DAim I TYTTTD 1VT A 1 - it - VOL. XIL-rNO. 262, NEW BERNE, N. C. SUNDAY. FEBRUARY 4. 1894 PRICE 5 CENTS - '. A I 'J ! ' v.- BUSIXES9 LOCALS. KICK Lin. of Spring Sample frum WtntiT aker A Brown, Come and eiw Jn kt J. M. Howanl'i old aland. IL ' ' J. U Uvmnxut TOU can alwaja tell wawi , our Bread Carta are t your door, M our G0NG8 bare a different ring from tb otber belli ootbarHrcet.-. Youri to pleaae, .,' t " Clark Bxiiho Co. ; OSLY K ceoli per pound for good lea ' ' Uftck. green and mixed at - x . . J. P. Tatwb'b. '"FORaale P'mnn, ery handtome roas wood ease, fcnj la perfect ordrr and tune. .."l lCtill tyofflc. . --,--: C. R Thomas, Attorney ;' k "'hT CraTcn St., Stanly Building. EL3GANT Oalendara and Almanacs full of alualle1hfonetion. M. It. Howard, Inmra'm-f .Ajroot Offica over Fnrmcrt 4 MewliloU Bank, s- MUTTON' Suet fur meifirHl use, 5ct per nke. , ' CharH. Nklsdk. ' fc" i' . Mo. 67nr..3i. FRESH lot of Luiulrrtli's & Johnson iJilli : UlSRaoliinsaeada iuat received at . . tt !,.... . lA8nn.i,s Pharmacy. FOR Sale and Rent Lot on Middle St. ebpoaite Catholic rectory, terms reasona ble. Also office on lot adjoining Pres byterian nbnrcli Yard tor rent. Apply to . tf II. I. Gibbs. , BIG Nelson Bay and Broad Creek Oysters, tkiest kind, delivecud at your door fresh from bench. Hbmrt Brown. Corner Mire's Drug-Store. JOCAL NEWS. ffNEW ADVERTISEMENT!. Howard. 'V.. f. t Hartsfield7-H:riii Samples. Clark Baking Co. - You can ulways yA tell f COTTON SALKH Saturday 16 hales, 7.20 to 7.32 1-8. o . ' fhe choral club will meet at 1,10 co1" ' lege Wedaesday ni-;Tit t 7:80 oclock. -!"'"lhe Atlantic firS engine lmrsc will ... he sold at auction tomorrow morning in ' front o the City Hall at 10 o'clock. Charlotte will havo a trrand trades display and carnival and march for the benefit of the soldiers home. Mr. Geo. W. Child, the ranch b j loTad and widely known editor of Phila - " delphia, is considered beyond recovery. We publish in this issue the beautiful and patriotic lines sung at the business men's carnival, and composed by Mrs. R. P. Williams of ibis oity. Miss Clementine Whitfoid's sketch ol the Ufa of John Wright Stanly is cou eloded this . morning. It will be found interesting resding. The Winston Republbau says Click & . .. Co., of Elkin, N. C. , take the rag off the bosh in recently shipping 30,504 eggs in one day. v " Mr. Geo.' Hamilton's baby which - was badly burned Friday by falling into the ,a' I 'J Are 'la getting worse- -scarcely a hope of its recovery remains. L. r l t - Th January number of the Bulletin of . r j the Department of Agricultural' was issued Thursday. It is devoted almost entirely t the cultivation of the peanut. A meeting of the Board of Road sup-. ervisors , of the 8th Township was held . Z!'iWeeteMay.-J Atv the meeting E. G. Hill ;vr,. j fBsq., was elected chairman ol the board. ' i papers in this State asserts that Ransom H V i UJ k wllV tesign if Simmons is not con ,v " ' firmed. i. - ', '-', Council No. 18 of the jrder of Chosen JC 'Friends ' will Be organized In the New ' ' , 'j " i Berne iFi Engine; Company's Hallto . 4 h morrpwjiigl!jt:15,byMr, Witcover J '- who tame1 tiere for that work. ' tCThe'motitUly 'meeting of the. Ladies i - t Benevolent Society will be held on Tneo S "dayfterooorf at half Jpast three o'clock: ' " J a e W9'61108 f Miss 'Metts A &U . '. . itttendanoe is' requested, T; ' t; ..v 7 . .' - State Treasurer Tate iavors plan of . ' ': setting apart", a day for the collectioa of .. ., -- 7 ' funds in North Carolina, for tlio erection i - :" . . j-. - of a monament at the battle ground of -w -. , ... Gettysburg. ' ' 4: v The jury n the of the 8Ut vs. 6; - . - ' , ' J. Fuller tsi; the' murder of B. C. . Parker, : '-"-"-whrch nas just been- tried before Judge "'' ' -4 Bryan at-Fayetteville, returned a verdict , . tlmirdn tf'O fiixt degree. . ( ' r - IJhe regular quarterly meeting of : the . i' r ' 'ladies' Momoriol Asaooiation will lie.hekl i. ! . j as tiie teaidonoe of Mr Jno. Hughes- on ' l i Tuclnyth iiAfttt 12 M.':? MI inemberg , ) ! iW earaestlf 'fcqueated to be p'resintf . , """ A'nrttori'oiis ! character of Colnmbia, S. -c' a ' ' trfed tniiull doa'e a wilneis against him ;. , "for Tiolt1onvf the )qoor law und was T2- " shot down: jii the,, street.. Tlie'iiian who . ' ' " did the sliootinft was . arrested and placed , .Iw Ycy:,bicele oq txlObitioi at , t . , .1 . fh stortwrf oqr popular youqj;towo9niaB . 1 1 ' Mr W. Q. Basrington, is a beauty indeed. . ' it is the J.itest linprovd 94 patturn' and ' has qo superior n Amnicaa n)de .nj9' chines. , The eompaoy has reduced the . ; price ( their highest grade cycles to ... $125 , , . ,;;- - ; The clerical furce in the office of the Collector of Revenue is bow complete, ' and is as follows: T. B. Womack, chief clerk; W.H. Walker, list clerk; E B. r 1 Ms, stamp clerk, ' F. ' Simmons, I pr; Jl. 11. Jones and N.' A. Brown, ( 1 wliiky aceouuls; H. H. Granrer, I . , i of taxes paid," James G, Steed, 1 ' f counts. . ." The'Ballooaltt ArriT. Prof Ed.- R, Hutclliso. and Miss Rubie DeYoa of the Grace ShabBua bsl loon company who are to nwke the as cenaions at the New Berne Fair arrived hut night, and are registered at Moore's boarding hoose. .. .-' V - Prof- Hntchinsoo bringi with him al so couple of dogs which will be used in the ascensions one b a sky terrier, Daisy the otber a pug, Nellie. One or them will be taken up at each ascension and dropped In a parachute adapted to it. Prof Hntchinscoslso brings with him a trotting dog for the Fair. It is a large beautiful Danish mastiff 11 months old stands 28 inches and weighs 127 pounds. The other trotting dog and his driver will arrive next Thursday. I. X. C. A. Anniversary. The anniversary of the Young Men's Christian Association will be held to night iu the Presbyterian church. The reports if the officers for the year 1893 will le read, after wluch Rev. Ru fus Font will delivei a short address lol lowcd by remarks from the pastors of the Methodist and Disciple churches. Rev. C. G. Vardell will preside. The Churches referred to above have agreed to suspend their services lor tonight. The choirs of the churches tak'na part are requested to unite with the cboir of the Presbyterian church. Gospel Hymns will be Used. Take Boarders and Lodgers. Tomorrow morning Kev. Ed ward iSll will l6t;in canvassing the city for I warding places for Fair visitors. Let every ono arrange to tako as many as possible either for table board on1', lodging only or both together. Find out as near as possible bow many you can accommodate and be prepared to get on Mr. Bull s list. The Fair olticials will use that list in directing visitors whero to go a they arrive. It is impor tant for the officers to be in possession of full information on this lino, and it U im portant also to have all the places open that can lie secured. Ueorgl? Job Trinting Pone in New Berne. Messrs. Richardson & Son job printing office ot New Berne has just finished and sent off tho minutes of the State conference of the colored Free Will Ba X ti9ts of Georgia. A copy of the minutes of the last ses' sion of the N. C. organization printed by Messrs. Richardson & Son was sent to the Georgia conference, and the work was so far ahea 1 of what they had been getting that prices were written for and the order was placed here. Ticket Office Robbed. The W. N. & N. R. R. office at Scott's Hill was broken into Friday night and some of the railroad tickets stolen. A young, whits man wbo got off at the sta tion that night and who arrived in New Berne on yesterday's freight was ar rested on suspicion, orders to that effect being telegraphed to the city. The young man seemed to give a straight account of himself and nothing substantial appearing against him he was released. Coming and doing. Hon. A. S. Seymour, left yesterday morning for Greenville, S. C, m bold U. S: Court, this being necessitated on ac count of the Judge for the district not having qualified as yet. 1 Mrs. C. Follinan wbo has been spend ing several weeks in Florida visiting re latives returned home last night. Mr. W. E. Snelling, and Mr. F. J. Hardison, who have been off boring wells returned home last night from Smith field. . Closed to Visitors. From this time until r the Fair neither visitors nor horses will be allowed on the race course except those that have business there. - ' Any one may- come Into the Fair grounds as usual but not on the race track. Its gates are now .closed against all except the class designated. . - . .... - ' . . The steamers Paris aud New York are going to Newport News lor repairs. The dock there is the only one in the United States large enough to bohl these in) menw ships. - . " The Raleigh correspondent of the Char lotte Democrat , Bays tbatMf the cotton mills at other points iu the State have done as well as those in-Raleigh and pro pose to make as 'many additions to their plant, the' showing will Indeed be a fine one, ' One mill there wjll add75 looms and 2,508 spindles, another 100 looms and 5,000 spindles. What better proof does any one want that cotton manufact uring ' pay (ban '. the fact that those en gaged in the lioiuess" are Mutinously en larging their plants ' rv53 v ' The GreeB ville Reflector op the tccar on of Jgdge Bjnrnj holding Pitt ooun. ty Superior aourt, telle ot him that when there is a . conviction' for carrying con cealed weapons, his Honor . makes it a condition of suspending judgment upon payment of costs that the defendant make the court a present of tho pistol. When the pistol was turned over by the J,ylg4 to tliQ qnonn wun, insjirucuqns. iqai uc brca it in pieces and return the frag, menu to the court. Several went be tween the anvil and hammer . under this order. . ' , ' tut BKTJTK KUBFHY. In Rlckmend Jail for Highway B.k- kery- CMlttc4 a Tear Ag. The low villain, Edward Murphy, who after lying in jail in New Berne nearly three months, was lent out of the city Mayor Ellis paying bis way to Not; folk, is again beard from. The following telegram sent out from Richmond gives the last beard of him: Richmond, Va., Feb. 2. Two New York pngilials, giving their names as Ed ward Murphy and John Monihan, man aged to evade the police here early this morning and engago in a mill which re suited in a victory for the former. The purse was small and the battle short, lasting but two rouqds. Tlio first round devclopil no sltigglnj, b;it the second was a fight from tli.' -t mi. Murphy land ed ban I on his antagonist's ear and ham mered him on the neck, driving him to ihe floor. Monihan could uot rise, le caue as fast as iu- ouUl attempt t" do so Murphy would knock linn down. Tha uffair wound up in a real J 'scrap" letwecn the men, in which no regard was paid to kecoiuls or referee, anil the spec tators separated them. All parties were arrested. Murphy wenltojail. He was also arrested on a charge of highway robbery committed here last March. Fiank Wongo, the ln:lun pi'il'mt, whs Murphy's second, while a Norfolk sport performed the same office for Monihan. Mr. Brady, Of the Turf Exchange, wus the referee, while Mr. Louis Lyon acted as time keeper. A later account says that bad blood had previously existed between the two contestants. The charge ot robbery against Murphy was for stealing $190 nnd a gold watch from P.C. Mitchell of Ches terfield. Not only were the principals arrested but all the promoters also. Church Service)!, , Christ Church Rev. T. M. N. George, rector. Quinipiagesiina Sunday. Service, sermon and Holy Communion 11 a in. Evening prayer an 1 sermon 7:30 p. in. Sunday School anil Young Men's Bible Class 3.30 p. m. Sunday School at the Ch ipel 9:30 a. in. The public are cor dially invited to attend thesn services. Attentive ushers. . Presbyterian Church C. (I, Vardell, pastor. Service 1 1 a. m. Sunday School 1 1:89 P ni. The evening service will be ' Anniversary of the Y. M. C. A. r-Bi t am s aiuouc uuicu iiin ma at 1 1 a. in. Catechism at 4 I) ill. 'Xnoiliction of the Blessed Sacrament at 7:30 p. m., Rev. P. F. Quinn, rector. Church ofChrist D. II. Petree, pas tor. Service for men at ,9:30 a. in. Preaching at 11 a. m. Subject: "Christ's Epistle to ttie World." Sunday School 3 p. in. No service ai night on account of anniversary service at the Presbyteriai. Church. Baptist Church Rev. Rul'us Ford, pastor. Services at 11 a. m., conducted by the pastor. Sunday School 3 p. ni.e Y. M. C. A. 4 :45 p. in. Young men's meeting. No One to Work the Road. A strange state of affairs exists on Pem broke road between the city and what is generally known as the New BriJgo, a distance of abou,t two and a half miles. There is not a man left on the 'road whose duty it is to work it all are two young or too old. There havo been very few on it subject to road duty and these few have moved off. This being the cose what is to be done ? As the present law provides for the rot.ds to be worked ty those living along them we 'do not know whether it is allowable to use . tax money , for the purpose or not, but we do know county prisoners can be utilized for the purpose and now is a good time to put the prac ticability of thus working the road$ to a tet- . We have repeatedly advocated keep ing up publio highways by convict labor. There ia no reason why the vicious and worthless element of our population should be kept idle in jail and fed at the expense of the industrious and law abiding. Take them out and make them serviceable. If necessary put a ball and chain on them the like wus done here a few years bfter the war and it can be done again. 5 . The city hag led off in the way of making its prisoners work violators of the ordinances can. be seen with, tho striped suits at work on the streets, now let tho county take the fellow who ' are in jail and pot them on the road. i( , i 1 a --..'I t ( OnrMannracturing-PoJlcy, ttf f -Nor:h Carolina has enough kaolin ' supply the crockery manufacturers ot the world.- How much of this is need in this Statet. Probatly we, will do' with our kaolin as we do with our Ane woods. ship the' material to other States to be manufactured, so we can buy the product at about ten prices over the cost of raw material. Wilmington Messenger. -";v7. TbelMesaengera ridicule h) tajtbe point l Is bu.ty i few days ilnoe an announce meni was made Of a rhipment oi kaolin from . fhis '. State to Japan! - And native woods of various kinds tor Manufactur ing purposes cn often be seen leaving New Berne for . northern factories. . Ono wharf in the city ia at' t,bi S'W with modiuni aised. cypress logs sawed iutq' convenient lengths for transporta tion awaiting ahipmeni i. " The raw material of many kinds that we'have ill around , as, if worked up at home would make an incalculable differ ence in one prosperity. , , ' t ' Mail t-erriee ffrxt. The eontmct lietween the Southern Eiprrtt Com puny and the Wilmington, new llerne and Norfolk Railroad wr:,t into effort yesterday. Express freight and parcels of all kinds, including money, are now parried through between Wil mington ami New Berne. This is well. New lot us (lave ihe through mail. Wil. BUr, 2 lini. ' Svcry one wants the mail carried on the W. N. & X. U. R. Ttfere has already been too mu.-ii delay in serf ice when the means ur-at haul lor belter facilities they should be promptly utilized. Wi jbin the Star n saying "Xo- let us have the through inn I. " A Blglhaugo Here is another item taken from the Charlotte Observer which shows the marked change that is taking place in the policy of our fanners in reference to making home supplies. "One good sign of the prosperous con- d'ticn of the farmers in this section, said Mr. U. C. Irwin '.be other dav. is that they all raise, not only enough meat to supply borne consumptioa but also enough to supply this market. Former ly when I was iu the meat business I had to send to Atlanta for all my pork. Now we have it offered right at our doors, as tine as can be bought anywhere. "PASS UNDER THE ROD." Mils. M. H. 11. DANA, S. C. Pot; Tin: Jouknai.. I saw the young bride ui Iter beauty and pride, Ilcdecked ui her. sunny array, And the bright flush of joy mantled high on her check, And l lie litturc looked blooming and And Willi woman's devotion sliu laid her lonil be. ut At tin: shrine of idolatrous love, And she anchored her hopes on this perishing curth, By the chain which lier tenderness wove, Hut I saw when those i hearth strings were bleeding ami lorn, And tho chain had been severed iu two. She hud Changed her white robes lor the saipcs of grief, And lnootn lor the paleness of woe, But the Healer was there, pouring balm on her breast, Anil not wiping the tears from her eyes, Ami lie strenijtlieneil the chain he had bi-.ikcn in tTai,n And fastened it linn tulihe skies M There had whispered a voice 'twas the voice ol tier (foil, 'I love thee 1 love thee puss under the nut . I saw the young mother iu tenderness bend O'er the couch of her slumbering boy, And she kissed the soft lips, as they mur mured her name, While the dreamer lay smiling iu iov, O, sweet as a rosebud encircled with dew When its Iragranco is Hung on the air, S fresh and so bright to tint mother he seemed, Ashe lay in his innocence there, But I saw w hen she gazed on the same lovely form, Pale as marble and silent and cold, But paler and colder her beautiful boy, And the tale of sorrow was told ! But the ilealcr was there who had strick en her heart, Aud taken he.r treasure away, To allure her to Heaven he placed it on High, And the mourner will sweetly obey, There had whispered a voice 'twas the voice of her God, "I love thee I love thee pass under the rod ! I saw the fond brother, with glances of love, Gazing down on a gentlo young girl, And she hung on his arm and breathed soft in his ear, As he played with each graceful curl, O, he loved the sweet tones of her silvery voice, Let her use it in ssdncss or clee; And he'd clasp his. brave arms round her p.eucaie lorm. As she sat ou her brother's knee. But I saw when he gazed on her death stricken face, ' And she breathed not a word in his ear; And be clasped his brave arms round an icy cold lorm, And he moistened her cheek with a tear, But the Healer was there, and he said to him thus "Grievo not for thy sister's short life." And he g&vc to bis arms still another lair And 'je made her nis own cherished wife I There had whispered a voice 'twas the voice ot his uod, I love thee I love thee pass under the rod! I saw where a father and mother had leaned On the arms of a dear gifted son, And tho stir in the future grew I right to i their gaze ; . As they saw the proud place he had ' won I And the ftat-cotniQg evening of lile 7 nrrtmiiflfl'fiiir. . nd its pathway grew smooth to; their , feet. -. - And the starlight ofijlove. glimmered .bright at tue end. And tba whispers of fancy were swiet. But J saw-when they stood, bending low o'er the grave, Where their hearts dearest hopea . had ' .' been laid,' ,, . - And the star bad gone down in tha dak- v- ness of night, . - . " ' ' And the joy from their bosoms bad : lied, ; .-:.- - BuJ th Healef was there, and his arms ,l 'i were around, S - . And he led them.with tenders care; And he showed them a star in tha bright nnner world. - : .'''' '-'-: . Twas (AaV star sbnlng brilliantly .- thcrei ; ' - "-. They had each heard a voice-twaa the .voice ot saeir woa, ., -v , ; "I love thee I lor thee past under tat roar" - - CABNITAL KOXU Oh the faireit spot on earth, is to man of mite wonu, Unless he finds his intcrent ccntcetl tliere: But tried anil muled friends lo the poorest places lends An ever cbeerlul bright and sunny air. Let your greeting theu U- ki-nl. to the stranger w tin imiv hnd. A home, aud health, and occupation here. Should he (ill fertile soil, with lalioriouo, piltll llt toil, Encourgenicnt his wc.iriui's ill cheer, t nonrs Buihl up your town through it nil I'o matter whate'er may befall Invest jour nioncr home prosperity will come Build up your town through it all. With a climate iiusurpus-ii!, w'nh i. sources ri' h and vast From forest, hYM and river'- tc.-niin" life. Where tho Christmas roses bloom, liil the air with lanit perfume. While the mocking l-ir.N i u-;'ir m tuneful strife With an ancestry nho.- m:iio i.ovi a heritage ot fame. In the title proud of "Alliens ,,f tin State" We should work for public gm-.l a- a common brotherhood Iu united effort all co oii rate. ciionrs 15c true to your town through il all No matter whate'er may befall, In unillk strength siuti-s a ill conn- ai length He true to your town through it all. Listed For the New Berne Fair Mr. Frank liege, ol the Wachovia Kennels, will attend the New Heme Fish, Oyster and Game, Fair this month, anil exhibit a variety of chickens, guinea pigs, rabbit, white rats, pug dogs, St. Hcinals, etc. A visit to Mr. liege's home on South Side is a veritable treat aud he or bis assistant is kept busy piloting i al!er around. His collection of the above men tioned fowls and animal arc wort h going miles to sec. Among Ins nmeltics is a pair of Jap anese Dancing Mic-, the iuir, liuie things imaginable, ami to s'-e l Ik in i m the -'pigeoinving" would put some i-f our light I'antastie Iming I. ids ami l,i--e-to their laurels. Winston Ucpnbiic.ni. All Alabama Notice of the Fair. The w-iter was never iu New lieriic, N. C, but as it is the birth. place ot his par en's, ho ti-els an interest in all things per taining thereto. Before him lies a eopv of the New Berne Weekly Jot iin m., wit ii a glowing prospectus of the East Caro lina Fish, Oyster, Game an 1 Industrial Association to be held Feb. !'. 21. It would be pleasure indeed for him to attend and la-come aruiuintod with the place he has heard so olten described, and to meet the dosiemlants ol those who were friends anil relatives of those dear ones who are gone. Alabama Beacon Grcenboro Ala. An I'niler (.round Jail. Mr. C. M. Brown, who is Inning the old jail removed, eallnl our atti mioii lo a fact which is not within the memory ol anv living one. file fact is shown that the liit jail which was used here I he cebs were all nnderground, with brick walls cemented. When the new Iront next to the street was all filled in, and it whs all made above the surface. Washington I'ro giess. :ii Deeenilants. We heard a gentleman this week tell about Joshua Hudson, of Norwood, Stan ly county, who is 1)1) years old and has been married three times, ind has deeenil ants numbering 323, children, grand children and great-grand-children. He has never tasted a drop of medicine ia his life. He is in in good health and had good eyesight up t.i four or five years ago. Winston Hepublican. Msofately Fure A Cream of tartar baking powder Highest of all in leavening strength. Latest United States Government Food Repobt. Royal Baking: Powoeb Co., ' 106 Wall 8t..N. Y. Fol Rent House with six largo rooms, fine closets and a commodious kitchen, large lot with stables, buggy house, &c, at tached, on Johnson St. Terms easy. Geo. H. Whit. fob; sale cheap. One fine larcre dark hnv hursm 7 trisaro !old weighs 1,200 lbs. Any one wishing . i , i . . . iu ouy a guuu araugnt norso can apply at the Oity Hall or to Chas. J. McSorley, foreman ot Atlantic Fira Co. Tf nnl1. annn ep disposed of will be ibid at auction. ir -kii . - . ' juunuay, reuruary om. at Vff o.clocK. wu. KLira, Mayor. Now'a the day aud now 's the hour." ' BUBNS. Tbara .is only about ten days left Wom wer more. Now'a the time to bay what yon need in Clothing, Hata and Sttoea at' low prices. We have about-30 chil dren's salts if there are any (a the lot that will salt yon. Well make toe prioeo-rigus. uo yoa need a trunk er a valise. They are coins at cost, A few more rngs left. Call early before they are all cone Dont forget to bring yonr money. COLD WAVES! C 0 1 L 1 0 W A J Ylfe I S - WILL HAVE NO - FOR ' YOU IF YOU WILL P Y, ourselt WHILE EVilRYTHINQ IS CHEAP, -WITH- CO () CO GROCERIES, o3 co E i O PQ DRY GOODS, o &c.t &c.( &c. FROM ONE OF THE Cheapest and BEST Stocks that was ever brought to this City. WE STILL. Adhere strongly to our Proposition, To Refund Money at all 'times when goods are not as REPRESENTED. Yours Truly, ViI!ett; Largest, 47 & 49 POLLOCK CT. AT DUIJU'S YOU WILL ITHD Everything That is Kept in a GBOCEBY. Quality UNSURPASSED And Constantly Sup plied With Fresh Arrivals. Uy Lint is Complete aild -FULL UI EVERY DEPARTMENT ,.'' - - . . v...'. jouncii;..;, X , - li ' O- "