t . r. 'A t c The Daily Journal. VOL. XI I.-NO 63 NEW BERNE, N. C, TUESDAY, JUNE 13. 1893. BUSINESS LOCALS. J.1S1 your taxes Last call. Office at Court House. Johnathan Havens, jl3 3t. Lister MANY bicycles are priced at 150; but there is not a case on recoid where lliey were sold lor $150. Why ? Because they are not worth more than $100. Yet ' DerSOns who own such crnnda flnttpr tlmm. selves that they are owners of first ciass H'linnla IT .. 1 .1 .... f : '. I .. I HM. n in.no. JVIUCHlC 171 lllSUIIIiy 1 I IIC "Columbia," model 82 is priced at $150; and we will give $500 to the person who can legitimately Dtiy tuem lor less. Why ? Because they are worth it, every centl Col umbias sell for from $110 tii $150. Waverlies are worth 100. W. T. Hii.l & Co., Sole Agents. DUPFY'8 Diarrhoea Cordial prepa ration whhich lias been in use for many yoara, with g, eat mtisfaction to all who have iHod it Composed of Vegetable Arornatics, Ascriiijronts, Carminativos and Antisnptics Pleasant, Harmless and EHeotlv-fl. For Diarrhoea, Dyson terry, Bumpier Complaint, Cholera. Cramps and Cain lo the Stomach. This medicine is u-wd and endorsed by JunVe H R Hryan, Mr. W. H. Hirv,v. Mr John Tl Yniinir unit nnmiihrn. ni ,.ll.n.. oitianni of ibis anil surrounding counties For salo by derlnrs in the adjoining counties, f . -) Uutiy. OUR SPH 'lAI.rV -ro Cinam Soda, is tho Mt, n ct:n drink ever put nn in .No B run tf Niinn M(Soit.:' LOCAL NEWS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Howard. Johnathan Havens List your taxes. Johuatlian Havens List yuur taxes. Johnathan Havens List your taxes. Disosway & Cliurcliii! Saw mill sup plies. C. JI. Iliggins Prescription! at anv hour. TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS. PRICE 5 CENTS. What Our Faring Have Done During the Past Week Two hundred thousand dollars .,,, i i , - . . . ine ucciamations br pretty good sized pile of money but it is .... . approximately the v.,I r ir,,,!, tlmt IarrlnSrou? Mcnsou Lane, Commencement Exercises. iuc closing exercises of the Xcw Heme Collegiate Institute nt the New Heme theatre last ni.dit la-Hed until 11 o'clock. They were select and interesting to a hi di dei'iv,-. Ine declamation:, hx Me r llu-li Cil:. -i Fenine went iron, this section during the week. ,. Jm W'nlicld ,p..a v. ti, xr w a w i i t"e successlnl liamin ' iii oimIi ... ii, w H.aicumci lllie gives US I ,, . . ... r. , . ., .... , excellent institution of lea-rain for Mr. E. D. Bangcrt is paintlni? store front. up A FULL line of (Spring and 8ummel sampler', oiisistun; of Chevintts Hlack Blue anil Br,r.vn Hei-;c. Fine Check Oush mora lmimrtd Snitinifs. Worsteds in all (trade. Hati-ifio'.ion guarnntfe 1. F VI. (Iliad wick, Tailor At Hail's book Sr.. -re till l i .imo s nufw stunt lor l,ive:y Pino roi l-ce -,h at Hired s H irse Ntoru EIEGVJT fiddlers .if Street's Horse store. OANDK'JKF, r i ot i . VIrj.ro. and all Skin OisnaiPH cafd by th us - ot I lolly's llcli Ointment r .n- sain by i . 8 Liully, DriiKist. MHH i.T.un -ntil; P noni; Wiu.'s for sale by rr, and Simpi-ei J.8. liKDMOM) I. CALVIN -ScliVtl'er'K Wild Cliuny ftoek and Uv. p i' up expreislv for throat an t lil!i;di?.H. for by I as Kkdmond DL'l'FYS Mar. Wliiky tor Medicinal UK), for sal s by .1 VS IIhumdnii IIUNlADI Jinos Miunral Water, tin best Natural aperient. For sale by .lis Kkdmond PUItn Corn Wl liskey for J.S sale by Kkdmond. DUFF Goidou for sale bv Imported J AS Sherrr, Kkdmond. IMPOKTEl Holland Oin, Burke's Bass Ale and Burke s GuinneBs' htout, orsaleby .Ias Kmdmond 75,00) ClU VIi ( a- very lo;v liures f( wholes.vp a id ro s i tradu f. sa e Uy .Ias Kkdmond OARKET'ti Conao Brandy used very mucn iu me kick room, r or sale oy .Ias Kedmond The Chicago restaurant beepers will rob id Spanish for a few diyn in bouor of the infanta. Sixteeu divorce c.istii uitnn for trial in the aaperior court Savannah Wednemlay. "1 in Kobert Lonis SoovetiHon ih said to have wrecked bin health by ezcessivo cigarette smoking. No sooner had Professor Wiggins explained the drought in Europe than Austria- Hungary wus devati. tated by Hoods. So Major Koboins gets the Havana Consul UeoerulsGip. Shake old Friend, shake! We writs of Washington ap pointments with a kind of nervous twitch that wo are not accustomed to. We don't understand it. . Cordage stock is looking np. This is undoubtedly the result .of ttie - Ivnchiug wave now sweeping over the State of Indiana, Michigan. .and Kansas. ' The people of the south must sit steady in the boat and look hope . tally to the future with the perlect assurance tht they will safely w Bat her any storm that may threaten this section ol their com "mon country. - ' Jast at ibis time the .New York Sua Is engaged in making a great many, announcements, in behalf of the Demoontio Administration, none of which are authorized. Too publio it sharp enough to diatui gnJsb bet een Djna and Olevo "land. "r y . Thetentennial anniversary of the corner-stone Uying of the y National Capitol will be commem orated gt Washington on Septem ber 18 next by a notable celebration the plans for which art now being Arranged by a Committee ot Fifty. The citizens of the District are en thusiastlo over - the , proposed demonstration V , - -. ' Bensible Talk, : ' : The old idvlco of putting the convicts to work at manulacturing pareuits ii i- again being given to onr people. - Ws - cannot understand the man who cannot see that the best ose to make of a convict In - to put ;;, him . on th public Improvements. Put the' criminal! who hove been condemned to do labor for the. fcitatc to work on our publio roads. Thev are badly needed ' there, bait not In competition with honest labor, Rock Jloiint Argonaut, ' . - . ,v llic repairs have arrived and the elec tric lights will be on tonight L. F. Moore of the F.ivetteville lunik has been acquitted Fifty-two cars loaded down with true! pulled out of New Benic in otic day Think of it! Chief Justice Fuller Ims irrjnted a tern poaiy;injiincti(in to closini; tile World Fair on Sundays. It will be heard Tliui lay. rony-onc Dales ot cotton from one tarui were sold in the New IJcnie market Saturday. It brought f rum 7 to 7 11. 1 be Iieiiufort Herald says tint Hotel Morton of that place has been sold to )r Kobinson ul lauusviile, Kv., who w make it a saiiitorium. -Mr. (..co. II. Roberts lias commenced the erection ol another buililin.' on Met- calf Street adioiniii.' tbe ,vl, i i i . -i i- . . ii.i!. oei.ii ouiiuiiij; lor several weeks a ni which is now almost linMicd 1 lie rumored duel yyit'i rani. rs bet ween Col. Paul Means ion! Mr I r -. --. t... ,:.. itep-son of Senator Vance, is all a hoax we are lad to know. DueNare too tin civilized for this enlightened n.., Tl. L' 1 i lie .enr. r.mma.l. V or' liir..-t,,n. n ;i in e.led ytterday !or scamci-.s ware; ami papers placed in Deputy Marshall Hi nanus uir execution. 1 lie ca ;e nil! eomi tij) today befo re United Stales Coiiiini sioner K. . Hill. Mur-ba! lll'l ..1.. I. an .uiariiiiieiu io serve on tbc i:arnie Lilian lor ilaniaircs to Ilia Muv Iiel'e whenever she is loiind. A report on the tishcrie- of the South Atlantic Mates, by Huli M. Smith D. D., has been issued from the Unite States Department ofFi-h and Fisherii is a vaiuaoie (icieiiin. nt :in.l t lat por tion ol it relatm;; to N,-i Cau.iiiu is es peciaiiy inierestin.- t,, , ri...i,,n and we expect to (pioie seme of its stab incuts. A mistake oy a pi ml. r of the Ui;;-, ,b; th City Kcononiist-Faleon n,.,,),. , f jt advertisers o(!er one hundred dorn 'silk'' hose at tive cents a pair instead of "llhck" hose. The I'aleon il.n way the people rushed for tlio-e silk host . i . Hiisiniiuou ine advertiser, but it was proof posititive that adverti-einciiu an read anil heeded. Tl. X-....1 1. f i- l. i nt ..in in inmiinn 1 rcsuvtenan says the committee in charge has ayreed on the time and place lor luildin-' the second arimial meeting of the .Normal Institute of Elders and Deacons for Llible slndy in rayetteville 1'resbyterv. It will be held. as it was last year, at Cool Springs and it will open in the alteruoon ol Friday July JBtli, and clcse on sabliatli, Au.'ust (lib thus embracing ten days. l-auues aim frent.em.Hi interested in vocal music are invited to meet nt -ii. c. A. Hall to-moi -row ni.'lit nt half past ei-ht ocloek. Habbi hui has very kindly cons ute.l to meet yith them to consider the ailvlsabilily uijjain.iii a ciass. i here n II be no charges for admission. Mr Kai.vr is graduate ol (he University of Vienna and an enthusiast on music. He has been fcw Bern only a short while vet tie has already made numerous warm fiiends. Hcv. B. Hall, of (iolddioro, preach- ek two very able sermons in Centenary information of their taking 10,000 pack ages, the K. C. D. line 25,000 and the railroad has not taken less than 50.000 By far the greater portion was potatoes. Lvery steamer that has left has been lim itcd ns to its carga by naught except its holding capacity and the railroad has run three heavily loaded truck trains daily. Yesterdays trains consisted of liftv-two cars t! Miss Bessie Tuckers reriiati.ii greatly appreciated hvev. ; r.m- r Dr. Hume's elegant address at point was the literary fea-t ofllie evenin.r. After his address the awards of honor were bestowed. Miss Bertha Willis, daughter of K. v K. A. Willis ol the rile i!,.. ,,, I ic -lu.la. iiip pi i.e year nent honor nl yvmniii:. t i.: ..... i . Ti . . ... which emu es nr o I I is ninnev iq to ho fi-nfltt.,,! ... I f.,,n rr, ,. ... , , ... toe onegiate instmtt '"".H" mJ im.v UlUUglll 111 this princely sum not a foot of the land has been parted Iron, in nr.w ia ,tI.i-; it. 1 his beats town lot booms and aver age real estate speculations badly. Miss Aleph Cason Wo:: lie prize -a volunine of iiocms On behalf of (he menbr i . cs, Mr. C. K. Thomas i.i chosen, presented to if,, s beautiful gold watch. The audience was eel an. singing of Miss Jennie V.'a;- rendered the numlier lai 1 programme she was ai'aini a tliiiioil at : en. Delightful Morchead and Beaufort Mr, .1. P. Stanley, of Fort Payne, Ala bama who represents a basket inanufac- I....V oi uiai mate nas ocen in tnis section rendered the number lai I do hurt tune on business. Ho tl.r...i..l . . I . .......,Hu jrai uui) morning cn route irom a vehemence that would admit of m Leaulort to Wilmington. He wished to nial. The ren.lii i,, ,.i i, stop over in New Berne nnd go by the charming. new in, irnaci via i ronton and it lie could Iu the nrimnru .1... , I .i... , .. ... 1 J "' "' on l iu iti tut- iiNsti riLiicc in ninfiiifr f Annuo im..i-.. .... . . . . vuiii.n,- wur.i liu mrsi'iuni iii sL -; 1 -i A!'1 lion with the (ruin hy steamer from tins Spencer, iVssie IV.rwii.s. Ai : 11 place lie wouM have done so. Well lv the and Lizzie Klhs t ...... 1 U. 1 i . ........... ni.i.oy guiw tins way again we mo presentation of a -nM n. n In tlimn t lie road wi be in New R(tiip rim leguiar scnenute. It Will lie u J. 8. Long bv Prof. Ada;. the teachers was a pie; the closing feature of the great thing for all when this is accom plished. Mr. Stanly tried the fishing for Spanish mackerel at Moreheud city and thinks it cannot be excelled. He says the water n.l,llll note Will I em Hill! ri.fiv nr.. I ovt. n....-n .,..,..... " ulv.r. ,luflIT. 111.11.11,11 III ,1. aught fast, allording as L'ood snort rs I way, or shoot off an v City Ordiiiau: e Sec. 20. Chap. X Anv shall shoot oil' a gi r ol;:. or shoot anv rocket, ih.ii-i . any one need want. Mi. Stanly speaks well ofthe accommo dations for guests. At Beaufort he slopped at the Russell House and he was delighted at the way Mr. Husscll fensted nun on son crnns, ciams, etc. He is a traveling man and he characterizes tare us lar aheid of many stylish "hrau hotels. Such words of praises at the pleasures and accommodations at these aside resorts arc a harbinger of rood times in store for the visitors 'of both places thij season Coming and (Joiner jus. one itoperts, ot lleaulort. accom panied by her daughter. Miss Allen, ar rived to visit relatives in the citv Misses Katie Morton and Sadie Becton of Harlowe came up yesterday morning to spend a week visiting Misses Bettic and Jennie llall. Itev. H. Hall, of Goldsboro. who poached twice in Centenary Methodist i.uurcli, lett yesterday returning home. Mr. A. L. Griffin went up to Orifton on a business trip. Mr. isaac ochultz lelt to spend some time in Kinston ami is likely to eo on from there to the North. Mr. a. I. Mann, of Manteo, who has been attending Trinity College, and since the commencement visiting Mr. It. H Willis, left yesterday on the steamer cuse ol the h. C. D. line returning home Mr. Willie Stallings left yesterday to i .. .i. . ..... . . ik l"-'"' "Hie in vvuson Peincr ,,fr.,rt u .a. ,. .,. i i called home by the illness ol his mother, ol the aims and object Judge A. b. Seymour, who has been 01 tl(! peopl holding United States court in Italcigh returned home last night Mrs. J. B. Broadfoot and familv arm charged with ball nr -!,oi or ;.o otller deadly thing, within tn uu !,,..; yards of any habital ion w , liia i !.. , , except in ea-es ot n. i ,.. . .;,.,; , lined ten dollars for eaeii ..ti,-;,. , .... half to go to the intoi mer; pro-,;.:-! r. ' !i ing herein contained -ieii! iii ,i.:; :i exhibition ot lire-... n-1 nt I..,, ....! r. ... thclifayoron occaion of pir.,;, r- Sec. 4. Chnp. 8. No i.iv, . I constructed nearer than t; a i' . i : . :.?u public street or alley, or n. ;t. r to a neighbors residence linn i i ., t i - ow ner s, it that can be av..i.. .1 'i : , ihall not be more than two . . : ,.- .,, Tenants should clean . lia ,,' ;,;. , . . :l; lerst once in each inomh, ai d ia ih. months of May. June. .In!; i September shall hayc a -ti l: . i,. ci of lime, ash es or other i eo, ! . 1 1 -t I t' : .v, m into them to prevent t'lem nig ottensive, mid Ii in r. them shall be deoiioried v. chloride of lime or other .!; lore they arc carried awa'. of any of the provivini- , I shall subject the oti.-inlcr !., lollars for each and evi ; . in cascot new privies m.ii of this section the lli i jeet. to a line of live do! he sutlers it to leniiiin a:o i the marshal or a poln . m ei shull constitute a distiia t . shall subject the olli ml, r m a inf.-A tb iml . a Dr. Hume at Xcw Berne. II was a large and intelligent audience nhieh gathered at the Baptist church on la-t Sunday morning. It had been noised" abroad that one of the sinn ing lights of the denomination would be present, which caused that specilic cou- l: ; (.; :a . ion to give an unusually large, at I' a: lance; and it was augmented by m.iny iV'.m the sever id churches of the eilv. Dr. Thomas Hume of th- Stale Univer- -ity preached the sermon, and part conducted the service. Alll ;.i Dr. Hume is well known "stale, a brief in i:-,mi I may woo have not seen lie is now at the full meridian . i little below the medium heiuhi, his head broadly developed at th and covered with a faiily i.bi f.rowth of rather dark hair. He ,.., ars only sid. whiskers, cut uunlcr-iti Iv !-.. lie lias '.iht eves hich enliven his ci - I nance as he looks on; kindly tlir.,i .,h in-glasses. His voice is -oil and low !i.o,l"li fully audible, his iliclion prni-e. but lice and elegant, his eniinei iiinn clear oid .iislinct, and rather rapid. Whll.- e akillt; he relll.lills luo-t ly al one piir mi the platform inoviii" about very lit !l- lie l -ill. hi, 'l u iluout any a tiou, but as he warm . t.. ''" -ubjeci. -rows aiiiiiialed.liis ctangin c ante nance, lively or !rrac or .'ver. ii : ah', lln; Ihou-lil, his ge-ticul alio;', hi. I'iv w ith hi right hand, become r- , .... anil he inipressi'S his nldicncc v. i -. use ,, his ,e, p calln Miles. . n euapicr r. a,i was the N'li ,i i '! i . I" to the Komaiis Inn ii w ,- .'i.lv mi the incuioi'v of (fit- m ii -.eemi 'l more 'like a recilath.ii lie. i'ea.lin-. The verse seh etc 1 for a I -vas liic aiilh, which perhaps v, rv lw l in1 audience h id ever know n to be u i '. inundation ol a s, rHi(,n ivi . the spirit also helpelh o.; ';. -. for we know not what n. 'r;v foras we iiuglil, but 1 1 1 spirit it . .r.ctii inlerei ssi,,i, for us iih -, . min hich i annot be uttered." I -,e -i i ;noii w a ; an eM-ecdlllglv Intel r .ii. c.eoc-is, and fiii'ly i- l:u; ; j .- , !'- oi the leading idea- ,., .1 lie- p'lss-ige; Ihe inlirinil - p . " . ;;il. pia ing "a- we oii. ht. i .re--ion ol the spirii , I oi i . ' .11 il-elf. mi-1 in Us r 'an ::, ;. . -ion ol Chri-t. llii i ..fa popular or sensational a a powerful and our-c. h. ii.ail , hri-liau beiicy. !!! Colonel Waiblell iu Hon. A. M. W'addcll; ia hi- ,'. course on " Socialism in A mer' a.' the literarv societies of 'li.ni: . showed that the present un-ct;l. -I tion of the country and the in i iu finances had been lai .. K b about by a too gre it laitli and iiiii ing reliance iu the pniencv , government raiierthui i.i m i pcua liani. ni: 'hi Fayettevihe, arrived to visit her lather. Judge II. It. Bryan. Mrs. Mortie Marks returned from Kal- cigh where she has been visiting relatives Mr A. Schultz came down from Kina bv the and lar t! had led the thoughtlc-s!y imp willingly diJllded .liseoub ail - to all sorts of cxtrava-ances aa.l ,1. of I sorts of impossiliilitie. : I Mrs. J. J. Baxter left to spend a short time in Beaufort. U.K. Church Sunday.' In li no? I inn of his . . .. ... " , 1 ion n visit relatives in the city, c . course suinveu ,c penitent Mrs. Wm , returne, uon)(j from 1..... . i .. uspec, in v.uicu we suppose visit to her father, Mr. J. T u.icij. uuj one in uie aufiienc; had ever ton 0f coye uiuugutoi ii i in oeiore, although all knew tile lacls, nnd that was in the astonishing depth of his understanding of tho true mission, abi.ity and relationship nf Christ a cxnibited in his prayer, when ever tbc disciples themselves had failed to 'grasp these truths and found it hard to receive them even after the resurrection. At the opening ofthe service the faniiliaj hymn "Just as I am, 'was finely rendered, bv Miss Stella Roberta as a voluntary solo and was a fitting prelude to the admira ble discourse. Incidentally he -aye the p. ti-ioii - -I. an a trentle going over, eitin" fi- iu. to prove that 'lie amount of money annually expended in the United Statist,, pay pensions hIoik: was three time- v. li n i: cost to run the entire goyeriiuieut before the war. And tins enorn ous auiouni ,. course came out ofthe tax paveis chielly ..... ,.c i..;i;.... '., , 1 wui, i.i luiniii; ina--es oi ;i -cci "Oil Wethenng- wliere but little ofthe money thus cii, ,i lalcd hnds its wav. He declared iiL'aiiist tial moiiev in anv form, and handled leading social jiroblcuis in a manner that was forcible ami , on Vincine. Colonel Wad. Icl I is an able polished speaker, and his adilrcas yi -icr (lay was one ol the most inleicslin : It i tarrl 4XD USE THE I'KIMICKS' lk. North Carolina Confederate Soldiers at cnarlottegvllle. Ta. A handsome monument to (he Confed erate dead yvho arc buried at Charlottes ville, Va., was unveiled on the 7th in stant. Upon the monument are four brodze panels containing the names. 1080 In number, in raised letters, of those wnom it commoinorates. Of these 200 are from North Carolina more than from any other State except Georgia, which bat 224, ' In the "Stonewall Cemetcrv." at -Win cheater, Va., here are more North Caro lina soldiers buried than from any other State. -, .. - . . -. Trnckeri Take Notice.', , , oieauier ureenviue, uapi. UlXon, (id an1 aftjir Man OK1K IQCIH I J i " ' uuu niu ilia lllll IT trips from New Berne to Biddies Landing and return, sailing from New Berne 4 a. m Mli.n.lnMll. DI.1JI Tl.i 3 p. to, : Kalpu Gbat, Acting Ag't. r,tl. Small Fruits. The Raleigh correspondent ofthe Wil mlnnlnn ttfnacnn. 1.T.1 1 . I - J - . .tMCBC1 juBBiiipmeni leaturcs ottliecoininencemeni oi cuiuvarcu niacKDernes irom here has begun. Tho berries are ripening rapidly, are more than twice as large as the wild ones and bring four times the money. It is a paying crop. Tho cherry crop this -- - . v . j ivuinuio, The desirability of increased cultiva .. r 1 1 t .. i . , . ....H oi niniiii iruiig is wormy oi close in vesication oy an wbose farms are so Conic all ye laborers ol the land And listen unto me, Behold I I now before thee stand Full of iov and idee.- I have a secret to unfurl located so a. to admit f .li,l...u iV0?.' ?".m.ust .. .i. r ' D,K iKe is sun in mis wnle wor , , marketing them. Hiscoods to vou to show North Carolinians at Johns Hopkins My store is full from bottom to top an x-c .. Qf MWg, l-f. n, fii,:. Pure mm fi c IV. I' " : ! a;, 'o-vy ' ." s Wor'nles-.. ii,. .-. . .,, ! U "P L.r::l- ,..,'.-,-. .!'-. :', ' : . ' .:, : I her .1,,. . I ...i .1 . . ' i ll'lt .sec I'll I .:,o,'C ,1 . ,'.;s !,',. u' I ?! . - J 1 ' r T 1 fl l r , , '.-.j-... r , , . , -H- nliiin; ) should I f, C-'l ,'... ; .i , j I a '. ' , . . . i i ii". Iiiv in j 0 i.a.a.'....l !e: .':! '. !' ' W AFIIf'V AT,'. ply -pniMi, - ' 1 t i i. , U'JI'j li. I. Ill c-l e: "1, lo ' ' ". '': - 1 ;::-,.'. ,iM" p", .. , ' -I 'hcv ' ' j i ' ! ;-.:' . 2 i 'i , ; . . . ;' I.il.V.i.irJ (! ' ; : . , . . ; I'p .- as ."x nor: 1 to '.'! I.-",...' r.wa.i ... . , ; and ' I j ,Jt-TJL.?r.;.- ! I "7-1 t - , 1 t " i -ii! our , :" i' . , eaitir to this: If a... e ..if , . ' ' i 1 . n v t : II : , we'll n-iv vo.l ( in ! V ' . - . ' J - ' t:. ; Xol ice. ' .'" , , . . . petty owner- ofthe ( 'i: . of I yen and I " . i.:,,- " I ill Viinr . : . .. 1; . .!.i-..',l ';. all : . ,...! .: I II so I .i , i ical i.i .(" -;.i., , '. . . . I i of i t.tii iii"V ,.;' i n.- i - , ; , - t ' .i.raiti.'.l eli'ile .. : ,. ., .1 I' '.. . ... ' ""'I 111 U i 11. ill .. . . . 1 I "'inal -an. Is the 11,1 And trill, s !ie." If is not ihe big tlii !i .' lift! but. tno tidies, tiiid tr, im . i.'Cis. Tiier lire Homo tnllcri lannor rh along without, 'i 'Oil l.-tr. ol Neckwear I 'iui..r tr,.,, . ; wo.ir nnd Ilamlyvcir. iv i! have pis', received n new 0. I illl-v-.imm ..Illr'H. Parclit i.i . nam (iriiwcrrt and star h.isl, vc . hi't' US if Mill need anyfbinrr 111 10 in i". M. HOWARD. To Uraci the "ivstein after "hi ri pp.-. ' pneumonia, levers, nnd other ' pro-iratin- acute diseases; to build u need.'d llesli and streiiL'th. an restore health and vi-air wben yau feel ' rundown " ami used lip, the best t'uilur in the world is !).(. r I'ieren'.s tjolden M.aLcal l),seoye,y. It promotes all the bodily fune'io-, rouses every organ into healthful action, purifies and enriches the i lii.nl and throu'th it cleanses, ren iirs j invigorate the entile .system. I-'OI' the lllost stubborn s -r.-.!',. Skin or Haalp Diseases, )y.pep.-i-i llillioiisnefs, and kindercd .1 : 1 -n.-r. 1 -t!.c " Discovery" is the 01. 1 , i, . ,!, .!ia''.s guaranteed. If r doi-su'i !, ;i" - cur.-, you have your moii. y ,: !. 1 in y ill ttiirin ot a 'iy thin eoiivii.-iiio; tlian the oroin - made bv 1 ho pr 'pr'etors cil' I r. S 1 - iiar; I vou'- (' ClU-ll." customers a full reliza- UnlrergltT. Thfl flCftdflmio nniirpil nf ll.n. tta kins University awarded the scholarships lalnaul ........ -1 1 .... 1 ' J - HU- dents from Virginia nd Worth p.mlin. IT.a .1 . . o .-r A ' vuuvr luo leruuoi jnr. iiopKin S Will nl- iccu ncuomrauips are open to students from each State, nlna ordmsr air hnnnn, scholarships the former entitle the Which I've iust rec eived Ofgoods that is nice of different Witn pnecs 1 mnot dieeivcd, From half a dollar to twenty live. We will show to l'a nnd n's Suits of clothes which will you revive Also the best ol shoes. Big Ike will show his goods to you, grades holder to free tuition, the latter to 'free aZT V- grU.nt! tuition and a stipend of $75. Twenty- ! Pr', n s'll guarantee, three of the w n-.iJi i.- Jk And always bear the blunt. day-leaving seven ofthe latter to be be- (Hf T r ta?1CMbier finc) .1 . . I And many friends have won ujnnj nut, uciorjer. ine lo lowinir j i men were among thelncky onesyS. A1A'i.Tnbe.beh,nJ Ordln.rr T,ni.r.i,ilp OfO. Marks & Son. J ....mii a iviu VIU iw bm'- Jru?8"e,,Dfi- & ?itSheH ntd For WMd track and a cashiers desk J. H. 8bln-BaltlBore Sun of June Btb. f w ordered to be made, wuVIilIVV; ,7 " , - or MIB '""J 11 u9r to receive t lie checks & Mechanical College caused a Wend to ' As soon a the track is laid. j-Wuh.uvuc.uto clipping in ference Biglke th man that never fears, to Johns Hopkins Unty. By' the , Will always hold the link ' generosity of these scholarships in th That binds thatwogroat Hemisphere", present feneration the umlni. kUnM j i?.j ,. u'uc' i - - - , o "m I uu udv iuu iiiiiivurv luK. i 'Us i" -.' wiU flow on to snccwdiog g eneraUooa, j , . . Don't forget BIG IKE. ' 'i'o the pr, .New Heme: Voll are hereby uoiilied to I le Ihe undersigned li-t laker Oy the l.oai.l ol ( oiineilincn ,, ih.- ( ol .ryy l.erne at his olliee, fool ,, ( r (.. in Chile l!iii!ilinL'. in said citv udven in upon oalhfa list of all ini, i ble property which may be ou n. .1 posnessed dy you iii our my u 1 i:;h : . asan executor, administrator, joiii'l, itc, in the said eilv. All such persons as shall neb el or filso "-ive in said list wiilii i iw rM) days from this dab themselves lo a penally fixed I. Legislature. .1. K. I. TII.M. List l'or citv ol ,, a 11 ine. .lane tllh, 18'Jli. Mst Your Taxes. Last Call. Olljee at Court Ilou-e. jls:lt. Joanatiian IIavi:ns, Li-tcr. Notice Yacht Club. There yvill be a regular meeting of the Y'aeht Club tonight at the court houss m aipiarter past eight o'clock. Im purl nut business. A. If. Powuu,, Treas. Best Bread in tho City. Large loaves delivered at .1 cents. Cakes and pics constantly on hand nnd made to order, tf. C. V. McUeiiki; Wanted at Once. Office managers to oversee the corres pondence nnd attend to tho agency work in general in tho severtl cities or Virginia, North Carolina, West Virginia, Maryland and Delowaro in the sale of Cram's Atlas bf tbe World and all of his publications. A tine position for tho right party. Lo cal agont". also wanted ladies or gentle men. Apply to or address r1 ,',flM6" F- CaUisU tw'. ivoom iowenonrg Kuiidingt Norfolk, Va.' SOIa) (' Bisoswsv A eceived A NICK LINK or isg&r Or A. A And wo iiIno htivo en roufo from Rftmo firm, ua eluffunt aHMnrt. meut of MISSES, CUILDRt.VS and IXrAX l'S SHOES. There may be other f hi nan tun might, nee in onr arook to ait yon bo vAjJin ana HCiis , U3. if yon don't bnv we will hn triad A .... r- : - : . ' iii you Jost the tamer Toars Truly Adviuilagcs we for them in the of way PRICES AND QUALITY. INK A Moment, before! going elsewhere. TB i 1 8ma iJ 'A i tJT BARRINQTOiT & BAXTEB. rn fx

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