.4.-' 1 Or -.vr-v;:,?---: ft 'I- K:' Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants find Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphino nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, autl Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. lis trarantco is thirty years' use by Millions of Jloil-.ers. CisJ 01 ia. destroys Worms and allays fevcrishness. Castor:.-! proven !s vomiting- Sour Curd, euros Diarrhoea uul "Wind Colic. Castoria relieves (ecilii-)fT troubles, cures cuu.stipation and flatulency. Cnstori t nfisimilates the food, regulates the stomach and bowels, givirir healthy and natural t.Ieep. Cas toria i.i the Children's Panacea tho Mother's I'Yien.l, Castoria. 'Castoria Is an excellent medii-im fur rhil .ion. Mothers have repeatedly told mi of iui food effect upun their children." Die Q. 0. Onoonn, J.OYt'li, La.;.--.. "Castoria is the best remedy for ehildrvn t.f rbich I am acquainted. I hope li:e d.iy is i ot far distant when mothers willi-op.-i.!orf lie r,-.;l interest of their children, .in 1 use t .-.!,. rii in stead of the various quack rv iri'in.i v. M -!. ..:' llt.stroyig their loved onen. li'' fori-in : morphine, soothing syrup juul ut!i"i :i;i; '. ' rjrcntfl down their throntri. tii'.Trt.y Ihem to premature graves. 1 ' 1)11. .1. V. he.- -..:,'. d.: , .' :. The Centa-nr Co l.;k JOE K. WILLIS, PROPRIETOR OP NEW BERNE, N. C. luMm and American UarbU aad 7 QuaHHa a UaitriaL Orders solicited and (riven proper at tention, with satisfaction guaranteed. Terra Cotta Vases for plants and How era furnished at the very lowest rales. IT IS A DVT Y To" owe rnrelf nn! fnm. (It t Bet the brut Tnlno for your money. KeonomtKA In Tour fonlwrnr hy pnrchnliin W. L. Douglun f linen, which rnpreeot llm punt Tniuv lur vnvn mkui w ......... -- ill uftiiiy. 3.00 4250 32.00 FOD LADIES $2.00 $1.75 FOR B0Y9 !:75 L. DOUGLAS MaaP FOR 53 anUC cektleMen, THE BEST SHOE IN THE WORLD FOR THE HONEY, OT II It II 81' EC 1 ALT IBS In footwear are of - the nme high Krade, and represent a money value - far beyond the price charged. See that namti uutl Biioa ara atam ped on bottom of each shoe. TAKK NO KUHSTIWI'll, . V, lu Uouslai, Jlroehtou, Diana. Bold by 1BAERINOT0N& BAXTER GEO. HENDERSON, (Mnoeeaaor to Hobcrtt A 11 ndoraon), General Insurance Agent. Kepraaenttng lnsaranoe Company of North .merloa. of Pnlladelphla. Home Iniuranoe Company, of New York. Queen InanraDoe Oomoauy of Kunlund. Hartronl Klre loaaranoe Company, of nTutfonl. North Carolina Home iniuranoeOom i nij Halelgh. Oreenwltch Imuranoe Company, of New Pbenlx Ininrance Company, of Brooklyn. 1 Oill'ed Underwriter Inanranoe Company, Atlanta. , Roaton Marina loaaranoe Company, uf uatnn luiyjdwtf Eastsri Norm Carte 4.00 2.50 AS -V :v ; : J. R. LITTSLL, "AttoroeV ad Oouasellor ; J fiisat, Trade Mark and Copyright Cases. ' ..' ".-:i ' Opposito Patent Office - - Washington, D. 0. : 'f v Oof J twelve years experionoo. V. : Ainerioan and Foreign patents, (Javoats, '''.'.and all bnginess arising ondor the patent law promptly- and carefully '. prosecuted. Eejeoted eases aeoorded special attention.,.,.;. . ' .. y"" Write for Information. - , i Upon reoiepi of model or sketob of , I . ! invention, I advise as to patent ability : irithont eWge, .Mentioa this papoi.) ' ' , ' ' ; '-'' ') " I f ( J pi ' ' ' I'?''. r'' , Incorporation Notlc.' ' Nortb Carolina, Conntjr of Dravn . , in Offlee Clerk Boperlw Court. . Notlee la herebf lTn of th '"""fj0' tlonof tne r.t Oarolm Barrel Keotorr. I hat the iiamea of the Incorporatora are B B Weal, T. W. Dewey aad Tbomaa UMleM ndiiehOiiarattiey mayaaaofllale with ti.e i. ,utiheinnolpl place of bmlneia ,uii ie m Nw lierne, ft. t) and lie Kaneral innpownid iiniinni la the mann raotiirina . ,., . i,o , . H'i.1 er, y and an Kinda ptoK . u ,,)-. M-rne, that the Unra ........ I ha liilii yeura a r y.niM or er .MgrasMKagMa Castor! x M'mtorla i'i so wll ni anted to cliiMren that I nyoirirnrinl if aijdiipcriurtaany prescription Liun to r::j." II. A. Archer, M. D., Ill So. Osfont St., Brooklyn, N. Y. " Our physicianr: i'l lln ehiMrwrj deport i:i'l.t Jtiivt-! pi'.)';n hi-My of their ex peri "mo in Ih' ir oitt:.i!.' p:''tice w itli Castoria :siul ilit;i"l;rh uii only lu.ro a;nonf erf i.d!"Ll ; tii-iii'' ; Avli.it i: Ltiowii tu re;pil..t ' ! ;i,f.s, yt. wo nv five to confess that tho ini i its - f (',' il-j. Ji'u; won us to look wii.li '.'.vur i., l":.i;i:; I.-.. : ;TiL and IJisit.nsatiy, lioston, Mass Ai!.:;n (. !':!:!!. '.vr , - . .y ' V.-:: YerU City. iv;rr:r k WAiniNGTOs DIRECT LIME. Vri-Weekiy Trips. : ;i ordvr to iiuko !: rr n nvriii' nl Mid .'oi,n';i!cui nr.o o' liu vrpfic V Imw e .11 piety 1. 1 :i Norlli 'i.rolmn eer ict, n..d ttn:8 tt Mter Sbtvb the Interests of Shippers, ;-li' Clyde I.! no ftTl CNI I ititlliiiti HtejMlif i t,) Coinp-tity ) we Rniirtti'UMl I'i rt ero " 1 1 1 1- rt-HpMC'i v liars ht'twn Newhcrn, .'. iwkI Nor foi k Vu, Into otic line, thiiB lv n - rmf iiKrs nrd 1 ru"k BhippiH tlueo 1 rips -mil w-ffk hftwtt-Mi .N-wotn nnd . or folk Wnhh1i;tfi'i. 0 AISVAM'K IN HATES. on si arm Tt'K.-o AY. Jhi, ixia intll fnrt hor rtotl'e. tn. Ikmr KEWBERl'E, Cast Soathate. Stwmer AL3KW R!.F. hi Rhodes, :. : :toir.y ELKO. Cap!. Short "!.' rn! ( :'( 1.1 Nr.-T'.; ' V fur -'ew MfriH 1 rrf ( . n.'tiy M-)iiiliiy. TiiesMHy Hlid Timrsdwy, nhina ror.;i'"l (jii with (fit- Atlntl.i nnd Ntrlh Ciiiohnii itailroad, iim t lib water Hues on Neux, and Trent rIvor. Kfturnln. will nli I KOM N h wn KKN for VhrlU.k. t.. vln It'KD"be iHiund wharf, HVfry Tiiph'4v , Wedtiennuy and Friday, nmklnn comuu'tion a Norfolk with 1'he old l!v ,:ni, for Hmtlinore, Tim fJlyde Lino, tor riinttnipiim. 11m o.d PontmioD smuiLKhlp Co,, fti New Yorit. Tne Mer 11 ins' Hud M ' iu"i' 1,1 hp f r I'nivtilt-ncp and 'onion, ni:d I't'.e V. :it' r 1.1'fH for Wan Inif- ' 1. i. 1 i ! M'fijntoud, ti., :lni giving n 11 vntfr ; O'llt to it! I -orLhrn in1 f-'.Hinorn pot.itR. Alto foninvtton umil" with the O. 4 O. K K , nnd N AW.lt K for tho Went , r'-'riFietiaoM wdl llini a t nod t-iltlw. comfort- hlo rooniH, itnd ever" mnritv nnd at ten- yon will r.-i puld ttu iii bv 1 hp ojlt-'i rB Or '.tT all tcno Is. c i.if of N N. &. W. Ilrect Line. iorfoli;. i KM OKAY. Actlnn A.'ent o, id: rzstern Carolina KspitcL Vast PueieDiCer an.l rre'Klil I. lne between -lern Nonh ''arolitm Points, And all eon litictlor so' I lie riCIKHVLVMVIA KAILItOAO, iNci.nniNO n York, Philadelphia. Norfnlh, It. I tlniore nntl Itoaton. hr OSI.V Trl-Weekly Line Out o New Heme. 'I! NKW AND KI.KHANTLY JtUI'H'i'Kl HTr.AMEK Mens Hallfl from Ni w Herno' ISONDA YS, WKDNtCSDA vs,: FltlDAYN, L x.ivr.. pptnK -t Hoanoue laiand fach vrav end lonulng close eonneelton with tne Norfolk iimhnrn Itailroad. The KiHtorn tflpKteli 1. lne. consisting of .no llin)nv;Un H. rt. uo . Norfolk M -utliern it. K.. ' York, llilla, and Norfolk It. K. Hid !ennaylvnln Tl. 11 , form a reliable and esul-ir llie. ol"erln auperlor fanllltlei for lute DnHMoniiMr an.l frelulu transportation No tran":er except nt WltBuncth t;ity,al ivhich point rreitjitt will Im loadod on oara to to ihrouizh to deiitinatlon. . ,M rent all ifiiodl to bo (hipped via Kantern .Jiion-ia uiHp-i'n daiivne lonowa: Kiom New Yor, by" Penna. K. K Pier If; Nortb Illver. K'om Philadelphia, by Phila.. w. and Balto K H.. Loca rtt. station. (Prom Baltimore, by Phila., wu. and Balto, V. H President Ht KtHtlon. H'rnm Norfolk, bv Norfolk Southern K H. rrnm Hnat.nn. hy Merehanta A Miners Trans portation Co.; New York and New Kngland t R. e Rates aa low nd time quicker tban bj ny otner Una Vn further Infnrmatl n anDlv to W, H. Jovca (Oen'l KrelKht Tromo Agent, P. 11. It. I t-neial its no AKent. e)BO. HTKPHaNS, Division Krelshl Agent. U UT J U. U U PhllmlMlnhlfl. B. B. CoOKD, Gen' I KreUht Aent W. Y V. ft N. K. K., Korrolk, v. H. 0. HnnolNH (general Frelf ht Agent !,:8 U.K., Morion, va. OKO. HKNDEHHON, ARent Mew heme, N. 0. Hancock' ..Board In Houso. i ". .. ....'. '. " ' . I HANCOCK STREET. ' Good Pare, Comfortable BoomsJ and ! REASONABLE RATE3. t , ' , -' C. T. UANCOCKv Pirniirint", t i j, ; ' : ....... j jii , ditrtf. , - - ' ' ' i j i - r - , ' ELLIOT & GREEN,"- ttair Dressing Parlor, Careful attention gived lo all branohes of thflj biciiness. . '. THE JOURNAL. I CANNOT FORGET THEE (Hi-ply to "Thou Canst Not Forget Me," by Amelia.) AUBREY HARWELL. I ciin not forget thee; a something will cling 'Tin true that oblivion's dark shadow shall fling, In moments of misery (sweet moment to me), The thought of some sorrow that living doth bring; Which thought shall pass like the foam from the sea, Ami the clouds that shall follow, the clouds that have passed, Sliull be but the memories that ever slmll hist. I ciin not forget thee, though eiiul thou art,' And u life thou hast blighted that longed to lie blcsl; I'm I Ik- love that I gave line bill sprang from the hear;, A i I he jewels that r'se on thu billows' soft breast. Vim say you were playing, and its the end of the play, And to you it seems but a comedy vet lint pray to your (iod, 1 beg you to pray, I he hearc thou hast broken the scene may forget, 1 can not forget thee, fur moments of iov Will pn-Js Iron) my life like the mist from the dav. And the heart that I trusted, the gilded alloy. Was studded with gems of the purest ruv, I'm true lo another," thou now canst but say, To one more tender, more nobler than I; I'is trill' he is blest, but ere another dav His blessing may pass like the sun from the sky. I cannot ioogel thee; wherever I turn A something I lind that speaks but of thee, And a heart in my bosom that ever doth I m in Like the rays of the sun that perish the lea. " Vou say you were playing it's the end I he play. I know that to you a comedy it seems, lint pray to your Ood, I beg you to pray. I hat I shall lorget those unbanish 'd dreams. Col. L. J. Alfred Writes: 1 am in mv seventy-third year, and for lil'l v years 1 have been a great sufferer iom indigestion, constipation and bili ousness. I have tneilall the remedies idvertised lor these diseases and got no lennanent relief. About one year ago the disease assuming a more severe and inireroiis form. I lieennic verv weak md lost ttesh rapidly, I commenced using Dr. II. Mozlcy's Lemon Elixir. I gained twelve pounds in three months. Mv (length and health, my appetite and mv ligation were perfectly restored, and now I led as voting and vigorous as I vcr did in my life. I j. J. Ali.rku, Door-keeper !a. Slate rtenatc. Sialc Capitol, Atlanta, (In., Aug. 5, IS'.H, A Mother's Report. Mrs. X. A. McEntire writes from pring Place, !a.: For many years I live been a great, sufferer from indiges tion, sick headache and nervous prostra tion. I tried many remedies, but got no permanent relief until I used Dr. Mozley's Ixmon hlixir. I am now in better health than for many years. My daughter has been subject to chills and fever from her mlaney. 1 could get nothing to relieve her,- the Lemon Elixir has restored her to lert'ect health. Sold by Lruggists, Me. and $1.00 per pottle. Prepared by Dr. II. Mozley, Mlanta.da. To utop a door's creaking put a little oil on the hinges. Answer This Question. Why do so many people we eee around us seem to prefer to sutler and be made miserable hy indigestion Constipation. DizzinesB. Los of Appetite, Coming up of the Food. Yellow Skin, when for 7jo. w will sell them Shilota s Vitahzer, guaranteed to oure them. Sold by New Heme Drue Co Be mindful not alone of your self. Easy to take Dr. Piorcoa Plea: ant Pellets. Smallest, easiest, cheap est, best. They're tiny BUgar coated, anti-bilious granules, a ooua pound of refined and oonoentrated vegetable cxtraota. Without disturbance or truble, Constipation, Indigestion, Ilil- lons Attacks, Sick and Bilious bead aches, and all derangements of the liver, stomach and bowels, arc preven ted, relieved and cured. Permanently cured, too. By the mild nnd natural action, these hltle Pcllota lead.the sys tem ints natural ways again. Their intluenco lasts. Everything catarrhal in its nature, catarrh itself and all the troubles that come, from catarrh are perfectly and permanently cured by Dr. Sage's Catarrh Ecmedy. No matter how bad your case or of how long standing, you oan be cured Hope is tbe great mainspring of life. When Baby wan sick, wo gave her Oastorta. When she wan a Child, ahe oried for Caatoria. When she lecamo Mlas, she clung to Castoria, When alio hail Children, she gave them Castoria. Childreji Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Children Cry for Pitcher'a Castorb' ChilHrep Cxy fqr PitcherV, Castor-. Children' Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. l Flower are the amlles of GodT j '.fc J Trnoker Tate Kbtictj' V Btiainar drccnville'''CapW Diiod. ofi and after Mny 83th, 180? will make daily trips from New Berne to Middles Landing and return, suiting fiom New Ilerne 4 a. m. returning sails from ISid lles Landing t p. m. - tt. r - a THE Confederate War Journal, An Illustrated Magazine, j Edited by General Man: is .1 Wright (Agent of the War IVpaitm-nt fir the Collection of (,'mlVd tiio Records lieu l.i bree, Assnciat'i The Grist number will lie iss.m il April 1st. Published by (Ik) W'.ii Journal Piiblmhuig ( !(.mp'in . Lexington, Ky., and J 10 Fil'ib Avenue. New York cit.j . 1., will 1m devoted exulusively ' t '::. lustoi j of the C'ontederaio i-iil of lin-liti: War betwei'ii ;! ijM'i-s, as tin Vice i'l't'hiclcn; ct Alexander U. call this might., , llic.ru mid .'i:n-r strnggleH. The War .! lit: with Pori.i ..! . made from Sk Corps of Arii.'-. followed rlu- !"i federate Arum's. 1 i'i ;l. I '1 rank .nr..ii;4 i-.' i War. Tliey gio l..i:i fo! Sketches ol nl ice . o Battles, Sl04 '' ' :r V'ar,Naval Kl... -m Mupt", (.'hurts, c;c. federate oti-r ip. i ! r recall meinoi ie-; ol In tented field or i; w many hard I meh' Marches, Uivmi u--. an I the unm i 1 1 1 dents peculiar to ! si a Foltlier or " ;,'.t children ami ih.- ;v they conve;. ! !'. :: I: -a vividness winch . convey. Thti full hi t'oiy " any lias hii lit-r;- we have t:ts a a.'. lr., lines and cnloriiig o but of the real mn.-r maiiiHpi ing, l lie mi ; . deut, of that v,:sr in r : i. i t: South, how litt le en -a i ! i iv i been given to the woild. Ti. manded bisiory will be :; n: CONFEDEi; AT K WAK .lul uXAI The history, l i the '. I : I,. which it is p an:'.".!, in and years, lint im' 111' year will add rpeiie-n :i'i li-flli ness to the frtinage. will be backeil by iii:i i- :: and the sorvici -i !' w '.'!;. authority of all el.i ..-.'--i !. V. actors in the tei I'lilU' d- Ii the General to the Duiumi'T ' and to the dungaree and a: ) 1 1 mother at home, -vdl a b Confederates' storv ol ta Wur. j -.ni nee the) vast libjary of tip: eoi" and orders and dup chiefs of t he ( 'st.-iU : i thrown opi n to ; he ni!:;-! Chapters will be ;'.' ; n most bnlliant r.nl :i writers. These vt:; : , profusely lllustrii'ed: r.;r i , i . Army but the Navy ol i '. - i which ho largeiv helned ' tionize the marine .!' t- ! ih nations, will lie i'lilv ' !. .m l then THE n minus "i i ll' w for despite all t m- . : . :: . '. i rogiment. had iis i . lOUS Situations, I .- !l . :.i ' i ''.'.: in whose pre-ie:i- .1 "i :.: Charlt'H O'.M.ilie. . .. gravu iudividn .I. i' t-i -. and unspeak ihl i : ! . i i . the coiiiliei, vobii.e i . All the-e an- rir '' wealth to be dis'n -r !.i- the issuance of (' I ''Confederate War .) ii t,.d." - -i ! will be within the r: i-.-h n! .-. i Subscription price w l: nil1; '. u per year. Publi-hi d ' THE wait .inriiNAi, r ; ' i: u it i N' CIOH'AN v. Lexington, Ky., ami lid l'' :ii Ave. New York City 'VETERIMARYSFEOIFiCS For Eorscs, CaUle, Sheen, do, 21:;:, AND POULTHY. 500 Page Honk on Tt-mt nn nf of A;:iM:;iIi uud i'bnri ci.i i''i','i'. emm ( PcTri'H.rntitrf'Nf inns, I nr'iiT-.iTnn t ion A. A. HpiiiHl iH I'll l li u i t i , ,! i ,,l lever. Ii. Ii.P1 I'll i iim, l,u me in - k lid; ;k ii I j.oin. (!.4'.ltellt'Fllll('r, N II Mil I l!l-t Lili.ie. II. P. liolM or (si uh, V nrui. K.E. 4'ouuIih. Ilrnvi, t. i F.F. roli r .i iim r.-li .n I. i!n. J.;. iirriut.-, II. in..;-. -!, i- 11.11.--1 rinii ry ii nil K itl t 'M i t ii ('. I. I.Krupf ivi' Oit'iiMf., Hum: J.K. Dini'UHCrt oi I'lftC'rli i'j, l'nr:il.. BlURlf Iiuttlu .nv.r!S0Mr '", - - Htabln Vnnvt v?ih F p. TM-m u .1, VcttTliiiirv i un ollnni I,,:.,..,,.,, i:?C!) Jar Vfitcriuury l u ro Oiif - j .ti i) (WJ trf TtrugtUi', or iii'iii pi-t .tmiil nnnht r- .-:) I i my mspalltj on nrlpt of il. c. HUBPHRKTS'HkU. (O., 1 Ml 11 :t 11 1 :!L. ... H. Turk. homeo?ati::o ffi SPEOiFiO u&a t 3ti ypnrs. Tho OD'v nfre?'r,;l f'titilv for Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness, nd Prostration, from nwr work or other CMti"". $1 Pr Vi&l, or fi vialdcmt ltiri;u vi:il povultir, furlfK. bolil by Drngctalii, m a- m .i t... .1 -i . , . i, t .t jr.... . BVHrilRltlH'IIKl). Oil., I II A lilt Million- N w Vork. . Street rfaiJUBt rettirood with n LARGE LOT OF HORSES AH3 ESSIES. j . iw-' .-. ,i g - r;-n. HE BELLS THE .s' I EH3T HO AB ClItTO 3 MAN WELL & COOX, Engineers, Mach .lis. A .fO & Blacksmiths Miku ami rcpaitt Kngines, Iini'ei . Saw Mills, (irist Mills and J'linii..-'. Steam boit work of all kind-'. llepair Inspirators and Injector.-. (j as, Steam and water pi j '-s fitu'l in, in all their brunches. Shop between Ic,; l"fory ;i:'i Freight. Depot, of A. cV N. '.!!. K. (.Iwtn mm thr" FaViic, Fii I, Pltol-'. rr., I III'. I,. I'irii ill HI l';.' ;.i;iii:i; s rum I.. i;im I .;().; ii. -i i 1 ii I I In C M' I' II' l kll.'AM :. ll."). ) . i p .1 1 li IV I'll r iiii-i unii im a i iii'iii- I 1 Mis ll'll-l nil-. i-iM mi r in .1 i 1 1 ' i -I. . W '-' i. ' i. I'm. Tii 'S. 'I -. . ' i . 1! liililiiai'N. ' ' iX.llKKlii! .': ! ;L''" i N.ii'Hl-'.'.'i . ' Asm I. ' 1 The Ah.' iV.-ln I.miii 'y Ii i' mi id at III- 11 IK LITTLK Opposite l' i- - ',J lien i he iri ju'ciurcl in i line in t 1 1 j . . . k ir n . . -ren. . V .- I'll-- -irn- i r : .i It A vv 3- ; K.t v .. Hints .' 'I i i: v. "i U. ' dr.- 'ELL YOa ll dliiNU lit W win N' .i i i in:iiH-nt. il. Hill n-lnrin im-h i-t the Ini-M .vi- -il;il. Ili.'if il y.r .! 1.-:illllV il. -I j 1. ir..lit r-r .'v.-r. i! . He .lll't l ll'i- Hid i U -.U-U 1 1n-Ill li.it' in uiiisr II i 1 1 i-llv . liuir:ihl'-' fvcrv nil - rtlin f iillou-t Mill iTi-MO- Hi-.. lull lit uliy tin- iimkhn; "f W HKMIO ;t i h I. very out: wln ink' liul'l now i:' I vwi k w' -iin-ly 14.1 ii t ni''lily Im M-ti-c tlicir h n.m, iln-i-i-iuii In- ti'i iui'li"ii iiln'ut li ; ni i i. i hh, ii wr :vv doing it, iltitl vou, ri-fl'l" r. .io lln- Mine rilt-4 1- 111"' Ix-st I'tiniliR Im it.. - Ih.H vmii -: r liuil thf rlmiico lo sreurr. , mi will mnk- n ;r:;vi- llHlftkt' t( vou fnil to jriw it n trl il ;it on I; - .ni !i:i tin- sit mil ion, uii'l u 1 ijuicki1 , ' .til -linctlv HihI your-i If in a mo-1 irospn- n lnifiiiii'riH, ul u lilfli you run him rh iiinko itml f-n iiirjif kiiiiih ol nioncy. Tlit rrniihioi mny a h w h'urn' work will ol'teu crjiml u vLMk''i w:ii.'-. In tlHT vni on-old or oun;, iiitin n dvoiii:u., it lll-lkr IIO ltilft-MMlC-S - llo IW WC till OII, .lli'l UC (huh will meet vou t Un vry hum. N.i;inr uh'mtu-iu'i' or CJijiilal urtvmiry. Tli"if win work for iih un n-wanlil. Why not writ, to iity loi full ii'irlicuLirs, I'm- ' K. C. AI.LKN A llox No 4H, Auustu, Aid 7.f?Dt'r,ni S toasiiw. hai-tnlee lierlm f lloa that do not li interl.-ro with ofii'-s lit: per montn . ' Mm.lln. wnmerlli nre tne Dealt:, nr iHiini.wi ot' bli imure. it inillde up and lrmitr. the m iiHra. hnkitt. .&mtheKlln and UiailtitHietliACoreinU'Xlon So wrliikl. s or tlnl.hlllra follow tl.l trrolninii Kndnrwd by ldiytnrifcun and leading wHi'ty ImiIIi Mnt-NT9 TRKATEO BY W1L. CiilTiprnTIM.. tl... .. Inf. R. i.lflr.nt ii, .1. il,. ..il,-!..r.l. o r ' b 1 - s ' t I" WITH, ilnskRilff'- Shop. M 'k - t'.tl'l . in.";' wu h etc H m si-s wiili contracted .ill my im-ciitl auntiim. ! MIDDLE -.IUEET tl' i Ip-i isi'n ('it i.m:s Bunk i C. Thurmd::, N C, !iii!i'a..",i'.rc of uel I icaler in .A3:i a :. IOK. 'I ii-'".- ! i: I. ii ti..- n:;iv!,et. Will nlji Lib. -Ii -ils 1 ' it f .lit. I I I -i ..- 'iiliii there M 'un' .N.i'. . b 'I .In a i l- y il ii l-L,,:,,., . Ir.-l.' ii'- .- i; "i- N.i :., I'cr tin '. . i 'p. urn, Chinial, ni ;iii'! Nerve bx- uijiniirly aulhor . In the rMiito. Ab i urh me frandnleii Iri- iMii. i.l : t' i ' u , i' . ir, Tii'ii.'.' luni'.! ii'ii. 'I ! , ii;c the .....' ;' I I til. II- I .iniin;' t.i be '111.' ROCKY MiilT.VT I Iiu most aiKMHsiblo polut in tho SLuto. i n W. & W. H. It., ami teriuiuiw ol tho ti, & (!., of tho A. & It, and Spring lopi roads, :l hours fn m Norf pi 8 irom Potorsbiiro;; from Kichmond; from WiliuinKton; 4 from lraleight 1 rotn fiuldsboro; 1 Irom Weldotlj 8 from ravettovillo. and 5 hoars from EdsntoB and E. Olty over the Norfolk 4), tjarollna ''c ; "" Rt R. TwidaysThufidssil, t4 ;9W- daya, i--fw5' -it .w-.')'i. Tho trows 1i prMsive. hlglv) healthy, with good water aad hospiuble people, " . ltowft Bcrrtu, Manager. ; r4 h ' f . M'nen, f'""'-'-"). First Class Barber ShoD IIKICK hhOCK, M.IDDLE Wf. ' ' ".' Nearly opposite Baptist Church. , - iaitim-nt8 neat aud tidy, and only'" coinpntent assistants employed. ; a s Iialh rooms oonnected with ,.u "'i"- II. L. BANKS, Proprietor. declj SALE OF LAND. lv vl r-tie 'i' l.ereii mail bv the elerkoi lne -Hi ii. r -ii. I',, rt. ol Cr..ven Co. In the' eaiieif(; ii ,i. poldeii snd wife Mary, et : ""' ;i' '!ers.;-i.e,i wti rell fo- cash on the 1" M"' v 'n .Inly is.,: ai l-noon ail ol that .nnd kn. vn n lie. Hod lormerly be:ongliig lo - hri s ti.iwerm tleceased, lyng and be ther.i iMnoi . n. Rillolulng tbe l.ii.i? orj-wi Ki' -., Kit Khont and othera -ii! in H i n il fur (llv Ni.m among the in-iis u- n -of i e s iid .h.irica Bowecg, n s ms I. r , Ii. , . " '' i-ATKtCK.Com l - yc-ii..-- s. A ' I ii u'.y. wr r.von'o'T n-rw-. ccheh ' '' T ' .y-::i. II' t yci niii try it. ti i'l:--i ;,. s(.t -e wi" srmt y.m (,,.. I :,:(!, -. All charge pr !,,! , i ,. - . I 1 : - - Nute. Address, WalSt PHi Tr-VV7 rr K- wK, : TeT'fin tat'Kf. rwrMn a5 "JOALt '- :'-m. I'lt-tonl. Nlrlelare. ' 1- I ' I.IV..IIHIHKA, 1 " lei ilid all ' i . i Ii ir, e. ' ' ' i. V. iii ri-:i. Iiiseauoa ' - 'i . lel lrei.!, .or s.1,410. "'!.'"- --Hit; llf.ST" of all i'i. . I . i. K .NY, Blddeford, Me. ' ' I.:.ii.-.i-.ter. t . HI. - i .i : rr.:; -OUIS.IVIO -I; ( i l :.TER3, .' l r. ;.k fot New Styles - '.i.v.h, Cahi . l -sa p r : ij r 9 , :. aro Well . i . unit ry that . '..st:ijj-' 12c Xew Home I,VlX(i MACHINE. -ALE in 'he counties -.'..'1 Carteret, te: in init'le . iviiCSiiteS I ii. ;.w.r!'i: . .ai '. i ii iL..)''.iLJ lllol u Vegetables im.:v. : i ii .-i T Ihnk, il k, of New i -a .JOHN tt. iiaUroAd -' .'..:; . Thunda , Jan. ... 4 't,. .Cll. DVIM. QOINO W8t MiMH.r V'rutijrf, No, 4, "l-.at'MUs. Ar. Lv. (K-lil.boro 1140 atn :,a liane 1058 10 OS I.'.ufUia 10 18 10 83 ,'r w itornc 8 47 9 00 u. .r.o, d Oaj am 717 Daily. 0 IKDCLE QOINO W RBT NO. 2, Mixed Ft ft "'Uiioui. Piuai. Train.. Ut.l'ltiiicro 7 20 pm JJeut 's 6 ti 6 84 ).a (irauire B 54 $04 eallinn Creek 5 84' i 01; . I' ( III ".11 1. ... 1 H. 4 ' .li... TlAU'. i'. in 0 ?,i) li 57 7 Hi t ao ; ;w 7 48 7 V. b li b uo e 60 3 t j U 15 10 0J riiuatou 4 85 D 00- Caawell 4 01 W lo',J40 M00' 8 84 1 80 1 08 811 Dover -Core Greek Tusoarora Clark's . Croatan Havaloek Nafwport 1U 81 10 da ii oo ii oo U 17 11 41 12 15 a 00 8 37 8 43 a 43 8 50 4 08 4 13 4 87 4 4ft 4 51 4 55 5 01 5.ev; 10 88-1 la m ll 'iJ L jI lli a f re w. et3 -"'." Lair SdflP ' 4"Ma t... a .'.s. !M 88 ,m. 8W :H BW"8T Wild wood 8 00:0. AHaatlo 5 is 515 55i W!t3f?"lf7i u o mg . jkHaatw uoMi 7 Vo 1 16 5 81 ta ..MorlxeadDpo4 asa&T00 nday.WedneadareaidirriAey, , .- . nraiMwoMntMs wtafWuviasrvai sVWsa't d PTorth. ImiI.. OAIJ.IUWK 1'ABe a.-m.i and with Hfehmond A DaoTllla treiln Wesii leTW Ovule) M p. ,,. , JTrala I eona.ots with B Lemon i O-mvlli T'aia.airmiiic UUnUikomlMi .ai.laa wltk' WIlailBirtep and Weldou lraia iroaa tkrr Rorth at :15pja. u i - 1.. ; , i 'T f.C