Daily Journal. THE VOL. XII.-NO. 243, NEW BERNE, N. C. SATURDAY. JANUARY Ui. 1MH. PRICE 5 CENTS BCSIJl&S LOCALS. A FEW lit Turkrjs for ttle 73cu eicli. Mann & HcSorley JUST roceired ova of the finest supplirt of nwt. Exert toy erer hJ. Wc bare rioc Stall fed Beet, Teal, Pork, Brooked Tongues unci Bef Saosagc. S. Colin A Son. FIKB Beef, Pork Steak All- pork Saus age, Snnce thia morning. N. Wuitforrt. ...MUTTON Suet for meliciil use, Seta per cak. . Chas E. Nelson. No. 07 Broad 8t. WE have on market this mo. pins very floe Teal, stall fed beef. Pork cut in the latest style. Don't fail to call early an J secure a choice cat. Sum'l Colin & Son. SHALL Pig Hams, anil Pork Sausage. Chas E Nelson. WANTED three or four lurmshed rooms for liuht house keeping. Address Rooms, Journal office. BIO Nelson Bay and Broad Creek Oysteis. finest kind, delivered at your door fresli from bench. Hknut Brown. Corner Mace's Dru-Storc. SOME First-class Stall-fed Beef on Satur day momin. - Chas E. Nelson. LOST A three bladed Return to Journal office. pocket knife. A FRESEI lot of Landrcth's & Johnson & Bobbins seeds just received at tf UABKILL's PhAHV CY. FOR Sale and Rent Lot on Middle St. opposite Catholic rectory, terms reasona ble. Also office on lot adjoining Pres byterian church yard lor rcut Apply to tf. II. L. GlBBS. A NICE Bicycle for Sale Cheap nt J. T. Hall A Bro s gun shop. tf. MONEY to loan on good real estate securi ties. R. W.Wim-iamson, 02 Craven St. New Berne N. C. d803w LOCAL NEWS. A KW AD VER TISKMESTS. HoK'ar-J. N. Wliitfnnl 'ine Beef. 8. Cohn & Son Fine Veal. Nunn & McSorley live turkeys for sale. COi'TOX KiLES. Friday-43 bales, 7.40 to 7.77 12. Is is announced that Charles Holt, son v cx-Governos Thomas M. Holt of How river ia to be mnrriad January 24 Ih to the daughter of Governor Joues of Ala bama. Miss Mattie McLohorn and Mr. Benj. Warren, both living near Vanceboro were married on Wednesday the 10th hist at the residene of the bride's father Mr. Harvey McLohorn. The exchange stales Unit Mr. David W. Boney, of Duplin county lias a hog 8 feet long and 6 feet 10 inches around. His weight is about six hundred pounds. He wonld be "a good one to show nt the East Carolina Fair. Mr. W. S. Kelly, the clever engineer on the regular parscnger train of the W. N. & N. R. R. leaves this morning from Wil mington, for Elliston, Vu , where on the 17th inst, he is to be married to Miss Rebecca Northcross lie and his bride will then pay a visit to his parents in Florence, S. C, and then come on to Wilmington which place they will lor the present make their home. Asearly as it is preparations for the manufacture of truck packages arc al ready on foot. The steamer Carolina on Friday brought in from Vanceboro a orjfO,of timber for Mr. Geo. Bishop's truck box lactory. Our truckers are pre paring for it big season and Mr. Bishop evidently means to be ready and prompt ly to meet whatever dcnands upon his faototy for shipping crates may be made. . A Train Ellis a Flying Hawk. A large ben hawk flying along the line of the W. N. & N. R. R. was struck and killed by the locomotive of the regular passenger train Thursday, when about four miles from New Berne. Mr. W. 8. Kelly, the engineer observed the hawk living down ene side of the taack ahead of the engine and at lost when the engiDe was close opon him, he attempted to fly across to t brother J side and met his death Ml itated. - ' ; We doubf If another case can he shown ' where a hawk was killed oy an engine. ,? Coving; and (tola . , i Mrs. C. T. Watson went down to Ncw .. '"port fg'ylslt relatives. .. . Miss Louella Makely caino in on the steamer Neuse en roule from her homo x in Edenton to St. Mary's School, Raleigh. Meters. Edward and Geo. Stallingsol -. Wilson, printers , and hrotheti of Mr. . ; Willie Stallings. arrived - to take situa :x tions on the Courier. J".-".:.-. Mr. -Ambrose - Parsons loft for Char , lotfe on n business trip; . Mr; O. ' M. Royal of Goldslxirn came down on a pleasure trip, . Mr. E. R . Duffy . left for Graham to visit her daughter, Mrs. W. i' R. Cnppedge. t --j - v ,..'. Mr. J. W. Waters lett" on tbs steamer Neuse lor 'New York on a business trip, and Mr. W., D. BtrrinJtoa left oa the ' same steamer for Norfolk looking into V, the matter of purehasin? the r new fire r engine horses that are needed. ; , V "'': Miss Maggie Bjttt, of Oriental, was a passenger on the ateamai Neu3. She was returning from her home to Norfolk Fe male College In which fUuJtf a pupil. TUE ELECTRIC RAILWAY. T Be Ready for the Accommodation of Fair Tlslters, and t be the Best Klad. Mr. R. P. Williams has returned from his Northern tnp in the interest of the New Berne Electric Railway. As our readers know .he tie for tht road are placed along the street waiting to lc laid. There is a little delay in the coming of the irons, but Mr. Williams i:ifornm in that'tbe company building the railway tells him he need not hesitate to unnoiuiee that the track will be constructed from the electric litdit station at Union point to the Fair grounds by the first of Feb ruary and that the cats wilt be running over that portion bythe opening of die Fair possibly sooner. The route will be from the f nl of south Front street, up it to Middle, iii Middle to Broad, up Broad to Hcrnc, up Heine to the Fairjgrounds. The cars that will be ncdarcof the latest patent the electiicity cm be made at any time and stored on them and thev then run without being connected with wires a great improvement over the for mcr methods, The present electric plant will answer present requirements, but it will soon be more than doubled. School Prize Presentations. Some tunc ago Prof. E. G. Daves of Baltimore, made an ofler ot two cash prizes to the pupils of Misses Jones & Hollister's school who should write the best essay or sketch of any New Bernian prominent in the Revolutionary war. The committee having carefully exam ined and considered th. papers prepared awarded the lirst prize $0.00 to Miss Clcmmie Whitford and the scond prize $4 00, to Master Benson Lane. Miss Whitford's subject was "John Wright Stanly'' and Master Lane's subject was Richard Caswell." They arc both very creditable productions. Tne presentation of the prizes was made Friday by Dr. John 5. Long, J.. L. D., a few of the parents of the pupils being present. In making the presentation, Dr. Long spoke in his admirable way on the im portance of the study of history and dwelt especially on the desirability "f being well informed on the matters of local and State history. Announcement was also made that somewhat similar prizes would bo pre sented next Christmas; the subject to be written upon has not fully been settled upou but it will be in reference to the early settlement of North Carolina. Our State and city have much to I of in deeds of former generations us well as the present, and Prof. Daves is doing much to make the deeds of the glor.ous past a memory to all, in the living p res eat. The interest that he feels and takes in such work ill worthy of both praise and emulation. THE KNITTING FACTORY. Nearly Ready to Slart Again With Its Increased Capacity. The Nfiw Berne Knitting factory, Mr. Henry liishton, proprietor, will resume work next week in the quarters to which it recently moved in a portion of the machinery building of the Fast Carolina Fair. Mr. J. R. Yost, foreman, arrived Friday on the steamer Neuse from his old home in Philadelphia and was en gaged in placing additional knitting nachinesin place for work; the new machines will considerably iucre:iS9 the capacity of the factory in fact they will nearly double it. The factory w:ll hereafter make some finer grades of hosiery than it has hereio fore been doing. The machines have been so placed that the operations will bo a part of the exhibit in Machinery Hall during the Fair. Mr. Yost, who now takes charges of the.faclory for the first time is a good, practical, energetic man, just such a citi zen as we need many of and the factory will no doubt go forward to larger profits and to increased usefulness to thn community under his management. What Has Become of Him? Cashier Lawrence Pulliem, ol the Nat ional Bank of sheville has strangely disappeared. He has been in wretched health and has frequently had to take morphine He left for Philadelphia on December SOtli to have an operation performed,' he took with him $6,300 of-thejbank's funds tor eastern banks carrying it to save espres charges, and since leaving, he has not been heard from at any point, Opinion as to this Is divided but preponderance is in his favor., If he had meant to rob he could As easily- have taken more as to have taken what be did. ' His wife and friends believe bis mind became affec ted and that he has wandered off and perhaps been assaulted and robbed. ; Accident Insurance. ; If you are not already, provided with an accident policy be sure and take one oat right away in the Guarantee Accident. Lloyd's of New York. . This system has been In vogue" more than two hundred years, the first one being established in JLondon ' in : 1688, and during that time ' not " one record of a failure among them can be fonnd. - . .,ri : - 'Kohtjlus A. Nunn, Agt. NOTES BY THE WAY. While Travelling Eor the East Carolina Fair. Our New Railroad aud the Fine Country It Traieres-OJeratlons or Wilmlnir on In the order of the divine I'rovid'uci, and in the interest ol the New Heme Fair, "we have started out once more, to Mirsue on r v itidin-.' vv iy u er the jil-iin-. and among ihe h.l'.- nnd vrdlevs of the Ol I Noiih S: ,i. Anoth- i u i .m I K en i -in .i --I - lie N. A N. :!t. l-',. t oiuelhin in . . . the 2 " . !" k liii n il I coiLtbrlable an I the tlon. ii ill- niiike the hi hi 1'.. in. Ille . .ijt e Ue like . .lie IICW :t, l' The car- are -i. iljin good i-on-li Hip very jgnTiilOy. Th'-ie -ire k mi. r.ol along the lire, and - and lliete are on: r pretty village. le V. rv Ileal deeN -In h lie of iva-le land-i. and primitive lore-t-, when- llie I aud - ol t nt i i e :in I i ii 1 1 1 1 -1 1 w, tin ! nuiih 1m d-i lb-it !- r.ny n , -i"- and blossolil. 'I'hel e .is a t:o" 1 tolnio, i ol Iravi-lers, w-iv p i-'-n-e r . ( li tumn' ;il every station - !or fee, people go through on a freight train averaging up prihap twenty or iwenty-lKe. Many were sports men ami hiinter-i, coining in willi bi loads of din k or strings of ijunil ami squirrels and rabbits in large number The whole region seems to be a paradi-e for the hunter it would be a "paradi-e lost-' for the game if the holiday season was not so brief. As the Fair 'literature'' was lying round loose, it naliir tlly turm d conversation upon game. No one in all the company had ever seen a beaver nor have we yet come upon any person who has seen one. The lilteen dollai premium otTered lor several years luis no! brought one to the Fair. "John Dunn done well" to get a beavei for the couiini: we might say, current Fair for us al wavs "coining" when not come. At Wilmington we went In the "Orton It is not our purpose to pull the Hotel or to make "invidious distinctions'' we have no doubt other hoels ae as good. But we like Orton. especially that Ming little "Crows Xest'' up :in the fourth floor in the blue'cthcr. We said "little" in imitation of a lady who justified her frequent use ol that word by saving, "what I like I call little." Itiit there's nothing litcle about room '.IS say thirty yards of carpet to lay the floor. And it ' so easy to gel there. Shake the elevator boy who is asleep by the door and he'll begin to wake up. The machine starts us so. in as lie starts, and by the time he's awake we're there, li s near midnight and our fust duty is to sleep perchance to dream. Pull the shutters wide open no human eye can get in a position to look in here, that when the morning cometh we may soonest .t.ileii its kindling daw n. We look out but -i very indistinctly, although in ( very di rection and over a w ide area, a hundred 'ighls are glancing. The broa I ilbrn Hated dials ol two of the city's cloek show clearly the passing'liour. One is so directly in front that as we lay our head on the pillow, wb are squarely lace o face. A clock ot "or ( molia" on the mantel, could not in the stilly night belter tell us the tick or tickle our fancy. Our two wiudows command a view of the finest part ol the city. Across the street nearly opposite is the admirably planned and constructed United States building, of fine architectural proport ions, with its handsome lower and ele gant arched and carved entrance. The illuminated clock, just mentioned, is two or three blocks away, on the new Court House, said to lie the finest Court House in the State. A little to the south of it is the highest spire in the city, a beautiful one that of the first Baptist church. In nearly the same line is the tall spire of the fiist Presbyterian church, also a beau tiful spire. A dozen other spires or towers or steep'es of one kind or another, may be seen, and many handsome or ele gant private residences. All Jhis before we descend from our eyrie. Of our days work, we will not now make mention time will tell. But wc hud opportunity belorc our train lett to look aliout a little. It is worth one's while to go through the Public Building. The first floor is oc cupied bv the Post Office, which facilities are cxcellen', the rooms ample, conven ient, comfortable and attractive. On the second floor is the fine Federal Court room, with its nice and convenient ar angnnicnts of rooms for the various officers Judge, Jury, Dist. Attorney, Muishal, Clerk &c. On this floor, too, are the rooms of the Internal Reveuue depart ment. The corps of U. 8. Engineers, and the weather Bureau occupy the third floor The tower has a fiue clock with thoir illuminated dials, and the various kinds of apparatus for determining the temper ature, amount of rain, directions and Telocity of the wind, &c, are on the sum mit of the roof. The velocity of the wind is indicated by four small hemispherical cups, perhaps three or four inches across placed vertically upon cross arms, twelve or thirteen inches long, which revolves horizontally. The speed with which they revolve is registered, and shows the veloc ity. Sometimes they move very rapidly. sometimes very altwly but we hava never seen them at a stand still. The smoke may rise ever so lazily from the atlja cent chimneys, and rush to right or left or sink to the ground, but it is uevcr so qniet but the little cups chase each other round the circle. We munt stop, but wc have not done with Wilmington yet. 1 B. "Economy, the poor man's mint" 'i" ' . . Topper. Most of ns bare to study, econo mony in all things, except air. Now we are to remove and in order to close oat oar stock all olotbing tor man. dot or child will be sold at N. T. cost. (We mean that Close prices on all other good. ' Yon jaat come prepared to pay for what yon want and will make Ihe price tosnityon. " - ' , : . At J, M. HOWARD'S. PREMIUM LIST "I 1 II K c: : vOLIN A Fish, Oyster. Game and Industrial Association. M'Mi'Lu. Tiit'Vi i. (.-.1 in -il.t . I liUl-il.lV. 1 . I 1 i .III 1 S.ttlU'l.lN, Feb 1 ;. JO. ' I . 1 , 2:1, 1 i I'NTINI 1 11.) i. p.it.ii, : -;.-o. n. Iv. , u-, wr l i i 1 l'i-ii. .Vi . i: .;..uk i,..t !. - ih hi ". f i t ,m. lac i.i ji..i-c fin. hirr-t lie alli !.!( r r.t 1. . ill i ii j Vet 0; larset in:. hi n. 't I.--. Ili.i'. I Ii 1 1 SI; l(t Ii pi ; : ' Ml - V . i-rallop V ' llr. ' i;-h s;-. I i --- J. I -1 1 iw kV ( 'i. ! !. i -Hi rl inn inic IhIu'I eicli k in. I to Li . .i'..t,. I ?HI; -?. do . tr.:.!; f,. Ml .,- .' "ill. J: -t l.ll-lirl i :il, 1; '., ! . i..v. s,.( .1,1 mil i .u ,ii.,i.iV . o I. , - II,, l le-- f'uil li llirlil ol' one i ll-li, , i, h !"). i,;. it! iim ill ! 'V. I ro, k.-lt. ni ne lor. ' ' i;.i,.'. Prwlwt. Fi,,.l i;.,,,. ( 'i. - 1 . Kii i. ii Cnopr. toil hi -Tor largest yield grow u in llii- Slate upon one acre of land, nut lets than otJO pounds lint lo the Here with -tatemrnt an, I mode of cultivation, quali ty and ituiiit v ol' lertili'.-r used and varietj oi M-,d planted. Ihe land to lc measiired and vouched for by atlidavil, linlc to he exhibited, 25; Corn Largest yield upon one acre, upland, not less than 111 Iiu-IilI-. one lui-hel to 'ie eihitiited with stiileiiieiit in 1 mode of cultivation, etc, If HI,- OaH Largest yield per acre; (not less, than 411 luishels) one bushel exhibited S.V l!ye Largest yield per acre; not Ic-thau :)'! bu-lie!-; one bushel to be exhilalc I So; Uice Largest yield vn aiiyl iini. not less than ,10 bushels; one hudit ! b, I,,- exhibited f't; Potatoes -Lar-c-l '. iel I -wee, potatoes per ai re; not less I h oi -."ill bushels; one bushel to be exhibited, statement nf mode of cultiva tion ifi; Irish Potatoes Largest yield upon 1-2 acre; not less than I00(buslic!s; one bushel to be exhibited $.r; Cro'.ind Pea- - L irgct crp ground peas on one acie; not less th in oil bushels.- one Ludi e', to be exhibited if:!,' Field peas and luacs l.i! ';..; y ie!d on one acre.not less tli :'.: h. b to be exhibited $:!; best i 11 o, b a i- ?.'; Chulas For be-t sam ple ol'elml'as, I 2 bushel o bo exhibited, dipionia. I To be continued. ) liailruail Cnmmissioiipr's Report. The Third Annual Keport ot the Board ot ll -ilro id coniinisionei's of Xorth Caro lina for the vear ending December 31, ps'.i:) i.- a well bound work nf nearly filltl pages. We .icl.iiow ledge the receipt of a copy ot" the work. During the year llio commission have looked into ninety -two complaints: and in niosl cases removed the cause of dis satisiac tiou. Since the commission was organized in 1 H'JI) the total assessments of railroad properly has increased 1 1,007 ?30.09. This means an increase of nearly $100 000 in the taxes paid by the railway of the state. Wholesale Market Country Produce Live stall fed cuttlct51-3, grass led, 4a5c Iressed beef, 4c, dressed hind iiuarterseV. Ileeswax 20a21. Corn, 40 a 41c. Chickens R0a55c pair, lucks, Kng. 40a50c.; .Muscovy 50a(l0c. Kggs, 16al7c. I- 1 Field peiis,black,clavbank and speckled, 4r) a ,,0 black-eye 75c. Jeese, 75c.aH0c. Hides Dry flint, 2 l-2n3c; .Iry salt 3c green, 11-4 Oats, 40. Onions, $2.50 per barrel. TeanutH, 60ca75cts. Turkeys, 1.25af2.00.pr. Wool 10 to 15c. Pork 6a7c. Peanut fed pork, not wanted. Itice, prime, 53 l-2a55c. OOM'T OOH'T DON'T Let your child cat. his teeth on a plated Bpoon. I am selling Gorbam Company's Solid Sterling SILVER SPOONS For $4.00 per Set. . I have a few Stick Pins left at lOots. each, Hair Pins $7 50 and higher. Thone little- Silver "Soaventr 8ooonsat 75ots ain't high. iy Come ud see vat. -v EATON, Ths Jeweler.'- 97 Middle 8U - . Opp. Baptist Church. . 1 OnW is Absolutely Pure cream .,f t.tiiai b.i) j. utr ili. ii.-t of ad n : : , . ;i ;, I. i i.r L'Miru - : i . i . . -, m i . i KiH.ii i.c.coiii K..VM. i..i..-.-, ., !, ' ., , -. v , ; St N . NUNN V McOllLKY ii .WK.irsr i:!;i'i;n i:i) A fine lot, B;.naaas, Florida Orauges, lii, Baisms &c, TENNEY'S CAlvDIES, 1 1 t I Ili'itiisu ick. li K. .1' Finiih Ti'llct's t , !, I.i.m, , I'lg'iii-. .MoiTcliiiiiin. I'll i:ii' Mini I.'. i i o, id l'lpcs. , Coca Cola ASPKCIALT'S'. i J-ftMl Ol l-.ee- WRILE IvT Baltimore I Hought Soino itare lliirg.tins in Ladies and Misses CfL S. Another n w ci 1 i ' ' ; n 1 1 il "t I. hi lies Kin.- I., il.- ... I M. Ini .-le -. Tlicv will l.e sold .,i !. - ii. oi M mm. , ! 1 1 re' i s cost . Also MI'.:"S Hl'l ! .. id I'AN PS, IJOVH KNK.r. i'AS'l'-f, ,Vr,Ac. Cheapest loio.ls ever s-'cn in New Rerne, Wliidi I will pni oi, -i'c !r store comnreiK'i'iL: .M'NT!A "I ;n : ,n.:. I) .n'i f.iri.-t i'..' ; : 1 1 u,,-v ,-;m"( l.isL Ion-;. W. BAH SSI 07 MIDDLE ST. Fins Extracts, Ti!t Afters. ToiUt Soaps, Sfa'is.tsry, is. At Heduced Prices, ilrngs. Patent, Medicii'e-, (Jlieiui cln. Oarilen Si''(lu, ' !' t-i, Tn' ins, On tons Sets, iti5..f I (; iit;tlity nt rensoiin'iln nnc -. I'.'PHcriivttnii-i vmi ti ri ! I i-.m-. fully of ben! in uteri il. Koiliiccl Ciitil.ne 1 MetropolltRii l.lfrt Jl.in -Vi 1 (Mir h'th.r Hons. S1.1U -J.."0 I (llirttt In the l'uii;i SI - - '- i ' I,Hus8tan Nl.itilHtn s s.,,i 1 Herovnofthii IMnlnes i 11 ?!. I Aroun l tlin A'orlil sl , : 1 ProniHhle Kirmlng SI 'i" r TP. S. 3-af fy. EXAMINE MY STOCK Of WORK HORSES Before baying to oal'ipate yonr Spring crops. I have thf m adapted to every purpose. Gentle Drivers , ALWAYS OS H AfcD, FOR SALEOnilin?. ! Horses boarded at ! r. MODERATE PRICES v - And well caw d for. " . Give me a call. J. A. JONES. Opposite Gaston House. THE TIME 4. r , t x . -i 7Tnr- TO TUII OV-r. il 1TI77 LEAF AUD COME AUD 8STTLE mu '-muHy. vor knowyoi; OXE XJSJ Ssrid That Your Ac- GUl 1 h PAST DUE Boa't Wait For us to Collect by LAW, For we Shall MAINLY do so if u don't Pay up. :VK Til ANK: All our customers for their very liberal patr-Miaue, and hope by a contin uance o- our past business princi ples to retain the same. S3 2m "wmmrn m CD CO CO pa ca- MM CD on Refunded if anv Goods irom our Stores are not aa Represented. IN OUR Iiy Goods DEPARTMENT We have reduced all DRESS GOODS To Cost ta racks rep for our Sprinjj StssSc. i Call and Examined : ; , viiiDtti 47 ft" 49 F0LL0 CT. AT DUNN'S YOU WILL FIND Evervthing That is Kept in a GKOCEKY Quality Of Goods UNSURPASSED. And Constantly Sup plied With Fresli Arrivals. My Line is Complete and FULL DT EVEEYi DEPARTMENT in 4 I m

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