termloui ot the ' K. $ of the A. & R,vand Bpring Hope road. 8 houre, fo tn Norf 0 lror!fi)ferhurtv-'SJ from Elohmond; 8 front Wilmington; -4 "from Falelgh; 1 roji' OoIJiboro; X from Weldonj 8 from fattvUl,'nd 9; hourt from Edenton and & AJlty over the Norfolk & Carolina It. JJ. ;Tue8dayaJ Xa''dJ' and 8atar- .1 i.o feiwn li progressive high, healthy, wi i k water and hospiUhle people. " DowtitY Battle, Manager. ' i A. 1!am' a.i'U, rhysli'Ian. .... ana natural sleep. Caa- Castoria. " Castoria is bo well adapted to children that I recommend itassuperiortoany preecripUon known to me." H. A. Archer, M. D. 111 So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. " Our physicians in tho children's depart ment have spoken highly of their expert erica in their outside practice with Castoria, and although we only hare among our medical supplies wliat is known as regular p: flucts, yet we are free to confess that the merits of r.xdoria lias won us to look with favor ii hi i(." United Hospital, and Dirpknsary, II oa ton. Mass Au.sn V. Smith, !Ws.t ISORFOLK, NEWBERN & WASHINGTON DIRECT LINE. Tri-Weekly Trips. lu order to matte more convenient mod (ooi.omlcal use of the vessels now employed rt the North Carolina service, and thus to Mter Serve 1he Interests of Shippers, ihe Clyde Line and Old Dominion Steam ship Company have concluded to merge !U)HrreBpecUveliQes between Newbern, N. (i. and norfoik, va, into one line, tnus giv n ' pftssenersand truck shippers thiee trips a-li week between Newbern and iorfolb vlo WaBli1t;rtnn. NO ADVANCE IN RATES. in and after SUNDAY, JAN. 1st, IF' 3, QiiUl farther notlo. the Ue&mer NEWBERIE, C&pt Sonthte, Stener DEFIANCE, dpi Burgess, And Steamsi ELKO, Capt. Short. Will huII froinNorfolk, Vs., for New Heme Jireot, every Monday, Tnurday and Saturday, making connection with the Atlantic and North Carolina Railroad, and the water lines on Nsuse and Trent rivers. Ketiirnln?, will sail tf KOM NEWBERN for N'.'KKdl.k, Vft., via Roanoke Island wharf, every Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, mukliiR connection at Norfolk with The Old Hay Hue, for Baltimore, The Clyde Line, for Philadelphia. The Old Dominion -4(eamshlp tlo.. for New York, The Mer niantB' and Miners' Line for Providence and rtoston, and The Water Lines for Waaiilng ton, 1). C.,and Richmond, Va., thus giving in kII water route to all Northern nd Kastern poljta. Also connection made with the O. A O. tt. K., and N. A W. K H for the West. Passengers wtl 1 0 nd a good table, com fort- tile rooms, and ererv courtesy and at ten yon will be paid them by the officers. Order all goods, care of N. N.AW. Dlreot Line. Norfolk, Va. RALPH GRAY. Aotlng AKant. c, d: Eastern Carolina Dispatch. Kaat Paaaenger and freight Line between NBW BBRNZI, atern North Carolina Polnta.and all eon neollooa of the PENNgVLVAIIIA nAILIIOAD, IHCLODIKO ew fork, Philadelphia, Norfolk, Bal tlmore and Boaton. he ONLY Trl-Weekly Line Out o New Heme. HK NEW AND ELEGA NT1.Y EQUIPPED HXJUAiUl'.H it Neuse " Ball! from New Berne WEDNESDAY.; FHIDA V8, pplng at lioanoae laiand aoh way end mrming oioae oonMooiiin .iin tne Norfolk -ouibrn Railroad. riii. KtiBimn DlspaUih l.lne, ooDalallnis of .no "UminKEou m. n. uo.. norioiic iniuerB .1 K.. vew York. Thlla. aud KorrolkH.it, tun remi,ylvitnla H H , form a reliable and ctftiKr Hue. offering auptrlor faoilltlea for iiilck paiseuaer aud freignt traniporiatloit No .ran.irr exoeDt at Klisabelb (Jllv.al 4-hicb point freight will be loaded ou oara to o inrouan to aeatinatioo iireot an aooaa to oe enippea Tie jtaatern iolla lXanath da'ly aa (oiiowa: K om New York, by Penna. B R.. Pier 37 North Klver. K'om Philadelphia, by Phtlm., W. and Hallo K K.. uook Hi. .station. Krom Baltimore, by Pbtla.. Wll. and Bal to. K B,, PrealdentHt H'atlon ! rora Norfolk, by Norfolk Houthern K. B v'roin Hoaton.bv M.-rcliant A Mmeri'rrana norta'.loii 00.; Saw Vork and New Knglaod tt H. trtute. low nd time qnloker tban by ny other line Kot further Inforroatl n apply to W. li. Joroi (Uen'l Krulghi Trafflo Agent, p, K it ) urneia,Tran.o Aaent, Ubo. HTkrniMS. Iilvlalon Freight Agent P. W.R.n H.. Phlladelohla B. it n., H H. OOOK. Gen'l Krelgbt Agent., n. T. P. A N. K. K.. Norfolk, Vra r . a . i,i ... , .iwiivi. . H.O. UnnoiHS Oeaeral Freight Agent N.1B Ja. H., norroia, v a. QUO. HKRDKRHON, Agent. Mew berne, N. 0. THB Farmers L llercha&ts Bank NEW BERNZ, Ni 0. Onranlnd Iea than two years. : CAPITAL STOCK 976,000.00 Dividend . , . 11,750.00 Surplus and Preflto - . 11,000.00 L H Cmn. . . . Presldeai. W 8. OHAOWIOK, . Vloe-Preaideni, T. W. DiwiT, , Oaahier. A. H. Powiix, , . TeUef, .; f DIBE0TOHS : . -. . Wm. Oleve. ' : P. H. Pelletler: 3. W. Btewart,', : - ' 'V. 8. Ohadwlok. Tobn Puter. , - - O. Marks, U, Cutler, E. B. Ilackburn HeaJmnartnrs for flrVel P' vi nj font p Voiir i f l la 1 .. t e THE JOURNAL. A FAMOUS WAR SONG. "This man Lamr Fontaine," continued the General, "is famous through the South for two things. It was he who, in May, 1863, undertook the seemingly foolhardy but nevertheless successful exploit of carrying a supply ot percussion caps from the Confederate General Loring's head quarters at Jackson. Mississippi, to the beleaguered General Pemberton, inVicks burg, when that commander was entirely out ot cap?, and consequently could not fire a gun. Fontaine who then, as now, was a Mississippian, bad horses shot from under him, and any quantity of bullets fired at him, making numerous holes In his clothes and equipage, besides other frightful dnngers in tnnt terrible experience. He is the hero of twenty-seven liardfought battles, came out of the war minus a leg and bearing other evidences af his war experiences. He is still living in his native Statu, where, at the age of 60, he works hard at his prolession ol surveyor and civil engineer. "The other thing for which he is cele brated is the real author of the popular war song, "All Quiet Along the Potomac To-night." To be sure, that fact is dis puted, but I notice in a book of war songs recently published he is given the credit winch to nun rignttully belongs. The following is a copy from the orig inal poem: "All quiet along the potomae." they say, Except here and there a stray picket, Is shot as he walks on his beat to and fro By a rifleman hid in the thicket." Tis nothing a private or two, now and then, Will not count in the news of the Irattle Not an ofiicer los', only one of the men Moaning out, all alone, the Jcath rattle. All quiet along the Potomac tonight Where the soldiers lie peacefully dreani iK Their tents in the rayH of the clear autumn moon Or in the light of their camp-fires gleaming. A tremulous sigh ns a gentle night wind through the toreBt leaves aottly is creeping, While the stais up above with their glittering eyes, Keeping guard o'er the army while sleeping There is only the sound of the lone sentry's tread, As he tramps from the rock to the fountain. And thinks of the two on the low trundle bed Far away in the cot on the mountain. His musket falls bark and his face, dark and grim, Grows gentle with memories tender, As he mutlers a prayer for the children asleep For their mother may heaven defend herl The moon seems to shine as b'ightly as them, That night when the love yet unspoken Leaped to his lips, and when low mur- nicred vows Were pledged, to be ever unbroken. Then drawing his sleeve roughly over his eyes He dashes otf tears that are welling, And gathers his gun close up to its place, As if to keep down the heart swelling ne passes the fountain, the blasted pine tree, 1 1 is footsteps are lagging and weary Yet onward he goes through the broad belt of light, Toward the shade of the forest so dreary. Hark! was it the night wind rustled the leaves? Was it mooulight so wondcrously flush ing? It looked like a rifle "Ha! Mary, good- by!" JAnd the life-blood is ebbing and plash ing. All quiet along the Potomac tonight, No sound save the rush of the river: While soft fulls the dew ou the face of the dead That picket's off duty foreverl There is nothing I have ever used for muscular rheumatism that gives me as ns murh relief as t hnnibcrlain s Pain Balm does. I have been using it for about two years (our bottles in all aa occasion required, and always keep a Ijottle ol it in my home. I believe 1 know a good thing when I get it, and Pain Balm Is the best liniment I have ever met with. V. 15. Denny, dairjman, New Lexington, Ohio. 50 cent bottles for sale by J. V. Jordan. Early self-denial in the npwaid step to success in life. Col. L. J. Allred Writes! 1 am in mv seventy-third year, and for III ty years 1 have been a great sufferer from indigestion, constipation and bili ousness. I have tried all the remedies advertised tor these diseases and got no permanent relief. About one year ago tho disease assuming a more severe and dangerous form. I became very weak and Inst ticsh rapidly, I commenced using Dr. II. Mozley's Lemon Elixir. I gained twelve pounds in three months. My strength and health, my appetite and my digestion were perfectly restored, and now I feel as young aud vigorous as 1 ever did in my life. li. J. ALLRED, Door-keeper Ga. State Senate, State Capitol, Atlanta, da., Aug. 5, 1891. A Mother's Report. Mrs. N. A. McEntire writes from Srjrinr Place. Ga.: For manv Years I have been a great sufferer from indiges tion, sick neauacne ana nervous prostra tion. I tried many remedies, but cot no permanent relief until I used Dr. "Mozley's Lemon Kliiir. I am now in better health tban for many years. My daughter has been subject to chills and fever from her infancy. I could get nothing to relieve , . ., n,lT . j 1 nor; rue jemon miiir nag restored uer to perfect health. Bold by Lruggisis, ouc. anu si.uu per bottle.' Prepared by Dr. H. Motley, Atlanta, Ga. A pleasant word spoken at the right time from tho heart of aym pa thy, will yield a goodly ffatt. The promptness and certainty of its cures have, made Chamberlain's Cough Remedy famous. It i intended especially for coaghs, colds, croups and whooping coughs, and is the most effectual remedy Known lor tnese disease. Mr. u. B. Main, ot Union City, Pa, iaygs ' "1 have great sale on Chamberlain's Congh Remedy, -1 warrant every Dottle ana nave never board of one failing to give entire satisfaction." 50 cent bottles for sale- by J. V. Jordan, THE Confederate War Journal, An Illustrated Magazine, Edited by General Marcus .1 Wright (Agent of the War Depaitinent for the Collection of Confederate llccords) Ben 1m Ureo, Associate The first number will bo i;'?iu d April 1st. Published by the U'ai Journal Publishing Ooiupiinj , Lexington, Ky., and 110 Fifs.li Avenne, New York city. I; will bo devoted exclusively to tuo hititorj of the Confederate side ot the lute War between the States, an the Vice President of the Confederacy, Alexander II. Stephens, chose to call this mightiest ot modern Con flicts and most gigantic of all struggles. The War Journal will be replete with Portraits aud HngTiiviugs, made from Sketches made by h Corps of Artists, many of whom followed i.he fortunes ot the Con federate Armies, and ? jn-iil.v rank among the Heroic of i.li War. They give faithful and Authentic! Sketches of places of nuie, of all Battles, Sieges, Charges, Ye.-'-U'l i ol War,NavaI Engagement--, !'"iirtnu!H, Maps, Charts, e;c. To the Vi; federate veteran these rveiie-i v. iii recall memories ot Ins life ,ni t tie tented field or quarter iiei k, il many hard-tougbt batile.i, uf Marches, Bivouacs, Camp Fnes and the numi'rous sctue-i Mini inci dents pecnliar to the daily life ol a Foldier or sailor, wlnl.- to I-;.--children and the present genera ! they convey tho reality ol w u .vnli a vividness which not lnini e;.-. i ii convey. The full history of the "on i .-il.-r aoy has hitherto not, been wiita r.; we have bits and hints 1 lines aud coloring.! here arid !'.. re. but of the real inner hi u , the mainspring, the ni'j'ive, f I iu--i. dent, of that vast (i.iinini;, ( ! im South, how little catnpar ii:v ! 'i i been given to thewoitt. i ie de manded history will be given in 'he CONFEUEHATK WAIt .fdl'IfN M. The history, in the iuo.nl . ;;j wbichitis planned, iua t !'' ;.',.u- and years, but each ucvi d::1. year will add ripeness an l ' ;r;l'i-v nees to the fruitage. The ; .! '' will be backed by Milti -i-ii r n, Hal, and the services oi a t.-.-is i authority of all clashes v. h.i w -k actors in the ten I'.il.", drama, in -in the General to the Dniiuno-i i : , and to the daughter and w:tu .mil mother at borne, will add to tli Confederates' story ol tue " ,r. A vast libjary of the eorresnotidcnee and orders and disposings d' tin: chiefsofthe (loufed"r,n v, ill lu- thrown open to the public Chapters will ! e given ir -m the most brilliant and an: ho: tiativi writers. These writings will ta profusely illustrated; not only the Arm v but the Navy ol tho tfitith, which so largely helped to revolu tionize the marine nll'iirs ui the nations, will be fully treated, and then THE nUMORS (if Till: WAK, for despite all the grimn -s ", ever) rjgimeut had its wags, its ndi.ui lous situations, its Hood iidoof tun, in whoso presence the imaginative Charles O'Malley would seen aver) grave individual. To the lunu), and unspeakably ridiculous side of the contliot, volumes will bo g.ven. All these are but hint.-, ot the wealth to be distributed through the issuance of the lllustrittd 'Confederate War Juurual," n ln -li will be within the reach of ail. The Subscription price will only be 1 .) per year. Published by THE WAR JOURNAL IT UI.I.-.H I NU CWl.Ml'AN V, Lexington, Ky., aud lit) Fifth Ave., New York City. VETERINARY SPECIFICS For Horses. Cattle, Sheep, Togs, Hogs, AND POULTRY. 000 Page Book on Trrntnirnt of Animnls and Chan hcui I'ri-c. cures (Fc vera, Consent ioiin, In (Inmmntian A. A.lHpinal lUenhiirtiiH, Milk Frvrr. B. B.-prStrntnii, IaminiHH, l( hrrtiiifUinoi. C. C'.Iiateniper, NiihiiI Olwliuructt. D. I). Hot or (rub, WUruiH. E. E. Coagbn Heaves, Piirmiinnin. F. F. ( olio or ripen, llrllyn, he. G. G. Mlncarrlaffe, llemorrhiiu'. H. II. Urinary and Hldnry 1N;-hm4. i. I. Eruptive Olprnm, jtlnnci. K.-Diseases of Jtgcation, Purnlyr.TM. Single BotUo (over 50 doses), - - .oO Stable Cane, with Rpcclflpn. Mnntml, Veterinary Cure Oil anl MoUlcaior, 7.00 Jar Veterinary Core Oil, - . l.u'J 14 wjThwinrUlmf r ! prepaid aaywhrn ad In anj aMillj m rtclpt f price. rarHKITS'a'BD. CO., 1 1 1 k 1 1 1 Wlltlam SL , Srw Tork. mjiirnr.EYS' HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFIC No.i in dm an tein. The onlr miccosfnl remedy for Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness, uu) Pnwtratlon, f mm over work or other cahus. f 1 per U1. or 6 vil anil l&rttu vial pomltsr, lor $5, Bold by DtocrUU, or Hi nt (mnii.i. t- ) i ol .rl-o. Ill) VHRIVi' MK1K CO., 1 1 1 A 11 B tt llllwa bU , Nr i ork. PAEENT Should Bear in Mind ht tbauuon for attack b- or Oronp ln nn a IM. B prepared for thin Insidious dil ate bv klwaja having a bttli r It N. unrry's uronp nyrnp in ine noiise. irf pared after the recipe of the latu Vi. M'ul'.er llutty, arjd for vale by R. N. DUFFY, Over Nuun A Moorley -lore. R N. DUFFY'S COUGH MIXTURE, A Prompt and KfHolent Remedy for Oonghs, Golds, Croap, Bronchitis, Bore Throat, uipntlierla, j . : . Catarrh, &o. Thla nadletna la a cermlelde and antlna tlo of rare value, and It neernl in moat ot tue inreotiona uiaftMM.eapMiai.y m uiptn therla.learlet fever, Meaalea. as., and In atomaoh and bowel trouble do to fermen tation. 4V ou trial wlU oonvlno yon of lu taer- iu. . .- DIBItCTIOflS Taijvoiiral .needed ry 3, S or 4 brjura. ebake berore utlng. Kxamtne wrapper on bottle oarefnlljr .and If the name of W- N. Duffy it not oa It, jit ll HUMPHREYS' Street UusJuBt returned with a LARGE LOT OF 11 Vi SKLL3 TIIK BEST ROAD CARTS KVI'll SOU) IN THIS M AUKUT Wm. Ju nn, V;cf-l'r(!. 11 M, UiMv km Tellrr CITIZENS BANK ?iV D ER, K C. i i a ;::vK'ut, hvnkimi hi:ik 'i'iic .cooii!Uof MailRS. HAl)krH, Cori'fir.i 1 ; -Tin, r in -iiMrs. MPiehRli'.B Blsd n'tiers rt ' ived o-i fvoriilile lertiiH I'r mpl mid i' c'-:ul ultcntloii Kivetl to tho lattTLM of utir IIOA II I OT ItlKKCTOiiM l i ,.!.min I'lrloh, K II Mi- .1 ,. I. M.Mi HVrt 1 'tlHM. Jl'ill If y 1 1 1 1 I w. I p !(. .lnrni'8 11' J.,i nd. Ico, 1 l-'uw IT. Chiirt itHln- 1X1' 111 . IMi i ii IMnn, Mm Halm. i. 'V . -Uil;i il ivn'Jd . 'I tl1 A.liri'.tl. " :v.- C !'. 'SO in aJi.X V Cl , Ooal or Petroleum May ho ioinul on MM It LAND.; If . i'i '1 nlrn t.o h-arn wiirn- I -.,i. 'n' :i ii.t 't ) .v to 11 ml finy or Dim nix, M, K :t :), , h (or ' VllK M I K 1 1 I i : H p K ; . li'li 'H'M1':" n bote of s;nnit. viildf tn ii -.t.ir i -i. dl rt'.ctlorm are arvfulij to! i i'i I'lal'" I immiho itntl t-asily unil-Tntoo I : v t THrnnT. every IaimI owier, ainl v, -y hrllii cniiury buy thai vt-nnH to in . k' it r!'li h rlki uhoiil'l Im v t !i!h b.n.k ( M i :-. . :'!: .1"; k Ivll.l, ' HV M ! I . I. !i KAMMM, .Maine. :. n ! .1 w 1 jn j H Si'rOM, .Vt.D., D.D.S Pra-'lc It in It etl t.- (i..iativi H-itt Mf- '"n. rlnii,lHl h-nt'Mr, .. " .ft'i'l I o:ii i Mri;-r:. " 1 " Teet h i I rue: eil ". ,-."- It hunt imln Uv U- ' umi of Miro tildt - li , r Huh. vl r.i -i ' ' 'i I !' I'd 'f It'otlMrv i1oti , :i H'. 11 f it". Kl if Hi! ft',. ' '- :i rof r 1 iiH r nil.) a l :. is; rtnottui tt 3XT- ARJPIM The Shoemaker, Wain's to infonii liU piteous ;un! tilt! ptil)iif n.'iiriMl'y tliiit until furth-T notit'c in- tui I : Kiiul ;iT tin- Wostorn End uf So, Front St. vvih'io lio id pre puvil 1 wants hi ti:s in in S.ippl First-Class Order. WE TELL YOU .ioiliinir, m v, wli'-n w' -i:i:i' Hi. i' it - ti riL' i' in :i j.i r:n;iiit tit . inn-t Im ;tlt h .m-i .i i-;tnt lu-i in ili:it return- ;i iii f. r -v : a' wrk S-.ili i th'- hti-ii'. i- mil r tin- nuikiinj cla--Wi- ti-:nli liii lti ii -.v ! mi-. n t.i.i.llv, an ju ir:iu!i r hi r 'in,- u hi 1..l.t ..mi iii-irn. :iJii Ltlllil'illy lli'- making ii l SOU (t:t :t immlli. I.K-rV nil.- wli'i l:ik liol l lunv :miI Hulk-. Till Mirt ly .'lil'l -.rntllv lin'irii-r till ll rjriiiMs, Hu n .oi li-' ii.i ')'f-li'Mi ati.itit il ; olli- i n .u w.rk .in- 'I.Mii' it, ami v.'ii, n-iiilrr, cun 'l- th- -.n;n iln- - (In1 hc-t m Ini-iin " tli.it v.iii li.m r li.nl tin' i-Ii:iiici) to Hi'fiirc. mi wi.l inakf .i i;i lni-takr it' yui fail to y ' Il a (rial a I oiuv If vim ura-ii tin1 r ii at ion , ami act .piirkly , mm uiil ilinrllv tinil yourM-U in ft moM jirrt-piTi 'ii -hu -nn -s, at '.vhifh you pfiu Hiin l malm .ititl bjw. lariff -iiiii- of money, riic ri'-nl!.-' nf only a In ii r win k will ol'irri -(iinl ii wi i k'rt v:itf". Wtii'ilnT on an1 old or vomitf, nuin or womun, il niaki'S no ilillrrriU'i', to as we tHI you, iintl sn:-ct'-ts will im il sou t tin- cry si urt . Nciihcr (xpcriwx'c c ihital itcri'-sary. 'I'liov,- who work for ih iii'' n-v- ard-'d. W li v imt ivntr to .lay f'oi full part nail ill's, nvi- Y.. V. AI.I.I-'.N V CO., Itou .No 4 :i, AuUHl:i, MO. J. A BRYAN, Pres. TiKIS. DANIKI.S.Vite tin:. 6. II RilHKKTS. t-a hit-r The National Wmk OF ?J3W itERN-'l. N. C. l.N(.'01tlOKTKl) lHBIi Capital, 3urpius I't-olfa, $100,000 9tU66 uiKKorou.'i. Ja. . Bryan. Tnos Daniki .Jhai' fl. !avN J. H Hmjkih'KN, Jno Dunn, L Harvf.v, (. H RoBUHTr Excatiun Sale of Lan ?. Hv v'r ua an'l In xiursrunr-' uf - c rtnlu wu of execution, to in lnmm.1 fr. ni the H.uporor dourt of Craven funnty, In lht aotlontiiUlr?l Hurst, l'u noil A Co. uniinst A. M- William, I wlU on Monday, May 1st, 1893, atlhahonr of TwcIvb. M nttl.ronrt House t.Mr lu tii fMly nf Nowburu, to sutisfy the (aid exrtcutloa dobt. spJI to tlihUhet blj dr. for oasb, tho Imida levied npoTi.to-wlt: O o lot hi Ihe towu of Vftuonbiro. parMcu lurly d-rlb'd In a doed rcKlstero i Hook Ht, p-ui" 7. tl tlioottlne of lh Ke-ftlattaroi Deudi cf 0,i.ven county. One lot -1 escribed lu deed reKlaterd lu Book Hfi, paRa b'li.ot Roorda of said ofUce. AUotnose lamia described la deed tegli tertd Hook IKl.prMte'iKl.or-atd ofllce. The- said land bolng levied unou and sold as the pr.p.Tty of A M. WUUaius at and since the date of the docketing of the said Judgra nt, and not lu eluded ln the home atea'l set apart to him. TblsMatcti 'mx,m, W, B. LANE, mar2H Shoriff Craven County. Vn.H. I. HkYLBV, mi7Lt, MlrrtlU. b.: KlMmMWtllmwuAllwuldBM aA. Attm. Vm. to mi Th. anoaiKliif tf WMjklKI Ibi HI hRUa iitmiU wuK.rimoniW trMt- fluit 4lm. tt b. II la, IT.M. lanktl ! Mn Uli Wifcfc, 40 H.. U. II to. an4..buwltmM. MvrrUDjiwt IU,-.4.I11. Hn. tin, lun-rW Will chMrftilly nt.lv lo InqulrlM with tump InctnMd.' PATItNTS TREHI6D 61 MAIL. GONI-lrtENIIAI. KivnliM. HHt.rlHB. ftenrt i ,.U In mr. tf r.rlh-alwj 10 to. o, f . r, (ntcit. ick:b j mum uu.,.x iu. NOTICE !! MONEY TO LOAN at 4 Per Gent INTEREST ! ON EIGHT YEAU8' TfME. Cume yourself and Icain tlie particu I lars. Wo loan ou Ileal Estate security ! be it in towu or in tho country, j Apply to ISAAC II SMITH, 2jlly Oeii'l Mgr. , New Heme, N. C For Sale at a Bargain, Our foor light Extension Chan delier, with eloboH and pfieniR. One Lamp, duplex burner, with j priHuas. One extension o;ik Dining Table a fine one. I One IS-pound Feather Bed, good j as new. ; Auy pernon desiring to buy the i above at a great Nacrifloe will pleas ! correH)oml with Box 4GU, Ne-v Borne, N. 0. G, L HARDI80N, I Thurman, N. C, M;uiufacturor of an.l Denier iu FIRST-CLASS 3r$ICK. 3011,(1(10 now rendy (.11 Ik market Will sell as clu-ap as any ntlirr man. ji-Oll BOOR STOHK tilauk It.i.i',,,. and m w lo1 iV'ori.s .if Iti'ii . m.m! A'lt Inns lVay-r ami II Mini '" "l St :s 1 1 :m i l'arsi'", I " 1 1 -AUn, I.ate r.'iii-iis, rlc. I'.lpi'Iri Hl"l I' In- ! 'I a:i r i-u r "! -i t'-i,ei!. i i Baskets, Iti-iii.,inl..-r ' li.il.l I .1 .! Al. ",o mi i; t r li.-cr I..yi ill .1 I I'. 'l'.n:..i In- a i- !H- l Inn . f . Mil il.ad AIi- . lilli ll''' -1 .ill .l-..i-ll li'inU -.1 'V it.. .iii.i II.. tin.-.. H'l.i,k .- in.! Bran. I i- l'..r M-'i :;i.al pu: i i-.'- in tin' ' 'ty A H I. I. i.ixi:hk Groceri est Sti p Cb:in.ilttiy. n.l .a!,- r linn iiani.-ii.ii t nn-n- Prices D :V Oommtirion. Sake! Seed. uNi: in mm;h iu - SOUTHER .i ii i'i.-; "i- HOPE, V 1 1 i .' 1 1 i Ml'' l.cst v:irif'll, s l.ll-l,,:! oi Hi,, m i-t in T In- S -in li, ut : : ,i lilli'WM . I . Ih,' v Peterkin Seed, l, 1 "t ,',.iil .i'i' lui ln , in, 'hi sa.'l.r.i ami I", ,r ,u l,',l .....1 ,.nl,:l'. 1'. W 1MN 1 I.I.I :. nil'. .!! )i:.-k l'i,-.-k. N. r TEE GREE? FR02JT NaVELTY STORE, Middi'St. Niur South Front (N.'M I .. IVvix - Dril ls ul-TKUINC Special I.iducfiiueats IN Musical Ir.Btnuno Us, Violias, Banjo.-, Guitars, Mandolins, Zitliors, Authoharps. Flutes, Fif'os, Piccolos, Accor dcous, Harps, Etc. A!.S(, A FLI.I. I.IN'K (IF ;iolid and Plated Jowoliy, such as Watches, th uus, CuiTaad Collar Huttaus, Ladioa' Fin':. T.av iiiff.s, Scarf on 3, Spc'Htick'B, Etc- Tn i'ictu.'ns & f ictum Trainee ii.l KAHKI.S w," otn iii.' 1. 1.:. . M.h'.k in lliis s,-r;i.tii .,1 ih Si. -ih.. febl9 dwlf Commissioner's La ad Sale The ui-Wmh'i nnd. Iiavluk lueti nunint'd by th .'-iiipurlur r m 1 1. nl I'ruvtM) ri'inty 1 1 Com mis loner in-!l the ltniln (cvt lb il in tin oiuniilftlnt Iii Him itt'tldii pi'ndh.K thorn hi wn-T M-i 'tin It: .Min UTi I .1 J, Wi.lis plnMi'tll mill siImi Mclior ai d olliors ni dn feinlAiili, us will ii 101 tuiiy nppeitr ir'on the uKiiifMiiH lu sn Id ii c 1 ti . whi i : (Ti'V i' ir sale uttti court 1i-ukm il-Mir in Niwh. ru, on Moudav Mnv t lie 1 n t 1,!, uithe hour of IV m. to tho hlKhent bidder tor i-mIi, the lnd deHCribPii in llu unld jmlKuif nl, to wit: 317 aorps Ijti'f; Mitur wn ps betnn th mis imrriinHeti :y .i-nn .mck-iv. uooeasca of K. Clove ThiAprll'2l( lt- W, 1 MCIVKlt. t'otumlHsloner. Oommissiouer's Land Sale Th- uDderalened. havlriK been RDDOlnted by Lbe Muporlor 4.ourl o( Craven oounty lW oon.rulniloner to lell the landi desonbeu In the complaint in tne aotlon pending therein where mhood Uryan U plBlnllir and Haul Uaye, Tataey Ilayea. Harriet Krnul and Ntele Hill aredefendanta, aawlll mora fully appear from tho ludz- mema in aia aaiion. win oner ror aaie ai tneConrt Hooaa. door lo the otty ot New- Dern, on Monnay. nay me Hi, lb8. at me hoor of Twelve, v., to the hliheat bidder. ror eaan, me innaa aeaorinea in tne aatd ludimrnt. tn wit I aerea adlolnlrja tha land of A. W. Nekon and other, being tn tract pnrehaaM By . Haywood Hayae of Knocn Arrute. - ... ..... 1 Tb April W,J88. T. . f : .- ,. , 1 1f, . MrtVKR. . : ; '. ' OoauulMloner. First Class Barber Shop ' BRICK BLOCK, MIDDLE ST., Nearly opposite Baptist Church. Apartments neat and tidy, and only competent assistants employed. H. L. BANKS, , dec8 Proprietor. Administrator's Sale of Land Purnnantto a Judgment and order of ttaa Superior Court of Craven county, rendered on the litli (iy of Maroli IBM, ln the speelal proceeding . milled: -Jamei O. Harrieon, ,'.iiiiii:nimior oi rno(. renner. aeeeaaaa. oedwrn .'oflUa"""' et a1"' the nnder- Monday, May lit, 1893, ut Ihoi'oiirt ll'iuaedoor In New Berne. N. (J . at 12 o'clock. M..ell to thehlEheat bidder ut Public Auction the rollowlng real eitate i.i.Miuij.i; i.i nit uHiaieoi .Hoi. ienner,ae ceaHed, lo-wli: A oertaln tract of land ln No. 6 Towniblp, craven couuly, N. (! on the south aide of NeuHe rier, un.l wtut ilcle of Great Marfh Jut, adjulniiiK iho lands of Gambo Fenner on the west, (he landH of William Temple on the Xouth and oust, aud Neute river on 'he norili, contululiig one hundred aerea inoTe or It-HS. lVrn.s oi Hale fine half cash; balftneeon a rre.m t.r Hlx inonitiB. Title reserved until lull payment Ih made. S.'w liurmi. N. (!.. Maroh S'.th. 189S. JAM .KH C. HARKIBON, mL"j Adm'r of IhoB. Fenner, deeeaeed. THE GEHTLEMAIfS FRIQiDg N srain. o I'ain. Pn-vfnti Htrlrtar ( '.. it it,'. . Allot 1 :iV "ll r- Inr UoNuBUUOCA, ' ; : r i:r, i.i i ..n i: ni a, si-kum vtokiihoca, and all I i.l'i-i'lihy u:il luscharucs. r- Sun- I ri'Vi-iiliVi-of .ill Vi-turi-al THlPaMt. l I ritrt'i-l. fir cut (o any ad -1 ren for l.Mu lnH-lion tnlvilr 1 1 T II K B KHiT of all S ' n : i . : 4 r n ii .-.h. s, LR. HENRY RENT, Blddtford, Ma, V5jilTar 4 l.jiifUMT, 4lilo, IT. S. A. TYLEfl DESK CO., ST.LOUISfMO i!.". 'in-of Bavk Counters, - IM-Iini 1 LRNITURB for Ni v (iun.is Now Styles f "n.tir- IVu.k Cases, Cabi i! .( lu.iUhless prices. ;ir ?I;i!in..ntli ( 1 'K- zh, n:ni 4.1 I !:t una rf.ul i:t I vsl;, T.ll.li t ,-n. c. A.. m it i I . u r k'kmIs are well til fi i ly in .-vi-ry country that Ii ( " iloi'-i. frre. Fustaperic LfciADIMlj NEWSPAPER In ni; ti. nun!. -..-. that suffice to in iU- ,i iiiMt-r!nK lainily Journal," The Philadelphia RECORD u i - im tioubl,' iir Hxponse to gather iml i.n!.-iil to iu leaders fill the newt of ;!.. i ii.l n,l Now Wiiii,!. Its v.-i-iii Dt'i' irtiiH-nts, ea-h under ll, iiMii,!. 'in. 'Hi ..I a o(unH-tent Editor, ...m.ri-i'n ni iui rs pi'itaiiiinir to The Household, The Farm, Woman's World, Science, Art, Literature, Finance, Hie Real Estate World. I'lo uir.ii; ;i i .-liij-luu- magazine every l;iy. ri(s. !:ii'noN katks : l.ii!v, '.ii,. j. .ir, - . $3.00 l.nly iiinl Sim. lay, n:ii- year, - 4.00 ADDIIKSS Tli ! lioeord Publishing Co., !ii;-'.il'j Ciirsr.Ni r Stkkkt, I'iiii miki rill . N. ('. Railroad Ko. 23, :'. A M.. Thunday.l 5. ms. i-.-s. '! : j tj-i Kiiir. Sohidcu:. Ooixa Wm :. l'uHenur Train. No. i. At. amtiotn. Ar. Lt. ! si j 10 Ooldaboro 11 40 a ra 4 0 ' 4 u'J La Orange 10 58 10 t -i. 4 4(1 AVinetOD 10 18 10 8t ilOd (.8 New Berne 8 47 9 00 7 :) p m M.rehead City am 7 17 Daily. UOINQ riiST. No. I t Al'md Ft. 'JOHKDCLB GOINQ WlR NO. . Mixed Ft. Stntiooi. Pui.TraJa. itcldaboro 7 80 Lieut !) 6 84 IN Lui.rango 6 64 CM Phi Train. :7 7 os 7 20 7.10 7 4b 7 .i.i till 8 HO 8 50 8 55 0 15 10 0 tiling Ureek 5 24. J n.inston 4 86 SCO Cuwdl Dover Core Creek Tusoarora Clark ' Newbern UiverdaU Croatan Barelook Newport Wlldwood 40C 108 1 80 i40 U,!tM t 84.1 M 10 81 10 !)S 11 00 11 05 U 17 11 41 SSI tJifci I :1. JVI' 10 8S 'lM 12 15 8 00 8 87 8 43 8 48 8 50 4 08 4 18 4 87 4 43 4 51 4 65 5 01 6 01 41 9U 59I.M B 41 .m mm V it B ; too.' ft Atlantio T4T T 5 16 5 81 Morehewd City 717 5 83 5 88 AUantio Hotel . Mi 911 6 81 pa Horehead Dpol m I M : Monday. WdnadavairuZ''. '. tTnMdaT, Thnradar BaiardaT. T...M ... ... i ... . . " 'Y.-i yr:w a. Tralal Trala I eeaaeet with kk hmeaa S IMavtn f Trala,arrlTlat atOoU.aoroa ,,.,." w -k Wllmlnalon aad Waldoai I rum tu aa Rorta at 1:1 6p.au t . r : i 1