The Da Jour n t y : r VOL. XII.-N 116, NEW KERNE, N. (, 'ITKSDAY, AHxUST ir. j,v.): 1'KICE 5 CENTS. X'r, r r": .V--'.- Brsmss LOCALS. TINE Veal, Beef and Lamb t Sam 'I , Cuba ft Bob tliis morning. CLOTHING Bales Agent wanted for New Berne and vicinity. Literal com mlaioos paid, tod w luruisb the licit and moat complete outfit ever provided by any house. Wrrte at (.nee for terms. Smd references. WANAMAKER A BLOWN, Philadelphia, Pa. LOST Flat Folding Store Key. Leave same at this office. tf. - ANOTHER lot of those Beautiful Tryon Palace Souvenir Spoons just received at Hibbard't Jewelry Store. Call and sec them. tf. L08T Somewhere on the streets w macadamized mail a p ild link t uff but ton with stone aettins. Reward offered for retnrn of same to tint ofiice. anu 13 8t. NOTICE i hereby riven that certificate No. 88 for 5 shares of stock in series No. 1 and certificate No. 55 for 3 shires in seriis No. 1 of the New Heme Building and Loan Association lias been lust and that application will lie made tu sai l Association for new certificates to lie issued. II. I!. Di fky. This Ausr. 8th, 1B03. im THE latest and liest tliinc that we kimw of is the Combination Sash-lock and stnp. It works adiniralily and uives irener d satisfaction. N. Arpen, the Oem r i A:-- . for Eastern Carolina is l.emu ker. ' u-v snpplying the citizens wit It the same. Samples may be seen at the .lorus.u. office and at Nunn and MeSurk 's. auOtf REMOVAL E HiVeir.1, I'. !hadwick an.I II L Ha'.! have r-niMV-ii into the afore with Mr I, S W I .n Pollock t nir tho P-at (line-, wl.e-,. they will bo oleaaed tit s-'e all -if tli ir friends. t"Bo sure to oi l and a- c the'n. Htf'i ! 1 m NOriOE NTNEY ACKIS ('!' OYS TER FARM FR SLK pIim'i'I in New Rivftr, 'instow connv, oi 'toni ia whita aanH and Bhel y. Ii is :-n ! propairatinit crouid 0t rs kuv lari at'd f i ferv tiee fliv..r A's- two riuv'onE nt!-:s hp i-v.iim TAVn. adio;i-inir -IvH'er Karri The upland is c.wid f.r all kin ' of I ruck : Mo O'irn, cotton ivannis irr! potafnen Very plen.a'it. nl ice; in full view of the ocflin; lari oak irroeo; so'eed:.! for a mmnn r-mf For fnii h-r lmrfieuf -rs address W. 1, WILKIN". M ,r .i. On-, flow county, N C ii::n.ts'l)m FINE North Carolina Hams at K. Jones'. LOST Friday July 29th, two medals used as a watch charm, one n sold cross bont one inch lonp; the other a small silver medal, shape of n four leaf clover, upon eaeh of these, on one side wa en frraved "H. M. A." and upon the oppo site aide of the silver medal was en graved "Punctuality.'' Finder will be rewarded by leaving at this offire. BROWN BEANS fur table use nt 5 cents per quart. Also Seed Peas and lieans for fall planting, at low prices R. Bkhhy. FOR RENT The Dwelling next door to my residence on Pollock -Street. J. W. Stewart. A FULL line of Spring anil Summer humpies, consisting ofOuevintts Black, Blue and Brown Sertro. Fine Check nsh mers ImDorted Wiiitinirs. Worsteds in all grades. Satisfaction guaranteed. F M Cbadwick, Tailor At Hall's book Htme GO To Street's horse Store for Livery. Fine roIster,8 at Street's II rs store. Silver is rising in valne in Enfr laod. The Bteamer Yukatan brings 1800,000 gold to Now York from Havana. Secretaries Carlisle ami Gresham and Postm aster General Bianell go to Deer Park, Md. The Normannia, from Liverpool, brings 906,307 of gold to New York. . . Repeal the Sherman act of 1890 and also the Sherman act of 1873. That is the way ont of trouble. The two factions in the House .-'.Lave come to terms, and the silver debate is on to continue fourteen -days. - s Lawjerence T. Neal, of Ohio, will ijrnn ; for governor of Ohio on the ..national democratic platform. A igood man and' a strong pUtform! May both wiul ' There now tu the Treanaty vaults Vi Washington 130,000,000 onnees of silver. It would take with the present facilities for coining five - jears to cob vert this bollton into eoin.',' ". . ,. , ' .4. J . ,11' IP. " t The British Bark Glenora arrives at the Fort Morgan quarantine ntu tlon, Aa-i' with two oases Jyellow fever patienti on board, To died at sea. No further fover cases are ' reported from Pensacola, . '. : '-: .Professor Garrett P. Serviss, the I astronomer," is getting up a rival scare to the Sherman . bill. He writes to the New York World of the wonderful, solar disturtances - now easily visible with the use of a dark glass to proteot the eye. Ee says there are billions of miles of fire actually raging in tho sun, and . volcanoes of blazing metal. These sun fires are affecting the weather, he says. The astronomers generally lave their eyes on the great sun r 1 "9 ets3yin the Bpots. ' -. Henry (.'leva b)h the present flaxnoiiii pinch in Nw York isn't a ctrcuuisumse t u the clamp ol 187:5. Then the b.mks couldn't mure up ! more Ih-iu (?,").0(M OCMI i-iii-riey! tmnng them, wliili now Mi- 191,000,000 Citizen of '. ienri i coon-, tics to thf unm'.Hr f S(I0 Imvo . t:ken the woods ir ; he- avowed! iurp.iKu ol cxttr(nirit iti.ri ' b Mecb j .vtiiWi", a bind of murd -res hi;.1 j I d.'r jn-r:ifi.'CE. Se;rer,uy C irhsle is sviug Lis-i UMlivuled n ieut inn the -oc' l'i' inn .f The- f re i:.:tr 1 u h.itla' e . ; v in .in i !u ii'.inr ti;:. ,r iii -li n. lUi-i will ex. : I s ; .. , i a e r '. U ,' t iii : i'V lu ' as. u; i. plKtltlc li Tin r ic.i i lor. i-i : nt- S u . tin.iri- j :i-sll 'In: ' i. 1 .-ii s-' nil-; - li i b .h ' f i .( ..', rt ' t-.'tr hi.i .i; .A.'i t lie ifJiltliiy .i!nl ou'j'iii-'i'n ii i !i en 1 ' in i'i. ill;- ti.-fifr i'l- iip'iii ; i:e ! h 1 1 'l':f li".' r t" ii'ji.1.'. . i.i'iu ii.ii j ii ir.ii s i,- a iv,. b- ii.-.-i.ei Iroin I a.. ml, I LOCAL MAYS. .YA-T .lT.-'.V' ..-. !!o:nl. li. W. Yi!h.(i::s!i -:'..ii.'- ,.l -S. ,V S ei l-".:i A-,-. AV:in:uak. r ,V Brown - Aycnt v.:i:.i. lla'lo. n i, -by Mrs. Neil', this al'leiiioo'i. i'residin- i:! :i. d,T It...,- ( '. .I. n.iry c,,nf. :.'.i, , to pit -.i Ii. I (Jn-ira-! !:. ( iinri COllfi-re :.t tr: Ml. lie, w : ,1 . ii.i'st lnijioi I an! w ! . Th" iMii--;..,! ti i'i tV.:i Wi' n nvrr til,' new railli.-. 1 I I ll"l collie oil to Sew Berne lull tnm-fi m- i the pnen. U'l'is us Ims her, !, ,f ire lie-', i ihr i n toni to the tteamcr '.U-ineh at Polio, l.-ville. Th one to day is i":;i.'r,-.! to nm ri-dit on to the ( jty. Messr.-. Frank Dully, Wi:i., Liijub !a;ihews. Wall-r fox and .Im- Muilo, i!,e harpist, who went down to U: ;a ml t- on the ci'in.-!i"i !i.,e it i u 1 11 ., I to Urn city. They c:u ne on inc sail ve.-.'l To Fremi-. Ti.-y h-l't i : 'aenke Sat nr- dav 11 .1 rr. "i ;. lT and urn-.t-il l.ere Su :; , all, : no-in. Those w ho aie r imhl witlimi: a stamp an, rt , ant to mail ktler tlur ine; hours when the pod -olli, e is closed can now be saved from the uncertain running around they have heen accus tomct 1 to. (iaskiU's l'harinaey has put in n nickle-in-the slot machine that turns out two two-cent i.iauips for each nieklc dropped in. The customer waits on himself. There i.s a colt, ten months old, at Henderson, which has been trained hv a boy ten years old to do many astonishing tricks. On 1111;; bidden he will walk up to any designated person and shake hands and hug and kiss him; Blindfold him and bury an article and he will find it and paw it up. He will feign sickness, count articles of any specified number till, by selection of those displayed, hci indicates what articles ho likes to cut best; will fire a pistol, and do many other wonderful thinks. His only tutor 'has been his boy master. lie will perform all the tripk9 at the Raleigh August Races. Mr. Jacob Lehman of Henderson, who has been suminciing at Morchead and who was one of those that attended the bank pony penning, spent yesterday in the city the guest ol Rabbi Kaiser, who took him uround and- showed him the attractions and advantages of our pros perous and growing city, with wliich he was well pleased. Mr. Lehman is a wealthy merchant of Ilcnderson and one of its most prominent and pushing busi ness men. We heard the wish expressed among Ula acquaintances that he would make his home among us. We do not know that Mr. Lehman has any thought ot such a' change but if he should he would receive a warm welcome. Four of the colored construction hands of the W. N. & N. R. R., got drunk and made quite a disturbance Sunday night by breaking doors, etc. They were tried before Mayor Ellis Monday on the charge of violating, the city ordinance against disorderly conduct and fined $20 and to cost each for that. They were also tried on State charges of carrying con cealed weapons and house-breaking. On these they .were bound over to court in the sum of $100. All foiled to give bond and were placed in jail The men were Stephen Knott, Haywood Guion, Frank Bogans and Granville Smith. Abe Scott, colored, - was also tried for being drunk and taxed with $2.60 cost. ,' Church of God Baptism. . ' . Flder E.jS.. Haries of thgAdventist churcbbaptized .tnree peoplo .Sunday, immersing each one three times face fore most at the foot of Broad street.-V -;t v Those baptized - were llr. Stephen Priest and Mr. and Mrs. N. Arpen. Im mediately preceding the baptism Mr, Hanes discoursed on the reasons, 'from both the Bible and historical . stand points for Ihd trine immersion and for the ceremony being performed forward instead of backward. - ' - - ORIENTAL I'OLORLD FA IK. First Mai ComniFneeinent-Street Pa rade At the Vmundv The street parade "f the e !..r. I t i:r was hell yeuterdiii at the ;.;; i.:i:r I :i:n.. over the prem nUd line of march. At the Fair ground tie print -;.! broke i : li. .in fuilher ei rem. .in. the r : opening , -r, ,.., : j,, 1 , ,r A j."(ti..n ,f the dcput in, at- :.i,' w , l:!iid. -'Ilicrs an- i.:i.i'W -t rit -ti. i- n. t tli.- sii.-!v ilii r .d-- ... '-i fun t'".' I'.. rill :: ': . iii i 1 i u . r.eil i -!e,. i .'..,!:.' Kii.-'oe i I f.'.l:. I .II...-. a: i. h- . I r i i rt in. .; - ' 1 ' it.' r . t.l ! . !:: "I i in N- '- I: !. . . r- -: r: ' :' - I. l'l ,',.i ' '. . . .; i in-n. iii, i .I-. . -,, , ,. ii Ma.-. Ii... . A M. i:. ; u".'. I I. .1 - ! n-i'.L: I'l-.ltr.. in h- : I ..i . :i,iv !i -.1 , i ; i.l!' II" :V. .-.,ii. Tn- .'!.. v. i'- -I I'l bile rii ; . n- I ; " ' " i; 'J 1'-" '' i: '- ' ' ; . l M i v. ''. : r j-.! : , - ' v l ! i.i .i - I 1' '-,- I (!l K iliii- '. p ,:i V. . : I j h ::t II :-.! ;. II-.-. I !. .ili.i.'dMo,',. CiHuiiijr nuil (iiiin .,' Tin -., rii .N-.. i ii:. ... .., ' I . .1. on! the I ,;.,v. ii'i; I. - M r : -i ;i;,-l.s Am, II -.v i.. U-, '. h.tii U' Mr. K.i'ill V l V! 1 1 r : , . , in Ni n Bi' C m... ill. . to hi- i;.',.i. 'il.ll l,'-.l!l:; ell ii :i. I'l., Ill ji', ::-lll'.' Ilij,. ' i I . i 1 1 1 1 .'. ('.., II I 1 ,11 -1 'It'" 1 ' ; 1 1, illl' Mr. l.t- I'. Mount v. ho has I v. ii vistiin: (an. li. Kol'iits. r, :urni'i:; li . I 1 !ie - -:i:ii,t I I v:i.iii; n t- , . ' n. 'iilluv. in-r j.ii--, -iiLii. i -. Mi. N.'i' . n -1 ' M'-'y Km Nunn ami M:i-ii r, .VI, liili ,, li'.'iiiy Nunn In v t i, hit i ve -at l'..i.l. ". Mrs. E. 1). I'niiKT an I .Mi-- ; .,i I ..'i in'i'. iilm have ii.'cn vi-itinv; at Mi. .i. I.' Parker's left rcturninft h.nnr, Mr-. 1'ai ker, d;i!iht-r ..' Mi . '.,':: r , .... '. i n 1 :l. ,11 it i. hci' III Fill' H . -. I i - . . ai..i Mr. W.i:. I'l'ir-"- cut' I'.'.'i' . h( :j, ilo I,;-, II ,-jll n, illl;; il , 1 t -,; I . , 111 the city ret urniii;; home. Mrs. Herbert. Willis an 1 M m Vt:h Harrison returned from I! where they have been visiting. Rev. Edward Hull went up to the i einity of Tarboro on ministerial work. Mi. li. P. Montague left on the -leain.-i New Berne for Baltimore v. here hi- wife is at J,)ht)3 Hopkins Hospilnl. They will return by way of Washington t'ily and stop some tim.i with relatives ia King George county, Va. The following parties returned from Morchead: Prof. G. T. Adams, Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Richardson and Mr. .1. I,. Halm. Messrs. Dorscy Battle and Swif: Oal!. way of the Keely Institute pas-i.l through en route to Trenton m the prose cution of their work. They mean to visit New Berne at an early dale. The steamer Plymouth which is tem porarily supplying the place ot the steamer Neusc of the E. (J. D. line brought in tweniy-two passengers Satur day. Col. J. D. Whitfjnl retiii'iiiil from Washington City. Mr. Willie Metts returned iroui Wash ington City and Baltimore where he hus been on a business trip. Mr. E. Cohen who has been in busi ness for the last ten months in Louisvill.i, Ky., is in the city visiting relatives. Miss Kate Hines returned from a visit to relatives in Lenoir county. Miss Jennie Watson returned from the Worlds Fair. Durward Rliein Xot Dead. A report reached this city a short lime ago of tho death of Mj. Durward D. Rhem, of RheniSj P. O, S. C, and an nouncement thereof was publicly made. We are now gratified r.t the receipt of a letter from Mr. Rhem denying with vim that he is either dead or even in poor health. We, quote from the letter: "Now will you please do the writer tho kind ness to tell his relations, friends ami acquaintances, that he is in just excellent health, feels happy and thinks he-would make a real lively corpse just about now. You can also make another correction for the benefit of his lady friends. You had his age at 84, while it is just 31. Please a9k "Free Press" to copy alsoi Mr. Jos. L. Rhem of Newbern, is a cousin of ours. I hope to meet some of my Tar Heel friends in Sept. at the world's fair. ' -. Truck Quotations. -4 The following truck quotations were received last night . from Messrs. Palmer Rivenburg ft Co. of New-York i -" .-. i Watermelons, fancy, lartre ld,to 20c; medium, 10 to lSrgrapes, Delaware, ear ners, 1.75 to 19.75, Niagaras, $1.23 to $9.85, fives.; 73 to $1.00, . sweets, - red, $8.00 to $3.50. -:-K. : - Every kindness done to others Is a step nearer to the life of Christ. Th I'.. in IVmi.n-Ti 'I' i.i h li 'er I !i,,n .-in llllill'd H.til flr. J- I ni r i j . of lite ,!e! a e ! il'l ie-l .: . 1 T. Kai'Ui, :!i ch". S,"-.! lile, .V il',11-. , Kobl ii, !:l iii i :t. The v.'il.. 1 in, 1 1 ii . li i el. m.l hie - ai t. niaht ll L'.U .1 t hose I', li i h:i. i ;; ,t tin :l e l tii .it- de.;ii!.iii,.;i a li;;e cx. iierien.-e of tin' i , i 'Veivnee h.-t e.-een living i'",i.lly over the water driven mi by an invigo riling bree.'.e, and going -.hnvly nii'l 1 dioriou -iy by rov.lig nud i ili.ig. v.vie auiotig the hilt-t and p:o:'a','iy go' aj mil-'1; "exn, rii ih'i:" a. any went. Th" 1 : t ai rivals leiiched the hotel abi. u; llo'e'oik, nil hands n.idy eiioii'jli for i: ir :.i!i!'., resi. !t is Weil to .".!! iltle 1'iioil to the Vl'! modi rate eii.iiges by iiie biialnivll for the trip friea Morehi ,.d to the banks. Ii w u , oiii;, fu'i , i Hi i lor lee round trip, .in i I y ehaio'iiae' a bo..; i'.i .i this ligiire i mid he reduced by aeon: oue lialf. Bather rate was cheap ciiou-m for any one. IX Ul'flORIA.H. Wbfr.-is The An'.'i I of lie i!h has atr-'oii iiiVinled our little t ' i :t -! mid taken from it oneol our mi'-; loved and useful members, iCatic Daniels, Resolved, 1st, Thai, while our hearts are filled with griet at our in ejiarable loss, we bow with resignation to the Divine will of our King, know ing that He has thus early transplanted this beloved daughter to the Palace above, for some wise and good, which we know not now, but shall know lienalter. Resolved, 2nd, That while we shall constantly miss from our Circle that bright and sunny face, which always kindled with love, and sympathy when ever the great cause of httimiu suffering was presented, and wIiogq hand was tvea extended for its reliel, yet we trust hci gentle influence will remain among us and stimulate us to greater activity for our work "In His Name," Resolved, 3rd, That we extend our heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved family in this sad affliction, and pray that t1 ey may have the abiding presence of the Comforter who alone cau sustain them in this trying hour. Etta Nton, 1 Rosa Daii,, Committee. Emma Buster, ) To be Discontinued. Atlantic & North Carolina Railroad Co. Superintendents Office, New Berne, N. C, August 8tu 1893. t To Agents, Conductoi 3, Employes and the public: Trains Ncs 5 and 6 (Shoo Fly) as per time card "No-. 24 will be dis continued on this road on and after Tnes dsy, Aug. 82d 1893. . NdWtim card No, 25 will be issued and published in due time. s .13. li. Dot, Sup't. i 4 ! i " . "I ' ' ; ' !' -. - .! f - i ' ; i , . , 1 j : ; , ;I , . , . ; ( , '.'" I' , I i I ' I .! . i . -1. ' I . i . . . ' ' ' ' ; '. : :.: I.- r, . :; , 1 . . . . i - . . . . . .ii;..'!. , jt - n. ... . ..i:,n; . ,,, .-, .' ; " : - 'i-r... ei, i )- ;::::;.:... j a : ii , , 1 n n ..rt on bi-v v. - .i'. -, a : lie.:: ! . , ', eeui! anil cuu'.e',iia! nne. The li ! s'liiing iialiii : ,('. ,r , r:i.i v. is shown by tin th- -,;, w- , ... ; ,!!.. r i,-,i!-;!i.,i -...:!-.! v. :i ;.. h.u w .!,.:. u, i st.ll'ie.l , :i ; ,.' r- ill'. i 'IJi e.lll,'. hud ll ... , , ... i '.. i I, "aid,. Tli, I '. i I. .ill I ..r- i.iie . - ,r,i ;i i n - ilk i i:, .he I i'Ul Ml I'l I illH i ll ' K. Ib'lnarlr.b c ll'e t r) "I i ' : t . ! '. Wo re, it if ". i.'i -1 -. ' , .'i: -. iii.i'i t.r.. i. a' ' ( I : it I ilin-. ' a . ; . . I 1 1 v i T-1 tii.-m. .i. .M. aowAi;;.. A !'.'e;;iiiii -:i; ,'. : r, e nil'.' -i atfC-lti-eii a. n i.-iiinj: :i 1 liy lier reuiarkalile anineir - v.f ,IW of ll 'll ii ., i t eliaviu of Ivmiy r.i i. : il- .i.i: .'.on. .- mauy would), wli -n a eerteiu r. .- dv ex'Sis in lr. Pierc.-V i-'aVe-lt, I'rcscr'jif i.'ii for ilu'ir t'itnct:iiiI a: : ' i organic i'.i it-a ei. k i . -. r , - : I v . 'tr., naii-e.i, , I... ;.' u, .-.a.k bark, nervous pi . ti e.tio.i, ,'. -;!! . i ,iu l !e,.':,!es-i:e.-s eli'rj - . i - newed, energy ret in: , au.i ' ;!?aiii bi-osi.-. lr i - Mr- I y . g ,i...!e , Dru rtve it. ei:;. :.iw: at;:: f' 'I -fei ;? ZU-jMr) ' 'I -.t.oiliS.-:;A ' 1 i ii . i-jc. A Ji BLUMGr.VRD ; V- ':, i.' .la!) . -'.:.-. i . i' I. ; i Ibl.! l-l ..I I , ei . ,-.x,' ( , ... ; Malteeu' K.Imnr,, n, .t-i-se,!. y- Hint , ll ,iV'.;i' iii'in v l.M.Gii i u' .1 ,,, . 0-:iIhiiIs 1 mi li:c I! : Ml Mo i'. ' in .; ..mi,,., , .... ' I lie r- itl: . ho , -i '..-. r of I ,-iiv. ti i' .o;i : ; ' lilt- I'llt I ee - lie I ; ', -el r ,1 i j "il'l: 1 . 1 I, .- .i Lies. Ii:,!.-- I . . r i" i s ; i iw o . ' t v i - s ii. - l.Mit. 1; lo Hie Wlrt -.1 i.o, hi.,1 :t -1 1 n Klbnei, -J i-i-,.ii-- -i 1 . Hie b.thl u,u ' el k 'I Ins.. efttte 111 e:!,v iiii.ivvn a- l-'urni ,' i i 'e, 1 llliil fany ile-'. !. -1 Hi i'io retttio i '. I : . I sal l Br: i .o, I -. .i j . . I r i Inn tin. mi t-i of s ! lllsek --'ii., . .-.iti.-j .-.'!:! i,- ln,:l o.l,,-;. ,. j i ::''-,',,', - cioi-:, u-il'ii, ii... ; .'.! iii-e.- i ii ,'i i. -i- a--i ,,i' j w. ii '. . ' t''U -oi 1 vv .'it, unit r I tn 'raven .-..i.n y ! rtilijuli ill i-'K'H lo.i ff-'i's I" H, Ml U, U V'. W ll.l.lA l- .N, O' si i:i r BAGS OF SHOT. ALL SIZES. AT TOWEE'O PHIOEd FOR SALE. i I BUIIh 0 NEW BERNE, N. 0. Sample Dress Goods. Samples of Dress Goods bought at Wilmington, 8 C, can be- seen at Big Ike's store with, prices attachodt He is offering bargains in this line. It wilt payjfor ; ladies o oalI- anie see samples. , :j?:--'f ' i. ! r- A. i!. - . ,, I j-;- ' ' ". , : - -' ' "': " !, i , lor I v i " 1 ' ! r I in e. . : r.o' j ' to ', , 7 ' e.;: , as 1 a . in I Jays; Cti Mi l I: ii Xorth C ir. ' Herald pie U.I. M. HUH IsivlOilLSY. ici: cuH.vMson.v, SODA, rO 'O COLA, Li: MONAD, &j. TENNEY'S CANDIES - The largest line of M EERC fJ'AUH ami BPwIAR PIPES in Eastern Carolina. IIOTE L BRTJN3WI0K, TELLERS f AND McKEKlV S CEtfi.,; ,.,.7 ;BRATEDCI0AR3. -i YOU ARE LOOKING FOii :- ETHIHG '.xi. Our i . v; ; i you have not Ijeen ;il)!e to find, or hive found and ;i was more expen :vo than you thought it ought to You did not look in the i IF YOU WANT TO I F2S fit Pi W H ! That will please you, drop in and let us show you our STOCK. i. .... -. . Tours Truly, '.,..; . . 'ir.--.'. --?

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