The Daily Journal VOL. XII.-NO 246, NEW BERNE, N. C. WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 17. 1S94 PRICE 5 CENTS BrSIirRH LOC1LS. A FINE lot of Canard' Him and Brtik '. . P J. F. Tatwh. 'ALL Uut wiali lo take dancing Imaons from Prof. Bagar are roques(l to Irare thetr namca with Mr. Turn Waters. DRESSED Tarkey. at K.R. Jones' Wed aeaday morning. 2t A FEW life Turkrys for sale 7Scts each. Nunn Sc. McSorley MUTTON Suet for nimlinil use. Sets per Cake. Ciias E. Nklson. No. 07 Brod St. WANTED thrrc or four lurninhril rooms for lisiht house-kee)inj. Address Rivoms, JotTBHAL office. L08T A three hiaded pot ki t knife. Return to Journal office. A FRESH lot of Lnndrpth's A JoliiiK.n St Rnliliins seed just recriveil t tf Oahkii.i.'s I'iiarmacy. FOR Sale anil Hint Iit on Middle St. opposite Catholic rectory, terms reasona ble. Also office on lot ailjoiniiii; I'res bytcriun ehurt Ii vnnl lor rent. Apply to f. II. L tiiiuw. A NICE Bicycle for Sale Chenp J. T. Hall A Bro's gun shop. tf. LOCAL NEWS. NKW A I) VKRTISKMKSI S. Howaru. J. F. Taylor Maim. Hand in your name. II. J. Loviek- City Tre:iun: Krpoit. J. W. Stewiirl -New nnd turner stock. CO i To S : i:s Tuesday 35 Mcs, 7.'.'5 to'i O.J. Carroll's nomination trict marshal I or this district for Dis iias been confirmed liy tlic seniitc. There litis been partitioned off in Mr. G II. Waters ami Rons carriauc factory for the shop ol Mr. H. W. (iilili's, shoe rau-tur H in ve I in y--t t I iv. Rev. G. (!. Hail -y pastor of Hancock strct M. E. churcli was mnde tliejrecip ient of n heavy lull pic.i-.inir pounding by the members and coimrejjulion of his church Monday niht. Several thousand cibliajro' plants went off yestcrlay mnrninj from Mr. Win. Dunn's truck farm ut New Borne to Ons low county lor the extensive firm of Mr. T. A. Mclntyrc, President of the W. N- & n. n. r. The season for fancy poultry orders is beginning and New Berne bleeders are getting their share. The Union Point Poultry yards received two good orders la3t night, oniLfroin a point in this Sute, the other from South Carolina. It ii announced ill the Charlotte Observer that Governor Flower and escort will spend the 2d of February in Raleigh as the gufsts of tiov. Curr. lie will give a reception to his distinguished guests and it will be an important social event. The New Yorkers will ba en route to Mardi Gras on a special car. Mr. Geo. M. Miller a capitalist of Bri sk lyn, who is connected with the New Berne Electric railway is registered at Hotel, Albert. We leant that the irons for the railway have been shipped and assurance is again given that the track will be com pleted to the Fair grounds by the first of February. At the recenFatteinpt of the prisioners to break jail at Fayettcville, a rather singular incident occurred. They had cut a bole through the wall and a big fat man made a burned break to get through it, but got wedged and stuck so fast that be was compelled to holler for help, which thus thwarted the whole plan of escape. The prospects are that the New Berne Fair this year, will surpass all others in both attendance and merit of exhibit. The facilities for transportation have - been largely augmented, and the energe tic President and Secretary of the Fair have not let, up one bit in their en deavor to see that the Exhibition fully sustains its past reputation. The floor of the wharf and ware'iouse of the W. N. & N. R. R., is nearly all laid, and the framing of the warehouse wh'ifi is to cover a large portion of it is - in progress. Tho raising of it commenced , Monday. The wharf e.xtonds out into tbe river 275 feet. The warehouse was t first designed to be 160x60 feet but it is in contemplation to extend it the full - length of thfl wharf. ' Secretary Carlisle has just published a statement wbicb fhows a deplorable con ditioo of the treasury aud that immediate relief is needed badly. The funds are - low, aregettiug lest by about ten millions - tuontb. Notwithstanding' this fact we ' . keep our couiage up on our public build ing. Now that it is receiving some at ttntion, plans "4 being : drawn and' the ground beituprordered cleared we hope '. to see work; in progress upon it. ' . . , Mr. A Wr. ChandW of Winston who bas been spending severaf days n the oity left yesterday morning for HuuUerson N. T3. ltuhandler, bas for seven yen been connected with the Standard Musie House of Winston and has been looking into the matter of establishing a branch "- house , in : New Berne."-' The prospect . shows so favorable that Mr. Chandler con siders it nearly certain that he wilt soon, be back accompanied by his wife to es tablish himselt in business and make this city their home. -Tbey expect to . arrive )ast before Uie holding of the Fair ' . TflE UREEttBOKO SESSATIO.-.. A Deplorable Affair la High Clrtlrs Tke VUMin Barely Escapes With His Ufe. Particulars of Hie disgraceful Greens boro scandal are being made public. From last nights exchanges we glean tli following. All the parties concerned are prominent in the social circles of the State. Capt. Gilmer, son of the late estimable Judge Gilmer, having his suspicion aroused lelt his home ostensibly for sev eral days, but came back that night and unknown to his wife went to the residence of his mother, where his wife sometimes stayed injhis absence. Fie entered at ll o'clock with shots off aul Iro n a place of concealment learned Ins wife was in one of llic rooms. A man came in ami tapped at her door and left. This is supposed To be a signal thai it was train lime. Then Frank Holland, a prominent society man of lanville, V.i.. e.nne out ol the room with an on hi-, arm. Capt. Gilmer Hashed a dark Ian tern in his face, and, as he was perfect ly justified in doing, shot him on the spot. Holland fell but the wound was a slight one anil when ('apt. tiilnu-r went oft from him lie got up and lelt. lie succeeded in ettin aboard the Irani lor bis bonii' an l is now iu Om villi-. t'apl tiddler lias a sister ulio was in. li ned Millie Veils ajMi, but has sinee atcd from her husband. A )uiini in-ur anee aent, of Charlotte was in her rooin. lie inaile his e--i ape by jinnpin through a win low, carrying the sash dani;liiig about bis neck. Mr. '.iilmer's mother knew nothing ol the presence of tin- men, and iircat sympathy is li lt Im her. Capt. Gilmer s wife is a daughter ol Col. Tli -s. B. Ki ogh, commissioner from this Stale to the world's fair. She was considered one of the most polished women in Greensboro. It is understood Capt. Gilmer will at once bring suit for divorce and it is said that Mrs Gilmer will fight it, on the plea that she was not guilty of any criinnal conduct though hc acknowledge being very indiscreet. Col. Keogh ami wife and Mrs Conrad who arrived after lire shocking affair were ordered to leave the house of Mr. Gilmer Mrs Gilmer will be given longer time to leave. Death of Mr. II F. Tolson. Mr. Be.njamin F. Tolson, died at his resilience in this city at l, a. in., Tuesday the 16th inst. . ut catarrhal pneumonia ugeil 41 years. Mr. Tolson was a brother of Mr. J. . I. Tolson, a prominent merchant of New Berne. Ho lived for a number of years in the city, but the last three years he spent in farming two years at Havclock aud or.e nt Bcllair. He moved back to New Berne a few weeks ago, and he and his wile were taken sick very soon afterwards, Mrs Tolson is still quite sick but it is considered that the crisis ol her disease is past. Mr. To'son was first attacked by the grip, and this finally culinatcd in catarrh al pneumonia which ended hi.' life. Be sides tho widow, who is a daughter of Mr J. T. Eaton, of Morebead city, five iuler easing little children, all girls, the oldest twelvo years of age are left. Mr. Tolson was a quiet and good man, industrious, unobtrasivc, modest the better one became acquainted with him, the stronger was the liking and cs teem felt forhim All who knew him will leel sorrow for his death. lie will be buried at Wildwood this afternoon at three o'clock the remains wero taken to the old homestead at that place yesterday. Conilnir and doing Mrs F. 0. Roberts left yesterday morn ing to visit relatives at Winston. Mrs. Clem Manly who has been visiting in the city left for her home in Winston. Miss Huttio Lane returned to her home at Hickory Grove. Miss Louella Makeley who spent Christ mas at her home in Edcnton, and who has since been making a short visit to" Miss Maggie Bryan lelt, returning to St Mary's In which school she is a pupil. Mr. S. C. Hamilton returned home last night from a business trip. Mr. Geo. N. Ives went down to spend some time at Morohead and Beaufort in business. Mrs. Sudie Herringtou and sonJGeorgc, returned from Dover where they have been visiting relatives. Mr. P. H. Pellitier left for Beaufort on a busiress trip. Season Tickets Fair season tickets for children under ten years of age wilt be on sale during the same time that thosa for adults are. Just half rates will lie charged 75 cents if purchased previous to the opening of the Fair $1.00 during the holding ol the Fair. ' ; Due notice has been "iven. Purchase tickets now and save fuoney. " '- Mr. Horn blower was rejected by the Senate..- Senator Hill - foagtrt bis nomination tigoroasly on the gronnd that he was not qaalified to sit upon the aapieme benob of the United States. '.--.. '-1 MODEL DAIRYING. ITS DEVELOPMENT THE PERTAKING PROVES PROFITAHLE. Results of the Effnit of the tei irisinf Pi nn of Messr llackliuin 4 Willett. IN En- We con-idt-i t he fo relative to stock r.iis gcn ies ol too 11 1. 1 low ing 11 g ail' I '1 1 1 - I I h it 11 information iis eonlin p.iss with- uut notice. KIhiw 1 1114 lion of the read' 1 - "t mill h inti r.s;, ' i . i'i try wc submit lb. 11 an t iiti i pri-c to w Yn I n 11 H por tl.. P .1 11 i;n i. arc i.lilalilc iudlis a brief skett ll of but few have 1 i it turned Slllli it-l't . prMctical bll-uncs; llciltl'ill lo make it 1 is opcrati'in. The Atcnsive dairy firm of llackbiiru ,fc Willett Iroin a praetiial and e.vpcli men I :il -t an. I point tlt-.iiiy .leiiionstnitc the fact th it this brain Ii of tln-ir cxtm sivf trui k fanning opi ration -, iniili l with tin ir indomitable) energy and --a! which is the U-vei power of tuci-e in ill ailyenturcs plainly siiows by nctiul c peii'-tiei- that tin-raising uii'l impro. eg .if -'..11 k 1 .1.1 In- 111 l l.- a -ll. ci s-t. 1 1 . iUt c: 11, .1. 1 ,1 .111. 1 I i 11 1 11 -v 1 1 11 1 .-ii ;li -nil .1 1 .1 1 1 1 1 . 1 'impl I -ing ab.ui! .'ml be i l Hi- the bleeds tliei hue and of tin c about till lit il air milked . I.iily, a i l about i't'Vi or fliiiu worth of milk is sol. I ini'ht lily, bcsiiles nu.tutitirs of butler the butter ;is line anil readily in 11 ki ta ble. Their entile liinl a ready vile, but such pales aie small owing to the t u t they sell off nothing but the old stock. These gentlemen say that the dairy luisiiiess i-protitable with thc-iii a:il ex pect it to be still more so lioin the --ami- plant il v of stock ;o their cattle are "e1 ting in better couitilion all the ami from the fact that it requires -nine little lime In get cattle in g) id coiulili.ui for best yields. Messrs. 1 1 :ii k I nil 11 ec Willed also culti vate considerable hay mil tliey cut aboiu 3"il) Ions last, season of the crab gr.i-s variety besides qu in I ilies of clover yield ing about 2 to 'J i l tons per acre. Tin cab grass being a second crop. They also have 1")0 head hog-i, line lire I, -VI head horses and mules, 3110 acres iu Inn k and 200 lit res grass. Looking to New liuliislil s. Mr. ('has, llallock, who is prcttv well known to most of the .Iiii iin u, rcmK rs, is now exainining into the probabilities of establishing new nii'l improved iniliis- t r i e s tit-' l-.asli'iii counties, 1 IT I here. The Viigiiiian says that lie iclunu - I In Norfolk Friday, by Norfolk an I South ern road, alter a most encouraging- lour of inspection over the mule as far South as Bcllhavuu, which is the southern ter minus of the road. His purpose, or idea is, as we under stand it, to introduce iu lust rics to sup plant those which are trite and unprolit ible. Among others supposed to be beneficial to the agricultural community arc creameries, cheese factories and beef stock liirms, which involve the raising ol hay and grass. Three or four points have been selected as favorable lor thc-c in- lustries. Mr. llallock has spent several winters in New Berne, and has always spoken in the highest of our city and its future possibilities. lie is a gentleman ol great prospective ideas and always has in view new' and original methods that tend to ward the up-building and betterment of mankind. Among his latest hobbies is a new patent brick which he claims isjnol inly ofa most beautiful composition, but is almost indestructible, imtl promis ing ofa complete revolution in building material where brick is now used. No Honey for Public Improvements. A resolution offered by Mr. Peffer as lo the inadequate fore1! in the office ot the Supervising Architect of the Treasury (whereby the drawings lor public works have been prevented or delayed) was laid before the Senate, and was discussed by Mr. Pefler, Mr. Hoar, Mr. Vest, aud Mr. Gorman The latter stated that the difficulty about carrying on the erection of public buildings was the inadequacy of revenue to meet the expenses. It benators desired public works lo bo executed they must be prepared to vote for an additional loan to the Treasury, or for an increase of the revenues of taxa tion. More than $300,000,000 had been appropriated in the last three years be youd tho revenues of the country. Mr. (Jtll advocated the iioliev ot is suing Treasury cotes liberally and carry ing on public -works in all parts of the country (includins the Nicaragua Canal"). so as to give employment to the great army ol unemployed. "Some people never find out that an opportunity is an opportunity until it has turned tho next corner." Ram Horn. Don't be one of that kind. Do not forget that oar removal sale is an opportunity for yon to get what yon need for .yourself f.t a price much' less than yon usually pay. Bat at the same time do not forget that the money is what made the close prfoe. ; We hare about 30 or 40 rugs tkat will go at N. T. eoet. VP ; : J. M. HO ARD. ; TRIALS OF SPEED. :;r.m n i:i k oi- KME I R1.MIL MS IN NORTH K 1 I N -.'..'.OO.lH t()lt r.HillT TltOTMXi AM) 101 It III NM (I ( ONTKSTS. Three I'm -es or H S'iO.OO Kaeh Due lhii:siinl on Tlitirsdiij'i Kaci-s. W P. Hi it u i s I ii u i 1 1 nt l'ii P.. k I'. M ' (HI class. Ml' I '.i ft three in II i .-I lb P- 'l-l,,. k i. 111. i 1 1 i i n i -s i la-is. Ii. '- I .-si time iu i : -Pills,- 1111,1. --:l a ll.i, e. to harness :i? clas li il .. I'.Cst tlnce in P - I . till ll ,1 tin, p.-l I'm -i- 1 mi. p.l I I . ,i i iir. , , t , Ii ii . :;d i thiei j:i",'i. Mi In, . I i , I . , , 11 hil l in -I!i-t tin ll.ui' ll"! :U1V P ii . J il l, l- 1 -1 O ,-l.M Ii L in. -. ion K.iec- Trolling to Piii-e A-Jnil. .Mile heats. i;i ti .-. ( hilv lor horses that v. iu til -t ,'i M-ciiii I money in -.iiiug i' ice Pii'-e -I tlih-e ill live. ' ON on IONS. I . i; Pui in p,-r cent, of i-e- Iii enter and -',11 per cent, to I. In second, f per per cent, to fourth. Paces at 11 o'clock A I le.l 1'Ybrutr :l. line hall' ei Peluual'V 1 I o'clock .mention pai if cut rau.-e in.l one- iii-iiii- hall' by i n i ry 1 ' ,r I, lb. in l-'eli- I I, trie Mil!' Illll 1 I III' I I lli.lses, tin name. ige 'I 'I III. animal must be given with ii inu- ol -in- mi'l ihiii, if known; alsa ii inn- an-1 residence f owner, acom pailicl by the last payment, by or before 11 o'clock p. in., February I'i, 181,14. II. Kecoiils made alter January I, IM'J-I, are no bar to tlu -c races. 7. 'I he Society rcsenesthe right to change the programme to meet the casualties ol the weather. Should the weather be so inclement on any day of the Fair week as to prevent the Director from si art ing the races, such races at the option of the I'.xei uiivc Coinmitiee, may be declare-. 1 'oil',"' an I the entrance lnoney for tin-ill rcluu h d. Heals in each da)' ruees i. lay conic off .ilb rintel v, a'-coiiling to the or.lcrs of the llire.-lor. 8. The national 'i'lolting Association Hules will govern all trotting trials, except that no horse shall be entitled to more ol the pur c than is offered by llic Siviely for the place he obtains. St. No premiums paid to distanced or riiled-out horses. Premiums will lie paid on Saturday of Fair week by Secretary, on ceitilioate ol the Judges, ami counter signed by the director ol depart ment in (rials of speed. 10. All horses entered for races Nos 1 and 7 must have been owned in North Carolina on or before September 1st 1S93. Cham. IiiiizKNsTEiN, Sec y., New Berne, N. ('. Msoafefy Pure 4 oream of tartar baking powder Highest of all in leavening strength. Litest United States Government Food Report. Royal Baking Powdeb Co.. 106 Wall 8t.,N.Y. Littleton Female College. This institution has more than doubled its foreign patronage in the last two and a half years, and is in a very prosperous condition. It in splendidly located in a very healthful section, has a strong Facul ty, beautiful grounds, and very hand soma and commodious buildings. The Spring - term begins Jan. 80th. For further information, address Rev. J. M. Rhodes, A. M. President, Littleton, N. C. THE FAIR PREMIUM LIST f i nr. EAST CAROLINA Fisb, Oyster, Gama and Inflnstrial Association. M. .11 -1 w. Mill .1.1 . . I ltU! 1.1, lit. '(..' I. Is l. ll, -I : I , I- n oil' ml ti',,1 . ' P. s( Iv .'i ,s,,l., I'I .1 1,1 pi' ..n:ll... , "tr.iw bi i rut s c.u Hi I ll I.. - 1 iy "I" iirsei ye-, ii' l tic-, I.;, lie cTlli 17.,.., 1 ll. I' " - ' ' " - I , elils ( 7 .. I i Pc-t i i:ii:i tomatoes, el i li.lil i kinds lic-t find , gold a, id -ilv tint an. I i le largest ,jspl.i; il. iy "I , do., b kin. I- if .' .Ml. 1; 1 ci: bread -VI c 'i cents; doen lulls 'Hi i Cel.,.. ;. '' '..-. Itcsi loal brei.l. il lound c.ikc, telly i a1 variet) ) sweet pn kb i miur pickle- I my v n best uiiil largesi i-yliil abnV'' aiticlcs, ii"i le 'lo , of fluey dishes I, less ihan luur kinds . DeDartinent 7. --'P. . t.LlTIIIdt, Cot I'' in I'u 'ii I"1 I III V klll'l- CI.'.-. I. I ' I 1 11 are "!v led a i'i d y . I - lllfllt I'll best si ' "!' r i: e i . , ) best collection ai. 1 d-p' iy .-i 1 goods, lint less 1 II ill l k rd 1 '. i ' liibitui', 1 1 1 1 ; n u n.'ide s", , - ,; m I ' ! i exhibit by N. ('. I 111 ii ' i- !,... -.,. Clansi;.-- ll'di'. ;,,.,,., I ;,. , : - ', Pest ciiiierni-n.; iii-,-, '.:iie i'i . other grapes and apple i : le: . i. I .ban 11 I oil le- iu c!iiliii s I i a. :i ' .' a. -k bens, eheiry and p-n li ."i did. i'le l peaches and t berries $1 i, k: ., . and liirgcstjdisplay of ab oi . no', li - iliui I kinds . r. ' ',' '-. lic-st sweet pickled ;;i,en t u.i it " -water melon, pcacbi s mi I iic.n . "i'i cent, each, liest and l.iige-t di pl i of i'i-".,-four kinds f J. r,v.s-. -.'...7, ',', '..,. Best iar cllClllub. 1'-. I'lliull-. cabb.i 'e. green tomatoes, arlieiiovi-s. iii iug- i s t'oiitinued on lkie I NONE OLD VIRGINA WHY NOT U SE THEM? Prices as Low as any Good Che root. F. Ulrich 5 WHOLESALE GROOER, NEW BERNE, N. O. DON'T DON'T DON'T Let yonr child cat bin teeth on a platedspoon. I am Belling Gorbam Company's Solid Sterling SILVER SPOONS For $4.00 per Set." I have a few Stick Pins left at lOota. each. Hair higher. I?ins $150 and Those little Silver Sonveuir Spoon Bat 75ols aiu't bigb. ty Gome and aee me. , EATON, The Jeweler. 97 Middle St. Opp. Baptist Chnrch. AT DUNN'S YOU WILL FIND Everything That is Kept in a GUSOCEXtY Quality Of Grooda UNSURPASSED. And Constantly Sup plied With Fresh Arrivals. liy Una is omplete and -FULL IN EVERY DEPARTMENT JOHN DUNN, Ho. 55 & 57 Pollock St --NOW- IS THE TIME tf v J JH -1 3s TO TTOH 0VE A 1TEW LEAF AHD COKE MID YOUR ACCOUNT. Y( ) I ' KX( W YOU OWE TTJS And That Your Ac ccunt is PAST DUE Don't Wait For us to Collect by LAW, For we Shall CERTAINLY do so if yen don't Pay up. -:WK THANK: All our customers for their very liberal patronage, and hope by a contin uance o our past business princi ples to retain the same. CO D3 CD 2D SO CO OWEY Refunded if anv Goods trom our Stores are not as Represented. IX OUR Ii?y Goods DEPARTMENT We have reduced all DRESS GOODS To Gssf fo make room for our Spring Stock. Call and Examine. Hackburn & 'rirV- 47 ii 4o roLic: . ' T Jl '