RW EAST BITEB BBIBKE. ,Mt lirui Link Between New ' I Tor and BrooUja.' " Tha - proposed new East river from Hew York city to Wil isbnrg, a eeotion of Brooklyn, l ...Ice, in geneal appear anoe. It will be MO feet Wgb, or 5 feet taller tSan the Brooklyn bridge, and 6.075 feei long, which is 76 ieet in excess of the length of the pres ent East river bridge. The piotnre of the oonte-n plated bridge is taken from Harper's Weekly. The height1 of the piers of the new bridge above mean high water will be 282 feet. The piers differ from those ol the Brooklyn bridge. , They will be constinoted of solid mvsonry to a point 40 feet above the railroad way, and tneu there will ' be steel towers 110 leet in Height. These will be built op with 35 nprigbt oolams, with horizontal nd diagonal bracings. The bridge la to have a width of 83 feet; or 3 feet, more than the present one. The length of the cables will be 3,230 feet. Their diameter is to be 22 inches, or 6 1-4 more than - those of the old bridge. The wire need has an initial strength of 180,000 pounds to the gqnare inch. For each of the fonr cables 17,000 single wires will be used. These will be made up into 19 smaller cable?, which when bound with wire will form the i er " feet cable. The dead weight these cables will stand is 136.000 tons, the weight of the bridge being only 26,000 tons. The endless cable system need on the Brooklyn bridge will not be adosted by the builders of the new - bridge. The grade will be so low thaf40-ton locomotives may be run across the bridge drawing three or ' tonr'cars. Work on the new bridge will be commenced the Aimlnir summer. The third bridge aoross the Eaat ' . river will also be constructed wun - in a few years It will be known as th Hnriann avenue bridee and will have 0 clear span over the river of 1,470 feet, The bridge win extend from East Broadway and Grand street, Hew York, to Myrtle avenue and Andson street, Brooklyn, r WASHINGTON CORRESPONDENCE. Several Items of Interesting News. The new market is completed and the stalls are oeing occnpieu. The colored people excuited to Bath last week on tue steamer it. L. Myers. W. O. Mallison is buildiDg an ' UU1UVU W UaKJ DKV&Vf Miss Mary Adams of this town, ' died on the 24th and was buried on the 26th. Services at the Disciples - church by A. Latham, as the pastor ; wan HI. ' The Council of the Diocese oi ' Eastern North Carolina was in ' aeasion in this town last week. quite a number ofclergemen and ' delegates in attendance, On Sunday : night a class of 18 was confirmed Two were added to the church oi We were shown by Mr. U- S. Trizzle a black Ilollyhood a few -days since. On Friday last about 3 Pm. the South bound accommodation on the Scotland Neck and Kinston Branch was derailed, two or three ears thrown off and one man was severely bruised and a lady slightly One oar smashed quite badly. Explained. Mrs. Shattuck What is the "lead-pipe cinch" I hoar about sometimes? Mr. Shattuck I don't know that I can explain it to you, but the plumber has it in freezing weather. Puck. Purely an Accident. . Landlady Mr. Oldboarder, the servant reports that there is a hole in jour carpet. Oldboarder You musn't blame me, madam. One of your pillows fell off the bed last night -'Judge. Semper Parata. Miss Manhattan Your family tree Is no tree at all Your great- Emdmother on your father side 't even mentioned. Miss Lakes Oh, you see, my great-grandfather was an old MchelOr. Through Love's Telephone. Mr. Wiokwire What is that woman across the way trying to tog? Mrs. Wickwlre "My Sweet heart's the Man in the Moon." Mr. Wickwire Well, if he don't hear her, it isn't her fault Indian apolis Journal At the Store. Floor Walker Good morning! Ton wish to do some shopping, I presume? Bride (with hubby) Y-o-s. Floor Walker Step into the smoking room and the boy there : will aire yon n ohook for your hus bandT New York Weekly, Her Weakness. Clara How did yon like the colors In Mrs. Van Wyko's new tea sown? Manda Weren't they a trifle weak? j .Clara Yes. She got it to match har tea.' Cloak Review. . x Australia's Tempera tor Australia' has extreme heat In nmmar.- A scientist says that matches accidently dropped on gronnd there were ignited. . A -sut official report states that in th Australia, January, 1889, ! pat in sunshine was 180 do or !y 80 degrees below boil- Larga Families. ' ' Miss Lucy - E. Dow, who is about to issue a "History of Hampton," N. H., to which her father and herself have devoted fifty years of laborious research, furnishes these instances of large families in the earl days of the town: Nathaniel Batchelder, grandson of the Rev. Stephen Baohiler, founder of the town, was twice married and had seventeen chil dren. His son and grandson had, respectively, twelve and thirtqen, A Curious Prospect WIiaii thm crinoline becomes a reality, it and the woman who mnVu o nianH4 nf cwttinf? off of a street car backward will form a dazzling combination. Uuftalo Courier. A Necessity. TTazaI What made SDaneson aro into business for himself? jNutte uaa to. ooumu go a job anywhere. Cloak Review. The Tresbyterian General Assem bly has convicted D. Briggs of heresy. ITS QUITE A STEP from the great, griping, dreadful pills to Doctor Pierce's Pleasant Pel lets. Bee what an ad vance there Is: These little Pellets, scarcely larger than mustard seeds, are the smallest and the easiest to take tiny, sugar coated Granules that every child is ready for. They act in the mildest, easiest, most nat- oral way. No violence, no reaction after ward, ana their nelp lata, i hey perma nently cure Constipation, Indigestion, Bilious Attacks, Sick or Bilious Headaches, and all derangements of the liver, stomach and bowels. They're put up in sealed vials. This keeps them always fresh and reliable, unlike tie ordinary pills in wooden and pasteboard boxes. They're the cheapest, tat they're guaran teed to give satisfaction, or your money is re turned. Ton pay only for the good you get. No matter what you've tried and found wanting, you can be cured with Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. WORLD'S FAIR. Via the Chesapeake & Ohio Railway The quickest and best line to the Worlds' Fair. Only twenty-seven hours from Richmond, and twenty three boars from Charlottesville to Chioago. Doable daily Vestibule trains with Pullman sleeping and din ing can. The Chesapeake and Ohio is also the cheapest line. Ask for tickets via this route. If yon desire to stop at the famous Greenbrier, White Sulphur Springs or at any of the watering places along the line of the O. & O., your World's Fair tickets will permit you to do so. Special arrangements for the care of or ganized parties. For fall information and printed matter relating to the World's Fair address JOHN D. POTTS, D. P. A. Im C. & O. Ky. Richmond, Va. Nunn & McSorley, Receive Weekly, Bananas, Oranges, Lemons, etc. We have the coldest Soda and Coca Cola in the city. We also have the finest 5 and 10 ct. line of CIGARS in city. ASK FOR NewYork FINE CANDIES. IN SEALED PACKAGES 80 centa per lb. Tenney's superfine chocolates and Bon Bona only 40 and 50 cts. per lb. Give our Soda and Candy one trial and be convinced that they are the best in the city. Atlantic & N. 0. Railroad. NEW BERNE, N. C. MAY, 20, '03. 8PEOIAL TIME TABLE FOR Truck Train, NO. 2 1 2--ALL RAIL. In Effect Tuesday, May, 23, '93. DAILY, EXCEPT SUNDAY. Supplement Jo Time Table No. 33, of Jan. 5, '93. Leave New Bern, - 11:00 A. M. ' Clark'., - 11:89 " Tutoaror., - 11:68 ' Oore Creek, - 12:81 P. M. Dow, - - 12:47 dwell, - 1:07 " " Kinston, - - 1:52 " ' ' Falling Greek - 2:15 " LaOrange, - 2:88 " Beet's, - - 8:00 ' Ar'iveGoldsboro, - - 857 " sJsTShlpmenU by this train are due to arrive at dialinatlon a follow. : Richmond A.M. Philadelphia P.M. Washington " Jerey City, Baltimore, " New Tfork. " Onlv about 88 hoar from New Bern to New York. OTlblt train, No. 912 will have the j.l mmm tumrnrn No. 2 Uulnf time bv nW v " J . - w t 80 minute, unlet, oihexwiee ordered by train durpatcoer. ! HTThe above train ratarainff, will leere OoMeboro for Mew Bern at 4:80 p. m- as an extra, nnlee otherwise or- l-f: .:.; s:T..i)iu,t Theory Vertus Practice CAREFULLY. PUT OTHER Theories AGAINST OUR Practice AND YOU'LL SEE What Advantage Wc POSSESS. FACTS, FIGURES and QUALITY Tell Their Own Story and Carry Their Own Weight. WEIGH NEW GROCERY. G. D. B0WDEN & CO Has opened la tho former Miller Store on Broad Street with an entire NEW STOCK AND A OF THE BEST roceries. Pure Lnrd and Butter on Ice. All kinds of tea9 and spieesx-rnckers and cakes, also Florida Oranges and Hussctt apples, Fresh and Just Arrived. Tobaccos, Snuffs, etc. Will soon liave Crockery and Willow ware The Patronage of old friends and others solicited. T.J. STILL LEADS IuLow Prices, and ban Just Ke ceived another New Stock Furni ture, consisting of Parlor Suite oak, Bed-room suits, Baby Carriage, Mosquito Canopies, Sewing Machines, Ordins window shades, Lace ourtins, Cork stoves and lots of other House furnishing goods too numerous to mention. Will sell as cheap as any other House in the cify for cash or on time. , Call and see for your self. Office and Sales Koom No. '2'22 & 224, Middle St., New Homo, N. C. All Doubts Ileiaoved ; V. P. Ol'TLAW, )Nq Dover, N. C. rcrrntlv received Knur Hundred Dollars from the rrifety Investment and Loan Company of Syracuse. N. V., in 8 days after t lie necessary papers were sent. The Safety is one of the finest know n Loaning and investment Companies. It you don't borrow, every dollar invested doubles. For particulars address or apply to ISAAC II. SMITH, State Mgr., New liernc, N. C. FRESH DRUGS & CHEMICALS Alwaj s lound ut Little Drug Store on Middle Street. 3Vtv Motto IS TO SATISFY MY CUSTOMERS. Ifyou want anything that is not in stock, wo will tnke pleasure In ordering it ut tin-, earliest possi ble moment. GIVE ME A TRIAL, Chas, M- Higgins, Hkoisti:i:ki) Phaumacikt. THE Red Front, NEAK HOTEL ALBERT, Is tho place to look for Clothing and Gents' Furnishmff Goods. Also a FULL and COMPLETE lino of DEY GOODS, Boots, Shoes' Etc. Special lot of fiLANKLTS and COM FOltTS that will bo sold at a BtirpriuinK ly low figure, ieblbdw J, A. JONES, SALE LIVERY AND Exchange mmmm 2 r STABLES CALL and EXAMINE My stock, which is constantly being Uo plenisbcd from the Western Markcte. NO TROUBLE TO Show yon tiro'i)li S'niilie- So'lth Front St ' - ",: . IluDiio. TO THEJRADEl m AHE AGENTS FOE F. W. ST0CHS Diadem Flour. None gonulno unless the Crown Is burned in tbe Load. Be that F. W. Stocks name is on each barrel when you make your purchase. All our flour comes direot from tbe Mill to ns. We pay no commission, therefore we oan give you BED ROOK PR10E81 R0BERTS& BRO, nPlWi nmnnlf far Caurrli Is UM n DMt, HuiMt to tie. andCliMPMt. f r s tinA h Ttrmri'lfU firfwnt ttT Dinll. "0. K. Tit iltt.!ili!i, Vwirrcu, J . , J. E CHiBTM 4Ca, Machinists & Founders NEW BERNE, N. C Manufacturers ot Engines. Boiler, Saw Mill, Board Trimmers, Log Haul, Single aid Double Ledgers, Shafting, Pulleys, Boxes, etc. Keep constantly on hand, Pipe, Pipe- fittings, Sheet ami D:ir Iron )ind in fact all things needed in tho machinist lino. m5 tf Ice Cream Freezers, Oil Stoves, Jardinears, Bath Tubs Large at Low Figures. Child's Bath Tubs. Tin Water Carriers. Croquet and Other Games. Fly Traps, Fly Paper, etc , Ice Cream Dislies,Finger Howls, Thin Tumblers Different Styles, Linen Writing Paper new lot, low down, large Assortment of Tablets, Stone Milk Pans, Stone Pitchers, Stone Preserve J.m, Porce lain lined Preserving "Kettles. M E. Whitehurst' II' Pollock St. Near Postofflce. A Few Specialties at J. F. Taylor's. Boraxine Best preparation for washing purposes in the world. Flv Exterminator. Cassard'? Hams. and Breakfast Bacon Cabin Home Tobacco 1000 boxes. Turk's Island Alum Salt for Ice Cream. And that Cool Old ROCHESTER BEER. GO TO FOR Lightning Ice Cream Freezers, Mason's Improved Fruit Jars Balloon Fly Traps, And every thing else you need in the Hardware Cor. Craven A: South Front St. New Berne, N. C. Pennsylvania's LEADING NEWSPAPER la all the attributes that suffice to make a first-class family Journal,' The Philadelphia RECORD Spares no trouble or exponas to gather and presont to its readeis ml the newi of the Old and New World. Its several Departments, each under th management of a competent Editor, comprises matter pertaining to The Household, The Farm, Woman's World, Science, Art, Literature, Finance,! The Real Estate World. Presenting a complete magazine everj , BUBBORIPTJON'RATES t ' DftUr.oaf jrear, . - . , ,.f v U.Oo Dallj and Bnnday, one year,' . 4.00 i t-'J -'ADDRESS ' ; ? The; Record , Fnblishingr Co. ! 017-019 Chestnut Btrket, " . ' FlirlADI T I-1HA, 05ITED STATEa OF AMERICA, 1 , FAMUOO II8TBIOZ ; I . fABSHAi.8 VoTica or Bmzusa. Whereas, a libel hath been filed in the Dls trtel Oourt or tue UnlWd states fjr the District of Pamlico, on the 8'Jth day of My, I898.by1t N. O, Pkloi)o. tb the Sir. Nellie B, ley, and praying the n.uai process an a motmu of the oonrt, tbat all persons Interested In the sad steamer, bor taoale, apparel and lurnttnr u:ay be oiled to ansa er the pmadse and all due pro ooedinis being uad, tbat toe s'ne may be deereed to Be stld and i he proceeds there of be distributed aocordlug to law. Therefore, in paranacc- of the said moni tion nnder the seal of said court to mo directed end del.vored I do hereby give notice generally onto all par.ois having or pretending to have any rlKtit, Ule or Inter est therein, and to Uey Bros, ownetsof aid Mtr.Nllle B. ley, in siimlsl.tu ipar Lefoic the aforesaid court ut ih cl y of New Berne, on tbe lltb day or J une. 1S9H. Iftt be a oouriday ur e-se on : nxt c urtrt4y thereafter, al 12 o'cinci!, n o-., then Aim ihere to answer the la a a.a t oi'tke tnelr alleg u ons in i1 .i li.-ir. Uuted at flew i;ern.. - ! i - Uy ! Jane Joshua U. Him. I! s J.r.h I, Id lly tiiAS 'J uii i.. pi. Mar -ha! HOTEL NEWTON. NEVTON,:N. C. W. D. SPKAOCE, MAKAOi:il. ThiB is one of tho finest all-the )ear round reeo.ts in tho country. In the heart of thogreat PIEDMONT SEC TION. Of easy access to all the Western resorts by rail. An excel lent place to looato for tho summer and enjoy the fine air, water, scenery and substantial fare which Mr. Sprague has the rcyutation of provid ing for his gucstp. TERMS VERY SEASONABLE. WM. E. CLARKE, ATTOKSTSY AT LAW, AND Real Estate Agent, New Berne, J?. C. Connections. Mew York, Boston and Canada. Timber land a, Farm lands, Truck lands. Town lots. Do you waDt to bay f WHITE. Do yon want to soli T WRITE. SPECIAL. 1500 acres, Trent Itoid. 6 miles of city, Timber and Truck land. At John Dunn's ' Ice Cream Soda, Mill Shales, Coca-Cola, Sofia Water, Lemonade. All Syrups Pure. Made Irom Best Fruit Juices, Tenney's CELEBRATED CANDIES. In Scaled Pncknj;"" Roy ster's Fine Candies. WHITMAN & MILLER'S FIXE PIIILA. CANDIEP. Florida; Oranges, Bananas &Etc O. J. CAHROLL, FRED L.PERRY Proprietor. Manager. FOR HEALTH. RECREATION AND PLEASURE, Seven Springs Hotel SEVEN SPBINGd, N. C. One hour's drive from Lagrange, on A. & N. C. Railroad, and same from Mt. Olive, on W. &. W. Railroad. Opens May 1st, 1893. At each Railroad Point and at Hotel First class Livery Accomodations and a Daily Mail. REPAINTED ! REMODELLED ' Now Complete with every Comfort and Convenience for Guests. For TERMS Address the MANAGER, d&wtf. SEASONABLE GOODS. Refrigerators, Ice Cream Freezer, Water Coolera, Fly Fane and Trap. 1 Window Screens,' Wire cloth, Bath Tubs Wire i Dish Covers; v t.. n rrrrinrv OPEN INC OF " ' Summer Groods. The Largest Steek Ever Shewn fe ihs Public, CONSISTING OF Men's, Hoys and Chil- Dry Goods, Shoes, Hats, Etc., Etc. Not a Few of Our Leaders : A Gm Hi lid Lather W'.iininiV Shoe, 75u. A Guild Solid Leather Mri'rt Bhot, $1.00 Men's Strong Working Pants, 75. Men's Heavy Working Shirts, 20e. Men's Heavy Uudershirts, 20e. A Nobby Hat in Straw or wool,50o. Boys Saits, $1.25 np. Men's Saits, $3.00 np. Heavy Yard Wide Domestic, 5c. Heavy Ginghams, Good Calico (new design 5c. 5c. Kindly asking the public to give me a call, I romain, Very respectfully, SOL. COHEN "ikd Star Clothier Middle St., Now Berne, N. O. James R. Jones, Salesman. j'-'O I want you kind reader as a customer. Our interests are mutual. I will sure you monoy on any thin;,' in tue JEWELBY LINE. ESPECIALLY. CLOCKS & ETCHES My repairing is unexcolled by any one in tbe United Stales and my prices are very low. Watch glaafes only 15 cU., for bunting case and 25 cts. for heavy open case watches call and see me. All eyes proporly fitted with spectacles BAXTEK THE JEWELEU. ign, Gold Eaglo, Middle 8treot. dwtf. MRS. M. J. RHODES Can be found with a UNTico Iiiixo MILLINERY On Pollock St., next to Nunn & McSor ley's. (mlOdlw JUST nother Fresh lot of Pineapples, Bananas, ts, and Give us a call while they are going Also give us a trial on. Fine Groceries. We gunranteo SATISFACTION or Money refunded- Our Butter ; Is ue as ever came to tin city, onTy 85cts per lb. Very Respectfully, t. CHURCHILL & PARKER SAII. B. WATERS, Tobacconist k Confectioner A full line of the Finest Cigars. ' "SUBBRUG8" and "MAItSURGb," finest blend of Bmoklnf Tobacco, ' "GRAVELY'S finest chewing To baccos. r- ' :f ... - . "LOWNBY'S" Supetfla ChooolaU and Bon Bons received weekly. ABOTIO BODa and r t,.,'. , v V V" ' 7Z