- 1,. mm J.L JL. VOL. X1I.-N0 83 NEW BERNE, N. CU FRIDAY, JULY 7. 1893. PRICE 5 CENTS. uusnrss locals. KOCLERY ami fraud. D. LTatSRLU LOCAL NEWS. S' 'ME very fine CVhn & Son. ml thi morning. 8.1 rEKSIAN In.wt Powdr 50 cw per pound at Ua m e roarmaey. tl. ' B ARGAINS In Furniture "Mr- Qeo- lvte will ofTer at private sale every moremz tint week tbe stock of Furni ture ud contents of the chop on Broad j St., consisting or everything rwceasarrf or household purposes. - 8U WANTED Ae-nti wanted r"!rrwbera to el) m fat selling article. Good pay to the rth snao, ftample 85oU For terms apply to Marshall Hltl, Appelates, 8. 0. ' .Jtsim. JTSlf ADVSBTISSXSSTS. Howard, , D. Haasell Fraud, eta. '..-'" 8. Cobs & Son Fine Teal. J. O. Harrisoej Land foi tale; - Prof. Gosbaun shows again to-nlgbt '" , Every member of the Naval Reserve ia expected to be present at the special drill to-nigbt as some new tactics will be observed: . -' ; . " . " , The Woman's Missionary Society of Centenary M. . Church will meet this afternoon,! o'clock, at tbe parsonage. .A toll attendance ia requested. Mr. Tboa. Bock, school coinmitteoiao HOUSE Keeper Wanted None neel ap plv without tbe best of recommendations. Addrer through Poatroffice stating terms from the first district, baring declined to anugiving reierenc a. v.v. w. I serve. Mr. E. A. Atkins has been elected - .- . - - - i n ' MI35KS FANNIE and Jeunie Miller, br tbe Board of eddcation to till tbe i vr a - .J v. I I " meriy oi Jew iwtm. unnr gvm mwni i n-nftT Tbe weather bureau telegraphed yester- OSB OF the Bot satisfactory things &1 K be fclr weather utaUl about a Colombia Bicyole la. the price. I tbia morning. Conditions, today uncer- Ownersorthta-wheelanow wey own tain but will be fair the greater portion" price. Columbia are never at any plaea sold tor I oas Heavy diwounta are given on man other whoeM listed at 1150, be- ...... km nnl wnrttl tha HatMi nHoA The diaoonnt varies ae aoea toe pauenoe w an' persistency of tbe- proapectlvs pur-1 some sign, old Gold letter on a blue black onager aiorair oaj vuiumu u Wnns that on do bond ml shadow of a itonbl ride the Rest on Earth . IOC, I Yesterday was the hottest day thus ir. 000 wheelmen riae lOolumbiaa. Thehiifhest temw rature durinir the 24 " .nHing Bt 7 p. m. was 93, the low- DUFFf'8 Diarrhoea Oordlal A prepa-1 est 79. ramre 18. This wst 7 decree ration wtinion tu ri in n ior mpy hnH.. h. .t,. n.nnrth nf jnl. . - - - -j - of tbe day. "SaikiU's Pharmacy" is the sign that now meets the eye on the former "New It is a hand- tackground. . Tears, withe. e si tisf actl m to all who -haw used it Composed of Vegetable Aromatic, - Avrlngenta, Carminatives an $ AntWeollot Ptovwrt, Harmless and Effaatlve. For Diarrhoea, Dyaen , terry, Summer Complaint, Cholera, Gram pa and Pain in tbe Stomach. This medicine la used and undorsed by Judge a R Bryn. Mr W a. Harvey, ar, Grave fears are entertained that Capt. John Ireland of Beaufort is lost. He loft Swansboro on the schooner Charles over a month ago and nothing has been heard of him or the vessel since. Mr. J. K. Willis, proprietor of the THKXIKD-BEADZB. ExhJ- Bis Stmt Teat a4 Weaoerfal The street test by Pro Goahaan at 4 p. m. yesterday came off promptly at tbe appointed hour.'. It was marvellous and entirely' satiiilacfbry to every one who witnessed It'; Its genuineness is unques tionable. ' . Messrs, J J. Baxter and C. B. Foy were ' toe' t committee select oa. 1 ney wrapped a spool of silk up and buried in the soil under the floor of Mr. R. P. Williams stables an hour before the time and did not let no one know a woid about it. When the bour for the tret ot his skill to be made rroleesor uosbaun was blindfolded, both by Lsiiirierchiefi and a a thick black cap that completely en veloped bis head. Tre professor bad directed tbe two members ot the commit tee to decide as to the route they wished I SenU-Aassal Bepert ef tt, T. sT. C A. The fcllowinft ia tbe statistical report of the Young Men's Christian Ajsoclatioa for tbe six months ending June 80, 1898: Toung men's meetings tt; aver age attendacce 22 Open meetings (to which ladies - an invited) " J Public meetings held outside of hall,. - 1 Sessions of Bible class 17; aver- aire attendance 7 12 Workers Training Class 2; aver age attendance 5 1 2 Professed conversions 3 Social entertainments 8; average attendance 137 Musicale 1 Excursion 1 Sessions of music class 2, average attendance & 2o Meetings of gymnasium class 9, avttendance 18 .1 8 Batbs taken, average per woek 10 1-2 Tbe finances stand as follows: Collected on pledges made in 1809 39,2', Collected on pledges made in 1898 1355.10 Entertainment 98. 5- 21.00 $9 o3'J05 307.99 Msohrtelj pure treana of ULiifil i.l all (iA'ikht United Khod !tE.roiT. ItoYAl, IUWIQ TOWPKR tt.. N. Y. tartsr baking powder in leiveniDB HtreDirth. Statu (jovaiifoiEST Co , 106 Wali John n Voiin. and anumbes.. of other I East Carolina Marble Works received a itiaens of this and surrounding eonnnes. 1 Ter. beautiful life size marble statue from it.. ., n u Lm n niiMtiinir I . "J -.w- ... wu. TI.I.Waldv II lUk tllaAft AH A ersnite monument In memory of the wife A. iTULlj line of 8pripg ana Bummer nrUr TL H Bonntrfle ofKlnston. RamDHi. consulting ofCheviotta Black, Blue and Bnwn 8erge, Fine Cheek Oaah mem. Ira ported suitings. Worsted tn an .gradja. Qatisriiction guarnnteea. - ' a ' F M Cbadwlok, Tailor. A At Hall's book Store. GO T Street's horse Store for Livery. 'Fin mvlitei'.s at Street's tt.urae store. ELEGANT Saddlers at fjtreefs Horse tore. . '- ' Every night In- Loodoa over fl.OOO ueraons ulcepin the open ftlr. ' . The British battleship Oamper down oaebt to have its name ' changed to "knock-em-down." If you want to see a performance differ ent in nature from all you ever saw be fore and the likeof which you may never have the opportunity of seeing again witness Prof. Gosbaun's mind reading exhibition to-night . Messrs. Edward and Dave Siwpkins are back from the Camp meoting which has been in progress at Eenckeet and which ended Sunday night, the 2nd inst. They report a large attendance and among the ministers present were Revs. Bouse, Pegram, Langston, Stiff, Crolley and Watkins. Mpum. Rftrrinfrtan & TtnTter have No - wonder .James oraoD closed their Beaufort branch store and . Buaetrrpus4 to pat hi paper brought what was left of the stock up to on a "took company , oasis, ue is New Berne and united it with their stock having a new Steam yacht built. I here. Mr. Baxter who has been in Beau fort a few months winding up their bust' No matter whether hs has oeen I nesg tbere ana big family who bare to college or not, the man who can I been spending some time with him there keep sweet when things K wrong I have all come back to the city to remain blm to follow to tbo hiding place so thAt I Received . from their minds would be in harmony on it. I committee Thev consalted tomther decided on the! Received from rent, Ac, route and he havinir been blind-folded as Subscriptions tor special work , . , I total receipts stated, naaiueiniojoin nanu anu tnen XoUl elpelMiituM he took hold started, on immediately, In order tbnt tbe friends of the Asso- went exactly to the right place and ciation may know why there is still a placed his band in his first reaching debt upon it," it is unnecessary to state effoit towards the little bundU within that it results from the failure of those four inches and tueu felt on, dug at tbe who made pledges for tho year 1S92, to right spot without having any informa-1 pgv them. The debt is part of which is tion whatever as to what he was looking I brought over from 1802 and in not u for, fiond the package and then led the I debt of this year as the above linnnce committee back at a rapid gait exactly I statement will show over tbe route they came to tbe starting point. He turned coroners when be came to them and went as direct to tho chair in the street on wiiich be stood to HDeak to the crowd as though he had full use of his vision. Surprising as (his test was it sauk into insignificance beside J his astonishing feats at his regular performance. The lateness of the hour at which the performance closed alone (prevents onr giving some particulars, oumce 11 w say that while there were sceptics amoni! those who did not witness the l.Ut of Letters. Hen.ainin in tlie Post Office at New Bene, Craven county, N. (.'., July 1st I! S ltarUm, Mrs. Jennie Hl ickwicli. 1). But ic, Mrs. Susan biinies, Miss llau n .!i llrown, Harry llutler. f. W. Urock. I'-ltolicrt ('ark 1) -Lima D.imy, U. ('. Dnntul. 11 Miss Uatliu llodcs. .Mis. Jonnah lliins, a,i M:ss . Jlury . Higgiua, M;:ry r Harper, Mrs. Marv' (:. ilargel. I Wiiiic ). Ireland. .1 iiiile June, E. V. Jarrefau. K.- Mih. Josepli Kniiiuier. 1. Cliailnlie Uanoe, Mrs. Fannie A, l.e;s. N K'u'liard Notiis, Mrn. Faunie Nel. 1' Ic.liii I'niteo, Mi-s luniliiiu Picolt, II-- Marv E. I'aiis. l! Mrs. I..mi a Kuss care I". () Js -.iiss Hosunu iiiiih, M. A. TBE NITlOXiX BASK Of ?(cw Berne. H. C, Jane 87th, 189S. 7U Dividend. Tbe Boanl of Oirectnn has tills day de clared a Srmi-Annual Diriilend ol five (5) Per cent free of tax, payable on at:d srter July IQtb ia. (iEo. II. IlonEiiTs, Cabir Safe, Quick and Effective. Ihc valuable curatiro propjrtics of Allnock's Porous Piasters are due to the employment of the highest medical and chemical hit ill. Ui-y arc purely vegetab'e, and in ingredients and method have never been equalled; safe quick and cflu-tive iu their action; I he; do not burn or blister, but soolhe and relievo while curing, and can be worn without causing pain or inconvenience. Do not be deceived by misrepreseu tatioa. All other s". e tiled Porous Plasters aro iiiiu.a Lt, ibado to Hell on the reputati. n of A!li och'm. Ask for Allcock's and let no solici tation or explanation induce J on to accept a ub.-tif u:c The Prcaf cf it n m Opening Burglar Proof Safes. Mr. J. F. Reel, of Pamlico county bad a "burglar prooi combination sale wuiel no one knew now to enter, in In per plexity he called upon Mr. J. T. lull, of New Berne, and he, accompanied by hi brother, Mr. J. J. Hall went down and broke open tbe safe very easily, and sim ply without injuring it, set the conibiua tion to working all right and came back home. If the knowledge of the combination o any "burglar-proof" safe iu New Berne is I I ..... .U- I. 1 .1 p .1.. performance not one doubter was lound lu,1uuBu UJO ouuulu uuulu .ol lue Lnn tl.osfl .ho did and there was not owner or otherwise, or if for other cause H,n whom we heard exoress 1,10 8afe fail9 t0 work- tlle lcol!e uilTB themselve: but what declared their firm ' 1 00 Mr- H HV. jort intention of being present tonight and B,u,lu- " uue fuS " ., .11 tl,t was to be seen. Wr one wen U U "burglar-proof and Anvonc was at liberty to go forward - t5wu " " is ft man of power. -? , - The United States Cigarette Machine I tertainment tonight all will have an - ' - - I and Tobacco Company has been organ After all, tt should be no hwder at Pavetteville. The stock is $100, fnr the OonereBsman to work tn O00.with prlvileire to increase to $1,000,- Two rw tscapeg. inWal:f.han (fcla for the rest Of 000. Pavetteville la to be the primipal We learn 01 a serious ana nearly .. - j. 11 J t - a .,..nr.in accident to Mr. Solomon tna W a ail HIV. uiiin 1 1 . U1KDUI UIUIUOW. auu w, uMuumiuii. - Ha. " . . pi.:,l0., aid sale or eurarette macbines. clears. """"J last night and put the Professor to such ASnake St. ry of Unusual Character. tests as they chose, beven did so so and The Wcldon News tells a queer story put him to severe tesU which no one 0fhow one snake bite killed two uuiiual except tbe solitary individual making it and yet the im bitU'n didn't die at a know anything about and wnicn were It says that Mr. F. L. Pitts, who lives performed successfully. llcar that place is the owner of an old doj . . .:n l. 1 ...... A . . .... une lest louigui ni gcnio pmjiiigwi A tew days ago a snaae bit a uoi; on a tune on the piano tbat may be seiec-1 tut) m0uth and its head swelled up to ted by any couple in the audience no one I tromendous sire. The dog kissed a pup but themselves to know what is ueciueu Py and the poison ws imparted to the - - - upon. Prof. Goshaun evidently possesses a wondcrtul gift what it is we will net at tempt to say; but as he gives another en Copes. Suiiib. i.'.ik vV. Tjwi.r, Mis Maria Tay- T lor. W Mr. Kit Williams, Maltariel Wil limns, .1. J. Wi'ker.-on, Oss Walston, Mrs. llaur Wiliiams care John Williams, Mr. Charlie William, Mrs. Kodia Willi'ims. Persons call ing for above letters uill will please suy auvertised anil cive Oatc of list. 1 be jvgulutions now require that one cent shall be collcetetl oil the delivery of each advertised letter. Wm. . Cl-AIIKB, P. M. For a cut, bruise, bum or scald, tii ere is nothing equal to Chamber lain s ruin lialiii. it heals tho parts more qniokly than any other applica tion, and uuicsa tho injury is very so vero, uo scar is left. For ealo by J an. WAT0M TfllS 3PACE. mm 61-McSORLEY Confectioners op- little pup, and iU head also become much larger than Its normal size. The puppy kissed a cat, and strange as it may appear the cat also received the poison and the poor feline's head and month became For Kent. A dwelling, l.irt;c and commodious, ituatetl on South Front street. Apply to tl. W'. U. ISltlNSON. FOB SALE. One Cash Register with Tnonty-fivc Keys. Cost one hundred and seventy live dollars fit factory. Can be purchased from Big Ike at one hundred and twenty live dollars. The only successful nierciiaut is he who properly looks alter hiacash. Merchants cow i! and sec me, it lyill pay you. portunity to see and judge for themselves. 1 3W0llen. In three days the puppy died and the cat died, but the old dog recover ed and got well. "Come, join me In pajing my I cigarettes and amoklng tobacco the gen taxes" IS" .the. present Joathleral purpose of the new company, Carolina style of asking man tot Mr. J. T. Hall gives a glowing account tabu " lirtle - "oiBen" into' bisloftheimpressoDshe formed of Pamlico 'iiTStam "-i 'AT - ' I county from his recent trip there. fatal accident to Mr. Solomon Marshall of Hyde county on Friday the 80lh ult. While riding bis horse in plow harness a steam whistle blew frightening bis horse, Mr. Marshall was riding sideways and become taneled in tbe traces and tbe A Cariosity. Mrs. S. E. Credle tho clever keeper ot tho boarding bouse in the Howard build ing on South Front Street has curiosity lock of hair that has grown to several times its length it was when severed from jle 1 horse ran dragging him across corn rows I the head. It was sent to her by a friend a distance ot nesny two nunarea yarns 1 two years ago anu was men oniy about 1 1-3 inches long. Since then it has Most of Mr. Marshall's clothing was I crown constantly and is now over a foot laWiw limiMu wtfli fliA ttirffl: .vblhid torn on uimnnams oaon was verno.y long. 11 in v.jjoruu, grown, anu uas a to be critical when Dr. Gibbs arrived but mm fiAtfi AaM rnni And rrnit am flnA and Prof. Dolbea says a powerinl I he saw some of the fattest and best looking l - . search lieht oonld nroieot 1 a beam cattle he ever viewed. He was particu- tn Mr. in fonr minutes, whloh lany impressed wim 1 -nnM h and FMOOndBd t6. If "8 ln aa,lon ro Dw ithov have the apparatus that we hire. Pnwmtni AnnntiAna bafl ttlflt fitArtftd in the ... . .1 , - I at bist accounts he was doino- well, saw mm Business ana naa acres 01 togs 01 1 , - , , - the beat quality of. timber already cut Charles Dudley Warner says the awaiting operation of the saw. difference between. faithv cure" ; A few day ago the people of James city and 'mind care" Is that the mind announced their intention of appealing to onrs dnsnt r'eonire any faltbi and the citizens of NeW. Berne fcr aid to- pur- tbe faith cure doesn't require any chase a site for them to locate Win the . near future, they having decided to move a ' fromtheirpresenthomeainabody. ' They ' Amerioans -te bound to have have the refusal of several tracts ot land tbe'.r joke. After giving the Pake that, suit thetn for the purpose and h a rAnantion aa he aeyerat citizens of the settlement are now A.-mn of thv now' sneak with the 9ubscriptioB paper,oliciting Mr. Joseph Reel of Pamlico narrowly escaped accidental death in his father's saw mill on: the 4th of July, i He was "Merit Merchandise pays." A physician who loves every patient a Lawyer who never win a ease a olothingshop that always caught by the Rafting, a portion of his J gives a customer "the worst of it,'' ciotmng torn on ana a gosn cut in nis where's the difference, or what tm- Rocky Mt. Kceley Mocking Birds. The Koeloy Institute students are having a gay time now-a-days, or, r&tkcr, now a days and now-a nights. lhey keep cool in the day timo under tho broad spreading oaks in tho cam pus, and in tho night gather ou the broad verandas ot the institute, and till tho air with melody uutil j the mocking bird, singing to tho moon from the branches of tho great oaks, gives up in depair and tucking his head under hit wing keeps silent. Itooky Mt. (N. C. Argonaut. jn'29ind &w.) BUSINESS CHANGE 1 THE IMG and SHORT OF IT Let us Not Waste e ores fm urn (vrnfArina Hardware. Farming Implements, Drv Goods, Notions, ?J0ts, bbors, &c, &c. New Berne. N. C Jjlv 1st, lS!),i, TO MY CUSTOMKltS and tho PUBLIC. I have dispoeed of my entire Wine, Liquor and Cigar liusiness to Mr. Mark Disosway, who will continue in that line at ray old stand nn Sou:h Front 8t. two doors cast of Gaston House Appreciating tho long con tinued and liberal patronage of uiy friends, 1 cordially commend to them Mr. Mirk Disosway, aad aj-k that they favor him with their cutlom. Very Respectfully, JAME8 KKDMOI). WINE t CAI arm. This and tbe jar was all tbe jury he sustained. ' People cannot be too careful around machinery. of him as the Dnke of Vertigo, which is enough to make his head ' swim. .. ' 'v contributions towards the purchase. Bev.Jno. B. Gibbie. Rev. John B. Gibble, now of Wil mington, a native of Beaufort, and his sister Miss' Susie of. Beaufort came in on fliA BfiiftmAP N'nniaA An iliA KlK inah - nd Vomiusau.nv.uB. v ' ' " I lft hv tht nidit train for Rttii(nrt-. Mrs. E. Q. Brown and chUdreb, who ' - . . -. . , . , w . 1 1 . . 4 ... ... . , . ' 1 IWIM WWIUIVlUIHUlll.UUIIIV I1U1U A. V I V . n . i - ;rr: j v..i Wa tuytn 1siHiis relatives in thocitvl. . . Virginia nas inruea oun m - . Female College and her brother accom- advertlsemant of the 1""'" 1 . T. " " , panyingber to visit relaUvca. K f are they to the community. We always try and "tote fair" with our customers and give them their money's worth. Onr business is Clothing, Hats, and Shoes and Men's furnishings, and if yon need anything in this line. Give ns a call. New Stock of Negligee Shirts just in at ' HOWARD'S. summer senoa, ia the alleged dlsoivery of a bad ot natural ice. Who wouldn't be anxious to spend a few weeks ia -the vioinity of suoh a cooling curiosity, . V here will the increasing snobbery and toadyism stopl The other day Mr. Cleveland bought a sjmaier suit of clothes and a straw hat, and straight way full descrip tions of those ; ' seasonable - and 1 --wary articles were telegraphed I turning home, ; 'i ever the country, and perhaps Dr. Chas. Duffy home in Nashville Go. Mm. Elizabeth Green and her . sister Ifrs. Bailie Dudley, of Kansas City, who I has been -visiting her, left yesterday to yisit relatives in Winston. The family of Mr. Jos. B, Clark'Ieft on the last trip of tbe Btr. Neuse' . to spend the summer with relatives in Philadcl- The college closed two-or three weeks ago and since the commencement exer cises Were held"! Mr. Gibble ' and Miss Susie nave been spending the time on a short pleasure trip principclly in viewing tbe ahrbts of Wasbinjrtoa City. V. -"' Mr. Gibble graduated in his . theologi cal studies, a year ago and was then or- T';o Population of New Berne -it, nine thousand, and we would ' i t one-half re troubled with - i, vn on tbe Throat and Lnnga, hoa out. :nl dot are. according to Bt- j, mure n "inms tlian otheis. We taivise ii o 'r readers not to ne . (ipporlm.-. v to mil on their j f"t a bov'e of Kemp's Bal- 1 i 1 1 r fi t ami Lunn 1 -)M ' -9 bvit.'.e O.'io. and 11," n'id phia, and Miss Delia Marine and Miss . . , Lj,- T 1 tjn4-4iu1ra IaA ah iUm sama arfsksimAr 1 " ,v" 1" - "t . a war in that car.acitir. accer.Ublv: !k ut.ll In V lV.1v,th Pit!, ,. 1- I I . 1 1 -f ' .... m . .... n-1 A IVUU1VU, UlUWWU W .1 IV 1WJ1UWM . UV Umi wlaltfni tAanr In thA flirv IRTT. . FA-1 1 . .... . , , I mil mlniatrv-niv the 94rl 1M at Alexan. .,... . .. Mna Theolosncal Bcminarv. Va.. ' t rerurned last night I ; 1 : from Winston. , ,. '.::X-'v P : 1 Mrs. O. T, Watson and Misses Eva and ;; Notio Notice is herebv iriven. that the Board of (Jommissioners ot . Uraven county win meet on tbs 2d Monday' in July 1893 for the purpose of revising tbe tax list. and Valuations of property ror the year 1893 when all persons objecting ootu val uations of their property, or to the amount of Tax charged against them wi ll be beard, o : f . : No Corrections . can : be made, after such revision is made. . The. said Board Having rved ? he I nv nnia rt Hnaf1 PnmmiaaianAni far (3 wen County. v" '.i w r-M.yi.-;,i? : BIDDLB, UlerK. !;atio3 of Sila of Va.Iaa.bla Tncts of Land Nottee is htrrby atvfin tbaT, In obaiV.enoo to n Juilruent and orrler of inn Mnpurlor Uourtoi Craven Oooiity, riiitariii fin ihe I ;t day or July, IS9;i, In i,o sro j:nt prooood lnii eu ,tldiJt "JjtmsO HiTinon, Almia Uit'.tHir tie l.on'B notof 'A'ta VYnu Hlutou. deO:ntil. 74. iitfcivlna stantou nod ottjartf." Lite nnciiTSlgnsd wltl ou NloacUy, August 7lh, 1893. at, the Oo'.irL Jlcus.t inow Fermi, N. O. at 1, ii'ci,iot i hi Hf li to trio hifc:bes bltldor, fur c'ir ill -j li llowln.; tracts uf land belol. ti lt ! ' ntut't .ft" Wtu. Venn Ptfrnton. di cti.i.i.l ,yl-.- itiiil Ott.-K t:i Wo. 5 Townuhip. t'r ,vt1, ttiui . J. C oil thi South H'.tlo of N .-u-.L ' v.-i-. b t -vro i.uofocL'8 CreuK and A.lvti.-; ri. !: , t.rv tv l : 1 it t? t t.ci hiu;.- ti :.-t lho 'M..-ti!K Creek Irtc." of 'lln;n I .iti'V co.itttljthtg VDU acrce. more or iet.ii nct"K itevvrR. coriiU- oin trt,i'is doAeritttl in iito following deedft tro t ilea iu graven uttnaiy reooros, 10 wi : tie fffciu R. W.Boll to VVm. P. Stanton. dn.Uii Aorll 'iud, IS:9. Ho, Nj. 1U1. folio 810; one from H. w. Uoll, Wiu.antl W. J. Harden. lyloWit P. Atan ton, dtttud reb. loth, 1S5 Hook No lOl.fol.o 311; one from 1'arkiir J. Smith and o hern to Wo. H. Stanten. dated Oct 2:l!,lF6S, l!oilt No. 101, folio 313; one from B. W. Boi; to Wm. P. Stanton, dated AUtll 20, 18.1D, HOOK Mi IV1, lOHO 311. 2 line troot linow.1 as the ' Neale tract, oontalning; ncrrtt. mo eor leas, lylnic on the Kafit de ol the Mill Pond aud Look Crnpk Aiilnlnlns the lands of Abner P. White li' n l -.mil Olnyton Hell, boundtd is follows: Beilunlrg ;U the North end of the Mill .am and TUtii'lttg with the Atfams llr ek ro'd Sonth S7 East 34 pole, t ten South 72 t tst 20 iolee, then South W Kaat VI poles IftThootas ftprntier'ii line, then with said line North 40 Wnt 181 poles to a um at the utile of Long Oreek, then with the va rious eoarsss or the ureea to me oeilnntni 3 One ot,nr tract Known the "Willis Trasti" oontai nina 110 aort s. more or leea. lying on the Bon in west aide of Coat's Oreek at the month ot said oreek. bounded as fol lows: Bealnnlrjg at a live oak, ootnnr of the Hum Mill tract, runnln theooe Booth 31 kaat. S18 poles to Coat's U eek, then down the varlons ecursee M the Oreek to Nenae Klver, lliennptue river to the bealnunL All of which tracts ef land ara valnable for tarming ana truoaing parposes. newuerne, pi.u jaiyaukitivn JAMKiu. aaBBIBON. Adm'r. aad Uom. I0V0R :in. BUSINESS. Having purchased tho Wine, L;n uor and Cigar Business of Mr. Ju ItcUmona, l Btian contmuo the same in all its branches at his old aud well known stand i respectfully aplt the oontinucd patronage of his old cuno mors and mends promising to give the publlo tho satisfaction that has always characterized tho well know ouse of Mr. Kcdmond. Very llosp't. MARK DISOSWAY South Front street, two doors East of Gaston Iiouse, New Berne, X. (J jlOlm anoti'.i;k lot ot i'iiosk FRSsli Tub Handsomest Lady In Xew Berne' Remarked to a friend the other day that she knew Kemp's Balaam for the Throat A colored boy from Newport 'named I and Lunga was a superior remedy, as tt Annie Banders who have been visiting in Winston returned home last night. Mrs. E. B. Ellis and Misses" Emma Katie Jonas and Liziie Ellis returned to Jlorchead City. ,' ; ; . Sharpie For Sale at Half Price. A fine Sharpie 22 fcet long, with sail and cordate, ik arly good as new.' Inquire at tUia oico, . '. ji4jw, stopped her coach instantlv when othet cough remedies nad no effeot whatever. Sato prove this and convince yon of Its merit any druggist will give yon a sam ple noma tree. irge sue auo. anagj. Willie Jones, during a dispute was struck by a James City boy in New Berne Wed nesday nlgbt at a wharf, badly fracturing the ikoil. ' Dr. Primrose itrephined the ttrAnhft: - Hit II It! fit a btrtnill Itnnriihnrt I , i -.. . " - , " i ; . ; ventary uicycie uiuv, - 1 4 as a piece oi tne Droscn stun oone pens- t aji tnembers of the. Century Bicycle trated the substance of the brain. : It has Club are called to a regular ran this however been -removed and there are evening at 6:48 and to the regular weekly I I- .f iL. V1 A t 1 a. . a. o.rtA chances of hia recoverv. The bov. Tin- ??"nS ,:g, cent, who struck the blow is ip jail,"f : I -. ..-Vv,V,"-nrT' tTtit: fiant " How Bsrn9 Opera liousa. FRIDAY NIGHT, JULY 1 7th, THE WONDERFUL MIND READER wiQ give an exhibition of his remarkable ability at tne upera House Tonurnt for tbe beoeflt of St. John's Lodge endorsed bv the Clemf. Press. Soieutista' and Prin- cipals of Public Schools as being strictly moral aad instructive entertauimont, i : Resarved Seats,' "' 80, cents, ucnerat AamissionT " i 85 es: mullets JUST HEOBVei, Wq hi vc tliom If youliad purchased the last you bought, of us, you would not, so soon be needing others. TSie Duality We are offering is not to be secured anv where olac at tlis price. "Wo Can IPiro-v it ! Call tad see if we can't. Larger and fatter than the others call and get some before they are all gone. We also have on hand a huge lot of MASON'S TO BE SOLD AT Low Prices. Very Respectfully, GHUHQHILLIPMSCEB Broad St. Grocers. W will for a HAT I GRAIN! FEED! Corn, Oats, Peas, Grits, Hominy, Bran, Middlings and all kinds ; of Seeds. -Onr - Preparedeed, , Comnoied of Kooeh Meal. Oat Meal and Mill Feed eannot be Excelled for feeding horses and Cows, i ' j C D. BRADflAII, Vi CB1VEJT ST. n;Q dir lm few weeks The Finest Toilet soap tin market lat r22c cake. ,tho per Tours Truly,'1 . - 1 s jL.--'. "wr , ;'i ' ':