journal. - ot Grorge V. Childa, I i . WiUoa ' bill pese4 tbj 3 and toiiUiM'J faotories aie i ; . z la erery direction. T n Tariff bill havlnf been dte- I t l of la the, Conse. the. liw a.'.aa debate beglaa. . II Inert are oa Ua t pU l West Virginia as well a Colora do. '.. Tb debt Statement issued the Fahra&rT - showed aa UIM taoreaae daring Jaaaarj of 17,830, Tb tariff bill was submitted to the. Seaafe oa laat Friday and waa Immediately referred to the uom. nlttea oa Finance). . Oa laat Fiiday tba Homo defea ted tba bill to repeal the law impos ing" a ten per cent tax on Stat bank issues. ' Tha Washington Poet says: The Marriage of the Wlleoa bill and the . income tax waa in the nature ot an - elopement and the Democratic press it expected to oome promptly for- ward with "bleu yon, me chil drea.w . .There la dead-lock in toe Mis. aiaaippl Legislature ever the Sena- - torial eoateet ia the Democratic eaaoaa, Feb S, the nfty-flfth ballot leoolted MeLarea 60 Taylor 37. Cbampbell 30, Eowry 21. Mr. Henry Watteraoa thinks the aezt Demooratlo nominee for the Presidency La dwelling in obsouritj to-day; that the leaders will be paaaed by and a new man taken A bill to prevent prize ighting ia pending in the Iowa Legislature; and a bill aa also been introduced in the name body to prohibit newspapers - from publishing the details oi ' priae-flgbta by rounds. Tha only growing thing in Jack aa Park, Chicago, commemorative .erf tha World's Fair is a beantifal lime tree, planted in May, 1892, by , George W. Childs. It is on the wooded Island, directly aorosf from the agrtioultoral building. The old Lincoln homestead in Lome County, Ky-, has been pur. ohased by a syndicate of Kentuck- iana who expect to beautify the place into a park and donate It to tba gorernment as a national park. ? In regard to old North Carolina people we hare the testimony of the Marlon Beoord that Mrs. Bai lie Harwell of Burke county is 105 yearsof age and the Waynesville Oosrter asserts that an Indian call ed Big Witoh, in the Soco country, 115. Hon. William L. Wilson, chair man of the executive Committee of the National Association of Dem ooratlo Clubs, has called a meeting of the committee, to be held at the Ebbett House, Washington, on the 18th of February. Mr Wilson states that the meeting will be a Terr important one. Mr. J. 8. Carr represents North Carolina on the Committee. British Tag Selaed Br Brazilians. Bio Dl Jairxino, Feb. 3. The British tug Cardiff i was yesterday eiced oy President Peixotto, on the ground that she had been cmnsKlins dynamite to the lnsur- centa. , A large quantity was iound on the vessel. The affair has caused a aensation scarcely lessjthan that caused by Admiral Benham's ac tion. Deposits For Bead Purchases, New YOBX. Feb. 3. The total navmenta Into the aab-treasury to to the close of business to-day on account of the new Goverment loans amonnted to 120.229,000, of which 17,729,000 were paid in to- Of today'a payments 94,379,000 waa in gold ana tne remainder in legal tenders and treasury notes. Bate ef Balelgh Street BaUwar Decreed BXLXIQH, Feb. 3. Judge Sey more, of the United States Circuit ourt, arrived here this afternoon va his way to Greenville, S. C, to ' hold a term of court there. While here he signed a decree ordering the aale of the Baleigb atnet railway by B. T Gray, eom miaaioner, the sale to be ( held nn leea the detanlt interest and all the floating indebtedness is paid with' '. ta thirty days. ' ;v ; ' Tne sale will be made after "five ' weeks notion. The suit was brought by the Mercantile Trust and De posit oompany, of Baltimore. l The juS xe also took notion in the eases of Uonnell : Qillmcn, of Tarboro, f gainst Louis Billiard As Co., ol 2,'orfolk, and of the lattej . firm against Brown and others, of Pi't coty. A EKTH2ICAL EARL' . i THE OLD MEMNON HAS REACHED THE EXDOF HER CAREER. 1 Salllf Teurl that raa Away Tnm tha FwoMf Alabaraa-Storj ef tka Baea-HUtery ef ;i ,; 'tie Bar Mace ' the ar. ' ';' . -. . .. Th old bark Memaon. one of the bk( anoieat erafta oa the Pacific osr, will go to sea no more. : ens aHt (ought ber laat, tattle agaiaat wind and water and will be towed ta me marine crematory at Ui l -ruia City, .lie will oe ooa. signed to the t!mes. TOrt Memno.i waa built in Boston a and 'iu ahe started OS hur vo aze waa one of the best sM)i anoat ol ner aise. cor sev eral j ears she was the pride of the HtriA ooeau ana couia taow ner hMfia ti &dt cralt in the trade. shH nnfl of the verr few Am erican veooels that wsen ceased oy ioe pirate Alabama aacoeeded to musing an escape, xoe aemuua was on her way from Liverpool to Boetoo at the time and fell in with me Alabama when about half way aoroM the Atlantic. Tha Alabama concealed tier 1U- rlnntitv until she sot within half mile of the Metnnon, when the Confederate flag was h isttd to the tand and the atUnisbed crew ot the Tan tee bark began to realise toe true character ot tne strange roamax. The caDtam of the Uem- uon cailed all nanus aft, and in a v.rv fcv words told them that cap ture meant many long months is prison, and that ne proposea to es cape if possible. The crew were no more aiixioux to viHit a Confederate prison than ioe captatu, and when be gave the ,.rrier to aaare away the yards the cotomaud waa obeyed in a verj short time. it whs hlowine a eale from the northwest at the time, and tne bark rat nnder her topsails, out as .mm an the varda were sqaaid the men ran aloft, and sail after sail IimihaiI and set,. The men took nn Hiiia to cast off the caskeia Ev erything was knife work, and in al most less time man u taaee to ten r, the daring Yankee was flying iway to the eastward uouer a ciodq .1 ciivass that tbreateued to tear themtstout of her every min ute Ui:&'ii Semmes of the Alabama nad uo idea that the bark would r.ry to ecaoe and waa below when (he DroHectiva prize ohanged her I'ourne au l began to sail. Ue was iju ekly od deiik, however, ana seat shot afrer shot at the fly ng Yau- uee iu hoies ot cnplmg ber. At i he same time tbe Alabama crowd . it on all team and sail, but a sterncbaHe is a long one, and iu a reeze like tbe Yankee bark was as tW, as tbe Alabama and just a ridrf taster. In suite of evervthiuz Semmes could do the Memnon slovly but t-.urely drew away from her pursuer, . . . . i i i i r una as toe Aiauama uruppeu lur- i Der ana turmer usLeru iub uujos ui tbe Yankee crew revived. The jhase lasted until night, and then the pirate steamer gaue it up and hauled off to look for some- hing not quite so speedy. But if i he Alabama gave np the race the M.mnnn AiA tint., for flhA flAVAr xtarted tack or sheet until she bad put several hundred miles of oeean oetweeo the Alabama and her self. She then resumed ber coarse for New York, where she arrived after a rough passage of 31 days. After tbe war she was placed in t he Eist Indian trade and then was sent out to this coast. She has traded to China and the Australi an colonies and when too old for hat was engaged in tbe coastwise trade. Bhe his also made several vov- ages op to Alaska and has always made money for her owners. San Francisoo Chronicle. TREATMENT OF HORSES. Willing: Servants of Man When Shown Borne Little Consideration. ' Tbe horse is an animal upon which the farmer, the business man, the pleasureseeker, and, in fact, nearly every one in society depends for labor, writes W. H. Yeomans in an exchange. As a rule he is patient, kind, williog, and. in fact desirous of doing what is reasonably re quired of him. With these quali ties he is entitled to some con sideration. We have often thought when we have seen a hose abused bv an intoxicated or evern a hard hearted driver that these were proper cases for the exercise of the duties belonging to the Hu mane Society, or Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to An imala. The horse that is well cared for and is not asked to do be yond his strength or endurance i8a willing servant, and then when an animal that is poorly fed is loaded beyond its strength or urged on beyond its power of endurance, euch acts are absol ute cruelty. r. , .. V'A" ' There i no more noble animal than the horse, and when - well trained, well , fed ' and well groomed, lie feels a degree of fride in a noble bearing when upon the road with a kind and considerate master. i v l 't Action that ' is governed by good judgment is no injury to a hose but an advantage: occa sional rapid driving is good for a horse, but dangerous wnen car ried to excess. Illustrations of this have come under our iotice within the past fortnight, where horses have been overworked ia comparison with their feed. One was an an imal - that was attached to a heavy butcher's cart; the labor was too severe for him, and he succumbed to it; another was a case where the owner drove to a city, a distance of six miles away, and returned with quite a load, making the entire twelve miles, over a road with some hills, in the short space of an hour and thirty minutes. ; The result was a dead hone inside of two . hours after, reaching its stable. Now in this case there was so demand for traveling. If double tbe time had been taken, the horse would probably have been alive to-day. The mania for rapid driving seems to be on the increase, and l aves its effects in prematurely used-up animals Because of abuse iu uso many a horse that would perform reasonable ger vico for many years is cast aside to make room tor another upon which the same inhuman treat ment is to be practiced. If those who use animals would have some regard for them, and would be reasonably merciful, the world would be better off than it now is. IT DOESN'T GO FAR KSOUQH . tb osoal bowni ln.fll.liii II oieam out your rytem. In man or lea nnphuaiit wt but UuUI an. ToaVa left to yourself again, when that fa) orer. Dr. Fiirce'i Pleannt Pellets go further, giT better help, do more good. They hava a Umlo or strengthening effect on tha lining membrane! of the intestine. Toil aaugta and increase the natural action of the bowels. By this moons, they ptmeamUy ear Constipation, Biliousness, Jatmdioa, Boor Stomach, Indigestion, Disxiness, Sick or Bilious Headaches, and ererr like disorder. They're tiny, sugar-coated grannies, a com pound of refined and oonoontrated vegetable axtract tha smallest, the easiest to take, and tbe easiost in tba way they act They're guaranteed to glv satisfaction, m erery case, or your money Is returned. Ton pay only for the (pwd yon get For 80 cents, at any druggist's, yon can boy Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. No matter bow bad your case or of how long standing, this will permanently cur your Catarrh. Accident Insurance. If you arc not already provided with an accident policy be sure and take one out right away in tbe Guarantee Accident Lloyd's of New York. This system has lieen in vogue more than two hundred years, the first one being established in Umnoa m 16S8, and daring that time not one record of a failure among them can be found. Bomultjs A. Nunn, Agt. !(, R. JONES, Wholesale and Retail DEALER IN General MERCHANDISE. New Berne, IV. C SEED IRISH POTATOES IN STOOK And for Sale Cheap. BRYAN and SMITH Brokers and Collision Merchants, AND DEALERS IN Hay, Grain, Seed fiad ff Jill Feed. HAVE JUST RECEIVED LaYfre consignment of IIOTJL- TON'S Early Rose Seed Potatoes. Also a fresh supply of Beets, Turnip, lomato, Cucumber, Rad ish and Melon Seeds. Bare in transit New Supply Clover and Lawn Grass Seed, Exclusive Agents for "Nichols Farmers Friend" Fertilizer, A High Grade all-crop Fertiliser. Also Agents for Hall's Patent ed CANNING OUTFIT for Farm and Family use. GIVE US A TRIAL Dra. ft Cssasila 84 CRAVEN III JtsIR 12 aJlillUI, aTBEEJT. MR. E. S. STREET 13 OFF BOTUS STOCK, - AND HAS SniPPED ' TO HP, HAK HATCH 2 Car Loads FINE, WELL .BROKE, HORSES AND MULES, : , And will return in a few days ' With another CAH LOAD. NDNN & McSORLEY niYEJCST RECEIVED A fins lot Eananas, Florida Oranzes, Huts. wa . - W amns&c TEUITETS CAUDIESi Hotel Brunswick, McKeel's and . Tnk. Teller's CWebraUMl - c.Cigtra.-. . ;, . ., : Mcerchanm, Briar and Rosewood tfpes. A8PECIALTY. UTC11 and tet us. IllUri & LhSODLEY. Received i. taSOX LOT Or THQSK IV. O- HAMS That I am selling at IS 1-3 cts. per lb. ALSO TRrA BBL. OF MY 'Best on Earth" FLOUR, IT ONLY C03TS YOU $4.50 PER BBL And there is none better made. To my COUNTRY friends I would say drive right in the rear of my store, where yon will find STABLES FREE. My prices are low, my dealings are just give me a trial and I will gnarentee satisfaction or refund ail money. Respectfully, J. H. Iarlcer. Jr. NO. 77 BROAD ST. IT fKKES UE SBILE m v y y p TO THINK THAT Has just received a'anpply of thoe Tennessee Cart Wheels. Friend go and get yon a pair of them, then yon oan smile. Pay WHITTI what yu owe htm and J that will make him smile. Don't yon aaa. HONEY Gold, Silver or Paper, I oar not whiob, Jait bring it oa and 1 will guar an tea your FULfrVALUE RECEIVED Beside? a full atook of general groceries 1 keep the finest grsoea Oanned Froits, Vege tables. Meats, Preserves, Jelliet, Spices, Flavoring Extracts, Maoaronl, Baiiina, , Prunes, Currants, Apples, Oranges, Bannazas, Lemons, Sweet and Irish Potatoes and Cab bages always fresh. My stock of Fanoy and Plain Cakes and Crackers are ansnrpassed and always fresh from bakery. ; , Mixed, Sweat and Boor Pioklea to suit tha taatv;";', : : Goods promptly delivered to any ymt m vt un viigr . j To my conn try friends I extend a cordial invitation to drive right Into tbe lot ia the rear of my atore where atablee are tree. .'.... J. J. 'TQISOX Alex Miller Building, Broad - St above Middle. TO THE PUBLIC. .. Having Lately Pnrohaaad a whale and Complete " r . STOCK of FURNITURE Below the Manufacturer eoat, there, fore will sell th( same 1, - Than yon can buy else , . where. WILL POSITIVELY give the pub lis the benefit ot it. Coma and ex amine Stock and Prices, at the T. A, Henry Store, opposite Hahn'a Sta- blea. '- ' M. H. SULTAN, Agt. 7 71 1i THAT?- OLD VIRGINA r ; .ChER0OtS WHY NOT USE 1IIEK? Priotl aa Lo a? a aaj ()od Cla- root, - . ' v F. Ulrich WHOLESALE OKOER, NEW BERNE N C s. Ail stri:fi GENERAL IN1URA1TCE S AND REAL E3TATK AGENT. REAL ESTATE BOUGHT AND SOLD. lyCofleetor of Rents a speciaUy; 79 SOUTH FRONT STREET New Beruc, N. C. T.J.Turner & Co. Have Jost Received Their Hi Stools, of 3ETX:rxi3 Iulx-o Mattresses and Qoose Feathers for the Fair And wifl sell CHE 1' for Cash or on Time. Call at No. 70 & 72 Middle St. and eee for jooreolvo" HORSES! 0 V3 i 0 1 K E;.--.-. ; -.. -4.-Jf.--i-.; i V.'IaX'V IMS HdixOf - 7VTCK7T ri P. IM1 m -S:. A 3Tl RTOrtWfl AfVWTTTV TTATrT DTfTtTin Now is the time to Buy. while I have a large stock to select from, ' 'They are cheaper thm ever , before for CASH or Negotiablft Paper. ' y ; : ', . " . ;',Vi. - ' jr. A.. Jpliesr South Front St. Opposite Gaston Hcttsj. vFABm&mElEM'S - We are Head quarters for Hows and Castings, Cultivators, Ha r rows Ouanb Distributors and all .'kind, of Farming Implements '. Mfe con aellyonJPlows and CasJings at Factory Prices ' . " . L 11 CTXTLHH CO. (l TTati JIt IT .-,,- . -. . Buggies, Road Carts & the Genu uine White Hickory, Farm Wagon, Ilarncs?, Ladies and Gents Saddles, Buggy-Robes on hand. . ; ' ; ; .' atJX.r. vUa t4M 130 ansllnr lot of those Good and Trca Oiivin a&d Vcrx JbrsascndLIulss Arrived Yo6tc1sv. $nd I will ssll any and all cf tha waavawavv Verv Low Or Secured DEeStTDors . Eespectfully J. W. STEWAiTL HORSES ! 2 .: f :-. iL-, : .... a. Vt-:.- rr.--. . i' -..null ii.,.,ii. ' -. fifl -i fit a 1J Priving& .Work frSorob 3FISGLES! . SHII70LE81! Large lot of HAND-MADE Shingles kept in stock and for sale cheap. -i' ' Apply to v , w. . p. hilu Foot of Middle St.. ' - j26Sm Near Market Wharf. p i NOTICE t ; ' - Jan. 20th, 1894. After lsb. 1st, I shall distrain and garnishee all unpaid polls. r Pay np and save costs. 'r;4 ' W.D.WALLACE, r; City Tax Collector. m" - for Cash HORSES I 0 Tirfltn ntunnvrrnfti 1 vy C .--v'..;-- .1"-: I HAVE ON HAND ' A LARGE LINE OF . MEN'S UND GyEr.Go:F3. ALSO A GOOD LIN3 OF bots' suits, wnicn I wiiia ' SELL AT . N. Y. COST. Comeearly?anil get yonr choice v a j. G::iTnt No. 79 Middle SU

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