if. i, r 2-r 3 .-:' 3j f i v If k Jt WA TV.-i Castoria is Dr. Scmuol Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Cbildrcn. It contains lieit her Opium, Morphino nor other Narcotic Ftibstaiicr. It Is a liarmless substitute for Parcporlc, Urops, Rootliins Syrups, and Castor Oil. It Is Pleasant. Its r-ruarantee is thirty years' use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays fevcrlshncss. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria nssimllates do i"iod, reflates tho stomach and bowels, giving hiIthy and natural sleep. Cas toria is the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend. Castcria. -CasWirla is an ei.-cl.. r. i-" .ran. Mothers lm.e Tcyt Jaotl effect upu Ibt-ircl.:' :r r. Castoria Is the b-t i.jir.Mv r -r --hieh I am acquaints-1. I ii ' e 'r distant when moUi rs , - . w uteres of their chlMrfa. .-, tejid of thevarious ii.t. k . d.-stroylng their l.o. J .ri---. . ll-trphine, flonthin i.yn:t i.-i.l ' mu down their thro:.' . Ii, iftlii to nrematiire pra.-.; ;... .i r Th Centaur C. . taL'j"- JOE K. WILLIS, PROPRIETOR OF 1 fnifl 'i MEW BERNE, N. a (tartan ami Ameriam U orbit nti 3 Orders solicited and given proper at tention, with satisfaction :n iran:i i' !. Terra Cofo Vases fur '.Itiiits att-1 ('..) era furuishod ftt the vorv lovvesi ia'e. IT 18 A DUTY yon onrpTanrnflf nnl mm. Ily m yet the lie-.t vnitie tor onr moil. r. KooDmiKa Id your fnulwpnr by KiirrhnMiiio W. L. IlouirlaN Shors. vhtrli i-epre-eiil the Set value fur yriceii asked, a thoitauus mil (eittlir. 7 nn 42 S3 FOR LADIES 2.00 $1.75 FOR B0Y9 W. L. DOUCLAS mm FOR 99 drae, ceftlemen, : (HE BEST SHOE IN THE W0FIIC FOR IHfc MONEY, j OTHER SPECIALTIES In footworn- aro of I Che Mme high Rrade, and reprfsent a mc-iry valuo I far beyond the prices cliari;tnl. l.-o ll'.at r.au: aud i wioe Are ataniped on hntrom of ra-li 8hi ie. ! 1. TAKE NO M UST l i t VI... V, I,, DoiiKlns, Hiociiton, Musii. Sold tij BARRIN5T0N& BAXTER j GEO. HENDRH-SONr! fduoeeseor to Htth'irt .V i! ::dera':i). oeneral Iasarancc Agent Hanrawmtlna: lnuranco ComDauy of North America. 01 fan&aoipuii. uome lDnranod uompany, oi noff lorn OnAAn InaarnD-in OtuiDny of bnelfini. Bartfor-i Uro loeurftQoe Ooinpany, of .tfartford. JSortli Carolina Home insurouci Coti-.rai :' Katelgb. Ureeuwltoh lasnranoe Company, of New fork. Phenlx Insoranoe llompanv, of Ilroolrtys-. United tlnderwrltere lnrarur.o. Ocmpany, Atlanta. Boauia Marine Insurance t'ompany, . Mton. Inividwtf J Ann worth of lovely Hosle for Forty it, tlTeileft and most popnlar Helcetlons, both Tooal and inttrumental, sotten uplnthemost lennt mauner. Including four largo also FDrtratta. . GABNENCITA, the Spanish Dancer. PAOEREWSKI, the Oreat Pianist, ADELINA PAni and MINNIE SELIGMAN CUniNG. aDBKKSS ALL ORDKE9 TO m mr Tnns Mmirri. irirn rn.. pnaiuot Tkeatn BMUkq, Km York CUa. CQOlOill !10I QJ UiliUliilu Marble Works k v. l7 ! ' ' 41.UU.e 42.50 Sf . H ' BTaTl or North Carolina, l t - Oraven Otinutr I -Li '" - . " .- In Superior Court. JilOnSEofSUKMOIS rOK EELEIF. " HarrtotBUIaon Exeoutreaaof the will of If athew Klilaoa deoeaaed, plain t fr vs. m. ' Henry KIllaOD, JOmm Um'th and Ed-vard Smilb her husband, and Matilda Goodwin ' and Chaa. Gaodwln, her husband, defend- -,.lBVia a apeclat proeeedlnga to sU for aa L M a to par the debts of tbe plain tiff i tt . tor, a ertatn traet or parcel ol laud being 'In lb elty of Sew Kerne and Oraven ' Oountraad state aforesaid, and adjoining -the laioa 01 amum Di."i!mB. n.... Wnlttr and others, the aame being the lands of Wulob tbe Slid Mathew Ellison died seised. - The above named ' ..u..nu ... herabv n 311 Hod to appear at the offlee of tbe Oierk of the Hupertor onrt la the eoart house la the city of Mew Berne on tue HI day of July D. and answer or 4-mur V the eompUln other wise the relelf prayed for will be granted. Done at the dlerk's offlaena the Hew Berne. Graven Connty on this the Jid day of June A. V JW. - - - - yr. af. WATSON. O. 8. O Craven Oo. Ifc, W, WlUlamawi, AU'y tor Plalhllff - Caste Rowrii adiT'tr l toc.JIJrf n that II A. Aci.'tiSR, M. D.. ".j. Oi'- .-J :.t , iruuklyn, N. V. ..is.-i r.i Hj- ei: l 'n?u'3 lirpart . n :.;,!: y t lh- r r:;it r, gUK'WD to i o. IT pv t.. c..'.! -sa t'lat li'-s i''.'ii ui to !-k with l ami u r.: saut, Vt-r"; Ciiy. v 1 n'nv .'lOlS ?'! t.' ' nr. a I to : .Nui tii i : r W 1 Lk u Hi" i ' tter 'lis ;..Ur- is cf Shippers, IK. ',('11 -UfkH . i 1 1 ii Hpt : V. i v Ii " WtitTli. v fi , I ihtib lv . m.' j iK-r Tlifeo ! rl j-h - i ,1 M,J ! fujti XO Ai!VAX'K IX KA1KS. n.t ri i '1' ; fnrlboi- T,;t.ioP ;a v. i tA i hw: , A W 1 1 sr DEFIANCE, Capt Purges. .Tiriiaf su frui .Mjrrwik. v:n. w rtiitiiKtou eveiy nus . Wttii.csdity ! tintl Kriir.y, liiAku ; t.: . t c;: with t . iiji.. ittt?r llriiri ii :-.t-ucw and Troul j Ketin-ulott, will suit ? KOT1 NKWHEKN for NORKULK, V., 1: It';aii io luland wharf, ! Mouclay. Weiiiio'scii'.' u ml Krlilay ntl'p.ai. I o:- b'iij; CiMinrci-.. i hi Notfolk wltli 1 lip.V lilllf. lur hc.ilt i.'Tl'. i lit1 :.'r '..U' 'J ill A ill' '. Vtl l . W.,. 1.1. . . :-'' '.. f-r r-v. i , 1 i t- v-r- ' tv:. . .. -l! :.i 1 ?ii M i : ! I 1 I' t n V !( Vilr H ; (1 rt'i- rf.ltfi lb 1 V;h1- . Llll-H fur Wirh Hi;-. I lit u!l VKiT lOCK) Vo Ull ;OH!lCiI I i';;iltir!( pol.iln. I A i--j conUfCilon mr.Jo wilh Itnt 4 O 1 ."i. H , luid N & V. . K Ii fur the West. 1 .- t." vt !;" re v.'iU i.'iii u i.i'o.1 iel:!f. cxiifoil j Ol'.!s rfifiJlt ., J (id ' ?r-. tif.;ilTtov tilnl nllen M ii ill be r1--'1' tii 'i:! by !bo f.iiift!! 'i:.r liUKcmt of i-, A W. I street 1 .; . Noil" Ak V ti. r..wJ 1' (ill AV. Adinu A ;a:.t. :,;itcm Carolina Dispatch. i Rt)d.nj;er u.n i'Tn'';ht Mrs t etwcpii Cvf W 13 15 iH. TO 35J -' 1 Ni.r : i: itt'Oii l: n f'ol utl) , t 1 J ' ) t IlttUltOJ E Ol LllO P' M LVAM V rtAU UOAD, . l ord tlilladWi-C.rn. f( Ik , iluifro nmf ob tot). JfPEU 5? y.illf. from .Vev.- liernu t!.IMHV. W F.riNiiSlil.tVS, 4. at.xks., pplntt at, Hoamiat- Island each viay nd fiirmlDK close oour. entlou l-;Uti the horrolb 1-oul.lu-rn Kailroad. rtio Usstorn tispatcli Lino, consisting of 1U0 Wilmington B. . Oo . Norfolk Heuthern it. K New York, I hlla. onrt f-orrolk U. K.. jug Pennsylvania K. It , luru a i liable and euular line, olTortuft eu peri-.. r fuolll'.les for iui..k passenger and frelKiil irKU.portallon. No transfer except at Klltabtm I.Hiy.at wb'.cii .olat tr;-li.oit- will l.e loaded on tars to $0 tlirouh Unteet uttt'.on. iilreci ail goods to be sluppod via Kstern .'9:or..a lilspat.li da Iv sa follows: f ,ai Now Tort, bv Penn. Jl H., Fler 71, North hiver. F'oni Philadelphia, by Phlla., W. nnd 11a: to K i... Doefe Ml. L'-ttttloo. From Baltimore, by Phlla., Wll. and Palto. B R President rt tjialloii. r 'om Norfolk, by Norfolk Houthern R R. frcir. Boston, by Hf rehantii A Miters Trans- nortatlon Co.; Now York and New England it. . Kjitea as low and time quioker than bj oy other line l oi farther lcrormatl'-n apply to W. H. Jotoh iCJun'l Krelght TraRlo Asnt, P, K. It.) Oeneial Trail. 0 Agent. eEo. BTFPueKB, I-lvtBlon 1-relBht Agent P W. A H. H it., Philadelphia. B. B. Oook, Gen'l t-'relutt Afiect., N. Y. P.IN. B. K-, Norfolk, Va H. n. tirnoiNS 4earal Freight Agent N, 8- St n., Norfolk, Va. GSO. HliNDKKSON, Agent, New berne. N, 0. For tnfonistton end free Handbook write to MUNN CO, M BnoAUWAT, NW YoBK. Oldest brjreaa for securing patents tn America. JKverT patent, much wh- ua wuu,u. uv.yio the puUlo by a notice given free of ehatgo tn the Lsrvest etranlotlon of any setentlfle paper tn the Ko intelligent StSthl?&-1 r.MewSoracuor. - world. BP enaiaiT iiiu3inuu. in should be without luVfe . yoart f .fii six montha Address riSUSUMi SV. 1MWP.II Amertcaa TO Tjf BAVfftT, Mifr TRADE MARK8, ljJ DI8ICM PATENTS. COPYRIGHTS, etoJ THE JOURNAL. LAST SHiflT. camvkl u. rtca I O "OuiruiW h, kt the soq on round i And luuifhtrr In.' nur guest; Of all the hli feint; life has found A woman's love is liest, I drink not; hen the cup itcrownd ' I wii.li you all that's bright; Mv vintfiijo lies In h antv's cve'n, I kisc 1 my luo last night. 'I'lif r-i lire jV'ifuiiH'o rose anil stayed I .Uf e'titi wuifs unseen; Th" utniiHT moonlet"ins stole andpliyed lkr lattice I'HM between; She hly stem, all white arrayed, i 1 1 1 y.niiii anil gnu'i- Ledight ! Sue was so lair. How t-niild I dure I ki-cd my love last night. A u him i'ory tilled the earth i It hail not known Ik-fore A hippy rjli-am too sweet for mirth The ouivi iiiii; moonbeams were, To think tint I ol Ittle worth lilt 1 Won the p. .Ill ol li-lit No s.mi'' or r ' . h My Mi- i :, , h- I k :.- . . ! I., V ! o e 11 "III . I -OUllt If.V 1- 11 S iv 1 1 ! ' . 1 f: 1 1 ! Hhn , All. I M-r- , W ith 11. "In 1. '- to ilrcam; 1 In null mv liruin.' I -i! I'll. I- il-ylcuiii. vv 1 u Hh lain, op:llr-l t'ht ln'illll ii-- toolt ll.ifht. v.ilUin.; I.louht m r ihoulii v !--vr I 1 t ni-hl Tl I II ( ( 1 p. 1 : - j 1 ' i"" 11 our -.her ri i i!o 1 I llll!l!i:i-r S'il. 111,1:1111, t..-. M.ur liukliiiL' -nniv- 1 1 11 j. 1. 1- ;i ii nn ! Wiin tit.Minj .i.oon yi- trirhv 1'uvs f'fim- Kiii.h- my n ariln, A a ! 1 ii wii ii , I, u 1 11 mi-".Mirr triii- i lui Vvt hi,t uil.l. I h- An Old Soldier. C. V.irl G "rro (r. (.'rreono, of Now ol lt-?t oraduato of West ! r;,(.-d his ninety-third r. I'cnl'.v TIo n-sioiiotl innv in lsijii to 1ako ui tl.: r.-i-i-. I ,!-, ' 1 ilV.lt! ill civil ro 'no r I'.iin;, Imt volunteered tv!nn i':- rebellion broke out, and iv t Ii:.-nuil; of innjor Keueral. He i , v.v!': j-ri s. rvril, mid hi friends say ho tvim'.l pass f-r a man of sixty iiiloh' Cniiiii)iillon Cure. This is boyoni quc-otion the most jU, fi;! (.'oufrb M dicine we have vc..r.-..!d e fpw do: -f invHriably cur1 thn-vors'. ii?s"p of Ciuh. Croup and Ir. nelii'.i. wLile its -A-nndorful euceess i:i t!e. euro cf ' ' i-sunption is without a i.uiif.llf I in ihi history of medioine Mit-.es ii. (irJt discover;- it hae been sold on 1 'iei..-.ifr, a twi which no other niidi -iiK! en staod. If you have a .ioi;;;h wo tnnit-stly Ksk von 10 try it. I'ri.-y lie., 5'Ji.-, nnri f 1 . If your luners .1! e son . "hfst . or back lamp, use Elii hin's i -.ror- IMaeter rtold by New H. me I ini- '0 Pmih iico is t lie diamond settiDp in the. crown of valor. Answer This tjuestion. Why do eo many rwripln we nee around ii'-seem oiref.:-' sufT-r and bnirjtdo :.,.r.oi !y 11". i i-eiioi". ' '-iPBtlprtti-lL , ! 1 ..i.-i'-,' Los? r.f Apo-Ii-.-. Cfiminii up ,1 tl-.:- i-'-- ii YIV. Ukiii. -vhen for 75 1. i- will n.il Infill 'Ihi'on'n Vitulizer, ljuerQtileiiO to ouro ttu:ru. R--1 j by New Items riric: t o Yoti'li, when tliouilit in Njieeuh itii'l ii?fa!i 111 truth. "One of my customers camo in to Jav anil askeil 1110 for the best oough inedi-ino I had,'' saya Lew Young, a prominent di uggint of Newman Grove, Neb. "Of course I showed him Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, and lie did not a-ik to see any other. I have ni vol yet sold a medicine that would loo.ii 11 and relieve a severe cold no iiiiekly a;i that Remedy docs. 1 have tto'd lour dozen of it within the last i-ixty days and do not know of a single ease where it failed to give the mo.t perfect satisf.ietion. 50 Cent bottles fur sale by J. V. Jordan. Nolhirgis po iinniniortiti as i-.n lltll Htini:i:Ci I0V13. LKMOX KL1XIK. A lTi-aaiit Lemon Tonir. For iiilioiisncts, Cotistipition and Malaria, For Indigestion, Sick and Nervous IIcLdaiilic. For S.teplessneps, Xervousnegs ami Ileart dineacs For Fever, Cliillf--, Debility and Kidney Diseases, take Lemon Elixir. Ladieii, lor natural and thorough organic regulation; take Lemon Elixir. Ur. ''oziey's liemon iiilixir is prejiared from the fresh juioe of Lemons, cojibinod with other vege table liver tonics, and will not fail you in any of the above named dis eases. "iUc. and 1 bottles at drug gists. Prepared only by Dr. H. Mozley, Atlanta, Ga. A Bnuker Writes. From experience in my family, Dr. H. Mozley's Lemon Elixir has few, if any equate, and no superiors in medicine, for the regulation of the liver, stomach and bowels. YV. il. MAGNESS, rros. Nat'l Bank, MoMinnville, Ten. A Card. For nervous and sick headaches, indigestion, billiousness and consti pation (of which I have been a great sufferer) I have never found a medioine that would give such pleas ant., prompt and permanent relief as Dr. II. Mozely's Lemon Elixir. J. P. Sa-WIELL, Grfflo Ga. Publisher Daily Call. Ittokes a philosopher to reason out hi 4 faults. For a oat bruise, born or scald, there is nothing equal to Chamber lain's Fain Balm. It heals the parts more qniokly than any other applioa- i ! .awsjl amlitM wta eetlntiir aaa saA 1 """ "J J "J i0th n scar U left. For gale by T. v Jordan. ; - v - r THE 1 uom-aerato wai jjurucU, An Illusirat- il Magazine, Edited by GeDeial M.ircun I SS'.-.j.-!.-(Agent of the War l)i pi:t:r.eat f, I rn the Collect o n I ("..i-fmIi-ii.- Keoor.ts) I'.-n l.i line, o.: Al-t.K-1 ;- The first Duui'.ii r i ill ii. K-uid April l.-tt. Publi-hcl b tin- W ar .Journal rutilishing C'mpain, Lexington, Kv , ami Ho F.1'1.1 Avenue. Ni- Yt.i k t u . . l.williic devoted exduiiivi iy to t;. List.i uf tbe Conlcdera.'!-r.tle oi 'hel..'. War between the tiUic.-, u the Vice Presideut ol the CoLife.lt 1 e.e) , Alexander H. Stej.-liens, cho- to call this tnidbtiest of modern Con. tlicts aud most gig i::ti: of ;ii; straggles. The War Journal wl! i. rejile" with Portiai'H And K'-.m ivioj-s, made from Sketches in ide b rt Corps of Arii.-.tc, nt t.f -t U -m followed the te.nun.-i federate Arm;;--,, ;.: il rank anions t!..- il War. Tlu sr.vc fait: Sketches of pl.ic. ,. -. Hull. h. S;ei s, (-.j Var,Naval K-;-m ;.,. M.i(ifi, CiiartM, c . I':,!!- V- 111) J M I A ' '. o 1 .-. Vi (.1' ..I; , i'ei 1 I JUH, 1 .c v'ull led'-raie le'ci.in iIm- .1 v s reCall III! H0l.- ,: !;;.. I j.. ,,u leuti d field o." ;'; 1 . ',1 k, many hai d-lou ; Ii: -ur .M -relies, Kiv.iii.ics. ( ' 1 :'. ,1 ' an ' tin num. c .- .. ...i . tit iit.s 1 -11 1 1 , r t.- t - i-. 1; . ii;. a fold u r oi s: 1 '01 , . ! :ii- . children uiid the irc-e it l'cii. i a t ht , eori . y I o ,) : e. .1:1 1 .v..r '. a vividiiesi! ivhii'h --nMrii,- ei -e t-onvoy. I'tlr- dill l.'istii.-y (, tii,- I".,,-, 'aej ha-; Mt-ri o Hoi I.- vn w. r we have bi .-. ,:b i ii: ,is, i . Hi llbfrl .Hid e.ilili !!; .rA !-if but ol' tic.! real nine, i u; uiL-ipi-inr, 1 lie iu i: 1 vi dent, of t li.': van' u;.i . ni' I :: -'.till , tie- 1 ol I. !:. Si n fit, I.mv liH-eo.:i::ar it ivel 'ci been !ivcn t- the - ot 1 I To.- de man I', d Ills- in i. ill ir. . . .. .0 tii, ;(N-"K.DKI!A'i';: WAR .HH l:XAl, flie lll.i'i ill the l.MO.iil w., 111 which it i.s j-. ..1:: .1, n-ay 1 ,1,-e i ai and j:i: i, lei- v.-.. 1 .,v- ili.ifT ye:ir will add : Me n.' ,11.! ,-;ello ,s ness lo the fru:iH;y. I'l.e proiei'.' will be backed bv 1 1 f": i 1 . i t eijuial, atl;l the services d! w;:- is id aut.horiU ol'all ci.tsHc.-. ulo. v.'. re ac'ors in the tet nb'e dr -:i - Inci j the (Jeiieia! !o Cic ini,ii-cc: l! -y.! and lo the (laitghtei and wile ami' mother at li'-::ie, will add to ;!:; Coiilederaie.i' nLory o! I ii.- War. A l vast liluar.v tt (be e-:u reicnia.ien.-i ', and orders and diK!tisiiin.-i of tl.ej chiefs of the C nledcracy will be thrown ii.-eii !u M;o ii.ll oe j Chapteis wiil :-e given Irom the most biilliaiit ;..nl autlioi itative writers. The.e wriiiiign v. ill lie profusely illustrated; not, onlj the Army but the Navy of the Mouth, which no largely helped to revolu tionize the marine ali'.iirs of l!n na'ions, will be I'ullv treated, and then thk inTM'"ns op 1 1 r : . wai:, lor despite ill Cue ('riiniio:..-, eei; regiment, "had its wage, itn lidic:: lous situations, its Hood t ide of ft;.-., in whose presence the im-igiiiatiM' OharlcH O'Malley would sei n a vtr grave individual. To th luui,,, and unspcak-.ibiy ri-lictii.)ue, .side ol the conilict, voluiiie will lie ivc All these are tun hint.', ni tin wealth tn bo distiibuie.l ilirounl, the issuance of the Illustrated ''Confederate YV.w J iiuual," 'i hi.:ii will be within the reach ol all. The Subscription price v. il! only lie. -l.tlii per year. Published by THK WAIt .TOUUN'AL I'L I i i . I : j I f I ?s 1 1 COMPANY, Lexington, Ky., and 110 Fifth Ave., New Yoik City. HUMPHREYS' Veterinary specifics Per Eorse3, Cattle, Shc?v, Lcr:, 11: AUD VOULl'dY. 500 Pace -Htt.riif -.if Auiitifiifi cmEfK, FvrrH,'nncr-i i(r:i, riiflnitMontion A. A. i-Spinnl H Miiimii.-, .: icwr. It.l.-Nirii)u. l,a.'iM'iifWH. KtiriuuHliui. ( .4 Dislfni; ,r, ,Ntis; I'l-f liaises. J). tin oi ilri.b. f.i-HiM. r,,i;..-( nuKds. is.'n Of.. v'iiru!iiinla. il ic or i'.i ii'i -, lli'llj .-irU''. ( !.Ittst'tll'! illtiC H 4' Dial I' I :;;v '' . Il.ll. I 'riiwii y inut Kitti.t v !.'t-..'.t-if. J.K.Il?i'Uit'r wt Iitk utit, ii, l'iir;ilysi, 8liigU Fluttle iovti- 00 tl.iy.Vi, - -IStable Cnsr. with Sp---iii,-r M r i: .). Vt'JtTiu tr ( uiv.i.iti . .. hlhIv,!, St Jar Vcifi-ittury f urt-Oji, - fkld by llruirlsfsi .i om1 inlj ujKhi re an-! - i f ngulllj eg. rrn-lpl of pricf. HUM PIIR FYS' ffl KD. fO., 1 1 1 X 1 18 MHIlam Si., Sow Ywrk. EOMEOPATHIC SPECIFIC Ho.i lu una .1 ss-nrii- TIip, nr.ioeritfrncdfiil i-r.m.-,iD r.-. Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness, sltid Prostration, from ow-work ir c'lnt (tn.K-i. 91 per vial, or 6 viaUandljtrtu vial powder, lor ifS. Sold hy Ih-UCKllti, '-r t-e-ni ..-f;pail.l P(l el tv ... BOMPHilKTS' U&O. Cae I111I3 Hllllua hi,, H VurV. & Street HaJast ret 111 Dot! with a LARGE LOT OF HORSES m fiULES. HE SELLS THE BEST BOADPOAKTS EVER SOLD INIHIS MARKET . t JlTIZGaSS' BANK if 1. a k; r, : n !-. - A oe 'tir:'. of It" s-s. U;KL-ri, . ; r--ir::ie- Mt" .qu nud : itr rr-ci- -ptu- n-rtt i'n on it ud I ' t'i . - 1 : ' ,it ' r: i erf oi, r r: -.- , ,.,,. J-'a m" "7," 1 , . ... I : K i i I. 1 ' ' ' ! I ' ' ! 1 ' : '.' de Tl,, 1 In- 1 -'1 A nana Aul' i-t . 0. 1 ;i.; th- ('..n.f..,--, the A.tv.uit, u r-t v ry i 1 ,),. 11 1; i'alt ure ji r. 1 n :..-r f S in M ':-ic -it: .i Af !-''il- . I-'. I' Hi I w I f nriTv:-.T ,if WnOTTI ,'On-;. ' I', fl 1; HI 11': I' - l" 1 , ' 1 ci-, II loiilini:-. ' Ii ra bfl. I' .'..., r I r" taw, .ic-.i., in I'lirlol- 'I ', , Oli'i i.--: i in !.i'n and ! ei 1 i--r tii 1 S. ii- 'in - imm'.jmh:. r w . -1 1 r 11 'JS I 1... I ', '1 0 K.'.iH' t.. A?v-ii':'-, Fire, Life sml UkL n:-:;: in m-.-;i- o i:t" SOD THE ii iii-h i he-1 ,i -i,-i b:i-,-l. ANo ill. ..- 111 t1.. .M il 'ill-...-. O ''Oi- ..1 III?: TCS ! ilr 1-1 li M - N . ! :o. . -o, A. Nov.- linrn, N l' . '.--.t ;' y.5. To A -eots A. & N. i '. it. U : Tin oii'i- rata' of f r" K -und T. i,i l'ieetH. (H.-'.pun of Iviiu fiom t in n Sttii -ns. beio.v to poiui t nam.-i o:t thr W. N. ). K 11. Ticfce p on enh- Jano l-l 1Si)'i I-- J:o;.f 30ih lS'i;( i-.c.-j-'i.- (1 -. f -.r r.e.uru liff-.u'e on or b f -rn O.'i. ;JUl !'.);!. T v-s v. amin. -res r K r .r 0 '.'.ii, ( 0,1 11 -4 U c - Kr.im ? t S ii t g S J n To S V. HIcRorv, N. I'. 811 nil SI-'. -Ml 8il lii Sl'i Vi Moi-gamon, N. O. II :i M ll!: 1 1 :i" Old Kort, " 15 7H 11711 IS !! 1 J Til litaea M nt'n " lrt -i i. 41 rt 1 1.2 Ashevllle. null l.l.-w Il.il 11" Uot rtpringa IhaO it. I- 1-i.o.i r,.i Rf-tes to all other resorts in WesterL North Carolina or Virginia oin be fur nUbed upon application. Children un der five (5) years of atte frfe. O ildrml of hv (5) and under twelve (U jem of age one half the aove named rate. 8 I,. DILL, U. P. A. NOTIOE. NORTH CAROLINA, Craven (Vuntv. before tb - flerfe. In the matttr of amovimcnt of tbe Bay Ki er Lumber Company's charter. Notloe is hereby given tbat the charter of tbe Hay Klver Lumber Co. a corporation ereatsd nnder articles of airreemeot record ed in my office In record of Incorporation folio 131 to 134 has been amended as fol lows: "That the private and lndlrtdnal proper ty of the atookaoldera of said corporation shall not be liable for tbe debts thereof, but absolutely exempt from all corporate debts or liabilities of any kind or nature WU.UHI.TW. ' June Id, W Uf. M. WAT805. O. 8. a a-ON .imJ ;.'AiU- DAY iUuh l' IICKLTd. I M.i!','di ( ; I V Pi Ml :r..i ATI. N r I , ' V .A 1.-. 'b-.j : ( T 1 d i X iS A ; - - I'.r ". - ii. 1 fr . ! bc.r !o .J .rrl,. J ;i.c 1 -. 1 v.. :. .(a:iy . X. . n. 1:. -: ).:) .a Iillr.'-d ia t-iT-e! .Il-IUT J 00 1 C:tv -- ' h. 'i-.i.vi Ifiii.j ,J Mil "-, '. Ul,,rs M, 1, ZitlK-rs, .-..'.V.Ikivv.j. 0 1:0:0? I 1 : : .-i.cc.ir ,5alicl j trio! u.iui :utloui ,.1 T icturco & Picturo f .iiiii ' f,!, j wl f n:i:n i. il":-: ii: !. ' ! ION . V i 1 AM i(h?c M:- 1st. IP.'.:: "i i ij i ; i r i it . n j i o,i i .. J uJMi.:.;L.i 1 ' ' Nov .! 111! S . i ! L. li The Kati(5i.mi na.jii, Or NEW 3:-.?J3, N. C n.T.i.eu' :i.-, : iS3'. '.'ftOltHI. 9 V.IGS DIB HCI'nnsi J.'.fl. A. HBYAK liiOS, 0.NIR'. : 'Hi? 1 !'"HK .'.II l-. KPIiltM, JNO DlKM, h HAKVfi f H ii --.H ' r - All Doubts ILeraovtii: f. p. on'h.viv, ;: -!.. iw r. x. recently n.-eived F.-ur ilu..tl;i ! I ). 1 lnr.- from the S.ifftv bivestinciit .111. 1 Loan! l'o:iii;:iny of Syiaeii-ie, N. Y.. in 8 days aticr toe ncci-siui'v piipei'- .li re sent. The Safety U one of the liiu-it known Lnaninp; and Investment Companies. It you don't borrow, every dollar invested double's. For particular-) address or apply to ISAAC II. SMITH, State Mgr., N'ew Berne, N. C Pl";M ;ipn.fdy for Cutrtrrr, -S? tj Sold by Drngrtrleta or sent by miUl. (.'yj Sold by Drnf-pl.tfl or sent by mull. sue a. i. uat&iuae, wsitea, n. hi : I 1 if i.liPSwSa 10 th. '-' ". fri-ii: icd films' H. Jiiiemu bars tl.L Hotel Albert, i- ' vui continued "AsfiiN 1IOFSE -10 li'. '. w 'l :i . i:i 11 i.V ,V NOTICE. itn'Aiti). (lie SuDe.lor -nle-ed ml the :J mjLir, m Ue ri i. p,.-Dtlfrand fe .re d,fecdfDU, .e. the court 1 -c.p.'nt ,n ,ta " ii.-- isLd. -,r j, -r brr WmiI -.:'"! d . fo.iowa: ' ' - . : 1:1- (South - d oilier - oelna lbs .1 now re- - o county - -"re, i-. 1oner. :: i.'.Ci of LiaJ 'r'l'ernsj pcr.OI ' iu lbs . r.".., j i-tiiu- . - t ..lb .1.1, 1893 ' . N '. at . - til.Mer i'. : Ha l. 1 1,.- . ' h'l-n 1 -n K( 1 ! 1 11 . 1 ,:4f ' ':rf TjJQ'SO Isll H'nl. Mi-ii I urN - ii. J all ... tl ! :- -:ive.. : . : fci.wo. -. '-. Vf" , 1 nil , n.uclora. St.. -a . ' C'JIS.rflO 1- .zzovjz LI:: trie i "i v 1 khs, ci n:: for . . . .V -i v'.t .4 tJ. I'.ll.l- . . pi if, s . art. -.-fll 'iititrv I Ii : I I' .'.ii-f Uf rricc?$5. :-- j-'-'-gf.-j?a - v ::. .'.-- c-cS' J 1 'lir:i . -.Il ,-! f ! '1 . . . In ... . :11a. U i . 1 ' C - f. - '..ll C! rMI 1 1 . '. t II IS . ., 11., p'-vfer ':ir, in f t-li-c 1 . 11 . rt -Col,. It ' t. a I nr.- Inoht-B. ; . 1 :- o - SI -out-. . . u '. . . . u j -.n 118 --1I "! '. O- it. .... Kll.l II O ... I 11, II. H- . ii- -.i.'.al..-il ' 1 fault, in.d 1 . ; H 1 i oa" he .'. I'l CMS, ' ,- iralua I ut. ti--rous .. t. f--':ii -ta .,e. hi t:r ra.irui . vi; iittt-r.eH, - it .i n!ck"l 1 it- .1 win tube : - - : n - hrf of 1 iiiliilref- -; :. . Fit us I'll is .-.ii Un (2,'iiiJ ' f 111 tiifrtl fOll, - tit- nij.plj.. -" or : he n-oj fi ll i.-t or ei or in iJilpp d C. 11. ill K. iiilllu..fes :-iri:f...l . o 1 . ral - '1- V - desl e -.t; in ", tine n. ti.i- llljeet. I- .1 -i Oik iitt-rite 1 : es- that - .1 . nd 1 ives- of the State ' Ji'l-'il.t'd , New York. 1 .In '' '1 . I :. i ! ;" c. " r:v;7'--i:-r ? Will ha e brick to supply all de mands 011 and after MAY 3d At Reasonable Prices Too. Also in stock a carload eacbgo CEMENT and LIME. - , Apr. 29, W. J. E. LATHAM V v -f ;-' Sv'' ': -i .:y'-.'-'-'V' ; Vf3-v:,v ; ..J- -;.-v - --. - , . :. .-rv-i-i .

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