Journal. HE - VOL. XIL-NO. 242, NEW BERNE. N. ( FRIDAY. JANUARY 12. 1804 PRICE 5 CENTS r nt '.it. Sri Busnrtss locals. MUTTON Sort for medic&l ate, 5cU per 'cake. Cha E. Kelcor. No. 87 Brtnd Be K h o mirkct Ibi mo.riog Ttrj line real. Mull fal hmt. Pork cut in th letestKyle. Don't fil to cll nrly and . aecnre clinic, cat. Sum 'I Colin Son. SMALL Pis Him, mil Pork Sauuirje. Cha E Neuok. WANTED tbrre or Tour luroislitd rooms for light home-keeping. Address Hooois, Jocrjial office. BIG Nelson Ray and Broad Creek Oysters, finest kind, delivered st yonr door fresh from brnch Henry Brown. Corner Mace's Drug-Store. SOME First-class Stall-fed Beefon Satur day morning. Cdas E. Nelsoh. LOST A three bladed Return to Jocbjcal office. pocket knife. A FRESH lot of Landreth's 4 Jolinsnu ft Bobbins seeds just received at tf Uaskill's Pharmacy. FOR Sale and Rent Lot on Middle St. opposite Catholic rectory, terms reasona ble. Also office on lot adjoining Pres byterian churcn yard for rent. Apply to t II. L. Gibbs. A NICE Bicycle for Sale Cheap at J. T. Hall & Bro's gun shop. tf. MONEY to loan on good real estate securf ties. R. W. Williamson, 62 Craven St. Now Berne N. C. 1302w JUST received another laige of those floe Florida Oranges which I am offering Yery low by the box or dozen. J. R. Parker, .Ik. CLOTHING' Sales Agent wanted lor New Berne and Vicinity. Liberal com missions paid, and we furnish the best and most complete outfit ever provided by any house. Write at once for terms. Bend references. Wanamaker & Brown, Philadelphia. It Booh the Wilson bill. Antwerp in to have a worl i'g fair this pt. lil I'hso, Tex., is orazy over a Btiik of gold in the neighbor bo -d. Oklithuma bus a female bandit. Soe says n;.e kill men only when hard pressed and steals for fun. Africa baa a war cloud, but, Strang ;o say, it is not very black. There are rumors in Peris of President Peixatto's resignation- British marines have been lan ded at Honolulu. Just as we expec ted. A new oil mill ne ir Foxtoria, O., flows 1336 barrels a rUy, and the euion ih wild. Many a man whose prayers were long will be kept oat oi heaven be cause his yardstick was too short. Barn' Horn. The friends of Judge Bonrne are much disappointed that be did not get the Tarboro poLtmaster ship. Republicans are again talking about impeaching Mr.L Cleveland! It eannot be done. Denocrats will Dot allow it. A contemporary say: "We don't care what Congress does with the tariff bill, it's the old five dollar bill that's bothering us now. The Fornm for January, has an a r tide an the Principle and Method of the tariff bill, by Hon, W. L. Wtlson which we commend to oar nreaders. The Atlanta (Janstitation sajs; " Oar relations with Hawaii grow more ComDlicated. The mischief done by oar republican Secretary of State seems to be reparable, and every steamer from Bonoluln ' brings us advices of an nopleasant n at ore." H Henry Wattwvon, ediror of the Courier-Journal fl ( a hot broad Ride into the Wilson Tariff bill. He ai a U is "free trude ; powders in Droffctioa mwiw: "I mean no deerespeet; to per-rns in authority when I declare tb if. this seems to "mean rani very small thing and ,iv!iv mall men.'' - ,. A Factor!! and Foundries Resnme Work ,?C.r(S.t''-.'-WewrkN 3 , Jan. 9. The large ma- ; i ' : chine wire works of SV. H. W. Statin, at . Belleville, started op yesterday mrtrning : ;.i ' . lter liHvma been closed down lor several . '-:s'Xr. months. A number oftlie other factories :rr -:v . f,.. that have beet! running o halt tinier will -V' ? no startup ihi tall time.' The Est wood ' ..' : ; ObemiailMMt. Wire Cloth Works have at . . : trtAy started up, and they ere. now em- C--.:':-'k-':, ployioa WOO hand, .r; V: r '':''.- Atlantic CUv.N.J.. Jan. 8. The parch- :- - '-'.-ment miliar at Egg Harbor Uiiyt which i " r-- hare bren Idle for seme time,, ri-sumed operations today, giving .employment to about 100 liandw V ;'w j '; : .,s '' Phillipsbarg, N. S.i Jm? 9.-Wrren ' foundry, the principal indastryin this ' city, hss again started .tip,,- after being ' - idle for some. ,: . . . "" LOCAL NEWS. SEW A D YER TISEMKS TS. Ilowaru. Wanted Farnished rooms. S. Cohn & Son Fine VeaL Chi. E Nelson Pig Uaius. Chas. E. Nelson Mutton Suet. 8. K. Eaton Dont I Dont I ! Dont I ! Chas. E. Nelson Stall-Fed Beef. Henry Brown Nelson Bay Oyttcr COiTO.V f-ALKS. Thursday 81 hales, 7 1 4 to 7 5 8. The Went her Bureau predicts fair weather. lue uouner, .nr. L. L,. tfiskiu pro prieteris to make its appearuncs Sunday. It will be a morning paper. The Kings Daughters will have a spec ial meeting at the residence of Miss Carry Mayliew, Saturday afternoou at 3 M) o'clock, instead ol Friday. Gov. Carr left Wednesday for George town, 8. C, where he and Col. John I). Whitford of New Berne will take a hunt together. H. C. McDonald of Hamlet, N. C, bicw out the gas in his room at the Scriven House, Savannah, and was found dead in his bed the next morning. With the new hotel oil Broad St. am) the completion of the changes in the Cias ton House the city will be much better enabled to care for Fair visiters than ever before. The Duval club are talking in the most confident manner of bringing the Corlett Milihell fight ta a successful is sue, notwithstanding the Governor's op position. Seven shad were in market yesterday. They were bought by Mr. C T Watson ud Messrs. Geo. N. Ives & Son. No doubt these jtoolhsome fislijwill soon be abundant. Mr. A. W. Chandler, of Winston arrived last night. He is investigating with a view to establishing a branch house of the Standard Music company o( Winston here, of which he will be in charge. Trinity M. E. Church, Durham was re opened Sunday. It has been entirely rc model.ed, at a cost of J28.000, (ot which J. S. Cirr paid one. half) and is non one of the handsomest churches in the south. It seats over 2000 people. Mr. Marion Butler says hc telegram sent from GoldFboro in reference to his difficulty with Mr. Humphrey does him an injustice and that he has never been guilty of a discourtesy to any lady. He pronouncis tho whole statement a mis representation. C.rcenblatt con sisting 6Y his wife and four children, arrived hist night moving I rum Wilson. Air. Gi-eenblatt preceded them a few days. He will be in the dry-goods business near the market. The firm will be Orlansky & Greenblatt. The Burlington Whisper says that Mr. L. W. riolt has brought us a box of what he calls 17-year locusts, dug up his nursery near town. He informs us that he lias been digging them out there all the past year, and they are now near the surface and are sprightly. Those we have are as large as the little finger and full of lile their legs being developed. Mr Holt says the woods will be full of them the coming summer. Coming and Going Mr. J. A. Jones left for St. Louis after another supply ot horses and mules, Krs Jones left to visit relatives in Jones county. Lieut. F. Winslow left yesterday morn ing for Richmond and Washington city on business. National Bank Officers. The following are the newly elected National bank officers : Directors : Thos. Daniels, J. A. Bryan J. H. Hackbiirn, John Dunn, G. II. Roberts and E. K. Bishop, of the city; Chas. S. Bryan, of New York and L Harvey, Kinston. President : J. A. Bryan. Vice President : Thos. Daniels. Cashier : G. H. Roberts. Teller, J. R. B. Carraway. Collector, GreenJBryan. Clerk, J. E. Carraway. These are the same officers and directors throughout with the exception that another director, Mr. E. K. Bishop. They make an admirable selection the flour ishing condition of the bank attests the wisdom of the re-election. "Ill ulows the wind that profits no body." SitAKESPEARg. we wilt remove our atook on or about Fclt'y ' 1 and in order to re duoe our stunk ll clothing will be sold at IT Y. 1'tntv ( This U so ) Tbi i yonr opportunity.. We ha?e reduiieii our tou of clothing con siderably Nit still may have some, thing th it will suit'you. f We will off-r iarg.i, is in our -whole stock, bnog yoar money alosg and , see ho well jou oaa . Close price's in EUlf Hoe, Underwear, Collars and Ouff, nudkerobi-f, 8boes, EUta, Glove. ShitM and Umbrellas Truuks and Valise-. : NV B. Don't forget your money. ; A - . , J. M. HOWARD, PREMIUM LIST OF THE EAST CAEOLINA Fish.Oyster, Game anil Mistrial Association. Monthly, Tucshn, Wedntxhiy, Tlmisihiy. l iiihiy and Saturday, Feb 1!, "JO. -J I. Ji, ':t, istlt. I .;:H 1 IlKIll 1 - I'. II. llur, I lircf VMK. IUI10H AM) hotlS. Notf. - II tlu-re is no roinpctition the jU'lgi- u ill not I a premium unless tlieif is ilt'ci'U'd merit, and if they find any article on exhibition not meiitiuiied in I lie preminin list, di'scrvin" 'ncntion, tlu-y will report tin.' same to the Secre tary and he to the Hoard of Directors. Ci.Afa .1 Gamk. l!,r,h Best pair each of woodcock and cuKrw 5; English snipe tl, gray-hack, single rail, double lail, willclt, yellow shank, licach ruliin, plover and oyster bird-J fit. hpnil, doves ami nic.Kloiv larks ft. He-it colk-i tion and display (not Ich-. than six pair) ot the above .Jiaricty by one exhibitor (15; collection of iju id not less than 12, nor more than 15 by one exhibitor f ; second do. same number 2.50. Clans 2.--Watkh Fowl, &c. best pair each, Inhl-fice, water witch, white brant and spoon bill $0; geese, canvass back, bull neck, summer duck, whifflcr, boobie, bittern, shipock and marsh hen f5; mallard black duck, sprig- tail, grecu wing teal, bine wing teal, black brant, bald brant and red head $4; suuffler, dipper, paddy, coot, hairy head, south southerly, blue peter, shell drake, ornian and blue heron fj,- best swan fH; loon Si; wild turkey $.5. Collection (not less than HI of variety in this class by one exhibitor $30. Class 3. Game Qi'ADKirrEiis. Best exhibit each, otter and beaver f 15; bear, deer, (not less than 2) panther cat ind .vild cat $10; fox and mink $; wea sel 3 scpjirrels, musk rat, opossum and flying squirrel'. $2 white rabbit fl gray do. 50 cents. Collection (not less than 8) of above variety by one exhibitor f40. Notes Premiums on any one article cannot compete with collection. Premiums in half of above amount for similar exhibits of above varieties, dead, but no premium giveu to any one exhibi tor on.botb single birds will receive par tial premiums where there are uo pairs of same kind. Class 4. Butuj other than game. Best live mocking bird $5 collection live game and mixed birds (not less than 12) f 10. Class 5. Pigeons. To be shown in matched pairs. Best each Alrican owls, antwerps, archangels, barbs, blondincttcj, carriers, Chinese, dragoons, English owls; fan.tails smooth heads, bootJN and crested; helmets, ice, Jacobins, magpies, moorhcads, nuus, pouters, priests, quakers, runts, satinettcs, snells, sports, suabian, swallows, trumpe ters; tumblers plain, booted jalmond and bald head; turbitcens an. I tuibits, 50 cents. Dogs Best each, St. Bernard, mastiff, 8etterJXewloundland,(8hepherd, black'onJ tin Euglish and Italian gray hounds, fox hounds, coach pointer aud Scotch terrier $2. (Tu be continued.) One Stamp a Fiat-Load. In our item on the river and harbor improvement work we alluded to the big stumps at the bottom of Neusc river channel on which the steam hoistcr Contentnea and her force were at work when we visited the scene of operations. The stump was being taken up in pieces, having been blasted and we left when only part of it had been taken out. After wards, overseer uurtinm called at our office and gave us the following addi tional facts in reference to it: This one stomp loaded the flat used to receive what is pulled up. The Hat is 30 fect long and 10 feet wilder this will give an idea of the stumps size. The appearance of the top of the major ity of these stamps seems to indicate that they were cut down, occasionally one appears to have been burnt off. If there were any possible way of find ing out it, wonld be interesting to know hen it was that the present bed ot was a forest, who the workman in it were, and how tho river took the place of tLe land, "tut these points can Ik matters only of the wildest conjecture. New Berne wsi settled 184 years ago and to far as we know there has not been in that time the slightest record or tradition, from the Indians or otherwise, of such a change as the presence of these stumps of trees at the river bottom seem must at some time hare token place. .Engineer Cbadbonme tells us ; the same of the Cape Fear- river that stumps have been removed from it near Wilmington at a depth ot 80 feet.. - ' Kcfiets and ( ondolrnre Hud ot KnihM i.f linriuony New IJ. ?.- N ('. J m y, 3d 1 CM Wln-re.i -The .', -uh ! i-rother Cba iia- (au-cl tin- ir-t uip in our hitln r;i tnii f.k( n lAnk. and Win rea--I lis -ud It-n wri'l Uiitiniely taking on, ( citc-u: us Ine .)iot pro fouiul rii:n t tlierctnii P.i i l!ro hi.le u unci rt in tv i I'o ..' v i . r .oi.l v 1 1 i ar-n r in.-.- id by tin i'Vmv Sill" to -llMl!'1! II I :l I till. I le iind o, inimiterution nd I nut in the death of ir.- jaoi reminded of the Me. i iu-t iniiiiliood, the ery 1 1 . that n'llinsrly was the ii'iii; and useful life, was m .i. I display, in the de m ,ik the joyous t'hri-t lor i t c-.iu.i- ol h inelan- . l...'v ,.,.,. I! -mrl. 'l' -ii tli c I M'Cl c 1 ill MUM' III inn t.irtor,U inlmo:-.ih- i. iii ;it :i!l times pn p in le illl, DO ulle kti.ox r -ii. Men and uu b:..tlnr, we ale ol the eec. I of l I f..r the visiU of linw ol when it Kc-'l-.i-d. to the bu-riav.-d w!.low and familv our nnwt cani i l !-ynip:itliy and i-inci re condolence. lbsolved. That a copy ol lhe:a reso lutions he pnad upon the minutes and the New Hi rue Jul hsm. be iciiuc-tcil to pnMi-ih the .une. BILLS ALLOWhl) Ity ( 'tn til y I'nmmissionei s at the Jan uary Meetleg. ( I llNTIXI tll ) S. I '. !itV, feeling jnior-; ami an o!ti-. r. i:l.'.IO,- M. H. Cut, splitting and h.iii'in.: 1 oon raiN - no lence dntr'.ct. 3d low. 'ii. T .50.- Henry A. lirown, one i.i ;-.:.-t- -utveiii'; Nelson's I. rrv $3 U ': I! H. St reet, t w o-horse team one l.i . I.IMI; V.. V.. Harper, publishing pj.'1'i'i'.l'iiig Xoveinbrr and Deceinber, l-'.i.l an 1 adverti-ing m.lii .- sale f3l.00; City of New. a. pie. In. t, 3C Hcnie. work on 1'cmbroke m; lias Light Company, UMs eor.siiined atCourl house from Novem ber 1, sst;i to Jan y 1, 1H1I4. $13.;ll; E. I!, tjni.lley, ci.nit house jinitor, Dec. 1S'J3 f 10.0(1; Geo. A. Hill, keeper Clermont bridge. flO.00; K. II. Heath, support I.i.zie Wood, fll.OO; Stephen Kite sup port Ileiilon Kite 1 50; Wiley Daw Mlpport two mo-iths .lan'y and Feby, lNy4 $(1.00; Nathan Daw, support for . lan'y and Feby, Ihiftl, spring court expenses fall term f4iW.22. Wholesale Market Counter Produce Live s;, t',.,1 cattle. Ircsscd beef, le, ilrcs Beeswax 2a21. i 1-2, grass led, 4a5c ed 1 1 i n 1 1 ipiartcrs.Sc. Coin, 40 a -Hi-. Chicken" 50.i5.5c pair. Mucks,'. 40a50c; .Muscovy 50al'.0c. F.!'L's. KialTc. PI jj Field lei.s.lilatk,! Invbaiik and speckled, 45 a 50 blaek-evti ?5c. leese. T.ic.aNDc. HideDry flint, 2 l-2i:ie dry sail 3c green, 1 1-4 Oats, 40. hiions, f 2.50 per barrel, 1'eanuts, OOcaTocts. Turkeys, U ool 'ill to 15c. Pork flaTc. Peanut fed pork, not wanted llice, prime, 52 1 2a55c. For Kent. The housu and lot on Johnson Street recently occupied by SI r. F. G. Sim Hons containing seven (7) nice rooms, situated opposite Accademy Green, apply to L. J. Moore. 'T OOH'T DON'T Lot your child cat his teeth on a plated spoon. 1 am selling Gorbam Ooiap.iiiy's Solid Sterliug SILVER SPOONS For fl.OO per Sat. I have a few Stick ."Pins left at lOjts. each. Hair higher. 3?ins $7 50 and Those little Silver Souvenir Spoons at Tacts ain't high. Come and see me. E&T01T, The Jeweler. 97 Middle St. Opp.' ist Church. WHILE IN Baltimore I Bought Some Rare Bargains in Ladies and Misses CLOAKS. Another new nnd large (arrival of Ladies Fine Cloaks and Mclntosbes. They will be sold at less than Manufact urer's cost. Also MEN'S SUITS and PANTS, BOYS KNEE PANTS, 4o,&o. Cheapest Goods ever seen in New Berne, Which I will pat on Bale at my store commencing MONDAY morning. Don't forget these BARGAINS, they can't last long. 7a 0. B ARLINGTON. , MIDDLE ST. C3lS THE TIME dakincr Absolutely Pure cream ' ; (liui.iist of : n I- bMl.aT L'nii K'B.D liK.roiir. K - 1 1 1 ' A K i N ' . 1 S- N V. s-. .. til - -'H. . S M K .-. T NUNN & MOllLKY HAVK.ii'.sr i;i:( i.D A fine io? S:,'5, Florida Orang utc, Baisins He TENITEY'S GAUDIES, Hotel Brunswick, M i-K. l's .i :nl Friink Teller s ( '! . I . i . i r . 1 Cl-.lls. Mcen liaiitn, mii.1 !: .-eu,: ' Pipe.. j Ooct Cola iVSVKrLjYlYrV. J-i-Cvl in-! ii-. Will A UsWiiEi. Fina Extract, loU Soaps, At Seduced Prices, Drag.. Patent Medicine?, (iliemi cals, Garden Seed, iVas, Beans, Onions Sets, cii!.,of bct iii;ihty at reasonable urice?. I'reHcriiitionsi enmponnde 1 rare- folly of bcHt tt- lii. --.! i .it,il'.ue I Metropolitan I.. ti f.' I Our Kttira li.eiHii si jn -J.'.'i 1 Chrlit In tbo t'a up PI ' l- I utifslan Nljlllnin -I.m fj.M 1 Hi-rOPH of l h p I'iiiIiks 1 1 in I Arounrt Hie rt'orel r! ' " 1 ProHlabla Kitrmtii'.; ' jf. s. Huffy, 1 IIAVl) ON HAM) A LARGE LINE OF MEN'S AND 150 YS BiSQMS, ALSO A (JOOI) LINK OF BOYS' SUITS, WHICH 1 WILL SELL AT N. Y. COST. ComcVii'lv":ind gei. your ( liuiec. L I SMITH, No. 711 .Middle SI. lOOA HliOOls. KTOltK. mm Price 10c. KXAMIXK MV STOCK OK WORK HOftSES Before baying to cultivate yoar Spring cropp. I hav them adapted to every purpose. FlftSE Gentle Drivers ALWAYS ON HAND, FOR SALE 00 HIRE. Horses boarded at MODERATE PRICES And well cared for. Give me a call. 0". .A. JONES. Opposite Gaston House. fff&iilfegsFOR SALE I ILMMlOi , n n mi ! --NOW-- , , s TO iUfvlN 0VH A UZW LEAF AL:D COME AND SSTTL ES WU DOOUNT. YOl' KXOW'YOU WE US kA That Your he cm is PAST DUE v, . 'J- TTT JL Tl A- .ou , vaii ior us 10 Coiiect by LAW, For we Shall CERTAINLY do so if yt.ii don't Pay up. -:Wli THANK: All our customers for their very liberal patronasre, and hope by a contin uance of our past business princi ples to retain the same. mm CD EY Refunded if anv Goods Ircm our Stores are not as Represented . IN OUR J5i?y Goods DEPARTMENT We have reduced all DRESS GOODS To Gss) to maka room for our Spring Stock. Call and Examine. Hackburn & Willett, 47 & 49 POLLOCK 8T. AT DUNN'S YOU WILL FIND Evervthing That is Eept in a Quality Of G-oods UNSURPASSED. And Constantly Sup plied With Fresh ; i .arrivals. My Line is Complete and -FULL IN EVERY - DEPARTMENT JOHN DUNN, No. 55 &67ioll:-,: r It

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