I ru. ilt.y iul'HM&La paallaaed Duly inaotut iwinm ( elty eaatKtihare 41 SO Mk SSSMta TUB trCCKtr iJUStltL ! jabKxbe.1 vary TfcBrswav M Sua unii rwMot tor IMMMt adva HIMSkllll MniM. UBl advar. rHSMUi!lM Ballasted prosapuy ettae . aad mk stoata. ' Pan lanaitnaa ooatalalas BBaf . steal smalla Later an eolloiVed. He WaiMWl SsoSt Be sxpeetad W Be poallsa. !! MlnnHmtVi U oll tlx -ww1Ualhcaes)aMMtbe eataav. Art- !MlMWttU Bail BXB1 li;ptw tseUa nrtma ; aysaoos eoKssaaJaetkm eaa lata the .aaneaflbe aalaor ay appUMUM a tats se uA ! wBeralB RUL.M ADOrrBDBTTHB SORTH CAB OL1SA FRE9H AS0OIATIO5. Tasaasaoraot less theaav eeau par iiMwtnaaakwsaa tar"nl of thanks. inaolatlaMaf NMaafaaa obltaary poetry atMforealtwarr aoOrM nUit? Uaa thoaa whtoh the adllor alsnsair saalt give as a anat- tar of m in. BMttM fekaren and eoMory and all ol her Mmunnwli frorm eSea revenue ls toba derived will b eharged for at lb ret, ol Br Niit line, THE JOURNAL. at 'K. BaJLTKB. O. T. IIABCOCK.. a. areprltori Local Aapartar. JVCatrlt Ht tuetomeeat NewBern . 0. M seoond-erta .natter. We are told that Mr. Cleveland and Mr. Carlisle simply want the Sherman law repealed, aad the Voorheea bill providing that nat lonal banks shall be allowed to h ae currency to the par value ol their bonds ca depojit, adopted. After this is done they want Con gress to bands off the financial question tor the present and rro oeed vitb the tariff. A few months wyU then demonstrate whether any father financial legislation is necf eary. Hope of the enrly settlement c' the silver queBticn in Son r. to is dashed to the grouuds. Ia necret session, last Monday, Seuator Gor maa tookadvactago cf closed deore to bring to the attention of the Sen ate the udvinab.'ity cf an early ad journment, but lie waa at once an tagonized by Douocrats and Ue pnblicantt. "1 hao brought my winter claihos witli me and I will wear them boforo .i vote of uncondi tional repeal is taken ia this nea .te," was ccotf S-.-irJ-or Tllrr'? franks tatemoats. WHY DELAY J It is not vr.se to protract a cara- paign in whicn uliiui.tte ieiV.u is inevitable. The large mjjor ty by which tbe Wilson bill passed the IJonse indi cates its passage by the Senate. Then why delay T What is to be gained by protracted debate! Xoth ing, absolutely nothing ! The unusually well informed correspondent of the Atlanta Con stitution says that there is no long er any doubt that tbe uncondition al repeal side of the question has gained a small majority in the Sen ate. Senators who hare never failed to vote for Ire.e coinao when ever they have aad the oportutr'y, will now under pressure f'om the Administration vote . ubt nee coiaa; ;i . gmn U tli.'t it w: 1 be betrer Pt t: n country aoc to de lay the rep -.il thj .Sherman law by a long contest over t ia adop tion ol a free coiuage Mi'ostitute They will h?!d, as Si'tiato-s Voo-- hees and Ui'.l havo -l ; e l ia the recent speeches, tli t wa must have bimetahsm, but thas it should not De mixe.n np w.th 1 10 contest to repeal the Sherman law. It would only delay action designed to re lieve the present financial panic, Men are apt to shot their eyes to a painfnl truth; but wise and brave men face tbe inevitable. We do not advocate prompt act ion because of I ve for the V:!. on bill, but because tho immediate re peal of the Sherman law is the pre lude to the enactment of the re medial measures eo necessary to tfte welfare of tbe country. There can bo no question that with the Sherman law out of the . "way, tha Democratic decks won'.d be cleared of every embarrassing factor. Ic need no': be feared that I toe great uaptam w;a spike our guns. In closing tha debate Mr. Wilson, speaking for t'io Aaminis tration said,tbat bo believed it was 'the desire of the people t nu ne Knew it was r: the desire of the AdmiuUtra , tion, to enact euch laws as wonld Increase the volameof curronov to ' flooh an extent as may be required lor the transaction of the Imuegs I ol the country and wonld maintain parity between the two metals. ' . Burying all regrets and disap. potntmenta, we torn resolutoly to tlietature. ' ' - Hired men are not worked in .God's fields. His children do the t'TOTK tr-ft 4XliriV i'liiit iDerOMgttle. '':Z ..-yV:-;- I - , A 1U4 U T riix Caret. Georgeville, Cabtmi Co., N. 0. Mr. Allen Block Hdr had seat after the doctT, but hs wu aot at aorar, having been Called off ca -some other ce. The bib who eta for the doetor said that Mr. Eloekwill der wu verj sick, that he was passing tloed ad vomiting. ' We gave bin small bottle of CaamberlaiBi Oolio, Cholera aad Dlarrjosa end told him U go back aad tell Mr. Br to try it. After using three-qaartera ol the mcdtelne he wu well. - , V idenhoue 4 Shin a. Messrs, Widenhoase & Shloa are prominent merehtnts tad are wideily caewar in that part of the State. For sale bj 3. V. Jordan. 4 . w mm mm mm Don't worry yourself huntiog for a big candle stick to pnt jour little light on. , m m m Tee JlaadMaiest L.iiijr ia New Berae Remarked to a fi end the other day that she knew Kemp'- Balsam for the Throat tod Ltinga wa f niieiior runaa, a It ttopped tier oout'i iiuUuIIt wben otbei oougb remeftp Ltd do effect whatever. So to prove Uii aod codtIiico you of its merit any druggist will give too a sam ple Boule free. Laree sixe 50o. anJSl Christianity is keeping- all Qod'e commands, not just what yon please. The Population of New Heme Is alxnit nine thousand, and we would say at least oue-half sre troubled with some atfoctiou on the Tbroat and Luns, s those compl.uuts srr, nccording to sta tistics, more cumerom iLan othois. We would a.lvio all our lenders not to ne glect tbn oppo: tunity to aill on tlicir drusrpist and et a bo".!- of Kemp's I'ul sam for tbo Throat .v. 'I Lungs. Trial size frt. Large bottle "xK; snd;l. Sold by a. I drngisis God never offers salvation to a man who is too stingy ?o help a poar.widow. OkoxBberlain'a Ey and Skin Ointment Is a rvrtitin cure for t'hmnic Sore Kvcs, Or.imilat.Hl Kye Lids rc Nipples vj :i;i, I et'.er, S;i,t Klieum ami NaM lieat i n-!i:s per I'.ix. rur sale by ilrugets. TO HOHsFoWNEKS. I'cir pmtiiii a borse in a line lienlthv onn- (lition try lr. lady's Condition l'oirden. 'i lu y tone up the hyslein, aid digestion, cure loss ol api'etite, relieve tnstipation, correct kidnev uisorilers and di-stmy wornts, f;ivin? new lile to an oM or over wnrken hors'. cents per package. For sale by druggist' Sold iiv J. V. .To dan, New Heme N. t' We are in need of men men of opinions and conv. unions pot into enect. It Cured His Wife and Children, l'urecpoli.", lwoberou Co,,N. C. We pa e a bottle of Chamberlain's Coli", Cho'era mi l Diarrhoea Remedy to a gentleman whoio wife was bad oil with bowel cnrnplaint and two il.esof it cared hor. H's children wore alio taken with bowel com plaint an J it cured them. It ia cer tuinly a good preparation. Alderman & liuic. For sale by J. V. Jordan. A man who needs to be wa'ched s a rogne. fall fledged. Oh, Y1 hat a Cough. 'Vill you hoad the warning. The signal porhap of toe sure approach of tuui Uiori torritiie diseasoUonsumntion, Aak yoursolvoti if j ou onn afford for the tike of saving DOo., to run tbe risk and do nothing for it We know from experience that Shiloh'e Cure will Cure your cough. It never fails. This ex plains thy moie than a Million Bot tles wero sold the past year. It rolioves croups and whooping cough at once' Mothers, do r!"t be without it. For lirnb ucjk, side or client use Sliiloh'e Porous plaster. Sold by New Dime Drue Co. The saloon and wretchedness are as closely allied as the Siamese twinn. Flux Cnred ia Two Days. Ma.-cngo, Anson Co., K. C. We have used Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in two caeca of flux, and find il epeedy in ciTeCtinj; :i cure. Thev were en tirely well two days after taking the first dose. Wall & Spencer, Merchants For sale by J. V. Jordan. When iMby vas sklc, wt gave her Cartoria. When sli wnsa C'liil.l, site cried f CaMoria. Wli,.n slie t .'.niii' MUS ..I,.- ,.,ini; to C'astorio. We.ji sli, i.., I L'liiMren, sije gavetbem Castoria. ChilJren Cry for Pitcher's Castoria Children Cry for Pitcher's" Castoria" Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria, Don't follow any man in religion God's word should be your lea der. High Living- if you keep at it, is apt to tell upon liver The thiol's to prevent this are Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellots. Take one of these little Pellets for a corrective or gentle laxative three for a catbartie. They're the smallest; easiest to take, plcasantest and most natural in the way they act. They do permanent good. Constipation, Ia. digestion, Bilious Attacks, Sick or Bilious Headache, and all derange ments of the liver. They're guaranteed to giye satis faction in every case, or your luonny returned. The worst oases of Chronic Catarrh in the Head yield to Dr. Sages Catarrh Remedy. So certain is it that its makers offer 500 reward for an Incurable ease. That which ia a tempest to some, utuers) lsj peroosgale. lOOEOera IB a Dlaajinnt: tuirl .nofl.li"" "',n"'f".w'i Chamberlain's Colic, Choi or aod Diarrho? Betfledy ia the best medi etna rW tbe pnrpoees for which it is in tea dc J that I ever used. - I cored three ease of flrseeterr with that liule bottle of snedicide. I would like te have it oa hud to aeU. K.8.Deo,. Pinkey. Wayne Co, K. 0. For sale by J. V. Jordaa. -; ; 'V - r - Tha devil . tempta all nan, bnt a lata man tempts toe ievu. .. We have a epeedy aad poeitiv ear far catarrh, diphtheria canker axnith aadbaadarke. inS&lLOli (tCATAKRU REMEDY. A oval injeotor free with ea bottte 'TJs it if yet daslrtt hkh na 'emb.frMb Pilw W-, 8o!4 by New tor ne liroar im A "t.r)''jaiit forfun, i recorded as well as tbumi lor a living. Rorkj Jit. KrelcTxocklii; Birds. The Koeley Institute Hudcuts are having a gay time now-a-daya, or, rather, now a days aud Low-a ntghU. They keep Cool in the day time under the bioid sprcxdtu; caks iu the cam pus, and in the niht gather on the broad veraudas cf the lustltute, and fill the ar with melody nutil the mocbing bird, singing to the moon from tho benches of tha treat oaks, gives up in despair and tuck;ng his hesd urncr h; winp; keerx silcut. Rocky Mt. (X. C.) Argonaut. It generation. To secure a n iitual and regular tissue change :in ni.t iut the body ue lli'aud its !' !'. This tiffuc mctamortthis o i u coust mtly prooeeoii g v i il-sne and its re- gentrat'ou. 1" - . r'h 1 ; 1 are tho best srilveu t f i n "'0 iUC's ot dism tegra'ioli of ilij t ites nr.d increases tacir elat c.'. i . I t ey ate un altera tive and o'.ni iii'.t ve remedy, which allay irritation anil 'c:uove ol'ttruotion by aiding nu'urj ard aro of great benefit iu cases of temporary and habitual oon.st .,ia;ion, torpid liver. biliousne.s, hendsche, indigestion, rheumatism ami .ca-e-i arn iii from an tmpurc elnti cf the blood. l&raodrothV Pills are purely vege table, absolutely harmless, and safe to tako at any tirtm. . urn mum, - i Located ou the North Ci'clina II. U. in Ah '.ianc; (- lleint netv tailaicr's. jjaro and iLC-casn" patronage, lloih Sexes. iY.cv.ltv of twelve menil): rs. Curriculum j ocal of JJa'e t 'ol lgos : Aea :cuvc Deparrmciit, Music A t. Uom-i.c-c.al. Moral of S uJeuta tin .aniiissed. Opens Angim ol&t, 3S1KJ. For farther information or Cata logue Ai'l" ti iiKv. i.ono, a. v. .v. i). ri'iHident Elon College' N. (t. jiS lm Wanted, Sapliur p-pkr Cord iWocd, To bo delivered at the lew Jersey and North Carolina Fibor Compnny Works, Hiverdale, N. C. Conditions, o;c , can bo had by apply ing to K. F. FOSCUE, at the Factory, Uiverdale. New Jersey & Norll Cirolini Fiber Co mari4 nutjuiy io mm RIADY F0K SALB Cheupsr than nny ether Mar can Furnish TLeca. I've -t en and wiir.t to sell 'em Apply to W. P. BURUUd, ."Jew Berne, or SI. POUTKIl, Kiverdf.le. jua7 Utf SUMMER iXCUailOI TICKETS .SEASON 1893. From A. & N. O. Stntioss. Rannd Trip for Hoven kPt .-s, N. C. ATL&N i l ct t: c H AIL R DAD CO.. P iJ.;e.r Department, New nT -. c , J.ifo 20. 1893. TO A iK iS A ft H, n. R. R.: -it d ::p n KETa. Hereaf .r wil' bs sold from to Latii :t:o to cartits your , vieitic aboyeoiuinj-s at the fol lowing r v.es cf fre for the Round Trip: From Uoldeboro $.70 Tu-iror $1 75, Jiasts .30 Nv. (tornq 2.25. " P'aMinRCr'k.na Riv 3.75. KiBBton .00 Cro 3 00 ijaFiwelt .Srt Hay. i. nn 8 25, " Dover' 105 New(. it :! 45, " t.;ore t'reett 1 SO Wild oo-i 3 65. aloreheiid (Jity ti.'M, Tickets on ssIa June 2(Ub. traot tickets an t limit thm n con- 1 'o re turn to Oct. !i0 I. ls'J3. 11 ticket- 'jiust " eiud. S Li. Dfi.L, O. P, MTATS OF NoriTH K Craven oonu I.1SJ,1 lv. .. J .. .; jn oujienor tout.. koticb cf mm- m -KLtJSF- ' Cora E. ;xe:e donlnis!r--nt if the Mdia 01 war- i "iyiwiiv.i o ' ntitr avalsms KOIia.i n. Uftvis. KI a It D.tvla Itnu :i llavis. PdJi H.: l aviJ. tAnnl,.an ji.tri' Jonpo'i uv. liessle ft. Davis, Vleior ii ri"i. Vir. 1 j Davis and r.. w, Moeely tlefA.-nntir' 1 . . iii' HKrt iV ..oe)liiis !- soil for an. ei to ).;. ie tin.; 01 tha pbuatlftp tntes iminMiii ituci iia.eni , Uad' lylo? I'i ih9eiftv ve Uriio. Oraveaeouai.y ou't MUte kfoteHaid end :ulnu .g the lands 01 which tue said Wtn. H. Divii deceased died r ; sleseu. Mobert H., U.vis ena of tha abva ' ' m num., .iu "imoir, uHitiK toe same of named defendants Is hereby notified lo ap pisr at tha fnoe of the Superior Court DlerKln the court honse in this cltyjof Slew Heme In Craven eonnty on It day of Kep. tember. 1893. and answer or ilim ir in n, eoraplaint,o.harwlalh Jllf prayed tor Will be e-r&ntjMt. Done av the Ol-rrtt'a iffla rn the w w Berne, Craven county. in this the U WMWatsop. (,(J. Craves iCi' IwVttout delay, dtaasl P. GO DR. J03. P. ERE'Js Phvsician & Surgeon. OSoe at lis Besidcnoe, Comer Broad, and George Street. ' :j30fc.'-.--' i ..... --. JH.BEJrrON,M.DD.D.S. J V OawaUT. aa hi- q Tv ntM'Ml lM.tuury . r.i-v-- it; TV ' -. . v;"- veeta utrxiM U d. l Zlir wUbout rlu M ti' i ft" cum Krrrr g a km 'n nr Ualstry9a la IB ivmI !. rtallfastOB fuarrlm. om.ruiar of Midata mr.iaad rwlvra Allay. oauocH nuuu DE. G. K, BACB7, SURGEON DENTIST. Otfioe, Vlddls sueet. opposite Baptist ebarok. deoSdwtt BEWBEBN, S. 0 KL J. D. CLABK, DENTIST, HHW BKRkK. n. c. - Offlcn on Crtren street, batween rkllock od Broad. P. H. PELLETIEU, tTTORSEV AT I. W . Middle street.First room above Fatm- er's & Merchant's llaok. Wi'.i pmeure lr to I Von ties of Crtver tit r t Jo&.in Oiiciow and lmjiiieo. tv UiMeU rttnto 1'otirlat Ne l;ani, nd o I-1. ui ?onrt of lao Btats ii. L. EARDI60N, Thurman, N. C, ' Manufacturoi of and DeoioriD FIRST-CLASS BHIC3. 800,000 now ready for the market Will soli as cheap as any other man. jc2Ctl THE Farmers & Uerchants DasJr rnpital Stock, paid in, ?;.,00O.O Surplus, 4,000. I nUivldeil rroilts. '.,;(M.0 S,t!.0.(M) dividends paid, OFF10EK8 I.. H. OrTLKR A'. S. ClIAOWICK. r. w. dewet, a.. U. I'owKti, 3. E. Smith. rreairttnt. Vice Pres. 'ashier. Teller. Ooltootor. Withwell established conncclious this Rank is prepared to otl'or nil ncoommo. lations coubistent with c nscrvaliro j.iiiliiig. Prompt snd careful atlent nu gieen to to'iicc'ions. W'e will ba pleased to ono-r ml with ',hose who may cnntemphito tnahlng '.hanges or opmiinff new iiccoiiui. General II1L Insiiraace Aeat, NEW BEEHE. II C. INCOHPORATION NOTICE. STATS OF N"KrH CAltOLINA, Vraven eunly. Jn 0(!1 'e Olcrk Superior Conrt. N tleo ,h iiereby vivan of tlin I loorp'iTa tlonof lbe riwulioro l.uiorai (.. tlit t& unmet ot The lncnrporktora aro ,1, y. i rettj man, Vligtnln ITetlj ilbh and Curs. almoro. i'.tol ftuon others ns tuv mav as- soeiate witn ihom: tiat tha principal plaos of lia!ncan Boat o in Hwausb.iro N (,and nsvp':erai pu'i it hi d liw.nr.s is t bur sun s I. t. iiiier. tr. lur i i;ulB, linor lands snd reel c-fl!4tn and i3ronal property wild suiliont.r io raaite eouitxets m.d tako ou ihih t execute aud itko raor;t;aiea, dseds in. Is ol su;o, eontraota and -other ovlduact's e.ed ir-iulments of title and seourlty, to raw. dry nun mannfaoturo uid n.Rt-o mm; tier o( mi kindri aotiforeuch purpose to op erate und earty on e.H kinds o' kw ndlia, planing iniiis, dry kilns and other Iftctoiles wuu tti.trm inner unii authority to pur chase uoJd and sell real eslnte nod personal property mot tne rrine ial officers of aid corporation Buail be a President. Vice Hresldout. uecreinrv and Vreifciue and a general Manager That t!ie Uirit on ot vh corporation nhp.ll be .hlrlv vchii; (lie ctm tRl etook in live inoinund Io1!4(t wlta rilvl-. Kite io iC'-r.HS3 i;i hiiv i';oai. i'i tw.ll irs oivliled !.:;- Bliars of ihc i..ir ' tir. or f. t- -o lnia lu.r.l :in-r. t' tl t. IvOs.r.r.s 'i.i- .St-fthol'Ji' -f ilr c'.t. j.'jv uk11 no-, r.divrliiH.'y ls'j;! in Su7rtv for trie deuti.ioi ts oi lia'ulli. ies of c nipA ny W. it, W VlVrf'.N, l.'. h, 0 NOTICE. rtiATsoF North Carolina, I Craven uouoty, Bnperior Court, Fall Term. 10 J. Solomon Frelss A it FrelBS,' prmere as Chetupsake Rubber Compioy, H. White trading ass. White Co., J. Se.honetnn, Cliarlet, William and Alas Oans partners eg Ocns Uro.'jers, Ciarano Foalar, 4m, H. Knight anil Joseph Rons'aw. pnrtner ss Kraster, Knl,ht t Co., Jacob K'imipIu and Israel l.ovl.ietein, larlners as l-.iisUon i Levinstein, Against B. Cohen. H. Dannenbere. O O.Clark, W, W. Clark, Oilizens Uank of New Berne, Far-110-1 sa od Morchtnia Bank of Mew Berne, Wm, Cohen, E. Dannenuerg, Faallns New man Eugene Wallnanaad O. Summtrfleld suu nojomon ;onen, Jt tbe defendant E. Cohn take notice: That the action as entitled above wjb com men ed asalnet him In tbta court on lite 2d day of Deo. 1S82, and te for the jiurpo e or BeixinK asiue me aseianmenr. man by blm to the defendant fi 'ItannetiOerit aui pre ferrlng the other defendant m.0 is fr purpose of ooiUcU"K the (l'i- itee iH plalntliTs from lbe itefe!i('-t fc ooiti mj'l an order of at tie .le'-t ..n 1, the said der-ndai.v rui ,. iibi issued from tM '-ourton L)ee, :u 1.- Tt'i1 on DM 80th ltrX! A fn'ibtw r .,1 p.ft,r enoe to ths -y n;i,.i.inn,in .ir) i.. u,H purebased o: 1 1. .l.uun And let i f it riei ieiit ' - ii V- - j, notice thi o 1 -i-J 1 ,-r'i-t..ie thajudgei .. e t; - , Omveu cotuily.atau u.-i ..t. - . - . ,jr toe eouniy of Uraven . tbS Coin 1 uia-a In Mew Berne on the 12th laondtj after the 1st Mon day in Sept. 1898 and answer the Complaint' which will be deposited la -the offlve of the oierk of tne Hi.orior coart or said eonnt within the first three days of tha torn, and lettheaild detendanta take notice thk if they f .11 to answer tbSTsald complaint within that terui the Dlalntiffs will anntv to Ah eoart for the relief dsmanded therein aud the easts of this action to be taxed by the eterk ' - . r- -'t.,- si IhUJUlyTlhlWS. - . -: ' . . 1 ; '-' W- M. WATBOX, ' '' . '! . sr M cn.C' EXEOtTTOR'3 NOTICE; '. ? ' r , Tn ondetelgue, Jesse P. 3dett., Pr. Ins aoiyquaiinea oerore me oiera 01 rue nnper. ifir ooari ai execntor of tbe estata of Kd ward bewams ananereny gives notice in ne rqn lre all parsrma having claims agalDst the estar Of the stld Kdward Hewhlna Id presentthem to the eaid loeee PrUodet,8r duly authentleated, for payment on or be- tore ine tun day or jniy wi, or wu mis hi tiee will be Blended In bar of recovery. reasons Indeptad to the estate itiunt pay JS.3B r. UWfll 1, nr., , txeeuior. ' I A ' i U, .ki, " ; i ' a La W j sai;e livery STABLES CALL and. EXAMINE Mj stock, which ia. constantly being Re-plcnh-hed from the Western Markets. NO TROUBLE TO : Show yon through Stables. Sooth Float St - pomta GaetoB Boose, AILAMTiq &. N CARO L1N RAILROAD, Transportation Department, New Bern X. f '., June lllth, 18SS. , Ol l-li .'ll TO UKTit and TBOOK Kun-mtH....,'.. P-e tv r-nrn rr.ln No. will be dta c.TT.i.m.eu i., u.'! h.um- KRIUA.T, Jans Is, Wii-c ni nollm 1 KlTtia Ifcls f- firo ' ' i -xt load luta of trask to miiiiii- i I'm tnie may twaroa f' f,irwft-i t-; ttie rezuiar aoall tr 0:lieiv.:s) s win barearter take the !fjinriif l i- i'H.iw oil Uoudajr Wxlnoa- uay au.t n-.xy. 6 h DILL, Bupt, hWlVR C0HN DEALBR IV Pianos and Organs Tbe Hehlin High Grade and Newby & Evans Pianot trown, Queen and Needham Parlor Organs NEW BEENE, - N O CIRCULA.K. ' he dm ami reilal.le Oral of Coon A Htut tni..iiJu J iu NewUero In lsoi, at o'ut lionet.- now iniheoity and taa oali 'rivlue n.nnbor of whloh Is Ado. ah 0oh v. i.o ua. ui;iieu tu me ammo ovsiaas u.i niti p-iijt i:-u veHi-iana Is now locate to .-I , ; l.e hi. Up:glii and Square Piaiici t: :e late( fln:(;is, lasting tone, sBpsrlef w ;mmiiii and ot lending naaaubuturer and (be heot msterial A.lsu a (oeasnpplf And 1 ennoavor to make mr bnslnai as popular u I'.io old Urn used to be, aad one kuai wui gi satisi&ai.on to nay naaaa luu. ini iTfiin 'l'lio ui-opri?ior, Adolph Cohn, wonia takf thin occoxlon of reluming htt thanks t- Lb i'ic v., ii i.uve iasn an Interest ia hl welhtre. n-.d vould respeotfullT aollalttha ocntleuKiice or UK- kindly fealtnaj ot bis ii'tuui r,eBpeci,iaiiy, . 4. oo an FATJENTS. J. E. LITTELt, Attorney and Counsellor in Patent, Trade Mark and Copyright Cases Opposite Patent Office. Washington, D. C. uver twelve yeara experience. Ameriean and Foreign patents, Oaveata, and all business arising under the patent laws promptly and carefully prosecuted, k ejected cases aooorded special attention. Write for inforrailion. . Upon reeiept of mode1 or aketoh of j invention, 1 advise tv o patentability without charge. Mention this paper.) NOTICE. htat of North Oaromha, 1 ' Crnvon County, f In th Soserlor O'inrt. Millie A. Borton Administratrix or SUea. rletta Wilils. vs. Meoml Physio and has- nana, w. ii. rnyaic, June Jones,- Wiley Wit In finil h in.l wlllTrtn.. - ' .. .Soxick:-to Wiley Willis end Rhode Will, more, you trill take notiea, that the above eutUled procetdiug has been began In said out ti tvr the purpose of selling the real eniiti ot tha ilscased to make assets to pay tWbt of '.he said Henrietta Willis and eosta, to make ietltloa, aud yoo are reqalr cd tospK'tr before the eonrf on the 23d day of uisv, iswt, and answer or demur wuu pD.Hion oereinnieaor ue rstlel da irfrfW i ; 00 1" ranted. ', ;r.v . ; Ihis July idlh, ISM. ' ' ew. wm'watsost. as, o. " World's Columbian Exposition Ch-i OagO," 111. ; . ' i-'f '-'':,."-- " t It .11 f M 1 'V- ;k 1 A. & NORTH CARQ LI N A )L R. SuperinteBdenVs Offloa. ; . New Borne.N. a, July 25th, 1893, TO AQENT3 A. & Ns O. B R. Oo.:'' You' are auihoriKid to sell tickets to Chicago, IIU aod return foe tha abore oooasioB at the following Round . Trip Rates and vpon the following 000 di- itoas : !xi;i'-, ; - v Tickets to besafd from Jaly 86A 189S touowper auh aatfii. fltat timit flfteen tiPJ aaje uiyiuaipg;., of sale, to be good Only tot 'coatiaituu passage in eaoh direction- stoing; Bod tatanlng vis earjie route, i These rates apply only via Viginia cats-wave and tbe Chesa peake and Ohio or. Norfolk tad Wes tern Bsiosdevt.;kt.iyi1.jj v; ViiClatlO'llelVle. Rlohmnna From 1 iCiiesaneakeatjCheaansake . at o" . . 1 unio aioraheaj 'Jisyy. 70 ' : o-1 3T.70. .: i, KiBstoa ayV jit5 Htl 1 s2J.80.:i t&bsEtftod to aiirntafa rttJ itwcid notl - Pw. A Losa, ciavTsork. J' j .eir.,.-ttv:.t fif-lWelrl.t v -u 1"- la H iksl km (nv tttireiiU of juvvmW bust ' flm,. in. tn ia, 11 taw anw ntu AiKf a '-w r'i& ai'; ta4,M e n, sar an. it Ba j4raiarv : Vv It:- r!t '..-..... ' ha. sW hp, f) &L ayiwi,;. '4 i le.tn' .V , twjtiv tpffl-iMni wl'1 tmr tnchtpet1 kamUta. no itti.r.s "frrtw lor "wtK-nlssrs Ss Egefrange". i " --r -: .- A ' I Mr WE HAVE now, as alway?,- cu 'hand a Full Stable of the Finest and Highest -Bred ot WesterrtTHorsos 'M, tK-:J- Adapted to Driving, Draf., Sadiissy Farni USB &c. :-v.-;: PRICES TO SUIT PURCHASERS, : and CSATISF ACTION GUARANTEED. Also on hand a full Buggies All MakesHarness- Koad Carts, and in tact any thine- pertaining to the Horse. Livery A Specialtj And itinushed at shortest notice. See us : before DarchaEinv elsewhere and save money : K. 0. Pai.mib, RivEsui sr.. ESTABLISHED 1869. Palmer, Rivenburg '& Go. JSTJCCESSOn TO Wholesale Commission Merchants. Southern Fruits and Truck A Specialty. .. , . Berries, Peaches, Grapes, Melons and Veet:ililes. ' ? We employ no agents, im Rcade 3t N. Y.- M0V70PEfJ. HOTEL NEWTON. NEWTON.JN. C. lijt, W. D. 8PRAGCB, MANAOKR. This is one of the finest all-thoycar round resotts in the country. In the heart of the great PIEDMONT SEC TION. Of easy aooess to all the Western resorts by rail. An excel lent place to locate for the summer ana enjoy tne one air, water, scenery and : substantial fare which Sir. Sprague has the royutation of provid ing for his guests. TERMS VERY , REASONABLE MANWELL & COOK, Engineers, Machinists & Blacksmiths. Make and repaid Enginea, . Boilers Saw Mills, Oris ' Mills and Pumps. Steam boat work of all kinds. Eepair Inspirators and Injeetors. Gas, Steam and water pipes fitted in, in all their branches. rr k Shop between Ice Factory and Freight Depot of A. & N. O. R. K. (dwtf) NOTICE, The underalffnHl Chris tODher fl Roaeh has auiy qaaunea as aamiaistrator or tne ee tat of Margeret Oden, Allee " Marcaret UNm&n, ana hereby gives notloe that be reonlres ail neraoae havinsr claims against the estate of the said M.r trat Oden to present them to tne aald Christopher O. Koach duly aulhunthloated, for payment, oa or before tbe Mth day of Jn I v ISM, orals this notloe will be pleaded In bar ofreeoyery, Persons indebted to the estate most pay without delay. ,. - "i.-;JSa.ii. Admlnlstratoir, J. X. O HAKA, Attorney. - . ,, ..... .:. . Wilniiniiton,: NewliBni , & Norfqli STEAMER BLANCH leaves E. 0. D. Wharf at 9:30 a.- m. and eon. neetiwlta Train at Pollooksville for Mays ville, Jacksonville and .. Wil- tnington, exoept Saturday; and Sun ay. e..-.i-v r.j'Z, :lvtT--'i Train leaves Wilmington at 8:40 a. m.' arriving at Pollocksville 12:30 p. m., rt-yjHewDern 0y : oteamei Blanoh at 4 p. m.' dally except Sun dv-..; , -i- rp-m i il at. A.WHITINO, r ? . W. M ABTESI8, General Manager. ' uu i rasssngar Agent. , , . FaiTHEHWITH, Makes and .repairs . Buggies. , WdRons Vans, ete. Horses with contracted ?: ' . feet wDl iret.my special attention,'. '.' $ rr MIDDLE STREET; -.: ;. apr2 dwtf Opposite Cithsens Bank ii 31 c and Complete line of A. W Fbort. G. S. PALMER. Atlantic & 11 C. Eailroad TIME TABLE XO 23, Ia Ettcst S:20 A. H. Monday July .' 10, lb03. OOWOEaSIT. 80HBUOLB. OOWJ W8 No. 8 I'otiengtr Trait): Mo. ' Ar. Lve. Btationa, Ar. . LvW ." pm B80 Ooldsboro H 40 . a m 4 06 4 08 U Orahge 10 58 JO 65 ' 4 85 4 40 Kinaton 1018 1088 v. 8 00 6 Ot) New Berne 8 47 9 00 - ' 7 3S pm Korehead City a m 7 17 ooikq East. 70HXDCLB OOINO Wspir No. l.i No,.: -.f Mixed Ft. A Hixed Ft. ' Pass. Train Stations. Pase. Train.' am 6 SO Ooldsboro 7 SO pm ' 6 67 7 05 Bert's 824 684 7 20 ' 7 80 La Grange V 6 54 A 04 "Si'.Srsi" A ai ; $z$mm: i 7 48 7 53 Falling Creek 5 24 5 8ft -8 11 8 80 Kinston . 4 80 00- 8 60 8 55 Oaswoil .. 0- 4 W J : 8 15 10 0 Dover 8 25 8 4fr - -' 10 81 10 88 Ocre Oreeh 8 54. 8 00 U 00 11 05 Tusoarora 2 84 80 ' c' 11 17 11 41 Clark's 9 08 JU . 19 15 8 00 Newbern 10 88 1 80 -8 87 8 43 Biverdale . 8 41-0 4A :. 8 48 8 50 Oroataa - 8 88 9 88 - -"408 413 Havelook I; 869 904 4 87 4 49 . Newport C 8 17 8 87 C 4 51 4 6S Wildwood 8 00 8 05 . ' 8 01 6 01 Atlantio 1 47 7 59 i X 5 18 5 81 Korehead (Mty - 7 17 - 7 97 588 598 Atlantio Hotel 7 08 7 16 . 581pm Morehead Depot' a m ,"-7 00 t Monday, 'Wednesday aud Friday. V , ; , .-rTnesdar.Thursdav an Batardey. . ' Train 4 eopnwu with Wilmlnston A , Weljoa Train bound North, leaving Golds- " ' boro ia:5na. m . asd wlta Richmond A Dan- ',T ' vuis Train west, Uavlng UoldaooTO fcnj s" ; ' p. ni, Tra'n 8 connrnts with Ktebmond Dan' . TUie r:n, irrivln at yoa.Ooro :W p. m.'"".- ' and with Wilmington a Weldon Train from - , ' -Hie Norrh at Sua p. m. , , . ' , - , S. L. DILL, ' .- ', : ' v ' 8a?erinteBdiiOa ' ' , w. ti, TIWI.ARn, i. k. W. KOBBiM, With . WM. OOCKHBT, ; . e.uOSHAIT - CipCKSi&CpSMAg Oijminis5ion MerchaDtsiv h 845 & 847 Washinffton wMfWir f-V-r'"r-;v:- : , 20TOV908 FrantUn Sta t'-' U:v ; n ew yoair. ' FltUlTd AND PUODCOB. : ' '- Southern I, Fruits and 'rriuliimt a - " Specialty. V? t ;".;;;;:--v: ; s-i;: :.. y . STEXCILio. 181.- " tyt Consignments aolimtaoVi; Cf . KKKKmBNCBaii. 'f-'r - ' $ iifatlonal Exchange Bankr N. Y., snd TiSTIamal Maok, , X, wv api 1 lm. :.. ,,' VSIIED STATES rOP AMKBItMll V . ' Paauco UutiaicT - ; f - :: MABsntt's iioTioB oy Rirzcna. . - -t'herea. a Hbel hath been riled tn the pis -' trtctOonrt of- toe tlnltfd alat-s tt u18 t"strict -nf P&roHco, ou tbe :nt,h day or . . nly, lm, by Meo,J.aowar vs. the sclioon. er Addle Henry and pruylng tue usual prooessana motion of the court, that all persoas lnterrewd hi the said vessel, her taosio, apparel and lurnitnre may be cited to ansa er the -Dioualaee and au flu. n.n oeedmgs beltis uad. that tbe same may be decreed to tie sold arid lbe proceeds there of he distrloutcd according to law. ' j Therelo-e, m pntsnacc -of the said moni tion una, ths ewl of sal,! comt to me directed HEddet-vsrml.T'.t do te'eby t- . ootiee reterally untoau porsoos hli or pretonelng tihavnony rlulit, U le or li i . est therelo, aod te tia proline u Hi n ,. eisof -aid schooner Ann te ll'my, in six tpjppear before i.he iir,-irb.iit .. .. ... ci y of Kew Heree.ou the 6 h dty o. teinses. W13, if n b a diiv ,. Ine next tmtt d-iv therevfier. iiio lllHI (Hill lllH-B tl MIM.T t Joel aad to-atake sneir tleaatieoe ..1 kehir, DUed at ?Cpw t'prn. il l. 1;", ,i . , f Ausuat, A .I).. - JOSHFA ti. 1 Tt.t U, td if til ss ii ... ui th

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