ruBLsnzny AHSonrcram. run iAr.r joc.i.e pwi Daily IHH UawJay M Hr"l IXJB i'iimim riM r"iQc;5ari ut M sada ta adranaa. stecr adT- hmu wlU ka aotlavMad pcoaflly tna r BOO th. Of ultural"'"1" eraof aafll avail, la tana wimIMiO. No eosa- aiialouw awl M expected to be pabllsk - taatalalaaobleatlaiieble peraopaltMsa. , m wltfckaMslhaniaia oftbe anUifT A.rt! VaMltrUiu b .i' Aolama mol be paid AB J paraen feetl -rlr1 ataaaa ' aaj im unaiilnlloD i obUln lbs ' awaseafthe eathor by .ppll-mtwn at ibis maaaad ehowln hrm th.frleTanr. KUUU Aoonreu by tiik north CAR OLINA PRKW A-WOCIATIOI. Th oB of not leas then B cams per Uaawlll b rjriel for ' Cirda of thanfca. reaolattoosor respect" an J obituary p-f trr sues Mr obltorr notice other lhT Urn. arnica ineedltorhimsMrstiali ic - a tar of un I Xotleeeo'e oroh 1 society and all otucr aataftalnm.Dti from turn r-veimc in I ) be .AariTed will he clia-so.l f r at t ra'.' ol At een'.ailne. THE JOURNAL, at -E. H.!tP 0, T. Ulll OCK ProprleK-f Local Aapnrltr. ae-SnWrod ' ..Ina-.-e i Oeiat H. 0aeeoODd-ei inmit.r. SESaTOR VANCE'S l.KTrtlt 8entor Vance has written a U t ter to R. W. Elliott, K , Secietary Mecklenburg County Allianoe, whioh may be injurious to theDemocratio party. The failure of the Senator to allude to the Chicago platform, and to iDBlst that it completely meets the issue ol the day, was unfortunate- inasmuch as so favorable :m opportunity for the inculcat'on o: Bound Democratic doctriiio m.v. not again be presented. Many alliance men me mnonjr the most patriotic of our citizms. Indeed a majority of them r-re sound to the core, tint, it cannut be denied that as a political ele ment the Alliance is a moiia-rcus evil. It is the mother of tht" IVo. j pies party, the moKt heterodox po' itioal organization that ever i-xis ted in this nouutry. The first paragraph of the Si r... tor's letter is as follows: "I have received a copy ofthc resolution of Mecklenburg Alliance adoptedatJa recent meeting, nrginp Senators and Representatives I" stand by the present silver pur chase law until some satiHiactos substitute shall be adopted. I ob serve this BCtion with great pleas ure. What is k n o n as the Shr-r man law is the only legislation on our statute books whii U birds ns to the use of silver, atd the cry i. raised for its repsal uiider vario;i pretences, all equally false.' It is very strange to see a Deni ooratic Senator opposing the repeal of the Sherman law whon his pni ty platform declares in favor of its repeal and offers better mean of obtaining abundant enpp'ies r.f of money gold aiid Silver to meet the wants of the country. Platforms are the written law of parties. A platform, like a statute, must be taken as a whole. If the Chicago platform had declared in favor of the Sherman 1 jiv, and had gone no father, it would have bc-tn an entirely different thing from what it is. Hut it did go 'uiher. It declared in favor of both gold ;ir. silver as the standard money of the country. It insisted that every dollar issued by .-.iitliori'y of !li Government suouid he A the same value the paper enrrency to be kept at par with and redeamable in coin and that, the ton percent tax on State banks :snf 9 be re pealed. In the language of the Fayette ville Observer' "If the CongresB which is soon to meet in extraordi nary sessiou shall carry out the Chicago platform in its entirety we shall neither Joe gronnd by the upper millstone of the gold-bugs of Wall Street, nor by the nether Millstone of the Populist inflation lets." Last fall 1 was taken with a kind of summer complaint, accompanied with a wonderful diarrhoea. Soon after my wife's stater, who lives with ns, was taken in the same way. W'c used almost everything without benefit. I Then I Baid, let us try Chamberlain's' Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Komedy which we did, and that cured us right way. I think much of it, as it did for me what it was recommended to do. John Jdertzlcr, Jjcthcl, Berks Co., Pa. 25 and 50 cent bottles for ale by J. V. Jordan. juorjcy may Dny bukb ami saticp, . ... . Dut doc angels' clothes. Some Foolish I'eople A 11 . u & . .. . , juiun m iajuu wiuu until il ULH uoyotltt the reach of medicine. Tlmv ofton :n .- will wear away." but in most cases it wears them away. Could they oe Induced to try toe successful medicine called Kemp's Balaam, which is sold at -positive guarantee to cure, tney would immediately see the excellent effect after taking the first dose. Price 50o. and f 1 Trail size free. At all druggists. ; . mar22 deod weow . TSa Last Stagai vt Diaaaaa, La paralysis, or the last atagt of many disease where there la no con trol of the discharges, the suffering U pitiable unless the most extreme care Is used. Oakum pad are In valuable. The o&a-um should be picked apart to make it light and porous, tien covered with a piece of cheese cloth to form a cushion. The bod should be protected with b rub ber sheet, the cotton sheet pinned firmly over this, then a square of rubber sheeting folded in old cotton placed in the middle, and the oakum pad cn this under the hips of the sufferer. These should bo frequently changed. If tho skin is chafed it should be anointed each time with oxide of tine ointment gently rubbed in. Pow dering with French rhalk. boracic acid, or lyeopodium powder may be substituted occasionally. When a rubl,. . hoot cannot be obtained sevi ra! i'..'.cknesses of news paper can 1 umi', changing thora frequently. The oakum puds urc useful in casos of dropsy when the fluid exudes from the legs and it isd'Tieu'.t to keep tho bed dry. In cases of lonjr- on' inued confine ment to bed a water bed is a great luxury when It can be afforded. A crnxl one costs nbotit twenty dollars. Ibo yielding surface equalizes the pressure and lessens the danger of bedsores. Ladies' Home Journal. The Homeliest .Man In Sew Berne As well at tho handsomest, and others arc Invited to nil on liny druist fui'i et free a trial bottle of Kemp'n Balsam for 1 bo 1 Inoat and I. mil", a retnody that is s lim er.tiic'y tii'n its merit and is guarantee d to relievi and cure all Chronic mid Acute ( o'.U'li.i, Asthma. Bronchitis, and ( 'oii-uinptio!i I..uv bottlfs 5(1 ctb aud ;1 m:r-2 d-od 'otuing is more disgraceful insincerity. "My little boy was very bad ott lor two months with diarrliiea. We used various Hiedicines, also called in two doctors, hut untiling done him any flo.i.l until we ueed Chamberlain's Cobe. (Cholera and Diarrhrea Ketne- ,1c u-H-l, ir,r,. imm.vlnl. rMii-f o n ,1 soon cm d him. I consider it the be;-t detlicine made and can conscien tiously recommend it to all who need a diarrhoea or colic medicine. .1. K. Hare, Tren'on, Tex. -5 and &() cent bottles fcr tale by J. V. Jordan. I: is easy to forswc; delights. r unUn;)W3 I.: I I I -I liTI?. l,;:Jrcn Cy rnr Pitcher's Castorfc. Vildrcn Cry for Pitcher's Castorla" C.KI i Chi'j;-.: Civ -f'or Pitcher's Castor. Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Tin' rii;n can't nhinH through a ;.iek;'n Van C'.i.niljerkiin'.T Lyi and Skin Ointmont I n ei-il;ii' cine l'-r ( limuie Sure J-.v.-t, irmulat.-.! I ye l.i.K Hire Nii..l.s. I'ile. I -.e!ii:i.'leti. r, ; 1 1 1 1 1 Ileum :iml S.ilil l!e;ij, - .11. . r !.. ;. J-i.r s.Je l.v ilrnstiti-t.-. TO riOESE OWNES3. '. . ,"ltl;''u :: lu r e ill :t C:ne lu'llllhv rue 'il trv J 1 r. a,l s t'cmliliMii 'I In v tone :lie -v u n, aid ilii stion, reie !-. ( r . j ill: . i.i. vc eeii -tii.';t; m, err.- t l.i l'ii v iii.n .erv ii. i (i.-.rnv- v.'-this. i iri' i: w life to an el 1 -.r i r v..rke.l h.e-e. l;.i .I ilia per jia-ki;;-... 1'er pale liy drii!git SuM n- ,1. V. Jo dan, Xcw llernc : v' Fori; iv(ries-i is thorn. a ros(' without t Shil'i'j'g O.rarrh Rorjiedy, A rrmryol ou3 cuiv fir Catsrrb, DiplT-hfrin, Cttakur mouth, kcJ Ueidache. With diva bottle there ia an ieRui:i( tn c.vfil Injector ut the more Bucocfeful trcot- muct of thnse coraolaintB wiihoul extra chftrtie Nost of our troubles are cowards if we face them bravely. For Onr F'rty Veer a Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup hen bota ueed for children teething. It axithoii the child, softens tho garni, !lays nil pain, cares wind oolin, and is fa?- hunt remedy for Diarrhoea. T.T-nty- iv:' cents a bottle. 8o!d by al! rirtin ?iats throughout the world. jan9d&wlv Kooky 3!t. Kceley Mocking lliids. The Kceley Institute students are having a gay time now-a-days, or, rattier, now a days and now-a-nights. iuey Keep cooi in tnc aay time under the broad ppreading oaks ia the cam pus, and in the night gather on the broad verandas of the Institute, and fill the air witli melody uutil the mocking bird, singing to the moon from the branches of the great oaks, gives up in despair and tuck:ng his head under his wing keeps silent. Eocky Mt. (X. C.) Argonaut. WORLD'S FAIR. Via the Chesapeake & Ohio Railway The quickest and best line to the Worlds' Fair. Only twenty-seven hours from Richmond, and twenty three hours from Charlottesville to Chicago. Double daily Vestibule trains with Pullman sleeping and din ing carp. The Chesapeake and Ohio is also the chsapest line. Ask for tickets via this route. If you desire to stop at the famous Greenbrier, White Sulphur Springs or at any of the watering places along the line of the U. & O., your World's Fair tickets will permit you to do so. Special arrangements for the care of or ganized parties. For lull information and printed matter relating to the World's Fair address J OUN D. POTTS, DP. A Im C. & O. By. Richmond. Va. J E BENTON, MD.,DJ).S. Praatto ItmlM Sa Cpwai! aaa a(a akaalaal lxatlatrr if J Tl astraatai - vlUKial ala br ttaa i 01 rw siwa uxida Utl. r.vrvi I a la Ut Una of Daattairf doaa to tb bt tirla. satlitartloa (aaranuad. if.c, w.-ner of Mitl-lla Sirat and r"data AJUt. uproilia isDOf i"- DR. G. K. BAGBY, SURGEON DENTIST. -iriet. oppi-ite Baptist it NEWPKRN. N. O. m. J. D CLAKK, DENTIST, FW BKK.1E, N. C. rrpb 'irt-et t-tween Pollock Oitic on (. n"i Hrrtad P. it PELLETIEE, a. J '. : s i v at l. VT , Middle street, Firpt room sbovc Farm, cr's Merchant's l!ank. p.-? U- .1 I' krtr. '. Jo ;n. L'l-.tei , I n 1 t-yi ' SUL:"U'!if o?i lot.. I" 111IM of Cr&TSD oi ,1 Pftmllco. ir' ct Now Keme. and K. STREKT, It-uriMice Aent, BE&HE. N. C. Moll Railroad. STKAMFK I!L.N'C1! leaves K. C. I). Wharf at a. m. and con- nccts with Tra'ii at I'oll'vksviHc for Maysvillc, . aek-ttj ill and Wil mington, csc.-'pt Situniay and t3un day. Train leaves Wilming'.'"! at S: JOa. ! "1 ' an mill' St I V'l cksville 1-J:o0 p. tn , cwtum oy steamer i!lanch at 1 v i : . daily except Sun day. ii. . w iiiriNci. J. W. M AHi'KM-'. 1 t fi r. r a 1 Mnfts;'r. Ucrj'i I'.tij 'DKer A:' lit. 250:000 mm i READY SALE Cheep-jr than any ot!cr Mar con Furniih Hi .ra. I've i;"t. ein nud vt Aplv !n W. 1'. Bl U!il H, .x '.il 'em :en:e, or M. rtH'.TEK, Rivordale. SAM-: OT STK. "SADIE .H. RAM)." rjn.uant in a I'owrrgi-en iu n mortgage lecerile'l In lMi-:k 1-Jof mortgaee. folio 18. Millie e llr-lnr s olli-o, p.rt ol Nwbern, N. ('. ma f-)r tho uri -sen net forth In Bald morlgaRp. I will poll al public vinrluo, at tlie il-iri, hnewn as) Hrmyoa'a Dock, back of o' i li. Hi! 'a f.'e-l rnrc K Newborn at 12 o'el.jck in on Moml.iv. Aun-it 7tti, 's!'3, the Str. HhcIIb M. Kami." tjKilh r vlth the tiM-Mf. npparel, furintuir. nn.l ! o-her Dec- SSr! bflouglng there- Juno 2). iSiiJ. td EXECUTION SALE. If en r v rimrtK-r by lily iiBst friend, E. IJiivetm vh. Tin K.mlern Hu idlng and L,unu AsBiej'.nlK'li of .Mv lUt'UBe, N. Y. in purfniiince rf an oseeution Urucm tn nie from tlie hnperinr e-jurt of Oaven Co, M. O. 1 nave levied upon the real date hereinafter cl ncr!beil. 1 will on Monday the 7in diy of t numt IK', nt 12 o'clort noon, at l lie court eouiio 'I'xir of Craven lo. N.l'. in the city of New Heme, fell to the tiiKhoet bliler for caKh. ail the tate, right title and Interebi t.f tho eald the Eastern liui iline ai d Loan Asmclaiton or Hyraeuse, N. Y. tog.-iher with all tho Improvements thereon, all that certain lot or parcel of lund hn.wu bn lot No. 8 In saia city of New ll.irne, accoriting to the plan made by K. H, titaniy uud I, ilrahani Tull.tuilv d. seribird lu a lecd li-oiii 1' K. Stanly and wife to Esther Sinn i. r.enrled In buoft No H'."i r.Mo l..find ! ilef rt from lieo II. Wiilte CommlPeioner .o nwl I'll,, i-i..Nt)rn Hnlluinw and Loan a r-n- m l ion I :-',iaeiise N. Y. rceordon lu e.'li foiio 2,-) .. .cords of Craven lounly decd. w. il. i. vnk 'Mierur .'lavenro !". C. New Kerne .' .July Till. isu:i ;6fc. Locatvil r R. in Aiar-Eler::.- and i. Sexes. I- . Curv legeH Art, L. , . Moral of irth Carolina li new buildings. Large km.; patronage. Both tiltv '' t ... ive members. pi H-iual -.,( Male Col '.-iiiit: D 'j irtmcnt, Musifl rcial. Student i unsurpassed. Opens August :Ut, 18!3 lor farl'dLT iofurm'i-M)!! or Cata logue Apply to Rev. YV.'S. Long, . M ,D. D. I'rosidettt Elon College' X. C. j-J.S lm SUMMER FXGUREION t;i-KTS SKASOX 180,!. From A. ct N. C. Stntio-l-.iund Trip far .Ssvuc flprings N ' ATLANTIC & N. C R UL HjXd CO., He8pp;nr Department, New Cerne K. (!., Jiinn 20, 1893. TO AGENTS A. & N, O. It. R.: ROUND TRIP TICKETS. Hereaftor tickets will be gold from your 6tati(Tu to LaQracga to parties vhiiini? the uboyesprinei at tbe fol lowing rates of fare for the Bound T.ii F.-i-tn ! -.' i -,.r i 70 i'usoarora 8175 " i'-fi- .SH New Barm 3 25 a Ci k .85 Hiverdale " KiDoijti .CO Croatan " Caswell .80 Havelook " Dovor 1.05 Newport " Core Creek 150 Wild wood Morehead City ZS.SQ. 1.75. 8 00 8 25. 8 45. 8.66. Tickets on sale Jane 20th, een ooa traot tickets and limit them good to re turn to Oct. 80th, 1893. t3?All ticket must be signed. 8. L. DILL, U. P A. pin THI F&imers L Xlercbmts Bmk ' Began boslneea Hay 1891."- Capital 8 tack, alc la,' 7t,00.0 riaralas, . . 4,000.00 ainaea rrean. a.fuv.oo WtU4i al, . . 8,260.00 OfTICEBS : L. a. OcnutB, . Praaidaai W. 8. Ouadwick. - Vica Pre. T. W. Dawrr, Oaabiar. 1. H. PowkUh Tallar. 3 K Smith, Collector. With well established connections this Bank Is prepared to offer all aooommo lationa oooltent with ODserTsUra sankiog. Prompt and careful attention giren to lollectioot. We will be pleased to oarrespcod with 'hose who may contemplate making thauges or opening new account. Wanted, 2,000C0nDS Saplinf pr.plar Oord iWood, To be delivered at the New Jersey and North Carolina Fiber Company Works, Rivordale, N. C. Conditions, etc , can be had by apply ing te K. P. F03CUE, at the Factory, Hiverdale. Sew J?rssy h North Cirolin Fiber Co rnarU dwtjuly INCORPORATION NOTICE. STATU Or NORTH CAROLINA, Craveu oortntj. In Offloe Olerk Superior Court. Honor tbe Hwamiioro Lnmbar Oo . that the Dima ot the Incorporator! ara J, K. I rtt;nian, Vlnrlola Pretty hid and Oha. faimore, and auoh otbars aa thay may al locate with them: that tha prlnolpal iilaoe ol DniHwuiou. be in Bwanaaoro n o.,and ltaeeneral pU'poeand boi.Deti ! to bay ud II timber, timber rights, timber lnda ml real etU.tet.Dd pareonal property with authority to make oontracU and take op tlout to execute and take mortgagea, deeds bl la of Bale, ooutraou and other evidence and monliuenU cf title and aecurlty, to saw. dry and manufacture and make 1am ber of all kind and for each parpoee to op erate and carry on all kinds of saw mills. planing mills, dry kllna and other factor lot ; with general power and authority to pur j chase hold and sail real estate and personal , property That the principal officers of ' said corporation shall be a President. Vice : President. Secret arp and Treasure and a general Manaier That the rturntiou of the corporation shall be thirty yeaii; the oaoi- , tal stark Is five thousand dollars with privl ; IfC! U) lU-rtHaaff UltJT lUUUIttUQ (lOllHrH, divided into shares of the par value of fl ty tollais until increased (3 ICO shares The Htookholdort of litis company shall no', be Individually liable In auy way for the debts, torts or liabilities of the compa ny. W. M. WATrioN, U. fl, C NOTICE. htateok North Carolina, Craven Oounty, Superior Court, Kali Term. 18H3. Solorr on PreUs A J. Prelss, partners as Cherapeake Rubber Company, 9. White trading as S. White A Co.. J. Hchoneman. Charles, William and Mai Oana partners as Knight au1 Joseph Rensbaw, partners as Foster, Knight & Co., Jacou kpsteiu and Israel Levinstein, Partners as Kpstien A Levinstein. Against E. Cohen. H. Danuenberg. c O. Clark, W. W. Clark, citizens Bank of New Kerne, Far mere and Merehanta Hank of New Berne, Wm. Cohen, E. llnnenirg, Pauline New man Euene Wallnau and 0. Summertleld and Solomon Cohen. Let the dufendaHt E. Conn take notice: That tbeaotion at entitled above was corn men edatalnetnlm In this court on the 2d day of Ore. 1892, and is for the pnrpo e of setting aside tbe assignment mad by him to the defendant H. lannenberg and pre ferring the other defendan is and is for the purpose of oollcctlng the debts due the plaintiffs from tbe defendant K Cohen and an order of attachment agalnt the said defendant K. Cohen has issued from this oourt on Dec. 3d IH02 and on Dec 2Mb 1HU2 and for furthor relief In refer ence to the said assignment and the goods purchased of tbe plaintiffs. And let the a la defendant fnrlher take notice that hels required to anpear before the Judge of the Buperlor cnrt of Craven of t'raVeii "t Uia J-taii' oD Vhe "ail! stoni county, ut a c-urt to be held for tbe oounty uri iioo-e m new Home day after the 1st Mon day In Rent 18u:iatid aoswer the 03mplalnt which will te deposited In the office of the olerk of tbe 81 parlor Court of said oounty wtmiD we nrei. inree aays oi me term, ana let the said defendants take notice that If they fail to answer the'sald complaint within that term the plaintiffs will apply to tbe court for tho relief demanded therein and t he oosts of this action to bo taxed by the clerk This July 7lh 1S93. W. M. WATSON, 6w 0. B. 0. FOR Travelers. Those who contemplate a trip to the World's Columbian Exposition, or to our mountain or seaside resorts this summer, arc reminded that we have generously provided materials and ai Lieius auupteu ior tnose wno wui l i leave uomc. Nearly every department of our house is now supplied with its por tion of goods specially salted for travelers Dress Goods, Blazer and Eton Suits, Shirt Waists. Walking" Shoes, Waterproof Over Garments, Umbrellas, Gloves; AND fi3xxi.tXI OK KVKRY UES-'RIi'Thi Trunks, Bags), Canvas "telescopes. Traveling Cases, and Grips. Specially qualified help to fill mai orders Gash with order of $5.00 and over, we deliver goods free (except furniture and crockery) to nearest Express Office or Bailroad Station. EF Write for our price list " of ''Small Wares"and tints to trav elerstwo useful pamphlets. W. H.& B. S. Tucker & Oo. RALEIGH, N. C. - J; A. JOrJES SALE LIVERY 'AND Exchange STA CALL and EXAMINE My stock, whioh 19 constantly being Ke plcnibhed from the Western Markets. NO TROUBLE TO Show you through Stables. Soutl Front St O-polite (Jastoa Jiuosc. A. & NORTH CAROLINA R. R Ht w Brno, N. 0.. June lst 1?J3. 1 TO AGENTS A. &N WorldV Cluratian R H Co: rxp08ition i OhicnKO, III , Ma ln -O.u 3191,1893 You flip rtuib jnz to k-II s ikotri to Chirso III , m i r. turn fur tha abovt oooasirn it tho f Ratoe: in H ,;t1 Trip Krom Morthfad City ' Newport " New ltrne " Klnston La OrP(Ee 3 1.-, M!. :t l. :tt bi) : ti if i x: i. sj st lo Tiokot" oo bale June sth to Oct 27th. lHii3 laoluBive. For ny further infor instion desired apply to thisotljip. ATLANTIC & N CARO LINA RAIL'uOAD, Transportation Drpartoirnl, Now Ueru X. t'., June 13th, ls):!. oiHCl'I.aK TO MlKNTrf ami T'"UCK HlilPl'LliS, Special Truck Trln So. 212 will be dis continued ou aud after MtlDtY. June in urn. When sufficient notioe Is elvpo tela nf- floeofany solid car load lot of truck to one aestlnallon, the same may be prompt ly forwarded by the regular ihkii t.rnin. Otherwise, ail truck will hereafter Hike the regular ireimil trains on Monday Vt'ednrs day and trlday. S L DILL, Supt. AD9LP; GO EN PEAL Kit IN Pianos and Organs, The Mehlin High Grade and Newby & Evans Pianoe. Orowii, Queen and Needhiim Parlor Organs NEW BRNE, - . jf. C 01UCULV.K. The old and reliable n m of ibe A: Welro was established In Nr.wbern in 1N.",2. riu oldest house now in the city and the onli surviving member of which Is Adnlpli Colin who has been engaged, lh i.hc Mnaie bneinesi for the past ten yaars and is now locate or Middle Bt. Upright and Square Pianos of tbe latest designs, lasting lone, auperto : workmanship and of leadlnx manufucn.rsr and the best material. Also a good mum! . ofSflKErMUSIO. And I will endeavor to make my buslnets as popular as the old linn used to bo. and HI1A tll.t Will nluj .utlafnll n.. r ruuo Mi-roui The proprti ne Droortotor. Adolnh Onhn. vnnlH tir this occasion of rnlurnlug his thanks to uiose wno nare isgen an interest In Lit welfare, and would respectfully solicit tbe ooutlnuanoe of the kindly feeling ol lit friends. Hospcctfuily, A. COHN PATENTS. J. II. LITTELL, Attornoy and Counsellor IN Patent, Trade Mark and Gapyright Cases. Opposite Patent Office. Washington, D. C. Over twelve yearn exDerienee. Amerioan and Foroign patents, Caveats, and all business ariaing under tho patent laws promptly and carefully prosecuted. Rejected cases accorded special attention. Write for information. Uponreciept of mode' or sketch of invention, I advist o patentability without charge. (Mentiou this paper.) NOTICE. Rtati of So.Trn Cah .r.i- I Craven couui, , Ia tin Superior Cjrjrt, Millie A. Borton Administratrix of i Hen rletta Willis, vs. Neoml Fhjsle and bos band, W. H. Physio, Jane Jones, WUey Wil lis and Rhodi WUlmora. Uotic:-To Wiley Willis and Rtaoda Will mora, yon will take notioe, that tbe above uuwueu prooetaing ou oeen Degan in said conrt for tbe purpose of selling the real estate o trie dsoeased to make assets to pay debts of i lia said Henrietta, Willis an 1 oosts, and to make peyilon, and yon are rcjnlr ed to appear before tin coart on the 22a day or Augost, 1W and auswxr or demur hi uiv petition nerem niea I or the rel'ef de- manaea wi 1 be cm'it u. Ibis July lOtii, 1K.1.1 W M WATrtO V. G 8. (J, ".ffrtrwBiMn.Tf. ffAlK Wlm I ttM tow v trwtinMLS m a. im I tu m tiitasMUt) by Mlimala tW I oojld tnti , w.iu m iu m ib u lot thtrattiltofaiawtttiu' trcM- MfDk IttDWfMl likrRlr UiBf. Ills tod Mint, are ail com. My frtotk Art I WdM)lii. nhu 11 a. Hlpa .... n h. t'Aiu tig. avpriaut WlU dcrfnlly nplj Id laoiiiw trfah vco tamp uictoKtL :0FIOEKTII aurtlfla. ewsStfiitstaiitamifcrstfMoUnia u. i . i. htkl mwui huiu. umsa. ut .. St-' a3 i&V fa ra H. : BLUE WE HAVE now, as always, 011 hand a Full Stable of the Finest and Highest Bred ol Western Horses Essies b Driving, B-cfi, Saddles, Farm u PRICES TO SUIT -SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Also oa hand a full and Complete Line of Buggies All Makes Harness Road Carts, and in tact ar:?thin!r pertaining to f he Horse. Livery A Specialty And furnished at shortest notice. 8ee us before Burchaginp elsewhere and save monev. HAVE A NICE SUPPLY OF Fins Good -IT ALSO A BIG Gins itigdes. Isdilsry, e and K. C. Palmfr. OJII. and Almost E J. w. s ESTABLISHED 1869. met, Rivenburg SUCCESSOR TO G. S. PALMER. 'Wholesale Commission Merchants. Southern Fruits and Truck A Specialty. Berries, I'cuchea, Grapes, Melons and Vegetables. ., SVe onij.loy no ugents. IPI HOTEL NEWTON. NEWTON.W. C. W. D. SPRAQCE, MAKAOKlt. This is one ofthe finest aU-the year round results in the country. In the heart of the great PIEDMONT SEC TION. Of easy access to all the Western resorts by rail. An excel lent place to locate for the summer and enjoy the fine air, water, loeoery and substantial fare whwh Mr. Spragoe has the reyntation of provid ing for his guests. ' TEEMS ,.l VERY ' EBASONABLE FROM PURCHASERS, and s. uies. 0! i SUPPLY OF Road Osrts. Harnsss Whips, verything Kept Carriage Lot of TEW ART. ltlVESBUKO. A. W. FHoar. 166 Renrle St N. Y. t W. L. TOWI.AND, I B. W. HOKBI8, With W1C. rrCCKhBT, a. a-conaAK nTrnirowir e vwawr Commission Merchants.' ' 345 & 647 WashiEitton and 199, 201 tc 208 Franklin St. I t SB ITT r - . - . ' OW XUMaV. - FRUITS AND PRODUOK v Southern Fruits; and Produce a -Specialty. - . STENCIL pjol 187. ... ' ' t3T Consigntnents aolioited, 1 BEFEREH0E8:- - - -H. T. National Kzehaoga Baak. R.T.,aa4 TheMatual Bank, N Y . ., apt 1 in ISL! Good Hard' Brick. We are prepared to) fill ali;ordera op to lOOJthonaand per week. . ' v W.P.BUEEUS. &Co.