The ' Daily OURNAL. VOL.XII.NO 124, NEW BERNE, N. C.. THURSDAY, AUGUST 24. 1893. PRICE 5 CENTS. J" - . BU8I51SS LOCALS. It in bftter to have honest dot near Railroad. (Office recently oceopW stand anything teller in this conn b?E.Gvnill. Eq) rot eaia ty r. iu try than a depreciated cuueiiey. mggrne, v. iwii". augzsiw mm gem. The Mempbis Appeul-AvHlanobt M188 M0LL1E HEATH will reopeo her eajs that it is the cotton ' bt move cbnol.6ept.4tb. amlw tn, 0j an(j not lDB gu) tnat FIFTY THOUSAND LATHS for sale, move the cotton. Our . otton crop Free from knots and extra width and will not fftlj tomovr until mm quit feiU. AUIflJ IU O. V. I1I1UIIIUII, all., or at A. to 8. C. freight office. wearing clothes. HAVE YOU seen the latest im proved window sash-lock. Very cheip and strong. N. Arpi.i. REWARD offered Tor cuff button. return of link St. Republican editor in ranking up their list of calamity directly chargeable to lack of confidence iu the Democratic administration should not overlook the BrasKlioiv per plagoe in Kautt i. LOCAL NEWS. jvfiir I low an I, ADVSliTlhMi:.TS. TRY THE JocbhaL business loc.l colum. Only ten centi a line for first insertion and Ore afterwards, tl. ANOTHER lot of those Beautiful Tryon Palace Souvenir Spoons just received at I Htbbard s Jewelry More. Call ami iw them. tf. NOTICE is hereby pivrn that certificate No. 86 for 5 shares of stork in series No. 1 ai.d certificate No. 55 for 3 shares in Church of Christ tonight. .eerits No. 1 of the Jew Berne Building and Loan Association has leen lost and that application will lie made to said Association for new rertilicntes to lie issued. H. B. Dufkv This Aug. 8th. 1893. lm , Rev. Henry Winticlil u ill pnacli it the Cumin; and Going Mr. V T. Caho lift yesterday mora ine f r SutliKrt to accompany home li .laughters, Misses May and Appie who i.avc lm timing there. Mi Emma Manson, of Beaufort aim has lut n isitinir the lamily of Mr. C. It Thomas left to spend awhile in Ashevillc. Mrs. KlizalM-th Stanly who has Lis a visiting Mrs. Hdiecca Willis loft tor ler home in (lolilsljoro. In M I'. Robinson, proprietor of the Vniuia Dare Hotel Uorehcsd piisscd tl.H'ir;li en route to Mobile, on a business trip. Mr. T. C. Spurn v . el .. ' , , nc, up lo i'ic . in - . ., w itli lbs son Charlie. Tli voting ".Mi left col- te IIF.VT I'ROsrtlT YET. The Brlrht Indications for Our ext Fair ami the (rounds on Which 1 hey are !tcd. ! I REMOVAL V E. Hibbard, V. M Chadwlck and n. L Hall have rp.n vd ino the store with Mr f. S Wood on Pollock ft. near the Post OfBco, where "thev will be pleased to sne all of their friends. HfBe sure to call and sec them acti'tlm KOTICE NINETY ACRES OK OYS TEH FARM FOR SALE. nituVerl ir New River. Onslow county, N '. BoU torn la white sand and slieliy. It is good nronairatinf irouod Ovt-rs crow l.nM and of a verv nun flivor A'so TWO HUNDRED ACRES OF FARM LAND, adioinine Ovs'er Farm the npland hi j?ood for all kinds of truck also corn, ootton. peauuts and potatoes tr I . nl.i.n. n lull m aiu m Ilia vnrv uifmsmn. innuu, n..i .... ,.. .,,. , noeani larM oak irrove; splendid or a I anmmer resort r oriurrner particulars iv ..umu ji.ipe address W. L WILMNS. Minnes, tins- hucksters at ;S lnw nount.v. N O fsllzd&wam ny reiereiue ti FINE North Carolina Jones'. Hams at K. Maj. V. L. Palmer, of lln- c,t ha lecn appointed a notary public by the governor. Very tine pe ir are now luoii.'M lo market daily, tlioii"li in limitoi .piacti tie. They are hrineir.jj .111 e-nts per peck. This has ticcn u remarkably line season with us on watermelons and some o,,(nl ines are still in market but thev will -non be a tiling ol'the past. The Noifolk I. ill Imark rd'erria; lo thirteen ( otlon mills b i ml; coiistrui led iu North Carolina at pie-cut despite the hard times i II sas it is un e.vialleiit sliowiuc for tie- old North State. Latham rap.-s were on our street - u's. teniae the lirst of the --is.ia mel so'd i'm se line vai it -t s alo 1 ein-' sulil l-v Ills pel pick. mill-' and and 10 , the i p'llio LOST Friday July 28th, two medals used as a watch charm, one a cold cross about one inch Ion": the other n small silver medal, shape of a four leaf clover. upon eaeh of these on one side was en strayed "H. M. A. and upon tlje oppo site side of the silver medal was cn rrvpd "Punctuality.'' Finder will be rewarded by leaving at this office. BROWN BEANS for table use at 5 cents per quart. Also Seed Poas and Beans for 'all planting, at low prices column it will be seen that another little party went oil' for the World's t'air yes terday. Others are to leave this induing. Senator V oorhces made a speed; lues day iu advocacy of the bill to discontinue the purchase of silver, l'letl' -r and others have announced their intention to speak on the financial (p'estion. The silver de batecontinucs in the House also. i iiioritiii'j t.i en', i i.iniforel I - at-il In , I, it 1. 1 ,i-d home. i' i. -ti tin. r New Heme of the N. N. 'v V. l.if.v I r. 'tiht in the ful lowing pas- s ".'i o- Mr. lien. Waters and Mr. Lynn Y . ..trn ii-lutat'!' li ii'.ie tlotll u trip to Not :..!h, Mis. ( Hunter Southgite, oi:e i t tie i'rai lu'ts' in Kiiistou College, ri' lit., i 1 1 toitie mIioi'1, utid Miss Marv lii.,n. .-I W .i -b inm . ill ( itv to visit the lam.1 of Mr. S. li. lr,., t. The -ti .inier New Ikriietook out the to' h '.V IU;' pi- eil'l is I ii Ml I. I ti, ih, Woti,! - Ti,. : Mis. S II. bane, (she will also visit X 'a YoiU on the return to purchase ta'l in l','iii'ii Mi-s Aurora Mace, Misses Hai ti,'., .a! Lena Dail, ol the city and Mis l.-i i Ludins, ul (bihUbnro win, has i 'i ' i iti.ig the Misses Dail. I'. I n,h and Mi-s Alberta I I- h I. .1 ..n ti.i' .t. amer New Bel m lor 1' ': '.!;,. v i-it ll.i fali.ilv of Mi ' i o. Olir Kail. ;., I". '; ol K;.-t, CaC'I' 1- ii o. ' ' -' uml We ,r i'i a m.-i t , i d. I. Ulak . ' 1 4 I a 1 l 1 : it -n. , 1 1 a " 1 '.i l t ', i i ! t' r, - n. tioli I- I ' In- pnrp Fail- w.l- , tl i , d T1 1 I : ; .n ni ' a . . it l tie , ! .:. ..! goo I, prii es lair :iii 1 T ae M enhir t'arni . and tiie vaiiotis k.n. abundant and latter ta t oies ty .it mnking a; jjimliI a one need i v i r u .nt to - c.iltne 1 . od-. ilii-d ft nil w ho h a e sia-n ..l tlii v N. po-.ti. -s Ik: if l,..'.-u lh,.e tl.irk, I- .11 1 well, ;. , i! j:r. weie prot't- - iti-tai tory. r ips an- also good -.,: liui: ti inarkaMv tir holies e: have I, ein tine. This en opportuni-ili-play :i any ot pn serve-, i tc . and those have done iu ... f, ai I .ut what tin v full in. i-iire of their k b the p:s. will have will eun.e up I" 1 1 diltv in tlie in., It, r Agabi the 1 going en w ithont th iu i cry pal t . I' tie' year will sen e a- an intercs! d iu w ork i". w bandsoiiK st sp, , hin ns most art istie sty a s. And lastly, we i ' ill simply mention that the finished eou-l nn I ion ol'the W. N. A N. It. R. through the firtile and produi - tive counties ot Join, :'.n.l (in-low and the rich and popniiiiis niie Ni w Hanover will bring to the I":".: a a-t incrense of hibits-1 nun all t hose places bv rftasou of g win, I -l'gb I i--t cessation itv thrm ghout the incentive for thos. ; '. to show the pii pare, I in ttic II R. Berry. Mr. Will Parsons has started a fust class restaurant at the mai kit wharl in one of Messrs. Watson A: Dadiels' new buildings. He is fixed up in line shape although jtt.-t started yesterday. II A .ITT r f Qni'inir un,1 Nnninter lllieuiis LO Hllinsu iiien s in ;nn e'.uioi -CV . - W U IV K w - ' - I FOR RENT Tho Dwelling next door tto my residence on Pollock Street. J. W. Stewaut. I'l l ii. W liioi i s. the show n. an hl'l oil "ett li.'lll.' lor llallilll.'re. Ills reiuaias to visll 1 e'at ive.i. Yr. .'. V. . Tiu.berlake i- ba. k from DoniMc. V.i. .'!'. 1'.. V. Bryan left on llie .steuitu r Nee. Hi me I'or Halt imore, from there he e.pi : t- to proceed to the World's Fair. Ii. W. i'ligb, of Durh.ii'.i arrived lat nhdit i n vi st igat ing the prospects in me with a view to moving IH24-AUl'.ST t4tt,-lHS. n Berne's Celebratloa la Honor of Lafayette Whea be Revisited America In IH24, as Told by an Old Time litiien. In tlie following letter, old and time stained. is pleiusantlv told how New lierne welcoined w ith t veiy deinonstra tion of joy the coining ot the Marquis de la Fayette, to revisit the s. a lie of his lirave deeds, and the people for whom he sacrificed so much. The old tow n could hardly have given more abundant evi dence o! grateful remembrance had the distinguished Frenchman Iwcn personally presi ut. The letter was written, in a pleasant vein. with no thought, of course of its publication, by Edward (irtihaui, Ksq , to his daughters, "Hetty,'' afterwards Mrs. John I'. Daves, and .lane " afterwards Mrs. Win. II. Hay wood ot lialeigh. "Mr. Attmore will reineinliered as the distinguished awver, so long prominent among us in his orolession and otherwise. It was ho who planned the building, constructed 1'V the late Hardv B. Lane. Eso . then know n as "Criftin's Free School." where our East Carolina Fairs are now held. New hern, August 24th, 1M24. Tuesday, 9 ut night. Dear daughter : We had a meeting of the Corporation of the City, and an As semlilv ol our citizens this morning, to oiisult ns to what was proper to bo done v way ol mr.uilesting our joy, and giving YOU ARE LOOKINQ FOK SOMETHING Msolatdj Pure A cream of tartar baking powder Hlxbast of all in leavemng itisnirth Latest Ukitkd States iovekj(ie.nt Food Report. Royal I'owdkr Co.. 106 Wall 3t..N. Y. at New Vug. 111. 1 r ea-e h wl:ii ll tin v I e load bring an ii s comparatively tSwnnlw. c.raaistine ofClieviotts Black, Blue and Brown Serge, Fine Check Oash- mers. Imported Suitings. Worsteds in all (Trades. Satisfaction guaranteed. F M. Chadwiok, Tailor. At Hall's book Store. net To Street's horse 8tore for Livery. Fine roadster, at Street's Horse Btore. "Pav as von go" and save jenongh to come back on. The Texas populists now boast that they are certain to oarry the exceeding regret next state election. In New York some of the preach AT ase discussing the financial problem in their pulpits. No too things differ more than hurry and dispatch. Horry is the mark of a weak mind; dispatch of a strong one. Newspapers of all parties are complaining of the long debtite in congress. Thep declare that ltn- mediate aotion is what the country grants. the city, and will also li ive line oy sters in season. We see in exchanges that a confeieuce of the Epworth Leagues in North Caro lina is to be held ia Durham October (itii, 7th and 8th. Each league is requested to send two delegates. Ho ccs anil en tertainment will be provided tor nil delegates who send notice in advance to Mr. J. H. Bats. The tioldsboro Argus says: "It is with that wo chronicle the death of Mr. Thos. It. Lee, one of Wayne county's most substantial citizens, which sad event occurred at four o'clock Mon day momiug, nfter a lingering illness at his hojie in Mt. Olive. Lie was a brave Confederate soldier, uud carried through all the intervening years from the field of battle a painful wound through the lung, that has at last ended in tin sleep that knows no wnking. "Murder Will Out " J. W. Whelis, who has been living near Aurora, Benufort couuty lor nbctit 6ix months has been arrested by Deputy sheriff Crcdle ol Washington. The charge against him is the murder of his son's wife's father in Texas six years ago, He will be taken bnck to Texas by requh sition. Nothing was known of the accused by Channcey Depew is reported to be in farof-of keeping the world's Fair open all next year. BWdent ly, Ohaunov wants the exposition to be like hiB mouth always the people around Aurora previous to4 ,an;ation (idvigin I : ai i . si.-:... I " 1 - nnen I ul moving liiuiu huoui hiimuius. It is thought his arrest is due to bis To make gold the tole staudard tracecI by detectives. and the oniy currency ia to uuniu. The lower portion of Hancock street road-bed is now iu the best condition it ever lias been and the remainder soon vill be. The telegraph poles were recently moved on a line with the trees in accord with a city ordinance, and aqueducts substituted for di tubes thus giving the ieh the toluene of our money by Improving Hancock Street. one-half. -That is contraction and oontractlon means the com pie1 e paralysis of all enterprise, the . otter collapse of credit, the oom- pUte prostration of trade from New fork to OaliforoU, and the oou aienment -of myriads of working peop1"' 1' ,ry city and Scale in greatert gpace poggibie for tune, and the the TJnlrn to idleness ana Hirva- iowering of the railroad track almost to tion. ' ' ' . - I a level with the ground has also helped . vA .I t. f. it -,,nld hunnms Street much, V ...T " L?n The latest improvement is now In prog nuiwu w- v"- Section-master Calvin, Smith, of yield 10 we single go.u I the A. & N. C. R. R. is grading the street movement ana aurrenoer ine cause Uivingaaix inch Tall on each side from of BllTer.' 8aoh a anrrender . wonln e wjiroad to the edge of the tsidewalk. B ean disaster to all classes except I This will drain the water perfectly from "the vultures that alwops flesh vie-1, the centre of the street to the sqbeducts - time of a vast oommetoial and In-J perfectly as fast as it fella and insure rinarrUI nalamltT. The merchanfl gw road ibed.: : and the manufacturer, theig bust ;f0 given to the ness man and the small tradesman, wdewk' 8 tta T! f """r i ' way from them to the aqnedncte as fast the great mass alike of employers u H feB ind a ,niable cnrb bm1t 8t Ae . and employed, ,the professional lower to ' keep the aidewalk ' from man, the brain-worker and the way &&ww iuexcenentrcondiUon.-Gre.t Improv. every occupation, will all be drawn ments hat, been made on the streets ; in together in the vortex of oodtrao- the last few yeara- and- nodoubt this tiou if Silver is OUt lawed. - further improvement will come ere long. Nee. tide. M i In-. Mike Mew borne and Ralph 1 1 at p, r nie spending a lew days in New It' i ne hawng remained over from a visit to Mori head on the stockholder's train Mr.-. Delia Co, vard left on the steamer New Heme to visit relatives in Norfolk Mr. L. H. Ciltler returned from lialeigh. Mr. .Ins. daskuis returned lrom i visit to relative; in Creenville. Mr. I. C. Dims went down to .Morc- I i.iid lleuul'ort on a biisines nip. i. A L. Leary went down to More- bvad to spend a week or two with relatives. Mrs. C. W. McLean lelt to spend some tiire in Ashevillc. 10. U. Hill, Esq., returned from a visit to relatives in Johnson countv. Mr. Matt Manly returned from a visit to relatives in Baltimore and a trip to oilier points. The Ye low Fever Scare South of I s. Surgeon General Wynmn, of the Marine Hospital Service, Washington, D. C, has ordered the Norwegian barque Hostcn, which has had yellow lever aboard to proceed with as little delay as possible from the quareutine station at Soutliport to the National Quarantine Station at Sapelo, Ga. She was to have left yesterday morning. Wilmington is maintaining the quaran tine against Brunswick, Ga., and other points of danger south of there with vigilance. The service lias been strength ened by an additional inspector, who was sent to Goldsboro Tuesday to inter ccpt persons comiug from infected places by way of the Wilson Short Cut and the R. D. R. R. The Star snys. that telegrams from Brunswick, Ga., say that people there arc panic-stricken at tlie outbreak of yellow fever and hundreds are leaving the city by every train, mayor Lamb issued a citizens to leave tho city and is issuing passes to all who are unable to pay thoir way. Business is generally suspended and most of the stores ure closed. Private advices are that tlie fever is spreading. the go at ten bet''. And not oioy will tli: lm riase o , ii,'.ii t ut large an increase ol attendance, both from tlie count rv along t lie line and lrom our istereitv Wilmington which owing to the lack of dirnt transportation has r.ot heretofore been -o largely represi nted at these Fairs, by i ithi r i xluhi'-or a'.ten dance as we v. i-hcl on as her ..v n pcopli de-ired. Ami il i-iml 1, o much to ixpeet that close as Wilmin-jton 1; to South Carolina that the new road will have among tl crowds it will l.iing a lair ptoportion of visitors lrom Male. All tlie-e thin;' . point to tile next ex hibition as tin- .jindest Fair ever held in New Hern. . Work lor it with might am main and do not f il to attend with al your 1'au.ilv w hen it mines oil. of Mi--, 1. ( I.iiu olillis. loseph List of U tters. Remaining in the I',.st Mli Berne, Craven county. N. I 1SV3. B Mr. Simon Burg.nn, BoudF, C. T. Brinsou C r rank Cox, Miss limn D Miss Marv C. l,-n;!.i- Dardee. G Miss Martha da-kir.-. H-Miss Saidy Hall. J -I'reancc Jones. Mrs. Tlhr Henry S. Johnson, Mi-s Netii, kins. K David King M Miss Susan McCurti r Tergor, John McVain, Mim- Motev. ti -Miss Annie Owens. I' John Porter, .Mi.-s Eva l'lekiniim R Samuel I). Richardson. T Aron Tripp, Miss Annie Terulc. U--Mr. James Benjamin I johir W lolui-on, M. Jer- liasin Mr. Elias While. El, .a Williams, uken ol gratitude and welcome for the John Woody, Ceo. It Wi-I, John 11. u riviil ol the illustrious La Fayette once Whitakcr. iiioi - io inn snores, aim iouu anil merrv I iw,j n;n r, ,.i i. ..... ...;ti peals, i-.very House In our city is in a Kill olease sav ai'.vertised and mv,.- date nil bin a; of illumination, our artillerv n;.i initing lortn tlieir tliumlenng volea The regulations now noes and bonlires ol tar barrels in even ' eni si, ..It I... .-.,,11. ...... a treet. The windows of lnanv ol the poIi lvrti,,l Ln.. Wm. E. Ci.uikh. 1' M In Our LINE require that one ni tlie ,leh , r of Amount Reduced to Five Pounds. So many application have been made for the crimson clover seed which the Department of Agnculrure is distributing without charge to farmers that the amount to be sent to each has had to bo reduced lrom ten pounds to five pounds. This is enough to sow one-fifth of an acre. Crimson clover is considered by all who grow it a yery valuable cropj and no doubt numbers of our readers who have never engaged in raising it will by applying early and avail themselves of thia-opportunity to secure the seed.. Now is the time to sow. ' " Exceedingly Fine Scholastic Work ol a Former New Berne (jirl. Mr. John Sitter has shown us .1 letter 1 11 member of his family that tells of the remarkably tine achievements "I'Miss Daisy Williams, daughter ol our forme townsman Mr. .1. . vwili.uns, now pro prietor ol' the William's Ink Works, Norfolk. . , In October ot 1 . 1 t year the Virgiui State Board ol Education issued a circu lar otl'ering seveial prizes for the best essays on "The Life and Character of Christopher Columbus with Special Refer ence to the Discovery of America." The offer was open lo all the public school scholars ol the entire State and over 100 from every part of the State tried for it, the time of decision arriving Miss Da'sy was awarded the second prize, and a week iitterwards she received it. It was a cash prize of $75 in gold. The competition was strong and Miss Daisy must have submitted a tine paper lor one of her age between fifteen and sixteen. Miss Daisy also won two gold medals at tlie close of the school she attended. She was not absent a day and did nut miss a word or question during the year. That entitled her to the scholarship nied' al. The other gold medal was won a spelling contest ill which 110 ptipil was entitled to enter who bad missed over two words during the year Miss Daisy as we just said had not missed at all. Twelve contestants entered, and one by one Miss Daisy spelled them dow n, spell ing and defining every word that reached her. Her competitors were rivals worthy of her metal and her contest for this med al was a sharp one. The spelling began at 0 o'clock and continued without cessation until half-past threeuntil Miss Daisy, who, of the entire number could not be spelled down, stood alone and re ceived the medal. These several successes' following eaeh other so closely are remarkable achieve ments for the young lady. She received corgratulations in her native State and her friends in this her native State share in the pleasure of the honors bIic has won houses display beautiful transparcnecs with emblematic devices, historical il iisions.Hiid appropriate poetical effusions, w hi I our streets are alive with "black -pirns and white," all ages, a xes and ranks moving in succession in all quar ters of the city, with various bands of inusick, our whole orchestra, nhivin through the streets our best national and patriotic airs. You need not be told that I would not let such an opportunity cape me of making a display, the occasion ealled nie out. I was determined to let all know tliut, deserted and sad as was the mansion's daily appearance, now that von are absent, there was still a master spirit there; so I displayed a candle every individual pane- of glass in the house, even mv front door "fan lights' showed S brilliant coloured lights in fes toon. "Vat you tink of she ?'' Mean time I nruinted 111 v horse and rode through our streets, and, as might very naturally have been expected, at the ex plosion of every great gun, I w as within an ace of exchanging mv seat in the sad die for a plunge in the mud, you know Lengthy is sometimes a willful beast, and w ill have his way. No Madam I you are altogether mistaken in your rebukes. I did not go and leavo the house at the mercy ol 200 burning candles distributed in every part of it, for I stationed one of your tailhlul Janizaries in every room to watch and trim the lights, and not to lepart therefrom, on pain of death, until A. Sc X. C. R. R. Ill Vint M). The Board of Dir- cl ns ,,f the A. & N. C. R. R. Company lias declared divi dend of two per cent, payable 011 the first day ot September, to stockholders nt record on tlie 6rst day ot August, 1803. F. C l!or.i:n rs. " Treasurer IlEADQl'AUTEliS FOK POWDER & SHOT. Rend your orders to CHAS S. HOLLISTER, Tha Wholesale Grocer. Powder delivered tirect trotn niaga a'.'l 1st p lw. Which you Invc not been able to fmd, or have found and it was more expen sive than you thought it ought to be. It WAS Dissolution of Copartnership I should return; and I had every reason to believe that each one of them executed his and her appointment with a fidelity- no less honorable to themselves, than it was satislactory to me. The Copartnership heretofore existing me ngiiis now are lust uisappearing. unjer thd firm name ul Moody & Rob .Mrs. Simpson doused Hers nrst in tlie erts is this day dissolved by mutual con neigiioortiooci, ana my ngnt extinguistiers Uent D. L. Roberts withdrawing arc doing their best while 1 write, to I therefrom. "leave tlie world to darkness and to me, The business will hereafter be eonduc- with Oeueral Serena at the head of them. lea by J. W. Moody and J. L. Voodv Dismiss your uneasiness, my over anxious ,mder the firm name of The Moody .Madam I iiy tomorrows dawn your Lumber Company. whole iorcc shall again appear on parade linn w ill be anned with soap, towels, scrubbers, sera- collected by the said Moody Lumber purs, lye and sand, and wasli away every Company. D. L. Roberts, stain or sorcu tuat grease or name couut 1 . j Moout, 1. J. L. Moopt. Oood niglit lietty 1 Would that witn New Berne, August 2 d, 189H inu ueiieiiicuuii 1 luuiu nave me. aceus-i j yy. .Moody and .1. L. .Moody, who are turned parting kiss lrom you. And then to continue busines as The Moody Luin Jane, ami tliat lndctatigaOle Havener, my ,er Co npany, desire to return their good old, Confound the kettle drums, thanks to the patrons of the old firm mid fifes, flutes, fiddles, clarionettes, horns to solicit tlieir patronage in the future, and, I can't get on for them I Tell assuring them, thev will continue to serve jane mat 1 am sensiuie 1 am iu uer ucuii them promtly and laithlullv lor her last letter, she will excuse me lor I j y Moon?, leaning it to air. Attmore, wuen you ten 1 t t. Moony her the handsome compliment he paid it: Trading as The Moody Lumber Com "ii iiuyiuing couiu reconcile one io iuu 1 pany loss 01 Aiiss oaue s company, il wouui uu such letters." Could Chesterfield have done better ? Y'our affectionate father, Edward Graham. "Make hay while the sun shines. ,Io other worda take advantage of A bargain when yon Bee it. At this time of year when our cloth. tog stock is broken if you ean ind eult that ,. will please yon well make the price to enit you. Just bring your money-along and see bow yon can do,- Do yon need any shirts, we have an 1 nntartndried ahirt worth : 75o., take them : now for 60. All eizei. Kr ; tt J. M. HOWARD. Athletes of the Present Day. J. E. Sullivan, Secretary of the Amateur Athletic Union, President of the Pastime Athletio Olub.-and Ath ldtio Ed: tor of The Sporting Times, writes : "For years I have been actively connected with athletio snorts. always found it to my advantage to use AUoock's ir oroua J. tasters while in training, as they quiekly remove soreness and stiffness; and ihen at tacked with any kind of pains, the result of slight colds, I always used AUoock's with benenotal results. have noticed that most athletes of the present day use nothing else bat All- eock'S blasters." ' A woman's work is never done unless it is done by some other womant , - -, . . t--: Medical insoowr. . 'err beat thine known for a TO BUILD UP both the flesh and tbaatrantrth ot Daw. Dunr. acronuoua chil dren, gat Dr. Pierce's Golden It's the body and a weakened mtan JTI blood, enrichaa it, and makes wuvow.w nj utiinu meant 01 meenamr, mwiruur. aad Writing Papers & Envelopes of Every Description. Ink aud Pencil Tablets all sizes and qualities. Blank Books, Ledgers. Journals, Cash Books, Day Books, Record Books, etc. Pocket .Memorandums in great variety. Duplicate Manifold Books, Letter Copying Books, Copying Presses, Press Stands-Blotter Baths, etc., etc. Letter Files, Binding Cases, Invoice Books, Stub Files, etc., Note, Draft and Receipt Books, Markiug and Shipping Tags, Gum La bles, Pin Tickets, Wirt, Automatic and World's Fair Fountain Pens. Card Cases, Bill Books, etc., etc.. Sea Island Twine. Your Patronage is Solicited, 0 Disosway & Bro. BUY YOUR SEED, Leo's Medicines. I Cabbace and Everything Having purchased the agency for the I sale of Dr? Leo's medioinetl compounds and miituies, recently operated ana con-1 ahUsaJ UATa, Jftf nourishing Uie iritem. In re jf,l oorarina; lrom ''La Grippe," S(t pneumonia, feven, or other Ti in ,J"1om'"nir niMMWaoaung reetoratlve tonio to brinr beck health and vigor, uurea nervoue and general debilitr. Purifr and rid tout blood ct the taints and polsona that mate It easy for rtiawee w iaKea lie ooki. The " Dleoorarr Is the only blood-cleanaar, flesh-builder, and atrength rutcier so thor- oqjb in it effecta that it eaa be gwnxmttoi. If it doetnt eeneflt or onre, in averj eaae, fun umrw uur money frmr ff Tbare't no oneartainty aboot Dr. Bagei I uuarrn nemear. ita propriewri wiu pay i yon tS00 cash If they eanV eure your W I (arm, no matter how bed roar ease. You did not look in the RIOHT PLACE ! if you mn to FIND Sometliin That will please you, drop in and let us show you our trolled bv Thomas C. Howard of this city, and being the sole agent thereof for tbe counties ol craven, ramiico, Jones. Hyde, Beaufort, Green and Pitt, I ami now prepared to furnish these curatives I at the remarkably low prices previously established. ' , - Power is hereby irranted P. H, Wur-1 gins- as sub-agent to conduct the sale of I taia meaicmes wiimn me counnes tooye saentioned --.' - . ; O. 01 Roach, ':.U :C'.-- eolt agent. EYE, WHEAT, HAT, OOBJf , FEED, &o. From ... .1 BBADHAM "T-" .... (Jravan Street, 1725000 Buskela Kioe Wanted thUFaLU 1 .. ' (al61m. STOCK- Tours Truly, . wjL V. 'i ty ;j i - ''. '.V.:-. s i ' HiCKBUBH WM luiil! , ; ' ' . I'A ... ! (.