J uoi AIUL I I A) TI103E s for f rs er.i.a Twist . u ; ; j-om" '! jrea. ! V i C: - f : i cf port throat . v .-rr romman at this i Twt, because of tli of ths weather, I c1, . r at times, with i wir.li'and damp,' and ' o iio with soft taowi . "u ohangos also from . t . xratr stova-heatod s nn also protty likely to a irritations of tbo throat ' r?no3, which, without being . ve'.y dangerous, may beooms j t r Et gleet, and ars in any case ; ! aymt enough o . maks a - rt remody very dealrabla, i or thoM cam, where no yror troubls U at ths foundation, t'.-oro are cos or, two remedies ru(Uly at band and generally r . "ive. Where the throat troubla arises from a common cold such as may readily develop into quinsy, in eunpiesi remedy is a cards made.of chlorate of 1)0 ash and cold water.- There is no dauber of using too muoh pot r.hiuthis form, as chlorate of I ' -sh is a druz which makes v. ..ut chemists call a "saturated solution." Where the throat is verr muoh Irritated, the gargle t hould be used at least onoa an Lour, or may be alternated with di-fanhioned salt and pepper gar f la. - The familiar household rule for the latter is ftwo teaspoonfula of fine salt, two tablespoon! uls of vinegar and half, a teaspoonf ul of cayenne pepper, all aissoivea in ouart of boillnflr water.. . ; It is a good plan to give tome jumpie noma remedies wuwu wm Droauce DorsDirfttion. and also to keep the patent indoors for several days. As soon as such a cold u broken up a good tonio should be obtained from the family physi cian. All colds are now Believed to come from a degenerated condi tion of the system. " . . . t Changeable Oausea. v i ; Changeable gauzes ' repeat in dark tones of color some of the ef fects of changeable satin, and are also brocaded and cross-barred with color.' These - gauzes differ from the old-fashioned silk grena dines in. the foot that they are finer, sheerer firooda.. They,re also .found in solid black in a great variety of paterns,brocaded. crossed-barred and . striped, and it is in plain black and in black grounds brightened by quadrille off ects in color that they will be most popular. Black grenadines, which are heavier and more dur able goods than the gauzes, prom ise to remain popular. They are found in plain black. In variety , of brocaded effect and in black brightened by color. Black gauzes will undoubtedly be chosen , for afternoon dresses made in Em pire effect over close-fitting gowns of black satin." " . , ' - Not What She Meant - A oortain well-known writer is a great stickler for terms in defining professions. "I am a literary woman," she announces, "not a jour nalist" ' 4-' Though she carefully abstains from any slur on the profession of ' journalism, she evidently feels it to be "a notch below.' her own chosen jlane. ,aii..icij-: .- When the "census man," as the landlady characterized him, came to the boarding house where . Mas . D lived, he asked the usual ques- tions in regard to the inmates. Iam so sorry to distort) you," said the landlady, coming to Miss , D 's room, "but he, wants to know all ' the professions., What shall I tell him about yours?" , -. r "Thatta very -dlffloult to tell In oneword,rt!prll Miss B A1 do literary work, but I am not a journalist." , ' -.-v. Still the landlady lingered. "You might say exactiy that," continued Miss D w "I do not care to be known as a journalist. Indeed, I have not. the slightest claim to be considered one." - "O Miss D urged the land lady, "you're too modestl' 'Youth's Companion. V -' ' Purifying Filthy Water. The" filthy water of the River Nethe Is purified for use in' Antwerp by bo- ' ing passed through revolving cylin ders containing small pieces of iron. Fifteen pounds of metallio Iron will purify one million gallons of water. ' The water thus treated is said to be completely freed from germs.bacteria and other objectionablemattera. Eng lish and French chemists find that the contact with iron reduces the organic ( matter by irom forty-five to eighty five per cent., and albuminoid am monia by from fifty to ninety per cont:, and all froa ammonia Is re moved. The process has been ap plied with success to the water of - the Delaware river in Pennsylvania. , It Is slAfple and choaj4 From all Of, ' which it may be Inferred that the passage of drinking Water through , iron pipes does not injure it. yj ", ' ' - f ' - i h r-.' 6wdlne Sandwiches. - j .j, ; Take a box of sardines and chop them up fine. Add two eggs, hard boiled, chopped and seasoned with one-Lalf teaspoonul of mustard and one-half,, teaspoonful grated horse r " " !i. Mix this well together and - 1 between thin slices of light 3 or cold biscuit. Detroit Free t ," r .vt r . t . i . ';-.t' .i v 11;. 'i ' a to aa . 1 1 3 - .', t.t t- i 1.ne to a C s...-te ec -t;V!t, ap petite noeJi.J encovrtcg, without prore-klcf a rrfttrm smue. iu when I followed a cinoe confers loa that sh wss furj of Cowers with a bunch of white hyacinths her face glowed with hardiness. I tried the Cowers on a cultured, well-to-do blind woman of my aoqualntanoe. Ehe scarcely noticed them, out the dainties that the ignorant girl bad refused the lady fell upon with the voracity of a wolf." This philanthropist negiectea to take into consideration In her work that all-Important factor in the re lief of suffering what part decay has preyed upon. la the case of the consumptive, disease had consumed the vital nature past desire to the crra&ter nulckrai&f of the swltuaL On the other band, the blind wom an's appetite was stimulated to ab normal activity by the infirmity that shut her on from the sights whlob promote the sours growth. N. Y. Times. - ; . ,. ; , i -r ".."- I U f 4 . TEXRra A DirrKRKSCM IN MZM betwtMt Ur. Ftarcet rellU and irerr o malW. rpuL TbrUstsan And thk diAsreoo U lis, with tbeit ngw - oottag nutks taaa us Bat Wi dlffroo ttiroogk. IWfiMria In tb wy act. mea, bo nacwa aftarward. Thmj do ptrmammU (oa. l onf ng ulaU thm lyrttB,' weQ u cleanaa and ranorata it. Bk or BUioo Haidaoha, Conatipatioa, Indiawtloa, BUiout Attacks, and aU dV ranRnenta of th Uvar, totuacfa, aad bomls are prvrantad, relUrad, and Pat op in hM rlak, alwmy treab and taUabh: a parfsat vait poctat remdr. TharVa roorantMd to rtv aMfaoUm, bt erary V caaa, or th tuonrj a m. Wa tomaa Wkat offar oonk t (aim lainrl . f BOX 101 BELL TO BIG IKE. f .. . -. . . I have read your letters from fur and from i near . . .- 1 From Katie and from Mollie that seem to f vonto dew. . - I imagine they've secret which to yon they wish to tell And so have I my friend Big Ike a sweet . - -IdsBea'1 . - : --. -V: I nope when my letter I send to yon yon read Ton will justly accept it and my request . yon will heed . . And trust my little self yoa will remem ber well ' And bear in mind these tines yon read are from tweet "Ida Bell." Remember your wealth which came by toot bands . ' I trust yoa appreciate the One that gave , . - at lands i i Are abeod of all inventions which yon love to tell. To yon the noble Big Ike I Think of "Ids ueu.", -:i . . . . , .. : Your history I hare read and it seems to me , Ton are a man of great renown thatevery- , body see, ,i,t . i i ,j Oh noble Big Bee yon must - remember - .. well - .. ' V'f - The name I bear it now ton see is your ' sweet "Ids BelL" ; I will not attempt your affections to gain Nor do I expect a fortune to maintain . But only to near from yon if yon've any- r Initio tn . Be bold at once my friend Big Iks with . t uT4. T11 II your Bwm xua jjcu I will with . patience wait on yon it yon wish to reply ' - To me At once just do I w will not yon denv But hope in the future yon will - continue to do well b the prayer oh noble Big Iko ot your sweet "ids Bell." When at work, when at rest, when st last ( do you roam ; ." When sailing o'er the wide ocean and far sway from home. My lost words to yon Big Ike is what wish to tell Forget me not bnt think ot roe yonr , sweet "Ida Bell. c , Eastera CaroUna Dispatch.' ' I (On and after Monday June 19th. 1803, the steamer Garrett will be- withdrawn and this line will resume its former schedule Hie steamer Nense sailing on Mondays; Wednesdays ana maays. Geo. Hbtdebsob, Agent . new Berne, r. v., wuneitui, vo. t r Excnnlon Bates to Kerfolk aal Ksj'g " 1.5 Heal. The management of the Str. Neose, commencinK next week will sell round trip excnnlon tickets from New Berne to Norfolk for $3.60, one fare. These tick ets will be good only on the Friday trip of the Nense, to return the following Wednesday morning. Ronnd trip tick ets New Berne to Nag's Hesd will be issned at the same price 13.60 good on sny trip of the Neuse. yThis trip em braces a sail on the Nense to Elizabeth City st which point another boat is taken for Nacs Bead. These rates will be in operation during July and Angntt it WORLD'S FAIR. ti the Chesapeake A Okie Railway -The quickest anct best line to the Worlds' . Fair. ; Only twenty-sevsn hours from KiohmoBd, and twenty. three houri from Charlottesville to Chicago. ' Double ' dsily Vestibule trains with. Pullman sleeping anddin tngcats. ' '.,:-l i ' . .' " v, v '(.;: -. The Chesapeake and Ohio is also the chtspest lme. , Ask for tickets via this route. If yea desire to stop at th , famous . Greenbrier, White Sulphur Snrinci or at any of the watering nlsees alonff the line Of the O. & 0 your World's Fairtiekete will permit yon to do soV Special arrangements . for the care of or tranused parties. 1 For full information and printed matter relating to the World's Fair addrees JOUfD.rOTT3, D.P.A. m O. & O. lly. tkLmond, Vfc t I a a n n nEFnicEnTons. That have ffiven bo much satisfaction here. tjyCALL AND SEE TOEM. Not .surpassed , by any on; the market 1 Sr.iliffosd Slorsr, Th:39 Intent She:. Atn) SLLPPER3 V J Have Arrived1 And with them other y goods of their kind for ladies and Hisses. ' WE HIVE A few more pieces of that lOe Plaid and stripped Lawn, whioh did sell for 15 ots. - ' We have 1 othor things nioe and cheap. Come and seat- , ,f ; : tf BARRING TON & BAXTER. NEW BERNE ' ACADEMY A Principal Wanted. The Trustees of New Berne Acade my invito Correspondence with persons competent to take charge of and eon- dnot a HIUH SCHOOL la -the city or Haw .Berne a. U. A person pos sessing the necessary qualifications can eeoure a very liberal and rerun nerfttive oontraot with the Board. The facilities for conducting a Hirh Grade School are, in all re spects, ample. Address . W. M. V9 ATSON, Sec. ; IJew Berne, News and Observer and ABheville Citisen oopv daily (two weeks) and forward pill to secretary. . tf FOR A FEW DAYSr. Prior to stook taking we - have marked down the following goods for thejparpose of converting into cash: We will positively not sell onored. it at prices given, but mast have the eash upon delivery. 1 ' Creme'i Nunn's Yeiling 38 inches aide, 35o Reduoed from 50c ' - Half wool Challies, 15o Reduced rom 20c 4 . .. Beautiful Figured Lawns, 15o. Reduoed from 20c. . ' Fanoy Striped 'Bedfbrd Cord, 16o Bedaeed from 25o. ' ' Cashmere De Paris, light shade 10 ets. Ksdncel from 120. , . Kerrs machine thread 3 per spool. - Call early and secure Berne of these bargains before they are closed out. itesp't. Submitted, H. B. DDFFT Saw Hill Supplies J .-. .', In all Lines. Belting, . -J , Lace, Leather, . - Saws, Pnllevs, k ; U Pipe, Pipe fittings. 'T'BsOOttiET. Rubber 5ci leather Belting. Orders filled promptly Disoswav & Churchill :i Craven St, Next to City Hall. SMslo T Taies, Sotice.' Office of lliijrister of Deeds, r .' . t , . Craven K, Jane 29, 1898,' All Murchaots. Traders, Liquor, deal ers. Keepers of Ferries, Commission Mer chants, ; Auctioneers and all -others in Craven county who are . required to list their purchases, receipts" sales as the case may be under Schedule "3" of the Revenue Laws of N. C, are hereby noti fied to list tne same at my otnee during the first ten days in July, 1869 for six months ending June 80, jsua.j y 3. W. BIDDLE, Reg. of Di eds, of . i-.( .i "V Craven County. ' JUST TKIKK OF IT ! Arnold's Ink, - . Muoilage, :. i, Also 5 cent bottles 60 et? per qt 7fr. Puitui elean and ready mucilage 25 ots, Bed, white, and blue ink. -' Pencils 10 ots per doson.-; 75 eta - per gross. Pens . 40 .' Ots peri gross. .Pens; all kinds. " Check proteotors, Shannon's files and Binding eases, Copying Books and Prestes ; Playing and .Visiting Cards. Tea -Cards and " Envelopes. 8ealinir' Wax. Music Rolls, Ink Stands in profasion. Onr 'fountain Pn, v Warranted"-: I 50.. Paul i K. Wirt FooBtoin' Pens, World's - Fair luunuui rem u vw. Vi We can have your checks made on 'chemicall? nrenared paper abso lately proof against .raised checks. ' We sell Benner'i Manifold Books. . Also Blank Books of every . de scription. J " . . . k Yours Truly, ' Oa Ciay . C 3s K , UKDEE nOTEL ALEEST. ' Mrs. 3. E. Credle's. By the Dy, Wek or Ivlntl. SOUTH FKOXT ST., OPFOSITE : J. A. MEADOWS' Table fiaplied .With The Bes, tho " Llarket .Affords. Ct Lit L!Mk.!!3i Eeistered Pharmacist Orrosrrs Kafeii'b Baxkrt. Constantly la Stock. , ' ; . Careful attention riven to nresorin- tioa day and night. i Proprietor sleeps at rear of Store. By knocking at door any one oaa get mAdiAim or a ftrafinrintion . flllAjl quickly at any hour without extra ouarga. . ., , W. SPECIAL NOTICE. i-OF ALL KINDS Constantly' on Hand: At a Low : ' : : TEOTEIUTURE. In a Urge slats" front refrigerator. Come and examine oar ' Market in Roberts Bro'sold stand. . -.v .. 8.C0HN&80Ii;v f John Dunn's! IceCream Soila,:': r Ml Slate, Coca:Cola I f ' ' ' i ..si i All Syrups Pure. , Made from - Best Fruit Juices. .. Jt i , V v ,; '' ?C' CELEBRATED CANDIES. v In Sealed Package Fine Candies m K WHITO AIT & inLLEK'S ') . FINK PHIUl. ' CA3TDIES. t' ; Florid a ( Oranges, J Bananas. & Etc. A. RfflBBARD.; Watohe$, : Clookt ani Jewelrgl BIIEEWArE, fccj REPAIRING NEATLY DONE Middle 8U, New Berne, N. C.'4 , : dwft. ' " -itM-t j:t' ; : J. H. (IR1BTEB & CO.,! Hachinists & Founders ;nbw berne;W;sc3.vvS, Engines, Boilert, 8aw Mills, Board . Trimmers, Log Haul- Single and Double , Ledgers, Shafting, Pulleys Boxes.. tt;tA,:j;i Keep constantly on jiand, Pipe,' Pipe: fittings, Sheet and Bar Iron and "in fact all things needed in themachinist llns. , KWM.E. CLARKEi' A TTnUTri! 1 V AT T AT5T aaawiuiis: u A aJa, If f :,i.J.,.vr,AND-.::,r;;: Real 'Estate V Agciit; Con- ftcviuns. Vv . York, 4, ' - v5 V V..'' Timber, iaii-. .1 Farmlands, ; Truck lands, ' i .". , ToT7n lots. Do yon want to bay t . WRITE, Do yoa want to sell s " - 'i WRITE." . "SPECIAL. ' - ' , 1500 aores, Trent Jtotd 6 milei of city, Timber and Truck land. rzhvn by t-U I Pftril wtl B'nre. A T. I -S, tin any worn, i aOCtit, I r'-'W (r i r. Ii: !- usu. :. v a. tin. it kt i f ' .... in. 'n. t is, ft).1 - u I ft. f. r. ; 1 1. i u Tenrtey m . I a at 1 I Simply wish to state to tho people of EASTEliN KOETH CAROLINA That through ths persnaidoa of the Manufaotnres of ths STANDARD SEWING MACHINE CO, that I have taken the agency for this Ma- chine, that never is all the' days of my life did 1 think I would he a common sewing machine agent, bnt I most' confess' that I am always ready and willing to serve the people and did so seeing the advantages of the machine ever all others, and knowing the rejoioing there would be among so many mothers and daught ers. r '. '' V :' . It Downs Them all.! '..:.- If . you have bought and failed to f get one don't let , your, wife know; it, 'or . she will worry you until - yotf are pursauded ;tb V get one-hence ; you T will hiavo double expense '-i -a"' I' iiV ": : ;:;;' IF YOUh nEiGiinoa .-:vf ' f J t-i'-i: M- - f 'iv l ' ' Has one go oypr and see it,"and if he does not pronounce the rf , SEWINi:V MACHINE : 5:, : .5-:if i.''.V-7 Then 1 ;.will quitlthe Field. - ? .-.'.S , ri. -'k1 A Five . dollar premium will he i d to. the person who will inform L - a. 1 ' C k. M Of any one having horht the Stan'Md Scwir llacLine who is dj-r" r.cd. 1MI11 ..5t ,f--.- i :-i;v'" - :-)-. v-i.-' l:.' v t V i - t . . - WE HAVE now, as always, "on - hand a Full Stable of the jincst and Highest Bred of PRICES TO ' SUIT PURCH ASER, and ' Also oa hand a full and Complete Line of Buggie8--AIl Makes-HarnessvHoad Carts, and in lact anythincr psrtainin to th8 Horse. -: Livei And furnished at shortest notice.' See us before purchaiur elsewhere and save 4 monev, A Fiaa ft Tan flUTfi sJBufgfgs, -'.:'i ::SSJ:::;:T;::i:l3;:-;:i breon'dibarn ELOfl COLLEiE; ' Located on the North Carolina R. K in Alamance Co.-;i" -c. V ' v .; Elegant ynew hnildings, . Larcre and ., increasing. . patronage..- Both Sezos. . Facultv of twelve members. - . Curriculum qual of Male Col leges : Academic Dopartment, Musio Art, Commercial. : ' - . Moral of StudenU " unsurpassed. J , upens AngustTJlst, 1SU3. For further information or Cata logue Apply to i. Rev. W. S LONO, A. M.,D. D. ; . ,. President. 'Elon College' N. O. . j2Slm. bWI anteWaal k.U S - j v A choice lot of - 8njtar Oore4 Haws, " bhonlders, - - -'. I3reakf8t Bacon, Emoked Deef, - Loneless Corn TiBPf, . PaleCrenm uiiceso, Tdiicy Lomoiis, ' v !" Kiea Dtitter, -At 7-I jMSpecialty; Lot ;ef oTrnvTxrVT!i Jf Av JO. SALE f LIVERY K : '. - V.... ( IVJ- ) - CALL and. EX A" I stock, which is cons'" .- i ' ;..t. - i j. .i . ' picnuueu irom ine i " SLow you !' r i TiQ',1 St. O'-r j f . . . r . . -. . : . '