Journal. mux 4p -v j.v- -,--,yv V; ... f.1.. VOL. XIL-NO 156, BUSINESS LOCALS. CHWORTI1T Discount ITndlspatable liar. Tattler tnd til inch are uowortby to he recognised. Very respectfully, ... I). Ramklu FUR THE finest line of ments lo toe city , go to Samuel Cobo & Sn. LOST A pair of Gold nose spectacle be tween Big Ike'i and N. WVitford't beef tall today. Tbe finder will be rewarded by bringing them to Big Ike's clothing store.- . St. TO GET bee results from Ilyacintb and Easter Lily Bulbs get them potted at tbe earliest possible moment after Sept. lst., Come aronnd and select them now. Have also Arnarillis bulla and Carmelite Japonic plants. R. Bexbt. TO THE Ladies WTiile in New Tork last week I secured from a leading Clonk , Manufacturing Concern their line of sam : pics for this season. I will have them on exhibition at my store today, and will close them out without reserve at at very low prioe. Sol Cohkn. TEN THOUSAND bars Hoe Cake Soap at J. F. Taylor's. Every body wanting to buy, or get the advertising tickets rc- deemed come down. tf. ON account of leing overloaded I make especial offer on sugar cured Ilums and 'Shoulders for this week only. lowest prices and best Hams in city. J. F 1 Tatlob. MRS Emma Jackson, dress-maker, cor ner Hancock nnd Broad Street?, solicits patronage. Good work guaranteed. s241w. EMPLOYMENT WANTED, on Satur day at clerking or other work, by an adult student ol the Collegiate Institute of some mercantile experience, apply at school or Moore's boarding houBe. W. E. Ward. FRESH Grapes can be olitaincd at Tis dal's farm near the city at ten cents per bead right from the arbor. HCYLERS Candies. Bon Hons and Chocolates, just received at Gaskill's rnarniacy. TAH RF.VT A Inrirn :in(l mmmodinns dwelling. Apply to W. O. Iinnson. HOTEL Bales in Chicago A gooil lintel at $1.00 a day. If you are Koinji to the World's Fair, stop at the Niagara Hotel, Are proof, Jackson Street, between Michi gan Boulevard aid Vabash Avenue. 300 Rooms. Near business centre. Six routes to Worlds Fair within two blocks; only filteen minutes to grounds. $1.00 a day. a31 lm. WANTED by Mrs. A. H. White, a few Boarders. Gentlemen Prcferrred. For terms, apply to her at -her residence on Middle Street, next door to Kafer's Bakery. FIFTY THOUSAND LATHS for sale. Free from knots and extra width and length. Apply to S. C. Hamilton, Jr., or at A. & N. C. freight office. TRY THE Journal business local coluiu. Only ten cents a line for first insertion and five afterwards. tf. BROWN BEANS for table nse at 5 cents per quart. Also Seed Peas and Tieans for '11 planting, at low prices R. Bkhrv. FOR RENT The Dwelling next door to my residence on Pollock Street. ' J. W. Stewart. The Honae c xnmittea ou Territo ries has decided to report a bill for the admission of Utah au a State. : The BirltugtoQ QaraM has sus pended publication on aosonut of a jack O business. Congressman Onmmings says that Secretary Carlisle is the great est living exponent of parliamen tary law. ; In a card to the farboro South erner ex-Senator Willis It. Wil liams, of Pitt, denies indignantly that he has joined the Populists. When Kopa Elias became -Collector he told the Asheville people ' that tbe office was worth (50,000 to that city. ' - ,- Mf. ii. h. Eernodle has beoome the owner of the Alamance Glean er.' Mr: J. D.. Eernodle will con tinne as its editor and . manager. . "This congress was called as an extraordinary one, and it has de veloped vsomr'.v extraordinary cranks. . '-I'k . .y'l.-' '-- President aud Mrs. Cleveland "lave received telegrams of congrat ulation from 17,000 people in this country and several tmudred from people abroad since the birth of - the new baby. i Pensioner;' who are rijhtfally enrolled are not worrying. - H is ' only those) who are conscious thaV their enrollment wis irregula and . illegal that fear Ihe searching 'ex amination of the present efftrt, at reform.' 5 - 'I's'X- ''r'C. ' There U bank president in the town of Normal, III., who is nnderi . twenty indictments. If the; try bim and convich him on all he will go up for 200 years. is ) would give , him a good long Tet.- Thewhole Eepnblican press In - the North appearto have opened - fiercely againBtthe Demae-ratio pnr j o and efTjrt to wipe oat the vUl- 1 1: lection Laws under I f I -t:.V ' l and ' The news sent out from Madrid Wednesday night of tbe serioas illness of Hanoi Taylor, United States Minister to Spain, appears to have been exaggerated. In an swer to an inquiry from relatives in Mobile, Ala, tbe Minister cabled over his own signature last night that be is all right. About tbe time the ohemUt ex perts had decided that there was danger of metalio poisoning from eating fruits, vegetables and meats pnt up in tin csds, the annoying discovery has been made that obem ioals are need in the preparation of the robber rings employed in seal ing the glass jars which are need in place of cane, which are also poisonous. The judiciary committee bus or dered a favorable repot t on the bill tatrJooed by Mr. O.ites, of Alaba ma, repealing' that sect'on of the statutes which requires proof of 'oj'a'ty during the war as a prere-qu'-te to being lestored or admit ted to tbe peusiDu roll. Poof of loyalty in lso dispensed with in applicvi'nn for bounty lands where the proof otherwise shows that the applicant is entitled to it. LOCAL NEWS. A'A' IK AD VKR TISEMENTS. H. B. Duffy In the swim. V. 51. Watson Notice. Ulack Diamond Minstrels. A. J. Leary, Agt.- Str. Vanceboro. I). IIa8sell Unworthy discount. The colored Graded school will open tomorrow. Regular monthly meeting of the Fe male Benevo'ent Society will be held at the house of Miss Metts, Tuesday after noon at lour o'clock. Prof. Geo. W. Ncal requests all pupils attending his school to be preeent m the morning and bring their books with them. Mr. W. II. Thompson, of Goldsboro arrived here yesterday evening to assist Mr. J. II. Starling in opening bis garment cutting class. Mr. Starling says the prospects arc good tor a large clas9 and that the school will begin about the mid dle of this week. The closing festival ol the Feast of booths w ill be observed this evening at 7 o'clock and tomorrow morning nt ten o'clock iu the New Berne Fire Engine Company's Hall. This concludes this festive season of the Jewish faith. We are pleased to know that Mr. P. H. Pearsall, a promising young attorney from our neighbor county, Jones, contemplates moving to New Berne. Mr. Pearsall is the attoi-ney for the A. &. N. C. Railroad, having been elected at the recent meeting held at Morehead. Miles Simmons, col., of Bachelor'! Creek says that tbe land is so rich in bis neighborhood that it sprouts grubworms. He exhibited one at the Journal office that had three perlect shoots protruding from its lifeless body from one fourth to one half an inch in length. The suppo sition Is that tho worm had swallowed some kind of seed which germinated and began to grow. The Washington correspondent of the Norfolk Virginian eays the Railway Com mission have issued an order to the Jamesville and Washington R.R. to show cause on or before Oct. 17, why an order should not be made requiring sqch re pairs las may be necessary for the security and accommodation of the public. The personal inspection of the railroad by Chairman Wilson of the Commission showed it to be in very bad coudition. Comln? and Goioff- Tha following arrived to attend the convention : Rev. D. A Atkins, D. D., editor of the Christian Advocate, gnest of J. A. Meadows; Miss Emma Page, of Aberdeen, guest of Mrs. T. A. Green's. Mrs. F. i), Swindell, of Goldsboro, at Geo.. Henderson's, -; Mr. 0. McEay, who has been visiting at Rev. Fty. Furries left for his home in Jersey Oity. " Miss Farrow and M'g. Scovitle of Wash ington, arrived to attend the conference and are at Mrs. 6. E. Credle's. ? i i Mrs, Millie Bectoo, returned from a visit to relatives at Adam's", creek. Miss Lena Rouse accompanied her home on t visit. , : Vi-;. j ; -f.y " "Mr. " VT. W. . Clark i returned lrom Raleigh where h, has . been attending Supreme court,' -' ' " . , " Mr. and Mrs. John Dunn and Miss Fet tle Onion ' returned from the World's Fair and a northern pleasure tour. f4- ' Mr. W. H. Thompson of Goldsboro has arrived to assist Mr. J. R.. Starling in the Garment Cutting School which he is bout to open here. A r;'; Mrs, W. H. Bray returned from a visit to relatives in Charlotte. ' Rev. R. F. Bumpass and wife, of Beau fort arrived yesterday morning to attend the Missionary . convention. . They are the guests of Mr. J. A. Meadow's, C- nt. V. W. Carrawaj left for Hender son in " e interest of the Richmond Sis- NEW BERNE, W0M1H8 HISSIOIIBT COXFES EXCE. SaUrdaj's Proceeding Beports d 4retsesr Etc Woman's Missionary Society of the N. C. Conference, of M. E. Church South, in session at Centenary Church: Mee'ing convened at 9:30 with Mrs. J. A. Cunninggim as President and Hiss Feutress, of Wilmington, secretary. Devotional exercises were conducted by Rev. R. A. Willis. President ordered the roll of District Secretaries called also the roll of Dis trict Secretaries of Bright. Jewels was called. The reports of District Scrtttiries sere varied and inur ing, as showing a prosperous coudition oi both tbe Mission ary Society and the Bright Jewels. Mrs. Brooks was introduced to the meeting as fraternal messenger from the Eastern N. C. Conference. Dr. Nash, ol 5th street church, Wilmington, and Rev. R. F. Bumpass ol Beautort, were also in troduced. President appointed Mrs. L. L. IU'u dren of New Berne, as correspondent sccretarv vice Mrs. W. S. Black, who is providentially kept away. Mrs. Black bad forwarded a very interesting annual report which was read by Mrs. Hendren. A well prepared and encouraging report of Bright Jewels was likewise read. Hours lor meeting were fixed forenoon 9:80 to 12:30-aflernoon at 8:80 and ad journ at will After reports were all presented, the President announced Mrs. L. h. Hendren for some remarks upon missionary work. Mrs. Hendren responded in a most ad mirable manner, and so pleased wero tut delegates that upon motion, unanimous ly carried, it was ordered that her paper be published'as' a leaflet for general con tribution, and that she be requested to repeat her remarks tomorrow afternoon at fonr o'clock in Centenary church. Briefand encouraging remarks were made by Dr. Nasb, Rev. R. F. Bumpass, Rev. R. A. Willis and Dr. J. A. Cunning giuVat conclusion of which thebenediction w as p.onounced by Rev. R. F. Bumpass. AFTERNOON SESSION. Devotional excercises led by Rev. Mr. Starling of Goldsboro after which reports by District Secretaries were continuod to a lute hour in the alternoon. At night a love feast was held and brief talks made by a number of the ladies and several gentlemen. This closed the days exercises. Church Services. St. Paul's (Catholic) Church Rev. Father Quinn, rector. First mass at 9 a. ni. High mass at 11 a. id. Catechism 4:30 p. m. Vespers and Benediction 8 p. m. Prosbyterian Church. C. G. Vardell, pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sunday school 4 p. m. Prayer meeting Thursday evening 8 p. m. Baptist Church.- Services at 11 a. ni. and 7:30 p. m. conducted by the pastor. Rev. Rulus Ford. Sunday school at 4 p. nr Centenary M. E. Church Rev. R. A. Willis, pastor. Prayer meeting at 9:15 a. ni. At 11 a. m. annual sermon before the Woman's Missionary Society of the N. C. Conference by Rev. R. F. Bumpass, followed by the Holy Communion, ad ministered by Rev. J. A. Cunninggim, D-JD. At 3:30 p. m. Bright Jewell Exer cises. Address by Rev. D. Atkins, D. D. At 8 p. m. services conducted- by Rev. D. Atkins, D. D. The public are cor dial'y invited to attend these services. Y. M. C. A- 9:80 s. m. Meeting at C. L. Spencer's store, conducted by Dr. J. D. Clark. 3 p. m Boy's meeting at Hall. 6:30 p. in. men's meeting at Hall. Christ Church. Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity. Service, sermon and Holy communion 11 a. m. Evening prayer 5 p. m. Sunday school and young men's Bible class 4 p. m. Sunday school at the chapel 9:30 a. m. The public are cordially invited to all services. Atten tive ushers. Church ot Christ. Services for men at 9:30 a. m. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. by the pastor, D. B. Petree. San day school at 4 p. m. Sunday service tor Hancock St. Meth odist church. Praying circle 6 1-2 a. ra. Preaching at 11 a- nu and 8 p. m. by pastor Rev. 3. F. Butt Song service at 8:80 p. m. Sunday school at 8 p. m. All who are interested are invited to a 15 minutes lecture on Blackboard by 8. R. Ball, supV , Services at Mt. Calvary Temple at 4:15 p. ra. All who wish to do and get good are invited to attend. Road Object lesson. - Announcement is made that the site of the switchback railway at the State Fair grounds, Raleigh, will bo used for the purpose of building a section of macada mized road which is designed to be one f the object lessons at : the Stat .Fair. The road will be built under the auspices of the State Road Congress, which will meetOctlSth. - ; v - , - '. It is arranged for' the ''township road supervisor to show to the Road Congress delegates and to the general publio also the processes ol preparing stone, grading roadways and macadamizing them. 1 ' - Some prominent members of the league for good roads are expected to attend tbe Congress. -. ; Drive the dent out of the family s : 1 1 a will soon be homeless. - N. C, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 1. 1893 t'Ar lirOTe Cemetery Having a little leisure t u e a few days ago, we look a scroll tlir uU tbe i ti e- tery, to gutln-r i ri i ' .r .i . i : u;nm r rt:nn points, but hot at tlr.t : . ri:. wit'i the thougbt f '..;. .. t.. prin ter. But the l!. -4i.e--.lke 'i'";", "growM" - in : i mi a. :k W. siilered a jr.ire siii.j- 4 i 1.. S good ile-il nf ell:;: i.'lM gather .irmiml it, 4 -1 .1 I.U! -.cim-d tc IV nut-et. u)..'i, wai nlio asked li re it Aliout tbe tilt t!.iii-' .. e a bevy of very yuu:,a ! ..I'.i us to sIhiw them I'' said . Here lie- Tin- l:i.J. !4lTHS Of JoY mie Junes." which they consuh-n 1 a very an fill thing 1 to say iiartii u'arly 11:1 a rave stune. Much as we dislike U disappoint the' little Indies we hi iv iViaMi- tn lind -uch a stone even with tin- -is-'.aiic' ot tin sexton, ami were l'onv.1 to i.el ovt that ii did nut t-x 1 -t . I Next we wore tiM ofunrtain monu ment which nil ii ;! I in iu construction. .in urn, by 1111 ans if which it w hs said wiuiniun ration might In: nnnie with the prrsun the r 1 urii-il. I his rorresiionJein ,. v, carnoii nn cliirtjv l.v -elnu l it . 1. 1 1 : 1:1 their ,. Whrnrvir a new pupil (4.nM be t'omnl rontiiling rnouli lor tin- purpose, he w a gravely tohl that if he woiil.l approarh carefully, iil one - lie oi tin- 11:11 or titlv and softly w'li.-per nm! :r it tin- ipi, -timi What am i.itir I'llliu hHu! rr " In- would hear the 'le.i'l 111:1:1 stv, " y'nhirj." The "vie tim" wnahl !i it i mientlv. am! o! rourse tlir .'pi 1 bi!ii:Hh wouhl .sav nothing as pi4iinie.I. All whiili a very simple, ami vasi i-lilvini; to ub conaerued. The next tale rehearsed into our ear was to the elnrt that so in my eaM ago there were on the I 'nnli-dci ilc inoiiml a number of pipes ol six or eight im hes in liaincter, rising a loot or Uo above the ground, for the ptirpo.-e ol vviilil'itiug tlio vault beneath. Uec.isionaby a "cotiutrv- man'' looking about in the v 1 init y, wmiid be taken in hand by sonic oliieiou-ly kiml Inenils, ami have nnpartnl 'o In. 11 us a profound sernt and special favor, the information (hat through iiC of these openings rotninimiealion might be hail with those sleeping below. unu that a question ake.l wa.ubl meet with a ready response. While one graciously showed him to the right pla. e and explained the proper way to pro pound his question, another uouM care lessly wander to the opposite opening. and (or a reply p.nir into it a hoarse, rough inaitieu'aie :oun l, which reverb erating through the dark chasm, would be delivered into the waitii'g ear of the hungering ami thirsting one a long drawn, S4.11I dining, bloml curdling groan, which would t-carr him into a freezing ague for the balum e of the dav. It. was small palliation to l.e told: ''To lie sure you must h ive said something they didn't like." Although three aeieiv was not opened by Christ Church till 1 BOO, it contains the bodies ot a number of persons which were removed troui the i.l.l churchyard, the death of some of whom occurred at a much earlier date. The uldiest inonu mnt or memorial is a small yruy soap stono slab, of our eighteenth century pattern erected over the grave nt a lour year old gill, and bearing date 178-1. Dr. Holmes says: "Little of all we value here Wakes on the moni of its hundredth year, Without both looking and queer." feeling But this tablet, afler the lapse of about ten years more tliiin a century "wakes" to show itself almost uninjured by the touch o! tune, and with its quaiut mscrip tion clearly legible except ,t word broken by some forceful impa.t, perhaps accidental. The sentiment, or epitaph is from Dr. Young's '-Narcissi!," and may serve to show the literary and poetic taste and mental incliuation or status of a family of whom notlrng tuoro 13 now known, or will ever be known. "Sweet harmonist ! and beautiful as sweet I And young as be lUtiful ! an 1 soft as young ! And gay as soft ! and innocent as gay! And happy ifaaght happy here as I For fortune lond had built her nest on high, Like birds quite exquisite of note and plume, Trcnqfijxd of Kitewho bees a lofty marie Sovfrom the summit of the grace see fell And left it unharnumiout." Only tbo last two lines aro cut on the stone. This grave-stone, with its date of 1784, connects us back with a time anterior to the natal day of our nation to that in terregnum between the dissolution of tho Continental Congress, alter the signing of the treaty of Peace at Paris, (Sept. 8, 1783) and the inauguration of Wasuiog ington, (April 30, 1789) during which, we had no government, and . liko the occasional Biblical record of tho Jewish nation "every oue did that which was rig right iu his own eyes." (To be Continued. German at Hotel Albert. Ed Journal : One ot the most pleas ant incidents of the opening of Fall and winter pleasures ot .Newborns society was the "German" at the Hotel AUert on Friday night. While the attendance was not' superfluous, it was largo enough and of such eclat as to lend prestige and pleasure to tbe occasion. If the 'person nel of this opening of tho dancing season be an indication af what is ; to follow during the winter. Newborn's society can congratulate itself.:. The gentlemen were in full dress, while tha Costumes of the ladies, were most elegant,' . , r II. . , J .'f ; '. Steamer Yaneeboro. On and after October 2d, 'and until further notice the steamer Vanceboro; T. Q. Dixon, Capt., will - sail for Elnston .every Monday and Thursday making all 1 .1' . . Wl"- . 1 . . 1 f :. muuiugs. - uuii. anu wareuouse loot Craven street.-, r.r- '.- -'. . - ' " A-i JT. Lsart, Agt Uymkaua Races. A variety of ludicrous races known as Uymkana rates are coming into great vogue at the north and it is proposed to niiiigu rate a series ot the racr in this rltv to t;.ke uliice nt the Kir i-mnndd The fir,; meeting ot :bc (.yinkana Haces wi.l t.ike place at the Fair grounds on Wedmnnlav next at S 30 11 111 r This sport is now veiy popular north id consists of not only trial ol sliced but ot skill in ndiDg and ure vcrv ainus- ; to the lookers-on. I'.i trite an idea of the sport to the uninitiated one of the series of races will c as follows : Each rider will lie given a wooden ipoon in which an egg must be carried rom start 10 finish. Should any rider Imp his egg he must return to the start ing point and get another egg and start again. Then there is the needle and thread race, umbrella and cigsr race, potato and bucket race and niunv others. Admission for gentleman will be 10 cents, ladies free. Quito a number of the young men have ignitied their intention of taking part. Alter the sport is once tried it will no loubt be repeated often. The little admission fee which is barged is not fur the purpose of making money tor anyone, or organizationjut sim ply to pay lor the little premiums which will be awarded to the winners in the races. Are They Obscene ! For the last live or six years theatrical performances throughout tho whole coun try have been elevated to a much higher plain than formerly, simply because pub ic sentiment was turning against the oarso and disreputable pjrformances that at one time so much infested the untry. This is not the first time that our pub lic streets have been posted with obscene pictures, but ihat is no reason that they should be thrust on our main thorough fares openly and boldly, despite the w ishes of those who oppose them. We know but little about the troupe it have heard that their star actress was one of those high-kickers that kicks eight feet. Also we have he ml that they were not allowed to play at one place iu this State, though we do not know how reliable that is. We do know that there was some oppositicn to their ppearance in Kaleigh as tile following quotation from a Raleigh correspondent to the Charlotte Observer shows: Tho English Sports Company has lor the past ten days decorated the thea(rical bill boards with many light colored pic tures, in which young ladies in more or Irss undress were represented as disport ing themselves. Last evening there was a rumor that a citizen here would take legal steps to preveut the company from per forming iu tho academy of music, aud that he had written the mavor a letter protesting against the pictures. But this morning noneol the pictures were niissin and the officials questioned said no attempts had been made to stop the play This .ifteruoon talk about the matter was revived, and it was alleged that the person who objected to the pictures had consulted lawyers with a view to stop ping the play this evening. So many people who other wise might not have gone to the performance decided to in order to see if there would be any legal developments. Not only is the posting of these indeli cate pictures in the most public place in our city revolting to a great many of our people but we believe it to be an open violation of the State law. JiOTICE. The regular monthly meeting of the New Berne Yacht Club will be held at Club House on Tuesday night Oct. 3d at 3 o'clock. All members are earnestly re quested to attend. Especially those over two months in arrears in their dues as fin xl action wdl be taken and the by laws enforced. This is the last notification they will receive. Sam B. Waters, Pres. II. C. Stkvekson, Sec'y. FOR THE BLACK DIAMOND fflSTMS Will give another grand performance at New Berne Theater Wednesday night, ucc. it 11, iu;s. ace tue grand STREET PARADE WEDNESDAY Reserved seats 35cts. dress circlo 80cts, gallery 20cts. Tickets 'on sale at Elliott & Green Barber Shop. Door open at 7 o'clock. H. C. Houston, Stage Manager: T. H. Richardson Manager; Jos. E. McDaniel secretary. td OPERA. HOUSE, Monday, October 2d. JUSr ONE JOYOUS NIGHT. THE GRBAT BIG CITY SHOW. HELEff RUSSELS ENGLISH SPORTS. In the Brightest of Sparkling Burlesques, MONTE CBI8T0, JB. ; C - 20 Lovely Girls 20. Entrancing Music, Enchanting Dances. Special Features: The Sensational Po lish Dance. The Alpine Gavotte. The Mystifying Mirror Dance. - The Alshtian Lady Trio. - A Matchless Olio.. Reserved seats on sale at Nunn & Jfo Sorley's Saturday Sept. - 80tb, at ten O'clock. -.'V. I'.' - '--. - i.: ; Reserved seats 75 eta, GallerfSS eta, 23 ta, - . v " Msolalefy Fure K cream of tartar bikini? Dowder Highest of all in louvening trength. Latest United States Oovrhnment Food Kkpokt. Royal Bakino Powukb Co., 106 Wall St., N. Y. in Tin: swim. U is stiiteil by : Imso wii-we judg mentis MiiMe 1b.1t tbo recent rains nnd stir in: in mir vicinity have damaged the i- .its innii LV) to 33 per cut :nd h utir mterei-ts are identical wit 1 1 the r' l.mere, anda-tweto h extent draw upon them lo; a tmpport, we huve decided to do huMMest: thin season upon a magiDal profit ho small that you will be astonished when you CaU at our place of burliness, . 67 Pollock Street nud exumiue our large and attractive stock. The old plan of doing business at 50 per cent, profit in phiycd out and the new one of !irj ing goods at the lowest prices aud gmug it to your trade has supercede.! rhi old. The od proverb ''a quick penuy is tietter than iv slow xUiIIiiik'' snail be oar polar star a'id by i:s Ktiidauce wo hope to reao'i the harbor. We append a ie-v prices which yon do well to 110'e: N. U. Plaids 4c. Yard wide wh, . ii 1 !ies.:m ii. Blue stortn serge, 40 iuohos, Very fine quality ser;e in colors roduoud from '.lit to (i5c. Dross serge in colors reduced from 50 to 35. All wool 8'rined dress goodi reduced from 50 to 25c. Black goods in oudie-is variety among w liich we q'lote a flae silk warp Henrietta wortlVl.OO lor 75o. R 'specifully, H. 3B. Xxxf fV, E. H. & J. A. MEADOWS CO. Manukactcreus oe Meadows' Special Guano's FOR A.LL CROPS. STANDARD BRANDS: Meadows' Great Potato Guano. 11 " Cabbage " " " Allorop " " Pea & Bean " " " Tobaoco " " " Cotton " " " 10 per ot. Ammonia- tin tiuano. Meadows' Great La bos Guano, Importers and dealers in Meadows' Extra Early Peas, Kainit, Acid Phosphate and Agricultuoal Chemi cals. CyTruckers supplies a speoialty. E. H. MEADOWS, Pres't. J. A. MEADOWS, Sec'y. & Tress. Works Neuse River. Office Union Point. Boot & Shoe-Maker, Opposite Post-Offioe. Prompt ul Superior Wortmanship v . All kinds of Bepait Work: given Special Attention.' " 1 - " Give ne a Trial " - PRICE 5 CENTS. THE HUUAfl RAGE Can't Get Along; Without Us WEAREHERE to supply them, and being here for that purpose, we are de termined to do it a little better, more thorougly, and more advantageously to our customers than any one else. Haw XI 1 Hav READY FOR IiSPEOTI0N ? i 3 35 150 Sug;ir at Refinery's prices. 3oo 11j1h. Michigan & Kentucky Flours at mill price-. 100 bbls. VVylio Smith & Go's. Royal Crown, finest flour in tho world 100 bags Coffee bought before the advance. 50 bbls. Molasses aud Svrups PKICES LOW. 250 bxs. Soap Hoe Cake, Octa gon, Rising Sun, &c, &c. :J00 Scks. Shots All sizes. 50 Kegs Powder, FF & FFF. 10O bxs Cheese Finest in the city. 50 tubs Very Finest Butter. 100 kega Lorillard snuff Spec ial discount of 10 per cent. 25 bbls. Gail & Ax snu(T-5lb. jars, Factory price. 300 casos Canned goods All kinds and descriptions. OUR STOCK OF Dry Goods, IMs & shoes Is Complete in eveivy way. We also carry a good line of AND ALL FARMING IMPLEMENTS . IN FACT WE TRY TO KEEP A General Stock. OUR PRICES when QUALI-" TY is Considered cannot be beaten. Respectfully, ' ' V - IACKB1S ' MiETT, ' New No's. 47 & 49 Pollock St

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