4 The Daily Journal VOL. X1L-NO. 234, NEW BEKNE, N. C. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY :L LS04 PRICE 5 CENTS tr I- X BUSIXrSS LOCALS. AS FINE Stall fed Beef ever rime front the Weat ! All pork Rusare tliit morning. N. Whitford. FOR Fine Bull M RfcfPork and Sau . sage RO to Sain'l Obn & Son. A NICE Bicvcle for Sale ChespTT J. T Ukll & Bro's Rnn liop. tf OHDER8 left Willi the A. Coh7pimio and Orjfnn Co., Middle St., lor tuning and repairing pianos and organs, will receive . prompt attention during the week by ' R. B. Shaw tuner. it MONET to loan on good real estate securi tie. B. W. Williamson, 63 Craven St. New Beme N. C. d302w Having been solicited and having con tented to' take a small select school in . New Berne, I hereby give notice that I will open such a school on the second Monday in January. Those wishing to enter will please make applications be fore Jan. 8th as I do not desire more than fifteen pupils. Itespecmilly d28lw S. Dillingham. IF you want fine New River and Far Creek Ovstets an to J. II. Sliiile'n. Rnmil treat. A yprd full of fat turkeys (sixty) cneap. mow. JUST received nuother latge of those fine Florida Oranges which I am offering ery low by the hoi or dozen. J. R. Parkkr. .Tr J. W. Small woo.l has just received a nice lot of Florida oranges at 20c. per ilcnn. UaM act sec me. tl LOCAL NEWS. HE W A D VEli TISEMESTS. Uowani. N. Whitford Fine beef. For Sale Brick building, S. Cobn Fine beef, etc Prof. Bagar Dicing class. II. E. Pelham Strayed or stolen. Call anil see our new lot of clubbing botikg. The Ladies Missionary Society of the Baptist Church will meet at the parson age t!;ig afternoon at three o'clock. California's grand midwin'cr Exposit ion opened its Kates 1st. Jan'v. There were crowds of visitors present. There were son.e very fine planted North river oysters in market yesterday aelliig at SO cents per bushel. If the New Year did not come in with a bright day, it got all right on the fol lowing day. With such pretty weathet as thu section has been blessed with for the last three weeks, the farmers no doubt are up with their work. Mr. Stfninel Parsons made a shipment of aails yesterday to Punta Gorda, Fla. They were for the Willis FisliCo. Members t)f the conirmuv bavin" dean with Mr. Parson's before, preferred sending the order to him rather than to send else where. t Bev. O. G. Harley, the new pastor of Hancock street Methodist church, and wife are stopping at Moore's boarding " house. They will soon move to their - new home on Pollock street, the house near Hancock street owned by Mr. J. W . sfeasic. A few subscribers to the Journal have gotten considerably behind with their subscription and in consideration of the . New Tear being a good time to include this little matter of squaring up along with other resolution, we beg to remind i : . them of the tact. .Eon. Chas T. O'Ferrail, was inaugur . ated Governor ot Virginia at Richmond y on New Tear's Day, under bright skies, - jn the presence of smiling faces, and with greater pomp and display than have tacre- tolore characterize! occasions of this ' - kind in that commonwealth, t 1 Revolt R. Brutoa of Wilson is speud - - In j short time in the city. lit is en gaged in the distribution of Methodist . Church literature and Sunday school bibles. He is stopping at Mrs S. E. Cradle's boarding house. From New Berne he intends to go to Hyde county. ' The Raleigh News and Observer Chron- icle says: "Mr. John W. Jenkins, recently of the Raleigh Christian Advocate, and a " wejl known - and ' accomplished young t newspaper man, has purchased the Dur ham Globe, and will conduct that paper ' in the future. Mr. Jenkins will doubt less make a success of the Globe, and we wijhhim prosperity.' We have received a new lot of charm- ing books handsomely bound In cloth lor clubbing with the Joubhal. Those ' paying one jear Io advance fur the Daily - -, Jodrbal are entitled to their choice of these books free, and by paying $1.25 for " - the Weekly one year io advance they are also entitled to one of these books. Be ' sure and see them before they have been selected through. '' ' 1 " ' - The ornamental front fence posts and the foot piazza, columns of" Mr. T. J. - - Turner's iiew house, adjoining his-residence, wore turned on tbs eam lathe of .. Messrs. G. H. Waters & Son. They com- p are well with imported work in grace- fulness of design and in 'excellence of fin ' , isli. The lathe will turn - but1 work from the size of the columns spoken of - and as large in diameter as may be desired down to a piece the size , of a crochet rt-edie. There is no need of Bending a ay lor articles wanted of this nature -i they tan be made of suc,h . a satis rT character right in the city. . ; 3 EI3QUE LAMP $1.25 Com las; aad (joins; Miss Corinne Harrison, who has been spending the Christmas holidays visiting Mrs. Chas. Duffy left yesterday morning returning to Hemingway school, Norfolk ol which she i priocipal. Prof. E G. Daves of Baltimore, w ho is delivering lectures at several points in the State in the interest of the preserva tion of the Sir Walter Ruleigh Fort, left in the continuation of bis work. He lec tured last night at Raleigh. Mr. Geo. Allen left returning to Ral eigh. Miss Zither Barker, of Stella passed through returning to the Industrial Col lege. Miss Emma Hunter returned to the Greensboro Female College. Mr. John Seymour left returning to Hamilton College, N. Y. The following masons weut down to Wilmington to attend the session of the Grand Lodge of the State which began there Tuesday. Messrs. T. A. Green, F. Ulrich and II. J. Lovick, of St. John s Lodge, New Berne, Mr. P. M. 1'earsall of" the Trenton Lodae, Mr. T. M. Daven port, of Mt. Vernon Lodge, Stonewall, and Messrs. Benj, J. Smith, J. N. Stubli s J. J. Willis and Cupt. N. II. Ipotk of Vaoceboro lodge. Our former townsman Mr. J. W. Ham ilton, who for a number of years lias re sided in Durham arrived last night prospecting wi ll the intention of moving back. Mr. and Mrs. J. 1$. Ives returned from Wilmington where they have been mak ing a short visit on pleasure. Mr. Tlios. Simmons, of I'olloi ksville, came in yesterday. He and Mr. Joe Mc Sorley will return to the State University this morning to continue their studies. Lieut. Davis, of the Revenue Cut ter Winona, left for the North yesterday to spend a lew weeks. The trip combines both business and pleasure. Mr. II. A. Whiting, general manager of the W. N. & N. Railroad is registered at the Albert. His private secretary, W. G. Forlong, is with him. Messrs. Geo. Hkvicof New York, R. F. Whitchtirst, of Baltimore and Louis Bagar,of Raleigh, are also registered at the lbert. Messrs. C. W. Ilartslield of Kinston, and Alex Iludncll of Aurora are on a short business trip to the city. Rev. J. A. Rouse and family who have been spending a week at H tncock'a board ing Hodse en route to Swan Quarter, Mr. House's new appointment, left yester day by sail boat for that point. Rev. E. A. Watkins and family who have been spending a short time in Goldsboro, arrived last night returning to Hatteras, the same circuit which Mr Watkins served last year. A remnrkubh thing about Mr. Watkin's work is that eich of the three churches he serves is in a different county. He lives at Hatteras and is pastor of the church there it is in Dare county. Bis other churches are Ocracoke, Hyde county and Portsmouth, in Carteret county. Mr. Watkins is at Hancocks boarding House. Baptized at 97 Tears of Age. The Atlanta Constitution tells of the baptism at the Central Baptist church if that city on last Sunday of Mr. John S. Prathcr, who is almost a centenarian. He was born ia Caswell county, N. C. on the 24th of April, 1797, making him 97 years of age. He is spoken of as remarkably well preserved, and able to walk with vigor and elasticity At one time the old gentleman was an avowed infidel; now he is a humble be liever. The Constitution says the like of such a. baptism was never witnessed in Atlanta before seldom in the history of the world. Plans are on foot to build a Methodist church at Jacksonville, which is expected to cost about a thousand dollars. Four hundred dollars has already been raised for the purpose, and as soon as the fund is increased to six hundred it is proposed to begin the work. It is hoped that this will be accomplished this spring. Some interested in the move havt suggested that investigation be made as to whether the Jacksonville Club, which assisted so largely in the entertainment at Taberna cle church, Palo Alto, Friday night, and which acts with the Church Aid Society, could not give an entertainment in this city with the assistance of New Beme tal ent in aid of the church erection. We rather expect that, by proper effort, it could be accomplished. The persistent sough whioa usually follows an attack of the grip can be permanently cured by taking Oham berlain's Oough Eemedy. W. A Grippe left me with a severe cough. After using several different , medi cines without relief, 1 tried Chamber lain's Oough Remedy, whioh effected a'permanoot cure 41 have also found it to be without an equal for children, when troubled with colds oi croup. 25 and 50 eant bottles for sale by J. V.Jordan. - . 48lh DIVIDEND. Thk National Bank o - - " k ' . New Beme, N. C, -" i t. . Dec. 87,1893. The Board of Directors of tins Bank. have this day declared semi-annual dividend or 5 percent from the earnings of the past sis months payable on after January lQth, 1894. 0. H, Roberts, ' -V-i uashier SO INCH DOLL for $3.60 "at L. J. Every Grower His Owe Canner Mrs. II. It. Bryan has shown us at her residence a complete low-priced canning oot-lit which seems destined to woik great changes io the canning busiurss by giving to any grower the ability to can. at sn.all expense and with very little trouble, whatever he fiils to market, or any crop raised with special reference to W ing canned. There is no part of the vork but what any one can easdy learn to perform. The machine aod the process of using it lxtli appear veiy simple and the claim is made fr it th it mi,- ift'ie30 outfits will turn out a . p.-., as any other 150 out tit, mid will rook i-t t r unci faster. The small sizes work i auy cook stove, the large ones ; . to be bricked up. It is said the size next to the smallest, costing fdli, lias a capacity ot .W(l cam per day and in sixteen days will can up 400 bushels of toiintocs, and all can If done by home folks. It is (inured out that the product of an acre in tomatoes will can 8,000 thrvr pound cans, $040 worth. The juns, boxes, and labels would cost about $2"o, leaving in round numbers f lO l out oi which to pay the expense of raising, and get the net protit. We bave lon been anxious to see vege table and fruit canning, lor market, being carried oil in tins section, and if sonic oNt is'nt being done before the year 1 H94 is ended, we are mistaken. This style ot canning outfit is the in venlion of un aged South Carolina gen tleman. Mr. II. 0. IIal. We are ioforni ed that he is the lather of two Methodist ministers, one of whom is Rev. B. It. Hall who for several years has been pastor ol the church at Goldsboro, but who is .low siationod at Durham. The canning outfits will be put on the market at New Berne at an early date through an agency. The inventor, Mr. II. O. Hull has been solicited to be pres ent at the East Carolina Fair and exhibit the workings of his invention himself It is porbable he will do so. Itttads in No 1 Township anil Near New Iterno Mr. S. E. Whitford of Zorah, No 2 Township was in to see us yesterday and in speaking of roads Mr. Whitford infor med us that the one between this city and Nelson's ferry is much worse than the one on the other side of the river lead ing to the ferry. Now that the ferry lias been parchased by the county and made free, the people beyond the lerry feel more desire to come to New Berne by that route than ever before and naturally feel an interest in knowing that when they start they will find the whole length of the road in good traveling order. Surely the portion nearest the city ought toTie kept in at least as good order as any other and yet it is so bad that two horses were "stalled" on it Tuesday. Mr. Whitford is the clerk of the board of supervisors of his township, and he feels a little pride in the way the roads there are looking. He says that town ship has more roads and they are kept in better order than any other in the county. It is pleasing to sec sucli inter est manifested in them. Mr. Whitford is also a good snbseriber to the Journal; he has been taking it all the time and never lets his subscribtion get behind the very kind of a subscriber that it is always a pleasure to have. MARRIED, At the hotel in Swansboro on the 10th of Dec. 1893,Geo. W. Howland of More bead City and Miss Julia Hill of Swans boro, N. C. At the residence of the bride's father, A. W. Moore, near Swansboro, on the 35th of December, Mr. Thomas Glancy and Miss Katie Moore, J. A. Pittmnn. Esq., officiating. At the residence of the bride's father, I. J. Cox, near Swansboro, on the 25th of December, 1898, Mr. Chas. Bennett of Morehead City and Miss Lorena Cox,Kev. J. W. Nobles, officiating. ''During the epidemic of la grippe Chamberlnin'a Oough Remedy took the lead here and was much better lik ed than other cough medicine." II. M. Bang, drafgist, Chatsworth, 111. The grip ia much the same as a very severe cold and requires preoicely the same treatment. This Remedy is prompt and effectual and will prevent any tondanoy of the disease toward pneumonia. F:r sale by J. V. Jor dan. OLD BAKER fl.00 per QUART AT L, J. TAYLOR'S. Fireman's Notice. Tho Board of the Fire Department are requested to meet to night at the Atlantic Engine House for the annual election of officer. By order of the Chief 2. W. Smallwood W. D. BA&BisoTOir, Secy. , ; DA5CIX& CLA83. A dancing class will commence at Lo th rop hall next Tuesday evening at four o'clock lor Tonne ladies and children and at eight o'clock at night 'for gentle- . Pbof. Baoab, Instructor. ; , NOTICE. TheKnlghtsof Harmony will meet St the Hall tonight at 8 o clock sharp. Every member is requested to be on band promptly as business of vital ' im portance is to be attended to. -. ' . By order of the Piesident. -. . J. H. Smith, Sec'y. " s1 - '' 'i in . is, win GET OLD BAKER 1861 FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS. . Xttajkincr JIbsolately Pure cream of tartar baking powder Highest of all in leavening strength. Latest L'nitkii States (Jovkunment Food Hkfoht. Rovai. Bakino 1'ownnH Co , 106 Wall St..N.Y. A I'ltKiKNT TO EVERYBODY. All "in wadir- should -end to the Publish r ol The Home, 111 Milk St., l(o-i..n, Mim., and g.-t a -it of their beau tilul Stamping I'atUriH. They can li used lor emliroid. ry outlminj or painting. All desirable and g,l M.e,: sunt N10, ot lii is inches. 'Me re are ninety one (91) different p itti rns and two alphabets, one a large loret me not pattern. Willi litis outfit the p bli-hei- -end The Home, a 10 page paper containing Storie-, Fashions, Kaney W'orli. ete , for II months, and onlyak for 10 cents to cover co-t of postage on pat tern and paper. out illustrated Premium List of 200 premiums sent free to any address. Take ad an';e'e of this otler now. It For paii s iu the chest there is nothing better tlnu a tlannel cloth saturated with rirjiuherlain's l'ain Halm and bound ou over the seat of pain. For sale by J. V. Jordan "The appearat w ithout the cost." Wheu a man goes into a "rt-ady made" clothing store now ad ay 8 he's generally looking for jast what we describe above that is ap pearance olothes that look well wit'i oat thii cost usually attached to good clothes. Sotrje'.imeu he get's what he's looking for not often lie generally gets "iverage'' remiy made Clothing and gets lef'. Sow the Clothes we keep are above the "average" and do not cost much i!ire. When you need Clotbitig. II, us or Shoes try us. J. M. HOWARD. FOR SALE The Single Story l.rick Building aud to story frame building ad joining, covered with sheet iron, LocLtcd on Craven stroet oppo site the Machine Shops of J. H. CRABTREE & CO. tf STRAYED OR STOLEN From my Premises near Biverdale, on SATURDAY DEC. 31st 1893, Large, Liyht 11 ay bank Horse, Over 5 feet high, Gray eyes, sprung in fore knees, Main arjd tail short and dark. CdPAny person giving information leading to whereabouts and recovery will be AWARDED $10.00. H. E. PELQAM, Biverdale, N.C. Jan. 2d, 1894. dwlw Gold Wav3 Gaming, GET READY FOK IT. Wc have'a full line of HEATING STOVES. L H CUTLER & CO. Fine Extracts, Toils! faters, Toilat Soaps, Stationary, &c. At Reduced Prices. Drags, Patent Medicines, Chemi cals, Garden Seeds, Peas, Beans, Onions Bets, &o.,of best quality at reasonable price?. Prescriptions compounded care folly of best material. 1 Metropolitan Life ' 1.(KJ 50 lUnrtbM Hnnas . Si 10 . ? S180 1 Ohrt.t in io Oawp II at) ..r .' , Si ffl iimumio planum si.iu - .; iiw 1 HroM oftta Platoa tl 0 '?: ttM I AroniH thu orld tl Siv '!H': .'-13 SO 1 ProUtiUle F rmlDg - lite . '-1 . IJ&S. WE ARE AT 07 MI MILK St : i i i, . , , Xr, ,u.j the !Hi: f 1 II.- : : ; ,. ; ;. ever 1 iotiJ'M. .s'" i;r h.wr Hi I lil lr . JEWELRY, SILVER and PLATED WARE. 1 1 f SEK Hi i! 'V 1 N I!. IV HIi'I. v ON MilNh VV n .' IMPORTED NOVELTIES. Wehavc(!"t tli' '!- .11 an. I see them t'nino I y ; i ,i ci .w.l. N.i train v Ui EATON. The Jcvdcr. AUCTE mm 'I'd ciosr. or r chnm ;nmi' r uk UOUSKS ,v Mi l.!' - I v.' : . 1 1. 1 t HAY, J inu i! v -..I ; i . ' ii Iront nl UAH Vs Sra' I. -. : i tinr HIKS ,V Ml 1.1.-. w it'.,..-: i. -in. - i; - rin.r. r. . . i;..i.rn WHILE It? Baltimore I IioDght Some Rare Har.tiiia iu Ladies and Misses CLOAKS. Another lu-w an.l l.u .r. I:ii i i , ;il l" Ladies Tine I'lnak- nul M.'lnl.i In . Tlu-y will he sul.l ,.t lt--- tl, in M iniil'.ic t urci's ciit. Also MEN'S Sl ITs and I'ANTS, BOYS KNKE l'AM'.-!, Ac, Ac. Cheapest Goods ever stcii in Now Borne, Which I will put on sale at my Btoio commoncin); MONDAY morn inu' . Don't forget these UAKliAIN, tticy can't last long, W. 0. BiRBINOTOH. CT MIDDLE ST. FARMERS EXAMINE MY STOCK H WORK HORSES Before bnjinc to cultivate yoar Spring cropf. 1 have them adapted to every pnrpohe. FINE Gentle Drivers ALWAYS ON HAND, FOR SALE OB HIRE. Horses boarded at MODERATE PRICES And well oared for. Give me a call. J. A. JONES. Opposite Gaston House. i.w t:. :- SCHEDULE "B" TAX Office of Register of Deeds, Cra ven county N. C, Dec. 30th, 1893. All Merchants, Trailers, Liquor dealers, Keepers of Ferries, Com mission merchants, Auctioneer's and all others in Craven County, who are required to list their pur chases, receipts or sales, as the case may be, under schedule B" of the Revenue Laws of N. C, are hereby notified to list the same at my office daring the 1st ten days inJanuary 1894 - for six months endinrDeo. 31st, 1893. J. W. Biddlsl Beg. of D fcds '. and Ex officio Clk. BtLJXCoin. why are -Y0U-- WASTING To Make Your New Year PUhCHASES ? Christmas is Gone but I can still supuly all Kinds of New Year Gifts. row Is the best time before they have been Selected Through My Una is Complete and -FULL IN EVERY - DEPARTMENT JOHN DUNN, i An Attraction! That is Hard lo Withstani OUR Stock & Prices. Full Cf Magnetism For All Economically Inclined. And Pray Tell us Who isn't these times? SEE THE TEMPTING PRICES We are Making. This and next week, d i 4 -n 9 5- 3 2 0 is ! : w 2 O o c ZD CO ZD m CO IN OUR Integrity -AND- Trustworthiness They All Have CONFIDENCE; CalUand see for yordr-- , self. Sickburnr&.Willctt TATLOR'S. ITo. 55 & 57 Pollock Et 47 & AO TOIL Y '

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