aily Journal. HE VOL. XIL-NO 162, NEW BERNE, N. C. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 7. 1893. PRICE 5 CENTS. 1 4- BCBI5ESS LOCUS. :' ' ?RtSIl Uade all Pork ud fie beef t ' morning. , N. Wbtttobis BTRAYED OR 8TOLEM. 8mall Scotch Torrier Dog. ' Bras. Collar arouad nxclc. Answer to nam of Prince. lib end reward. Csa. Riixhsti'j. It MACKINTOSHES to order Ladloa' and ' gentleman's Hack'ntoahra, all styles and Slice to order at wholesale rat fa. Now lUm aoaaon Tor tbera and jou abonld ' hare one. - See m or drop mo a poatal. - - J. W. Watboh, Art. C". Tremoot Hukber Co., Boat on. DON'T fail to call and see. We have jut received a vert large lot oi the finest at all Ted beef and Lamb ai 8am net Cobn ' Boa. '-.'.. ONE GREAT NECESSITY. I aell the ' BedHJC onpan -'a Oil which gies , t Rood light ami docs -not go oat woen burning. J. P. Tatmh. -T - f )IY Fresh Goodi are beginning to arrive .-. call and ex mine my itoclc of staple and , '. Jane? GroceYies; all fresh and offered ,V . cheap. CK.6LOVER. I OAVE moved my office to the building on Middle St., formerly occupied by 0. r M. Hitjsfins, drnqgist, nearly opposite Eaters' Bakery. Dr. N. Q. 8treet t.". i if'i'J' WOULD CALL attention to oar elegant V v ' line of children's suits a- I overcoats just V:" '-'i- received. The finest assortment ever v " .' ". . . shown in the city. Also some nobby ft ; .. hats and cups for the boy :. A souvenier, . t ' ". . .McGinty's Ladder given sway with every '.- solt and overcoat purchased. 7 ' 08 ft. Sol. Codes. ; TO GET lies' results from Hyacinth and Easter Li!y Bulbs get them potted at the earlieH possible moment utter Sept. 1st. Come around and select them dow. Have also Amarillis bulljs and Carmellia Japonic plants. R. Bebrt. EMPLOYMENT WANTED, on Satur day at clerking or other work, by un ndutt student of the Collegiate Institute of some mercantile experience, apply at school or Monro's bonrding bouse. " W. E. Ward. D. C. McMILLAN, Investment Securities. 150 Nassau St, New York City. No ' transactions on margin or for speculation. Correspondence solicited. tf. FRESH Grapes can be obtained st Tis dal'sfsno neitr tlie city at ten cents per head right from the arbor. FOB RENT A large and commodious dwelling. Apply to W. G. Bnnson. WANTED by Mrs. A. H. White, a few Boarders. ' Gentlemen Prcferrred. For terms, apply to her at her residence on Middla Street, next c'oor to Knfer's , Bakery. FIFTY THOUSAND LATHS for sale. Froe- from knots nud extra width and length. , Apply to 8. C. Hamilton, Jr., or at A. & N. 6. freight office. TRY THE Journal business local colum. Only ten cents a line for first insertion and five afterwards. tf. BROWN BEANS for table use at 5 cents : per quart. Also Seed Peas and Beans for 'all planting, at low prices R. Berry. . TOR RENT The Dwelling next door to my residence on Pollock Street. J. W. Stewart. GO. To Htruni.'a horse Store for Livery Fin tnulstftr,! at Street's Horse store. A FULL. Hue of 8pring and Summer 8mple, consisting ofOheviotts Black, Blue and Brown Serge, Fine Check Oeah. men Imported Suitings. Worsted in a,ll "gradee Satisfaction guaranteed. -..';-' F M Chadwick, Tailor. " . ; : " At Hall's book Store. i HAVE - YOU seen the latest ini ' proved window sash-lock. Very cbetp, .and strong. . . N. Arpin Silver in the ait; Silver every where", ana we cane get a mi. - .. ' . Governor Oar r wants every city 'and town" to send a delegate to the toad congress. . : " V :.x The Washington Post says, the fight over the North Carolina pat ronage has about reached the bom bardment stage. , The Democracy of Nebraska, : fa ' , State convention pots itself on rec 4i ord aa favoring the financial policy 1 ;Kf President Cleveland, i-."'- ; There is only one week's supply o t ration s st' Brnn wick. In - the 3 last thirty-six days ;. 81,568 meals have bfen iasned to v.s e dettltnte. tirr'ITttcre was a heavy cat in ; prices the otberdayln New York when a " judge Tot down . a lawyer' bill in : : a case from $3,000 to $300. - ; . - Tuere tsta be a big 'engine raoe between 'American 99, that has - made a tnile io 32 seooo 's. and the crack EogHtt ' locomotive, t th. at the Ohioaeo Fair. It will be for f 1,000 porse for ten miles The cry of the goldolatora now is -1' Down with the United States Senate." Oiroalars by the ten thous and looking to this have been sent oat. There will be a loader and an grior cry thn tint if ilrer" is s 1 a '. j z h f.a re d. Messenger. - .: v.-; p - To repeal a law affecting the r .;.",:' )' porketn, and to leave un- rcwalcd and evea CDonsideredl a ! i mi"! a tba r' ' ; of the peo I (t il nnmo- 1 . ,-J, own ( : 7 be t; a i; -"al'.i i rf r. , but it i ret t 3 r .re: eii tie a i . X. Two men have been shot ia mis- take fer partridfies at Port Jervis, N. Y. Between the' partridge and the toad stood seasons It is getting to be a preoarioas eoantry for care less people to live in. ' A call has beea iasof d for a con vention of prominent oolored men to meet in Cincinnati! oa November 28th to consider the crimes charged to the negroes and.the mob law ex ercised against tbem. 4. friend says that the Journal is not uniform in its utterances oa silver. Oar gieat desire is for the Democratic party to get together, settle the matter and give re'icf to the country. The party Is re' nn - bio, and i not showing i:a n.: oonrage. When Jadge Tbaruiaa acknow ledged that he did not nnsi-rnUud the silver question, we felt Kroat'y relieved. Wehaveal-vaysb i with Thnrman and now we st'n -'iou!-der to shoulder. When tlicie ; di ..- agreement among Democi.ii't i Congress, the c.incns i" the pl..o to Bettle ft. Walter Horton Rbert.of Atl.wM. a leader at the bar no I :n so"if'-'. oommiitd pn'ni cl ir. tl it. c Toesday night,. 0 :t3i. II -son of Oolone! liobert BhidwI' BhttofOharleetoi,oneol'tb-' ii s: distinguished journalists and Ht ,it- - men Soath C iruiinu ever prodaccn. Ee lertno noce, bat it ia supplied that finanoial cnbraiaMir :r wau the cause of ti e sad rragely. LOCAL NEWS. NE W AD VER TISEMENTS. N. Whitford All pork sausage. Chns. Ruizenstein Dog lost. J. W. WaUon Mackintoshes. Mis. D. Q. Sinaw, w!io bus been ill aliout a week was ut tnc point ol" ileiili last n'gbt. There is nut a single business Iioiik i New Berne but wlmt should 'je Icu.ul n the advertising columns of the Journal. Judge H G. Conner of tbc Supeiior court lias resigaed. This was quite a sur prise, ft is said the Judge j wil di vote himself to the practice of law. There are nine more oew cases !' vi'ow fever at New Brunswick and it is bvticved there are many more not reported offi cially. A good substantial .ro;nl bed lca i;ng from Hancock St. up Broud is vi . miieli needed. It is the main thoroug' jiu for getting in and out of the city nnu a good portion of it is quite heavy with sand. Craven county Alliance v. 'II meet bi quarterly session next Friday in the city trad an address will be delivered by Mr. M. L. Wood of the State Alliance at 11 a m. Everybody is invited to att?nd. The report on the deaf-mute and tbc blind institution shows that 234 pupils are present in the white and the colored departments, 162 of these being white. There are 148 tieaf mutes and 92 blind. A Raleigh,)rr-ipondent of the Wil mington Messenger says State Geologist Holmes and Mr. Ashe will devote the winter to investigation of the pine forests in the eastern connties. No doubt good results will follow. The news that was sent out from Wash ington to the effect that J. P. Basket t had been nom'nated as postmaster at Einston was a n 'stake, Mr. J. C. Wooten was the gentleman appointed. Johnny Stewart, son ' of Mr. J. W. Stewart died yesterday afternoon s :rn illness of eleven, dajs. Ee was a very bright little fellow, six years of age. The funeral services will be held at the cem etery this' afternoon at 4:30 o'clock. The nice programme and pren-'um list of the Stato Fair whioh commences on the 18th inst is before us. Tiiere v.-' !l bs in alt eight races five ruovng and three trotting. Tho total race "premiums foot The last term of Wayne county Superi or court 1 said to have been a very ex pensive one) more . than ny couii "mt bar held in a long t'nae. . The suount paid jurors alone was over $400, while the insolvent bill amounts to $508. A large docket was the cause.' ' ' - Mr J. B. DaVis of Florence, a . C., is In the city seeing to the establisb nent of a bottl' ng . business which he wi'l be supenntendent. It : w.U be located at the market dock next to C.j B. Hill's gramary.. . v - - The following item is given to the Wil mington Messenger by a a correspondent : "Tbe trees in the Morehead City ."section are putting out new leaves,' jus. ; as in spilng, to replace leaves which salt spray, biowa by the hurricane of August . S8tb, killed. . Ihe peach and pear trees of that section are also in :-i bloom, . this be'ng another strange result of the great storm. The tame thing occurred- after the Au gust storm 6f 1870. ',i:;.lJ;X r.-jlw-. Dr. P A. iSkinner, of Texsrkanftj Arkansas, is an enthusiast jn the praise of Chamberlain's Tain Balm, i e used it for rheumatism, and Pays: . ' it to be a most t-xcellent ' ' r eiy." For salo by J. V. Prof. Adaats ai Taalerhflt fjalverslty. Rev. U. T. Adams, lata Piiocipai of the New Berne Collegiate Ins :tnt ia bow pursuing theological stud at Van dorbilt University, Nash' lie, Tenn. We know that hit fi lends in general throughout th: community will be glad to hear him we give below an extract from a letter written by bitn to a friend in the city under date of October 2d : ''Arrived at my new home Saturday evening. Have been accorded a cordial welcome by both faculty and students. Tbere arc almut 800 young men here already, and a noble set of fellows they are two. "Am much pleased v.'th the general appearance of everything, and judg ng from the intellectual and spiritual life that seems 1 1 pe mea'.e the i mi e institu tion. I tbir't tin.c pi nt here w:,l re in : in great good to any one who may apire to the attainment of a grand and BJble and wc'.l rounded manhood. Here we come in contact with the best thought aflhe mo: i progressive thT"ikers. This alone is a wonderful help and stimulus to a young man, who is leoV'ng upward and pushing onward. Matriculated this morning end entered at once upon the regular pursuit ol my studies. I atfticiptite with no little pleas ure a ac:i"n of ur iterrupted study. iVe hf e qtiiie a good sprinkling of North Carolina Ihh in attendance. All of wIi.mi ni'li perhaps a B'ngle exreption " . otppj'c favorably with the repre- ( i ;f iny other commonwealth. . "I !iave them I believe from every ! -.i . i t!i'-' I'nion." , "Big Ike" i Back !:. 11.11 Humphrey. , who recently In 1 i t out the in1 uens e stock of Uuxkc i Drape.-, Of Wilmington at rates fur be low northern, wholesale prices and like wise a millinery stock is in New Berne n ;a !i. The goods havo been Brriving for several days and, with bis regular supply makes the Inrgest amount he has ever carried so much so that he has had to rent another store to pack some away i i until he can sell off anil get some room. Crow Is of people among whom lai' es were numerous were at his store yes' r- diy a'tcr the new bargains. Anticipating the ru ib Mr. Humphrey has added two mure salesmen, Mr. T. (J. Pickett, the old exp- nicil salcsmr i ul llusKe ct Draper anil Mr. John I!, llollis, of Stonewall, and all (ire ria ' n; i.s much as they can do. Mr. Humphrey v 'II not fail to tftll of what bn lias. Our people k'low how be is appreciated Iot, and to. show that silm'lar appreciation met Irm durng hii slio stay in W.lmington we copy this mo :l:ig the extremely complimentary and yralil'.ving notice wb'cb the Messen ger made of his departure. Cnpt J. S. Lane Commits Suicide. Earlv yesterday morning CapL James S. Lane, an aged and highly respected farmer of Stonewall, Pamlico county committed suicide by shooting himself in tbc head with a pistol, I ' :ig him self almost instantly. His wife had arisen, but he had not and hearing the weapon discharged she went back to the room and found lit lying on the bed, shot as described. The decca; d leaves a wile, four sons and one daughter, all grown. He moved to Pamlico from Way je county shortly before the war, and at its out break be entered the Confederate sen -ce as Captain of Lane's Company of heavy artillery, which company he orgar - id himself. Of late years Captain Lane had been very much failing in health so that it was with difficul'y he could get around and he had but recently suffered from a spell ofiilncss. He probably committed the fatal deed that term'nated his' fe in a fit of mcloncholy brought on by bis infir mities. DeatU of Mrs. W. B. Planner. Mrs, W. B. Flanner, ot Croatan died yesterday atteruoon of malarial fever after an illness of about two weeks, aged 24 years. Mrs. Flanner, was formerly Miss Liz zie Hunter, of Buntersville, Mecklenburg county. She was a ueice of Mrs. L. L. Hendren and Miss Carrie Maybew, of this city and will be buried here. The i jneral will be he held tomorro w morning from Centenary M. E. church at 9:80 o'clock. Excursion To-moriaw to Geldahoro. There will be an excursion run from New Berne ty Goldsboro and retura to morrow under the auspices of theEear C 'ek Baptist Association, col. ' ' . The train will leave New Beiae nt 8 a. m. sharp, arrive at Goldsboro at 10:25; returning leave at 10 p. m., and arrive at Jiew ierne about 18. ;-,--.' A car for white people will be .attach d. - The fare from the eity tor the round trip will be $l.0O. ; s" ;--i: ti y; The Wilmington Messenger 1 speaks very' commendatory of out f towasmea, M'r, Hilt' Humphrey, as being a , public spirited and hustling man.; 4The Mes senger la right, Mr. Eumphiey has . a plenty of the "set up" about him snd has done valiant services f r News Berne in his endeavor to foa T new enttrorises. bnt as a general rule this class who do the most for the public welfare receive the least thanks and some one else the reward.;-; -.-;- ' -- --t :.- '- ' i coTtos 8AUS.T' ; Friday 140 bales; 7 1-9 to 7 t-fclw Ceaiiaf and (joins. Dr. Geo 8lvcr nd wife returued last nigul fr.mi lliub I'o'tit, MitsAHen t-.a.ili niio hns Iwn v ,i t -ing at Mr. Sa u i llu imii left ivlutu.n home. Mr. J.'-ti Kin. I'agye muster in the W. N. & S H li iiiom'iI up to New Berne wit ii In. lan.ilv M;i rday (rum Wilininytou. Mrs. C. P. .tukttis uf litilton, came down Willi her g an. I el. i',. lien , he chil dren of Mr. .1 H. B. ( ati i a , to visit him. The. steamer Nu limn l,i in tin Kil lowing pa-iRiigm M - W 1! Guiun and child and Miss returning f-om Baltimore; Mr. Itai ili Gi..y ii'tumieg troni Edci.ton w ai iv lie has oecn oa a business t. p, au.'. .M:. Ja.-. II. Bell of lowi' en .'udlu In 1, ..u.ik f. o,n a im ,nt-s tlip to N;riii':,. The Infer-A'aMonai Vaelit Race. The pn 1 n Va' tin' toilav. "ed rec-: b.tweiu the yachts Vigilant will he s-iili'd ' i w'ien tried bc'oie for a !, ' otli liiiats Im I to be 't:i li;.' iv'nii w::i blow- Te lb.- 'a- to'.. ' ing I. o! li l ( llanr at ev.-' Th- s i',-, ' ;'. I I I V " V ic .1 lis ..llauip'ou 'an!, the . 1 ". i r aer V oaiias IVe lit eal s - never r.i't.vl T . I'i Xew Berne ie 'hat As! A 1 ;a X , V.I., sill the m hooner C. ; C. Davidson, U ir;e Howard, cap'.iin, 'il I'liiladelpiiia. New Berne. X. C ;,, Atlantic City, X. J.. has gone ashore on Vi vinia I leach. Tbc crew were saved. The veel innv lC gotten o'V. The schooner .1. Wa rii!;lon, New Berne. X. C, to Somers Po' it, X. .T., went ashore Thuisilav night near Paul Oamiels life s.iv! high on the I. a loss. The i" ' 'v v.' st.u'.oa. She lies d u '1 be a to; al First Service. The Frio Wi" !' -;-::-t ihttreli of Xew Berne is now conr!.'te.l. The finishing Work was dune bv K' !ci I.utiton of Broad reel; r ." '. : I,. I. ;. ter of the cily V'rteidav. The ti d sei vi.-e to le held iu the house w''l lie tomorrow morning at 11 o'clock. Elder Luoton wi" nreach. Every one is invited to attend who will. The meeting will continue throiiohout the week. 1 he church is located on Fle et street between Bio: d and Pollock. BILLS ALLOW A At October Keeling of Count Com missioners. W. C. Brewer per diem &e as commis sioner $21.70 J. A. Meadows per d;em as commissioner $2.50; Bobt. G. Mosely house rent C. Smitnick $2.50; Fannie Williams keeper bouse September $12.50 Irene Cooley cook poor housi $3.00 J. J. Tolson, agt, rations to poor for Sep tember $59.59; Caesnr Boyd 15 cords wood to poor house $45.00; Dr: Leinsier Duffy fees Superintendent of Health and Superintendent of poor August and Sep tember $33.83; Jumcs A. Bryan per diem as commissioner, &c, $11.00; E. W. Suia'.lwood, per ti'ein as commis sioner, iSo. $0.00; M. 11. Cair per diem and mileage as commissioner $8.20 James W. Biddle fees as clerk of Board ol Commissioners &c, $30.95; W. M. Watson C. S. C, 59 tax deeds $14.75; V. M. Watson C. S. C. BarreU's bil' f ir stationery $21.06 W, B. Liio slier' ff,i Board of prisoners for September $118.75 do. taxes listed to C. P. Farmer $53.38 do. expense of taking Isaac Alston to his home in Franklin county $28.29 do. expfinsc of ta: :ng H. P. Canaday to Goldsboro Insane Asylum $8.90 do. execution paid Supreme court incase of Staa v. J. B. B.-ran 7.75; W. B. Lane she! 'if, turnhev fees tor C 'p- tembcr $3.50: do. expense in taking Liz zie Bowen to poor house $1.00; do. N. S Richardson for printing 100 blanks for a 8. C. and backiug same $3.00; Dr. J. W. Duguid holding inquesc over body Harriet Eanks, autopsy &c $18.00; R. P. Williams, W. M. Watson, Jr., W. K. Styron, S. C. Bishop, Ellis Hardy and Idward Jenk'ns, ju ora at inquest Har riet Banks $2.00 each; C. C. Green estate medicines for county poor, &c, for Sep tember $48 50; B. K. Quidlcy jr 'itor court house $10.00; G. A. Hill keeper of Clermont bridge $10.00 E. H. Heath support of Lizzie Wood $3.00; Stephen Kite, support Benton Kite $1.50; Wiley Daws support fo; months September and October $0.00 Nathan Daws support for twd' months-,' September and October, $4.00.-. ' i "I consider Chamberlain's Cough Remedy a specific) for croup, ' Ik k Tery pleasant to tako, which is One i of the most important) requisites where a comedy is intended for us among ehildroa.v I have known of eases of croup where I know the life of a Kt tle one was saved by the use of Cham borlaia'!Coui;a ;v Kenedy.' ; J. LaQrange;' druggist, Atoo,-- Neb. 50 eent bottles for Rale J.T. Jordan. The w Berne Hustler. Mr. Hill Humphrey, whose trading souliriquet is liiff Ike, and w ho hat a quired fame u the "Great Aim m an liankrupt Dealer. ' will leave our city todny to return to New Heme w l . n lie hm bis headquarters. It will bo reiueinlreil lliat Mr. Ilum plirvy loubt tho lianilsoiiie of ,hv iomU lH-loo;ing l llu-ke Jc Diipei. nssipaed, and for the past few monitis lie has Keen in our city 1 isi. i u-r of it in p-nt. A few days ae;o he nli hr-'iigh! out he millinery slo k of Mr T. If. ThonipHOn, snd he In's sliippc I it. along wi.h the Uuske 4 Draper goxj, to N. w Heme, in order to give the people of that lily the licnetit of his bargains. his sojourn in our inal-t, l;i'.' Ike bad made many friends and il i not saving too much to state that during his .t:iy liere he has shown sui h a spirit ot entcrptise and liljei .lity as a I.u-iikss niii'i that it was ho, led he wn.thl .ini': to east his lot in our city. It h .;ii i piotiaile that he shail ilo so, ai. Is - w; ' lie glad if he does, I'm in less tli.ri tli: e mo.itlis ho paid ten tiims .ume :,i ;, ( , Jlllp. IS for Hilvertisillg t rill twelii.-lae prominent houses if Wilmington that we could name. If these tweniv-the were liiglkeaand would invest in piinters's nk like he has done, il inn-ton coal, I fford to publish ne paie;s liiat wouid'nt get out of the way of anv .ml south of l'hiladelphia. While Mr. Humphrey has beea a I ca cti, to the papeis, his adveitisiii;; has paid him, and it would pay others il tin v would only be enterprising and pro-us ve. W 1 1. .Messenger. Excursion to Wilmington. An cxcui'sion train w ill Ik- run '. :;! New- Heine to Wilmington, Sim. lav Oi olief Hill 1311:1. 1 Kaie fir the round trip if I. ".o. Tr: n eaves nt U a. m. lb turning ai ives at U p. in. Tickets on s.ile at if W. X. A: N. H. It. on nioi.iing "lllee I f e ursion. .Iso. S. Man '., Agent A man's size in Heaven depend) apou how much be weighs for Uod on earth. KEPOKl OF THE COMMTION OK TliE National Bank of New Berne, U New Berne, in the Stat.) of North Carolina, at the close of business. October 8J. !b0 !. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts SJ0.853.93 Overdraws, eecurej and un secured 1.570.27 U. S. Bonds to socurn circu lation (eoue) 2"i.i)')o.i)0 Stocks. securities, oic 3ii liaO 'Jl Due from approved reserved ;;onts 1 778.70 Duo from other National Banks 4 !C 64 Duo from Stato Banks und bankers a,Sd6 27 C.iie;iiiK-hiiuse, fui nitiire. and fixtures l'l.OOO.OO Other real mtate and mort- Kages owned 00,07134 Current expenses and taxes paid 2.192-76 Checks and other oasb iteuaa 1 . 2 1 6 . 3 " Bills of other banks 4,198 00 Fractional paper currency, nickels, and cents 767.30 Snecio 28.072.50 Legal tender notes 25,000.00 redemption fund with U. S. treasurer per cent of cir culation) 1,125.00 Total ?110,374.27 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in $100,000.00 Surplus fund 70,000.00 Undivided profits National Bank notes out 34,775.26 22,500 00 10 00 standing Dividends unpaid Individual deposits subject to check 125,210 33 Time certificates of deposit - 65,924.11 Cashier's checks outstanding - 1.126 97 193.267.40 3,187.41 3.634 20 Due to other National Banks Due to State Banks and bankers Total $-110,374.27 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, ) COUNTY OP CRAVEN, ) I, O. H. Roberts, Cashier of the above-named bank, Jo solemnly swear that the above statement is true to tbe best of my knowledge and belief. U. rl. K0EFHT8, Cnalner Subscribed and sworn to before me this 6th day of October, 1893. J. R, B. Carraway, N. P. Correc ; Attest : Jas. A Bryan, ) Tbo8. Daniels, Dircotors. John Ddnn, ) XL 0. BARRlFiGTON, (Successor to Barrington & Baxter) Do you want to buy Cheap Shoes I nAVE AJLOT OP Ziaglsrs Oxfords FOR Ladies, Misses, & Children. Also a few Zieglers Button Shoes whioh I will sell for less than oost. ty Come and see them before they are all sold. W. 0. BARRINGTON. FREE SNUFF. . Ten- pounds Lorillard Salt Snuff given FREE with every 100 lbs. y ou buy of me nnttl ChU 15th. (t lb. glass jars excepted.) The Wholesale Grocer. JIbsoIuicJy Pure I'm. FV' 1 n ni i I;...--. : k n St.. N. i . f stiier I.SMI SI .i". Willi IX TIIK :m. , ,e j'.dg lie tffelit v e inly t Til : ;cri'tH l' l. 'Il"rH, men' is !rait;8 have d . Ik. " - TTt 1 1 M ' m irni . . draw '.pun ' - , iei .i ' i - it! upon i . r .. i Vnii -v ' I- i 'it- c i! , Xi. til I' .. r i . :n largo ili.i! i' i .i. -1- i- ;i.-i. The )'i i- i . ..' .ill prr . i . ,.,:t aiitl the . . . . g ... tint III fs I .1 e li J ' ' -111' trat .' ii..- st n't . . 1 1... .!. he od prove . . s 'nf.uT .. !'. .' .1 . i . ! lie oai polar t- ..r ;i-! by : ; ie' r c-e wo hoiie to ro.u i t i - We e... . ,i " . wi Mi JO ili' - :' . o. r;.i....i ic. Vatd v. -. i -iii- ii.i le. Blue H!on-ii sc e, Iii .aeiio-, liOe. Vi'O liui- -l..l:'' t:e -e .1 colors ri'-l'icnl :o:n I'll !n li.");'. Dress nerf;i' ri c!o.s n-iiiiced fro til ."ill : All wo 1 - rHucod f Black y ! nU atn ; tiuo M.k won .' ' K BJ Baxter, Xi';ir!y ti;K-- !i' iti!-t C'ltin't li. NEW STOaiJ, NEW GOODS 15ur ;.u o: I 1 i .i rbaiKt of the BUSINESS. Late of tht liim of U AKIUSGTON & BAXTEU, has rem ned fiora tbe NOR I'll and is now ready for his '.louds with a personally Nelec ted :!(',; oi cvi rytlnn denired in the w:iv ol HOYS an-.1. Chi Ul rem Clothing AND GENTS' OTHER SCARFS: T.fweFSVw S le Tick htive ti'm'iI. fDou'i fail to see t n n. A choice snpp'y of ladies Dress Goods AND 1XTOTIOKTS All jtiHt arrived from the north ern m irtets. Es; jcial attention in called to oar line of Ladies Fine Hose, inolading extra sizes. Examine our stock for any thing yon want. W. B. SWINDELL. f, . Head Salesman. - We can't bo beat oa quality and prices. ''Mr-r :."V.A?r: See oar fine line of Gents', ?La dies and OhildrenB' Shoes. -' . v.-v. ' . - -- .' - '-. : -;v. -i0 . j aa.i'ouuuai THE HUM 5.1 RACE Can't Gel AIodj Wiftoit Us WEAllEHERE to supply them, and leing here for that purpose, wo are de termined to do it a little better, more thorough", and more advantageously to our customers than any one else. sw Wa Have READY FOR II, SECTION V 5 ' litis S'j-:u- ;i' lii'('s. ' i l'' . M.-Iu-ao iV Kefinery's Kentucky I ii :it- a: mi I jit tcen. j l"n Mils. Wylii- Stpitli & Co's. I Roval ( 'loivn, lincst flour in j tln Wi.rl.l Inn (.' h.m-lit before j tin- ai'ivanco. i bids. ami Syrups Hill I'S LOW. v'.Vi l.s. yoap-lloo Cake, Octa- on, Lisitio; Sum. iVe, ovc. -ii Si-ks. SI; lis All sizes. I'1 Ive-s I'uw.Kt, I-'F - FFF. 1"" bxs C'lieoc Finest ii, the city. "hi tubs Very Finest Huttei-. I'i' kos Lorillanl stml" Spec ial discount of in p.-r cent, v'.". bbls. Gai! .K.- A.v suufT-olb. jars,'.oiy jn ic. : cases Canoed jjjoods All kinds anil descriptions. oun s roc n of 0y Goads, Soits & shoes Is (.'i)iiiik'ti' in t'MTvy way. We also carry a good line of ' Hardware AND ALL FARMING IMPLEMENTS IX FAQ' WE TRY TO KEEP A , General Stock OUR PRICES when QUALI-'. TY is Considered cannot " he beaten. 1 i1- Respectfully,".; New.NVs.47 & CO Pe"