s r THE JOURNAL. 5 ' ' ToafM Twbtbtonw -v , ... ... , . . rvx hiw laiaua aiicaa. - aigm wwor, low iDuorTiwr. -A grvwinf fleaa flowing tra. KUa. of Zraahty tried fljrlnr flah. Tb aea eeaaeU aid It inffloeU A box ot mixed bubonit, a nixed Maoui box- The Meat braes blighted, the brirht Moom IMoaaoair. Rtrtat itmr Rtanaaa Rtrinrer iun4 allra-lw ale- ataklv ailkv - 8wm awa erer the iea; awlm was, awlm; awaa awam back again wan tin awaa. It if a aaaae. Bam. Tia all aaaaa.Bam. aad ashaaie it is to " akaai ao. Bam. Boaaaahlaea ahoea and aocka; Boeka aad aboea ahioe Soaaa. She peaaeth ahtaiog ahoea and socks, foe aaocOad aocka ahook Hasan. Bobertf Bowler rolled a round roll round: a round roll Robeut . i 1 1 j -i . v n j Aowict ruuou iwuu; worrc rvucu the rouad roll Robert Roley rollep round. Oliver Ogle-thorp ogled an owl and oyeter. Did Oliver Ogtetborp ogta an owl and oyster! It Oliver ' Oflethorp ogled an owl and oyster where are the owl and oyster Oliver Oglethorp ogledT Sammy Shoemaker saw a shriek lag songster. Did Sammy Shoe maker aee a shrieking songster! If Sammy Bhoemaker saw a shriek ingaongBter,where'H the nhriek;Dg songster Sammy Shoemaker mk. Hobba meets Snobs ami Nnlis Hobbs bobs to Snobe and 'obe; Hobbe noba with Snobe and roim Nobba' fob. "That is,"s ? Nobbe, "the worse for Hobba' job," a:id Snobbs aobe. The Language of the Umbrella. An umbrella carried over a wn man, the man getting nothing but the drippings, of the rain, indicate courtship. When the order of things is re versed, and the man has the um brella aad the woman the drip ping, it indicates that tbey are married. To trail yonr umbrella along the ground, means that the man be hind you ia thirsting for blood. To carry it at right angles under his arm signifies that an eye may be lost by the unfortunate person who may be behind you. To press an umbrella on yonr friend, aaying- "Oh do take it; I had muoh rather you would than not," signifies lying. To give a friend half of your um brella, signifies that you will get wet. To place a ootton umbrella along side ot a silk one, signifies "Ex change is no robbery. To lend an umbiella, indicates yoo are a fool. To return au umbrella means well, never mind what it means, nobody ever does it. The Student Who Wins. Is a plodder. Has high ideas. Ia always on time. Is frank and manly. Does not kuow it all. Takes plenty of sleep. Lays broad foundations. Is thoroughly in earnest. Is loyal to his instructors. Believes In the golden rule. Does his level best every day. Ia not in too muoh of a hurry. Plans his work and works his plan. Takes due measure ot physical exercise. Is willing to have his weak spots pointed out. Is patient in' the presence of the greatest difficulties. Does not allow his mind to be filled with athletic nonsense. Does not allow social life to en croach upon his study hours. Is the staunch friend of every fellow who is having an uphil fight. Baa definite aims, and works steadily toward their attainment. Plasters. If you are thinking about buying a plaster, remember that you will place it upon your body and cannot get a plaster that will be too good for you. Allooek's Porous Plaster U the best plaster made. Your druggist may have some other plaster on his shelves which he is anxious to get rid of, or eke some worthless imitation purchased at a low price for the pur pose of substitution. Do not accept his "Just as good" plea, insist upon having the genuine. Allcock's Po rous Plaster has no equal. Brandreth's Pills can always be relied npon. Voxpopuli vox Dei! cry the Pic'. tectionist organs as they point to the results of the Tuesday cyclone. Let it begranted that the voice of the people, delivered when no Fed eral issue was involved, was in favor of protective tariffs. At two previous eleotians, when all the States voted instead of less than one-third, and when the instant and upermost issue, clearly put ad hotly discussed, was the ne cessity for Tariff Reform, the peo ple drdared with greater positive- : sees ana voctieration for reform. To which voice should Congress give eaxt The voice direct and po tential, or the voioe indirect and oneerteint - A woman to remain beautiful in fe should pot ooametlca on her ouL not on her face. -v Cheerfulneea or joyonanesa, ia tha hstma ar ham nvantainir Dot , potto uuivee. : , PLXAS.I.ST TO THE TASTM, I a taa lacag, Iim at la tactr actual but aa nnal la (Wr leaalta. That fairly a in 1. ftarvwa faail falwta. la avary ateordar of Jkm Urm, awjenara, aad bowata, taej give a lajftna Par BTBoian. Jaaadtoa. Iadlreatev, CcewWpatlrm, Du itriaea. Boor Bkanaoh, aad Hick or BiUoaa Baadacaaa, tbar ara aha aotwrai remedy. ThayYa ttnr, angar - coated granolaa, eraroaiy larger thaa Bustard aMoa a comaoaad ot raflaad and eoncantratad Tagatabla axtrada, Pat op in aealed Tlak, alwave treah and ra aabla; a eoBTankmt Teat-pocket reraedy. ThayYa gmarmid to gira eeUafarUcm, la Irary caaa, or roar money tt returned. Any arnertmeDttng with Catarrh In tha Head hi dangemtm. Sartooa truubiea reeult (ran Hi being driven to the throat and tunc. Ur. Bag Catarrh nanny. oy na aum, nothing, cUanilng, and healing propertiea, wont canoe. It proprietor! offer iiOO re ward for any meorabla oaea. rTholesale Market Caaatrr Pro aee Live stall fin! t ltlc, ('.-, prune led, 4a5c, ) reused beef, 4c, i nwcil liinl iiiiarU rsV. Breswax. 20. Corn, 45c. Cotton, 7.40a7 TO. Chickens 4 )5,'.o pair. Tiling, Vuckn, Eng. 40a50o., Mu i.vy 5Or,0c. F.Rg, 10c. Field Pens SOaBOc. Fresh pork, 7 l-2aXi ls. Oeese, 7.r-.a$1.00. lliilcs Drj flint, 2 l-2.i:k; lry sail 3 reon, 11-4 Mattamuskect npplns 40c. Outs, 40. Onions, f 1 .50 a J2.00 per barrel. Peanuts. 7'i a'.K) N. J'ntrttiK-, llali.Miias, :itl; v:im, ;l(la4lk per l'(!-!ie!. Sinrji. i-!ic red, 1.H0 ,l ..0. Sheep. I'n' v.,..,; .Mi TniKe- f l.'jl.T"). Wool 10 In I V. l.i-t of l,elii rs. IUmaiu;? ill - '',..-! o.lito a, Ni n Beme. C.avt . !v. N. . Nov. 4 1 B V. ir. i:i."nl. Mis- I'.uMi.., Hn.un. Jos. liakrr, Mi. M.n v Lmiife Knticr, F. Urvant. C Eugene I.. CoeKer 1. .In. i.ii.ib C'olerann. fs. I.ci'ir t , K Miss Ch: b.i i no Kniul. ("'apt. II Ewi'll, .Iaiii! Ejbui1. ( -Mi's. Clov A (-rier, Mi.vj L..'t Oreo, Dick Gieen, 1".. J. liritHn, J.aiue? Gri'-.lcs. H N,uire 11,11. M'.-a .lae. Annie 11.--roiy. M:. Annie Ilalili, Mi.-s llallle Hose, II. IJarfreti. J .Miss Harnali Joliii-on. K ScepL;-n Ku "I I. L C A. Eoviek, hamucl Lofton, uieliard S. l.on'. M Costii.a Alive Cinta Marbctli, Mr Mackncal, Mrs. Eminy Murray. V J. II. l'owell, Miss Annie roniley It Miss A. E. Unbeii. 8 Eliza Smith, Mrs. Fanny Smith, Mrs. Marycret Sutlon, E. J. Simmcrlain, James Slover, Mrs. Emma Simmons, Mrs. Marry Shiver, I). C. Shepanl, Alsou San er, Hicbard li. Sialen. W Mrs. Sarah White, ('.. A. White, M. S. Wood. W. N. Walers. Hev. R. J. Wallen. Miss limit U i iilini. Persons calling lor above letters will p'ease s.iy iiiki :ve date oflisl. The ren'iiiioii'i in w reoe're (hat one cent slmll lie r.lic. nl on . ic dcl'vcrv of each nilerlitnd lel'i-r. Wm. E. C'lahke, T. M J.J.Baxter, (Fjrmerly of Brrlaf too 4 Baxter ) lias Just Received a Supply of the E. I. Roed & Go's. CELEBRATED LADIES' SHOES, My specialty every pair war ranted; also a full line of ladies Dress Goods and Trimmings. See my $12.50 Black Dress Suits. They can't be equalled in the ci'y. G. T. Hudson of Tollocksville, will be with me through the winter months and will be glad for hia friends to come and see him. NOTICE TO TAX PAYERS. To the Tax Payers of Craven Co ; I am again notified by the Commission ers ni Craven County that I must settle with them at an early day. The law allows me to collect by dis tress alter Nov. t. l'lense come for ward immediately and pay your taxes or I shall be completed to levy on your prop erty. Don't ask lor extension of time. Pay now and win! co-Is and trouble. This is the last ea l I shall make lor the taxes of lty.1. W. B. LANE, Sherill Craven Co. n8dlw wit Cold W&va Gcmine, GET HEADY Foit IT. We haveja full line of HEATING STOVES. L E CUTLER. & CO. GRAINERY & FEED STORE, Seed Oats, Seed Bye, Seed Wheat, Crimson Glover, No. 1 Timothy Hay and all kinds Eeed for horses and cattle. Also Bagging and Ties at GHAS. B. HILL'S, East Bide Market Dock. New Berne, N. O. . (alwSa ft BRISTLES!!! You're heard of the man who ooly needed Brlatlee to be a rorkerf If job aee him aead him to na. We're got the Bristle for him. Our Brio tlea ate mad loto the flaeat lot of bruahea ever eeen. Clothe brushes, tooth bruah ea, shoe brushes all kind of bruahea. Gko. W. Gaskill. About Prescriptions. The beat of Medicines are none too good for sick folk. It bad enoogh to be aick without running chanoee with second grade drag That's the re neon; buy only the very highest quality of everything, it's a great sat inf,iction to us to know that every prescription we send out is juntas good as pure drags will make it. No mat ter what you paid for it you couldn't get better. Gko. V. Gaskill. To Perfume Properly. S icliet Piiwder i necessary. What kind you will use de i.ei.di oi yonr owe taste. oi'. n.ijs in drawers and i lit ;n .- to i bit lies that ! : c 'v nimincl odor i- i f n line n . . .... popular i . .. .. v, !. the new "U'i. :, V. Vf.'' It is sweet, i i 1 . penetrating. Vjiiu. V. Gask LL I ll.Wr. N HAND A LA iiG. LINE OF MIo A;) BOYS ALSO A tllJOI) LINE OF HOYS" Sl'ITS, WLilCll I WILL SELL AT N. Y. COST. Come eailv and jjei your choice. A I SltllTH. No. 79 Middle SI. J.W Sfif ALLWODD, NO. 71 liUOAO, ST. Choice Family Groceries. A Full Stock of EVERYTHING, And Everything IS Bran IVTew Fuvor us with a cull aud we will try "to plense you. JUST RECEIVED A FINE LOT OP Florida Oranges 30and 40 ets., per dozen. Banana zd cts per dozen. Lemons 25 Cts per dozen. 5 lb. baekcts Concord Grapes 20 cts. Tcnnoy's Bon-Bong and Chocolates arrive weekly. Taffy Chocolate, Walnut and Va nilla made fresh every day. ITotcl Brunswick, Frank Tellers and Manboue Company Fine Cigars. Meercliaum and Briar PIPES. NEW BUCKWHEAT, Flour, ef Tripe, Pigs Fed, Loose Jelly Ten Cents per Pound. AtG. D. BOWDEN'S. 1,000 BAGS OF SHOT. ALL SIZES. AT TOW U'S PRICES FORSALK X F. UlricHp . KEW BEESTB, K. a " ID GLOVES! BY MAIL. (pcwr-rArD.) A.trtoxxtioii Is Directed to cur e tensive line ef Kid Gloves Id all tie LATE fflIB aid Colors for flaj or Evening Wear. Out-of-town Patrons Promptlv SERVED BY MML. W. H. & R. S. Tucker & Co. RALEIGH. N. C. JOE K. WILLIS, PROPRIETOR Or Eastern tiorti Camilla Garble Works NEW BERNE. N. a IMbm mU Ammimt JfarM md QMJtKai JTaajrM Orders solicited and givon proper at tention, witb satisfaction guaranteed. Terra Cotta Vases for plants and flow en furnished at the very lowest rates. FALL AND WINTER Samples of all tho LATEST NOVELTIES in Gents' Suitings. Prioes Reasonable at E. SAWYER, Fashionable Tailor. South Front St. 143m Just Reciived A Fresh Lot of Fine Northern Apples, Cabbages, Irish Potatoes. FRESH CORtfED BEEF, Portsmouth Mullets and Pip Feet Also a full line of CANNED GOODS, from the factory, Evaporated Apricots, Raisins, Cranberries, etc., etc, TOGETHER WIM A FULL LINE OF Choice family Groceries. J. R. PASStR j No. 77, Broad St. A desirable residence, 6 rooms. ' Near corner of Broad and Craven. Recently occupied by Mrs. Rhem. Apply to . noflw. v- J. MOORE. ' Organ For Sale, ; : Ona 75.00 2nd hand ORGAN For 86le verjr cheair for CASH. v" : Apply to -"---r, 5 W.B. SWINDELL, : At J.' J. Baxters, 91 Middle St. r 1 "ir i -'GLOBE Clothing Store Middle Pt., Nut lo lurry's Drujf Btorf. EFTIRK STOCK DRY GOODS AND 01otlojLri.gr, Boots, Shoes, Blankets, Quilt?, Hats, and Gent's Furnishing Goods TO Sl lT ALL. l.Al(iE 8TKK OF TRUNKS. Alxo I.nr'r SliH-k liiiy uml t'liililren't Kdo1 Suits. H. SPERLING. John S iinn' 8 and buv a cake of GOOBY 2 FBOk.fc Tlierr in (m'I.Ihi IIoisc SIhmk moulded in (lie Sv)Af. Who i vi r draws the the HOKSij SHOE, run return to the store mid receive $2.50 XI0" CASH. One Horse Shoe was drawn SATURDAY Aug. 19th, !y n colored woman, and she was promptly j2 J)0 CASH T no. Durrn. WE StlLL Choice Timothy Hay $1.00 per hundred ponnd. Oats, Cora, Hominy, Bran, Feeft AND ALL KINDS SEEDS. At Brcdham's. Graven Street. (7 25000 Buxhcls Rice Wanted MONEY, Gold, Silver or . Paper, I ear not whioh. Just brinor it on and I will guarantee yonr FULL VALUE RECEIVED Besides a full stock of general groceries I keep the finest grades Oanned'Frnits, Vege tables, Meats, 1 reserves, Jellies, Spices, Flavoring Extracts, Maoaroni, Baisin, Prunes, Currants, Apples, Oranges, Bannanas, Lemons, Sweet and Irish Potatoos and Oab- bages always fresh. My stock of lanov and flam Oakes and Crackers are unsurpassed and always fresh from bakery. Mixed, Sweet and Hour fiokles to suit the tasto. Goods promptly delivered to any part of the city. To my counts y friends I extend a cordial invitation, to dti e right into the lot ia the rear of my store where stables are lree. J.J. TOLSOit Alex Miller Building, Broad St., above Middle. To tho Public. Ioallyoor a'tention to 'mv large and weil selected Stoek of Goods - of, varion? kinds. ..X ;-iV';''';;'.i';:'. Being to Small to mentW every' tiole I will ask yon w imp in and see for your self and save money. i Mr eoods are not better than anv body elses, but the Continnal Bush of Trade shows that the ; customer an Well satisfied witb ', ' ANDPBICES. ' .'F every tbins: you want don't for get to see me." 1 strive to p1eae. Ton can find me at No, 18, 20, and 22, Middle- St.'3; a. . . Yonr Obedelnt Servant, . . J. L'. TAYLOR. M WE HAVE now, as always, on hand a Full Stable of the Finest and Highest Bred Of ,; Western Horses Adeptcd io'Oiiving, Draft, itedfhs, Farm PRICES TO SUIT PUIlCHASEltS, and; SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. 5 A 'so o i hand a full and Comolcte Line of K n ; Baggies Ml lakes Hatcc 2oati Carts, andv!r in tact ai thiuff pertaining to the Horse. . :3 Livery A -Specialty ,f And furnished at shortest notice. See us before nurchaEin elsewhere -ind gave monev. c 3VdE. HAJIiV $2 OO. tl" - - R sy - TO COTTON GINNER3 ! Before placing your ordera for BAgglng and Ties for the Coming Season. Be Sure to Call on K. R. Jones Wholesale and Retail Dealer ii General Merchandise. New Berne"N.,C It will pay yon. AT A 8 Head of horses, one 2 horse car nage, one 1 horse 2 seated carriage, 1 buggy, 1 road cart, 3 drays, 2 carts and harnesses for abovo. Any one wishing to buy the above or any part of the same will find it to their interest to apply to J. W. MESIC, Wholesale & Retail Grocer, West Bide, Lower Middle St. tf New Berne, N. C. TOUB FUTURE LUJM IS IN TOTJB OWN HAND. Mraktrr aanmM to tcU what tlw ttnet In yonr hand Indicate. It will imoH yoo. It no tiling mora. Tha abovo diagram almoat explalna itaelf. Tha langth or tha LINK OF LIFK lndlctto probable an to which yoo will live. Each BRACELET fjraa yoa thirty yean. Wall-markad LINK OP BBAD denolea brala power clear LINK OP FORTUNE, fame or richaa. Both combined meaa aocceaa lo life; but yoa moat keep np with modem ideaa to win It. Yoo will Slid plenty ot IbcM ia Semomet'e Family Manaloa, attractively pra aented that every member of the lamily la enter tained. It ia a doaea manclnea In one. ACLBAB 15 NB Or HBART beapeaka tenderneai; a atraleht NK OF FATS, seacefal life: the reveree If crooked. - A wel!-dened UNK OP HEALTH (parea yoa doc lore' bflli ; ao will the healtb hinu ia Deoioreat'a. No other' magaiina pnbliBheaao many etoriee to interest tha home circle. Yoa will he eabiect to extreme of hlb iplrita or deenond ancy If yoa have the GIRDLE OP VENUS well marked; Keep ap yonr epirita by having Demoreet'a Magaaino to read. By anbecribinf lo it for IBM yoa will receive a eaTlery of ezqulaite worki of art of great valne, beaidea tha anperb premium picture. ITxsainchea, " I'm a Delay I" which la almoat a real baby, and eqnal to the original oil paintinr; which eeat $900; and yon will have a augaaiM thot cannot be eqnaled by any In tha world for lta beantiful Ulttttrationa an1 rabjeet matter, that will keep yoa poated on all the lopica of the day, and ail the fada, and different tteau of interest about tha booeebold, beaidea farnlahhw tntereathM reading matter, both grave aad gay, lor the whole family ; aad while Demoreet'a la not a fashloa magazine. Ha fashion pasee are perfect, and yoa get with it, free of coat, all the pattern yoa with to ate dnrrng the year, and la -any afaM yon cbooee. Send In yonr eubeeription at once, only $200. and yon will really get ore $26.00 In nine. Addrwa the ptib. Beher W. Jennmge Demoreet, 15 Eiut 14th St., New York. If yoa are anecqnalnted with tha Magaaine.eendforaepaciinencopv. A l-vCTAD. HANOLB meana hooeety s a Inre TiUANGI.B, generoeltys lonir FIRST nrVmn S OP THUMB, irons will; LONO 8RiNT) l iVTSION.reaeon inirfecnlty. TbeMOiiNT fP JUPlTKBbetokcna rabitlon : Oiat of SATUliN, prudence : the BUN, foveof rnlernlor; MA h.S, coorfte; H005.1roacjna ttoo ; VtNLlS. love of plearare; and M BRCUB Y, totelHfrcnce. Tuke our advka aa above and yoa will Ihj aura to paaaeaa taa laat aad moat relate) 1P 1 V. l-avMh(W-2L. i 1:- E. H. & J. A. MEADOWS CO. W; MANUKACTCnEnS OK " -i i; . Me-, t.ws' Special -hiano's KOIt M.I. CHOI'S. 8IMNDAU!) BRANDS: McaJjs' Groat Potato Guano. v ' ' ' . " Cabbage ' . ' ' ' ' " " Allorop ' " Pta&Bean" " Tobacco " " ' Cotton " .js;J ' " 10 iicr et. Ammonia- f."-? tin Guino . u15 . " - Meadows' Great Labos Guano. f:--- Importers and dealers in Meadows' , ; Extra Karlv lVas, Kainit, Aoid il:Ct! Phosphate and Agricultuoal Cbejni"--' oals. E. H. MEADOWS, Prcs't.r" ; J. A. MEADOWS, Sec'y. & Treas. fSS' AVorks Ncuse River. iJ?5;;rC! Office Union Point. . , ' vi ' it mu m Sim 2 TO TfUNK.THAT u.uLArjirBva.arswiiiivssvdMr3. tv IWinmnmmm n. f.,. ....n,.,...,.,.. - Has just reoaived a supply 4 ofthoso ' r ; V Tennessee Cart Wheels. . Friend go and get yon a -: pair of them, then yon can smile.;Pay WHITTY what -"' - you owe him and that will.-a.--: make him smile.- Don't yon .' see. - f rmJ. f 1 PHICE --- r.O CTS i V IT IS THE iif.V, . .-.j t ' 1 1 1 - EASIEST TJ. 'JSS. ' . E- i t J kJ iU a - k f l Tf t

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