v Daily Journal. VOL. XIL-NO 249, NEW BERNE. N. C. FKTDAY. JANUARY 20. 1M)4 PRICE 5 CENTS THE fry j rw. 2d Bl'SISF.SS LOCALS. AS Fine 8(h11 Fed Herf at ever iu in New Btrnt, Fresh Pork Bnuwe, I'ork Stake, Pig Hanm, Dmox-rt Turkey". o. N. Whitford. ORDERS Tor tuning nml repairing pianos net nrjrani will twe've prompt itteu titia if led, with tbe A. Cohn piano nml Organ Co. Midill street. JltlW R II. Shaw Tunt-r. A CHANGE of luisinm prompt inc to offer my entire ami coniplrtu stork oi choice family Oroccrio, Unlivery wagon anil horde for s ilc; ami stoiv. ami com plete (Htun s for rent. (.', T.. Si.ovkb. J181w. PROF. Iwis Baar silanriri" i-how of ynunj ludie noil cliiWIren will inert in the Hall at 3 p. m. Satunliv. :)t. A FINE lot of faossnl's ll.iin ami lirrak fast bacon just receive). J F. 1'ayi.ok. MirfTON Suet for nieilieul iiHe, r . cake. Cuah K. Nixkon p.T No. 7 Hrorul Si A FRKS1I lot of l.amlr.'th'- A: .1 . .1. nx. .ti & Kolihins wcils jusL ri-riivnl at tf dAKKII.I.'x I'll VUMM'Y. FOR Sale and Rent-Ia1 on Mi.Mle. St. opposite Catholic rectory, term reasona ble. Also office on lot inljniiiinjj 1'ies liyttrian iliun h yanl lor n ut. Applv to tf. II. I.. (iinn. B1U Nelson Hay ami liroa-l Civrk vlns. finest, kind, ilrlivt rrl a onr ..mh- f it -1 1 from I ni h IIkmit Hrown, Corner Mace's Irn-" ' ri'. LOCAL NEWS. M: ir 1 1) vi:i: rsr ri:. . Hnwarti. W. D. Wallnee Notice. R. B. Shaw. 1'iano Tuning. N. Whitfonl Stall I'd la-cf, etc. C0TT0.V SM.hS. I'riilav 114 lialcs; .C, to 7.40. Mr. A. Hatclietl' connection with 1 lie Courier has been iliscoiitinilC'1. Collier heather this morning is what the weather liurcau s.ti.l yestenlay. Have you purchased your Fair season ticket! Thcv are now on silw by Mr. Clina. Heizenstcin. It is expected tint l'nite.1 States M ir w" aiiall O. J. Carroll will hwi iic the ilulies of that position about February Int. It is proposeil to substitute electricity lor the cable car system on the treat East river bridge from New York to Brooklyn. x According to the best estimates, (ireat Britain lia at present $102,000,000 gold, $22,000,000 silver, $39,000,000 paper, a total of $163,000,000. Messrs. Nunn and MrSorley have par titioneil off til.' rear ot their store with the intention of lit tiny it up fir an ice cream parlor. All tlio youug ladies who will lake part in the Business Carnival will please meet at tbe Y. M. C. A. Hull this after noon at 3:30 o'clock. It will afford much pleasure to our citizens to know that Miss Marion Rad cliffis now assured iti yeltiiii; a number of voices from one of the finest Glee Clubs in New York to e.uiie South dur log our Fair and ive a few concert exhibitions while in New lierne. Mr. E. L. Mann of Hyde county, died on the night of tbe 18th. inst. Mr. p Mann was tbe father of our former towns man Chiel Shell Fish Commissioner J. S r-. Mann and of Dr. C. E. M inn of Beaufort. Our syinoal hies are extended to the be reaved ones. The Clark mill is building a wharf anjj a new lumber shed (most, of which will be over the water) for the northern trade by vessels. The shed w ill be about J 80 feet la depth and have a capacity of " boot 200,000 feet. The mill, we are glad lo hear, lis getting orders for nil it - ' can make.' '. " Tbe big catch of fish made by Mr. Wal- ter Willis of Morehead city a tew days " " f ago netted him $281.25, says the Beau 'M.g "for Herald. TJjcre were about 3 1-8 tons :' of the fish.' The Herald says it was tbe '''rap' largest catch ever known to bave been .'-. caught ground there with one seine at " ; ., ., - one haul. 2 " ;V The largest cargo nf pcrshable freight 'h:'; v; (with thp exception of truck) that ever "' "Ss 1"''?. -.'Vt; Irent'Dat of New Oerne was taken out by . - - , ; - the steamer Neuse of the E. C. D, line 3": ' . ? yesterday. It consisted of fresh fish, ": V'Cj'. claws ojstera and eggs. There was oyer 'v v "' f hundred tons of them. Among the lot SiV 'lwasf seven solid car loads frrn Morehead City. 'pS 'Tlj fciristou Free Press which will be leaned te first week in Febtunry will be ;"V.:.:"pecially , tlevoted to ' the East Carolina .'; Fair. '' U will have a pasps of advertise ! . , menu of the Fair besides other matter -jcfiainin to jit. ,-A" large number of . extra copies will ue issuea. in noer v ' alitvof tb Fair in advertisin;:, and its ,.,'i. libcaallty'Id "preninius -are two strong ;n (f;(eansr of its success. - . ' y . "One of the points that will be considered . e Wednesday afternoon by the ctair ".jf ' . men of tbe Ladies Oomniitteee of tiie f sir X-"rln tbemeetingat Mrs Chas. Seiaensteins ;.;- 5,l wjll bn deciding upon what'frtain pre miums that; bave been left open shall be ;i offered foM; The members of the : coin ' ''' '." itteerf who have in mind aoything for : which no premium has been offered and : ' for which they think It desirable to offer ' one, are requested to make tbe suggestion to the chairman of one ot the committees . and it will be taken into advisement . - : - i ;-' '"' ' - ' ' i -.v'lt-'-A'.-r ''.' ' I'omlns; aid (iolnjr Mr. Jas. F. Taylor and little son left for a brief trip to New York. Mr. Brickhouse whose cheery coun tenance is well known lo a very large nnniher of our citizens by reason of fre quent visits to the city in the interest of his wholesale Ixxit ami shoe house at Norfolk, loft yesterday on the steamer Ncuse for bis home. Messrs. Camp and llecht representing the Hecht Hinchler company of Norfolk also lell on the steamer Ncuse alter spend inc; a few days in the city. Hon. F. M. Simmons, Internal Itevenue Collector of this district, c&me in last night to spend a short tunc in the city on business. Miss Julia Charlton, returned to her home at 'ovc from a vinl to relatives in the city. Mrs E. M. Iiguid, w ho has been at llcuutort and Morehead City canvassiicj, returned home yesterday morning. Mrs Kred Hunter, who has been spend ing several weeks in the cilv, left fir her homo at Henderson. Arrival of the Knginp Horses. The new engine horses lor the Atlantic Fire Company 'arrived yesterday inorn- i'V h the Sir. Allsmarlc as expected. They are full l.hmdcd IVreheron ., whieh is the be-t lin ed nf dral' hur-.es lin n l-. One is a dark and the oilier a light dap ple gray. The finni r weighs t :. pounds; the fit:, i I lo'i They arc beauties, and appear well capable uf lining the w ork reijuired of I In ni . Many ol out i i i i .--n s t"k a iew uf them ye-lerd,iy, and we liayc )et lo ln;ir the tiisl untayor.ilile coininent. .Mr. I'.ir rington, w ho i If. eted the purchase, is to lie cougi it ulaled upon the success he met w ilh. Balloonist ki led We learn that .Mr. I.. N. OJcll, an aer onaut of the (J race Shannon C'Mntuny was killed in making an ascension ut Washington, N. C., yesterday. The balloon burst alter it Id'l I lie ground, and when it did Mr. (Mull cut the parachute loose, but sufficient height had not been attained for it to open. The unfortunate man struck the ground while falling rapidly and his body w i.s b idly broken up. The new., was brought to New Berne last night by a drummer who was in Washington at the time the accident oc curred, early iu the afternoon. Past Comprehension The Wilmington Messenger says that just why there is so much delay iu estab lishing mail service on the W. N. it N. railroad is past, understanding. We are of the same opinion. Theie is pressing need for ipiicker mail facilities between New ftcrue and Wilmington and points along the road and we believe i. would be a good plan to send it a few petitions from each end of the line seeking the scrvic.' without delay. Store Burned at 1'niitcgo A letter to Mr. .Fas. B. Clark from his father brings informalio" of a fire at Pan lego on the night of Weduesday 17lh inst. A store was burned. The build ing was owned by Mr. Lewis Latham and was occupied by Mr. Charlie Rati iff. The building and contents were both a total loss. The former was a two story building fifty feet in length and worth about $750. Mr. Ratliff carrie l $2,009 stock and had it insured for $1,000. . The Free Press tells of an aeciilcnt to Mr. Henry White, of Fort Barnwell, Craven county. He was struck on the head by a limb falling end foremost and fracturing his skull. It is feared he will not recover. Mrs. Wm. Rouse, of Jacksonville whose mind , recently became impaired was brought in yesterday to be taken to the State Asylum t Raleigh to-day. Her husband and her undo Dr. Cy. Thom pson accompany her. A correspondent of the Wilmington Messenger, tells of a ghastly discovery in the woods near Burgaw the half devoured body of a man. It is lielieved the dead man was a negro tramp and that he wandered off and froze to death about Christmas. Rabbi John Sergius replies in the Wil mington Messenger to the recent dispar aging statements made in reference to him. He asserts that he is a true pastor and witness " for the Lord, that be has oceu an ordained minister for over 27 years; that he is not a Jew but a Christ ian Israelite, and that he is of the church established by St. Thomas. The Beaufort Herald says that a white man who is in jail there charged with larceny is said to have three wives; one at Uarlowe, one at Bogue banks and one r 1-1-1 TT- J ! I ! id ruiinueipuia. tie ,uenira uaving any wife except one to whom he was married in Carteret county last February. The man is named Wm. T. Allcock and came last fall from Roanoke Island. ' - - Mr. Walter Clark of Pantego lost a good little family horso on the 18th inst in an nnusual manner. The horse . while hitched up was left standing and in feed ing. wandered to the edge ef an eight foot deep ditch that was." near aud the bank caved," precipitating him' to the bottom bsad-roremst. it waa about a minute before bis bead could be - gotten ont or the water nd He died soon after wards. .'-v;. s.',.. ;"-,,:.,- V-V'-V. THE SEW HOTEL. A Model of Conveniences Sew Berne's Advantagi Over Other Resorts Its Prospects. The new brick hotel near the corner i f Broad and Middle street m this city, erected by Judge Carpenter is oue of the most I M'nut iful uml complete structure ol 'its size in the South, containing all the modern improvements. It is four stor:i , mi hiding basement, sixty feet deep, 40 feet wide willi spacious apartments in basement, fifteen by fifty feet deep as light and airy as the upper stones' wh't h alls and thmrs are concreti d and dry as a b,.ne, an I to ! tia -'ned off in att racl' e gl'nn " l o . A ilnni'i iv.utci twilli -pe iking Innnp els to upper slot i c..i rn up anything wanted fioui !' i i o nil and saloon iu basement. A cellar and in' In m c loiiibiiicd i on the ime ll.mr in leal of basement ind has tbe app. ar.i'iee o b.'ing cut out "I olid rock, affording ample room lor cold stor ige, such as f.csli poultry, beef, pork, lamb, Ae. I'nere is a I i- ;e cistern ol soft water, also rock water from the ro k beneath llie cisirrn, which waters al canied b pipes through all the room- in the bouse. The giound Hour contains two rooin liltccn by fifty feet, beautiful to bell old. with a very attru the front and concrete walk. The two upper stories contain eighteen e, g.illl sir, ping room-., be Ol lillllly finished with perfect Vint il it i. 01 ar.d wa-h bouls iu each room with pip' -In and lo same, and bath lubs and water closets , mi each ll.n.r, elect I ii' bells and lights ill all the moms, and spiaknig trumpets ci inmuiiii a ii'g wilh r. stau rint ami 'flier and front door. More sleeping rooms are to be added. Tor kilchrii can be in the basement or upper bark in nil near the root', 'flie dining room, the oluve and the sample room, can be on the first floor, or a din ing room on upper fio'T near elevator, is the proprietor may choose. The pallor is above the oflice. The hotel is in a desirable locution tor one to ; be kept on I lie European plan, with a first elas-i restaurant and litnrh counter iu basement to supply meals not only to the hoiel but to the public al-o. Surli an establishment is sadly needed in New Berne. It will do a large business and secure a large share ol the traveling trade. More rooms every year wouli. be re quired tu meet the growing trade. Sum mer and winter tourists are now drilling to ?U'W Heme, w hich, for health, pleas lire and business prospects, surpasses all other locations on the Atlantic c.iasl, south of Norfolk-nml is unequalled as a great water way and for game, tish and oysters. It is the largest luc k legion iu the South, which is cultivated the year throtigh; railroad, steam sailing naviga tion affords cheap and easy access in this large business center, which is daily in creasing in population and business. Judge Carpenter is receiving letters from different parts of the country asking for information about this hotel and New Beftie gen Tally from p irli.'s des ring I i locate south, who will l gla I lo get the information contained in this article. We nee'1, mere Hotel ace niiinol.it ions us the prospects aro that New Berne will be the attractive point for northern tourists as soon as sufficient hotel a ?coniino.l.itions can be furnished. Already one hotel man who feeds live thousand tt a dinner on Coney Island is desiring of securing a large hotel in New Berne to aeconi nodule this class of trade anil says he can more than till up the 1 ugest hotel we can erect here, as this climate surpasses that of Florid i in many particulars for health and pleasure and also because it is only twenty four hours from New York. Our inland seas aud rivers is just what they want for their yachts, and water and gamo pleasures As soon as the Wilmington, New Burne & Norfolk Rail road is completed from. New Borne to Nortolk we shall have a large share of the Florida travel. New Berne is now a great business center which is rapidly increasing. Its health record surpasses that of all other cilie-s in the South owing doubtless to its near proximity to the Gulf stream and inland waters. During tbe heated term in summer it is from nine to eleven degrees cooler in New Berne than in any of tbe northern cities and its winter climate surpasses that of Italy, with flowers ant! green fluUU and growing vegetation the win ter through. A more lovely climate for man has nut yet bsea discovered. Its prospects for a bright future arc fir ahead ot Florida or any other southenn clime. Our Fish, Oyster, Game and Iudustrial Fairs in February ech year is a great southern Institution, which will com menOTTrffs year Feb'y 19th and hold for one week, which will ba a sight worth seeing and will call together a big crowd from all sections of the land. New Berne is one of the. most desira ble locations bn the coast for club houses ot Northern sportsmen, owing to the nearness and ' accessibility of cnuraing hunting and fishing grounds combined with perfect communication with the outside world, - -. v. - ; - " A. .' It is nobler to pardon thau' to punish. "Arabian Night" ;; ; liK I K 'S HI Kl II DAY. Its ( Ti ti rut ion in (he Sew lierne ( ol ciriate Institute. T.oir great 'i well t exerr th ui by The I null1 ti entile - brow ili. birihd ty "t il,-.- .1 o! olll S .11 1 1 1 I.ill.l. I'rol. '. I i Oil- -s!s;,lll li ii liel thought the day by s ,,, lull. on the -1 1 1 1 I, l itlier i ii' ' c. hull, I it ill Mis u , re , o 1 1 1 a u 1 1 It T o t I. i k, i hen 1 Ii uVrd in Ml- Willi-' n'.ir i. .ml i room, will- 1 1 1 1. 1 I I .i -u I . I,, lei el II ' u .(l il Ij att! n tiv I.J di i ol ilion- -ait ll.le fol the d.l I iT till' IlllUtil rr t N o r' resri.l 1 1 .on - I I I bn I..C--oi,. r. pn'sei.t i n-s tTTln oil llorseb.n k . Il,i these, was the date of I t il . Ii bilge litters evergreen. A emit ur l.u ts t'. nil 1 1 in n. ions and oligi.: ill i, I win. Ii u. i ive Kr'.pi'iil :M -ii U and I m iy s staled his lite. Several select 1 papers seir also read, lllteresliiio md illslrui 1 -I .luring the exereis. s l'1-.f. Ilia le I II I il. u, llodg, s c Cmuiieuied on the remarks piesiions and giving other ask in One ul the pupils slated that l,cc e 1'r. -i lent ol Wash'ngtiin I'niver l'r..f llo Igi s just here called the I f tie boy: to t lie l'i i of the prizes is t.. ili.- boy who gets the highest '. iii , I.. il.ii ,liip and I . poi tnient. 'I' I.n one year, in the I.i r I , , , l-oy worlh f. II. .. I tli imp. I .. , s upon tin ir - no I a "n i., -I. ' ,d - Ik ii l eted l.pll. I i - t I 11 . 1 I till t. 'f tile I'lilllJIy Hep,,. . lil'll-. I l, d by 1 ii w ere interest, d. Scholarships in Trinity t'olleire. Mi. K. K . ' III an. chairman of the Ho.iid of i: lue ition of Craven county, calls iltenlioii to scholarships which Trinity college is now oil. ring to young in. -n who choose to take advantage ol 'hem. Mr. Bryan scys if any of our young men w.sh lo secure one of the scholarships and will give him their names he wilt send llieni in t., the college authorities, or they may coiutuuuieato directly with Dr. John F. Crowell. Pres ident, lor : h. in-el is. There arc a good ly I'Uinbrr ol I Ins,- schol.ii'ships which pay tuition for the current term which Will cud .lull". Sill. Sil. Tiinity c..:i"ge is making special ell'oil t 1 1 1 i 1 1 4 its benefits within reach ol the public rhoiil teachers of the Slate. There .1- in my teachers whose schools w ill i lose this or ncl month. These young nu n might spend the rest of the tcim Iram ten to eighteen weeks there taking srYrl courses without cost for tuition Th e I'll'i is. however, arc not confined to leieli'-r-, they are open to any aspir ing an ! wor'liy young man, and Presi dent C o-.i.H wishes to be put iu coin iniinic.il i.ui with such whethfir teachers or not and u quest those knowing of such to send him their names and address that they may be put in a way to be helped to a h gher education. The evils of the cigarette can not be loo much abhorred. The Norfolk papers tell of a young man there whose tuind has b 'come so impaired by the excessive use of the deadly drug as to have atteuiptcd to fake his own life with laudanum. Fortunately he was discovered in time to be s avr 1. Patents have very little doubt as lo the great injury being done through so insiyniticant looking a source, vet they knowingly allow their boys 'o continue using llieni. The Kin-Ion Free Press says: "Mr. (?. F. Smith is on trial at (Jreenville coin I for murder. This is the case in which "Messrs. Vbner Slaughter aud J. II. Smith killed each other some time ago. Mr. t!. F. Smith ;s indicted as the accom plice of his brother. Solicitor Woodard is assisted in the prosecution liy Mr. C. ti. Avcoek ot (ioldstioro. The delendnnt is represented by Messrs. Latham & Skin- tier, Jarvis oc Blow , uiut J. t,. Moore ot WiUiatuston. Th'i .Normal and Industrial School. Letter from a pupil of this Flourishing North Carolina Institution, Kn. Jouis.nal: The second years work in the Normal and Industrial School commenced on Oct. 3rd. The number of students enrolled is nearly double that ol last year, showing that the school is growing in popularity, anil mat u is ailing a long icic t.ani. Thero ore three hundred and fiAy students in attendance, and half as many more applied for admission, but could not be accomodated. The object of this institution is to give a solid education and to train teachers. The number of teachers in the faculty has been increased to sixteen. Mr. Mclver is president of the insti tution and is known throughout the state. The institution owes much of its present popularity aud usefulness to his untiring energy The Normal h3 a brilliant future, and that it may continue to prosper is the wisli ot one ot its pupils. U. H. CLARK BAKING CO. In future our Bread will be sold on tbe streets Only From Onr Hand Carts. In order to be sure of getting tbe rigbt bread, see that "Clark Baking Co." is on the BOYS CAPS. This Bread is the very best in New Berne. " ; - CLABK BAKING CO. Powder) Absolutely yure V cream .1 i w iter l-lll-tll - llk'htisl of alt in I.M'I'.HT I'm 1 M Koon ltKi'oiir llnvci, Bakino I' St N V. I.N KM j III I i 111 "lilftlt ( nr ll olio p., at u ni, 0 si t.i On. I. too p . sal. . nil: mm, in. I M " I .i lb. b.i I "Make hay while ll,, III -iu . - III othor words w lii'ti you U.w'f :n opportunity lit liny what yon need in I'lo'hitig .mil Mnu's furnishing Goods ut New York c.wt t ike :ul vautagc of it. I). i no' If' : lie ch luce slip until ton Iri'e. O.i or nbout the 1st of feb's we ill uMiove oiirnlock rind wish in if.luco it at inncli is i wsib'.'. Iii i.i.; .iir money along ,iud see h ,,y w. II ynit rau do. .1. T. IU) WAltD NOTICE. .in. 'IM h I sb.lll unpaid l't I. 1 1 -si i am I. ills. Altff I'l l). I ; 1 1 1 1 guiiitslnc ami Y. S.I f CIISl s. If. Y A I, LACK. it r,i t'liiii'iioi . WHILE IH Baltimore I ISouglit Some 1-'.t-' llargain.i in Ladies and Misses CLOAKS. Another in v ml In.:. .u i i il of Ladies pine CI...I,- in I M. lntolie-. fliey will be -..Id .1 1. tii ui M incl'.u t life! s cost , Also MEN'S Hl'lf and PANTS, BOYS KNF.K PAN n, Ac , Xc. Cheapest I loud over s -ea in New Fterno, Wh'ch I will put on sale, at my stoic commencing M'NI.V niotuiuc;. Don't forget these U.VIMAINS, 'they iau't last, long. 07 MIDDLE ST. DON'T DON'T nm Let your child cut his teeth on a plated spoon. I am Rolling (iorliatu OompaDy's Solid Sterling SILVER SPOONS For $1.00 per Sjt. I have a few ft( j, lc ins left at lOftts. each. Trlair l'i lis $l."0 and higher. Those little Stiver Souvenir Spoons at. 75otn ain't high. f" Come and see me. EATON, The Jeweler. 97 Middle St. Opp. Rapiiht Onnrch. F KX AMINE MV STOl k OF WORK HORSES Before buying to cultivate your Spring crops. I bave them ad apted to every purpose. FINE Gentle Drivers ALWAYS OS HAND, FOR SALE OR HIRF. Horses boarded at MODERATE PRICES And well oared for. Give me a call. J. A. JONES. Opposite Gaston House. AT DUNN'S YOU WILL FIND Everything That is Kept in a GKOCERY Quality Of Goods UNSURPASSED. And Constantly Sup plied With Fresh Arrivals. My Lins is Complete and -FULL IN EVERY- DEPARTMENT JOHN DUNN, No. 55 & 57 Pollock St -MOW-IS THE TIME TO TUH1T OVER A NEW LEAF AND COME AND YOUR ACCOUNT. YO I r KNOW YOTJ And That Your Ac count is PAST DUE Dou't Wait For us to Collect by LAW, For we 8hall CERTAINLY do so if you don't Pay up. :WE THANK: All our customers for their very liberal patronage, and hope by a contin uance oi our past business princi ples to retain the same. MONEY Refunded if anv Goods trom our Stores are not as Represented. IN OUR Di?y Goods DEPARTMENT We have reduced all DRESS GOODS To Cost to ciEkt rcca for our Spring St:sk. Call and Examine. Willctt, cd -a Hackburn & 47 & 49 POLICE V - - .- Si-- - '. .ss -Sc-.' w . -f 'c'feS-; VMf ' ' 'i' '