The Daily Journal. VOL.XII.-NO 250, NEW BERNE, N. C. SUNDAY. JANUARY 21. LS94 PRICE 5 CENT8 BC815FS8 LOCALS. PRO?. BAO K wUhr to meet liia iHtnc ing CtM MonlT ni-jht t eijht o'clock at Lot Ump llnll tor genttemsn. ORDERS for tuning nl re mi ring pianos and orjrani will receWe prompt atten tion if left, with the A. Coli o piano ami Orpin Co. Miilillt street Jllw K. It. Shaw Tuner. A CHANGE of business prompts mc to offer my entire ami complete stock ol choice family Qracerie. Delivery nil horse for nv; and store, and com plete 6xturc for rent. C. K. Smvi'.R. J181w. A FINE lot of ('-inward' IUiii and I'.ri ak fast bacon just received. .1 K. Tatuh. MUTTON Suel f"r imsliml use, .Vts cake. Ciias E. Nki.son. pel No. 67 Hr.Kid Sc A FRESH lot of Lamlreth's A .lohnson A Roll-ins seeds just received at tt- Uaskii.i.'s Cuabmai-t. FOR Sale nil Rent Lot on Middle Sr. opposite Catholic rectory, terms reasona ble. Also office on lot ndjuininjj Prcs bylfrian churrh yard lor rent. Apply to tf. II. Ii. tilBBH. BIO Nelson Bay and Broad Creek Oysters. 6nest kind, delivered at your door fresh from lieneli IIknrt Brown, Corner Mace's Druu-Ktoie. LOCAL NEWS. Ml W .1 1) VKIi TISKMKSTS. Howani. Prof. Bngaar-Wishing lo inert. 8. K. Street (leneral In-iinm r. COITUS Snturdav -'- I'liU" s. i. h:s. , T to 7.:w. The fjolil reserve is still fill iiil1 ." to $69,(77,H47 Fri.lay I'aHtoi's ineeling Monday inoniin Y. M. C. A. Kemlin" :,t I I il fell in the iVIoek, Sixty (bur thousand acres ol iniiiiii anil township properly were sold :i Cliattammpi at receivers Ml- Friday. Last niglils mail liiouidit a cash sub scription to the Journal all the way froui Molilalia. Gen. Lee's birthday was appropriately observed in Richmond and some other places. The indication nope ,ir favorable for Hon. F. M. Simmons to be comflnned with but little il any more, opposition. During the past week the nvilable cash balance in the Hawaian treasury in .creased from 227.995.54 to 278 879 18 The family of Mr. VV. B. Royal movod down last night frofn Cloldshoro. Thrco of Ilia grown sons were already here. Mr Royal himselt will come next week. Mr. W. E. Snelling led yeslo day lor Smitlifield and other points in .loluiston county to put down bored wells for several people. The calls were due di rectly to advertising in the Journal- Note: Iu Gen. Rilllu's latter lo Miij. Hale, on the second page, the words quoted from Senator Vance, "I am not opposing Mr. Simmons' should read I am not obstructing Mr. Simmons' con firmation." There aje atill plenty of Fair Journals on hand that we cm uso in sewliaj; to your friends if you hand in their names promptly. Send us good lon; lists of those liable to come. Only a few more days and we will have mailed (hem all. The Southerner tells of a joint meet ing ol the churches at Tiirboro to break tin frambliii!' in that town, and thinks that the object will be accomplished Addresses were made 'y all the pastors mid much interest was manifested in the ' work. M. W. Evans, assistant postmaster at Charity, Yadkin county, has been arrest ed on a charge of disposing of postage stamps for the payments of debts and ' making false entries of cancellation of stamps to increase the compensation of the office. The Annual sermon beforu the Female Benevolent Sixiiety will be preached by Rev.- Mr. Lyon in tlm Methodist church this evening The other churches unit ing in the services. A large attendance i is much desired, and a literal contribu te lion as the funds of the Society are very low. -'-- : A well, attended meeting was held in '' Y. JiYCAArjiBU by those interested in the Epworth league -entortaiqment yes ' v; terday1 sfternooa. JThe entertainment, u business nfen's carnival is meant to be - held on the JUstinst, Every trade and J business of the town is meant to be repre tented-each firm by young lady dress ' - ed to represent the calling. ,r Ttia britlah fttnamihin T.ft.mdAr cleared . feora Wllmiugtm for . Europe, Friday with 10,5l bale of cotton. -The bates ". verged iver 476 pounds and the total , ii.-'ht nt mih rMran was o uuu.iud uuuuui. It was the largest cargo ever taken out -of that port by any ship says I ys the Mi At the "last .business ' meeting of the Directors of the Y. M. C. "A.'5h Asso . cUtion wa . found to be , in f : Taetter . eondition, financially, than fof a nnmlier of rears. In sxlvlition tp the splendid showing made by the work the - com' mil tees, the treasurcf -was in receipt of : -i t kindly donation of $5 00 from some unknown lady In the city. ; During the , pst year Secretary Wiikinsbnr has. mtide an earnest i ffort to -get' Ihe-Association tin more substantial basis mid be is to be congratulated upon theAiccess attain Ckarth bervievt. Church of Christ Service for men it n. and 1'itree. 8:80 a.m. Preaching at 11 a. 7:80 p. m. by the pastor, I). H Sunday School 8 p. hi. Christ Church Rev. T il. N. George, rector. Septnageaima Sunday. Holy Communion 7.43 a.m. Service and ser mon 11a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday School aud Young Men's Bible Class 8:30 p. in. Sunday cliiol ut ti e Chapel 9:30 a. ni. Tho public are cor-li.iHy invited to attend all servici s. Atlentive ushers. Presbyterian Church C. (i. Vnrdell, pastor. Service II a. in. Sunday Silrnol 3 30 p. m. I'raycr iut:ting Thursday 7 80 p in. The nif-lit service will Im omitted on ajcount ol the union uicctin to hear the annual sermon In'torc the Woiiians Ilencvu'ent Asoi i:iii.m in tlic Centenary Melh list Hancock St. Metlio list I huu li Sun use prayer tncctiiig i u. in., : preaching ut 11 a. ni., service 2:30 p. mi , Sunday School 8 p. in. There will be uo even ing service as we will join Cen'enary in Anniversary service. Prayer meeting Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock. Baptist Church. Services at 11 a. in. conducted by the pastor, llev. liulus Ford. Sunday school 3 i. in. St. Paul's Catholic Church Mass at M ill. Catechism at 1 p. in. Ve-pcrs and Benediction of Blessed Surraiir.iit at 7:30 p. ui. - K v. I'. F. Qiiinn. Y. M. C. A. Young men's meeting at 4:41 p. in. i 'oin I uc I ed by Mr. .1. 1. (iis- kins. The Wri ck Had Jime. Il having been icpoitr- suinc moiitlis ago that the most ol a sunken vessel was piojccling Iroui the witlcr. twelve miles soulh by last Irom t'ape Lookoul, Kngin ccr W. II. t 'liailbournc went ilown last wei'k lo make an invest igaliou ilh a view to blowing up whatever cnd..ngi red navigation, but no such obstruction was th-ie. Mr. Chadbourne'ri s jppo-ition and it is n'l doubt the correct one is thai the object seen was a portion of a Hunting wreck nearly all submerged bit, with an upright par showing and that it was drilling awav at s i slow a speed as to b;1 stationary. Mr. Chadboui ne is confirm ed in this opinion by a report having been sent in of a similar object having since been seen about a bundled miles away. The Rev. Dr. XV. S Long has tender- led his resignation us president of Elon College, to take effect next June. It is believed the Rev. Dr. W. V. Daley, of Suffolk, Va., will succeed him. At the special term ol'Caidwiil Super inr Court a remarkable trial is n.m in progress. The question involved is whether the Church of the Advcfltists is an "evangelical Christian Church The Winston Chamber of Commerce has adapted resolutions censuring Col Julian S. Curr, of Durham, for urging an increase ol the tax on manufactured tobacco. Col. Carr so advised I he Ways and Means Committee at Washington. At the request of Gov. Carr, Drs. Dal ton, Bynum and Thomas visited the Win ston jail and made a special examination of the condemned prisoner. Putter De Graff, relative to his insanity. The phys icians, after a thorough examination, were unanimous in declaring him as sane as any mau would be under the present circumstances. The product of the State farms on the Ro moke this season arc 1,190 I urge bales of cotton, 50,000 bushels of corn, 12,500 bushels of peanuts and 3,000 bushels of wheat. Superintendent Leazar says he will examine the immense tracts of State lands near Core Creek the coming sum mer to ascertain their availability for funning, and if found suitable they will housed instead of the leased hinds on the Roanoke. One of the cases that willle tried be fore Judge II. R. Bryan this week in Fny- ettcville is that of vounc Fuller of that town for a homicide committed last sum mer in n difficulty. Mr. Fuller and the man he killed were engaged at the time to two sisters and the marriage of ths lat ter coup e was to have taken- place in a short time. Mr. Fuller is a cousin of U. 8. Judge Thomas W. Fuller, and strong array of talent will appear on each side. Small debts are what blight the general business of the country, says an exchange. Every storekeeper has a large number of small debts ou Vis books and when it is Kmemberod that the aggregate in many cases mounts to hundred of dollars and it comes out of the profits of his busi ness, it can readily be seeo why thu small debt system of the country figures so largely la discouragements and losses to the trade and Which also is trf a great ext'-nt the prime cause of the present money rtrkogency. j .:i.Mr, 'Jaun W Vernalson, fate Superin tendent of the Mutual Protective Associa tion of Norfolk, Ta., bas severed his con n'ection with that corporation and has accepted position with the Progressive Endowment' Guild of Richmdnd Ya.f as 'Deputy Supreme Governor of the organ taation for North Carolina and will be hefe in few days, iu tU interest, ': Mr. Vernelson. is known bere and generally through the State, Got. O'Ferrall of Virginia is bead of the company he reple ents. It is combination of Insurance sbci omiuing bita ion. . v. j REMOVING DAMiEROrS WRECKS. Two SBbmenred Ones eff Lookout Shoals Which Htaou'd not be Allowed to Remain. There ar two dangerous w recks otT Iokout ahoals, which the Government ought to hive destroyed long ago. We refer to two sunken iron steamers iust off the end of I.-mkout shoals and only aUiut a mile apart. One of the strainers w as sunk alxn t three and the oilier about lour jcii-apc Tlirv !re in water fiom :! lo 40 fei t deep, and the iron -i. ol one i f 1 lie steamers at li .ii. coii.i to w ithin al I 8 fret ol the Miriacr o lie i,,,ier. The nirilner this i- ' I- "ie .seK can be e.isilv perceived i sin ei.uiy wiien u is considered they are both rniirelv submerged Willi not a sign to mark lluir w In rcboul.s A vessel w as once sent I here to look into the matter, but departed after a erj sligut search with a report of lailuic lo tiiul the wrecks. Such a leport should never have bun tolerated, (he wricks are there, tie have been t neoiiutered the names of Ihr vrssi K arc known, and llie limrs of their det i ml ion--portions ol their argots c en weie rccovcii d at the lime and sold in Heauloit. I, et some one le sen! down with diligence cnoii'di to rind what he U sent to look for and ability enoueli lo leniove il afterwards, if lie is the i nr ordered '.o do so. The wrecks are in wabr travel srd b sea going crafls and there is no telling when an aci ident might result. The lllel -hollld be alt. lull d o w i 1 1 1 . .1 1 1 waiting lint il -mn s(.o ling 1 1 : . i I' l' oe. Ills. Cuming ami lining Jinl'je II. I!, llrjaii left vt-lertl.iv mom g lo ho'd Superior Court in FaveKe lle and afterwards at other points .Mrs Win. II II went up to Cove to visit her lather Mr. .1. T. Wcthcnnglon. Mr. .mil Mrs W. I!. Kl lit left lo spend afewdavsat Pollocksville visiting rela tives. Miss M.ny Monk who has I mi ii visit- inir .Miss Clyde Benton, left for her home Iu Wilmington. Miss Benton accompany ing her tin a visit. .Mrs J. C lluyler, of Morehead City spent yesterday in the city with the fam ily of Mr. W. K. Clarke and returned home last night. The Corhett-Mitchell Fight. It is still kept tlark ns to where Corhett and Mitchell are to light. Garrison i is to I e llie ollical keeper has (old the Southern Associated I'rtss corres pondent that it w ill take place on a rail road, within lil'ly minutes ru'e. of Jack sonville. The attitude ol the Governor is unt hanged. If he can get an inkling of the chosen place, he will have the troops on the scene and squlch it effectivly. Every train from the North is bringing a gootl number of sports to Jacksonville aud they report more eu route. In betting the odds are f 100 lo $80 on Corbctt. Hawaian Affairs. The Provissiotial Government ol Ha waii is resolved that the Island shall be a republic, and that it shall be a white man's government This is accomplished by adopting a consitulion with suffrage tpu.ilifications which will leave the power in the hands of the intelligent white popul ition. It is not planned to submit the constitution to the vote ol the people of the lslaml but to proclaim its executive, authority, which is the way that all constitutions have oeen put into effect there heretofore. The Government will not proclaim the constitution until alter learning I rum minister Tnurstou that there is no pros pect of any form of political union with the United States. Look to Tour Exhibits. The officers are wide awake in behalf of the Fair and the committees are at work Now let our people each and all second their efforts by rendering what ever aid they can. From every farm ami every household should come an exhibit. If you cant't send a large one send a small one. Dj the best you can and have the satisfaction of knowing when the Fair is over that partly to your efforts was due the success with which it will be crowned. In order to make certain that this will be the case with you, look after your exhibit now. Then when the week be fore the Fair arrives, whieh is the time for sending in exhibits, yours will be ready to come. University News. Ed. Journal: The election of Ball Managers for the commencement dances of 1894 was held Saturday Jan. 13th, and the following were elected: W. A. Grahara---Chief; first sub. from the Fbi Society J. E. Mattocks; second sub. B. C. Gregory; third sub. T. P. Whorton. i First sub. from the Di Soci ety W. L. Scott; second sub. F. R Uarty.' Mr. Fred Carr has been elected Editor in Cfcief of the Bellenian for 1894 We are also glad to note that our townsman Mr. W. J. MoSorley has been elected Secretary of the law class of '94. -. A. railroad is to be built to ths summit of Wbitelac' mountain in the Adiron- dscks, the height of which is 6,000 fcei 1 The rosd will be 18 miles long, snd will j m uus spnog..- ; .-, Southern I iilliui Spinners Association. I'he S iu'le in t'.iltoe Sjiiilnels .ss-h i.i lion i- !.. .ii, . t ,n I 1 ill..! Il on lie J.i 1 i ti -1 . A -Ii ol lunragii the Au ialum wat '.r'j'i:.' I in A'! tufa and call m now issued tor llie ineilln; spoken of Tin Oo u l.'- that have applio.l lo tl;l ciit ulai sent .ail represent 273.00o spin d'.ts, 'Jl o! the-. ,(re North Cimlin i mills Willi 10.1.434 spin. lies. Georgia I- in t Willi 10 mil's, baring 4. 900 spindles. Tlic ;.s- s i .tio.i i not et crm.ulen' ..! u' mi '1 and an' i. prrs, i v e ol a Hon mill w .11 be t . in. inbership but a i l eligible nc -iinplt alten, I til reby bet .muullte.l lo j iining. it ln.dg :i mtxlm i lvIIc-I for 1'iiijitci' v Turner's X. C Almanac We copied from the News Observer our issue ut the l'.lth instant, a notice the large circulation ot Turin i's N c Almanac for ls',11, and wero glad to ehroiiii It the sin vts lit it ion. Thrrc ale, if so uselul a pub lowever, some grave errors in the statistics of the Almanac, as well as some omissions, to which it is well lo direct attention, and which more t ii , fill i .liling w oulil have avoided. Wi le p.- I'm -r drl'c.U will be remv.licil in fiiiuie editions. A publicalitui of the kind is eoiisitlcitd authority as to the mill Ur ol tl.alcs -it least, autl too much are i.mnot hi t rrcised m geting them i .ne . t. I'.-i i . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 tin page 2-10. Warren Win-low is inentioiie.l as Governor of the Slute in I Hi I. This is an miliar lonahle i ii. i. lion John W. Kllis was Govern or ii, mi Jan. 1st, IH.VJ until his death 1 1 1 1 v 7iii, I'stil.'wh. n he was siiceet de.l l. ll.-aiv'l'. ( 'Ui k, v. ho became Governor . ..'., ..., ;n Speaker of il r Senate. Gov . Vance sue, cede, 1 tiov. Clark, iu lull Win-low w:i Secretary of the "Military Hoar I ' i I i bl i-lie. 1 oy llie !,cgi-lalllle of that year, t'.i the same paire .losiah Mailiu appears as Governor in 177.), aud Richard Caswell iu 1777. If by these dales it is meant tint they held the office in lliose years, the statement is correct; but if the inclining be, as it is usually understood, that their terms of office then began, it ii w roil Martin took t ie oalh of cilice at New Bern, lith Aiign-t, 1771, a. id Caswell was elected, as is properly staled in Tumor's own calendar for ll.'crinorr in December. 1770 I Tt i.i. Warren Winslow, us Speaker of the S nate, was Governor ixofiirio in 18.14, a fai l ii. il mentioned in Turner. In the calendars tor February and March there is no record ol the battles ol R ianokii Island and Xcw Bern in those ;:..nths in lsil'0. The dite ol Gov. John M. Morrhead's leath is iloii' tless intended lo be August 1 8oV, of 1110. (In p : s it is stated Unit New Bern was "lai.l out 1 iO'.i, and on page at that New Borne was ''settled 1712," which is onfiising. The cimmoiily accepted date of Urn settlement is 1710. riie Hon. John JStanly of New Bern died August 2nJ, 1833, not 1834. Wheeler makes the same mistake in his History of N. C. North and Smith Carolina were not "divided m 1740," ( P. 10) but .long before. Tlic Provinces were virtually paratetl 'tilth Nov. 193, but not actu ally so until some years later. (Colonial Record, Vol. IV, p. 1231.) North Caro lina became a Royal Province in 1728 29, and the hrst dividing line between the Provinces was run iu 1735. There are other errors in the Almanac that might he noted, but the foregoing will sultice to show the necessity lor more cart ful editing. Mis., Truitt, the young woman who, carelessly lianilleing a pistol, shot W. R. Stroud, at Burlington, is held in 100 h.ind to appear at court. The shooting is said to have been purely accidental. There w ill be a new departure in the Auditoi's ;cport, which will be issued this week. This will be a comparative statement of the assessed value of th country and town nropertv, and the amount on which taxes are paid, and will also give the value of this property given iu the United States census takers' report in 1890. The difference is said to be enormous. In fact, the statement is matle that the United States valuation it three times as areat as the State valua tion. Hote' Neucce Tliis is the nime given to the new hotel on Broad street which lias just been finished and is now ready to be occu pied. The name Nencee is an appropriate one. It is the old Indian name for what we how call the river Neuse. Like many other old Indian names changes have been made in them for in stance the Alamance has been changed to Alamance, the LaxapahaffM to Laia pahaw, the Hbwm to Haw. The oeau.uui sneet ot water alter which the new hotel has been named is within sight of the hotel aud only a few hundred yards distant. W. H. O. "Make hay while the san shines." Ia other words when yoa bave an opportunity IS bay what yoa need in Olo'biog and Men's Famishing Goodi at New York cost take ad vantage of it. Do not let the chance alip antil too late. On or about the lft of Feb'y we will remote our stock and we wish to reduce it asmaoh as possible. Bring jour ra6ney along and see how well ion can do. ' " l ' J. M. HOWAED. . n s Baking Fawder I JIhsolirtely Pure cream f t in ar ,llk:ht!st of all in le in Latkbi l.'NIT II 'HI 1 rOOD llKIHKT "in. wuer sli.neth. lo VKH.S M hNT '3., l'Ki WM1 RiTiL Hakim. I'. St . N V. u "(ilttll WW BUil.U W ne i; HUH p., ii,. I 1 -s ,1.- I lr..t s ,, liti, . i 1 1 . . 7 "e i . ,iti 1 .III, I ., .uo-1 - it. . Ii VI s'.K 111. Ikl II. I). S. K. STRICT, GENERAL ISURAKE , AND ; uk a i, l'.sr.M i: ; Acr.N r, '. SOITII KKONV STKKI'.T New Uci lit', N. ( '. NOTICE. .'iilli s. I sll.lll I VI I. 1 1 si ! il I 1 1 Allt'i I't li. I anil gariusliri l';i up itiid W. nil 1111)1, ml (mi Sil I' CIISl s. I). WAI.I.AC Ol.v i Cnllci till. WHILE U Baltimore Bought Somt U;re l.arg.iinn ii Ladies "and Misses CLOAKS. Another .new and l.irc iiirit il ol I. .lilies Tine Cloaks and Mclnto-hes. .-- thin Manufact urer s cost, Also MEN'S SI I ft and PANTS, BOYS KNKF, l'AM-4, ic,.Vc. Cheapest O ever mcii in New Berne, Which 1 will put on sale at my store commencing MOSHai in.ii iiihl'. 1) iu', forget these H VRi i 1 N S, 'tin y can't last loug. W. II 3lf.eiH0T0N. G7 MIDDLE ST. DON'T OOFi'T DQH'T Let your child cat his teeth on a plated spooD. I mu selling Gorham Company's Solid Sterling SILVER SPOONS For $1.00 pr at, I have a few t-tjt ins left at lOcts. eocb. Hair I'ins U-M "' higher. r - Those little Silver Souvenir Spooustit Toots ain't hipli. iy Oome and aee me. EATON, The Jeweler. 97 Mid.lle St. 0ji. I.).ist. 'hiir.'h. FARiVlERS . EXAMINE MV STOCK OF WORK HORSES Before buying to cultivate your Spring crops. I have them adapted to every purpose. FINE Gentle Drivers ALWAYS ON HAND, FOB SAIEQR H1RF. Horses boarded at MODERATE PRICES And well oared for. . Give me a call, 0. A.. JOISTES. Opposite Gastoa Hoose. 5 -MOW-IS THE TIME ' W ? V?; "Y rt s J TO TURN OVER NEW LEAF AND COME AND YOUH ACCOUNT. YO I " ICISTOAV YO U OWE TJ& Aid That Your Ac au -.i is PAST DUE Pon't Wait For us to Collect by LAW, For we Shall CERTAINLY do so if you don't Pay up. :WE THANK: All our customers for their very liberal patronage, and hope by a contin uance of our past business princi ples to retain the same 1HH CD CO 5 is3- CD CD MONEY Refunded if anv Goods trom our Stores are not as Represented. IN OUR lxv Goods DEPARTMENT We have reduced all DRESS GOODS To Cost to maki room for eur Spring Stock. Gall and Examine. Hackburn ft - f Willett, 47 & 49 POLLOCK 8T. AT DUNN'S YOU WILL FIND Everything That is Kept in a GKOCEKY. Quality UNSURPASSED. And Constantly Sup plied With Fresh Arrivals. Uy List is Complete and FULL IH EVERY DEPARTMENT JOHN Dunn, 1X6. 65 & 67Tcll!:Cl cu. N

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