The Dai J V OITRNAL. VOL. XII.-NO. 231, NEW BERNE, N. C. SATl HDAV, DECEMBER :(). 1MW 1 it Bl'SISf SS LOCALS. 2f A FltESFl LOT of Hl'YLKKS CAN DlhS Just Hi reived at Gabiill'h PHAR MACY. If Iluving been solicited and having con tented t take a small select scliooMn New Berne, I liereliv give notice tliUt I will open sucli a school on the second Monday in Junuxry. Those wishing to enter will please make applications be fore Jan. Otb as I do not desire more than fifteen pupils. IltTpectfullv d28lw S. Dillingham. IF you want tine New River and Far Creek Oysters t;n to .1. II. Sialic', Hnmd treat. A v.r.l full of fit turkeys (siity) cheap. dl5w. JUST received another Ime of those fine Florida Oranges which I am offering very low by the box or dozen. J. K. Parker. Jk. J. V. Smallnoix lin juet received a nice lot of Florida oranges ut 20c. per dozen. Call and sec inc. tl. THEASL'ltY Department, l S. I.ile Saving Service. iVii-eliiiifrton, I). ('., December 19. lflOIi. Sealed proposals will be received at this office until 2 o'clock I'. M.. or Friday. January ". 18W, lor the constnic'ion of a life-saving station at Portsmouth, North Carolina. Blank proposals together with plans and specifications and full inloi mahon can l obtained Uion applii ation to the collect ors of customs al Wil 'nington, N. ('. and Ualtimore, Md., the supi rintendi nts of construction, life-saving stations, 24 State Street. New York City, the superintendent of the 0th hie aviuir district. Sbawboro N. C. or to this offiue. S. I Kimball Oe i' i-.d Superintendent. 0(VL NEWS. i : v M li-wir ;. .1. J. Baxter Fiinners and ment. HK.'iriSI-.-MKXTS. I i rb s and j-oft hats. Mcicliimts IJank State The city i lei trie railway will be a starter Cur tie yi ar 1S!). The days air gradually getting lo lut scarcely yet .lUtinyiiisliul.lo. Preparations for Hie I'.ast Carolina Fair are going on along all lines. Are you making ready lor itf Another unction sale of horses and mules will cake place today in Trout ol Halm's stables at 11 o'clock. Showers were predicted by the weath cr bureau for yesterday afternoon and last night, and fair colder weather for this afternoon. Rev. John Sergius, a native of Hast In dia and Christain Israelite, will preach in the Baptist church Sunday niornin and night. It was a (lr,v between the rain and street sprinkler yesterday as to which should lay the dust. 'I he sprinkler came out ahead. Htv. K. A. Willis and lannly leit yes terday for Fjyctteville. Numbers of friends were at the train to see them off and strong regret at parting was plainly manifested. . A case of love at first sight and a hur ried marriage between a man 73 and a girl 23 is reported in the press. By an over ight the exact amount of cash owned bv the groom was omitted. The pair of horses on trial for the Atlantic engine have made a favorable imprussion in appearance. They are heavy dark bays, almost chestnuts, and are very docile and easily managed. A row occurred at Pactolu9 in Pitt county on Christinas day between some negroes. Dan Hartv was shot in the head by Henryj Miller. The mur derer was captured and placed in jail. Tue new year will be here Monday which we hope may brin;; a business change for the better. A good season among the truckers is one or the best means of bringing alaiut the change in this section . The appearance of the brilliant young violmibt, Miss OUie Torbett. accampanied by the Sweedish sextette, will be one of the finest musical treats sincejthe McGib- eny family. The Beaufort Herald states that Rev. Ilight C. Moore, former pastor of the Baptist church at Morebead City, has been called from the Theological Scuiin try where he has been taking an advan ced course to the pastorate of the church t Winston. Mr. Ellis Williams has never rode with Buffolo Bill, but the great western rider may yet find a subject in Mr. Williams. Id making the circuit of the. city renew ing the carbons to the electric lights he never dismounts at all, either to lower, raise or trim the light, so well trained is : his. horse, Another pleasant evening was spent at the Naval Reserve . Bazaar last night. ., Lantern swinging, horizontal bar work - and vocal selections ... were - intro duced to enliven the occasiqn. The mem- - berg of the Division are under lasting - obligations to the ladies wild so kindly - assisted in getting up the entertainment and to others for liberal donations. Miss - Hattie Dail received the high ' honor of getting every vote as the most popular jouog lady present, ; :, v?-, OLD BAKER $1.00 per QUART AT L. 3. TAYLOR'S. 1 ' , Wants to Investigate the Phenomenon. Mr. E. S. Martin, Attorney at-law Wilmington, deVirious of account ing for the remarkable ccletinl plu-nomc non oftbe 20th inst To dn this lie wants is accurate statements in possible eelon the following lines : 1st. Exa.'tlv what w as seen. 2d. Tlu locution in the skv when first and last seen. 3d. Its apparent size. 4th. If any noise was lieurd .1 it pais ed along. If so, what kind. Otli. It It was seen to explode, and il so whether sound was heard, and how long it was alter the explosion before the sound was heard. Mr. Martin giveJ the above us special poinis mat are essential to a definite in vestigation; but any and all information is acceptable as it may become valuable lie considers the third point the most important one, and especially requests the location by the points of the compass when it can be given, or as near it as pos ible, both in its beginning and ending; how II. any degrees apparently eaeh cud "as alove the northern or southern hori zon, and east or west of a line overhead. The Class of People that are (ienera'ly ont of Employment. Oneofour exchanges gets pretty near the real causes why so many people through ont the country generally aicont f employment. Of onrsc it is not true in all cases, but It tits a great many , and you do not have to go out of New Bcine lo tiud some of them cither. We quote from the writer. "1 seldom find anv out of work xcept those who are looking lor some thing that tin y are inco opetent to per- torni. A man who is alile to adapt In m -himself to circumstances and takes any job which oilers is never out of employ incut, and it is only lor a short time a! must that he is obliged to do anything thai is really benefit his ability. As soon as he demonstrates to his cm ploycr his lisncss t'nr a higher position, he is sure to be promoted. Those nlio aspire to something almve their ability how ever, are very numerous. Many of these are actually ignorant ot of the fact that they are unqualified for the kind of work they are seeking. It would be a mercy to many such men if some one would tell them kindly that their seacch is in vain, because other men are better qualified to perform the duty they ispire to than themselves, and will therefore be preferred. There is many a man who would make an exccllen' port er that Iriltcrs away his lile as a lame ex cuse for a book keeper." Ololdsboro's Papir School. The last iss:e of the Round Table, we consider the best one we have seen. This is the Educational Paper proceed ing from the (ioldsboro Graded school conducted by the teichers actively en gaged in prolcssionable work and giving productions of pupils. The statistical matter relating to the school, the history of the building, I ho library, wherebouts and occupations of former pupils and matter of local history show manifest industry in research, and the articles are well written and very interesting. The paper would be a decided credit even to a college much more to a public school. During the past year sixty-one persons were killed on railways in this State and 362 injured. There were 11,840 railway emyloyes in the State. Agents are in New Yoi k and Pennsyl vania enlisting men for the Brazilian war. They have not reached North Carolina yet. Both Corbelt and Mitchell have been arrested in Florida. The arrest was made to teit the validity of the state law rela to glove contests. The Duval Club is still confident that the light will take place. In a recent graduating class at Amherst College, it was founa that the non-users of tobacco had gained twenty-four per cent in weight, tbirty-seven per cent in lieighth, forty-two per cent in chest girth and had eight cubic inches greater lung capacity than the users of the wed. The city authorities are endeavoring to keep the streets presentable, but un less they are aided by the citizens, it is almost a hopeless task to keep them in good condition. It is the duty of the owner of all property to keep the side walk fronting his place in order and free from trash or other unsightly garjage. At Greensboro Thursday the revenue collector seized eighteen casks of contra band whiskey, containing in all 733 gal lons. This liquor was shipped' by a dealw at Shore, N. C. Near Mandale, Chatham county, Deputy Collector ICil patrick seized John Morton's sixty-five gall in still and 1,000 gallons of beer, all of which was destroyed. Our colored citizens have circulars out anuouncinjbthe celebration of emancipa tion proclamation on New Year s day. Rev. A J. Harris, of Rue's chapel Is the orator ot the day. The procession will form on George street in front of the Fair grounds and there will be considerable parading both before "and after the cere DIED. On the night of Thursday. Dec 33th at her residence on Hancock street:. Mrs. Geo. D. Gordner nee Miss Ida. Holland ot Onslow county, aged 88 years. - The remains . accompanied : by . the family were taken to , the former home near S.wansboro the next day', for' inter ment Tram Moout Lebanon church. - ' v . GET OLD BAKER 1861 FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS. SIR WALTER RALEIGH. His Work For America and Prof. Oaves' Lecture I'pon it last Wednesday night Professor On K I wan I liraham Dav of New He rne, favor--' gent and appreciate sketi h nf the lite ami the must remarkable ol any nati-ni. Sir W.i Proles ..r I) ives U i address is ;cbniraMv a firmer resident . I a highly intelli ' audience with a . Intruder of one el iih n of anv age or Iter llileigh. i burn writer, tin written and gins evidence of great research, care and thought, his c-iiu u iati-i-i is . ' r an -1 .li--tiuc-t. his s ! .-(' -l. 'n graceful and iniircssic The man h of his x-1 , i. K , ,s statelv and grand, when lie p -if the age in which Raleigh ' '. 'he litth centurv. an age more pr lirlc of great men. and great events, since t lie hest clays ,,f the Roman Kmpire. An age, when the Human muni Iml l-r.-ken Us slncklcs- an I thought b.came tree; aiiaii in which were burn events, that have shaped the lestinies of ihe English sneaking rac e' for three centuries,- an n-'c in which this race commenced its rapid ri-- 'o "teat- ness and withstood succcs-lcMv sinnV hundred and alone, the iir-u I cmim-- if Spain, whose power then ovei -li c-l. iwed the world an ! si-itti n-I l-i tie winds nei r-' armnli destined i to the di struct ion of the new b-u n hliel t i, s ' I I the English peop'e. j I His remarks n R-reigh were graieln 1 I eautiful; in him, Raleigh, w ere i Icm, nils j r grealecst s'r.ingely and w-inderfu'.lv conilMiieel. he w as one ol t lie mo-t t- r- c- I tile geniuses mat nv.-.i in anv ice, poet a I navigator, naval architect, philosopher author. Statesmen and soldier. .North crolinu has i-o:cmc-morated his ,'rea! name in our beautiful Capitol Cit. llu rapidly sketched the seveial oa ;cs made under his atispi. es lor the pur pose ol planting a colony ol Ihe l.tigb-h i rice upon this continent. 1 In- oi-ject ol I'rolessi.ri Dues a, hire-, s to raise sulli ient lutuls o enable a company ol patriotic- .Mini. ( urolini n.s. iviugin the citv ot Ualtimore to purchase he site ol the fort erec led by Ihe CI. n sis if Kale-igli on Roanoke Maud, known the II as th." City of Ralcitji; to re-. ue tin pot I la tn oblivion me I to erect th-rcon some memento in commen.orat ion ol I h it rent event, the lir-t settlcim-nt o Hi, English lae-e in North Ametie a. It vt iil be a sac-red spot, llis , c a ol .n-in t . ions yet unborn; and it wil! '-e lo us ni the present day, a leinin 1. r, that tro.n this small beginning, ha- re- n the might iest nation on the globe-. It is the spe.t, where, Virginia Date-. the first while- child b.iiu in ihe limits ol the I'nitcil States, saw the light; the liri spe.t from which Christian prayers a- cenilcel to heaven, the til-,' spot where. the Christian rile of Kai.t ism w as aeliutu- sicrcd and ought we not to give e-t our means lor the carrying out of 'this great project, as God has blessed us. .North Carolina is a grand old State, nit she has been slow in comment-. 4tiii" reat events that have taken place in h- r .orders ami it is a reproach to u-. Had the settlement ol' Raleigh been made on New England soil,, yet y in.i.l would have been tiM in son; an-l s-orc and the name of Raleieii would l-ae beeu throughout th.: laud, a hoti -, h,.ld word. It is our duly to make that spot upon Koanoke Island, sac icel ground, and to hold it in the same revcrency that the people of New Kngland, hold Ply mouth Rock; it will not be to us a ' blar ney stone,'' us long as we keep in remem brance, Alamance, Moore's Creek an. I Guilford Court House battle fields New England has her Hunker Hill up on which she has erected a tall graceful monument in coii'memoratiou of the great battle fought by her sons; A monument upon the plains of Lexington which tolls of the first blood shed upon her soil. Connecticut her monument to the memory of the Christian soldier and Martyr, Na tham Hall, and throughout her border-., there are other tributes ol gratitude to those who fell in the cause of liberty. I'pon the soil of our State we have a monument on Guilford Court House bat tie ground; that ever memorable battle was the turn in the tide of conquest that threatened to overflow our land. We have also one erected to the great and good Caswell. The purchase of the spot upon which Raleigh's settlement was made and the erection thereon of a monument within sight ol the mighty Ocean, which he loved so web, and upon whose bosom hcjucliiev ed much of his greatness, will be a fitting tribute paid by a great people to the memory of a great man. Professor D ues has bsen selected for a praiseworthy task, he well deserves the thanks of every true North Carolinian for the efforts he is making to carry out the project; and we are proud that he is a native of New Berne. J. Havens. DUd From the Effect. The Suiithfield Herald gives the lol- lowing item: It will be remembered that we gave an account of the killing by lightuing of Sir. John VV. Holley aud his wile in Bentousville townihip last August. Mrs. Lydia Holley was in the house at the time. She was knocked sensless and badly shocked by the lightning. The shock caused an abrasion on her left leg. The place began to inflame, swelled, and after suffering for over three months, she died November 17th in the 61st year of her age, ncarAntioch church. "The appearance without the cost." When man goes into a "ready made" clothing store now adays he's generally looklDg for just what we describe above that is ap pearance clothes that look well wi trout the cost, usually attached to good clothes. Sometimes he get's what he's looking for not often He generally gets "verage'' ready madeOlothlng and gets left. Now the Clothes we keep are above the "average" and do not coet much , more. When yon need Clothing, Hats or Shoes try ns. J. M. HOWARD. OLD BASER TAYLOR'S. 1861 ONLY at L. J JIbsolaUJy Fure cream ,f tai i ir bak-nt p .weier lll.'hest -,f Itll in le ,.v .iiiiiv ftti-Mrtti. Lati:rt L'.m ri: Si'mks (iiivkhnskni Koon Hkcoht. RoVAI. UaKINO I'OWDKK Co . HK Wh St.. N. V. X. I . Rallwa l lic 1 1 1 1 1 , 1 i n ; i ii a 1 il -it in a K n ! -v i ( rep -rt nitni--i ..f ih N,.nh ni w as i-.ii, , I- v. l! f ir ih - lerv i an 1'u I K prop:.n d is lo ut- d, c-.uitaihi 'flic It r t p III -ill "f I:.,,.. , - tll- dr. rt. Ti lr ar- f i. . mile- a- fo !l ,:;!.. I . i-'-n I and . i,- itf.-J,- Tin- tot. In i i, air All. -! l.nie stem, ,' la. It.- 1. '. die, 1,1'.".': Scal.oar.l Ai ii-. . Han.--it, road-. .07 J. valuation i-. )-M,i;"i4 :l ng I he al o e s -t. nis as tol .He oa-t Line li.."iw(l.:t7 7 l Ihinillr. if7,lil:;.ll'.i.- Sea l ''i-.'.it. mix-t ll.ui i ;t n, .1,1 An I ,-i.i;i ; pi r l, Ti lr. aim . rj.-r.' '.'.a i,' t"!.il 1 1 III, 11 p. I lino i igh and Oa . Atlantic l-a l D.iov.l id th.-n :ri higher in the Hi. ! loads .a-t I. In. has '-''; Seaboard iseellatleotts; an-l In II It.. ir l.i II NIIMM I. .1. I A 1 l.i i Id-Ill i: J.A MP at 1 st h III v i im: i. I. I i N k I U la"! I1C. N Dee Dir. of -l-I.H-ed a ('., ::. ls;i:i. tins Rank, ni-annual l!o it-.l , livid, ll-l oflh- p. r . . ut tr no tin IV d lo -arning n after st -l I Mill. 1 I' d. ll. RoHKKTS, . ashii r I at I.. .1. .0 IN' :i Dnl I. lor TAYI.' MM II E i ti. it the- e ily ordinal), c tiling of i arm- m crackcis u k- w ill be inoperati e . "I ), , to the 1st Is'.il, iiii-hisive. (Sun.lav I- h ',y :. e j.lohll-iil-,,.' (he or ..;!:, lileu from tl,. ;:!,! ,1, -lay ol .l.iimaiv. l .e.le-l I Th,- ,i-ch irg lin-arms with m the prohibited r. oflh-- Mi T. l.i. w is. City Marshal. SI ITKMPM OP f'OMMTION The Farmers and Merchants Bank, At of busiiics on I'.Mh dav of n.iTiui.. i!i:sori;;'i:s. Dome-tic- i fore i.-.n bill ., Ovi-i'elraw n ae-e ..n,i, Current e xpe-n-. - .'j inter, -t aeiiMltil, Real ed. Iiirnil lire .V t';c nie-, Stocks eV bonds, per i. Due fin c.'i respond i bank-, Ca.-h in vault. lll,.'i3.'.bl T.iiUKI fl;!0.4:t 6 7:17.14 20,013. no a6.57(l.3(i 24,:i:i0.3M $201,3tl!1.0.. 7.005, 09 1,1'2U.8:; 1H174.1H LIAIilldTIES. Capital stock, i paid in) Surplus and prolits, Due banks, Due de positors, 30I,309.05 I, T. V. Dewky, Cashier of the above named Bank, do solemnly swear that this statement is true and correct, to the best of my knowledge anil belief. T. W. I)K wey, Cashier. .-.won: an. i suiiscriueu to belore me this 3!lth day of December, lrt!:f. Correct attest: P. II. r-EM.KTlEIl, N. I I.. II. (.'1TI.EU, Y. S. ClIADWCIK, K. Ii. IIackbuhn JSO. SCTEIt, JUST RECEIVED A new lot of DERBY and SOFT Late stylo Hats, Call early and get one before they are all gone. A few of those Nice Initiel Handksrchiefs STILL ON HAND. J.J.Baxter Opp. Baptist Church. AUCTION! TO C10SK OUT CONSIGNMENT OF HORSES & MULES I will sell on SAT URDAT, Dec. 80tb, at 11 o'clock in front of HAHN'S Stables, a lot of fine HORSES & MULES, without reeem. . P. R. STREET, -Auctioneer. Baltimore Mis CLONICS . I. idles bi: I'hev 1 ilia r's ci.-' . Als,, IIUVS 1 1 : K N 1 I 'A rs. I' 1 ' , AC. H.-riie, stoic t heaj.i s! c ; Wh e h I , commemeiiie . I' m i f n ', t nan't last Inn:'. IN'IIA'. l." 9. B4R.T0il MihDi.i': sr. WE ARE AT 117 MIKDI.i: St: the phi: r i i i ov.t brought t. evci v 1 1. intr o. ere . . bn. I i. IDS I' lM' have JEWELRY, SILVER and PLATED WARE. H STsi-:r.tti it s iNinnv msri.AV ON MONDAY o? IMPORTED 1T0VELTIES. Wo havo rot th them . el ill and ...... Cnllle i-aily No trouble t.j and .bow th i.l ;h 'Wil. EATON. The Jeweler. 17"oz- Rent A 12 room tlwidling in most desirable location. Near Center of Town. Formerly occiipn .1 by .Mr. II. .1. Lovick. tf .1. Y. STKWAUT ETI l.AV IM. M. " I . WORK HORSES Before bnyintr to rttl'i' ato .oor Spring eropH. I Intvo the in ad ipted to every pnipo.-c. Gentle Drivers A LAV AYS ON HAND, FOB SiE Oil HIRL Horses boardod at MODERATE PRICES And well cared for. Give me a call. o. .A.. JONES. Opposite Gaston FJoase. Fins Extracts, Toilet Waters, Toils! Soaps, Stationary, Sc. At Reduced Prices. Drnes, Patent MediciDes. Ohemi- oals, Garden Seed?, Peas, Beans, Onions Sets, &a.,of beet nnalitv at reasonable prices. Prescriptions compounded care- fally of best material. C&tatoene ti all tiM (2.S0 $!0 t't&O tsso ta.M 1 Metropolitan Llf fl.ou 1 (mr rthn House $1.10 1 Christ in tna Mmp 1 1 20 IRnMUn NlallUm $1.00 1 HeroMof th Pitne tl 0 1 Arooad th Vorld f I 6 1 Protttabla Fuming $1.85 .I'lit'.-- an i An Attraction!WHY r n! That is Hard lo Withstand. OUR Stock & Prices. Full Cf Magnetism For All Economically Inclined. And Pray Tell us Who isn't these time3 ? BEE THE TKMl'TlXli PRICKS We are Making1 This "and next week, IS o 0 0 i 0. CO CD so 3 CD i K o c ZD tn ik oua Integrity -AND- Trustworthiness They All Have CONFIDENCE. GallSand see for. your self. , Eackbirafc jWillett 47 49 POLLOCK GT. :irm In.i -YOU-- WAITIN To Make Your PURCHASES ? Christmas is Gone but I can still eupuly all Kinds of New Year Gifts. NOW Is the best time before they have been Selected Througl My Line is Complete and -FULL IN EVERY- DEPARTS JOHN DUNN, rut

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