J 1 I 7 - ! -r- f'.A: riJBLSHESS AKSOUHCEMBHI. THK DA.ILT JOURHALU pobUshsa Dally sieepi Monday at 6.lplM! lUOter slxaumtba. Dalivsres 10 sasilbaia at so oeata per mouth. TB WKKt O0HNaU. M aabllsaed Terj Thursday at par . rsytaaat for transient adTarUseiasats mast be mads In advanaa. HflHrMT' ; t'asmentswtll be eolleeted promptly at Uio aa of seen month. ) communications oonlalalnf MofaBn slant pnblle Interest ere solicited. Ho oobv sralaatloa mart bo oxpoetod to M P"- ' d tbat contains objectlonabls personalities, or withhold thonamo of tho aatBor. Art!- ' a)lonsor than half oolomm ssastaspata . for. 1 .Any person reellna. agirleved al enyea- . 1 a oAmmnnlM tion iai obtain tho ' mans of the author by application at tola - 1 (9m and ehorln wherein tho fHTno ozuv. BULKS ADOPreUBYTHK HOBTH CAB m.TKl PRK4S ASSOCIATION. Tho ram or not less than live csats por Uno wlU bo charged Vox "cards of thanks, noolntlona of respeel" and obituary poetry also for obituary notices othar than thooa which tho editor himself shall five as o mat- notices of cburch and society and all other entertainment! from whloh revenue U to be derlTed will be eharged for at the rate of Ave eenta a line. THE JOURNAL. 3 -K. HARFBB. O. T. HARCOOK Proprlataai LaeaJ alaparter. ay-Kntered 1 '"a 1 ostomoe at Hew Borne tr.a.aaseoond-ieu matter. WHAT OF IT I Republicans and Mugwumps are growling fiercely about violations of civil service rules by Secretary Carlisle, and gome sore-headed and impractical so called Democrats are encouraging the tumult. But, what ol HI Those who know the great v.nfnv ntateaman are not .nmriae at the reply that he makes to his accusers. 'I make this ohange alter mature deliberation," aid Secretary Carlisle on Batur. day, referring to the resignation of Chief Sturtevant, of the station any division, "and upon oomplainta from responsible sources. 1 not call them charges, but they were sufficient to warrant a new appointment. The statement mac my son, Logan, naa u,iuinB . do with the matter Is baseless, as he advised against any ohange at The idea that any offioer under this Government is essential to its Afflninnt administration is ansura. I propose to pot in his place an l Hi-nori-cranirn mail, wuu will man ace the purchase of sta tionary just as well as the deposed offloial. The critioism indulged in comes wholely from Magwnmp papers, which know nothing aoout the details which brought about the chancre. The resignation ot Mr. Sturtevant has been held up tor a lew days, but today I datarmined to accept it, and have sent him a letter accordingly as a reaalt of these attacks." So it is all a mistake about Logan Carlisle's having charge of the Treasory Department. Amer ica's 'Grand old man is on deck him- elf and proposes to walk it as long as he is captain of the ship. When Carlisle was made Secre tary of the Treasury the oountry aeoepted him as the formost man of the Cleveland Cabinet. Kvary body knew.thai he waa no lackey, no body's' man Friday. With charaoterstio manhood he takes the whole responsibility, and goes straight forward in the perform ance of his official duties. The heathen rage; bnt what of itl At one time, during the war, Gen. Bodes appointed Col. Charles Forsyth drill-master of offioert, and colonels, lieutenant colonels, ma jors, captains and lieutenants were instructed in their duties and made to perform them. It might Improve the condition of affairs if Mr. Carlisle could be made drill muter of the Cabinet. It wonld be a pleasing sight to see P. M. G. Bissell marking time for six hours on a stretch. Many qualifications are neoessary to the holding of high offioe, but the first requirement of an applioant ahould be the ability on his part to answer in the affirmative the ques tion, Are yon a Democrat! We believe it will 00 ma to this. The absurdity of supposing that Republicans and Mugwumps can give the country a satisfactory Administration baa been abundant ly shown. Indeed the election of 1892 was a distinct pronnnoia . tnlento of the people on that anb , jeet. The retention of Republicans ' la office is in direct opposition to the ww of the people. Cleveland and Stevenson were elected to give the country a iemocraue a.anua Jstratlon and nothing short of It win aatUfylhamaaaea.: f I 1 It ia a oomplimentto Mr.Carliale thst Mngwumpt groVli uhat. of I . p .,y 8 jn the it.'f, '; It PavOTOf aftw ere Has. wnraumlB Boorawa Bybup hn am used for children teotbiiur. It soothaa tho child, sot tana tho guns, dun all pais, carta wind oouo, ana u lha bast remedy for DiarrhcBa. Twenty- IT oobm tMttie. -,Boia oy bii arag tta throughout the world. JanBdotwW The devil has no fault to find with the man who ia in love with himself. Mlnkfe flaaarvh RabhI. A marvel- otu - ear for Oatarrh, Diphtheria, Oanker month, and Headaoha. With aaoh bottla there I an int-eaioui aaaal Ujaewr lor ino more anooeaiiui mai mant of those oomDlainta without extra harjea. There ia no snoh thing as mak. ing a guilty man happy. He mnst fiistlose his gnilt. TtiAM to ist1iin T hflVA ovpr llfll'd for muscular rheumatism that gives mc as as much relief as Chamberlain's Pain n.lm Ana T tinvi. Kppii unin? it for about two years four bottles in all as occasion required, anu aiwuy a good thing when I get it, and lain Balm is tue oest unimeut 1 nave evi-i n,;ih W 1) riennv ilnirtman. New Lexington, Ohio. 50 cent bottles for sale by J. V. Jordan. The man who knows Christ well will not expect to find perfecion in anyone else. Shlloh's Consumption Cure. Thii U beyond question the most nooaaifnl Cough Medicine we have ever aold. a f aw doses invariably oure the worst cases of Cough.Uroup and Bronchitis, while its wonderful suooees ia the cure of Consumption is without a parallel ia tho history of medioine. Binas iu first discorery it has been sold on a Kuarantee, a test whioh no other medioine oaa stand. It you have a ooagh we earnestly ask you to try it. Prioe 10o., Wc, and tl. If your lungs are sore, chest, or back lame, use Siii- loh's Porous Plaster, Bold by New Borne Drug Co. Find a man who has not suffered and yon find one who is a stranger to Jesus Christ. Tha mI a a narfaotlv eafa and al . Hliakl mmiaHv tnr lha tMnnliar diaaases of summer is universal. As a remedy for the household, omoe, on ,k. mm An ahlnfcAarri anil for travel k ImttA ! ana. Winkslmann'a DUrrhoea and Cholera Remedy has proved Its uestunaoie worm in ua prompt relief and cure of all disorders 4natlti In tha atomaah and dures- tive system, such as Coolers, Cholera KorDUS, uiarrnoea, urampa nto. dm vioeabte under all oonditions, always retd f for use, and perfectly sate., Piioe85o. at all druKgisU. juaaidftwly. It takea a knowledge oi God to tell man what ne is. Chamberlain's Xye and Skin Ointment Is a certain cure for Chronic Bore riven, Granulated i,ve Lids. Ho re .Nipple, I ill. Eczema, Tetter, Salt Kheum and Scald Head, 25 cents per box. f or sale by druggists. TO HOKSS OW7TEB8. For nnttinx a horse in a fine healtliv con dition try l)r. Cadv's Condition Powdere. They tone up the vstem, aid digettllon, cure loss of appetite, relieve constipation, correct kidney disorders and destroy worma, giving new life to an old or over worked horne. cents per package. or sale by druggists, Sold by J. V. Jordan, New Berne N. C With Christ in the heart all things are possible, bnt without Him nothing is sure. When Baby was sk-k, wo pave her Cafitorfa. When ihe was a Child, the cried for C-aitforia. When she became MIhk, she clung to Coitforiru Wton she had Children, she gave them Coskjrio. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorfa. Children Cry for Pitcher's. Castorra Children Cry for Pitcher's Castor.. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. As soon as a Dreacher begins to gee prowd of his head he becomes mouldy in the heart. Answer This Question. Why do so many people we see around us seem to prefer to suffer and be made miserable by indigestion. Constipation, Diuineas. Loss of Appetite, Coming up of the Food, Yellow Skin, when for 75o. wawill sell them Sbilon's Vitalner, guaranteed to oure them. Sold by New Berne irrug uo. When one really becomes conver ted the distance to chnrch ii short ened by one-half. Borne Foolish People Allow a cough to run until it gets beyond the reach of medicine. They often say, Oh.lt will wear away, but In most cases it wears them away. Could they be induced to try the successful medicine called Kemp's Balsam, which is sold at expositive guarantee to oure, they would immediately see the excellent effect after taking the first dose, l'noe auo. ana 11 Trail size free. At all druggists. mar22deod weow The heart is the largest thing in the world, because it takes more than the world to till it. While Mr. T. J. Richcy, oi Altona Mo., was traveling in Kansas lie wus taken violently ill with cholera morbus. He called at a drug store to get some medicine and the druggist recommended Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy so highly he concluded to try it The result was immediate relict, and a few doses cured him completely. It is made for bowel complaint and noth ing else. It never fails, or sale by J. V. Jordan. When we get' to Heaven we will all find that we have had some thing to do with building it. a-a.' WaBalisai Haa fa Hmr Beroa Aawall as tho handsomest, iad others are Invited to U o any drugrt and ret frm a trial bottla of Jump's Balsam fur t"0 I nroax nu tmngn, m iouivuj tnai, DH G. & BAGBY, SURGEON DENTIST. Offioe, Middle street, opposite Baptist ohurch, deo8dwt( NEWBEKN. N. 0. DR. J. D. CLARK, DENTIST, HEW BERNE, N. C. Office on Craven street, between l'ollock tnd Broad P. H. PELLETXER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Craven St., two doors South of Journal offioe. Will practice In the Conn ties of Craven trierei. Jones. unsiow anu rHmuco. aa United Htatea Court at New Borne, and Snoreme Court of the Htnte General FIRE Mi Insurance A'eEt, NEW BERUE. fi. (J, 250 Q00 m READY FOR SALE Cheaper than any other Mar can Furniah ThfKj. I'vo got em and w.uil in , 1 m Apply to W. P. BUURUa, New l:,-rm or M. l'OHTEU, ltiverdnle jne7 dtf Latest linprvad CLIPPi AT .. A. Jones' Livery, South Front .Srvct, NOTICE. If you want tho oaslest Slinrn vim mur had, and your hair cat in tin; M iy lutust stylo, be sure and call on 1'HINCK of Walks at the Canton House li;irbcr Shop. Everybody says ln is tlm best tai l.i r in the r.ity, and hi has no one finployo 1 except first clrss barbers. T. II H.JiiniAKDSdX, I'l opi H'ti T Southern LadyWanfed To represent and collect for our XTlno Airt Gootls. cincAco UTiioci:.rn co.t 8 F1ih Avenue, ruiCAtJo, Iu, THEY 3VT. we arenow ready to supply ine trade, ana um x w rtiiyic, sjUAUTY 'ttnrl OTTVITUATj SATISFACTION. ' " "' ' ijk , r; - ' 'J '' o" ,'".;.; .,, ; AlBoTa m land Oomplote Line of . BUGGIES,' HARNESS, R01D OARTS.uy fact anything pertaining to ths Horse. :'r v.;' 1'M -'fy : tr Livery a Ppocialty.-; - s " , : . - ' : -r - - E. W. Smallwood. George Bloter. ! i Small wood i Sieve. , DEALERS IN STOVES, GENERAL ardware AND HARNESS, n.slx, Doorr PAINTS, OILS, VARNISH Glass and Pis tw, lime. Planter. Hair and Cement CAVEATS. TRADE MARKS. DESIGN PATENTS, COPYRIGHTS, etc. Fot information and f reo Dondliook write to munn & Co., in Broadway, New Yore. Oldest bureau for securing patents In America. Kvi;ry patent takon out by us Is brought before the public by a notice given froo of charge in the Scientific Jtoriatt Lnnrcpt circulation of nny nclcntlflc papar In the woild. Hpletulidty Illustrated. Ho intolllpent man ehoulj bo without it. Weekly, 9 J. 00 a Tear: JUjOpIx mouths. A!drcs MUNN & CO. t'uifLLtuiEUaS 3til iiroatlway,ew VurkCUy. Notice. lUalo of North Carolina Craven County. Huprlor Court. Befoie the Clerk. Hpeclal Proceedings to sell Heal Eslste. for Assets. .lamps c. Harrison, Admr. de bonis non of life talc ol Wm. fenn Stanton, deceased vs. MAlvlna Htanton, Jalla Ptnnton, Joseph Htanton, hdwarrl Htanton, Jmes W. Han cook and wile, Mary K. Hftiiro a D.W. Mor ton Jr., and wife, Minnie Morten, David K. ' "cgic b (lie O htanton, Mary V. Htanton, Hei'jamin Hosier and Jumet L. Taylor. Bummons for Relief. To Kdward Stanton, Ren. Hosier, and Da vid K. olegir. Von vr) take notice that the above en lllMe-1 proceeding has been begun In this : court, for the purpose of selling the real es tate of ihe deceased to make assets t pay debts of the deceased and costs of admlnls j tratlon.and you are required to apse-ir before 1 the Court on the 15to of June. 1813, and an . Hver or demur to the complaint herein ! tiled, or the retlef demanded lu the will be , granted. This lftth day of April, WjH. I W M. WATSON, apr.lDoff Clerk Hu per lor Court. 13 ALE OF LAND. Pursuant to the judgment of tho Superior ' Court of Craven County in tne action wh.TPln thv National Batik of New Berne la plaint HI' and H. K. French Is defendant. I i will sell at the Court Home In N w Berne nn Monday the lUihdayof May at 12 o'clock :ti pnnllo auction, fjr cash, the following land: All that certain tract of land situated In fa 11 t rnveu county on tiie south ilde Neuse road ahon', ; miles from New Heme, begin ning at Kiehard J. Hrom's noe where the u in crosfs fuse road running up said niail 10 Cahni'iH iieed Branch Just below the rislilcuce of Julia K. Prescott ihen up said i-r invi toR p uetrtflon Ihe side of th hianch uen (h hack fence, then Houth 40 wnt "l p' oh to a ligb"ruod stake on the ndp of Huttlc Pond l heuce south 50 east lpolBtoa llghtwn.id stahe, thence north 1 i cant to Brock's lino and with the same to tin i)zlnnlng containing HH acres more or Irris, hnlng nme conveyed to said 9. K Kroi ch by deed reUtered In Bld Craven counly In liook 77. pad" 'tV'i W. 1-Y. HTKVK VRON, Commissioner. Aprll22, IHKi. id TiiMiicdy for Cfllitrh Is th l ai'-xt to LV', ami ( hcapmt. 1 by In-tn-vli-ra or pent by mall. ri""- r.. T. Ilat-ttitit3, Virrcn, Pa. Scie Americas 1 v w:,i j mrsar HAVE ARKIE; ! HAHKT tfo FRDERS We Hav , a Full Stock 9 Cultivators, Harrows AND ill Kinds of Agricultural Implements. At Bottom Prices. L H. Cutler & Co. ADOLPH COm UEAI.Klt IM Pianos and Organs, The Mehlin High Ora o and Newby & Evans PianoB trowa, Queen and Needham Parlor Organs NEW BEENK, - - NO 0IE0ULA.K. Tbe old and reliable Hrm of Ooho A Welne was established In Newbern In 186SI. Tb oldest bouse now In tbeelty and the onl) surviving member of whioh Is Adoipb. Oobn who babeen engaged lb the Moaloboslnesi for tbe put ten y.ars and Is now located on Middle (St. 1 wonld he pleard to Inform my frlende, patrons and tbe pnblla gensrall; that I bave ceoured tb large and elegant brick building formerly occupied by Jobn Patterson, deoensi d. wbere I have ample accommodations foi pioperly oondootfng my large and Inoreasli k business, and will constantly keep on baud Upright and Square Pianos of the latest designs, lasting tone, snperlo . workmanship and of leading manufacturer i and the best material. Also a good soppl I ofSflKKTMUHIO. And I will endeavor to make my bnslneii as popular as Ihe old firm used to be, and one that will give satisfaction to my name rons patrons. The proprietor, Adoipb. Cohn, wonld take this occasion or returning bis thanks to thoee who here taken an Interest In all welfare, and would respectfully solicit tbe con tin nance of tbe kindly feeling oi hi friends. Respectfully, A. COHN K. R. Jones Wholesale and Retail Dealer in General Merchandise. Consignment of Cotton, Grain, and other Produce solicited. Prompt attention guaran teed. Cotton Bagging and Ties now in stock. Lorillard and Gail ft Ax Snuff sold at Manufacturer's Prioes. E. R- JOKES, 9 14 dw New Berne N. C Caveats, and Tnde-Mtrkt obtained, and all PaUJ cm DOBiuen cooauctea lor Moot satc fccs. . Oun Omct is oppositi U.S. tcnt omec and we can secure patent In less Uaie loan ihneo remote from Waftbmgion. P'Sid tnodd, drawing or photo., wfth descrlp. ttou. Ws adrite, if patentable or not, (res of cbtrge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. A PaatPHirr, "How to Obtain Patents," with coat of same in the U.S. and foreign countries sent free. Addrou, C.A.SW -CO. OO. Ik I WILL MEN I Si . -...vi-:m ijfoj'.ia '4 . it-.,- Where i Can Buy A Horse or Mule, a Carriage, a Bugy a Road Cart or a set ol Harness, or anvthing else I need in that line. And He will sell part of COST. HE 1E.J Three Family Ponies He Will Sell For $50 Each. E C Paiuek C. II. Kivln.'ii in.. A. NV. Frost. ESTABLISHED 18G9. Palmer, Rivenburg & Co.. SI C CKSSOK TO G. S. I'ALMEH. I ; Wholesale Commission Merchants. Southern Fruits and Truck A Specialty;. IWirics, l'ciiclit'N nr;iH. Mi-Inn'; ami Vegetables. Wc employ no agents. 100 Rcatlp 8t;, N. Y.'. Instantaneous Electric Lighter. Price $5, Ilectrlclty generated by Chemical Ai-llnn. A baDdsome ornament for table, uiaulel orcoanter. Tbls lllnstrstlon repieients our Electric lighter, and Is one-half He actual uize 11 Is oomplete In Itself requires no exiru powur wires or connections. 1 he current of elec trlcltj Is generated br oliemloal action, it occupies tbe apace or but six square Inches Tne oonel motion Isalmple la the extreme It can be taken to pieces at will, and J ant ai easily readjusted. A child can operate It Simply by pressing the neuter rod, the cur rent of eleotrlolty Is generated, and tlin light Is Instantaneous. Koonomy The ma terial to charge the Hatteryoan be nbtaii.nl at any drug store at a cost ot lu cull, and will rnn HO to dO days. Any part can he replaced at aoost not exceeding 10 cunts Aside from lu nsess a lighter, tbls apparatus doe, away with matches and the dangerous and disagreeable odors arising trotu same. We have taken especial care in the maiui facture of these Electric Mgutlng Hattunes, they are handsomely constructed In nlohel plate and highly ornamental and will take a prominent place among the brlc a-brao of reoeptlon rooms, parlors, etc W-Kulldlrc-tions aoeompanylng each apparatus. I his Mattery will also run a motor una fan CJ,h.i revolutions a minute), electric medical coll, etc., all of which attachments we supply All orders for less than 121) must tie (,... panled by postal, exnre's, ti nner or-r or "j draft on Mew York Uoods shlpprd a o ! D on receipt of '41 per cent. (Keuiltlanrea arlta order, save return eliurvs i i dlseonnts to trade and mot ta Wh deal . reDresen'atlves In ev. iv ataie in n. iti I and Invite correspondence on the ruij. ct. To ibuse who may bediiutitnil of tne mi nts of our apparatus, we wunlil eugves'. that mey nave a represciitailve call liiid lne-, tlgale flnoOrDOrated under the law. .r fhn Ul.t. of Mew York 1 BA11K KLKOTRln WK'O.t'O I 2BI Broadway, Mew York. : NOTICE. j Thai nndsaralvntvl .Isaa. n ira-iiA i,..- ?oll0d MAdmlnli rutord bouts non f ' to Mtateof ai.l'eon Hlantoii. drrrai M. - tui r uuirf i ftll perflD bnvtDK clMmi aacainnt the ih I taats Af I haa .. aV tt Ucraw. ui " Dtlb d Ui thn Hld Admlii utnr e b uil i nnn nnl .Mi.iantinu)..j ... . wu iui muni, nn : or b for thr 1U b da) nf Airll IKH. or -. ! i tie las. SiAl Ijbia lll 1 w.i. vw pivauea in oar o. racov- fermons Indebted to tbe estate mnst pay without delay. JAMES O. HAHRIHON, , Administrator. New Berne. N. 0. April iHUi ibvh. Hancock's Boardin HousMfo&t HANCOCK STREET. Good Fare. Comlortable Rnnma a,i Beds. REASONABLE RATES. 0. T. HANCOCK, ProuriMn dAwtf. . .ELLIOT iiGIlEEH, flair ; Dressing ' Parlot Curoful attontlori g!vrj' to all bmnol.rti STOP GET 1$, of his stock regardless ' W. H. & R. STUKCEB 4 GDI Scotch Wools. 1 olio, and 60c. , Storm'Seres, We.., Mi!., II 00 Wool Bpngalines, ?l.OO,;$l.25,s51.60aBds)l.?i French ChaUies ! 50c. per yard and 14.50 ad 1 95 60 per pattern le&tf", 7 Printed India AND' ; China ;8ilks .81.00 and 9 liSt fd. Trimming:, Laces ',. "and Velvets7,.r All iu tho Latest Styles ,anfl De Mgnt for this seanon aat Prices ts Low, qnalitj, .considered, as any ' house in the " ' ' country.' ' ! 11 ' MKMlO.v COLOR AMD PRICK WHBJf WKimu FOB 8AHPt,ES..T -" itltW AO tl) CunIi with order of , and over. deliver goods free fVioept furniture mid crocfceVy to 'nearest Kxprei-o Otllt-e or Railroad Statioa. ! rfurAifiJ;"-' " W. 3. & R. S.Jjier IVo. RALEIGH, ft C,. Tuatnui.it - M NEAR LU IIWIPJ. A 1 a If H. If I" Ik tho place swi- i if nru iur , c. ; - vaothmir andi Dents FurnishinoTodii p Al,a FULL aod SpWUjyft llns) of DEyoooDsr' - ' i.. i : a m aurpnsiBir BRICK! BBIcill Will navrbrtcrtflrirrpply all da mandr'pi itfd IrteMuAt1 3d- : AlflO m stnr'c f '