The Daily OURNAL. VOL. X1L-NO 244, NEW KERNE. N. (V SUNDAY. JANUARY 14. IMJ4 PKICE5 CENTS r s. BUSI5FSS LOCALS. A FEW lire Turkrvs (r sale 75cts each. ' - Nunn & McSorley MUTTON Suet for medic! use, Sets per cske. Chas E. Nelson. No. 67 Uroad St. , . -WANTED three or four lurnislird rooms for liirht house keeping. Address R.ioms, Jourhal office. BIO Nelson Bay anil Broad Creek Oysters, finest kind, delivered at jour door fresh from btneb Henry Bbown, Corner Mice's Drug-Store. LOST A three llaled pocket knife. Return to Journal office. A FRESH lot of Landreth's & Johns, m & Bobbins seeds just received at tf Oaskill's Pn ARM ACT. FOB Sale and Rent Lot on Middle St. opposite Catholic. rectory, terms reasona . ble. Also office on lot adjoining I'rcs- byterian church yard tor rent. Apply to U. II. I- UIBB8. A NICE Bicycle for Sale Cheap id J. T. Hall & uro s gun shop, tl. MONEY to loan on (fond real cstntesecuri' tie. R. W.Williamson, 62 Craven St. New Berne N. C. d302w LOC4L NEWS. a k w a D vku rrsKMExrs. Ilowartj. W. L. Antes A cliuure ol a life time. We print the Fair Edit'on this week Hand in names. We have infnnimtinn that Mr. Jus. O. Pigott, near Bouo sound had a nice ripe water melon on old Christmas day. He had kept it under his ld ever since No vember last. Me also had one Christmas day. Ro'it. Love, col , whs arrested by Policeman Hrinson hist niphl for attack injr a colored woman with a knife and a board. The knife cut only the clothing an. I she was not injured to any consid erable extent otherwise. The trial will be tomorrow. On Wednesday night Jan. 31st a most novel entertainment will be given by the ' Epwortb League of this city. It will be known us "the Merchant's Carnival" and Will afford the opportunity of advertising jn a promiiicit and pleasing manner, the business of those who care to be repres ented. A committee of young ladies will wait upon you this week, unfoldiug in detail, the modus operandi of their scheme. Fun an! refreshments for the lookers on in Vienna as well as for those who will be advertised. Messrs. W. L Antoi, of Baltimore, und J. W. Hamilton, of Durham are intro ducing the arm-locked bed spring hero This is a recently patented invention, the strong point of merit in which is the way in which the spirals are connected to gether, giving both strength and dura bility, though it has oilier poinls to rec ommend it to favor. The gentleman are aiming to sell county rights not to place the springs on the market themselves, " though they have supplied a few of our citizens to their great satisfaction and say they will continue to do so while here until some ono recoguizes the merit of the invention and takts hold of the I usi ness. Coming and (Joint; Judge H. R. Bryan returned last night from Wsdesboro where he has been hold ing Superior Court. - Mr Geo. Allen came to spend a day or two. Mr. Walter Brown, of Georgia, arrived to visit relatives in the city und vicinity. . ; ' Mrs. Annie M. Hughes Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Sni Ulwood, and Mrs S. B. Waters returned, from Astoria, Long Island. Mr. J. T. Hanell of Jacksonville who ""has qeen spending a couple of weeks in Bertie county camo in by the A. & N. C. r ' R. R. train Friday night and left the next morning for his home. Miss Lula Ives left, returning to Peace nstisute. . Mrs, Cfeorgie Bendler of Edenton, who . hast been visiting at Mr. C. W. Coopers . left to visit in Wilmington. Charch berylces ' V." Centenary M. E. Church. -Services by " Pastor, Rev. J. T. Lyon, at 1 1 a. in. and 7:80 p. ro. ( Sunday school at 8 o'clock. I The puhlic is cordially invited, to these . . servlcee. , , s - Church of Christ XX. H. Pet ree, pastor. ServieeTor men at 9:80 a. rh. Preaching ' " at It a. ro. and 7:80 p. m by the State . ii Evangelist, Rev. t. z L. Burns, Sunday Bcnuol at 8 p, In. , ' - Baptist-Church Rav. Bufus Ford, pastor. ; Services at PU a. in. -and 7;80 ', " conducted by the pastor 8unday School ; ' ." 8 p. .""!. -. ' 'i- . '. . .-- -. Christ Charch Rev.: T. M. N. George rector. 8d San'tny after fiplphany. Moin- , ' ing servlcee at tl a.nt. Sunday schiol and ... ' Young Men's Bible Class 8:30 p. ui. Sun day Schixxl at the Chapel 9:30 a. m. ' U " ' Jentlve usherv? ' " JV-.-; Presbyterian Church C. .G.iVardell, ' ' pastor. JJerviee 11 n. m, and 7:80fc m, -- -Prayer meeting Thursday 7:80 p. ui. The . '- public are cordially invited'-? ' ' -. Pastor's meeting in the-Y.; M. C: A reading room Monday II a. ru A lull attendance is requested as matters of im portance will cotre before the meeting. - C. G. Vardell, Secretary.;,, '. "' ; ' 1 Y. M. O. A. 4:3 P. m. Short meet ing. Good singing. . , - . ; THE STATE EXHIBIT. THE BEST OF THE ARTICLES THAT N. C. SHOWED AT THE WORLD'S Fair Will be .Shown at the New Berne Fair. The Social as Well as Educational Ben'flts or Fairs The Ureat At tendance From Abroad. The following letter from our towns man. Col. John I). Wliitfonl, a very en thusiastic worker (or the highest inter est at the Eat Carolina Fair, wts shown us by Mr. Chas. Keizenstein, Secretary ol the Fair, to whom it was w ritten, with out a thought of its being given to the public. The letter is upon the favorable action of the North Carolina World's Fair exhibit authorities in reference to showing the most interesting portion of the States Chicago exhibit at the Kast Carolina Fair. The letter is s admirable that by con sent of M. It -i -ostein we copy it en tirely, and commend it not only for the facts given but for tli! words of wido:ii it contains regarding the social benefits ol gieat gatherings at Fairs which in the multitude of other matters are sometimes not given !hc pramiuciicc in th" public mind that their importance deserves, ltaleigh, N. C, Jau'y 10, 1894. Mil. CllAS. ItEIZENHTKIN, Secretary. &:., New Berne, N.C. My Dear Sir: -It greatly pleases me to gratilv you with the information that the Executive Committee of the North Caro lina Board of Directors of the World's Fair has kindly consented to allow such part of the State exhibit, recently at Chicago, that would most interest our citizens generally to be exhibited at the next Fair ot your Association. It will be under the charge of Mr. T. K. Brencr, Secret ary ot the Board mid also of the Board of Aariculture of N. C, and will include- gems, nuggets, marbles, build ing stone, woods and the splendid collec tion of taxidermy work of fish animnN and bin's. Mr. Bruncr will visit you at Ne.v Berne previous to the date fixed for the open ing of your Fair, to make the necessary arrangement forjthc proper display of the articles ot the State. He having filled a similar position at the World's Fair so admirably and advantageously for those interested, there can lie no -doubt as to his success at New Berne. Outside of the permanent and pecu niary benefit to those directly interested in (ha exhibition ot articles and stock at iur Winter IFairs. do not the rc-U!iio;i ot friends on such occo-ions more than fully .compensate lor the expense aud inconvenience of attending them J Fairs from the earliest periods up to this time have alwavs b en noted as places for the interchange of Iriendlv sentiments and feelings, as well us for the sale of stocks uid wares of various kinds. Those at tending them never afterwards r.'gret it and look back upon the lew days thus given as a happy episode in their life. I he interchange too, ol .business exper ience 011 such ccasions!is of no little value and could not otherwise be obtained. Then if our citizons would meet wittiout a single article on exhibition, once a year it would do incalculable good, as it docs for neighbors and friends to meet und talk over their joys nnd troubles at stated periods, or when convenience will allow. But with a fuil list of articles to examine, instruct and interest, sufficient to pass nours in inspecting it makes us all feel better nnd fills us with pride for the success 01 our rair aid ot New Berne. We are confident our people will ap preciate highly the eflort in the past ot those in charge of the State articles to aid in maKing tno next, as excellent as the others have been, the most attractive ol all your winter Fairs preceding it But we have numberless articles in New Berne, if brouidit out. that would attract atteution along side of those selected irom the best elsewhere 111 the State. A com parison would prove it beyond question Uoultl you not induce the citizens of New Berne to move in the matter ? Wherever we happen to go the winter fHir is uppermost, and we believe the at tendance irom abroad will be in excess ot that heretofore there. Should not our citizens turn out en masse to meet them, and with that welcome, cordial welcome, watch is so characteristic of Hew Berne. Very Truly, Jorni D. Whitford. Local Improvements by the tJeneral Uoverment In the list ot new apporpriations made for river and harbor improvements there appears nothing for Neuse river, nothing for Tent river and nothing for Beaufort harbor. These places all need continuat ion of the work that has begun as badly aa any others receiving aid, and we hope Congressman Grady and Senator Vance and Ransom will see that we are not left out. ... , . " 'v And, by the way cannot they also stir up those whose duty it is to see to the erectiou of our Government building. Public Builbingt in other cities bjtve been pat ap the appropriations tor which were made well after ours was, and we can see mo reason, for the delay except that our interest and' needs have not been kept to the front as constantly as they should have been. - " " " -While on this line it would be well to see also what is the cause Of delay in get ling mail facilities over the last construct ed portion of the W. N. & N. & R. Mail, to have been put op with the completion ol the road but this end of the line has not jet been given the service, ' " PREMIUM (IV THE A8T CAROLINA Fish-. Oyster, Game and Industrial Association. ;iv. I UfsldV, ir- S.iMin! Feb I. 'JO. SI, 2:2. l( 0NTINCU1 I Cum 2. MrwKi.i.AXi.ofs eiiot's. For largest yield ol turnips on ;icrc; one liu-Iiel to in- 1 Moil. teil f-': largest e ro; of cnibr is-i h iv 011 one acre. one telle to tie exuum -tl i r. it 1 variety Mvad coin, one'iel to t e e hihitcd $1; d i.. mis diploid 1: bushel field peas SI; I 2 bushel North Carolina raised --at tail millet seed 2; for largest yield ol German millet on 1-2 acre ; one bale to be exhibited $ J; for best variety of glass seed grow n in North Carolina, not less thiol five in number ; one pick ol each to be exhibited $:),- for best bale cotton, crop of 189:!, 400 pounds or ovei. exhibited bv producer an 1 grown in North Carolina diploma: bes Irish po tatoes; one bushel exhibited ft, do., sweet potatoes,' one bushel exhibited ifl,- our from North Carolina wheat,' one barrel exhibited 2 )0; to fai jier exhibi ting largest number ol Held crops ot Ins n production; not less than live varie i,s, not less than one bush d 23; second best $15; third $7.50,' bet display of 'tallies by onu exhibitor; not less than six varieties not less than oue bushel ... Note All competitors for this de partment will be required to certify that the exhibits made arc the productions of their own fuld or garden. Best half dozen bunches N. C. grown lery 1; do hull dozen cabbage $1.' be-t peek each N. C. grown onions, beets. carrots, paisnips. and rutabagas tl; best and largest N. C. grown pump kin tl; best stalk cotton $1. CLass S. Fri Its. Best and largest variety of apple. t2: best barrel N. C. apples with direction for gathering and keeping t'2; fruit trees uid vines diplomas. Best county exhibit to b.' exliibitu'l by Commissioners tot). Depailmeiit 0--.I W. Stoarl IXrutor. Cl.ASKl--IlonKES, MaUKS AMI (oils Standard I!rkd. Best Jack $0; Jennet t-V (I'lemium- to be awarded to none tint the finest inality ol Jacks and Jennets) best mule olt 3 years old and over raised in N". C. ..); do ule colt 2 years old and tindc.i 8 tO; do., 1 year old and under 2 to; best pair mules ow ned in tne State 12 months, $5. Class 4. Catti.k, Tuo uoiiiiiiiiukd. Best bull, any bred tlO, 2d do., to; best cow for dairy purposes $10; 2d do., t3; best yearling bull $2; do., heifer t'2. Class 3. Jacks & Mui.ks. Best cow for dairy purposes f5; 2d do. t3; best yoke oxen 5; 2d do., tf; do , pen fat cattle, uot less than 5, 1 15. Class 6. Hoos. Best thoroughbred boar, any breed, t3; do., sow $3; best boar not thoroughbred t2; do., sow t2; do, pen (at hogs, not leas than 0, $5; best pigs (not less than 5, under ten months old) $5; largest fat hog to weigh not less than 400 pounds $5. Class 7. Sheep & Goats. Best thoroughbred buck ewe and native ewe $3 each; best and largest ex hibits thoroughbreds, not less than 10, $5, Best pen this years lambs not lass than 5, $5. Kpte Judges will be particular in ex- amning tags, and only award premiums as entered for. Pedigrees will be required on all throughbred stock. SpEfeiAi, Rules. No animal will be assigned a place until properly entered by the Secretary. Animals not ready in time and in place will be ruled out for competition. Comfortable stalls for horses and cat tle, and pens, for hogs, steep, etc., will be furnished. Feed issued to stock every morning and evening during the Fair, free of charge, and particular care and attention shown them. ' Department V. W. H. Bray, Director. Poultry. if ' RULES AND BBOULATIOK8. Rule The New American Standard of Perfection will be the snide of the judges on all varieties for which preru turns are oneroci. . Ana in no case will premiums be awarded where the speci mens do not come up tj the following scale of -points, ' , r yt ... A First premium bird mu&t score at least 60 points , i ' j , A Second Premium bird at least 85 points. - -'A - - -. , ... ' Rule i. All birds competing furore- tniums must be stri:tly iib property ot tl-e , exhibitors,- Any ''attempt -to" evade tuts rule in any particular will txciudg all specimens entered by tiie offending party from competing, if discovered in time: if not, all premiums awarded such exhibitors snail be withncict, ana any one found. .Vio- 4. 2. IM4. .. I tin a 0p!latin- in ". u I I. .1,1,-iired from . I 1 I -ho . I. : i' 'i- c obit:. in of I he - :( -u ui" ! In- fiit t nil in- g 9 4 m i:r.. r::::.;!-"::, Uff M Hi. t sh-.niug in d.t.ui th,- a3U M j mini' ; . f p -i ' lllowi-.l to e.n .1 fiitrv B "K M MTjff B I i : I i i - .n.ii. 1 to a I ,. birds B V ayjf J !,,':;.';.' iV ' '" ' pakii7cr II,.- i,r:,,k,i,!--.i,h -,,,-,-imei, hat- T " vfe-T-. ntT Wdncla ' u ,:n -1' : -i" i- ! Pure eSS - e I piiol to )sii:t. 'Hie term ..ii!.t-l ,- -,.;,!. ... ",' ' ",: ' '' ; ' .. 1 i.-ii-i.. II. I -si - f n ii .. - s -i, I . III n - ' oed tiling 1 " !!. .,- Uule ii l.i mrs in making ,.tne will i,- , ., ,. ., . . i i. 1 1 ifs mi n. Iriiin eoliiieting, unless tin- Secretary before the p'ai ed in position. All ehil,it- ne ;i inn a! iil reipiested to be eare- n ill iking ot igillal enti les col reet, and 'bv save the Assoi i ilioii time Iron!, h- in i h inging. ltnle 7. Kxhibitor- need not aceoin p:m their birds. Thevian be sent di reet to the ( hibitiotihall. All specimens w be ptomptly returned to their owners it tli -e!osi- of the exhibition, or other wise i!is.,,v. , of as they may direct. Ke e 8. All sn cinicns must be in the it 1 1 o'clock A. M., February 19th, unless unavoidably delay, iu which 1 94 tin v iniiv f-e admitted at the disrrc o! the Advisory Hoard. Hall will 1 P lino il i;,. will ! Tin- i b-. or. dun1 n t ,i the n eeption ot birds on the ig ol Fi binary 19th, sy4. 9. Premiums on exhibition pens a .larded in the following manner: Igi-s will select the four'(4l lngh- i iii ' leinales in each variety, owned t xhibitor. add them together, and tie- amount by four, uliiih will o- i ci age of t he females.- to the M iOni;, ,it thus obtained add the scoreof tin- highest seining male oil lied by s'llne exhibit'!!-, and this sauieshall be the -cole f f I he ex ll i nt ion pi"-. Kule in. All eggs laid while the birds are in the possession (,t' t)ic Association will be gathori"1 by them and thiir i ital ity destroyed. Adams- and Southern F. press Company ics will return free ol charge all exhibits on which full rates have been paid to New Iterne, provided they are accompanied by a card from the Secretary to the effect that the ownership has not changed. No extra charge made for transportation from express ofliee in New Berne to the Fair gtouiuK Direct Dep.irlu, i'- .ni, F. to Director of Poultry r Grounds, New Berne, N. ('. 'flu- po.tltry Held Ullde: th- xiiibit thi- year will la-ni-pi.'cs of the N. C. State Poult ry Ts,. , ialion, T. A. (ireen, Presi- ll'-lll . New I!-- , N. C. Aihlr, ss all coiiiniuiiications to Ch is. I! -i.'-n- ' in, New Berne, N. ('. 1T0 be continued. '1 I'm- Lumber Company. Anothi r saw mill is now . in ::ouisc of erection in New Heme. It is along side the Sehcelkv Planing mill and dry kiln": Mid i to I e 11111 in connection with th.-ni. 'l b- o' .a,,.-; 11. ill has hi-retoforc s -curi'l i: :--'i-di sawed plank front mill along the line of the A. it N. C. Ii. It. Mr. 1iiilt 1 lines wliiHe lease is now ex piring owns and operates a saw mill at Dover Irom which he drew his supply of the rough material. The newh-ssi-s-, four PennsylvaniirVentle nien are Messrs. 1'. Koh, V. F. Aberly, Ifenry I Ii ix Ii an I Freeman Hawk the last two are brother-:. They will conduct the business under the name ot the "Pine Lumber Company''. Their lease on the property extends to flic beginning of the next century. Mr. llines will continue work a short time longer, the new comers expect to liavejtheir saw mil 1 finished nnd to commence operaticus by the 1st , o' March. The saw mill will have a capacity af 20,000 feet per day; an additioned dry kiln will also be erected at once to keep the drying capacity up to the sawing capacity. Mr. Scheelky -xill superintend the planing department. His experience will prove of value to the company. Tne mill is an excellent one and is ad mirably located, haviug both rail and water transportation direct from the yards. The continued investments in New Berne property and enterprise shows that confidence in her present and future is strong. Wholesale Market Country Produce Live stall fed cattlc,5 1-2, grass led, 4a5c iressed beef, 4c, dressed hind pjartcrs,5c. Beeswax 20n2l. Corn, 40 a 4lc. Chickens 50a55c pair, Oucks, Eng. 40a30c; Muscovy 50a(i0c. Eggs, 1 flat 7c. jf Z Field pet.s,black,claybank and speckled, 45 a 50 black-eye 75c. Jeese, 75c.a0c. Hides Dry flint, 2 l-2u3c; dry salt 3c green, 1 1-4 Cats, 40. Onions, $2.50 per barrel. Peanuts. 60ca75cts. Turkeys, $ Wool 10 to 15c. Pork 6a 7c Peanut led pork, not wanted. Rice, prime, 52 l-2a55c. "Some people never find out that an opportunity is an opportunity until it has turued the aext corner "- Sam Horn. , Dou't be one of that kind. Do not forget, that oar removal sale 11 ao opportunity for you to get what you need for yourself t t a price aiucl) leas than you unaally pay. Bat at the same time do not forget that the money la hu.iuades the olose prtoe.:: We have about 30 or 40 Vug tiat Will gi at N. Y, oost. y ;;" V- - J. ii: HO rt ARD. " . 1 ..r t lie sin , miin . Iriilll eouiiet ing, unless ii,.. . p,,., i .. , , .., ni ri-eti d I tin- Secretary before the , v fi.ds ,, w ' be i t c 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 v returned to their owners . ir'S upl Mailacliniii Bsnm Of a Life Time ! That w ill g'u c v round and pay larg'h $200 Necessary. Tlni-f Mr urn- 1HIM- will j,;, .i call ami iincl'iL; itc Tin ni i it 'i i 1,1 seen in ( in "-viiii!!- Ml ' llorel Al!nt, .mil I u ill !,,ix j) 1 ; i ' in i giving all nvi c-- 1 1 ii'i 1 1 : 1 1 i ! i ' 1 1 W. I AMI - OOH'T OQH'T Let- your rhtid ctr hi. tet-th no a phtttd sp ou. 1 am Htlling Ciorii'ini Ootnpaiiy 's 8olnl S:Tlttig SILVER SPOONS For J l.Oii per Set. I have a lew Hi ii k left at Diets, e.tch. I 1 1 is Hair higher. '111. and Those little Slvcr Smvetnr Spoons t 75ctn uin't bieli. Come and sec me. EATON, The Jewder. 97 Middle St. 0ip. 1! ill' ict Clin: oh. WFJLE 1 altirnore l liougut Some Kure Bur.:. Ladies and Missi CLOA nollier new and I n:r- .nil d of Ladies Fine Cloaks and Mclnto-lies. They will be sold .it 1,-s- I'm li.-i M imfact aiid PAN TS, urer's cost. Also M F. N ' S SUI'm BOYS KNEE PANT-i. .v ,ic. Cheapest Goods over s. en in New Fl'-ine, Which I will put on sale at my store commencing MONDAY morning. Dou'f, forget these BARGAINS, they can't last loug. 7. 0, BasniNa 07 MIDDLE ST. RS if EXAMINE MY STOCK Of WORK HORSES Before baying to cultivate joar Spring crop. Ihiivethem adapted to every purpose. Gentle Drivers ALWAYS OS HAND, FOR SALE OR HIRE. Horses boarded at MODERATE PRICES And well eared for. Give me a call. ;.:,-OY A. JONES. , Opposite Gaston House. AT DUNN'S YOU WILL FIND vervthing Thgt is Kept in a Quality Of Gooda UNSURPASSED. And Constantly Sup plied With Fresh Arrivals. My Line is Complete and FULL IN EVERY DEPARTMENT JOHN DUNN, Ho. 55 & .57 Pollock St -wow-is THE TIME -1 ' J x , ll i W TO TURN OVER A NEW LEAF AND COME AND YOUH ACCOUNT. YO I ' KNOW YOU That Your Ac- PAST DUE Dou't Wait For us to Collect by LiW.For we Shall CERTAINLY do so if you don't Pay up. AVE THANK: All our customers for their very liberal patronage, and hope by a contin uance of our past business princi ples to retain the same. si CD CD CO S3. CO m MONEY Refunded if anv Goods Irom our Stores are not as Represented. IN OUR lj?y Goods DEPARTMENT We have reduced all DRESS GOODS To Oost to make room for our Spring Stock. Call and Examine. Hackburn & . 47 & 49 POLLOCK GT.

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