'AiLY Journal. HE VOL. XIL-NO. 233, NEW BERNE, N. C. TUESDAYS JANUARY 2. 1894 PRICE 5 CENTS V BCSISISS LOCALS. A FRESH LOT of HOYLER'S CAN DIES Just Recrivcd it Uiuni'i Pbab- MACT.. tf A NICE Bicycle for 81 Cbtsp it J. T. UHUIUIUUHUU. U. ORDERS left witU the Oobaflano sod Organ Co., kiddle BL, tor tuning and repairing pianos and organs, will rcceirs prompt attention daring the week' by n. a. chaw (oner. - it MONEY to loan Ok good real eatate aecnrf tie. R. W.VYuxuitaoii. 68 Craren St. V . Ti W n joaii. New Berne N. 0. d80S Having been solicited and Baring con seated to take a email aelect school in New Berne, I hereby give notice that I will open each school on the second Monday in January. Those' wiahing to eriTer will please make applications be- wre Jan. out uiuo not ucsirv more loan fifteen pupil . ' Keapectmiiy d281i 8. Dillingham. IT yoo want fine New RiTer an Far Creek Oystets go to J. II. SlaaVa. Broad treat. , cheap. A yprd full of fat tu iirRi eya (sixty) 115 L JUST received another large of those fine Florida Oranges which I am offering Tery low by the box or dozen. J. R. Parker, Jr. J, W. Small wood has just received a nice lot of Florida oranges at 20c. per dozen. Call and lee me. tl. LOCAL NEWS. HEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Howaru. " J. T.Hall & Bro. Bicycle for Sale. J. VYi Biddle Schedule "B" taxes. ' It's just as easy to write it January 94. Regular drill of the Naval Reserve to night. .. ' A little snow, mingled with ruin, fell -' yesterday, but not enough to Iny at all. r Tbe church bells of the city rang out merrily at midnight Sundar night, wel coailng the New Tear in. Mr, C. V.McGliee, who moved back ., to tbe city from Madison about a week ago has taken a permanent situation at Mr.' J. R. Parker's. 'The special edition of the Wbeklt ' JocaitAL to be puUfrhjd on tbe 17th inst. '. will not only be in tbe interest of the' Fair, but wilj contain a great deal rela tive to Now Berne and t section. - Tbe New Berne Fire Compgp belO itbeir annual bauqoet, giveu -by the . aew officers at Hotel Albert last night. . It was an elaborate affair and much en- v. joyed. The Highland Journal very" truly re , marks that (be manwho gets mad at what -the newspapers say "about him - ahould return thanks three times a day for what they know aboutlitm und don' - tell. - Messis J. C. Green and Leo Churchill '' have formed a partnership for plumbing and tinning, and commenced .the erect ion of a building nearly opposite Mosjre L. H. Cutler & Co Y .store for the.r head . quarters. ....',. ,, y ' . Miss Atbey Cotton daughter of 3en. J. W. Cotton, of Tarboro was marned there on the 87th Inst to Dr. Da rid F. Taylor, ; leading physician of Washington. It was one of the most brilliant marriage - that everoccured in Turboro. : . i . ' It it with much sadness that we have to announce' the death of little Maggie May, daughter of Mr., and , Mrs C. K. .'- Hancock. She died jesterjlay afternoon . aged one year and 0 months,- The luner- al will take place from Centenary church - this afternoon at half past three o'clock. 'The great six days' bicycle race at New York has been completed with Schock the winner, making 1,600 miles, -This beats the world's record 100 miles which w nisde in' 1891 by" Martin. '.'Waller came out second, making 1,484; Martin, 1.430 Albert 1,410. Only eleven riders remained in tbe race tj the finish. Rev. D. H. Petrec con dueled two ser vices in tbe Masonic Hall at Jacksonville Sunday. The Disciples have no' cliu'ch organization there, but tficro are some of that denomination in that village, and by their special invitation Mr. Petree went down, fie had large congregations each time. He returned to New Berne Mon day. . .'vl'.V.'. .'''-' . 't. t' ' At the meeting held yesterday morning looking to tbe organization of a Sodlal Club, the committee appointed at ' pre vious meeting represented that it was in possible to secure sufficient .names under tlie first proposition. A meeting will be Kid in tbe Mayor's office Friday night at 8 p. in., when other propositions will "be A special telegram to -the Charlotte rvff snvs that the resignation of , t Hancock, collector of customs at in, was received and accepted- i the time he left there Repreaenta ., ', inclined to Capt. Sam Waters, ! 1 not taken decided action, bo far , ,:e. At one time H , was ' t r .;,t,,r r .m was for Lane. Tke CkriiUaa KakbU Rabbi John Sergioa, a Christian Itrae- lite' of India deliwed tur dia A jea in tills city Sueday, two of them being aer moos in the Baptiat church, tine an 1- -dma to tbe Baptist Sunday school and the other a lecture in (Ujr Y. M. C. A. In tbe morning be preached from the test: "But go rather to tlie lost sheen of the house of Israel;'' In the erening from Hose, ffc 4 S. For tbe children of Isra el shall abide many days without a king, and without a prince, and without a tacrine, and without an image, and with out an ephnd, and without teraphim: Afterward shall the children of Israel return and seek the Lord their Ood and David their King, and shall fear tbe Lord and bis goodness in the latter days. Tbe Rabbi commanded the interested attention of his audience at each aerrice, but one has to listen to him very closely in order to get tho understanding of what be says on account of his foreign accent. Tbe Rabbi informs us that In India there are 70,000 Israelites, principally in three cities, Cochin in-India, Cotton Jbpr. These all know the tribes Mer belons to and have an unbroken history of themselves. The majority ol tbem are christians they became so under tbe ministry of the Apostle Thomas and have held to the faith ever since, All tbe tribes are represented except Dan. This tribe, after tbe seventy years captivity went to the country about tbe Caspian sea and became ab sorbed in the heathen nations around them. The "black Jews," sometimes heard of, the Rabbi says arc the tribe of Naphthali: They are not negroes tbey have no characteristic of the negro raco except the skin which is black as a broad-cloth coat. He lays the change of complexion to climates in which they have resided. Rabbi Scrsruis belongs to tbe tribe of dad. A collection was taken up at tbe night service and also in the Y. M. C. A. Hall to be applied to the furtherance of mis sion work iu which the Israeli tish church in India is engaged. Tbe local church to which Rabbi ocrgius belongs has six oiissions and the church at large, as denomination has 380 missionaries out, Tbe Rabbi tells as their church is not divided at all into denominations as Gen tile churches are. Tbey are all one in Christ Jesus, with one faith and one practice. Coming and Going Mrs. H. C. Tinker and children, ol New York, who have been visiting at Mr. 8. W. Smallwood's left, returning home. ' Mr. II. Sperling, who has been spend' ing a week or two in tho city left return ing to his home in Baltimore. Dr. C. M. Benton, of Newton Grove, who has been visiting his father Dr. J. H. Benton, left on the steamer Neuse yes terday to take a poet graduate course at Jefferson College, Philadelphia. Mr. Edmund Btrudwick' and family, who have been visiting relatives in the city left on the Str. Neuse returning to their home in Norfolk, Mrs. J. H. Knight left on thd steamer Neuse to visit relatives in" Elizabeth City, Mr. and Mrs. 8. H. Smith and Mrs. C. 8. Downs, of Philadelphia, who have been spending several weeks at Mr. Jos. B. Clark's, left on the stoamor Neuso re turning home. '. . Miss Minnie Mallison from near Croatan who has been at home during the boli days passed through returning to Einsey Seminary , LaUrange. : Rabbi John Sergius of India, who preach id and lectured in the city Sunday left lor Wilmington where be is likely to remain about a week, : Mr. J T. Lincoln, of Bayboro, and Messrs R. L. Woodard and 0. E. , Mc Cleese, of Pamlico passed through yes terday en route to Wilmington to attend the Grand Lodge of Masons, as delegates from their subordinate lodges, ' Miss Mary Boggs. of Catharine Lake, a Einsey Seminary pupil who lias been spending the Cbnstmai holidays, at her home, and Miss Dora V. Bodgers one of tbe teachers who has been visiting . her passed through returning to the school Prof. E. P. Mangum, ol 'Callowee, of Jackson county has retnrnel to his school; his wife and child remain to visit ber brother, Mr, J.-L. Griffin. Miss Myrtle . Pope returnee to ber school at Riverdale, Miss Emma Simmons, of Oliver's, Jones county arrived en ronte to Einsey Sem inary, in : . which she is ajteacher; r also Misses M. A. Day and E. H. Gates, two other teachers in the same "school,.' who have been viaiing ber, ' A number of additions have recently been made to the collection.of the. Anti quity Society at Raleigh. These are I Confederate soldier's ring, . made from a section of the famous apple tree at Appomatox, iulaid with silver; a Colo- Dial pewter cup; a Confederate wooden pipe, made from wood found on the battle field of Manassas; Confederate pike head; canister from tho Dattlo of Bennetts ville: stone taken from the chimney of tbe cabin of Daniel Boone in Catawba county; One of Jolm Brown's pikes made tor tue learner's rerry insurrection, llni e m was donated - through the ' Uitty of Mr.- C. Harris, Curator .-". .... Haval Reserves Likely to Cease to the Pslr. Cant F. Wloalow. of New Berne, com mander of tbe Naval Battalion of North Carolina, writes to Lieut J. H. Barnard, of the second Division. Naval Reserves, ot this city, informing uim that tbe Naval Ileservca ot tlie State are Invite 1 l iew Berne during tbe Fair in February. The wo divisions of Wilmington are invited over as tbe guests ol' lbs New Berne di vision. The New Heme reserves desire that our rmrves shall be there February 8'Jth. No action has been tkkei on tlie invitation, but it is quite pruluil-le that the boys will take n the trip ti New Jtcrnc. W umingion Messenger. Lieut. Uamsnl fx'nl yesterday in the city. While art ion has not yet occn taken by the Wilmington Reserves he coneiilers it a rrtninlv that they will come. Lieut. Barnard visited the Fair GmuuiIs with Lieut. Winalow and be in forms us thut be was struck to see bow admirably the ground lays for a sham hat tie to commence outsido of the Fair grounds ood end inside. If tbe baltl can be not ten on it will be a ureal ,it- Iraction lor tbe Fair. Lieut, n ii.slow will endeavor to liae some other military companies of tlif Slate present in addition to the Naval Reserves and we w ill all lie glad to have them. The members of the New Berne Reserves, who were so lately the recip ients of the unlxiunded hospitality of the Wilmington Reserves, a.re particularly anxious that they hliull come with full ranks and renew tbe friendships so pleas antly formed during Welcome Week. Wilmington DecendanU of Nobility. From the New York Post, Dec. 27. To tbe Editor of the Evening Post: 3ir: Noticing your interesting item, A Lineal Descendant of Oliver Crom well," I am prompted to say that in tbe little town of Wilmington, N. C, can be found descendants of Cromwell through tbe Claypoles descendants of Fairfax (children or Ueorge Davis, ksq.,) de scendants of Cbailcs the First (first men tioned to me by President Buchanan,) and (by tradition) descendants of Alger non Sidney, who refused to sit in judg ment on tbe father only to lose his own head at tbe hands ot the son. Raleigh N. U. December 24. 50 INCH DOLL for $2.50 at L. J. TAYLOR'S. KNIGHTS OF HARMONY A New Home Institution Pays Its Benefits Promptly, Received of Samuel R. Ball, President of Craven Lodge No. 1, Knights ol Har mony, the sum ol 1 wo hundred and nine ty seven dollars ($297.00) being nmount of burial benefit $25 00,-and amount due mt $272,00 upon Certificate No. 21 for my benedt, issued by said order, in full satisfaction and release of all cleims and demands which I now have or may have against the said Knights ot Harmony, arming out of said Uertmcate and death claim on account ot the decease of my husband thai. 11. blade. Witness my hand and seal this 28lh day of Dec. 1898. A ART A. BLADE, SCUI.j Samuel R. Ball, Esq., President of Craven Lodge, No. 1, Knights of Har mony. Dear Sin I desire to express my ap preciation of and gratitude for the prompt settlement by your order through you of the certificate upon the lite of my late husband Charles H. Blade. Sneh sDeedv payments of death claims. and such kind attention and aid as was rendered me in my sad affliction by the brothered are worthy of the .highest praises, and shnuld commend the order to all pernors, who desire to effect safe, yet economical insurance. Very Respectfully Mab? A. Sladg. A Remarkable Core. About eight months ago I had the I mumps, and just after reoovering I oommenoed to suffer with dyspepsia or Indigestion. Fortbree months there eon tinned a pain ' or lump in my chest. And my bowels were so con stipated I oonld never have an aotion without having to take an aperient. After using three bottles of jour dys pepsia remedy I was entirely well,ltnd have remained so 1 nave not taken a single drop of midioine since, and have gained twelve pounds." - : i lours truly, J. B. MoIES, - r '.- Atlanta, Os. ' Price 50o per bottle. For sale by druggists . , - . ; OET OIiBAEE!rJtl861 FOR YOUR CURISTMA8.V , "'. . tatPlYiPK.SP. . The National Bank of : " ,. New "Berne, N.'C, ".' . ' Dec. 87, 1803.- v The Board o Directors of this Bank, have this day declared a semi-annual dividend cf 5 per cent from the earnings of tbe past ihai months payable on after January jtOth, 1894. G. H. Roberts, i .0- '"'..-'- '.', cashier "The appearance without the cost." ; When a mad goes into a "ready tnade'.'oIothing store now adays be' generally looking for Jaat what we deeoriba abore that in ap. pearanoe clothes that look well witVoat the cost nsaally attached to good clothes. 8ometimes he get's what he's looking for not often lie generally gets "average'' ready made Clothing and gets left. Now tbe Clothes we keep are above the "averasa" aDd do not cost Pure A oream of tartar baking powder HUbest of all in leavening atrength. Latest United States Government Food Report. Royal Baking Powdkb Co., 106 Wall 8t..N. Y. For Rent. Tbe housu and lot on Johnson Street recently occupied by ilr. F. O. Sim lions. containing seven 7) nice rooms, situated opposite Acrademy Green, apply '.o I a. J. MouiiK. Accident Insurance. If you art) not already provided with an accident policy be Hiire ami take one, out ritrbt aw.iv in tlie Guarantee Accident Lloyd's ot New iotk. 11ns Kystem has been in vogue more than two bundled vears, the first one being established in Loudon in Kiss, and dining that time not one record of a failure among tliem can be found. Komulus A. Nunn, Agt. STATEMENT OF rOXDITION OP The Farmers and Merchants Ml, At close of business on December, 1893. RESOURCES. Domestic & foreign bills, Overdrawn accounts, Current expenses & interest account, Real est. furniture & fixture?, Stocks & bonds, 0 per ct. Due fm correspond banks, Cash in vault, 19tb day of 111,372.04 750.00 630.43 0 737.44 20,912.50 36,570.30 24,330.28 $201,309.05 LIABILITIES. Capital stock, (paid in) Surplus and profits, Due banks, Due depositors. 175,000.00 7,005,09 1,129.83 118,174.13 201,309.05 I, T. V. Dewey, Cashier of tlie above named Hank, do solemnly swear that this statement is true and correct, to the best of my knowledge and belief. T. AV. Dewey, Cashier. Sworn and subscribed to before mc tins 29th day of December, 1893. Correct attest: P. II. Pelletier, N. P. L. II. CCTIER, W. 8. Chadwcik ! K, I E. B. Hackburn, Jno. Sdter, SCHEDULE "B" TAX Office of Eegister of Deeds, Cra ven county N. C, Dec. 30th, 1893. All Merchants, Traders, Liquor dealers, Keepers of Ferries, Com mission merchants, Auctioneer's and all others in Craven County, who are required to list their pur chases, receipts or sales, as the case may be, under schedule "B" of tho Revenue Laws oPN. 0., are hereby notified to list the same at my office during the 1st ten days in January 1894 for six months ending Dec. 31st, 1893. W. Biddle, Reg. of Doeds and Ex officio Clk. Bd. Co.Com. WE ARE AT 07 MIDDLE Street where jou can find tne Fitu l ll!pT LOT or OOODS ever brought U: jtfew Berne. -We have everything in JEWELRY, SILVER and ,. PLATED WARE. JUST SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY ON MONDAY OF 'IMPORTED NOVEWIES. We have got tho goods call and see them, v , i Come early and avoid the erowd. No trouble to show the goods. i EATON, Tho Jeweler. Fina Extracts, ' tdlstider$ , Toiht Soapsif g S Stationary, fie. At Seduced Prrees, ; ' Drafrs, Patent Medici nef, Chemi cals, Gsrdea Seeds, Peas, Beans, Onions Seta, &o., of beet qoallty at reasonable prices. v r Pretioriptioas compounded care fully of best material, k'. '; Badnm4 '- OataloaiM 1 Mtropo'ltn Llni l.oo - - tass lonr rthr Uiidm : $1.19 ii.SO 1 ( hrt.tlntbei-m SIM , ';: i30 Ijt-oon Mnlltm ' $1.00 ' " ' ' 2,50 1 Brocp of the Hine tl 10 ' -i60 1 Anvil 1 tho A'orid l '. "-- ;lro:..i.ai terming l 03 U 6 ... i - "m f - - AUCTION! I TO CIOSE IT CON-IUNM! '.NT IK HORSES A Ml I. i s I ,!; , 11 ,,,, TO DAY, J-.lilll II V 211,1 :it 11 n!,xk ill front ol llAIIVS S'.mM, -. i l.-t of tine HOUSES ,t MIT.ES, u.ih.,.it n-c-rvc S. I!. STKl'.l'.r. A in li, ,nrcr. WHILE IH Baltimore I Bought Some Kare Kartfains in Ladies and Misses CLOAKS. Another n.-w hi I ! it : ; ,! 1 1 il of Ladies Kine Clo ik- n, 1 M, luin-lies. They will lie .M at , - lli ,., M.iniir.iet urcr's cost. Also MKN'S Stir rind I'ASTS, BOY3 K N K K 1' A N '18, .Ve.ic. Cheap8t Uoodo ever nvi iu New Berne, Wlrch I will put on sale at my store commencing MONDAY morning.. Don't forget those 5AHUAIN3, they can't last long. W. 0. HARRINGTON. 67 MIDDLE ST. GASKILL'S PHARMACY. My stock of Toiict Articles is much more than I am warranted in carrying. It is late enough to Rive two stores a inier sto stock. fliorelore, I desire to cat niv stock of Toilet anil Fanev Goods down one-half in size, and to accomplish this end, 1 oiler, lor the next l.i days, to cut the Prices on them Ktght and Lett. I will make a Sweeping Reduction in Prices for the next 15 days. If you doubt the sincerity of this card, glance over the appended prices and then come down and EXAMINE THH GOODS. TooTn Brushes, Itucltin Powder Puffs, Puff Boxes, Combs, " I'lviu 2o to 15e " 3") " idc ' 50 Hoc 14c 3oc 40c 20c 20c 20c 4-t r.n mi HAm Brcsiies, " Bath Sponoks, " Tooth Powders, " Pate?. RuuiFOAM(lbr tci tn " The above is merely a selection from hundreds of other articles, all of which are reduced uniform ly with the articles mentioned. rocket Books nil my snow cases by tho hundred, and if you need one tocarry your superfluity in,look at my stock before you buy you will thereby run a cuance of sav ing much of your superfluity. My past service to that branch of trade which requirers the care ful filing and compounding of Prescriptions of tho Purest and Best Drugs, is the best guarantee to the public of Safety and Econ omy. GEO. W. GASKILL, Prop. FARMERS EXAMINE MY STOCK OF WORK HORSES Beforo baying to cultivate yonr Spring crops. I have them adapted to every purpose. Gentle Drivers -Vi ALWAYS ON HAND, ; FOil.S&LE OR IURF. ; t; ;,i Horses boarded at MODERATE PRICES -And well eared for. Give me a call. K X lA.. JONES. ... - .L Opposite Gaaton Uoase. WHY ARE -Y0U-- WAITING To Make Your Wew Year PURCHASES ? Christinas is Gone but I can still supnly all Kinds of New Year Gifts. NOW Is the best time before they have been Selected Through Hy Line is Complete and rFULL IN EVERY lEPARTdHT jour; du;:;, An Attraction! That is Hani tt Wistail OUR Stock & Prices. Full Cf Magnetism For All Economically Inclined. And Pray Tell us Who isn't these times? SEE THE TEMPTING PRICES We are Making This and next week, 0 I H s o c D3 CD &3 CO CD IN 0UB Integrity -AND- Trustworthiness They All Have . COHFIDEhCE. Callland e?afcr y: - Sl mufb mora. When yoa need C! ' ' , '." rr C" ? t-y os. LAV?!.!? OLD BASER 1861 ONLY at L. J TAYLOU'S. : ,

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