The Daily Jour n t Ji.ji. VOL. XII -N 97 NEW BERNE, N. C. SUNDAY, JULY -J:i. l.v.:j r PRICE o CENTS. if kiiO-':.' it BUSINESS LOCALS. FINS Beef at 8. Cohn Son toinniormw morn lug. 11 AN 1)80 ME Presentation B .nks I ) O A J 1 .. . I. ... u rMn.f . IT . ' ' . Stationery Store. Middle St. ot.o: I Baptist Chnrob, tf , HAVE yoa anything t pt-ciat to sell, or do you want to buy any artieli n '. -piled by the regular market ? If j.i tr the advertising columns of I In- Joi'IinaL tf BROWN BEANS for tabic use nt r, cc : ott Quart. Also Seed Peas and Hears fir fall planting, fit low prices I!. I:rr.Y. FOR RENT Tbe Dwelling next do to my residence on Pollock Street. .). V. Ktf.w art. 1 -';; -"!" ' S-H: 'j ...: WANTED As-Dts wanted every .vlu"-. , , ... K,, ,,, to sella font eellin-jt artio'o Go hi r"; ' ' ' OJ" to the right man. Sample 2.V' F.rltnn ; .. v;' i, .i:n- ,or terms apply to Marshall UiM. Ai pMn w.. i;..,.;. x,n 8 0 lni. ONE OP the mo it satisfactory tMn- bout a Columbia Bicycle is the p in' Owners of this nhael know thev .iitn ; bloycle worth tho price. Sl"iO. Iwui Oolumhiaa are never at ant pbc " i''l t i leas Heavy discounts iiro i;iven many other wheels IUtod at V.n cause they are not worth thn ps'eil pri-o The discount varies as docs th" rtttt i. c m' persistency of the prosp-oti.-o pin ehaier Moral- Buy a (Inlumhvi n-vl know that yon do beyond Din sin Io t r.f K donbt ride tbe Boit on Earth I11' , 000 wheelmen ride Oolutnbi.i. W T llti.l, ro, Si.lo A.;'-. DUFPT'8 Diarrh.wa Onrdial - pr-,r!-ration whhlc.h lni boon mi n- f ir m i"1 years, with g. eat stisi',ii;ti hi to hi' h have naed It Comnosfl o' Aromatics, Astrinuer.ts i'"mi ' and Antiseptlu' P!,isi:i-. Il:i-tnh--v nd EfTo'ltl. For li:.rr!l-i li. M Ml terry, Bummer Comn'Hi..t, Chni. . Oramps sod Pain In the inn ' 'I I -medioine is iiwl and nd ii ?e l ' I i 1 n II R Hivan. Mr V II Hi.v ';i. John B Vonnir, ?ind a uunitiT m . i'ium citizens of tbla an I sni-round'u:1 e .m s For sale by dit'lerx in th :di . irii eoaptles F f llnffv A FULf, line ol" SpiiiiL' ; -1-1 trtmpleJ. Cins;-i iii:' .if die- lo-. Blue and Brown Heri'. I'm" ';. mors Imoort.ed uitm. Wors'i U pi Kradiis. SatisfHction uaciiit '" 1 F M. ChadffUl; Tiil r At Hall's h nii S t. ,e. (IO To'8 horsn Stor.i (or I.i y. Fine roadster, s at rttmet's il ir.s" stm-e ELEO.VNT Saddlers at Sin-d tore. Horse j Both Bliin and Cupt. G!pmm arp I' confident of being appointM l' i; ted States Dirtrict Attorner. The great QeorRia pper h, by way of explanation "Tli Onn etitntion haa modified nrpti raenff, hnt not j r viiw .'' It is estimated that there :m $400,000,000 with drawn ftom ci, oolation within a few months now in private banks. This makes money soarce. A disanterons fire areured at Su flanville, Cal., on the L'Oth of July. Bixty balding:) were destroyed u st ing a loss of $250,000. A to.-t in s : t was the only house lefc standing. We like to see New Berni.uis honored. VVe notioe with ple.ieurc that at the late grand encimp ment of I. O. O. If. at Ualei,ii, P. H. Pelletier Eq. was elected Grand Senior Warden. Borne admirer of President Cleve bas sent hi at from Aberdeen, Scotland, a Shetland pouy tb.tty eight inches in height nnd ot io metrioal bnild. It is not-intentled, for the use of the President, Star. The court-martial at Malta, try ing certain officers of tbe Victoria for their share of responsibility in the late disaster at Toipoli, is clearing op tbe mystery to the Xteut of patting tbe blntne for tie terrible il under on Admiral Tyron. The story comes from Chicago ( that Dr. Albert Shaw, editor ol the Beview of Eevlews, who is uiteu ding the Congress ol Edncai ors in that city, is spou to marry Miss i Eihsibeth Bacon, of Blading. P. : whom be first met only fiVo weeks - -go. - ' iZj. .f Senator Vance han written a very yj. strong letter to the Mecklenburg : -h"; Alllanoa, on Silvi , wi.teh we p to- 4jtk Impose g iving to oar readers at an ' '. .' early day.Tba Seattoi' opposes the repeal of the Sliertnau law until "r-Vi i ;9atisfaotory substitate is adop. The Washinnton Correspondent . -,; of the Charlotte Ooserver, Ja.y 20, '.. eajs:-8ecretary Carlisle retnrn to- . -' night and his probable presence at the Treasury Department tomorrow - may signify a new batch' soon of i" ' internal .revenue . collectors. It is likely that Mr. Simmons' appoint r ment will be amon tbe first to be -,- made bat it is not certain thttt any . of these appointments made before Congress meets. The Presi dent inBy deoide t defer them du . . til the Senate is in session the time Is now not far off. , - . - A u-1, .a;icr mau said, privately, 'Id.ia't :ue the Mlva ngtoa Mos- Stinger- h is to blamed ban! to dip from." Correct. The in m who ieiMM from kn.tfeburg ! sa.e to ho c ki-'Ii;. No:!:!! ;; n fnnm-r a C'luiTJD (.(() niPj'' ; sandwiched with K.iigc' a: . par -graphs. U : Krom a 'Xrt i ti I'.iiin'ist uaiipe DeUloi" .t i - t!ov. 'n,--: .-. el V, Q. (ll'Sil'li:. H IS I 'l.!l'.; J', i I Ht i I the '.. jjn ' A ' 'si1 i lugto.'l hp'i.ys T. I)- :..:; !' I 'l i-;,:. .- -.Uti .. v ., .;. i I f t O. : :i. .H-'Ht i e.r . Mi.'i :io.i ! ! i ' ' t 1 ' S 1 'I. i'- , , . ! .i s ., h Mil' i; '..',1 '0 !i l' ':! 'e, ,.,'i Ml ".LI : ! -!! t I : II bl ip 'il!. i I :o I Coir ..!;. a . in . :i::h ! 'u..scii- for t m :: id t ' in !, ,' ' V.lii.i'1 A. A- c. ;:. tn'.'j n'::r5 e .'r i'i'.'iii's V.' t mi; ihc cilii t 1 v iT.i'.'l -:i''l .a :;.!! li;.' I. ip!i ro:r.- tiite. " i'i-: I lie l'i"l lime I.i "ol on'-.- .! v- i!i. in ri::f n-; mp : ; i.i:!': '. :-i u!l' ;r.CA 'A for tin- e;;-.; out of war':, 1.-:' it m i! o'' t!:eni. f-:rni -il honor..- 1 n-'.n.'tii of t !hi" :, a b:'l!.,r H'oiile Ti . i':i,'.:!:;pnii'i,t is oyer; the Ctianl p:i; ,':l t!i:'iiii.;ii yes: vj.iy en roi:tc for lion'..'. :i- r:-ips.r'is v.ere on t'jo nior:;'!':-; : : : liic rent-i-ider went by special noon. It l;)o!:s us ilioti-'li (lc;i. Vi'taver is airiMi r;oino to try bis band in North 0r o'i::.i. lie is billed lo speak :it I.ilesyil'.c A.u.'. liic fit'', ard Torn Wat :on, of G'e..r g' U ' iiicd on the 3d at Aulandcr. Til.' .' ;;:o;!.pi: ine,);;,- : , !b:i: our towits ii'.'Mi Ml' AV-a Miller win) has been mV,; pr ; ::;-.i:'o:!i for a I' ;';.'.'; .il Rockr Jl'.M "-, ro'v prop-.rd to fiirni-h il::; pe:-p;e v illi w i.stcver I 'lev iv:mt in thai liae. The li.:h Stale Conventioa of t':c F:;-e:iu'r.'s Assoeiaiion n.eets in V'.'il nii:i .'.o:i V.VJ-Tf'-Mny. A tiumber ofde'o ;;r,;e v, :!i t;o f.-ori b. re. How about tryin ; (o icl tiie ne.xt meeting in New Cr-rne. T!:c two per cent dividend declared 1 y the direelo:-:! of she A. & N. C. C. I!, will, in round mur.hers !f3G.000 to p;;y fi0,S00 of Ibis amount goes into the Treasury ol the Slate and the remainder in the pockets of the private stockholders. A man by tho nanio of QoldoborGiigh, representing a jWushiiiston Building Loan Association, was pub! icy cow bided in Salisbury by a Mr. Rolick for an insult made' to his wife. The villian should consider himself fortunate in es capiti:j; a dose of cold lead. An exchaugn says it seems to be defi nitely settled that the third and fourth regiments will go in camp nt CharJotto in An5tist. This encampment will be held without aid from the State. The niili taiy will tiue uIodk their camp erpnip pages and ration and Charlotte, will do the rest. In this issue of the Journal we present two excellent poems, one "The Blue and the Gray," written by our townsman, Mr. R, Eerry, for Tins Bins and the Ghat, a magazine published in Phila delphia; the other, entitled "Winston's VolnnteorS,".- was written as a part of the services at tbe dedication of the Holt monument at Guilford Battle Ground on the fourthof thepreseot month,-t ; " ; . . . . - ,v 1 Church- Services 1 ' i-:--nr. M. K. Oiurcb Rev. U. A. "' ' " '' ' '' " ' s-rv.ccsat 11 a.m. ami ' I by licv. I. I. II. n- - vting at 0 1.1 a. in. hi:n p. in., J. M. Howanl !'.rr rc.: t :g Tbu r. o.:n,:,. iin- pni. 1 i i attend u I tin -c I v T. -1. N. (o ..ik'' y nf:ir lr':..: 1 p. in. Sum ..y ' 'o - 'I or 1 n' II "ay Sriio..! ,,l !.t I 1- .11- 1. 0: 1 ' -t of li: ,.!. 5 ;i i II .'i up from V, :;i near IYP. . !,-;in- f: i- .i. !s in tli - hil - t.-id i, ' to (; ;, 1, ! T '. l'...,ll a Ipp . I- PnMll- . ' li I'm u' it to i Pil.i:!, r. lsiri.r.1 ic- tf!;i 1 iVoi-.: V.ii'-.-,. '- ii. Mr. ;..... I' .:. ( . Wl,.'!yi :i:d MolliL 'e:i iittirtu-d fioni h" i-'lii-,o si;-si. :oir people nit,' with 'o'.in.i ev;-r makes an it ni ver writes it. To i I lint rinanl. "V. :.e .'e:il ly adopted n the I ' ol ' IlilVf l- I ll lit it'.; to :i:e the to read I ll::l u hicli 1 1. ' . ' Min i.e lo iio,i-t what i 'V' v. . p.i.l I e of service to the i . e .: id e.;i;si.' tho.-e who act 0 lo ;': r...v .ii!y thniik us for the on. i: iy. ai: i liavii:;; bought, read 1 (' M.i : i KSt) si'' l,y .Iii,np !-. 'I lie laic lioveruor :V-ilcs, thau Non ii f i.'.iii;i i had no more de o :, v- :'' I hi 1 ook that it was it a a ' : , i .o-enVto vindii .ilion of lis' ii. t i ' i.i i v-lai ioiij'.lit at ll:c bailie ol tiiiii;'-..'." an I r at il -li.oved that 'I iii--.' in. ,, io;; ,i:. bravely and most ef- I'e.-t.vel;.-, f :i, i .use oi' Aniericr.n In dl'V. .'. ':'. 1 "'.'. ' iiu . .i-.'iin . . booi; no! oalv a vi i'v c and b. co:il:,i oer -j: , v.-a.f .-i St- ' iy of liic camptiio'ii f : ; .iii.'.M 1 Court House, but i a.: .Inii.-able rt ;u!ne of 'he I ".50 ::n:l 1781, the most '. ; ' y iuroi'tiic Revolutionary I' r t:.t savin:; that North ! ic::; nad tin ir own hittoiv w ' .-i v. : ' -'. : ! ii it, in tiiiu-s p-ast :( ii::-'. ! iv:; ' in I'.ltV taught in our ci. o. -. So: . .e proof as to the reading may ' e ft - I t.: liie I act that our book seller. IK .: y Hail, procured about a .." -i CMj'T't of .Iiulgc Ischenck's book, 1';m- ;: I ::i ;;l;..r mujh advertising, nnd "..::- i :':r,a '.;,!." -old but one copy, 1 e n. ;v-i Vd to relurn the rcniniii- dirloti'i' ruiiio;-. This is in keeping with !'.; expc:-?c::oc elsewhere of other vri:e. 3 of X. C. History, very few or vrh ):,i c.::i af.'ord In wiile for uotlnng. ?- .e;:ii'.s nre ti'.ying that the dangcr otu m; M-u'je !:ir'; i.i greenbacks. Those i:i arrears to liie Jr-ritxAi. need not hesi tate to what they arc dne us as we have laeilitis fir disinfecting small animinls mid are willing to take the risk. A neg'o chicken thief in Wilmington had a very narrow escape from being shot Friday night. Ho was discovered in a yard with lour or five chickens in his hand and fired at with a thirty-two caliber pistol. Oue of the halls hit and killed one of the chickens in the darkey's hands. He dropped tho others and fled. A special from Warrenton, Va., to the Times snys that Miss Eessic Stone, eldest daughter of Thomas G. Stone, commit ted Euictde at her home near JWarrenton by shooting herself in the mouth with a pistol. She and her lather had a quarrel the day before and renewed it this morn ing when she went to her room and ended her life. Truck Quotations. The following truck quotations were received last night from Messera. Palmer Rivenbnrg & Co. of New Tork : ; ' Apples, harvest, barrels, $1.00 to I9.S0, peaches, choice . crates $1.50 to' $8.50; muskmelons, bbl, $2.50 to $3.60 tweets, $3.50 to $4.60. , Movtvt. roi:ut: i Anotln r IM by i:, -.. ea'. ! ( I i ! ... J'.'.'i'iu a . . : ; i pany. I , i.i. l' 1 -:, 1 : i !,e llo-ll: man , -.! ' A p.. . "ftlle 1 .lolli' , 11 1 II... Vein " :' .". ' t I i . t i : : . ' ,ion a I ' that h -.s, J .-. . , cborao'i-!-'. i road is mi : .bese i."' lirl'.e , i: i mi nda: ,". Les 'I !::!,. I i; e ; 'O . Tii'i'e , . - inside ;:e- i i . i - . i . I -., bank- of X. a -' : i . e. .- l'i ,'on.1 slr.-c' p. t i.ii i i ' . i i unn.3 uoi.v '.vdl m:' :i o .-. re-i t'.c . -i'po. a.,- ... : Tbe : no , i . eoiii,'e. 1 : e v four a::.! . i . o. i '.. cro--e 1 , io :. . i . , : a Tew . i . lire Co; 1; ,'u (Mi il il impe ic t'.y'r p.-ojtrt - -. T iu ii'::.' .-..: .: w v :'i iin'.i o'.. a i ,::i' . . ; .-. i , ' . no-A -iting '. i -. KI!.1I Mtil.LM-: TO (51U l'i' A ' ! S . - :d ;,nt ( inv . ol.'. 1 '.'ok O To 1. :i -,v t'.,:i cuiir!!'1 ' To be c indi I v. .. No:- wi.h cur. i 'U U ! Ill i.i i ' : ,.e! Mil 1''''! so fiir to you :,-i ;. ' I':-- -: ,;.,lS hi'r'ii w i.ii ;im i1;! .i: Thiii'-.i'v: all at onre poor M,;l " -oites In her letter he t'ivii: ; an i;: I have seen your appears': in t be st reut, O.'t lin e I ha 'c : een ymi While walki'Mr v. i: b . :ir . meet While gir-.t'y I'-' you f r. Wiial now I siv I ::: kind .sanv o:1.:' v."l ca i ti si i'l t::i : .":; Av.d il'voii'. :: i 1 ; i P--.P il l! n..t other 1 i-,1 l'.y a;ain; To you I'll pop :ln. lion. My noble I!i Ike I i::i not r No man on tiiis e.irlh for ... m i . But voiir attention to my rl.''i - 1 :! ,1,,-j aii , r ,-i::;!lt : I would call I Like a certain "i:l did to Tom ( ) 1 ari v. ; j ' i Many I have seen but i.ou ii.e. v.-tii- . to uic ;1 : Arc so great as you air :;;v I. 'b'e i:-:im I Tticre arc none that are m hi f a-t a- y.'.sj"'", seem to be "'; ' There are none so rit as you can -b ud. ' j.' ' So my noble Iiig lire lemeinb.-r what l s:lV ,,.;; I think I can suit you ns wi -11 Itcad, ponder, mv letter at once without delay And discard your "sweet laa Hell. ' From Your Kwet t MO M.I E (Would) Wood.) ''Long experience made him w Ne. ' Cav. That is the only way some cf us learn wisdom, by experience. iuw one experience has tan::lit as that the best is always the cheapest. When you need a pair of Shoes try our line of them, tin -y do cot cost much more than inferior shoes and will do twice the setvice; prices three to five dollars. New lot Dia mond Shirts just in. J. M. HOWARD. For Over F'fty Vein Bins. WrasLOwto Soothing Sybui. has beea - need for ehildren teething. It soothe the ohild, softens the game, Ulaye all pain, (rare wind ooliS and is the best remedy for Diarrheas, Twenty five cents a bottle. Bold by all drat .itte throughout the world. jaaMftwlr. - I ST0 Vs Kill ;iiv, '1 In I A - . O. :n ... Ti 'I'd. t a . : 1 k ('. Ami er cioms (..-,:. The pi-.-i-p.-et i !'.). a I., n: ':f:;l li.:. :.' '' 1 ;K' f.rrtlels llio'.i:id Cl:;..:i.'i:,- i.u lar;M'r isu ns tiian h-.u e 1 an i tinir n i.. ar.' ail doing spie'.i.l'.ily r:;, v, V ;, L I :;r.s.'' Tlie Henderson Coid I.e-.f ak- :h,is . "From all that e pi I e Icnm ! I e :. . . cops s.-c'.i i:i lhi sic.ii :i l"i a inn-; i.i.:. are now upon the liehls. Th! .- a o1. have bean very (aTorabie up to tin prcs'.-ii!. ami the di. .-ponde:-.l. h".:t! -'-.:: I . i feel thaokfal for t'uo tiod given aoen dance." Meeting of Trustees of New Heme. Academy. There will l:c a special meeting ot the Foard at the omVc Of the President, on Mon lav, Ju'v 24ib, 4 p. 111. A L'uncipal for the Higli School will be elected at this meeting. Ly order of the President W. M. Watson, Sec. and 1 reus. FOR SALE. One Cash Register with Twenlv-uvc Keys. Cost ono hundred and seventv tive dollars St factory. Can be purchased from Big Ike at one hundred and twenty five dollars. The only successful merchant is he who properly looks after his cash. Merchants come and see me, it will pay you. -. ' . ' --" ' - -- "e ' -t ;. if v vrfr w . utcr TRY 0U:t FJUE pur On' AMI i 3 a jV si ii'oaa h. CroLicra. TO OOTrOM GltNr-i.RRi ! Defore Ti!rtc'u,;T y cuv oniers for Bagglnsr sud Ti"9 for the Conung Season. Be Sure to Call on t 8 at t W hoiesalo and Retail Dealer in Goneral Merchandise. New Berne S. C ".. It will pay you-- . ... Ouftlng Qewn Prices ! 1XE r,. . s L?, I'l "I w (."5 tfiL J p-i iiiiities are tiu';: il i j Ll'iosc who in' Mi'i riiri'liasiiiir. AJ..iJU i'.-, ICES ARE INDUCED, mm of tin4 oQih lias been iiLiiiUiiinctl. F71 JL 1 cts! zdl, far a i,ii IQ inest Toilet soap in the market at 22c per cake. Yours Truly, ; - U::&hrn & l7i!!:'.L TTD TTD tvti m

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