IT - u JL-ILIJ VOL. XU.--NO. 183, NEW BERNE, N. C, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 1. 1893. PRICE 5 CENTS. BCSI5ESS LOCALS. 1UCKWUEAT and Maple Bvrrjp. i pie Bvrrjp. 0. XL f?LOVER KINS Suit Fed Beef t ten ceoli pound. Pork unci all Pork Saoaagsa tins rooming. , N. Whitford. - . ' ' OLD Thompson has com, and yon can tea biin at 3. F Taylor's.- ----- tf. TO LEX Comfortable rooms in resident occupied by undersigned. Front and rear entrance. Nojubllclrea on premise. Apply to Hugh J. LoTick. tt. FOUND on tbe road not far from Wash ington a bunch of flvti flat key. "Apply at Jockhal office. . d&wSt. SPECUL Bala Kid Gloves-We hare now on tale 500 pair Ladies: Eld Gloves at 69c. ' Tbeae Glove are' worth from f l.SS to f 3.00 pair. O. Marki & . Bon. 0291W) .- BHOAD Btreeta Oyster Market, near cor oer Broad and Middle. Beat Oysters market affords. Nelson Say on hand. J. 11. Blade. ... o82w LOST About three or four week ago a gentleman's scarf pin gold twisted in shape of. bird's nest ' with diamond in center. Finder, will be liberally rewar ded by leaving same at Jodhnal office. o2 lw. .- . . WANTED A First class latheman to take charge or steam lathe. Apply to O. E. Watbes, Broad , street Carriage ' Factory. . . tf EQG8,- Chickens, Mattamuakeet apples apd sweet potatoes at Bragaw A R'cnard son's. Market dock, '; tf. HENRY BROWN, comer' Mace's ilrug store, has oysters fine and cheap. tf. ' WANTED 'A class of about ten pnplti . at her home 58 New. street, hours lrom 8 to 12. For futher particulars apply to " 1 W.'- XlS8 WlIJJR L. KKUKBKK. . m TO GET best resalts from Hyacinth . and Easter Lily Bulbs get them potted' at : the earliest possible moment after Sept 1st. Come around and select them now. Have also Amarillis bulls and Camellia Japonic plants. : R. Serbx. FOR RENT A large and commodious dwelling; Apply to W. ti. Unnson. . FIFTY THOUSAND LATHS for sale. Free from knots . and extra width and : length. Apply to B. . C. Hamilton, Jr., or at A- N. 0. freight office. D. C. McMILLAN, Investment Securities. 150 Nassau St., New York City. No transactions on margin or for speculation. Correspondence Solicited.-,- , ' tt GO To fkresi'a horse Store for Livery Fine roaster, at Street's Hone store. THY THE Jovbral basin ess local Colum. Only ten cents a line for first insertion and five atierwards. ., . ' .. . .u. . Old . Jack 'Frost wil soon begin bis annual game of fretze-ont. - V . Mr. Grady Rends as a- late copy of the Chicago ' times containing many articles of interest. Cod found the fallow who thinks that' his oonaUut prattle in the edt torial room gives (oroe and elegance to the next morning's paper. " . Placed squarely on a get some-thing-for-nothing platform Been a tor Peffer woold make a picturesque Presidential candidate. : Those persons who predioted that there would not be an extraordinary sessiotr-ol Congress ' were simply .mtstaxen. . . , -v ' . The Virginia Election takes place next Tuesday In some counties Populists have made gains, but Democrats are confident of an easy victory. ;"v -Vx If the cotton Kings will .manage to run up the price thirty or forty points this week it will do the Dem boratio party lots of good in Vir ginia. . ' The New York police are not to be vaccinated ;- nntii after election, They may need to "bear , arms daring -the . coming battle" of the i iiiots, : :-: -:-v'',. The Hew York Herald announces t'.at it will print pic tores of the I rettiest babies in Amerloa in its n.lay issue. It will have to print t veral million tfit does that Who ever heard of a badj that wasn't 1 ;!ie prettiest!" - A man who had taken laudanum i admitted to the Pennsylvania ital on Wednesday. When 1 why he attempted suicide he 1 tbac. he was" despondent a Lis wile was ; out of work e f'.-l'.ow fortunate dies the good iu will probably be able to , 1 1. r. If. Many women have 'i time at best, but when In a to other troubles they have ) men on their hands it is rry, who has been in ct Elkton, Ky., for Fays: "Cham 't pivei bette '-or oongh ' " There LOCAL NEWS. SEW AErXBTISKXXSTS. ; Howard. " . " O. Mark A Sno Ed glovea. ' ; H. J. LoTick Rooms to let, '". N. WhitTord-Beof and Sausage. C. E. Slorer Buckwheat, ttc -J. F. Taylor Old Thompson has come : - COTTOJT BALSA -Tnesda'y-5 bales, 7.40 to 1M. Pernum's'' sot dead yet. . There a. now 170 pupils in the A. A M. College. - Tbe colored State Fair bold next week in the State Fair Ground at Ral eigh. : Two men are nnder sentence of death In Winion, Hertford county jail. They are to be hung Deo, 18tb. . The Ladle Missionary Society of the Baptist Church will meet at tbe parson age this afternoon at 8:80. Mr. Cba. Hines, the visiting taffy-man," has moved hi tent from Broad street to Middle, next to Mr. E. D. Bangerts jew airy store. Reports Indicate that partridges are plentiful this year despite the cold of last winter. which it was feared would nearly exterminate them. The comer stone of the new and hand some court bouse in Fayetteville will be laid at 01 o'clock this morning by the Giand Lodge of Masons. The Voorhees bill passed the Senate by amsjorityofeleven. It now goes to the House. Ransom voted for the bill, Vance against It. Messrs. Watson A Daniels made the largest shipment of green peas yesterday, 188 boxes, Mr. J. L. Rbem sent off 64 boxes ami Mr. J. McSorlev 24, a total of 267 boxes. The steamer New Berne took them out. A purse containing nearly (200 was lost on the street yesterday. It was found by Mr. M. E. Wbitehurst's Utile son George, and the owner, a gentleman in tbe city on business, traced by Mr. White hurst and made happy by the r turn of h's property. Pipe laying for the water works will no donbt soon be going on. The City Coun cil have notified tbe compi ly that they are at liberty to go ahead with that part of the work the 1st of November (today) and afterwards. Memorial services in honor of the late Rev. J. C. Pilce, D. D., Jcol., President of Livingstone College will be held la St. Peters, A. M.E. Z. church Sunday at 8 o'clock in tbe afternoon. All citizens oi both races aie invited to attend these services. - Today being All Saints Day there will be service - with Holy. Communion at II o'clock. V The annual meeting of. the Bervsnce Society will be held at 8 p. in in tbe church. A full attendance of all members and other interested Is earnest ly requested. .- The seeming rally of Mrs. Alice Roper in the early part of Monday night was deceptive. After the hopes of friends were strongly raised she. became worse and despite all efforts in her behalf, she expired at quarter past three Tuesday morning. - Bho was burned in the after noon, the funeral being held from Han co :k street M. J. Church. :: Eureka i Lodge No. 7, IL 0. O.F. of New B$rne sent off twenty-five dolla yesterday to the Brunswick yellow lever sufferers. The generoumess of the gill will be better appreciated when it .is re membered that 'the members had con tributed as citizens to the general fund that was sent from here' last Week to BrunswickV!fi?''; 'w' v Vii'ri :- The electrio sheet railway.' company have been granted an extension, of time and have a justified . bond accordingly;. According to present arrangements they are to have the street cars running by the 1st of Eebruary, 1884. The - extension la granted to enable the comyany to put in a new and better system waich does away with the wires overhead. " A mery time was had by those who at tended the Halloween party yesterday evening gotten up by the S. W. L. Soci ety. There was bobbing for apples, the dutch doll, the holly branch, frying grid dle cakes other methods of fortune tell ing and ways of having sport, carried out in a very lively manner; - ConfecUonaries wen distributed freely, and a delightful time had in general. - i.',"-' " ; 1: v; i . Capt. Andrew Gatlin's new : river steamer which he has . been , building at Vanceboro to take the place of the old steamer' Carolina. which gave out ' has been brought down to the city for finish' ing. - She is 80 feet long and 23 feet across the deck and will no doubt prove s good serviceable boat. The machinery used Is the same as that' in the Carolin and the new boat bears the same name. As the steamer Nettie W. was coming down Ncuse River yesterday, it Was dis covered that she was on firehad caught by sparks from the Black. It happened just before she got to rTarriss' landing,and the crow put it near enough out that they couhi come on to tbe city, where tuo fire was looRed alter tuoroi: 'ilv.fcomc r-f the men were in close pWs. EUe had "! I '3 of cotton ' and 23 tLov,.u i rn board, but Very little dams; It BbmIc KstawB. N , ' GoLCenoao, Oct. f7. . .j Vs. EDrroa -In passing through your city today I otk another glaring impouuoB oi me Lxpim uorapwy vpva tbe fish and oyster dealer of New Berne and Morebead City. . Fifty-six bores of flab, shipped to va Hons points in North and South Caroli na, Virginia and West Ytarinla, was left standing slung the railroad track in the out Druumg sun tor two noura, wuiie w water from the melted ice 3a to the cubing. This will leave the fish anflt for use at their desUnation, and entail great loss in money and reputation to the sntppers. i tner not some reares ior such wrong I From reliable authority. I learn the same thing happened yesterday, and it appeals u me mat id raw coargcu vj the express company ah uld make tbem liable lor plenary damages in the matter. I am convinced any e?or. the Argus may make to right this rong will lie greatly appreciated by tbe entire fish interests of the SUte. A. Hatch rr. The above is timely aid meets with the entire approval of the Argns, which has frequently in the past complained of this same thing. We ask our correspondent -e"Is there not soma red-ess for such wrong t" Goldsboro Argns. Tbe above letter -aad comment from the Aigus presents plainly and sharply to tbe public a shameful condition oi affairs in the express line of public service. One of tbe fish deale.-s of New Berne tells us this is'no new thing; it has been going on lor years and the matter has over and over again been called to the ex press company's attention bnt nothing brs ever been done but unquestionably in he . neather the fish should either be trans ferred direct from one car to the other or protected by a permanent or tempor ary shelter placed where needed. Instead of this care be taken, fish have been shipped from New Berne in elegant conditson with ice sufficient, if handled properly, to carry them to Boston, and vhen tbe fish would leave Goldsboro there would be no ice in them. Not only wi.uld they be left out in the hot broiling ing sun on such warm days as last Friday but also during the excessive heat of midsummer, that would not take long to leave no ice in such a box if ever filled to the br'm with nothing else. As the correspondent of the Argus says, lis lack of care on the part of tbe e press company entails on tbe snipper, on of h's fish, loss to a certain extent of his reputation for getting his stock to hn customers in good condition, and los Of the fo'ght charges, for whatever hap pens tbe Expss company demands and C3l!ects its cha.'ges whether the fish spoil or not. On the matter of high rates and dcis criminating rates, tbe express company may squirm and lay the blame on the railroads, for not giving the company better terms so they could pass it on to the shipperj but in this case snch will not work, th-'s fault lies in the exprers company and they must shoulder tbe blame. Having entered into the agree ment and being paid for the service they aie in honor bound to' care for what is entrusted to them while tin transit and if they are net legally bound it is hoped that the day is not far distant when they will be. Tbe attention of the railroad comnr'ssion is needed. Coming and Golnj. Messrs. W. W. Clarke and P. H. Pel letier returned last night from Jones county court Mr; Graham Daves returned from visit to relatives at Wilmington Mr, and Mrs. Lewis Brown, Mis Ge: trade Brown. Mr. Lewis B. Brown, Jr., and Mr. Charter W. Puritan came in on tbe steamer Neflg and left last night by rail for Beaufort to spend the winter at Mies Sarah Davis'. -' - Mr. Geo, L. Morton, - of Wilmington came in last night to spend a day or two in the city on business and pleasure Mrs. Morton accompanied him, They are stopping at Hotel Albert - . Au exchange states that at the. A. & M. College a brick buildlig is being erected to be used ss a dairy, and that the wat used is to be taken from a spring, near by. No mention is made of where the milk is to come from. . , , " '? . K The match game of foot ball - for the championship of the State came off tt Durham Ba turd ay. Trinity won I by score of 6 to 4. It was , thought to be the finest game ; ever played in the Bute. - X- - ''-';" - : - The Goldsboro Argus speaks at follows concerning onr present truck shipments 'Daily shipments of .green peas snd. Irish potatoes second crop are coming' up by freight from Kcwbern and going north..' Truly "is ; North ,Carolina-rnd eastern North Carolina , in : particular especially favored. - We have the great est State in the Union." - j "It it better to wear a good t overcoat than a gold watch' f " v ; . If yon can't afford both by all means get the ocrerooat and when yon need it a trial; we may have the very thing yon are look ing for. Do you need any winter nnder wear, if so we have what yon want, and at as close a price they can be got for in the city. Ee- memter we are the only men's fur. n;.,S.:.- store in the oity, .that r - .3 u;s Drancn 01 business ex- : A Chlekra Freak. W bale seen and read of many carl oatries ia the chtckea line, but toe M. A now bss ia it poasessioa the greet" monstrosity of tbe sort on record. The ehickea was presented to us a day or two ago by nr. L I Little, o. Laiervuic township. Tnere is no doubt in to woria mat u fowl is a ben, or le laid tbe (eggV ' oa tbem snd raised a brood of chickens last spring. Up tu that time there was nothing in her appearance tbat would distinguish her from soy other hen, b it soon afterward she began shedding and toe new leathers that took tbe place or the old ones were as br'lllnnt in hue as was ever the plumage of tbe proudest roo 'er. Tbe hen now, except her bead, which still that of a ben, is as perfect a roos ter in appearance aa was ever seen. In deed, if it were not lor tbe undoubted evic1 wee that goes to prove this freak a nen, it would be impossible to believe that such wss tbe fact Her plrmage i slmoat exactly the color of that spotted by tbe handsomest ot brown leghorn roosters.- Wades bo ro Messenger-Intelli gencer. Why He Went Into the Army. When Charles Dudley Warner was the editor of the Hartiord (Conn.; Press, oacK in to sixties, arousing tue pat riotism of the State by bis vigorous ap peals, 0 ie of the t"psetlers came in from tbe composing-room, asd planting him self lieforn the editor, acid: "Well, Mr. Warner, I've decided to enlist in the army. iih mingled senrations of pride and responsibility, Mr. Warjer rep'.ied en couragingly that be wss glad to ee that the mau Iclt tie call of dut "Oh, it sn't thU," said the truthful compositor, out J tl ratner be sjot than try to set any more of your copy." And no-body enjoys te'l'ng the story more than the brilliant author ol "Mv Bummer in a Garden." Troy Times." Tbe Wilkesboro Niwb says: "Last Friday Mr. Thos. Southerlin, of Ashe, shipped seven cars loaded with cattle irom tins place, rive or tue cars were loaded with the finest two-year olds ever seen in this part of the couotiy. We understand that about three hundred head will be shipped f 301 here Saturday. This is a g eat shipping point." The Best Plaster. Dampen a piece offlannol with Chamberlain's Pain Balm and bind it on over the seat of pain. It ia better than any plaster, Whin the lungs are sore suoh an ap plioation on the chest and another on the back, between the shoulder blades, will often prevent pneumonia. There is nothing so good for a lame back or pain in the side. A sore throat oan nearly always be , ured in one night by applying a flannel bandage damp ened with Pain Balm. 60 cent bot tles for Bale by J. V. Jordan. List of Letters. Remaining in the Post Office at New Berne, Craven county, N. C, Oct. 28, 1SU3. B Miss Martha A. Bryant, Miss H n- rietta Blight, Mies Cerrie Benders. U H. A. Uolliiis, Mrs. Bally Chisner. D Edgar h. Durboran, Mr. J. Din- k.ns. E Wan en Easons. G Killis Green. H Miss Eliza Hoi po tan. H Mrs. Elizabeth Keueda cr. R. J Hymon. L Mrs. Joseph Lewis. M- -Mrs. Virginia A. Moore, Miss Nan cy Morgan. Mrs. Hanna Midget Y Aiirea rapter. R Benjamin Rigdon. S J. A. Simmons, P. C. Shephaid, ue J1' bnepneia. T xi. U. Tbacker. W Miss Emma J. W'.'Jiams, Mrs. W Waters, Benjamin Whitfield, Miss Ella Wr hington. Persons calling for above letters will please say advertised and cive date of list Tue -epilations now require that one cent shvll be collected dh the delivery of each, advertised letter. Wm. E. Clabkb, P. M, For Everthing You WANTGOJTO J. F. Taylor's Where you oan come as near getting it aaanjwhere lathe city. He ha just returned from New York and is busy getting In, marking np and piaoing we goon in position. : HIS.kOTTO IS ANYTHING I0U WANT. The Wholesale and' Retail Trade that is In need of good In bis Una will do weu co eau ana see . , ; j. F.lTAYLOR' Who ha S larra stock of GrooeriM. dootb. cnoe. nuDner uooaa. un uiotn Ing, Rone. Paints. Oil and risharmen'i Supplies and Large Drive in TOBACCO kept In his store, 18, 80 and U Middle Street. - . t7-Ooir aw' See him. Hi Goods and Price win Make you Buy w newer xou want to or now ' ' ; WE ShlLL Choice Timothy- Hay , $1.00 per hundred pound.'; i Oats, Corn, Eosiiiy, Bran, Fee " A AND I ALL HHTD3 CEI3)S. . . . - Craven Street pure A oream of tartar baking: powder HUrhest of all in leavening strength. Latest U kited States Ootehnment Food Report. RovtL Basing Powdkb Co.. 106 Wall St.N. Y. THE BEST SHOE For the Money Just Receiv d. A LINE OF A. A. Battle $2.50 Mens Calf Shoes, Warranted by the Manufacturer. AT THE RED FRONT STORE, NEAR HOTEL ALBERT, A. J. SMITH, New Berne, N. C 1,000 BAGS OF SHOT. ALL SIZES. AT TOWER'S (PRICES ;for sale. F. Ulrich, NEW BERNE, N. O. J.W. SMALLW00D, NO. 71 BROAD, ST. hoice Family Groceries A Full Stock of EVERYTHING, And Everything IS Bran 3T-w Favor us with a cull and we will try to please you. TO COTTON GINNER3 ! Before placing your orders for Bagging and Ties for the Coming Season. Be Sure to Call on K. R.Jones Wholesale and Retail Dealer in General Merchandise. New Berne N. .ti lt will pay yon. J.J.Baxter, Nearly opposite Baptist Church. NEW STORE, NEW GOODS E. 3?. Reed & Oo's. CELEBRATED LADIES' SHOES, 17BS SURE TO SEE THEM ...'. 1-.- -"m . . d v s Just Received a New Lot of LADLES, CHILDREN AND mSSESTJNDERWARE. Ba Sure and See Those ; COATS , TTjT ATy'ARE SO SPECIAL NOTICE I LADIES and GENTS HANDKERCHIEFS. Sample lot St PRIME COST. The line consists of Plain and Em broidered linen, Plain white and colored Silk and some very cheap Cotton ones all good value. LADIES CLOAKS It will pay you to see them before Uuylng. I want the men to take a look at my latest STYLE DERBY'S Also LINE of CLOTHING BEHOLD THOSE STORM OVEUCOATS, How They Fit ! How They Wear ! ! And Oh How Cheap. I am Still Agent for those Zieglers Shoes for Ladies and Children. Cros sctts Shoes for Gootlemen, every pair warranted to give satisfaction. Tbe Old Statcn Island dyeing Estab lishment is Btill doing good work. Bring on your old garment and have them made to look as good as new. W. 0. BABH1NGT0N. D. F. JARVIS, A Complete Line ofOress Goods. The Latest Styles in Hop Sacking, Storm Serges, Ladies Broadcloth, Henri ettas, Plain' Serges, Flan nels, &c, With Trimming Silks, Velvet, Gimp, Braids and Fur to Match, JUST RECEIVED Another lot of those 38 & 41 Inch AU WOOL SEUf ES at 39 cts. Ca'l anil see them before the best styles are t.ikcn. I also make a specialty ol CAHPETS. MATTINGS and FLOOR OIL CLOTHS of which I havo a lare stock of the VERY NEWEST DESIGNS and COL ORINGS. MOQUET, FUR and SMYR NA RIGS. I hnve also nmile to oulir the REST and NICEST line of LADIES', MISSES and CHILDREN'S SlIoESin the city. Centemeri and Foster Kid Gloves. D F. JARVIS, 03 Pollock St., New Iicrne, N. C If B DUFFY Ever alive to the wants of his customers has made a BIG DEAL During tho past week in buying a laige stock of Dress Goods, which ho is Rolling at pticen that will KNOCK OUT Auy competition in that Line." J Worsteds at 8c. Doable Fold at 10c. " "Cashmere inches wide 15c. Doable Fold 25c; Cashmere 3G inches wide 20c. Double Fold 35o; Cashmere 3G inches wide 25c, Silk Warp Henrietta, Black $1.25;Grade . $1.00 Silk Warp Henrietta, Black $1.00 Grade 85c. All wool very fine quality Black Henriettas, 40 inch wide, reduced from $1.00 to 85c. This sale will begin TUESDAY, OCTOBER 24th o And continue all the week. This sale will comprise the Dress Goods Stock of Huske & Draper of Wilmington, N. O., recently purchased by New Berne's celebrity Among the stock there are some more expensive DRESS GOODS That have ".been reduced to lesftthan first cost. ' " , ' CP" Do not aU come at once. ; - ' ftapectfally, - LEARN ivisDor.i tf X ft) C o CD It Is TtLe OF WISDOM To Investigate Before BUri3XTC3r ; All We Ask Is An INVESTIGATION OF OUR PRICES AND QUALITY. UrUIHIVrlBIIBsaVSnSV . ; 'v wmfmeammmmmmmmmmm sasaSaflsalSsaBaBaVBHBBVBaVBSawl .'y idi sawsaw XJiai ": '-' L-J p-l f- V- 3 3-' si a- --y. o 'O o ca, , . t a - I - . 4 4.' f- t ' S7VUSH. jr.ii.nowAED. L7 Bushels Eioe Wanted 3EX 33. PiTfTy,

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