The Daily VI; 1. 1 JL iv .la M VOL. XII -S 31 NEW BERNE, N. CM SATURDAY, MAY i:$ rKi!E 5 CENTS. BUSINESS LOCALS. FOR SALE. A nice suit i f bedroom (Walnut) furniture lor sale, cheap. Jtj"- Apply at this office. mflllt. ' " , XU ANTED 3ituition a clerk or f bookkeeper. A lumber of years ex ' i' perience and no object Lin to leaving the jfM city. Reference furnished if desired. ' - Apply to W. D. II., ran; Journal. QTH. HOWARD will sail lor Tr. nl, ,n ' . O Thursdays instead of Fridays. WANTED. Ladies to do writing at home, will pay 18 to $20 per week. ;( tend self addressed stamped envelope for reply. Address M. McWrkiht, , m82t. Mishawaka, Ind. THE profits aud pleasures of Hieyclinj; are not to be questioned; bur t lie choice ':.'- of a Wheel should be carefully consid- ered. We can furnish any information you may desire on the subject. The k ' "Waverly Scorcher", 32 lbs., price ifsldO is better than many $125 wheels. The "Columbia'' $150 is absolutely the BUST made. Catalogues, prices and fair terms jiven for the asking. W. T. Him. & Co. '":. Bole Agents. PARIS GREEN and Land Pl.isler lor killing Potato Buss at tf. J. C. Wnrrnr fc Co. WANTED: Two copies of the Daily Joubhal ol Oct. 22, 1H!I2. Also ;; " one copy of the Weekly ol Oct. 0, 1H1I3, and two of Dec. 22d, Reward paid for 4, ; tame. FOR SALE CIIEAP.-An cxeclkiit baggy or saddle horse six years old, "medium size, very quick mid pirfcctly , gentle. tf. " W.J. Smith. ''i A FULL line of Spring and Summer (M "Samples, consisting of Cheviotts, -,- Black, lllue and iirown Series. Fine ' . r Cheek,. Cashmeres, Imported. Suit ite.s. wotsHds in nil grades. Satisfaction guaranteed. P. II, Ciiadwick, (Tailor. I At Hall'sbonl; store. USE DUFFY'S Col li 1 1 KILL El! -cures Coughs, Colds. Sore Throat, etc. Excellent in all affection of the Throat and Lungs, inducing healthy ac tion of the mucous membrane, soothing i ,' and healing the same. Js an antiseptic and oebmicioe. Prices, l"r.. '-'.V. and 80c. per bottle. J.0 To Street's Horse Store for Livi ry. IINE roadster's at Street's horse store. IilLEGANT Saddlers at Street s Horse U Store. "nANDRUFF, Itch, Mange, ami all Skin A' Diseases curel by the use of Duffy's tell Ointment. For Kile by F. S. Di'kkv. Druguist. ISil, Saernuiental, Port and Scupper noug Wines for sale by Jas. Redmond I CALVIN Schaffer's Wild Cherry Rock and Rye, put up expressly for throat and lung diseases, lor sale by Jas. Redmond. pv UFFY'S Malt Whiskey for Medicinal XJ use, for sale by Jas. Redmond. HUNYADI Janos Mineral Water, the lest Natural aperient. For sale by Jas. Redmond I URE Corn Whiskey for sale by Jas. Redmond. UFF Gordon Imported Sherry, Tor sale by Jas. Redmond. IMPORTED Holland Gin, Burke a Bass Ale and Burke's Guinness' Stout, for sale by Jas. Redmond. ffT ffA CIGARS at very low tiguret IWVVUfor wholesale and retail (fade t sale by 0 ARRETT'S Cognac. Brandy used very much in tlw sick room. For sale by Jas. Redmond. The Eiohmond, V., city conned appropriate 14,000 for the 'xpenceii of the Interment of ex-President Davis. Mayor Ellyson, ol Richmond, writes Governor Carr that the Davis funeral train will stop about three boors in Raleigh. A citizen of Wheeling, W. Va., is murdered by his mother-in-law, who then hangs herself in her prison cell with her apron strings. Same Tennessee farmers have written to Secretary Morton to , know if-he thinks it advisable to v plant potatoes on the wane of the moon. Gotham was crowded with man- o'-war's men last week, but every body was at peace save Colonel jOjckerili alone. Be was busy Mflghtinjr ttae"d Rebels." The Lewistoo, Ohio, reservoir troke at 4 o'clock yesterday morn ing and water covering 17,000 acres of land was emptied into the Miami -valley." Secretary Smith is again at his desk. Ha will organize a sort of a Cabinet of his own composed of heads of bureaus and assistant sec retaries of tbu Interior Department. Professor 8. B. Weeks, of Trinity College, we are gratified to learn, it writing a history of North Caro- : lina. l wi.l- not be a brilliant work,' but it will be 1 thorough and aoenrate and trustworthy and will . cover the Held. Be will not over look a large denomination of Christians as Moore did, nor will hi-i book ibinifid in hi-i'nrii! or rot a. Governor Svuiu tod :i.i(l.t U-iV, Dr. Calvin II Wllt-y by actual cou'it hp -ix lib!-.1 in (!. ;(' 1,000 rrorn in Wit. t'lft' ' lU'in'ii-ra'iIe H'tid It'.K.k" t! Wh'os wittilv iCilbd H tr, ..d nmiN If Dr. j Wwk wii! look Hev, Hugh rT--A IdenV ,',Hl : (ill FootcV Not-s or Wh , 1, i i t'Tg v whicii :v" ari- i;i'if.g f r m our books) h; li ; Mutt, in 1750 hire n.n a I pMHt cbitich in Granville n nnfy if li'tMbin Greek, Mini ii Ctptift ('o'lgrejiU ion that woiKhipppd nt S!k rma Ts on Tar River, tlwt hai bee'i voting precinct for neihipt iho l.ut biiai'ri d Mv-M'i.g, r. .LOCAL NLWS. ne v a o run Tir.i-:ui-:srs. Howard. For Sale A bed room N'.iil. II. Ii. Duily- Mvrke.l flown to. Bradli;"',i i; I ,.,!: -Xui ire. SinitU'3 News AeiRl Notice. Chas. .M. U'ijins Fresh ilrns, etc. Niinn A Mi Sorlcy Ice cream soda out ' site. At Jolm Dunn's Today Ice Crvimi oda. Mi'k Miake-, etc. o.o ni.i, M-u.r KIM- ! Steps are I c:;i I:.!,-to rcl uild the Oivi- Ilonl al !.:i!ri!i Spt:., by i Slock Coin oany. ll v.ll: tlii - tin:e be ol brick. Vo cad !). i.l .i'i to ti:o hi!, at llie Lead of our ediiorial coinm-i adoiie,l by the North Caiolina I'u-- A--ocial!on niiihiiijr provi-imi lor cIi.iil'- on card, resolution-, society noiici s, i ic. 'I'iie New s an. 1 Ob The 1 1 1 i I 1 annual . .uivialioa ol lie- l-.iho u-i K lu catiiinal Socict-. of N.iitli t'aiwlina will In- held in It'l.iji about tin- middle ol May.". I'. )'-. Morion intend- I., have one ol (lie la .1 cola ell- lie- if June evi r held here. lie is at Wolk on it lliov. Il will make a 'muiJ -howin tbr llie '.voik he has la en dnini; for the last thri c years. A o..,l .ni.licii! :.,-,.! -d M ;-.;. I'd mi-, al ih- V. M. C A. Hall 1.: ! i,i:-',t and it i i in-.- 11 lo -i ttial the l.-ct :;.e was ol'i; cci liencc and hi . rcii ditiou ol Suiun Shin.;!e ini oniiarable. 'llie audience fan vi r aliciiine and both lecture and recitation enjoyed. The Sail ford lAUc-s say-- The h.s ly lire in Mooic county -nine three neck nun is estimated at sJOn.i I (I. Many men who were in oc,,,! i iicuui-lance and were operating; laroe titrpeiitine oieliards are forced to bet-ir. life anew. It wa- the most destructive coiill,,malioii ever known to visit Moore county. ISy special invitation, Mr. I leurv IJIount, aeeonipauied bv two jour.i ihi: i-.- friend, visited the ('olle'iale In-lit me at noon yesterday, and made a brief addict to the asseinbh-d scholai - of the n-titu!8 aud titadcd school, and i-, ie t ao humor- ou- recitations, which wer.- tun. !i enjoved oy both teachers and scholars. Wc ipiote the lollowiiif; fiom tie North Carolinian: "The cditois of North ( urolina will never forget the re ceptiou accorded them at New Kerne. The meetiiio was a proliiable one, but nil agreed that it was in a very great meas ure due to (he unbounded hospitality of the people of the "Cittl of Kims." Ask an editor win re is Paradise and he will point toward New I'erne." The Greensboro li'-eord says a ijueer specimen of a low 1 is on exhibition al the Hudson Store Company- a cross be tween a guinea and an eagle. The head resembles an eagle somen hut, while the feathers are exactly those of a guinea. Its ' cackle," however, is that of a chicken. Council lirown bought it from n country man living a few miles from town. It 1b a good sized low 1 but presents a queer appearance. A wood factory is soon to be started near T.irboro on the Norfolk and Caro lina road. Numerous articles such as hoops, plates. Ac, are to be manufac tured, principally of gum. Stock has been taken by foreign as well as home capitalists and the work will soon be started forward. This is just tho line of work that ought to be developed in Craven county. It Iia3 over a hundred varieties of woods, many of which work up admirably and are susceptible of a high polish. The Durham Sun says: "The man who paints his yard fence, cleans up his prem ise, white wushes his barns and out houses, and keep the weeds from grow ing on the sidewalk in front of his gate, is a greater benefit to a city thau tho in dividual who spends his time on the cor ner of the street prating about a silurian citr and the dead condition of his adopted home. The 3un might have gone further and said that benefactors to a city or town are those live men who try to keep a breast with the times, and throw their influence and money to every enterprise of merit that springs np in their midst and who always found laboring for the building up of their tow a instead of growling and stickling over small public expenditures for needed improvements. Trns indeed. iV--''-c---T:;,':v,.;:: a: - TtHTB PILLS effective in results. r New City (.oreriiiuent. The new Hoard of City Council or ganized Inst night. J. F. Clark, F. Ulric.h and J. K. Latham were chosen council men at large and upon completing the oi-ganiz.ition Councilman Ellis of the 1st Ward resigned and Mr. Chas. Heizenstein w as i lec'cd in his stead and Mr. Kllis was 1 1. etcd Mayor. The following is the list of ollie'-rs elected: Mauir, Wm. Kllis. City Tax Collector, W. I). W: I'a.-e. City Attorney, Steve C i;r.c,aw. City Treasurer, II. J. I.oviek. Pott Physician, K. S. Primrose. City Ma. shall, J. T. Lewis. Policeman No. 1, J. K. Land. " 2, J. B. Dixon. " 3. Kli Elliot. Market Clerk, John liowden. Ileadipia lets Watchman, Thomas Tokr. Sanitary Ollicer, Henry C. Iirinson. Sexton Cedar Oroyu Cemetery, I). If. Stallings. Sexton (ireenwood Cemetery, col., Daniel I'csl, col. Spec I ul Need for Careful Sanitary Precautions. Clean streets, houscti and town lots are dciial le at all tunes but in view of the rai agi - of cholera in the Eastern Hemis phere last year, our nai row'eseape Iroiu it lit reached our very shores and wa w il h ibllieiilty k -pt at bay I aud lie lur I In r I'u ( that it did not entirely die out through tl e winter and is even now early a- il i- becoming deadly which heightens the chances of danger this season it be i iiiiii s the duly of till to co operate hear tily with those in authority in keeping ail ptcniists in pi rlect sanitary condition, flic Oovei nun nt has made provision for ouatantiee regulations. This without doubt will be supplemented by strict -in vci!at!'-c by city authorities than il-iutl ai d plivale citi.ell slloehl ail! them ill carry ing out w hatever regulations tin y may enact by all means that lie in their power. ( oni in-,' and dug. Mr. ('has. Van Leer, the partner in (net nabaum Bros, oyster cannery here who has been seeing to its operating h it yesterday on the Mcnmer N'cuse, returning to h'.. home in S-':l!'old, Del., tin- -eason le lli over. Ib-.n. I'. M. Simmon; ivMirned la-t ni-.lit IVoin Win-Ion w here he ha- I h on on :t bu-iness trip. Mr. II. K. Iioyal, of Suffolk, Va., ar rived to spend a few days in tiie city with lYictnK Mr. .1. J. Uaxler n turned to Bea'.ilott la-t night where be expect- to remain a month ur two longer hi ikiivf alter the branch store there. Miss Lillian how land of Massachu setts is visiting Miss Sadie Eaton, and .Miss Louise Dennison, of the city, is also spending a few days at Miss Katons while her friend is here. ('apt. K. If. Jones nnd Messrs. W. It. ISojd and W. F. Koiintree returned last la-t night from Chailofte where they have been attending the tlraiid Council ol the Iioyal Arcanum. They, as well as Mr. W. li. Drinson ol the city were all re elected to the Grand Council olliocs they held hist year. Trucking in Pamlico, Mr. (I. If. Dixon an excellent farmer of Pamlico show s a good size sample of potatoes of los raising. He expects that about the li 1st of June shipments w ill be gin. The people of his neighborhood also raise cabbages and peas for the Northern markets, but they work to dis ailvanluge on account of the hick of direct transportation. Not only is addi tional expense to be borne, but the dis advantage also, in the ease of such crops as the two last, of their not being quite as Irish. With the better opening up of the points duivn Neuse river aud other good land adjacent to New Bei.ienow laboring under similar disadvantages impetus will be given to trucking that will put the industry for in advanco of the position it now holds, immense though it is even now. We've tint the Encampment. A special to tho Wilmington Messen ger Messenger from Raleigh says: Quar termaster General Harrell informs nic that Governor Carr today approved the recommendation of the staff officers that two regiments of the State Guard encamp this year at Carolina City near Morehead City and says that tho First and Second regiments will bo the ones sent there. Truck Quotation. The following truck quotation wa3 re ceived by telegraph last night from Messrs. Palmer & Rivenburg of New York: Strawberries, 14 to sixteen; asparagus, $2.00 to $4.00; peas Edenton $1.50 to 2.00 per box others 78 cts., to $1.25. The Winston Sentinel says: There were sixteen deaths in Winston during April, thirteen of which were colored people and three white. In Salem there were only thre two calorel and one white Miss Fannie Brinson, consort of Mr. Danjel W." Brinson, died t her home - at Reelsboro, Tnesdoy May 8d. The de ceased was a daughter of Mr. P. ' Lepper, of JiloreheaiL . . .-.w4 tr . i. M.v Children Cry For JPitcherCastqrj THE MISSISSIPPI OX A RAMPAGE, 1 lie Course Mny he Changed .nil Jfem phis May he Left an Inland Town. Advices Irom Memphis says that :.n immense body of water is sweeping down the Mississippi, and a t'-rrible il 1 is feared. The current is culling into I he west bank live guiles above, the city, and it is liared that the clisnucl will be changed into Ilopetiehl Lake, leaving M.miphis an inland town, and the big three million dollar bridge high and dry. The government ll'.et is at ork tr.ii.r to pri vent the river In in changing il coursc, ('rand Council Royal Arcanum. Tho Fourth Grand Council of tin- Roy al Arcanum ju-t held in Charlotte was the largest ever held in the Slat--. -ended with a pleasant a id s-.; .--;;! banquet. Ollicers were eleele l and iu-b.,!e ; as follows: Grand Regent J. Howell Way, Way nessville. Grand Vice Regent-T. J. Gill, L.uir burg. Grand Orator C. T. Bernhardt, Sab bury. P'ast Grand Regent .1. G. Wri-h . Wilmington. Grand Secretary W. li. Roy, I. I.', v. IJerne. Grand Trea-urer A. M. P.iwe'l, If d eigh. Grand Chaplain II. ('. I ) i. , a . . Rockingham. Grand Guide K. , Per. I ',iii... Grand Wanlcn W. I-'. Roumi.c M . licrne. Gram I Scen-laiy Char!. I ,- , . ,-. Gohkboro. Grand Tin-tee W. G. r.iii.-;;. , Heine. Grand Tru-be lolin II. Hill, Col I - boro. ii-and Trii-tee -T. W. lit nit . Vllle. The Ch irlot'e (ib-erv. r - f !- low ing eondeiiH-d hi. -ton i f I lie ci .' a: I.---tion: The order of-he Rova! An- u w organied June vMth, 1 -s T7. a id a!: : u -'i coinparativcly youiiL'. now ha- a in -,a- berslnp ol UvJ.iMiO, elneily in ih- No.ih as llu-South is praetically cria-l( 1 l. -o large a pall of it 1 e ng -u j - I I . 1 low fl-Ver, tin- clloW :ccr o .-1 1 i( I beia; named a- South ( aroiin.i. p.... oa. o. Georgia. Mi i. ppi, I. on. -ana, Tea and Alabama. The (irst council in-titutt-1 iuliie S;ai was al Wilmington in ls-o. The Shrrifl of Vauci-v Kii s a M.i.i If i sislingMicsl. l n May 'Jnd In Yancey i . , 1 1 : ' . j I turn-villi-, Sherilf John !-, wal I lie Home ol I aylor Mc. lli-ti i w :: a '. ; e of replevin to secure a horse ih ,i w ., i. McAili-lcr's McAllister -aw tin sheritf approaching and taking oui a kni II warned the otiiecr twit to come an v tai l hei- lb ntitiueil to advance upon the -!e 1 1 !' in a !hr"atcnini: allitu-le and the (ollcer drew hi- pistol .,i,d -hot b Ailiaer time times, killing him a!mo-t in taailv. McAlli-trr Was about .", M ars r sue had been marrieil three time, and ieave. several ei.ihlien. Cliange of Kain oail Name. By autority of an Act ol'lhe l.eL;i-!aliu.' the name of the Wiliniicto-i Cu-loe. an. I K .st C-irobna Riilroad Company v. 1 be changed to "Wilm nglon. New l'., .v -an. Norlolk Conipsav.' T,,. change w ill go into eileit .Ina: Ui h. Wilmiiigtoii Star. The Lenoir Topic say-: 'i ne opinio,! is pretty general lliatjhe. IV. ' u i i the plnspi -live apple crop b i lly, nit i! did not entirely de-.troy it. Many ore'i ards will not have lei: a ,e. apwles, whiie a f-.. on bjh gioiuul, will have full crop ware not i t-.i -17. iland il seemes to h.ue be.-u moie seriously injured by tin- late li e.- thii was anticipated. Mr. H. ( '. CoJ'ey. spe.i -ing for the great apple pro luein ; eel Ion of Mulberry, says the fruit cr ip there wdl be almost an entire failure. Mr. John I!. Webb, of Collettsiille, al-.. aocs wlih him as to the seventy of the f n on apples and peaches. Self love a not so great a --i as -elf-neglecting. SlI VKKSI'F.Alli:. There m no excuse in tins day when clothing ia so cheap for a man's neglecting to dress as well as he can afTord. Those; $10 dollar suits are not quite al! gone. A new lot of blue suits at that prico that are fast color, and at tho same time they nre durable. If you want yhm s, Hats or Men's Furnishing (in-nls of any kird be sure and hoc us. New lot 50c Shiits. They are linen bosoms and good muslin. We are agent for the Diamond Shirt, all sizes in. At HOWARD'S. Hath Rooms. Bath rooms nre now in good order at Hugh Banks' barber shop. Good ji ten ion given patrons. rtf Steamer (ircenville. The Str. Greenville, Cupt. Dixon, will com nenco runniiifi on Neiiau Itiver on and after Mny 10,181)3. Schedule will lie advertised la cr. Haj.imi Gpay, Act. Agl. Silrer Platlntr. Iam 'prepared to replate your Old Bitvicn-WAnE at Barrington's ilachiu. offio on Middle Street. Wl.LLIK StT.I,IKOR. E. C. D. Eastern Carolln Dispatch Line. On and after Monday, May 1st, until further notice steairer of thi lin will leave Newbern daily (Sundays, execed) t4p.nfc -.;., "-w: - -,?-.. WEOi IISHDBRSON, Agent, Tl! V. TKAt'tli: S Wf);;l.!i'S l'.UI! PARTY. The Limit id' !. i::b- rs is Reached and i; 'Ihiid Train is o he Add- d. Th" a C,r ii::a 'I'e - r-,' V :'.! I-'air i in ' i;, c f li . ho- ,!r,.. p ; ;. ,i; , v. :, ; e irry I lit" .- I' ; i ; !; of tli.- e' lit n'l t.-.'-r 1' o,i V-. !l-i . iil e o i lie n o lio-:, this -irrtl dm in:; ;' I .'. o-ie--- i In- j, r b, a: I lea' III I -' 1 lb. 'a id i-i 111 Will i.llend a -'! 1 w ay. '1 h pi .-. . - eial 1 r ii- -. v. 1 i i . 1 I'alooel , -- ., I I- - , -, oilier t . I ; i. h .-, ' -il.ioc i; i.v i:n 'i -n W l.l. ! ii,,- l 1 - 1! ' C!ii-i ... I . - - - .. -the I ,a .. ! .11. ,,. kel ol i -!,- a. ;v .a : i 'il I l I i ' I ; ii. I .!-, mi'. 1);- - T 'o un I r ;i . lu . : ll Too P.--. (' - !u.j b. . J.ii jj : r. fi ., r: , 1 i C :dA ..!. VJj.l j. 1 f Fine J.'.;!.::" Fioriii:-. " me.-..; jjiiuiio a I'iii'j jituaLii: Just reeellrd at tile Little Drug Store on Middle Street, Purity, Precision, Promptness Shall always bo my ' motto. JTcdicine delivered to aty part of the city. . Chis.. M.fliggins, .ff, y. ! RaorsfERED Piiahiaciht, . i: v:;j1 , -i i ?i)' 7 ? J l.- J i f (i"i i o .Jin.: t ii b-i.. ; all , - i r ... '") i-.;ld" I v Mi . HI. '. -i .-i l'J c . ; , : -i - . : !''"' ; r ;: i I l":l ..... I , . . . 1 . Ill 'I Al I. in.. .'. M- ..'.' .' - i' - I - r. i fmml . . -m -A N'l ARCTIC SODA. Our ieH CUl'I.VM SODA hat been pronounced "Out o, Sight" Try the Above. " Kespefctfully,' " ' ', ;.''.- mv- Profits. A - - c JJeii: - . . . A; rual to i nii:'o:it. II! : : 1 I V If. - i:.i'is-, Livery, ' c i n. alii tion, I ' ii nnoii ' the -ide fc'-'fl '. IT ll-et d. pill - I ' a -t. ' : o'.on.m, ,t ' -Mall cost, o-.. :!iaule,t - li Ill-oil .'. miit. ... Hill" '!.' .:!! ih; '.v .;,! i'jv.'c-i Too. : ! ftioh of :- ''. VHlAil. .i CHE AS ' ': I on Broad "I lo p. ease ,i II ! II -s l-in,is,ei at their i . i. rale prices. lb" M'KKItY. ''i,.ii.ijer. .. -l.l RI-ATIC I MACHINE -' I -ibv...: :z.l& Hotel -i:vi;n . i-;;ingj, N. c. 1 1 ' 'e"n' drive from Ii-rnnge, on A ,v . '. II iil:oa.. and sinno from - It "..v.-. n W. A. W. Uuilroad. Opens May 1st, 1893. A t eneh Kailr I Point and at Hotel Fir.,t class l.ivery Accomodations anil a Daily Mail. REPAINTED ! REMODELLED t "N'rtw Coinplefit' with every Oomi ' ' 7 anJ' Convenience M Gumts. -' ' " ' "'TERMS Address the MANAQKli.' ' U&rrtf. , " H sr ' O A