J THE JOURNAL. SLUE FRONT THE BICYCLE GIRL. What is V ....'! 1' ...ivA.v.o - rf r. . . . . . , J . r-r..c.--'-v . . Ceurl U Dr. Samuel Piteher prescription for Infants Md Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute for Taregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Biaiions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays fererlshncss. CastorU prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates the food, regulates tho stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas toria is tho Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend. Castoria. "Outori ! an excellent medicine for chli en Mothers hve repMtedlf told me of iu ood effect upon ibeir children." Dit. O. C. Osooor, LowWl, Uass. M Ckfttorift It tbe best remrOy fr rluli!nfi of which I m ncqu&fntod. 1 hpe ti 11 is im fer distant when mothers will wm-i. I.t t f n at Ktert'stof Uif ir cliililrrc, nnl two r: 1 t d of the vaiinuft quark no;tn:inr -.rim 1' .- tiestroytns? their loved onv.;, v IV. -;n.r -j.: 1. orphlne, rtothlt. yn:p ai.-I .-: r !.;. ut faU down tlvtr throats, lb. i li . r nn to premature j,rtv''- lU. J 1' r riFJ . That Centaur C. GEO. HENDERSON, i (8aeeeaor to Hoberls A H nderton), general Insurance Agent. Representing Insurenoe Company of North a.m.nra. or Pnlladelpnu. il re loenreDoe Compeer, of New York 'u Insorapoe Company of England. " -iford rire Insaranoe Company ol or -rd. -u Ostrollaa Horn Inanranoe Company 1. ..Ib. .;.-nwItoh lusnranoa Oompany, of New ' I o ill Insurance Oompany, of Brooklyn, .fed Underwrite! Insaraaee Company 'nta, t' t'.o Marine nsarano Company. ' 1 -ton. lalv'dwt' IT 18 A DITTY yon owe yoarwir nnd faw. tftf to eel the beat thIob fer year money. Kcanomlxe in ytmr footwear bypurranstna W. I,, lloualns Hhove, which represent Ike ret valae lor prices suited, at taauaaa4a will teatily. 1.00 at2.50 t2.oa IFMIAOIES 12.00 41.75 roit BOY ih.7 DOUGLAS RJ Sunt? f.OR.e- UsPatV s mm act ULmcni m BEST SHOE IN VM W0RIP FOR THE MONET OTHER Hl'EClAI.TIEH In footwear are of Che mum high grade, ami represent a money value Car be jood tne pried obarfred. Bee that name ami swioear stantpeii od bottom of e-uh nboe. TAKK KO HIIBHTITI'TK, W It Douglas, It reck ton f Mans. BoA b) Oil Clothing 2 warranted the Best in the World! Is more Waterproof, ' Is Stronger, and will Wear Lonoei than any other Roods manufactured. Ask lor the" FISH BRAND;" taka no other. 6E0, AZIRCKEL It C0 Sols Agentt, Baltimore.., QO worth of loralr Matlo far Fortr full klM Bheet Musio of the brlubt- Tttllta. and most popular soleotiona, both avtut .MtriimtnitAl. totUn dd In tha most I.. SRnniu Irfl1iffina fmiP larval ell sua IKXaU " " CUMENCITA, Iht Ipanlsh Danear, " PA0EREW8K1, lh raat Planlrt, - tAOEinU PATH aiHl '-'- ,, IMNie MUMM CUTTINB; " ; " ADDassa m. orwouj - THB 1TW I0BK alUSICiL ECHO CO Broada rheatrt BuOdtna. Hew Tort Ctty. CAHTA88KB8 WANTED. T. E. LITTSLL, Attoroov -and : , Counsellor 4.00g 1 2.50 V? 2.25L JMJ ros W. L. W. D. 8ARRINGT0N. Y1 v) nit: n.. -, - .111 1 j sun r n uutiui uiiul. u ; 7 --r$ f lUut, Triis Mark md Copyright Ciss s ". :-2 :'a- Opposite Patent Offlo J1" -" ' Wuhington, D. C. " Orer ' twelve yer experience, Amefioan and Foreigs patents, Uaveate, ud ill business arising under -the patent laws promptly nd oarefnlly prosecuted. Bejeoted cases aocorded peoial attention a Write for information. Upon reolept of mode' or sketch of Invention, I dvi av patentability without charge (Mention this paper.) - - FOR BEUT. r LcTig Point Plantation On White Oak river la Jones coanty, fo f naxt year, or for a term Ot three years. Apply for information to Capt. J, W. Feather. abit-um at Stella, or to yj, n, t on, Gome, Ga. - - - Bl81m Castoria. " OMtorta Is so well adapted to children thai I recommend it aasupariortoaay prescription known to me." IT. A. AacBsn, M. D., Ill So. Oxford St, Brooklyn, N. Y. " Our physicians in the children's depart ment bue sKkcu highly of their expert cui-e in their tni.iie practice with CasLorU ami r.lLt.niih w enly h:tre Imonr o-l tt.iJJ supply what is knonn as rnguLj I:..!',im. vvt waie tree to cuufess that the i . n:. of ca"cria has woo us to look wita fa ir u; n il " I Mlh.li M'viFirU iMl lHPiwaART, IUtston, Mass Sunn lr rtt W rv York City. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. bTATK or North Carolina, i Uraveo County. Tj entflarlber having qualified an Kxecn tor of tbe eetnte or Marj U, Carmoo; deo?ci d. on tbe 2Uh day of October. A D . ltH, before tbj Clerk of tbe superior Court of craven county, aiereby notifies ell pereon. bavins eialmi attalnflt eald estate, to present the in for payment on or before tbe .(Ut day of Oeio'-er.iritM.or.this notice will be pleaded tn bar of tb&lr rfonverv. All prons Indebted to raid retate will make Immediate piymenl, Uooe this .4th day or uctober. imri. DAN 1 KIj LANK. Executor of Mary Q. Carruon. dee'd O H. Thomii, Attorney. 13 V AND WEEKLY JOURNAL I REDUCED RATES. Weekly, per jeai $1.00 " for bIx months 60 Daily, per year $5.00 ' per six months 2.30 ". per three months 1.50 News trivdn from all sections an'l on all questions. The above ratet are payable in advance, and can be safely forwarded either by moneyoider or registered letter KtTKB RHOE CO., Inc'p. fapilal. a 1, 000 ,000. uuri vi.fMJ nnur. in jne tivin-u. A dollar laved it a dollar earned." This Toadies' Solid French Jon;ol Kid Bat ton Boot delivered free anywhere Id the U.S., on receipt oiuaen, money uraer, r Foetal Note for (160. Equals every way the boots sold in all reull stores for 2.60. We make this boot ourselves, therefore we guar antee tbe Jit, ityU and ttear, and If any one is not satisfied win reiuna tno money r seod another pair. Opera Toe or common ttense. widths (!, 1). K, ft KK. k sizes 1 to 8 and naif . Seidyourtiae; til Jtt vou. Illustrated Cata logue FREE FEDERAL ST.. Kit BOSTON. ILiHa. Special lermt to Vealert. FARM FOB SALE. A hundred acre tract "of land at Riverdale suited to trucking or gen oral farming purposes. About one half cleared, the rest heavily timbered in Ash, Pine and Cjpresa. Apply to CALVIN SMITH, or Riverdale, B. H. MEADOWe, New Berne. july 19 tf. CAVEATS. TRAD! MARKS. DESIGN PATENTS, COPYRIGHTS, oto. For tiifin'matlon and free Handbook write to IdUNN CO- Ki Broadway, New Vork. Gldest bnraan for securing patents in Amerloa. Rrwra patent taken out br ns la brought befora tlio paaiM bf a nouns ftrea fro o( ebarga in to Largess erreaiattna of tnT sdentlfle paper hi tno worio- npienaiair lunainuoa. world. Bptenaiair iu No Intellleent nan snoum M wi 4 bo without It. Woeklr, ; sir months. Address MUNN j.oo a weart fljiosir montns. Aoarees aiuriN a f ujimmim. 3il Bioadwar, tin York Cltj. S al a 1 I 'ill 1 11 II 1 1 IT W a J r J' S Ml I nui 1 1 fTRTCE--" BO CTS. i , ' wmrt tin rffaf i-frrr,- f ' t 1 IT 13 THE BEST, jfcf ' J EASIEST. TO USE, El r $ 0 a THg CHEAPEST. R "flJEafj ujrEtsj'aaqiwofayayBAiA Maud Mailer on a summer day Mounted Iter blcjcle and rode away. But when the looked to to tbe furofftown Her bores went up. and ber feet went down. And ber speed increased till the dust arose And filled ber lair and throat md Thus real estate she bad not known She carried awaj and called hir own. The iurice walked tlowU down tbe lane' Swinging hie great gcil.l headed cant', ! Ami looked at tbe gr ' and flowers ami I trees, j The singing birds am humming let, ( And wutcbed the swallows skim and dip Till the bu-yclo struck him amidsliij), When he stopped whre the cool spring bubled up, A little disfigured and double 1 up. And when he n loo he wondered whether The lightning had struck in si cl) lair weather. is clothes were turn, nnd his brand new cane Was Found Dext dav at the foot of tho lane. He held his shin while he danced a reel n a mazy whirl with the mai ion's wheel. And something he said ulmt he'd be Mowed If be didn't wish she'd staid out of the road. lie simke nl tlie tliin Iiit'li tlie jireacli- ers say Are tlie sinner's doom on tlie judgment liiv. And Muud forgot her much torn gown Anil her promised trip to the fun iff town And listened, while a sad surprise looked out from her beautiful hazel eyes- At last, like one who couldn't stay. Hhe mounted her wheel to ride away. liut hIiis for maiden! Alas for iiulijel She found the bicycle wouldn't budge. Her wheel in vain to spin it she turned While her cheeks like a tallow caudle burned. For the tire was off, and the cbitiu was broke; One tredle wus wound around a spoke. flie judge looked back us he climbed the hill And saw Maud Muller standing still. Tke proud min sighed with a secret paiu r or tear the thiL" would hit him ti"ain. r they could not guess by a mile or so Tlie picture he saw conic aud go. And when the maiden drew her draft For dauiuiie doue the judge he laughed. And drew his cluck and not his reiu, Saying, "Fur worso it uiiglit have been." But it filled his heart and soul with awe When he tried to explain to his motlicr- iififli in law, And w hen she spoke of the squandered gold He grew hot and she grew cold. Ah! well for us all that a husband's lie Arc good as the truth in a woman's eyes. And in the hereafter angels may Quit riding bicycles on the highway. Clucngo ltccord. For a sore throat there is nothing better than a flannel bandage damp ened with Chamberlain's Pain Balm. It will nearly always effect a cure in one night's time. This remedy is also a favorlU) for rheumatism and baa oured many very severe cases. 50 cent bottles for sale by J. V. Jordan. Pure love is a Dhoenix which rises from the ashes of self. For Over F'fty Years Has. WinsijOW'b Soothing Sybup has bean used lor children teething. " soothes the ohild, softens the gums tllays all pain, oures wind oolio, and is the beat remeJT for Ularrboea. Twenty ve oenta a bottle. Sold by all drna tM thrauEhout the world janttd&wlr Men's motives are mercifully hidden by their shirts front. k Lady Cured After Many Tears Suffering;. "I've been a sufferer from dvpep- sia tor twenty years, was in suon a fix 1 bad to use the same eare with my diet as a baby. DsedTyner's Dy spepsia Eemedy end can now eat any thins; without inconvenience, it is truly a great remedy." Mrs Antony Duncan. ITy it for all stomach diaor ders. It never disappoints. "Prioe 25o?s per bottle. For sale by all druggists. Observe moderation in things especially in virtues. all Mr. J. P. Blaize, an extensive real estate dealer in Des Moines, Iowa, narrowly escaped one of the severest attacka of pneumonia w hue In the northern part of that s'ate daring recent blizzard, says the Saturday Review. Mr. Blaise had oooasion to drive several miles daring; the storm and was so thoroughly chilled that he was unable to get warm, and Inside of an hour after his return he was threatened with a severe ease of pnen monia or lung fever. . Mr. Blaise sent to the noarest drug store and got a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Kemedv, of which he had often heard. and took a number of large doses. He says the effect wu wonderful and in short time ha was breathing quite easily, tie kept on taking the medi eine and the next: da.twas able to oome to Des Moines, Mr, ; Blaise regards his ours ar simply wonderful ror sale Dj J. V; Jordan, y -u ' $100 BEW1BD. r f I will pay the above reward for this recovery of the money (about 1,200) stolen from my bar on the night of the 22nd Inst, or the same reward tor the arrest and eonviotion of the bnrg lar. . .J.D.DUSfKIaN'S, w rsu my mi iiYuir mm and Riders of Vfictor Pneumatics carry an extra inner t.ibc to be used in case of accident. By simply removing a punc- tureu inner tube through a hole in tlie rim, repair effected in five minutes by replacing with a new one. If you are going to ride why not ride the best? OVERMAN. WHEELiCO.v WASHINGTON,' DENVER, "SAN FRANCISCO. BOSTON, TliK Oonfederate War Journal, An Illustrated Magazine, Edited by General Marcus J. Wright (AReut of tbe War Department for the Collection of Confederate Records) Hen La lirce, Associate The lirnt ii a oi ber will be iHHiieil April 1st. Published by the War Journal Publishing Oompany, Ijcxiugton, Ky., and 110 Fifth Avenao, New York city. It will be ilevoteii exclusively to the history ut the Confederate side ol the late War between the States, as the Vice President ol the Confederacy, Alexander II. Stephens, chose to call this mightiest of modern Con llint.s and most gigantic of all straggles. The War Journal will be replete with Portraits and Engravings, mado from Sketches made by a Corps of Artists, many of whom followed the fortunes of the Con federate Armies, and who justly rank among the Heroes of tlie War. They ivo faithful and Authentic Sketches of places of note, of all Battles, Sieges, Charges, Vessels ol Var,Naval Kngagement,Portraits, Maps, Charts, eic. To the Con federate veteran these scenes will recall memories of his life on tbe tented Geld or quarter deck, of many hard-longht battles, ol Marches, Bivouacs, (.lamp I ires ami the numerous Mcenes and inci dents peculiar to the daily lite ol a eoldier or Bailor, while to his children and the present generation they convey tho reality ol war with a vividness which nothing else can convey. The full history of the Confeder- aoy has hitherto not been written; we have bits and hints, auu out ines and colorings here and there, bat of the real inner history, the mainsprmg, the motive, the inci dent, of that vast uprising, of the Sooth, how little comparatively has been given lo the world. The de manded history will be given iu lie CONFEDERATE WAK JOURNAL. The history, in tbe broad way in which it is planned, may take years and years, but each succeeding year will add ripeness and mellow ness to the fruitage. The project will be backed by sufficient capital, and the services of writers of authority of all classes who Were actors in the terrible drama, from the General to the Drummer Boy, and to the daughter and wife and mother at home, will add to the Confederates' story of the War. A vast libjary of the correspondence and orders and dieposings of the chiefs of the Confederacy will be thrown open to the publio Chapters will be given from the most brilliant and authoritative writers. These writings will be profusely illustrated; not only the Army bat the Navy of the South, which so largely hened to revolu tionize the marine arfairs of the nations, will be fully treated, and then THE HUMORS OF THE WAR, for despite all tbe grimness, every rjgiment bad its wags, its ridicu lous situations, its flood tide of fnn, in whose presence the imaginative Charles O'Malley would seen a very grave individual, to tne tunny, and unspeakably ridiculous side or the oonfliot, volumes will be given. All these are but bints of the wealth to be distributed through the issuance of the Illustrated ''Confederate War Journal," ivhioh ill be within the reach of all. The Subscription prioe will only be $1.00 per year. Published by THE WAR JOURNAL PUBLISHING COMPANY, Lexington, Ky., and 110 Fifth Ave., New York City. HUMPHREYS' 'SVETERIHARrSPECinCS For Borses, Ctttla, Sheep, Sogs, Eogs, ABO POULTBT. SOS ftK Boo k aa Trrataaeac mt Amlmala mam Chart Seal Fre. cirancF0Tera,CBfmtlaaa,fniaaaaiatlaB A. A.jHrlaal MenTadtla, Blilk Fer. B. B-8tralaa. Laawaess. Khaaaaaclaaa. C. C-llateaaar, Naaal Dlsckarcea. D. D.Bata ar ira, Woraaa. B.K. Ccaaka. Heavea, Paeaaamla. F.F. Collo r Uiiaea, Bellyuba. O.G.MlaemrrlaM. Haanrrhaaea. U.H. Vrtaary mwi KUaey Ulacaaea. V.I.-SrallT0 Dlaraaea. Majice. .K. Itiaeaaaaaf Itlaeadaa, Panlpata. MikiBottla(aTiWdaea, - - M9 Btakle Caae, wltk Bpeeatea llnvll, Veterlnarj Osra Oil and Mwlkatw. ST. Jar Teteriaary Can Oil, . l.o ' atailly a rMlai at pria. . ' BcaraBiia'au.co.,iiiaiii a,bl E0KEOPATHI0 SPECIFIC No 60 ajyaara. Tha ulr wieoaiaful wmady fat Dnh'tlhi Virol UfaoVnoea uiivud ajuuiutit iiiui iieuiuibirat and Pranrfttioo. from OTT-work or othr Ml sar wimL or 6 vUk and Urn Timl POwdtJT. tor M r y Sold by DraraTirttW Mat BtpM OB rM4p mt fttmt. icyclej nrst in lire5 lmproVement6 is IT MAKES HE mil Has jupt roc.'ivcl a 1 1'T'y ot tho.-u Tennessee Cart Wheels. Friend go and ;ct jnii a pair ol them, tlim you ran smile, l ay II 111 1 wlnl you Offcliim ainl that will make hiru smile. IKm't you see. 250.000 B!CK READY FOR SAL TP Cheaper than any other Mar can Furnish Thcra, I've frot ein and wrint t" e!' 'i:n. Apply to w. P. Bi.'UKi h, Ni w ::. ,... r M. POUi'lIK, ltr-er.1 jnn" .Itf SslssS Ostfsii ;1oed. one iH'Ni)i:i-i) i;i -i:ri. op 80UTHERN HOPE, which is one, of tho must pn best varieties in tlioSni'.h, ,il ;tie and l.i.ii pei bushel Also the well known Peterkm Seed at 75 cents per bushel. Shipments sacked ami forwarded in good order K. AY. KONVILI,!'.. m!7 dwtf Duek I're. k, N. C'. NOTICE, The untierilgned Algc.rj I'liHIp-; ban duly qualified as executor of l!io estal of Amelia kirk man and litre hy given notlne that the retjalres all persons having olaJme against the estate of the SHld Amelta Klrkman lo present tbcm 10 the salil Kecut.r duly authent!c:ittil for payment, on or before th lth day of February 1K91. orelae this notloe will be pleaded In bar of recovery Persons Indebted to tbe estate tnURt pay Wl houl deliy. ALO.0 IMIILLTPW, Kxecutor. The UndcrBlKnrd Alonzo Phillips will on Monday, the 11th day of Decemh-M- is:.:, at 11 o'clock on tha premises, expose for fale at Auction tha personal property of the said Amelia Klrkman conslstlui; ( House hold and Kltcheu FurDltare, Oattie, etc. ALOJ PHI AA PM. Kxecutor. OC131 Hw. WE TELL YOU iltllilltf lit AV win i a pcnii:ifi('iil, ;it il p.ivlui il:.;? ;i:nl i 'c !i!iit ln.-i fry iliiy'a vn i; the working cla-- rm-ut nipiulv, Urn I limliln that rt-Mirii-; a pmlit f-n ,Su"li in the tiii:im-- we olli r Wc ttaeh ttieni hiw to m:tke enai'Uiltee everv one ho Mi. I1lrilftl01l: faithfully the iiikin- of :too.oo i nxtnth Kvery one who lakes Imlil now :unl werki will .-tirely tuul speedily incre:i-e their earnind; there bo no question :ibott it; tnhvis now-at work me doine il.and von, render, cmi do the s:i VUi ii the best paying buMiies that you have ver liad the chuncc t -reurc. Vou will lnaKe a nave mistake il' Oii fail to p i c ii a trial at once, (t on grn-p the situation, iiad :u;t quickly, you till directly lind your-ell in a nm.-l pro.-p'rou.' u.tltK'48, at which you can sureh m.iko ami save srRe sums of money. The re-utt- of only a few tours work will often equal a we k's waes. Whether you are old or younr, man or woman, it makes no difference, do as we lell vou, and iiic cns will meet you at the very turr. Neither experience or capital ucces-iary. Tlne who work for us aro rewarded. Why not wiite to day loi full particulars, free E. C. ALLEN Jt CO., Box No. 440, Augusta. Me, Carcata, and Tradc-M arks obtained, and all Pat.1 ant business conducted for MoncaaTC Pres. Oim Ctttci omm U. S. PaTENT Ornct and we can secure patent in leas Uma toan taoee remote rom Washington. F ad model, drawing or photo., with descrlp i rioa. Wc advise, il patentaole or not. tree of' aaoarf. Our fea not due till patent la secured. I A aaami.rr, "How to Obtain IHitenu," with i cost oi saaie in ut u. a.aoa loisign countries sent free. Address, C.A.SHfy f&CO. Ti THINK Til : "' ."-t-T-l-.-ri-. I . . i . . ... ri-r. . .ry STAB WE HAVE now, as always, on hand a Full Stable of the Finest ww Highest Bred of Western Horses Adapted fo Driving, Dr&fi, Saddles. Farm PRICES TO SUIT PURCHASERS, and SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Also oa hand a full and Comolete Line of Buggies All Makes Harness Road Carts, and in lact anythin? pertaining to the Horse. Livery A Specialty And furnished at shortest notice. See us before nurchaeinp- elsewhere and save monev. EJ.ttjST ft? OQ, 131. Hj. IOIoXI, HOOK STORE AMI I'!.'.:;!' !' ml:, and ne'.v '.it r-'.ui;l.-n: Wur'.M nl' Hi'iMwiipil AMth-M" I'nvyer ami Hymn B'ioki, I adirn Pursi'R, 1011, l'encils, vie. AIho, I it j r?ti,'rH nnd 1'i ri'iili ii'1 r- ceivedii n,y. 1 01 f THE GHEE!? P2,0KT JOYELTY STORE, j Middle St. Near Souta From (Ni'xt i. l)u:ly' Dray M..r.u IS OKFEHINll Special luduceinent IN Musical Instrumeats, Violins. Banjos, Guitars, Mandolins, Zithers, Authoharps, Flutes, Fifes, Piccolos, Accor deons, Harps, Etc ALSO, A FULL, LINE OF Solid and Plated Jewelry, such as Watches, Chains, Cuff and Collar Buttons, Ladios' Pins, Earrings, Scarf Pins, Spectacles, Etc. In Pictures & Picture Frames and EASELS we carry the Largest Stock iu this Boction of the Stato. feM9 dwtf Made tn all ttyles and Rises. Lightest, B I itroogest, easiest working, safest, Bimpleat, 1 I most accurate, most compact, and mosti modern. For sale br all dealers In arms. I Cat&logaes mailed free by Tho Hailin Fire aArms Co., New Havet, Conk., U. S. A. mm Wo tln. No Pajn. lrrTnta Htrltnrc. Pre, syringe. A 1 to a Day Cure for GomobhhiKa Ui'.KT, I'RtTCDKRKiKA, hl'EKMATORRHOU. Ud AU Unbealthy Sexual rjlscharfrea. 9'4 Snro Preventive ol All Venereal Diseases At Ltrugglala, or sent to any address lor az.00. fnlvrtloa MaJyalor In "THE BESrr'o all similar remedies. PR. HEBET KEHY, SMaafSM. Ma HkLt lor 914. VO. Iduaeuter. Ohio, IT. M.. First Class Barber ShoD BRICK BLOCK, MIDDLE ST. Nearly opposite Baptist Church. Apartments neat and tidy, and only TOnpetent assistants employed. First class bath rooms jjoonneoted with hops. -t lH. L, BANES, . . deot ' , . - . Proprietor. LES 52nd Year 1 u 111. imiibtnai ana ' 1 k !"iiiii,il of tin- S'Hltll, Year For $1. T : uvory HUbBcriber who aenda us '. .Jj we will send Southern Cultivator (fi,rneveBri',n;,20ful'pap r'0,choio I S-tmplu ('."men and premium liet will bo mii.led 1 IvKK ud application to THE CTLTIVATOK Pl-'B. CO., I'.x 415. Atlanta, Oa. J i k-jai, and the Oulti- Tit Wn vator one. ) sar for sM. BEICS! BRICK!!! "Will have iri k to supply all de mands on and alter; MAY 3d At Reasonable Prices Too AIho in r-Nck a carload each o CEMKNT and LIMK. Apr. L'9, ".;. .1 K LATHAM A VALUABLE OYSTER GARDEN For Sale CSitu:ii,,l in tin' n:o-t pmlilir licit of tha I mM ny!rr niuiiiU in New Kivcr, N. C Cuil:iin-i !i urn-. ('..OHO l.ii-lit'ls oysters linvc In . ii ii'.nniiil mi it. More than ciioiiiili .an lir t:iki n ii this winter to p i y Im' it. Piii-c $:)."i) c;h. A!m) 45 iii'H's nl' ;oo'' oyMor lioUom in one lioilv l'nr:ili' i lieiip. Address, f. I'.. 1-KAZEU.E.Aircnr.S d if. Mariues, N, '. - . A r.EALTIFl'L MUSIC. NEW MONTHLY. I By subscription, $1 50 per year; all dright, popul.ir and copyright C! iimI and Standara Melodies, "liar lonthly Musical 6am. Tbe Handsomest Mouical Month ly ever ispufti in America- Con tains 8 compositions (all copy right:) 4 instrumental and 4 vocal, with piano accompaniments. 32 pages of music, with engraved titled cover, lithographed in colors and embellished with crayon like ncto of some musical celebrity in vignette. Inclose 15 cents for a specimen copy. Liberal terms to agents. Address Benj. W. Hithcock, Publisher: 385Sixth Ave., New York: TYLER DESK CO.,' llimUFRMFnrr?rrrv ! (TIBlaWrAajSS 1 1 . 1 . . 1 . TO Wt1Sw" V,. - $125 Si J'i'i 8T.LOUIS.NIO a Onr Mammoth Cats Waie of Bira Oomrmaj Daws, and other Omca FuaMrnma fo s . 1H9S now ready. New Good. Haw 8s4s .V, in Desks, Tables, Chain, Book Oases, Ohbt . nets, e., and at aaatchleaa) prieet, .: aa abOTo indicated. Oar goods are well- known and sold freely in erer? oouatry that ' BBeakaBnglish. Cataloroes free. Poataira laa '