1'HE Daily Journal. VOL. XII.-NO. 251, NEW BERNE. N. C. TUESDAY. JANUARY L:J. KVJ4 PRICE 5 CENTS ; BC8IXES3 LOCALS. FOK fl.n Veil sod rtrictlj Stall-feil beef, go to Bwol Cohn & Son. - ORDERS fr tuning nl repairing pianos and orpins will rrce've prompt atten tion if left, with the A. Colin piano ami Organ Co. Miikll strtrt. Jieiw R. R. Shaw Tuner. 'A CHANGE of hnainem prompts me to offer tnj entire aul complete stock oi choice family Or.Toeries, Delivery wsg.in and horse for aile; ami store, and com plete fixtures for rent. C. E. Si,over. JlSlw. A FINE lot nf Cniwinl's m mid Brrnk fast bacon just, received. .1 F. Tatlou. MUTTON Suet for modioHl uw, 5cts per cske. CnA E. Nkuwis. No. 07 Broil. I Si. A FRESH lot of T.anilroth's & Johnson A RoMiius Botxls just receiveil nt tf tlAHKtl.LS I'll ARM ACV. FOR Sale ami Rent -Lot on Middle St. opposite Catholic rectory, terms reasona ble. Also office on lot aljoiiin; Pres byterian church viird lor rent. Apply to tf. II. L. (iinni. BIG Nelson Buy and Broad t'mk Oysteis. finest kind, delivered at your door fresh from bench Henry Brown, Corner Mace's Driig-Stoic LOCAL NEWS. HEW ADVERTISKMKS . Honani. Prof. Bujiar IHncinjj Class. 8. Colin & Son Fine vexl, etc. P. H. Pellelier, S.dc of real estate. V. II. & R. S. Tucker Dress making COTTON .s'.l I.hS. Monday- 5 bales, 0 4.1 to low (jrudii 7 cent. Who is Treasurer ol the Klin City Atiielrtic Club? The RiIc'iliIi Cli-unb.-r ol" ( '.inum ree has cnthusiaslie ally en lir.M- I tie plan ol' huhling another Stati' exooiiiii. i in IM'.iY Charles Cox, perhap i I he oldr . rili.-n of Moore county, died in C ipe Fear town ship Thursday at the iiilvanrci. aje ol 110 year. Today is the lil'iielii anniversary of Judge Win. Gaston. A description ol" the scene at his death bed III be l'-iinl on another pa;;e. Mr. Jtiims A. Itiyau of New Berne was married Thursday, Jan y ltflli at St. Marks church, Jersey City, N. J , to Minn Julia Rush Olmsted of that place. A hurricane at Oak Cliff, and South and East Dallas, Texas, on the night of the 80th iust destroyed 1100,000 and killed a boy. IU path win lifty or a hundred miles lon. Governor Cnrr received a telegram from Sheriff White, of Ma lison county, statins that Cliiulcs Hcnsley, the mur derer oflrs cousin, Bud Henslcy, had been arrested at Houston, Texas. All the young tallies who are to take part in the Bueincss Me'i's Carnival will please moet promptly at the V. M. C. A. Halt this afternoon at 8:30 o'clock. The parts will then be assigned. Mr. John McGuy, ol Cuttlettsbuig, Ky., who has been taking a pleasure tour iu California and other Western States passed through last night enronte to the Virginia Dure Hotel, Beaufort, where he moans to spend a short time. The test of the Atlantic engine horses to the engine yesterday was entirely sat isfactory. The horses were gentle, pull ed easily and obeyed to perfection. They were driven on the mciidamized mad and other streets for about half an hour. We are glad to know that there was no balloon accident at Washington. Prof. Odelt of the-; Grace Shannon Company (the same one which is to operate at the New Berne Fair) made no ascension until Friday and then gave a beautiful one. A Duluth, Minn., telegram says: "Rev. Father Connelly, the Catholic priest; convicted ol criminally assaulting Miss Julia Southerland, a member of his con gradation, was sentenced to twenty years and three months imprisonment nt hard labor. be case of tlie.N.C. Packing Co., of ' Beaufort, vs Str, Nellie B. Dcy and own Cnwas heard . by Judge Seymour in chambers' Monday. The suit was to re cover pay for damages to empty cans in ' transit to the factory. The Judge re served bis decision. ' s Thealeigh Visitor s.iys: C. II. Price recently escaped Irm the Michigan peni tentiary,' Is supposed to be lurking In - North Carolina, lie is a clever forger, having stolen $100,000 from the United States express office jtt St. Louis. There Is a heavy reward- for him. Mr. P. H. Pelletier, administrator of M X, Slaile, dee'd, gives notice of the sale of three valuable lotB. One is the vacant lrrt pn Broads street, between his old residence and Mr. 0. D. Bowdens, another the Improved lot Dear the foot of Hancock street, wbic!i until recently - was the home of air, Orabtree and lastly a vacant lot sdjoiningrv.' , ' ": Mrs. W.' 8. Barrtu of Pollocksville, who- has for ft long .time boen afflicted with Brtght's diseuse, and who has been down lor several weeks' with an attack of it died therefrom Saturday evening and was buried Sunday afternoon Rev. 9. II.' later, of Goldsboro, officating' . Mrs. Bar rut was an exemplary christian, a member of tbo Presbyterian church, . She leaves hree small children. t ;v " ' ;a USUAL KEBSO.X. Be for j the Feaiale Beaevolent Society A Useful aid Worthy Organisation Tresserer's Report Collections. The annual sermon befurt the Female Beuevolent Society of New Berne wa. preached in a Union meeting Sunday night in Centenary M. E. church by the pastor, Rev. J. T. Lyon, the occasion be inp si he stated in bis preliminary re marks the 57th anuivertyar ol the organi zation of the society. The sermon was based on the new testament narrative of Dorcas, whom Mr. Lyon spoke of as the originator ol female benevolent societies in the church. The sermon was an up propriatA one; it presented the needs cf uch work touehingly and in bi'i utiful at times almost poetic language. At its conclusion '.he c ilh 1 1 ion usual at these annual meetings followed. The amount realized was Previous to the sermon the report of the Treasurer of the Society lor the year 1 893, was read, it was as follows. Bid. on hand Feb. 4, '93, .VJ.UI Interest on County bonds, 00.00 Collections at Presbyterian church 20.00 Collections from gentlemen, 235.11(1 Collections from ladies 43.2") Total, fUSH'-' Expended during the year lor wood, rent medicines, and groceries. $400 72 Balance due Society by Treasurer 1 H. It Total, " $41H.K2 Nearly 300 loads ol wood have hen distributed since the but annual meet ing. By death and rcmoxal tile s c'ut has lost several liberal contributors whose places have not yet been filled by others. The society to carry on its w.uk will have need ol other cont i i bill ion than those already in siijit and b.'hevu!eiill disposed cili'.'i.s are requested to enroll themselves :is contributors. The bulk of the soeiel)'s lllnds e.eliei I'l.mi small but re gular d"'i it ioiim hi vry many cases 25 eeuis from caeli on.- is t he amount f' in each contributing member) which the ladies collect monthly. Tile good that is douu through this systematic organized etl'orl is too nianilest lo need expatial nig on. The ladles ae piaint themselves with the needs, the ciivuiiiManccs, the worthiness, Ac., ol those whom they assist, and what passes through their hands is thus assured of being rightly placed and of giving the greatest benefit possible. The society in worthy of the highest en cpui'ugement and hearty co-operation of all, and as oppnituni.y presents it should receive it. May Remodel the Church Presbyterians have under considera tion the rcm.Mlclliiig ol their cliuieh so that the pulpit will be at the rear in stead ol towards the entrance as now, and the slope of the Hour be changed to cor respond. New pews would also be put in. Something over $500 is now availa ble for the purpose and if after further investigation the deacons aud elders con sidir it feasible to proceed now they will submit the matter to the congregation for their approval and action. Many have long desired this change to be made. Having to face the congrega tion as they enter is beycnil (pjestion trying to some timid, nervous people especially those who have not beeu ac ustomcd to It anil this no doubt mili tates against the congregation's growing with the rapidity it otherwise would. We believe the change would work well and hope all funds needful for having the work performed will be forthcoming. Coming and Going Air. S. C Hamilton and Mr. Lovitt flines left yesterday for Greenville whert (hey aro making arrangements to start a large saw mill business as partners. They will be gone this time about a week. Mr. J. M. Hinei left for points on the A. & N. C. R. R., road below New Berue on a canvassing trip for the Journal. Mr. D. S. Aman ol Palo Alto is in the city. Nr. and Mrs. W. B. Ellis returned yes tcrday from Pollocksville. Miss Rena Smith, sister of Mrs 3llis came with them on a visit. Rev. S. H. Isler of Goldsboro, who is supplying country churches of the vicin ity recently served by Rev. F. W. Farris passed through yesterday en-route to his home. Mr. W. B. Royall arrived last night moving from Goldsboro to the city. Arraagor.ients for the reccpttou of the Khedive, of Egypt, show that his visit to England Is regarded as an important political event He will be accompanied by two of his ministers, will reside in Buckingham palace, will be banqueted at the Guild hall and will be entertained with gala performances at Covent Gar den." -' "'V , A- sensation in Raleigh Saturday was a fight at noon on the principal street be tween Gieek O. Andrews, city editor ol the Newt-Observer-Chronicle, and Fred L. Merritt, editor of the North Carolinian "and Raleigh correspondent of the Rich mond Times. It : grew out of an item Merritt sent the Times, saying the Charm- qerof Commerce had criticised the lack of enterprise on the part of Raleigh news papers, to. which Andrews replied in strong language. Neither party wts hurt, though Merritt used a cane and fists and Andrews fists, .,-". . ' ' A FI5E REPORT. The Presbyterian Thnrrh Gare Away in 1893 Nearly as Xoch as it I'sed for Own Purposes. The rsport ol the Treasurer of theJI'res bvtcrian church for the year 1893, read before the congngation by the pastor, i& the best financial statement in the history of the church and one ot which any church might be proud. The current expenses of the church had all lccn paid at the time the report was made out except 22 33 and the amount iluc from contributions wliiehhad not then been liande I in aa. sufficient to wipe till- . 1 1 r aa.l i..nL a credit of 79 22 to this account. I'resbyteiiun china he- lotitrihute to various ol jet ' "I' ik liume missions, publication, education, bible fund etc. Each church has uppoitioucd to i. the h in mi n I w liieh it is considered piopcr lor it I) raise fur each of these objects In every instance except one. the collection at the New Berne church for these objects was in cxc s if what was a-kid; it tell shoil on the collection toi Tils a!oo-:i Institute, Alabama, (the Seniinniv for the education of negro m'nisteiM about t Taken as a whole the amount appor tinned to the chinch loi this outside work was about (350; it raised f 132. 2s, alnio-t a thousand dollars more than it a-. nsscsc(( and hu king unlv lis 42. it-cll. The for it -i amount I" the illlt exprn-Kd amount. as stated, I' was 1 440 CO and ;iwn away $I3JS.2M. the The pti vious year the church raised for tlieM s one objects nea ly S."iilll tunic than it v a nM -led. tinhorn'- ini-ion v oik the reioid is gratifying in the extreme. Besides rais iug in regular collu tion uniounts in cess of what was asked tor, Sy nodical home inis-ii ns (that is tor the State at la'get ami for Prcsby terial home misooii', Chat is 1" r tin' local sill 1. 1 i vision ol which the church is a ail) it made two liberal special contributions for work near home $100 lor the Dover field and II0 for Crccimllc chinch. In addition it contributed a special olfeiing $4?M to synodical missions, the principal portion of which, as we understand it, will be used in the western part of the state. This is a good record of liberality of course the inherent generosity of the people has much to do with this, but to a large measure the secret ol the suc cess lies in the systematic benevolence in which the congregation is being (rained method always accomplishes more than spasmodic effort. .New Berne Wants Corbett aud Mitchell Nkw Bkbne, N. C. Jan. 20- Special. We, have telegraphed an oiler ol twenty thousand dollars to Corbett and Mitchell cc light here Thursday, February 22, our fair week. Elm City Athklktic Ci.rn. The above is a telegram sent from New Heme by what we bad thought was an entirely "defunct club" and we doubt now if the organization has any acknowl edge of its stutu ot exUtiincc. Pretty spunky for New Berne, isn't it, that is, if this "Brave Six Hundred" did not know it was too late belore playing their high hand. The New Year. One of our subscribers furnishes us with the following beautiful lines with tnc request to publish as a fitting com panion piece to the poem published in Saturday's Jodhnai "Old Tinkia Creek I Lo'eThee Weel": And what though a year be gane by ? Amther is oors, let it gang We part Irae the auld wi' a sigh; Let us welcome the new wf a sang I A sang lor the blithe new year, h en though, could we lorecast it a , Wo micht gie to the new ane the tear, 1 he sang to the year that s awa I But the years as they come and gang Are His wlm is loving and true; Sae, nac sigh, but a sang, a sang For baitho the auld year and the nsw ! D. M. Henderson. Tribute to Mrs. S. J. Dudley. At the Union meeting of the several city churches Sunday night in behalf ot the Fcinale Benevolent Society there was read the following tribute to the former esteemed head of the organization whom death removed last year: During the year just passed, the Fe male Benevolent Society has been called to mourn the loss by death, of its Presi dent, Mrs. Susan Dudley, who had held that position tor more than 16 years, and had won tho love and spnroba- tion of all its managers. She was more widely acquainted with the poor of the town and vicinity than any other member f the Society knowing wen, meir cnaracier, circumstances antt necessities, and while full ol sympathy for them in their sorrows, and ever ready to extend help to them in their trials. yet her good judgment and clear insight rendered her less liable to be ini Dosed upon ty pluasible falsehood than many otnera. Thus, she wss eminently fitted for the position - which she held so long, and which she filled so entirely to the satis faction of he fellow-workers. "-.'"" . In her death the society has sustained an irreparable loss And its members will miss in her a friend and leader, whose advice was always wise, whose presence wss ever cheering and . whose infloenee was at ill times elevating and encour aging. . , t.DV CVKK ACCEPTANCE. He nil Formally Op n thi ( Fair Turs day, V hrusrj. 20ih. SUTK OK NoKI 11 t "aroi.in ( Kx-sulive llep't. Italeigh. ( ("llHv Iler.n-le:ii. K-o S-c'v and Treas. K ('. F New 11 (. ; A: In lutii.il Ask iation, . rue. N. C. llcar Sn - I lull the honor I klloWhsle the Irttlpt of olir imtutioii to me, lequestiiiu' tha1 kind I I- pri'sei.t n I open t'.e K. ( '. Kish, ( lystcr (iaiuc and Imlu-llial A-socia I ion on I'li'lay morning, the 2(H h of Feb' y , for uhiihuu w ill plea,; joa ept in thank I'nless something unforsec'i happens I will lake advantage of thii opportunit to meet the good pi opL- of Kiistern Cnro lini, Vou can count on in- lu in pres ent. Please extend to the entire manage ineiit my appreciation of their courteous r'aiieinbrance aud act ept uiv personal rcgniK Vi i U nl v our-. F.i.i vh C UK, (iovernor. A lin; GNAWED II IS HEART. A Young lto)'s Death Gils a Strange Explanation. M uncle. Ind . Jan. 1 11. A reniaikable ease ol a bo being killed by a bug that gnawed his heart deeply inicii u local physicians. Sauiuol Len nox, 7 years old, died a few days ago with Ti-iy eciihnr symptoms. The boy had bt en sii k lor some time; but his case was oith-rent IVom .-my other. A p.'r niorti in examination reveided l!i:. I pint ol' the In-lit had been eaten aw b an insect, causing death. Near Iv a ear ao the boy drank water from a b:.i k and -wallowed l water bug. The i' -I.: ilc il- , ay through the boy's -I i :id lien 1 t l:.iii tleourmg the In hi, (he b.., bUrding to deii'h. Coughed up a I. i .aril . A-is.eid.Mii. X. Y , .Ian. 19. A H-yeur ,1 1 girl ot Si, ,IoIiiis ille, died yesterday in a iiiiili ii n'uiiiicr. She hud been ill loi o.ne linie, a'ld uMiiday -he cough ed up an animal about the inches long. lesembli:.g ,i hild, all. I with a thick un nib: ine nrini.ig uoiiidiN middle. fhe . old died li- -xhausiioa. The animal had a cleat U foinied head, eves, tongue mi. 1 body. ll isbilievcdto have been killed in icnio iug it from I he child's throat . Where (he CuiTcvt is Hung. TheonU town in w hu h curfew is still Hingis l-'avclley ille, X. ('. Notwith s -u dinu' 1 he abolition by -tat lite i n the sixleeut h ce.il ill . id I lie i iistoiu of ring ing the cm few in Knglund, tuis American town has kept it up (or nearly two centu ries, or since il was first settled. The custom iias t hcie very nearly its ancient signili nice ordt rin the people to put out the tin s on the hearths and to remain indoors lor the night. p'ayeltcville has Ik. ii the same quiet, pe,icc''ul village that it is i.ow- over since the Revolution ary war, when lor a brief season it was an actiye, bii-tiiug military town, the center of those operations which made the name of Kind's .Mountain, Cowpens and (milord t hiireli historical. hvery evening- cm f.-w u -hers in the night and hi Is farewell to the day that is done, and sehl ire p.-ople seen upon the streets after i's sound has censed. It has never ni'ssed a ui:;ht during the lust century, iiml thrre is no disposition to abolish it. It also has a tow n crier, but ill this it is not alone, Columbia, S. C, keeping up that custom, which 1 believe, has lallcn into disuse elsewhere. Globe Democrat. One of our citizens handed us the above clipping and informs us that it is only within a lew years ago that the custonif ringing the nine o'clock bell was discontinued in Wilmington, and in Charleston S. C. Before I he war the cus tom was universal through the south. It bad its origin in the fact that negims were not allowed to be out alter 9 o'clock at night. If one was seen at large alter that hour, he yvas promptly iirrestid and put in the guard bouse, un'es, he could show authority far being allowed away from home. In New Bctpn the curfew bell has never been rung since the war and of ourse where it yvas rung it carried no authority with it it was but the per petuation of the custom. MARRIED In Swaiishoro on the 17th inst at the residence of the brides mother, Mr. Ernest Wessel and Miss Clener Bloodgood, daughter of Jus. L. and Emeline Blood. good. J. A. Pittman officiating. Dancing Class Prof. Bugar will meet tbe Ueatlenien Wednesday evening at quarter-pin'., eiht o'clock at Lowthrop hall. 'Hake hay while the sun shines.'' Iu other words when yoa have an opportunity to bay wuut yoa need in Clowning aud Men' Famishing Gflods ac New York cost take ad vantage of it. Do not let theohance slip until too late. Oq or about tbe 1st of Feb'y we will remove oar stock and we wish to reduce it a-j mach as possible. Bring yonr money alont? and ee how well yoa can do. J. "M, HOWABD. "(JRAU THE BARGAINS" One 6,000 pound Marvin Safe for sals at a great sacrifice. One 750 pound safe, One 1,100 pound safe. One 450 pound sale. gfSEE Bio Ike, T. G. A. B. D. H0TICE. Jan. 2ftr.n. ISfU. - After Feb. 1st, I shall distrain and garnishee all unpaid polls. Pay op and save costs. 'V '-'... W. D. WALLACE, City Tax Collector, Powder I Absolutely Fure cream of iniar b.ik'iiu ponder tlluhe-t of all in leivclii o- Mici.gth -LaTKHT I'mTLII THIS loi'. I'liMIKN I Kihiii Kppokt ItoYAi. IUkino I'o hkii ' W..! St . N Y. Cabbage Plants ! Cabbage Plants ! ! We idler the nublie the foilowini' varieties of V A llHAti 1". PLANTS, grown froui seed procured from the well known ai.d KLI.IA Hl.K 8oed House of Peter Hen derson & Co., of New York. This lot of Plants are grown in the open air, arc thrifty, and will wlthstunl severe Cold weather witlmul itiury. Henderson s Largo 1 yi.e Ch irles- ton Wakefield Cabbage. Hemlerson's Succession Cali'-ai-e, the finest Cabbage gruwn Henderson's Kxtru I'.irlv I'.ii.r s Cabbage. Henderson's Kxtr.a 'I'.arlv W n - ningstadt Cilitnige Henderson's Large (".tillage Let tuce. Henderson's 15'g I! s'on lettuce. Price $2 per 1,00(1; lots of "i,0(lll and over 1.. 10 per 1,0(IU. Special prices on lots of .10,000 and oecr. Send all orders C.KKATY c. TOWi.KS, S'uiiiig'.s 1-laiid. S. ('. j&likxiwlni) DRESS MAKING DEPART&ENT. We dcsici' In call tlic ;it lent ill' OI K OCT OK TOYX I'A TKONS to tlio t'xi'clleniT of out' DKKSS MA KINO HKI'AUT M KNT. Wi' also wisli lo iiniioiiin i' Unit OUR DKSKrNEK Made Two mil of Tlni'c of the COSTl M l-;s wliieh I'ccci veil lifst Premium at the WORLD'S l'Ali;. Ve liavi' just placed on sale a lew late Novel ami very Choice Shades, in very Stylish Textures lor late YYINTKR TOILKTT. CVCoi resiiondein'e Solieited. W. H. & I S. TUCKER, & CO. Ualeigh, N. C. S. R. STREET, GENERAL INSURANCE AN I) REAL ESr.VTK AGENT. KIUL ESTATE liOCUUT AND SOLD. rColli'i'tor of Kent.t a spi'i LiIty. 79 SOUTH FRONT STREET, New Berne, N. C. FARMERS EXAMI.SK my stock ok WORK HORSES Before baying to cultivate your Spring crops. I have them adapted to every purpose. FINE Gentle Drivers ALWATS ON HAND, FOR SALE OH HIRE. Horses boarded at MODERATE PRICES And well oared for. . Give me a call. J. A. JONES. - Opposite Gaston House. 5 NOW-- IS THE TIME TO TURN OVER A NEW LEAF AND COME AND YOUR ACCOUNT. YOIFKNOWYOU That Your Ac- cou ;t is PAST DUE Dou't Wait For us to Collect by LAW, For we Shall CERTAINLY do so if yon don't Pay up. :WK THANK: All our customers for their very liberal patronage, and hope by a contin uance of our past business princi ples to retain the same. CD CO D3 53" CD CD CO (ViONEY Refunded if anv Goods trom our Stores are not as Represented. IN OUR Tiny Goods DEPARTMENT We have reduced all DRESS GOODS To Cos! to maki room for our Spring 'Stick. Call and Examine. Hackburn & Willett, EL 47 & 49 P0U0CK 8T. AT DUNN'S YOU WILL FIND Everything That is Kept in a OltOCEKT. Quality UNSURPASSED. And Constantly Sup plied With Fresh Arrivals. Uy Lino is Complete and -FULL IK EVERY DEPARTMENT JOHN DUt:;; I.'. . . V1 ''i ' "v -rj ;a."

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