'he Daily Journal. VOL. XIL-NO. 238, NEW BERNE, N. C. SUNDAY. JANUARY 7. 1)4 PRICE 5 CENTS ml X BUSIKESS LOCALS. LOST A tbrea billed pocket knifc. Return to Jockh.il office. A FRE8H lot of LkoJreth't & Jobnion A Bobbins seeds just roceire.1 at tf uashll's Pbabhact. FOR Bale and Rent Lot on Middle St. opporiu Catholic rectory, term reasons ble. AJto office on lot adjoining Pres byterian church yard lor rent. Apply to tf. H. L. Gcbbs. A NICE Bicycle for Salo Cheap at J. T. Ball A Bro'i gun shop. tf. ORDERS left with the A. Colin Piano and Organ Co., Middle 81., lor tuning and repairing piano and organs, will recti re prompt attention during the week by R. B. Shaw tuner. It MONET to loan on good real estate sec un tie. R. W. Williamson, 62 CraTcn St. New Berne N. C. c1308w JUST received another large of those fine Florida Oranges which I am offering Tery low by the box or dozen. J. R. Parker. Jr. LOCAL NEWS. NEW ADVERTISEMEN TS. Howaru. Opera House Ollie Torbctt. L. H. Cutler Fanning Implements. Hackburn & Willctt Settle your ac count. W. H. R 8. Tucker & Co., 1'. .lcili Dress Wools. COl'TON SALES. Saturday 44 boles at 7 3-8. 'Rain in the interior followed Sunday by cooler. Decidedly cooler in the inte rior by Sunday night," as the telegram yesterday on weather forecast. Mr. W. J. Smith of Edcnton is now purser on the steamer JNeuse. lie was transferred to ibis steamer from another of the company's steamers. The annual meeting cf the Female Benevolent society for the election of officers will be held this afternoon at 8:80 o'clock. A lull attendance is de sired. There will be a meeting of the Kings Sons and Daughters Monday night at 8 o'clock at Y. M. C. . Every member of both circles are earnestly requested to be present. An invitation signed by a thousand teachers will be sent Vice-Presincut Stevenson and family to visit the next session of the Teachers Assembly to be bald at Morehead this summer. We believe they will be there. A postal from Mr. M. E. Whitehurst give the information which will le very pleasing to his numerous friends, thnt the eye on which the operation was per formed is bealiug and the sight improv ing. He expects to be home the last ol tbe week. Those who have spent some time in Wilmington lately say they hear plenty of talk there about coming to the East Carolina Fair. Wilmington visitors will no doubt be here every day of the Fair, and when tbe Naval Reserves come over -the will no doubt bring a big crowd with them. We see at Mr. J. J. Tolson'g a supply of North Carolina pecans for sale. They came from Jones couuty. There is no reason whv everv (farm should not hare a supply of those trees. They are Tery profitable, and are also beautiful and use ful as shade trees when wanted for tba' jrapose. Embark in pecan culture. Now is tbe planting time. Hon. Kopo Elias, subordinating his Interest to those of the party has with drawn from the contest for the office of Collector of Internal Revenue for ths 'Western District. The nomination of Sis successor Mr. Mellville E.Oarter will be sent in with the earliest batch of nom inations eays the Charlotte Observer special. Mr. D. T. Costeu, with a little assist ance from his father, Mr. J. D Costen is T putting up a good residence to cost about 11500, a short distance from the site of his old - home near White Oak station. Mr. R. H. Mills has recently completed one at Wblteoak crossing and his oncle Mr. J. T. Henderson is now ' building one for himself at tbo same " crossing'.' Such evidence of thrift in the community is pleasing. V- ,Onr attention las been called to a toy gun for shooting a single shot with nich ' some of the boys 61 this place are pro vid jefl. The gentleman speaking t6 us saw another" party struck who narrowly w caped having his eye put out by the saot finch tovs shodtd not be allowed. It is a ? matter ol surprise ,baX parent will pcr- ..' mit their children to have playthings with ' ' which there is so much liability to mis- chief being accomplished. - 'coming and Going .." Judge,-. H.R,., Bryan left yesterday . morning to hold conrt in Wadesboro. , Mr. Jas. A Bryan left for New Jersy, - Mrs. Budie Heirinnton ' left to , visit friends in Dover. ' - ., ., ' : Mr. P. M. Pearsatl the last of the Ma sonic Grand Lodge delegates returned . last night from Wilmington, -t v.' ;' ; . Messrs. W..W. Clark and 0. H. Guion ;. -returned from New York where the; have been on a business trip. . v - Mn. A. Oettmger, of -Kinston - came -. down to visit Mrs. Mortis Marks.: Rev.N. M. -Journey who has been spending iome time at Beaufort passed IT IS SETfLED 8, H. Lue Collector tt CiiIob Xatt Xaaty rl master. 'Mr. Lane, recommended by Senator Ransom, is the collector of custom, agreed upon for New Berne, to tie nomi nated in ti e next batch. After consult ing Secretary Carlisle Representative Grady concurred. Caut Matt Manly is hero. He will he nominated for postmaster at New Ilerne aooutthe8th inst, when Clark's term expires. " Tbe above items are taken from a special in Saturday's Charlotte Observer, a paper very acenrate in tbe news from Ihecapitol. Mr. Lane had previously received a telegram giving him the as surance of bii appointment. T be Observe gives in addition the appointment of Mr. Manly. Both the gentlemen are well qualified to fill the position to which they have been chosen. Mr Manly has bad hvjr years of previous experience in the post mastership, gave perfect snlisfiiction while there and this is guarantee enough that it will be so again. Mr. Lane has held the position of Cit) Clerk and tax collector and fulfilled the duties expeditiously and well. He is h man that puis his whole soul into what he undertakes and he rendered good ser vice in the last campaign. The ntfiiira of both offices arc in good hands. Church Services. Christ Church Rev. T. M. N'. (Jeorge, rector. 1st Sunday after tbe Epipliany. Service, sernum and Holy Communion 11 a. m Service and sermon 7:30 p m. Sund iy School and Young Men's liililc Class 3;3() p. in. Sund.iy Scbool at the Chapel 0.30 a. rn. Tbo public ar cor dially invited to attend the-ie services. Attentive usbe-s. Centenary M. E. Church Kev. J. T. Lyon, pastor. Mu's prayer meeting 9:15 Sunday School 3:30 p. m. Church ser vices It a. m. and 7:30 p. in. B.iptist Church Services at 11 a. m. and 7:80 p. m , conducted by tbe pastor, Rev. Rufus Ford. Sunday School 3 p. m. St. Paul's Catholic Church Mas at 11a. m. Catechism at4p.'in. Vesperg and Benediction at 7:30 p. m., Kev. P. F. Qui iiD, rector. Church of Christ D. II. Petrec, pas tor. Service for men at 9:30 a. m. Preaching at 1 1 a. m. an 1 at 7;30 p. m. Sunday School at 3 p, in. Presbyterian Church C. G. Vardeil, pastor. Morning service and sacrament of tha Lord's supper 11 o'clock. Even ing service 7:80 p. m. At this service the pastor will deliver the first of a scries of lectures upon "China and the Chinese Sunday School 3:30 p. in. Prayer meet ing Thursday 7:30 p. m. The public cordially invited. Y. M. C. A. 4:45 p. m. Men's meet ing conducted by D. M. Hollowell. To Improve Her Streets, Our neighbor city, Beaufort, is doing the right thing in its move to havo the principal street there leading out to the country shelled. A better move could scarcelv be made. Not onlv should all the business streets of any town or city be substantial and easy of traffic, but it is of the gteatest importance to have the main thoroughfare leading out into the country made first-class. To have better streets New Berne knows what that is. Only go back eight or ten years ago and reflect. Then alter any hard rain or continued showers, the streets would be so badly cut up that vehicles would almost mire to the axle and not more than a hall or third load could be hauled by drays. Now fiuer streets can be found. They are hard, smooth, and well drained, and are a pleasure to drive upon. As to their substantiality two winters have been amply sufficient to test them. The next move in this l.ne would give still greater benefits if Broad St., could bo shelled or marlcdto the corporate limits and from there Craven county should con tinue it at least a few miles till the heavy sand is gotteu through. Only about two miles would be required to construct till good hard roads would be reached. What siys New Berne? What says Craven county? Looking to Starting the Cannery. Mr. Chas. VanLear, a member of the firm of Grceoabaum Bros., canners, is in the city considering t.the advisability of starting their cannery in this city for the season. We hope be will find it to their interest to do so. Oysters are very fine this year and cheap and would no doubt be suDolied in abundance. The operating ot tne canning lactones makes money easier for several classes of our people. It gives those who catch the oysters a ready sale tor them and gives nlentv to do to some ovster boats thst run backward and forward buying from the catcher's and selling to the factory, besides the employement it furnishes to the operatives irrttjp factory.-; . All this keeps money In circulation, enlivens trade and tends to make better times generally. - -. Benevolent Society Kotloe. - ; v The regular monthly meeting of the Female Benevolent Society will b4 held at the home of Miss Metta, on Tuesday aftercoon'at half past three o'clock. - As this is the annual meeting for tbe elect ion of officers it is particularly requested that all the managers will attend. ; -. ' . .. N. I Skthocb. i ' ..' Secretary, CITT COUHCIL PROCEEDINGS , Jan'y 5, 1M. Board met in regular esion, Mayor Ellis in the chair; present, Councilmen ReiieusUin, Oerock, Lovick, Clark. Litham, Crawford. Minute last meeting read and adopted. The following persons having complied with requirements weie granted licen to sell liquors F.J. llardison, W. II. Hooten, Patterson A Co. Petition of citizens in regard to the im portation au 1 iwle if second hand cloth ing and ordinance in n-f.-rerr; t'lereto on niotiog Cnuneilnrin 1. 1 u referred to ordinance eoniiimicc ami city attorney. Chai.man L vick, F. IV njiorts the department mil' in nr.-I ol' horses, n" purchase having yet been made, one hired horse us iK'ing used. Moved by Councilman Clark that the matter ol horses lu referred to F. 1). Com mittee to make ex iminalioii and report next meeting. C'bainiMii Keiz'-ntein, S. A- I', had not yet inwde any arrangements tor shells. Motion bv Councilman Latham that S. A P. Committee lie empowered to buy one boat load oyster s!:clls. Chairman Lovick. Police, repoits two policemen sick w ith grip. Lights, Chairman Latham, stated that a proposition had been made him by the las. Co. to furnish a moonlight cliluU, pending final action; . the old arrange Hunt for gas lighting would be contin ued. The Mayor advanced a sujgcslion ol Prof. JKdward U. Daves, that the city adopt the emblematic c ilors ( Hern, Switzerland. On motion of Councilman Latham the colors of our mother city Bern weie adopted and hereafter tbe municipal col ors of New Heine shall lie red anil black, with the bear on the shield. Councilman Lovick moved that the matter of Altmoic St. be postponed until the return of city attorney. On motiou Councilman (icrock, loc at ing a lire well in Reizensteinsvillu ws rclerred to r. D. Committee with power to act. Councilman Clark was excused retired. J. C. Green was elected practical ninecr of the Atlantic Co. and Herbert Willis practical enirinecr of the New Berne Co. until the May meeting; pro vided they will accept. The following ordinance by Council man Oerock was adopted. Be it ordained that the engineers of the Atlantic and New Berne Fire Engiuc Companies shall visit their engine houses once in every 24 hours and examine their lire apparatus to ascertain that everything is in order. Failure to comply with this ordinance shall subject the offender to a fine of $5. Mayor's report as follows read and adopted: Jan'y 2nd, 1894. To the Honorable Board of City Council men ol the City of New Berne: Gentlemen: I have the honor to report the following fines and costs imposed for violation of city ordinances during the month of December, 1808. Fines, $08 00 Costs, 100.10 Total $164.10 Respectfully, Wm. Ei.i.ie,Mayor. Marshals' report ai follows read and adopted: Jan. 2nd, 1894. To the Hon. Mayor and Board of City Council. Gentlemen: Below please find my re port for the month of Dec, 1893. We have made during the month 51 arrests; 1 served time out; 1 put to work and run away; 3 chastised by parents; 2 judgment suspended; 1 ordered by May or to leave the city; 10 were dismissed. Fines collected, $13.40 Costs " 70.15 Total $83.65 One half of the above'eost 35.07 was deducted for my fees, the balance $48.47 turned over to the city treasurer. Respectfully submitted, Jas. T. Lewis, C. M. POUCH RECORD. J. K. Land, arrest 8, warrants ex. 13 '.I. B. Dixon, arrest 10, warrants ex. 5. Eli Elliot, arrest, 9, warrants ex. 5. T. J. Toler, arrest 11; warrants ex. 14. H. T. Brinson, arrest 7, warrants ex. 13. Dec. 13th arc lights out from 7 to 8:30. Electric light back Thos. Bewden's out 7 to 8:30. Dec. 17th electric light back J. F. Tay lors out . Jas. T. Lewis, C. M. Monthly bills allowed. Board took a recess subject to the call o the Mayor. W. D. Wallace, City Clerk. Ayer's Pills, which received the high est award at the World's Fair, are recom mended, hy leading physicians, for tbe CUre OA CUStlVOUBBB. 1UUIIICDHUU, BIUIIKIDU- ness of tbe liver, jaundice, and sick head ache, also, to relieve colds, fevers, neural gia, and rheumatism. It "Good things should be praised." v Shakespeare. Every one will admit ; that the above is right : a cood man or a good woman is praised, bat what we wish to praise is oar good, shoes made by Stacy Adams & Oovf We hear numbers of our customers praise them. They say . they are the beat shoes they ever tried they wear well look well and feet well. Prices are from 13.00 to 15 00.1 The elastio never, gives oat . in - these OUIe Torhflt onccrl Co. The pM-ir..i. e of Mis Ollie Torbctt at the t 1 1 1 . ! r n -t WVdn -sdjy night wi'l lie mi ru nt U; it h c -s'Mom Lave the op portuniU ol ;-virw in New Ilerne. rip doull rtinem- here with ham the I ilnU' mv- ! 1 1- rorlK;tt. i c r:.iin arti-t. She is pn-ttv ti ii. tut is u'race it-elt. Mr. Isidore Moqnist, the pian brill. ant perioral i . Our lovers ol piano muMCwere iblighted with him. The Lutteman Scitettc, from Stock holm, Sweden, captivated the audience w ith their line sinking. Their voices are full of vigor and --.veetness. and bleu 1 n the most harmi'iiiou-manner. On the w hole it w as nil evening de- dittully spent amid the "concord of let sounds" and our people would be id to have the ' ompany visit u- again." IIANDSO.MF. I'dSOl E LAMP 1 L..I. TAYLOR'S. at Masonic lirauil LoiIijj OlllcerH- Tin- lollon iiiL.' are the (Iraii'l Lodge tlii n-s, i lei ted and installed in Wilming ton I' ir the eiiuiii'' ear. li- 'I. .I"!l!l W. Cot tell, of TllbiUO, aii'l Ma-:er Kiani-is M. Move, of Moycton, Di puty and M.l-tei. Iliehard .1. N'.ible, i f Spt i nirfii-KI , Se - l Knui.! Wardi n. W ilt, r L. Mm,, re, nl , 1,-t. r, Junior lilaud Warden. Will. Sihipsol 'Lie filler. Win. II. Haiti, eret ir . '1'he in-talla) ioi ducted ill their iiressive in, inner 1 i, of Kiile'ieli, Crane ol K.i'.i igh. Grand Se i ecretiuinii s were con usual solemn and im iv ac'tin'' Grail'' Master If. II. Million, acting Grand Marshal .1 C. Drew ry. acting Senior Grand Warden Suinmcrvil, acting Senior (irand Deacon V. A. Withers aisd acting Junior Deacon London. Wilmington Star. OLD P..VKKR tl.OH L. J. T.YYLOIl'S. ier tJl'AHT AT Dog Lost. A reward will be paid for the delivery at in" house of a lai','e w hite and yellow setter dog answering to the name of Ci '1 be dog has been missing since Monday morning. F. Wi.nsi.ow OLLIE TORBETT, Accompanied by the Celebrated SWEDISH SEXTETTE AT Till; THK.VTKE WEI). JAN. 10TH. Reserved Seats, - - $ 1.00 (leneral Ai'-i';-s!oii - - .To (iallery. - - - .o0 All paid up memberships to the V. M. C. V. and subscribers to the amount of lim ited membership, arc entitled to reserved scats without extra cliAijie. Tickets on sale Monday morniiii' at 12 o'clock at Nun n & McSot ley's. Doors open at :30 o'clock Perform ance at 8:00 FARMING IMPLEMENTS. We are Headquarters for Plows and Castings, Cultivators, Harrows Guano Distributors and all 'kind of Farming Implements- 0 To Merchants: We can sell you Plows and Castings at Factory Prices. L. H CUTLER & CO. W. H. & R. S. TUCKER, & CO HANDSOME IRESS WOOLS We have re-marked many of our Foreign Dress Goods, so that immediate buyers can can secure uncommon values in very hand some dress material. WE ITEMIZE 5 ASSORTMENTS 50 in. Mousse Cloth 1.67 50 Matelaase " 133 50 " " 1.48 50 ' Flaked Burgatine' 1.59 41 " Hair Cloth Suitings 1.25 AU-thia season's purchases and in the .Tery latest shades. SAMPLES WILLUJQLT SENT. Clan I,..ui-c K. I.o-g. and, though it was m J "p" alniul the liejinning i f her public ca- J k f rrrr, how niiu -klv -lie won ihe admira 7f v tion ot t ih-ml i r. .iuii nee w it h hrr beauty 1 gr.u -, a:liti.- remlitioii upon lor ,J4UFtv " M cc v t f N :-.v..r.:c,,t::l-u..th.. violin. Af OMefy - 5 V- l iinri tln ir red lit hi i tic tr.nn i at Dur Pure s.. s WVH.& R.S. Tucker & Co, mm wa m m m a a n a fin- violinist Mi-s , ;y, I .,, Oream of tartar bakirnr powaer J i.v .1 h tu . j miD niKhe ()f n ,n i(,.lveIU , M,,.t.t,.- . : J i v' mi. and her move- r , ?. . r I ' W v IU1TEH1 LS1TKU I i ri 'm.KKMlKM -j Cr ' &Kr,K.T: ,, ,,. ' "7 ihTl WE ARE AT I i; MiniiLi: atmt wi the PKKTIILST ever brought tr .Sew tveiything in JEWELRY, SILVER and PLATED WARE. 1LSTSEK OLK WINPow DISPLAY ON MONDAY i " IMPORTED H0V2LTIE3. We have .;, t tb. ., .1-- M and ee them. Com i ea: y 'I'll a show lil, I the No trouble t' EATON. The Jeweler. ASK lOR CA'i EST SEAJ. FRESH LOT A UST EECEIVED Ti ler's('elelit-lti McKeel's, Ac "Call and -e. 1 ( t, I Hi will it' HUM i ORLEY. ftj ,1V Fine Extracts, Toilet Waters, Toilet Soaps, Stationary, ko. At Reduced Prices. Drugs, Patent iMedicines, Ohorui oals, Garden Seedn( Peas, Ueans, Oniona Sets, &c.,of best titiality at reasonable price?. Prescriptions compounded n;ire folly of best material. Ileon,-,',! 1 Metropolitan Life Si '" unr rt'hnri Houne ?l.iu 1 Chrli.t In tne itnip 1 1 -' i 1 Kussian JNlalliHra -i-'m 1 HeroeH ofthe riatnen SI 1 ATounil the Vorld $1 (i. Sl.tt'i 1 frontable Farming . S. Daffy, FARRi EXAMINE MV STOCK OV WORK HORSES Before baying to cultivate your Spring crops. I have them adapted to every purpose. FINE Gentle Drivers ALWAfS ON HAUD, FOR SALE OR HIRE. Horses boarded at MODERATE PRICES And well oared for. Give me a call. J. -A.. JOISTES. Opposite Gaston House. l.'U ,,! i.uiilis IVmii. We have --550W-- THE TIME TO TU.11T 0V.R A NEW LEAF AND COME AND Y0U3 ACCOUNT. Vv)l KNOWYOI. E US That Your Ac 3S T DUE Don't, Wait For us to Collect by LAW, For we Shall CERTAINLY do so if you don't Pay up. :WE THANK: All our customers for their very liberal patronage, and hope by a contin uance of our past business princi ples to retain the same. re y.i . vn tin I fc JS3 Ed CD P3 ONEY Refunded if anv Goods irom our Stores are not as Represented. IN OUR DEPARTMENT We have reduced all DRESS GOODS To Cost to make room for our Spring Stock. Call and Examine. Hackburn & Willett, AT DUNN'S YOU WILL FIND Everything That is Kept in a GKOCERY. Quality UNSURPASSED. And Constantly Sup plied With Fresh Arrivals. My Lino is Complete and -FULL IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. JOHN DUNN,: Ho. 55 & 57 Pollock Ct J i GET OLD BAKER 1801 FOR YOUR I CHRISTMAS. v through returnine to his home at Mt OLD BAKER TAYLOR'S." 1861 ONLY at V shoes, only At HOWARD'S. 1 ' 47 & 49 POLLOCK ST. Olive, r RALEIGH, N. C.