'11BE' Daily . Journal. VOL. XIL-NO 247, NEW KERNE, N. C. THURSDAY. JANUARY IS. 1894 PRICE 5 CENTS ' . " X- ST. BCSIXESS LOCALS. BUrtCH of Kej foaad on South Front ... v . A CBL1NQK dTbuinrai pffimpu me to offer bit entire ud comjplrte ttock oi choice famllj Groceries, DeliTer; wagon and bona for ttle; and atorr, and com plete fixtorrt for rent. C. E. Slot am, J181w. pfffmp PROF. Lewi! Bacar! dancing clan of young Udie and children will meet in the Hall at S p. m. Saturday. 8L A FINE lot of Caaeard'i Him and Break bat bacon just receivol. J. F. Taylor. A FEW lire Turkrjs fur aale 73cts each. Nunn & McSorley MUTTON Suet for medical use. Sets per cake. Chas E. Nhi-son. No. 7 Broad St. WANTED three or four lurmslied rooms for light honsekecping. Address Rooms, JOCRMAL office. LOST A three hladrd pocket knife. Retarn to Jouerai. ofBcc. A FRESH lot of Landrcth's A Johnson & Robbing seeds just received at tf Uabkii.i.'s Pharmacy. FOR Sale and Rent Lot on Middle St. opposite Catholic rectory, terms reasona ble. Also office on lot adjoining Pres byterian church yard for rent Apply to tt il. I, Uibbs. A NICE Bicycle for Sale Cheap at J. T Hall & Bros gun sho. tf. LOCAL NEWS. BK W A D VF.R TISKMKSTS. Howard. Found A bunch of.kcys. Prol. Buifar Dancing Class. C. E. Slover A change of business. COTTON SALKK. Wednesday 09 bales, 7 1-4 to 7 5-H. I lie banks ol the city clnsc t" morrow U iK'ing Iat's birthdiiy, Slate le'iil holi- diiy. Vance ?till opposes Siiiiiiiou's confirm tion; the cause is said to lie a lorincr opposition by Mr Simmons to a friend ol Senator Vance We are sorry to s.ie this. Messrs. Patterson and Perry who are to run the Fair restaurant were at work yes terdny putting the building in good order for service during Fair week. The incident cited in this issue of the itory of Love and War on historic Itoan- oke Island is amply romantic to furnish a splended plot tor some novelist. From Mr. Chas. VanLear we learn that Messis. Grecnabaum Bros., in which firm he is a paitner, will not run their cannery in this city the present season. Mr. Leon Bell, of Bachelor, at Clubfoot creek, a son of Mr. C. C. Bell, died on the 14th from pneumouia. He was a young man about 16 .years of age. rue f air &cutiOii ot the journal is now being printed. Hand in to-day as many names ot parties that you would like it sent to as you please. No charge fer it. The monthly meeting of the Directors of; tb Y, M. V. A., which was postponed from the 10th on account of the Torbctt Concert will be held to-night at 8 30 o'clock. United States Marshall Clarke at Nor folk has left there for Albany with Wil son Brickhoiwc, Jno. II. Suckett, Laura Hugging, and Ella Etherage. All colored who were convicted for pension Irauds. The ladies ol the various committees of the Fair are requested to meet at Mrs John Dunn's this ulternoon at 8:30 o'clock to make the preliminary arrange ments for the holding of the Fair. Home raised lall .crop Irish potatoes caa tiKba. seen in the New Berne Inarket. We notice some pretty ones ol the BlfeaTrinmpU variety at Mr. J. F. Taylor's store They were sent np to him by Mr. Paul Dclauar ol Kershaw . Lawrence Pulliain, late cashier of the Asheville National Bank who lias been missing several weeks has been found . and Arrested but it is not announced .where. It is now considered almost ccr . tain that he is a defaulter. His friends ;",will claim that he is ioranc. Mr. W. Buckiuan, route agent of the Southern Express Company, we ate pleased to learn that while he was in w Wilmington the previous day he made - arrangement to establish express service v on he-W. R. It will commence-February 1st. ' Mail service should - qaicklv' follow. j. ; - Q Cenlnt- and tioiwr. Mr, F. D. Koouce of. Onslow couuty populist candidate for congress in the - last compaign is in the city. Mr. Chas. Van Lear who has been in thi city short time lei yesterday on the steamer Neuse for his home in Delaware. " Mr. and Mrs, M. IL. Houghton,; north- - am visitors who appending some time at Vaj. A, R- Dennison's express them- l selves aa 1 Strongly l !pleasel with - this place. They say they never saw a more delightful dlimate' or a better place in which to live. - . --'v--":4 "'- " -i:: i . . .. i ..-,- ;. t . N i ' DIED. : V . ' At bis residence oil George St. in this '. city -Tuesday evening January 10th, 1894 at 10:15 o'clock, Rev. Chat. . Hedges D. D. col., of pleuropneumonia, age 01 years, funeral at Ebenezcr Presbyterian church (of which ho was the pastor) Friday morning at 11 o'clock, friend are invited tottnd."- --v. ;--;.-" - , A good man is gone, :i?''"V A 8 TORT OP LOTE A5D WIS A Kortbera Eoldler Meets His Sooth en Bride After Thirty Tears 8e?aratloa. The Norfolk Landmark is responsible for the truthfulness of the lollowing story, the facts in which we hare no reason to doubt: la December, 1883, Company I Eighty fifth New Terk Regiment, was stationed at Roanoke Island, this Stale, and Mr. John P. Dunning, then a handsome young man of 23 years, was a private in that company. He met there Miss Mar garet Stone, then a pretty girl of eighteen summers, aud a mutual admiration soon sprang up between them. He addressed her, and on the night before Christmas of that year they wero hippilv married. Soon alter (he marriage the company was ordered to Plymouth, and Mrs. Dunning went with her husband, but at Plymouth they seperated, Mr. Dunning giving his wile money and sent her back to her father on Roanoke, where she was told to remain until lia returned for her if he out lived the war. The company then proceeded to Co lumbus, where Mr. Dunning was taken prisoner and sent to Andcraouvillc, where he remained until the end ot the war. Being released from prison, lie at once proceedeil to seek information of bis wife, but he was informed in the meantime that his briile had been drowned while attempting to cross Kitty Hawk bay. This information was not Only brought to him by mail, but by Captain A. U. Cart wricht. of his company, who married Hits L.ivy Elhcridge, also at Roanoke, about the same lii.r and 4iu I gone bark for his wife, Believing Iiit dead Mr. Dunning mourned the loss of bis w ile and .on eluded not to return to the scene of bis short wedded life Sincy then lie li lived in New York and lYhnvsh ania, where lie has been a sueeesslul dealer in stoek. ( l in to the sad ending of his slioit married lile Mr. Dunning would never even think ol marrying again, and Mrs. Dunning would not believe that her husliund was dead, and lor this reason remained single. In July last she wrs induced to apply for a pension, and in this way she ascer tained that her husband still lived, and was given his address by the authorities at Washington. She at once wrote to him and received a reply, and the result was a happy reunion, be having come to meet her. Mr. Dunning at once iccognized his wife of thirty years ago, hut it was several minutes before she could recog nize in the white-haired old man her war time lover. When visited they told their story between smiles and tears, but they were tears of happiness. The old uan broke down entirely when he spoke ot the wrong he had innocently done his wife. but he promised to make amends with the best of care until seperated by death in reality. They will return to his old home iu New York. Mr. Duuuiug wears a badge bearing the name of his company. Post 150, Pa. G. A. R., to which he now belongs. Mr. Hollands Version Frank D. Holland of Danville, Va., who was shot in tho leg by Ellison Gilmer of Greensboro on the night of the 12th inst puts out a statement that the shooting occurred in the parlor of Mr. Judge Gilmer's home, where he nnd Mrs. McElwcc were calling; the old lady, the young Mrs. Gilmer and Mrs. Dick, sister of Mr. Gilmer all being present. Ho says Gilmer fired without a word of warning or explanation being intoxicated. The account of the shooting as pub lished by the Greensboro Record while fuller is almost identical with what we published in our lust issue it says when the door opened Gilmer shot Holland while still in the room and when he fell he rolled uuder the bed nnd Mr. Gilmer came out nnd locked the door. In the meantime the wifo hail flud from the room. A friend of Mr. Gilmer's who came up insisted on sending for a physician and wag done but when tho door was un locked Holland was missing. He hal escaped -getting from a window to the top of the porch and thence to the ground -blood from his wound showed this. The Record says that what it gives of the affair is from a reliable sourcc'aud can be depended upon. Hollands wound is expected to keep him -In only a few days it being only a flesh wound in the leg, the balls striking a match safe in in bis pocket and elnnc ing issf.Il that kept it from being serious. The New Engine Hones. . Mr, W. D. Bar ring ton - who has been off bnying a new pair ot engine horses for the Atlantic Fire Company returned borne yesterday morning. He - seems well pleased with tho horses he secured he says he purchased as nice a pair as he codid find regardless of price and yet he secured the ones he wanted; for 450 in Baltimore, t He says they are aa near duplicates of the two old horses "Dick" andJ'Virge as could be imagined. - The horses are to . arrive tomorrow morning oa the steamer Albemarlo of the W. N. & N. line, "Never be afraid of giving np your best, and God will give you His better.J.Hinton. . NEW EME AND YICUTT THE GREAT TRUGKIXG CEN TER 0E NORTH CAROLINA. Ltrre Lu inhering and Eishiiiji Interests Sjiort for the Hunter. Iking among the earliest settled vi llous of the State, and by a people that have always l.ecn renowned for theii learning and eulture, N vv Heme and v'r.ivell county n--t e?sal ilv been at - corded a prominent place i:i 'iistry, and one that I lie p-esent ;'i aeration should honor and i ...n.e.ii i , leel proud of. Hut it is not the past glories we wish to speak of now , it is our present position and future prospects. TllLCKINO IN TKHh.STS. Too tniK II importance cannot be at ta he I to the truc king industry. It drvclopeuicnt is the largest factor which is bringing such general prosperity to this section. Certain crops in best sea sons have given net profits ol three four and live hundred dollars per acre, and total shipments run up to three quarter of a million dollars in n season. To move thi- crop in the heght of the searon re quires two and three long and heavily loaded 'rains besides the service of two noil hern steamer lines truck steamers as well as trains run daily through the husv season. Among the largest and most prominent planters are Messrs. Haekbiirn A Willed, W in. Dunn, Jos. I.. Uiiein, K. II. A- J. A Meadows. W. II. lirav, Watson A Daniel Ralph (ira, I.ieut. A. .1. Yeoman, and W. T. Crockett. su mi i.r.8 and i.i im:riNo. lumber interest is also an import Tl ant om The out put of New Heme mill. i sll million feet per annum. Many ol llic mi II is arc of huge capacity with dry kilos and planing mills attached and they use all the latest mechanical improve ments. Adding the output of the mill close to the city to those that are here will tun the output up to over a aumlred million leet. The bulk of what is handled i pine but we have abundant forests of line oak and cither woods well adapted to the manu facture of furniture and other articles. Over a hundred varieties of woods were exhibited at our last Fair from Craven county alone. FISHINU ISTKIIKSTS Seventy varieties of edible tisb can be found in the New Uernc markets, and Jiey are noted too, lor their line llavor. A hundred thousand dollars are the rig ures given as invested in the business at Morchcad City, and the exports from both places arc large enough to picscnt surprisingly large figures. Thousands of dollars are, paid monthly from the two points on transportation charges alone and the fishing is flue on the whole North Carolina coast. 0,583 shad were stated to have been caught at one haul last season by Dr. W. R. Capehart nt his Albcrmarle Sound fishery. This is good enough lor anywhere in the world. HCNTINO AND SPOUT. Game around New Berne is plentiful. Many a sportsman has gone out this sea son and returned with a string of filty or more partridges, squirrels by the dozen or a good supply of nobler game. Deer aflord fine sport and those w ho like a little spice of danger need only penetrate the pocosins a few miles and tackle the bears. We havo had repeated items this winter pbout two, three and four hundred pound ones being killed. One party of northern sportsmen who visited our city early in the season, said they were perfectly surprised at the abundance and variety of our game. When they left they carried off with them as a trophy of their prowess as pretty a lour hundred pound bear as we ever saw and they report that four others were in sight when they shot him. They were so delighted that they soon returned and are still in the city. General Remarks. Our numerous advantages are causing proporty in this vicinity to be strongly appreciated. The adaptability of our soil to true), crops, the mildness of our cli mate owing to our proximity to the gulf stream, our conveniences of transportation by reason of being on two rivers and having, two railroads with good service on all, our nearness to the sounds, our fishing oystering and lum bering resources combine to make this section one ot the most delightful and desirable locations on the whole Atlantic coast. A visit to the New Bern Fair commenc ing Feb 19th will give a good opportu nity to investigate all these things. "When you've got a thing to say, Say it t Don't take half a day, When yonr tale's got little in it Crowd the whole thing in a minute I Life is short a flirting vapor- . Don't you fill the whole blamed paper With a tale which at a pinch Could be cornered in an inch M Boil Her down until she simmers, Polish her until she glimmers, -., When you've got a thing to My,- 8ay Ul - Don't take half a day.' ' t Oar tele ia soon told we expect to remove about Peb'y 1st nd In order to reduce tock cost prices will prevail, bat don't forget yonr J. M. HOWABD. V THE FAIR PREMIUM LIST K T II K YAW OA HO LIN A Fish, Oyster, Game anfl Mistrial Association. MuibLtv. 1 Ui 1 t . Vrinral.i. I hiiivl.tv. I i iiLn .in I S.itiiplav, Feb 111, 20, 21, 22, it, 2:1, 1MI4. M I l'ltl I 1)1 I' UU U NT '.I -Clio I III TIN1 K MTTIM. i l.,,, -'. .,l!i, Mrs. Cha. Hei. -lutein chairman com- uiiltce. llel knit 'nrt f 1 . "i". i.i do , C'l cents; .ii-sl i ach shawl in scarf i rochcted and afghon eroelieted fl, 'id do., 50 cents; be! mittens ero beted or kuittel, slip per i rochcted or knitted and pair cotton t h kind's or six 1 "ill cents; id best each S.mviiI. bet crucluled childs alghan, knillcil do., pairilk -tockines or socks, infants sock, knit or crochctei. Hi pair) knitted afg.ian and b.in,lonic-t .ilk cro cheted lidi SI. l. t eai li croclie'ed childs h.ioil, do., n k, ;il (half do.ui) table mi!- i in. -In lid, i hair tidy i r irhetoib ciih h"!i Ln , kniili dilo., knit purse, wii .tlet-. ill oi win-led, crocheted and knitted shoe-, knitted -boulder cape, and h in.-. i o. -l cr i hcte-l linen tidy oil cent; I t di-pli of nli. in thi- department, I IV "tie lady. "I Inure iltich S, C,,., ' -., !,;,', ,,., r i,: ....,.. Mr. I!, 1 ' Willi i m-, i hai rino n i-oni lllittce Ki -I plain seivui ( machine or hand) do., ealtc.i ipiilt ."id i cuts.- id best each io cent-,- best eaib ilU ij li'.t, dressed doll, silk embroidery, outline do., wall protector, fancy book bat:, and best but ton holes loot Ic-s than li) oil cents; -peci-mcn darniiu', o k or -toekinos, mats crocheted, knitting lanv (ylel and pin cuhion i"i cent-; iiin ingenious piece ot' handiwork 1. Di ri:mi:M' II. Kink Aicis. r l . '..; .i In. Mi-. I-:. B. Kill, chairman coniiniilec. lle-t en li, oil painting other than por trait, do., portrait, water colored land scape, do., pint rait, pastcllc painting, painting in oil any subject s'ill life study, hand painted lire screen, decorated dozen tea plate, i'o., cups an.) saucers, do, china tiles, vase, i royal Worcester.) rustic or fancy w ml; in wood, and collection fern work and sea mosses i; best each water color fruits and flowers, crayon drawing, other than pnrtrai", do., portrait pitcher (royal Worcester,) decorated mir ror, placipies, painted fan, (silk or satin) pen and ink sketch, pencil drawing, charcoal do., collection of photographs by amateurs, wood carving, poker woik, hammered brass, and handsomest display of presse.l flowers $1; best each decorated screen and tapestry painting $3. i'lax i Ctiltriia iMixtrtment. l?.-st each crayon pnrtrnit,oil painting, water color, crayon drawing, any subject, scroll work anil decorative work tl; crayon still life study, pencil drawing and charcoal draw ing 50 cents. Department lit. (ieorge Henderson, Director. KI.OKAI.. ('him I. Floriculture - Fin liloom. Mrs. J. A. Simpson, chairman commit tee in charge. Largest and best collection of distinct varieties of green house plants, not less tirnn 25 varieties f 8; second do., $5; best collection ot cut flowers not less than 10 varieties $"; second do., $3 3d do., $2; largest and best display of 'geraniums $4; best display of blooming geraniums $2; do., primroses f'i; do., hyacinths $3; handsomest display of blooming plants i; 2d .. f 2; bc9t display of wild flowers and mosses $2; 2d do., $1; best and most varied display outdoor spring flowers $2; handsomest display of blooming calla lillies $3 do., other varieties of lillies $2; do., chrysanthemums $3; oest display of palms $2; handsomest display of begon ias 4 best display ot ferns $2; for the most choice and rare plants $2, Chins 2. Ornamental Arrangement for Piantn. Best rustic flower stand with grow ing plants best lunging basket $1; best and largest boquct ot choice flowers most tastclully arranged f 2. Class 3. Dried Grasses and Leaves. Best collection of tastefully arranged and correctly named forest leaves 1; best pair of boquets of native grasses not less than 20 vaiieties $1; best and largest display of growing ornamental trees, plants, bulbs, evergreens, etc., by one ex hibitor 5. Note.A.11 premiums awarded to makers or growers of articles. Class 4. Taxidermy. Best and most varied display 25; 2d dj., 19- department 13. Curiosities. Mrs. Graham Daves chairman ot com mittee in charge. Premiurrs in this department will be awarded according to merit. Department 14. Ralph Gray, Director. Machinery and Mechanic Art. Note. Note all articles to compete must be ready by 9 o'clock first day of Fair. -. . . .. . Best steam engine, not less than 16 hone power, manufactured in N. 0. in operation andjnay be driving machine erf during the - exhibition $10 best JIbsolately Fure cream of tartar bak'nc ;n.wiirr li'liest of all in Icuven-nt; m jth - t.ATKflT CnITKII .TTK.8 (iliVl 'INMI.Nl' Kchiu Hkcoht. ItoY.U. liAKIMO PuWIimi to, loC. W...1 St . N V . exhibit ! ailw r . Diploma 1 ic g i e n t . . r kind null-, -li c. and 111 lie I , on i . u -Hi,.h ., I.l.e Diplunia- water w lire! and lartn ni:n li n. i . era I. CI.,,. .!. --'.. r., ,,,- ...r, .,. .1 ' ,lr,.,.t.. Di iloinas and l.roi e n,. : ' - . given for a luli' I i-t .. I ai i ii ' - i i . lepal tllletlt, CUi l.rai in' dn in..; ovl ing vehicle, pre-i . mil!, -in-i1' i tions, labor saving ronven':. in A I'reniiiinis w il 1 I .e :;i i ti i- :. Hel display of aorn 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 il inn I by one cxIiiMtor id .1.. fin ter and 1 ii ri 1 1 1 r in i ii i. . i , i i ir i d.oi. reaper and no o i r, 1 1 a liei .in in tion mid knitting mai linn in up i e;nM medal each, bi l and 1 il -! . tion of vchii'les for ph a-ur.- and u- split wood ciit'.i.n b-i-ki t N . ( i half il"-u looiiiiis in i.tr in N cook ranio', k i,.. , in stove tor Coal, i In . Inl w I am I it of kit. hen utensil l l.e-t as-olllin tnes, bouts, ralt s an I f. ml i - .. the most ii-eu! in cut nni in ... in i or tin- mi i lianii u i - lv a i. -i I North Carolina $ V r,,.-, ;. i.i,, -;.',,.,'. I!c-t im ii lit life I'Oa! ami -a in:; rat us fid; id I1--1 .'.; ::. -IV Deparlnient I V - .1. A. I'.n in D : M,, ,.,1-ni. : .... .1 . Ci. I . Mini i: i i i . Di ploni.-is lor In -I p i i - an. I lection of uilli'lal-. -in. ii in i::. .v. I '.., .' . 11. -t ploina. .pe, i-1,,-. I; -. ,. l',e-t collection nl llalu. I 1 ui North Carolina, orn nn.-iital nnl n-i'ul. properly labeled, i;i lie: i!s Im iiit;., iln OSes to W'llicll it I- a..ill'.l ami 0 cllr to t ho niei'hanic art -. I - .i 1 ! i ; . i 1 ; n arranged li-t of t hr -anie I 'I. t 7,. J.- . I ' ...-.';. l'.est coll. ct inn of alii. !e- ..f i nil -il or intciest ill connect i in with tin- hi-toiv of North Carolina .V l -t and l.i-i-! display of" dressed lunib- r I V (V.l V. I-.. . Kor best bras I. and. i..i n t i l - loii 2nd best .v.Vtl.- ;i.l Tliero is much of truth in the statement that "The healing o the world is in its nameless saints," and there is truth in the sentiment: "The strength of the church is in its believing, prayer ful, holy souls, who in holiness bear forever tho work of (lod to victory." Christian Inquirer. NUNN & McSORLEY HAVE JUST RECEIVED A fine lot Bananas, Florida Oranges, Nuts, Raisins &c. TENNEY'S CANDIES, Hotel Brunswick, McKeel's mid Fratik Teller's Celebrated Cigars. Mcercliatini, Briar and Kosowood Pipes. SPECIALTY. J-jgT"Csll and sec u. NUMN & f.kSORLEY. WHILE IN Baltimore I Bought Some Bare Bargains in Ladies and Misses CLOAKS. Another new and huge arrival of Ladies Fine Cloaks and Melntoshes. They will be sold at less thun Manufact urer'! cost. Alio MEN'S 8UITH and PANTS, BOYS KNEE PANTS, &c , &o. Cheapest Good ever seen ia New Berne, Which I will put on sale it my stoic commencing MONDAY morning. Don) forget these BARGAINS, they Wirt last long, . . 7. D. DARBINQTOfJ. 67 MIDDLE ST. i AT DUNN'S YOU WILL FIND Everything That is Kept in a GKOCEKY Quality Of Gooda UNSURPASSED. And Constantly Sup plied With Fresh Arrivals. My Line is Complete and -FULL IN EVERY DEPARTMENT JOHN DUNN, No. 155 & 67 Pollock St --NOW-- IS THE TIME M . V. . u I WJV' rrVViVJU V t5; ' I Tl I A ' I TO TU.'IN OVER A NEW LEAF AND COME AND YOUR ACCOUNT. YO I 'KNO Ar YO IJ And That Your Ac count is PAST DUE Don't Wait For us to Collect b 7 LAW. For we Shall CERTAINLY do so if you don't Pay up. :WE THANK: All our customers for their very liberal patronage, and hope by a contin uance of our past business princi ples to retain the same. en -a CD S3 CD 5 CO MONEY Refunded if anv Goods Irom our 8tores are not as Represented. IN OUR Djpy Good DEPARTMENT We have reduced all DRESS GOODS To Cost to make room for our cprina Stcck. Call and Examine. ;x Hackburn & : Vlkl 47 & 49 F0LL0 CU CZ :-i-3 -

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