JitTKMAL. 'ALLY Hi 4 VOL. X1L-NO. 152, - ! NEW BERNE, N. CM, TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 2G. 1893. PRICE 5 CENTS. J ' I - BISIXES3 LOCALS. FOH Fine SuH fed Berf oil at Sainoel CuUu & Son totiay. , CALL so J gel Fine BteftliU morning, - N. Wmnronn. MI18 Emma Jackson, dno-niikir, cur Mr Htacork and Broad Street, solicits ptkiraittga - Good work guaranteed. tMlw. . .-- -" - - EMPLOYMENT WANTED, on Satur day at clerking or other work, by an adult ttadent of th Collegiate Institute of torn meroaDtile experience, apply at aebool or Moore's boarUinff bouae. '..,.: - W. K.Ward.. ANOTHER b of thoat floe Bagar Cored Vamt at J. T. Taylor's, all siscs. Pricea " to snittb times. ". - tt ' WE are prepared to furnish Porcelain ' Letten and Figarea lor numbering the , booses of Utoao who want a nice looking and lasting number.. Call and aee aam- plea and get pricea. ' 0. Diaoaway k Bra. FRESH Grapoa can be olrtained at Ti--; , dal'sfami near the city at ten centa per head right from the arbor. . HUTLER8 Caadiea, Boa Bona and P Cbooolatea, Jnat leceired at , Gaskill's . Pharmacy. -' I FOR RENT A large and commodious v dwelling. Apply to W. Q. Bnnaon. - " HOTEL Ratea la Chicago A good hotel at $1.00 a day. If you are going to the . World's Fair, atop at the Niagara Hotel, Are proof, Jackaon Street, between Michl- ' gan Boulevard and Wabash Avenue. S00 Kooma. Near . business centre 1 Six routes io Worlda Fair within two blocks; only filteen minutes to grounds. $1.00 a day. a81 lm. i WANTED by Mrs. A.H. White, a few Boarders. Gentlemen Preferrred. For terms, apply to her at her residence on Middle Street, next door to Kafar'a Bakery. r . . t ft c. McMILLAJN, Investment Secnritica. "r.- 150 Hassan St, Mew York City. No .v transaction on margin or for speculation. . A " Conwrpoodeaoe eolicited. t i-VlirTT THOUSAiro LATHS for tale. ' - Free from knoU and extra width and length. ; Apply to 8. -O. Hamilton, Jr., T of at A. & N. C. freight office. ANOTHER lot of those Beautiful Tryon ' Palace Souvenir Spoons just received at Bibbard's Jewelry Store. Call and aee k them. " , tf. , TRY THE Joubjial business local colum. Only ten centa a line for first insertion ' and fire afterwards. . tf. BROWN BEAMS for table use at S cents per quart. Also Seed Peas and Beans for ' Hit planting, at low pricea R. Biebt. i FOR RENT The Dwelling next door to my residenoe on Pollock Street. 'V -is' , J. W. Stkwakt. , SHAVE YOU seen the latest im " proved window sash-lock. Very chetp and strong, M. Arpih ; GO To Street's horse Btore for Livery. Fine roa1ter,a at Street's Horse atom. A FULL line of Spring and Summer baiaplna, consisting ofCueviotts Black, Blue and Brown Bergs, Fine Check Oaah mere. Imported Saltings. Worstede la all cradss. Satisfaction guaranteed. - . F H. Chadwicky Tailor. . i : At Hall's book Store. - The last1 attempt at train rob "bery evidently took the wrong ' train. ' -. " ' ' -- Ferrin wheel ta doing a don- ble tarn and earning 18,000 a day for itaowhera. ' f ' " The problem that con trout Sen - ator Voorheea is this. How ean a fellow hnrr when he oan'tl y More -sweets are sold, in - Mew York, Philadelphia and Chicago than in the whole of Franee. ; The insurgent Brazilian squa dron is hemmed in the harbor ' at ; Bio and can neither get oat or land troops. . - - "i ' ' j The senate is deliberating. We know Senators who are-very delib- . erate. It takes seven months to get ' a move 6nV and , then they move wronger ' . The debate is to goon in the ten ' ate, bnt tbe daily sessions will be looser, oommenning at 1 1 in the morning and continuing until six in the afternoon- ' 'It ia Mr. OleveUnda fault." Mr. -Cleveland noted loag ago and. the senate stands atill. "JtdoeVnt com port with the dignity of a senator to be in a hurry." Rnmbagi . - - They are making lots of fan of na. The Standard, Union eayj "The etadiclan of the Demooratio party ea silver repeal reminds one of the story of tbe steer oanght on a fence, assailed at both ends, and. n.nable to kick or hook.1' v- : Every portion of the grapevine is 1 in Switzerland, tbe stems and 3 serving as food for tb e cattle s t' e tkiaa, after being pressed ; 1 into round molds and i" ned for fuel. . AI . ia ct iims to have r i c vo, i ii I 3 i : i -a Becretaiy fjmilh stands JBrraly by his pension policy. lie is not oppo sing legitimate pensions. He is sot against the old soldiers, bat be is for striking from the fists shams and preteoders. He would have a penaios the sore pledge of valor and patriotism. The papers are going for Mr. Cleveland for appoistlng Yaa Aleo, who spesds.moet of his time is London, Ambassador to Soma. The Washington Post says, Ambassa dor Appoint Vaa Alien might compromise by having himself at oralised." ; ... " We do not understand why Mr, ShnmomV appotataaat baags fire'' ia the Seastevla it to bavs him oompany with Mr. Etiael Well, it it rather bad lor a gentleman to be left alone in distress, bnt it is mocu worse for the publio bnsiness to suffer from personal spit. There should be no opposition to Mr. Sim mons, and we believe hit eon Anna tion will not be long delayed. "The report that North Carolina was going to tbe devil, ain't to. She ia not headed in that direc tian. It might be remarked, in passing, that whenever North Oar ollna gjes to the devil, the rest of tbe country will be in shooting dis tance. This grand old common wealth, famooe for her mountains and low land famous for her brave men and beautiful women, Qod bless 'em hat passed through the "panio"' with a proud record and tbe Inspiring breezes ol pro perity of satisfaction and eontant- ment are being wafted from the mountains to the sea." LOCAL NEWS. ITBW ADVERTISEMENTS. N. Wbitford Fine b- a Cohn & Son Stall fed beef. Str. Vanceboro Receive freight. L. H. Cutler Annual meeting. C. Disosway & Bro. Pens, pens, pens. M. D. W. Stevenson Commissioners land sale. The funeral of Rev. E. M. Forbes will take place from Christ Church this Tues day afternoon at 4:30 p. m. The City census shows that we now have 8,826 Cinhabilnnt9- Tne National census gave us .7,843 in 1890. So we havo gained 783. or ten per cent since that time a very good increase. ' The communication in Sunday' Joim- nal on the fish express ratea was copied from the Kioston Free Press, and was written from Morehead City. The cred it therefor was accidentally omitted. There will be special services for young people tonight at the Baptist church. All are cordially invited to attend. Rev.Thos. H. Posey of tbe Collegiate Institute will take Part in the service. Bells ring at 8 o'clock. ' Mr. W. J. Pitts, manager of theNeuse River Lumber- Company at Clubfoot creek, led on the steamer New Berne to move hia family from Baltimore to New Berne., Tbe; will occupy the large brick hobae on Graves street recently vacated by Mr. S. C. Hamilton. - Dr. Sam Windley,of Lake Landing.one of Hyde county's wealthy planters, has arrived N in tbe. city with his son and, r 'step-son 4 v Messrs. .r- .. Bam Windley'. and Louis . ; Swindell, to be entered at the New . Berne , Colleg iate Institute, r They will board at Urs. S. E, Cradle's on Souti Front street . " The unusually good order" in the thea tre gallery Saturday night was very : no ticeable, it was just as good . as ; in the lower portion of the house. ' The reason of it was the policeman whose business it was to keep order there notified all as they camS that they did hot Intend to go around as has been the custom admon ishing the noisy ones to keep quiet ' but that instead, the' name of .each one who made undue noise would be taken' down and reported for trial before the mayor on Monday. . This certainty of trouble, coupled possibly with some uncertainty as to what might te considered passing the allowable limits had a very- calming effect . . ; : ; ' r. Kaiser who has charge of the musical studies and vacal culture of the Collegiate Institute and Graded school, havingjthe intention of rendering this win ter an Oratorio, a very elaborate work of musical art, he requests all parents who have children of the ages from nine to thirteen inclusive, to let them - join this large chorus of children, who 'will be carefully trained in the art of singing during tbe coming winter Without any charges. The early training of children in the art of Vocal musis Is not only of great importance from an artistic point of view but also a "Life Preserver to them; it strengthens the lungs, prevents many an evil disease such as Catarrh, coughs, consumption, and all kinds of t' '.t diseases. whodosen't tViak, s ' ? r r-3 tb'.nk;Lr t ; ; UT. E. X. TORIES. - asiaa This Aged Servant ef the Lord has 6eae U His Beware. Rev. K. U. Forbes, tbe oldest Episco pal minister la North Carolina, died yesterday atornmg at his boose fas Beau fort In tbe 83d year ef his age. He was bora in New Bene in Van 1811. Xl. Forbes become rector of tbe Christ church la New Berne on Jan nary 1st, 18M. sad on the 4th of December, 188fl, he tendered, his resignation to go into etfcot tbe first of January, 1887, which exactly com pitted the eleventh year of his mmistry sa rector of this parish. Though Ut. Forbes had resigned the pariah he oontiiued to serve by desire of the . vestry until his successor was secured sad had arrived. Rev. Cfaaa. S. Hale, formerly of Buffalo, New York, succeeded him. on tke 7th of October. 1877, and shortly after this Mr. Forbes moved to Beaufort and served as rector ot the church in that place until the spring of tbe present year, when his in creasing age and feebleness rendered it necessary that he should cast aside some of his cares and responsibilities and he retired from a direct charge being suc ceeded by Rev. Wm. Matthias. D. D. He still continued to labor however to the extent of his ability in mission work tn that city. Previous to the war Mr. Forbes was awhile in Mobile, Ala., and New York'. He also served is Elizabeth City ami sur rounding country and other parts ot the State. Mr. Forbes was small and feeble but energetic in disposition and with force of character. He was a benevolent roan doing many acts of kindness in some cases long continued, but still in a modest unassuming way. New Berne was the early home of Mr. Forbes snd also of bis lather before him. Tbe latter, Mr. Stephen Forbes was Clerk of the Superior court here for nearly half a century. The remains of Mr. Forbes will be brought to the city on this morning's train. The funeral service will be held this afternoon from Christ church at 4:30 p.m. Bishop Watson who arrived last night will take part in conducting it. Y. X. C. A. Convention Ended. Sunday closed the Y. M. C. A. District Conference. The meeting at the market dock was largely attended and very interesting. There were over fifty boys at the meet ing, for them in the alternoon and le tween one and two hundred attendants in the men's meeting at 5:80 o'clock. A( the latter meeting Mr. L, A. Coulter made an exceeding impressive talk on the sins into which young men are most specially liable to fall. The Union meeting at tbe Presbyterian church at night was well attended and the Association work discussed along the several lines in which it aims to benefit. A collection was taken up in the Hall in tbe alternoon to del ray the necessary expense, of the convention and a very good sum was subscribed at tbe night service to be applied to defraying tbe in debtedness of the association. Jewish ContrmatJen. In connection with the celebration of the feast of Tabernacles, the four Jewish maidens ol whom we spoke Sunday, made a publio confession of tbe Jewish faith. . Many of our people attended. The ball wss crowded to the doors and would not near contain those who sought admis sion. The confirmation services lasted about three quarters of an hour . Tbe young ladies acquitted themselves grandly throughout The ceremony it as considered by ' all who witnessed the very impressive snd among the most beautiful they had ever seen. , The floral decorations of tbe occasion were of the Unset and they were also profuse and arranged with the best of tasteJ'OV;;;,:. -; Coming and doing. : Mr. J. 3. MaUn went up to Raleigh oo professional business. - . Messrs. Wm. Clark, Owen Guion and W, D. Mclver, went up to Raleigh to attend Supreme court - Mrs. John ' Duke, of Wilmington is visiting Mrs. 0. FoUtnan. 7" Mr. Geo. Allen, Agent of the Mechan ics snd Investors Union who has been In the city a week in the interest of , the or conization went down to work in - ilore- head Citv in behalf of it ; ; : - - ; Mr. J. H. . Crabtrec who has been spending several months in Asheville snd st Connelly springs is back home. We have a speedy sat positive ears ror catarrh, diphtheria canker month snd BtMdeoae.iaSHILOH'S CATARRH REMEDY. A nasal tajeotoe free with earth nettle. Use it it yon desire neaith ana ees breath. Prlee SOe. Bold . by Hsw ktrae Drag Uo. ;j'..;,: ; : ' . - Anneal Meeting. - ; . ' The annual meeting 'of Stockholders ol the new tserne Buiming ec .umui . As sociation will be held in the Y. M. C. A. Hall on Wednesday evening Sept 87th at 8 o'clock. v-"v, -J':- .-.v H. Cotlkb, Pres. J. R. B. Cabawat, Sec'r. . V td , . Notice to Shippers. f The Steamer Venoeboro will re eeive frioght for Etnston and points on t:.a rieue river Wednesday morn i tie 27th. . Foot of Craves st tf . , A. J. LZART, Ag't TRifflC-HLLDKi RATES. A. N. C R. B, TO BLAME. It Chaires the Express Csapaay Higher Tksa Aay Other Read la the Ualea for Eqssl Service. Ed. Jodrmal : Wo have red the ar ticle in your issue of the 24th, written, we think, by an official of the A. AN. C. K It, in reply to one signed ly ut that appeared in your issue of tlm 11th. In answer, we say that ws :lo not now be lieve that the blame for the high rates charged by tbe Southern Express Com pany rests solely upon them, as we arc reliably Informed by parties living in New Berne, tbat tbey have tried to get the ratea reduced by the Express com pany, and the answer has invariably beem that owing to tht high ratei tharged thrm by ih A. A y. C. Road, it was im pottibU for them to take ajireit matter at any lower rates. This statement we be lieve to be true, and in common with the entire community will continue, so to be lieve, until we can arrive to a perfect knowledge of the rates charged by the A. & N. C. Road to the Southern Express Company and compare them with the rates charged to said company by the road from Washington, N. C. To illustrate, the effect of (he high rates charged by tlio Southern Express Company to our fish dealers, wo will state, thai during the past week two of our fish dealers made a shipment of fish north; bad they have been charged the same rates charged from Washington, the saving of freight to them would have amounted to sixty dollars, or had they been shipped by the steamer Neuse the saving wou'd have been SI 20. We know that the Southern Express company is a monopoly, and New Bern, 88 a gentleman from abroad said to us, has been a gold mine to it; and we also know that tbe excessivo rates charged by them is due to the high rates they pay to the A. &f N. C, road for transportation, higher than paid to any other road in the United States for tbe same distance run, As to Mr. Plant, the head of the South ern Express Company wo do not know him but learn that be is a Connecticut gentleman and have also heard thnt he has been a great factor In the building up of Florida, wrought wonderful changes, and made the most undesirable part of the United States blossom as tlio rose, and we wish that we had him, or some other Connecticut Yankee to operate around here, particularly in the manage ment of the affairs of our railroads iu Eastern North (laroliua instead of such management as we have suffered under for many yerrs. The railroad onicwl in your issue ol the 24th cliims that the A. & N. C. Koiul is not to blame for the high fish rates charged, but that tlio blaino rests upon the Southern Express Company. JNov, Mr. Editor, your correspondent an a railroad ofticinl, should know something of what he writes; docs lie not know that his statement that the Southern Express Company is to blame cannot be Busta;nedt he says the Express Company's charge from New Bern to Goldsboro, sixty miles, on A box offish is only 75 cents, he might also have told us that tlio chargo from Morehead City to Newport, a distance ol 11 miles is only 73 cents, and from More- head City to New Bern 36 miles, only 75 cents, and from New Bern to Kinston 85 miles only 75 cents, of which the Kailroad seta, as tie says, ou cents, jnow, Mr. Editor, bear in miue, that the distance from Washington to Uoldsboro is over 100 miles and the rate charged is 85 cents. He says the Express Company is responsible for all of these high rotes, Will he tell us how the Express Com pany can help it, when, as ho says, tbe Express Company pays the It R. Co. 60 centa per box. And then, as he well knows, pay the expense ot loading and unloading and a messenger and agents to transact the business, all out ot this 25 cents. Will be also tell us why the Atlantic & N. C. Road charge the fish dealers 45 cents per bos offish, common freight from Morehead City to New Berne, 60 cents per flour barrel and 75 cents per sugar barrel, while the freight trout New Bern to New York by JS. V. U. Line is but 75 centa per box and $1.50 per sugar barrel we ask, is the Southern Express Company responsible for this. It Is a well known fact tbat the Southern Ex press Co. has' been obliged to pay the A. & N. C. It higher rates than any road in their territory, and we defy the management of the road to disprove it. - We have learned that the A. A N. C. R. R. refused to make any arrangement with the Coast jjine, as they were under contract to carry fish only by Express this may or may not be true; but we think it is true. Something ought to be done to mitigate this grant evil and that speedidly and place the blame where it belongs, if the Southern Express Company is not the cause the head superintendent should deny tbe charge, and if tbe road is not to blame, the fact should be promulgated to tbe community. - , We know nothing about the rates of charges from Georgetown, S. C; what ever they may be, they have nothing to do with the issue between our fish deal ers snd the A. A N OL Road. - As to the shipment made by our fish dealers, the past week, alluded to in tbe first of this article, we omitted to state had the rates been as low ss they are from washing ton, their loss in consequence of the low market wonld have been much less; the shippers found it hard to buck up against tne sixty dollar oonus in rreignt given to the shippers in Washington, by the Express Company, tbey can afford it owing to tbe low rates charged them by the Road from Washington. , , ,,. . -jM-.-v.v- ': , Paib Plat, --.Kef Berne, N. C, Sept 850y3. Persons troubled with enronio di arrhoea should try Chamberlain Colio, Cholera and DiarrhcBa . Berne edy. Many eases have been enred by it after all else had failed and skilled rl- ininns were powerless. ; For sale by J. V. Jordan. ; "v : r ;v Msoftrfety Fare a. eraam itf tartar K.V 1 r. a nnvrtnr HUihest of all In leavening strength. OATBOT UNITED STATES liOVRHNMKNT roop HKPOKT. Royal. Baking Pnwnitu f IDA W.n St.. N. Y. Wholesale Market Conntrr Produce Beef, 4a5c. Beeswax, 20. Corn, from lioats 50a5l. Cotton, 7 3-4. Chic.;cns 4550c pair, ycun', Oucks, Eng. 40a50c; Muscovy Ki;gs, 12 to IScts. Fresh pork, 7a8 cts. Oecsc, 75c.a1.00. Hides Dry flint, 4c; Iry green, 1 1-2 a 2c. Lamb alive S1.S0 to $2. Oats, 30 to 35. Peanuts. S1.20 tl. 25.11 A 20ii4Oc r.daiitk-. all ;! Scjppcrnong grapes, (WuWtr pi i- lut-li. Mattauiuskect apples 4l)c. Sheep, sheared, fl.00afl.ru). Sheep, full wool, 1.25a2 .50. l'otatoes, Bahamas, 40n50 ts.- yam 75c. per bushel. Turkeys $1.25at.75. Onions, 11.50 a $2.00 per Imri.-I Wool 12 to 15c. Pains and Ache. Wo all havo nainq nnl nehna Vint thev needn't last lonir not ni Inns. - . B J F, er than it takes to put on an Alloock's rorous i taster. The only thing to look out for is that you ect the ripht plaster. There are others, but you don't want them; take our world for It for when vou need u nlastcr von , j , - need it and thero's no timo for experi menting ana nuaing out mistakes then. Ask for Alloock's Porous Plasters and see that you get them. If thev sav that somn other ia inat na good, tell them that only the best is good enough for you. Alloook's Porous Plasters are nnlck ami nnrn. and acknowledged by the highest mealcai authorities and everybody else to be the best nntsiilx ri meilv for pains and aohes of evory descrip tion. It i no moaey in your pocket to fail to make your mablen uonifort- alil The Weakest Spot in your whole system, pcrhapp, is the liver. If that doesn't do its work of purifying the blood, more troubles como from it than you can remember. Dr. 1'ierce 8 Uoldcn Medical Dis oovory acts upon this weak spot as nothing else can. It rouses it up to healthy, natural action, liy thor oughly purifying the blood, it roaches builds up, and invigorate every part of the system. For all disoases that depoml on the liver or thi blood Dyspepsia, Indi gestion, Biliousness; every form of Herofular, even Consumption (or lung Scrofula) in its earlier stages; and the most stubborn Skin and Scalp Diseases, tho "Disoovery" is the only remody so unfailing and effective that It can be guaranteed. If it doesn't benefit or cure, you have your monoy back. Mechanics and Invest Union. George Allen who is Secretary and General Manager of the Mech anics and Investors Union ia in the city arranging to orgauize a Branch ol the Oompany in this place. This Association was organized by a number ot the leading buai neas men of Raleigh, as a National Association. It is a Savings Bank ana a Banding and Loan Associa tion, with Insurance tea- tares for all members Mr. Allen will be pleased to explain the plan, and to secure members. Pommissoners Land Sale. By virtue of authority vested in me by Judgments of the Buperlor Court of Jones oounty rendered at Fall term, lsss, in an aetlon therein pending wherein the Ration- Mi bsbk oi new Berne ie piAinurx and John Mener and others are defeadanta. I win sellbypnbuo auction t the Court Hons door of Jones eouoty en tbe 80th day of uohw, joim, ( -vonaay m oouri.) tne rotlow lnc traotf of land In Jonea oounty, N. O.: The Poounin. traot .ViO aeres. lwli Dlexer. on traet, SlK) aores. Jtornegay patent traot IW aeres, Jerry Heath, tract IS aeres. tBen wbltaker, patent traet (UU aeres traet, 100 aerea and n. Him. mons traet, 175 aens paid lands belrg lna wwjmb wui bow Beeuon, tne same ad joining the landaot W, H. Brett, J. a. Banks, jr .wiuuiimiuQ Mim wiu aulas aee. orlbed In thi oomnlalat In the Above en. titled land deed being all the lands owned by John Meroer In Jones oounty, N. a. Time ofaaltUo'eloo' H. Terms of saUK nit, Hon one year's time and Mini month. credit notes for deferred payments bearing e pvr vmu uwmi. hum iveui vea nnui ietor pnrenaee money paid, This Beptem her nth, im. . , . It, D.W. Blevenion. Commissioner. One traot of land on main road 2 1 miles from Stonewall, 1 mile from Trent bridge, 75 sores more or less, 59 el eared, a fine sandy soil tot Truoklng, f mile from steamer, a nioe 1 Story dwelling with one bouses; 4 acres ef grape vines - j ielding ' about aw ouaneia per year. . . . For; particulars apply to , ' J r.i. n. i fiii:k: - H. II. ipock, : flew Berne,, N. U :s24 dwlm WE.AI.WAY8 HAVE A Full of Pens. Spcmcrian N.v 1. 2, 4. EsteiliriNik- t Iriiron il K.il-on N.i MS Uilloti,- .;n:t, COIKIV The (Ylcl. ruled J Ten Drcka En;;rvi'iii' N.. :i Eagle Stubs Of All Kinds, l't 10 ti-i,ts. C. Disosway I Bro. TrVctxitociw A reliable and limc-t p.irty to tako the agency for the NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE in New Borne, tl. V. The New Homo is conceded to he tbe bent Hewing Machine made and the demand for them increases every month No attention paid to unplicaiits of shady character. Add rest The New Home Sewinn Machine Co. Durham, N. C. Sample Dress Goods. Samples of Dress ( foods bought at Wilmington, N. V,., can bo seen at Big Ike's storo with prices attached. Ho is offering bargains in thin line. It will pay for ladies to cull and sec samples. For Everthing You WANT do TO J. F. Taylor's Wher you can como its nenr getting t;i nnjwhero In tho city, lie lias lust returned from New York and is busy uettiu;; in, marking up and mining; iiiejjjood.i in a1tum. HIS MOTTO IS ANYTHING "YOU WANT. Tho Wholosiil.) iitnl Koiail Tr.i.lc- Unit in in need .if y..,,d.-, in liis Lino will do woll to cull and sen J. F. TAYLOR Who has a larirn stock of dronnrina. Bo)t9, Shoes, Uiibbor (ioods. Oil (Moth. iiiR, Hopes, Paints, Oils and Fishermen's Supplios and large Drives iu TOBACCO kept in his store, IN, () mi. I 2J Slitldle Street. 1" Como am1 seo him His ( loods and Prices will Make you Buy whether Vou want to i.r uot J.J.Baxter, Xeurly opposite ttapti-t Chureli. New Store ! New Goods ! But un old hand in charge of tbe BUSINESS. Late of the firm of BAURTNOTON & BAXTER, baa returned from tne .MUiTH and is now ready for his friends with a personally selec ted stock of everything desired in tne way of MEN'S, BOYS and hildrens Clothing AND GENTS OTHER Furnishings, and a choice supply of GENERAL DRY GOODS Ladies Dress Goods AND All just arrived from tbe north ern markets. Espeoial attention in called to oar line of Ladies Fine Hose, . including extra sizes. .Examine bar stock (or any thins you want. , .b; swindell; v . . Head Salesman, v We can't be beat on quality ; and See oaf one line of GrentaV La cues ana uimarena' Shoes, - i . v. Look Over ciiii no) irsr' rm i iri mm .1' U " ..i THE FACT That The MOST PARTICULAR People, the astute care ful buyers, are the ones WIio .Ajre BUYING OUH GOODS IS A T 1EC TJ E I ndication OF THEIR WORTH ! ARE YOU GOING TO LOSE THE CHANCE? WE SHOULD IMAG INE NOT. IF YOU are not- buying your goods from us. then Dplnv nrv longer ' f We Can AncliWill save von wnms:v. Yoara Truly, ' "

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